Long-Range (>100km) Distributed Vibration Sensor based on
Φ-OTDR Technique with Spread Amplification and Detection of
Probe Pulses
David Sanahuja
, Javier Preciado
, Jesús Subías
, Carlos Heras
, Lucía Hidalgo
, Iñigo Salinas
Pascual Sevillano
, Juan José Martínez
and Asier Villafranca
Departamento de Física Aplicada, Ciencias, Universidad de Zaragoza, Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica y Comunicaciones, EINA, Universidad de Zaragoza, María de Luna 1,
50018 Zaragoza, Spain
Aragón Photonics Labs (APL), Prado 5, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Keywords: Optical Fiber, Fiber-Optic Sensor, Distributed Sensor, Rayleigh Scattering, Coherent Optical Time Domain
Reflectometry (Φ-OTDR), Long-Range Distributed Sensing, Modulation Instability, Fading.
Abstract: This paper presents a set of results to demonstrate a long-range (>100km) distributed vibration sensor (DAS)
based on the Coherent Optical Time Domain Reflectometry (Φ-OTDR) technique using distributed
amplification of the probe pulses and detection of the backscattered traces, which demonstrates great
capability to achieve long-range distances with great sensitivity. In this case, optical amplifiers have been
placed along the sensing optical fiber, each one followed by a detection stage. Results for some traces detected
in each of the spans along the sensing fiber, and some measurements of stimuli produced by a vibration at the
end of each of the sections of the sensing fiber, are showed here. This work, framed in the project SACOH
(Long-range Distributed Vibration Sensing by Coherent Rayleigh Backscattering), has been carried out in
collaboration between the University of Zaragoza and the company APL (Aragón Photonics Labs).
Distributed vibration sensing technologies have
greatly expanded their use in the recent years due to
the wide range of applications that they offer (Bao
and Chen, 2012). Among these applications
(monitoring of the integrity of civil engineering
structures and power plants, detection of leaks,
control of railways, traffic control...), it stands out
perimeter surveillance of infrastructures with a large
perimeter to be monitored. Surveillance strategies
based on conventional technologies (video
surveillance or conventional motion sensors…) are
no longer viable after a few kilometers due to the
large increase in their cost, because of the enormous
growth in complexity and in management problems
of monitoring such infrastructures when the length to
be monitored is increased. Therefore, the
development of new long-range detection strategies
such as those based on distributed optical sensing
technologies, in particular distributed vibration
sensing techniques, has great interest.
Distributed optical sensing technologies use
different measurement strategies, and their operation
is based on the use of a wide variety of physical
phenomenologies, mainly Rayleigh, Brillouin and
Raman optical dispersion. Systems based on Raman
and Brillouin scattering are mostly employed in the
monitoring of the integrity of large structures (Barrias
et al., 2016) through temperature and mechanical
stress measurements, while systems based on
Rayleigh scattering are mostly used in dynamic
scenarios typical of perimeter surveillance (Rao et al.,
Measurement systems based on coherent optical
reflectometry base their operation on Rayleigh
backscattering to detect disturbances due to stimuli
(vibrations or pressure changes) produced on the fiber
environment, by sensing local phase changes
(Muanenda, 2018). A pulsed laser with a highly stable
emission frequency and high coherence is used to
Sanahuja, D., Preciado, J., Subías, J., Heras, C., Hidalgo, L., Salinas, I., Sevillano, P., Martínez, J. and Villafranca, A.
Long-Range (>100km) Distributed Vibration Sensor based on F-OTDR Technique with Spread Amplification and Detection of Probe Pulses.
DOI: 10.5220/0007386401960200
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS 2019), pages 196-200
ISBN: 978-989-758-364-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
inject pulses that will produce Rayleigh
backscattering as they propagate along the optical
fiber. Interference patterns are detected, due to the
coherent sum of the backscattered wave fronts
throughout the pulse time, which is dependent on the
relative phase between the different backscattered
waves within the pulse itself. Variations in the phase
relationships between the elements that remain inside
the pulse at a point of the fiber, caused by some
disturbance at that point, have a direct effect on the
detected interference pattern and, therefore, on the
instantaneous optical power corresponding to that
position. This allows the localized detection of the
stimulus with a high sensitivity and resolution,
allowing a dynamic localized detection of the
presence of intruders even with a buried fiber optic
cable (Lu et al., 2010), being possible to use dark
buried fibers (greatly reducing the costs of the system
implementation), and in addition, isolating the cable
from external noise and protecting the cable from
environmental deterioration or manipulation by
Figure 1: Direct-detecting Φ-OTDR measurement system.
According to literature, modulation instability
(MI) is one of the main phenomenons that limit the
maximum pump power that can be injected into the
sensing fiber (Martins et al., 2013), reducing,
therefore, the maximum distance at which the
systems based on the Φ-OTDR technique can locate
a stimulus in a distributed manner. High intensity
optical pulses are a way to achieve better
measurement conditions with a Φ-OTDR sensor:
improved resolution, more dynamic range and a high
quotient between signal and noise (SNR-Signal-to-
Noise-Ratio). MI is a non-linear phenomenon
resulting from an anomalous dispersion and the Kerr
effect that depends on the peak power of the injected
pulses and the optical noise generated when the
pulsed probe is amplified. The effect of MI appears
when injected optical intensity goes beyond certain
threshold, producing a fading at some regions of the
measured interferences and decreasing its visibility
hence, which implies a decrease in the sensitivity of
the detector system at corresponding positions in the
sensed optical fiber.
Fading effects, including the one induced by MI,
are one of the most limiting factors of the sensing
capability of systems based on coherent reflectometry
(Healey, 1984a; Healey, 1984b). Reduction of such
phenomenon would make it possible to greatly
increase the sensitivity and range of distributed
sensing systems based on Φ-OTDR technique, so
study and development of new strategies to reduce the
effects of MI is desirable. Since MI sets an upper
constraint on the optical intensity at the input of the
sensing fiber, amplifying the injected pulses in a
distributed way along the fiber, should be a reliable
strategy. In this work results are presented of
straightforward technique by introducing amplifiers
every certain distance.
The general objective of this work is the validation of
a prototype measurement equipment for long-range
distributed vibration sensing based on direct-
detecting Φ-OTDR with a measuring range higher
than 100km, which will represent a clear advance on
the current state of technology (Liu et al., 2016; Liu
et al., 2018).
Figure 2: Experimental setup. Direct-detecting Φ-OTDR system with the addition of the distributed sensing system.
Long-Range (>100km) Distributed Vibration Sensor based on F-OTDR Technique with Spread Amplification and Detection of Probe Pulses
The system to be validated is based on the use of
the conventional direct-detecting Φ-OTDR system
shown in Figure 1, with the addition of a new
architecture for the measuring set-up that allows to
maintain optical probe intensity below MI threshold
along the sensing fiber. The signal detection
infrastructure is distributed along the sensing optical
fiber to improve the range of the system without
impairing the performance and detection capabilities
of the system. To increase the range of the system,
three optical amplifiers (the first one of them inside
of the emission module) separated one from each
other along three spans (two optical fiber coils with a
length of 37km, and the third one with a length of
35km) are used, with each one of the optical
amplifiers followed by a detection optical amplifier
and a detector, so that the detection system is also
distributed along the sensing line.
Figure 3: 50m coil above the mechanical vibrator used to
generate the stimulus.
The basic scheme of the proposed new
architecture is shown in Figure 2.
This architecture allows to improve the range of
the system due to the optical amplifiers distributed
along the sensing fiber and without losing the quality
of the sensed signal thanks to the distributed
detection. As no section of the sensing system
exceeds 37km, the dynamic range of each detector
does not limit the maximum detection distance. In
addition, the pulse repetition period (PRP) is not
limited by the maximum distance of the sensing line,
allowing to have a high PRP rate, as the length of fiber
that the injected pulse has to propagate through in
each span is shorter, and therefore, the number of
captured traces is higher for a shorter acquisition
time, which can be translated as an improvement in
the sensitivity of the system. The proposed setup uses
a single laser source as emitter and a single optical
modulation element, which simplifies the system and
reduces its cost.
Below, there is a series of captures with some of the
obtained results with the aim of validating the Φ-
OTDR-based architecture proposed in this work.
Measurements have been made with a
conventional direct-detecting Φ-OTDR system
without the new architecture (Figure 1): traces along
the length of the three coils in a single phase, and a
measurement of the MI-induced fading by increasing
the pump power of the first optical amplifier (Figures
4 and 6).
Afterward, two more measurements were carried
out to validate the Φ-OTDR system with the new
architecture (Figure 2): traces detected in each span
(Figure 5) and sensitivity measurements (Figure 7) at
the end of each span (a mechanical vibration at a
specific point of sensing fiber, with well-controlled
displacement amplitude and frequency, around the
µm and 100Hz respectively, was used as a stimulus
(Figure 3)).
Figure 4 shows the interferences in a trace
corresponding to pulses with a pulse-width of 800ns
obtained by a conventional direct-detecting Φ-OTDR
system. As can be seen in the figure, interferences in
the trace are lost along the first coil until completely
disappear at 37km.
Figure 4: Detected interferences in a trace along the length (109km) of the three coils in a single phase.
PHOTOPTICS 2019 - 7th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology
Figure 5: Interferences recovered in each span by means of the distributed amplification and distributed detection system.
To prevent interferences from being lost along the
first 37km, the pump power was increased to increase
the power of the pulses which are injected into the
sensing fiber. Figure 6 shows how the phenomenon
of the MI-induced fading appears in the trace when
the input power in the fiber is increased, preventing it
from rising enough to obtain interference along the
109km of sensing fiber.
Due to the appearance of the MI-induced fading,
the detection range of the system is limited because
MI represents a limit to the increase in the pump
power of the optical amplifier until, as can be seen in
the figure below, the system ends up acting like a
conventional OTDR.
Figure 6: MI-induced fading in a trace.
Figure 5 shows how the interferences in the traces
in each of the three spans are recovered by means of
the distributed amplification and distributed detection
When the pulses (in this case with a width of
800ns) are amplified in a distributed manner along the
sensing fiber and when the backscattered light is
detected in a distributed manner, it is possible to
reduce the pump power to avoid the negative effects
of the MI and it is possible to recover the traces in
each span of the distributed sensing system, as the
length of the fiber that each injected pulse has to
propagate through is not greater than 37km because
no section of the sensing system exceeds that length.
Because the sensing system with distributed
amplification and distributed detection allows to
recover the traces in each span, the quality of the
detected signal is recovered along the entire sensing
fiber, and it is possible to extend the detection
distance and detect a disturbance due to a stimulus at
greater distance.
As can be seen in Figure 7, it is possible to clearly
see the disturbance caused by a stimulus (in this case
a mechanical vibration) at 37km, 74km and 109km
(at the end of each span of the sensing line).
An analysis of the possibilities of using a distributed
detection architecture to overcome the limit in the
measurement range imposed by the modulation
instability in conventional Φ-OTDR systems has been
carried out.
Comparative results are presented between a
conventional architecture and a three-stage
distributed sensor scheme that includes probe pulses
amplifiers at the beginning of each span and
corresponding detection modules.
The capability of the distributed detection
architecture to measure disturbances at distances
which are higher than 100km with good sensitivity
and resolution is demonstrated, with the advantage of
being simpler than other architectures with
distributed Raman (Wang et al., 2014a) or Brillouin
amplification (Wang et al., 2014b), with offering
excellent expectations for future applications in the
field of long-range distributed sensing.
Figure 7: Mechanical vibration (100Hz, 3Vpp) at 37km, 74km and 109km.
Long-Range (>100km) Distributed Vibration Sensor based on F-OTDR Technique with Spread Amplification and Detection of Probe Pulses
This work has been funded in part by the Ministerio
de Economía y Competitividad through the project
RTC-2016-5212-8, and in part, by the Government of
Aragón/European Regional Development Fund.
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PHOTOPTICS 2019 - 7th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology