Discriminant Patch Representation for RGB-D Face Recognition using
Convolutional Neural Networks
Nesrine Grati
, Achraf Ben-Hamadou
and Mohamed Hammami
MIRACL-FS, Sfax University, Road Sokra Km 3 BP 802, 3018 Sfax, Tunisia
Digital Research Center of Sfax, Technopark of Sfax, PO Box 275, 3021 Sfax, Tunisia
RGB-D Face Recognition, Convolution Neural Networks, Data-Driven Representation, Discriminant Repre-
sentation, Consumer RGB-D Sensors.
This paper focuses on designing data-driven models to learn a discriminant representation space for face re-
cognition using RGB-D data. Unlike hand-crafted representations, learned models can extract and organize the
discriminant information from the data, and can automatically adapt to build new compute vision applications
faster. We proposed an effective way to train Convolutional Neural Networks t o learn face patch discrimi-
nant features. The proposed solution was tested and validated on state-of-the-art RGB-D datasets and showed
competitive and promising results relatively to standard hand-crafted feature extractors.
With the increase demand of robust secu rity systems
in real-life applications, several automated biometrics
systems for person identity recognition are developed,
where the most user-friendly and n on-invasive moda-
lity is the face. Face recognition using 2D images
was well treated but still affected by imaging conditi-
ons. Thanks to the 3D tech nology progress, the recent
research has shifted from 2D to 3D (Bowyer et al.,
2006; Abbad et al., 2018). Indeed, three-dimension a l
face representation ensures a reliable surface shape
description and add geome tric shape information to
the face appearance. Most recently, some resear-
chers used image and depth data capture from low-
cost RGB-D senso rs like MS Kinect or Asus Xtion
instead of bulky and expensive 3D scanners. In ad-
dition to color images, RGB-D sensors provide depth
maps describing the scene 3D shape by active vision.
With th e availability of cost-effective RGB-D sensors,
many resear chers proposed and adapted feature ex-
traction operators to the raw data for different compu-
ter vision a pplications like gait analysis ( Wu et al.,
2012), lips movement analysis (Rekik et al., 2016;
Rekik et al., 2015b; Rekik et al., 2015a), and gender
recogn ition (Huynh et al., 2012). Hand-craf te d or en-
gineered feature extractors such as L BP, Local Phase
Quantization (LPQ), HOG wer e mainly used to deal
with RGB-D data for face recognition. The main be-
nefits of these feature extractors is that they are rela-
tively simple and efficient to compute. Alternatively,
learned features, for exam ple with Convolution Neu-
ral Networks (CNNs), achieve a very prominent per-
formance in many computer vision tasks (e.g., object
detection (Szegedy et al., 2013), image classification
(Krizhevsky et al., 2012) etc.). The basic idea behind
is to learn data-driven models that transform the raw
data to an optimal representation space leading to ap-
propriate features without manu al intervention.
In this context, this paper focuses on the feature
extraction pa rt in our face recognition pipeline. A gi-
ven face is represented by a set of pa tches extracted
from image and depth data. We propose to learn d is-
criminant local features using data-driven represen-
tation to describe the face patches be fore feeding a
Sparse Representa tion Classification (SRC) algorithm
to attribute the person identity.
The rest of this paper is o rganized as follows.
First, an overview on the most prom inent RGB-D face
recogn ition systems is given in section 2. Then, we
detail our proposed system in section 3. Section 4
summarizes the perform e d expe riments and the obtai-
ned results to validate our proposed system. Finally,
we conclude this study in section 5 with some obser-
vations and perspectives for future work.
Grati, N., Ben-Hamadou, A. and Hammami, M.
Discriminant Patch Representation for RGB-D Face Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0007403305100516
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2019), pages 510-516
ISBN: 978-989-758-354-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In this overview, we focus mainly on the feature ex-
tractors f or face recognition using RGB-D sensors.
Actually, many other asp ects can be discu ssed like
the pre-proc e ssing techniques, or the overall classi-
fication schemes. In (Li et al., 2013), the nose tip
is manua lly detected and the facial scans are aligned
with a generic face model using the Iterative Closest
Point (ICP) algorithm to normalize the head orienta-
tion and generate a canonical frontal v iew for both
image and depth data. A symmetric filling process is
applied o n the missing depth data specifica lly for the
non frontal view. For image data, Discriminant Co-
lor Space (DCS) operator is used as feature extractor.
Then, obtained depth fron ta l view and DCS features
are classified separately using SRC before late fusion
to get the person identity.
(Hsu et al., 2014) fits a 3D face model to the face
data to reconstruct a single 3D textured face model
for each per son in the gallery. The approach requires
to estimate the pose for any new probe to be able to
apply it to all 3D textured models in the gallery. Th is
allows to generate 2D images by plan projectio n and
then compute the LBP descriptor on the whole pro-
jected 2D images to perform the classification using
an SRC algorithm. Likewise, (Sang et al., 2016) used
the depth data for po se correction b ased on ICP al-
gorithm to render the gallery view as the probe one.
However, contrary to (Hsu et al., 2014), the authors
applied Joint Bayesian Classifier on RGB and depth
HOG descriptors extracted from the both data and the
final decision is made via weighted sum of their simi-
larity scores.
From the discussion above, th e most focus to pre-
processing especially dealing with pose variation by
aligning the query data to the gallery samples. Alt-
hough this kind of sequential processing may lead to
error propagation from pose estimation to the classi-
fication, it gave a very go od results (Hsu et al., 2014).
Alternatively, to deal with pose variation, (Ciaccio
et al. , 2013) used a large number of image sets in
the gallery under different poses angles from a single
RGB-D data. Also, the face pose is estimated via the
detection and alignment of standard facial landmarks
in the images (Zhu and Ramanan, 2012). E ach face
is then represented using a set of extracted patches
centered on the detected landmarks and described by
a set of LBP descriptor, co-variance of edge orienta -
tion, and pixel location and intensity derivative. The
classification is then performed by computing distan-
ces be twe en patch descriptors, inferring pro babilities,
and lately per forming a Bayesian decision.
The following works, gave more attention to fe-
ature extraction from face RGB-D data than pre-
processing and dealing with head pose variation. In
(Dai et al., 2015), a single ELMDP (Enhanced Local
Mixed Derivative Pattern) descriptors are extracted
and Nearest Neighbor algorithm is used for the com-
bined features with confidence weights. In (Goswami
et al., 2014), a combination of HOG applied on sa-
liency and entropy features, and ge ometric attributes
computed from the Euclidean distances between face
landmarks are used as face signature. The random
forest classifier is then used for the identity classifi-
cation. In (Boutellaa et al., 2015), a series of hand-
crafted feature extractors (i.e., LBP, LPQ, and HOG)
are applied respectively on texture and depth crops
and finally SVM classifier is carried out for face iden-
tification. The only use of the ca refully-engineered
representation was with feature Binarized Statistical
Image Fea tures detector ( BSIF).
In (Kaashki and Safabakhsh, 20 18) three-
dimensional constrained local model (CLM-Z) is ap-
plied for face-modeling and landmarks points locali-
zation. Local features HOG , LBP and 3DLBP around
landmarks points are extracted then SVM classifier is
used for the classification.
Indeed , (Hayat et al., 2016) proposed the first
RGB-D image set classification for face recognition.
For a given set of images (which can captured frames
with Kinect sensor), the face regions a nd the head po-
ses are firstly detected with (Fanelli et al., 2011) al-
gorithm’s than clustered into multiple subsets accor-
ding to the estima ted pose. A block based covariance
matrix representation with LBP features is applied
to mo del each subsets o n the Riemannian manifold
space and SVM classification is performed on all sub-
sets for the both modality. The final decision is made
with a majority vote fusion. The proposed technique
has been evaluated on a combination of thr ee RGB-D
data sets and achieved an identification rate of 94.73%
which concurr ent the single image based classifica-
tion accuracy’s.
Observations. For the classification part, we ob-
serve tha t SRC is used in the most popular RGB-D
face recognition systems (Li et al., 2013; Hsu et al.,
2014). Indeed , after its succ e ssful ap plication in
(Wright et al. , 2009) for face rec ognition, SRC has
attracted the attention in many other computer vision
tasks. Also, SRC is a good choice when the number
of classes in the dataset is variable and in a con stant
increase, which is the case of face recognition appli-
We note that the most prominen t m ethods (Hsu
et al., 2014) (Li et al., 2013) aim principally to over-
come the issues of pose variation either with pose cor-
Discriminant Patch Representation for RGB-D Face Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks
Figure 1: An overview of the online process of the proposed method. First, t he facial regions are detected from image and
depth data. Local patches are then extracted from both of the modalities. Afterward, two CNNs are used to transform the
extracted patches to obtain feature vectors to feed the SRC algorithm and fi nally obtain the person ID.
rection or with augmenting the gallery through ge-
nerating new images in different view or even cap-
turing multi-view d a ta for each face in the gallery.
Data representation and appropriate feature extraction
remains un derestimated in the aforemen tioned work s
and they settle for hand-crafted features combinations
and fusion. In this n ew era of deep learning techni-
ques, we believe that RGB-D face recog nition sys-
tems can take benefits of CNNs to le arn appropriate
features and boost their performances.
Contribution. The main objective of this paper is to
highlight how CNNs can contribute to learn a discri-
minant representation of local regions in face image,
and how it competes with standard hand-crafted fea-
ture extractors in the case of RGB-D face recogn ition.
A given face is represented by a set of patches a round
detected salient key-points. Each of these patches is
assigned an ID by SRC techniqu e that associate the
patch to on e of the most similar patches in the da-
tabase. The raw patches data (image and depth) ar e
transformed using a CNN befo re f eeding the classifi-
cation part. We propose an effective approach to learn
our CNN weights leading to a discriminant space for
face patches representation.
The proposed approach involves on line and offline
phases sharing some processing b locks. The offline
phase is to train our CNNs while the online phase is
dedicated to predict the person identity given a face
query. Figure 1 sketches the online phase. It goes al-
ong the following steps. Firstly, the face is localized
in the image. It is then represented by a set of patches
croppe d around key-points extrac te d on the face. Af -
terward, two trained CNNs are applied to transform
these patches to get a feature vector for each one, and
an SRC algorithm is used to attribute an ID for each
feature vector be fore making the late fusion leading
to the predicted identity. The remain ing of the section
gives details about the different processing blocks just
introdu ced including the tra ining o f the CNNs.
3.1 Face Pre-processing and Patch
The face pre -processing shared between the offline
and online phase of our system includes median and
bilateral filtering f or the depth map s and face locali-
zation ( Zhu and Ramanan, 2012)
. The face region
is cropped and resized to 96 × 96 pixels to ensu re
a normalized face spatial resolution. To get rid of
face landmarks localization, we only consider salient
image key-points without any further semantic ana-
lysis and without loss of genera lity. In other words,
we do not try to catch specific anatomical refer ence
points on the face. That said, the repeatability of
image feature points for face analysis was proven. We
used the SURF operator (Bay et al., 2006) to extract
interest key-points on the cropped face images. The
number of extracted key-points is variable and de-
pends on face textures and also the position of the
person in the frustum of the RGB-D camera. The
key-points c oordinates are mapped on the depth crop
using the sensor calibra tion par ameters. Arou nd each
key-point, we crop from both image and depth data
two patches of 20 × 20 pixels. Again, the mapping
We used only the face localization, facial landmarks
were not used.
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
between image and depth map can be ensured by the
RGB-D sensor geometric calibration (Ben-Hamadou
et al., 20 13).
3.2 CNN Architecture and Training
Since the size of the CNN input patches is small
(20×20 pixels), we designed a relatively shallow
CNN architecture as described in Table 1. It is worth
to notice that at this level of the study w e did not
try complex architectures or fancy connectivity (skip
connections, residual, etc..) but it could be explored
later in future works. We train separate models with
the same architecture for each modality (i.e., image
and depth patches).
Research on face analysis u sually focuses on fin-
ding an improvement in faithful face characterization
with discrimina nt and robust representation. Lear-
ning descriptors with neural networks is entirely a
data-driven approach. The objective of the discrimi-
nant descriptors learning is to find a transformation
from raw space to an another space in which fe a tu-
res from same classes are closer than fea tures from
different classes. Metric learning using a triplet net-
work was introduced by Google’s FaceNet (Schroff
et al., 2015), where a triplet-loss is used to tra in an
embedd ing space for face image using online triplet
mining which outperforms a Siamese networks in ma-
nifolds clustering. Good face embedding satisfy simi-
larity’s constraint by the way faces from the same per-
son should be close together while those of different
faces are far away from each other. The intra-class
distance shou ld to be smaller than the inter-class dis-
tance and form well separated clusters.
In this paper, the triplet loss takes a triplet of pa-
tches as input in the form a, p,n , where a is the an-
chor patch, p is the positive patch, which is a diffe-
rent sample of the same class as a, and n standing
for negative patch is a sample belonging to a different
class. The objective of the optimization process, is to
update the parameters of the network in such way that
Table 1: Our CN N architecture for small RGB-D Patches.
odim stands for number of channels in the output tensors,
similarly idim is the number of channels in the i nput tensors,
and ks is the kernel size.
Layer Parameters Output tensor
Convolution odim: 6, ks: 3 (6,18,18)
BatchNorm (6,18,18)
Sigmoid (6,18,18)
Max Pooling ks: 2 (6,9,9)
Convolution odim: 32, ks: 3 (32,7,7)
ReLU (32,7,7)
Max Pooling ks: 2 (32,3,3)
FCL idim: 288, odim: 128 128
Figure 2: Local feature descriptor training pipeline with tr i-
plet loss.
patches a and p become closer in the embedded fe-
ature space, and a and n are further apart in terms
of their Euclidean distances as presented in Figure 2.
The triplet loss formula is given in Equation 1. f (x)
stands fo r the application of CNN on a given input
x to generate a feature vector (embedding). Another
hyper parameter is added to the loss equation called
the margin, it defines how far away the dissimilari-
ties should be. Minimizing L
enforce s to maximize
the Euclidean distance between patches from diffe-
rent classes which sho uld be greater than the distance
between anchor and positive features distance. For
efficient training, only the triplets patches that verify
the constraint L
> 0 are online selected as a valid
triplet to improve the training.
|| f (a) f (p)||
−|| f (a) f (n)||
+ margin)
3.3 Patch Classification
We followed (Grati et al., 2016) for the adaptive and
dynamic dictionary selection in the SRC process. The
objective the SRC is to reconstruct an input signal by
a linear combination of atoms in a selected diction a ry.
We denote by y
the input fe a ture vector obtai-
ned from the application of the trained CNN on the
k-th extracted patch and M is the its dimension. Also,
we note by
the dic tionary. I t consists of
the clo sest
N gallery patches (a toms). Equation 2 gi-
ves the lin e ar regression leading to the reconstructed
feature vector ˜y
. x
is the sparse coefficient
vector whose nonzero values are related to the atoms
used for the reconstruction of y
, ε
noise, and
N is experimentally fixed.
+ ε
The estimation of the sparse coefficients x
is for-
mulated by a LASSO problem with an
tion using (Ma iral et al., 2010):
+ λk x
) (3)
Discriminant Patch Representation for RGB-D Face Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks
Finally, the identity associated to the k-th patch is
classically the class generating the less reconstruction
error. Once the sparse r epresentation of all local pat-
ches in the query image is obtained, a score level fu-
sion strategy is applied then a majority vote rule pre-
dicts the final person identity.
4.1 Training Details
Our CNNs has been tra ined with a batch size of 64, a
decay value of 0.0005 a momentum value of 0.09 and
an initial learning rate set to 0.001. We used PyTorch
framework to implement and train the CNNs. Fir-
stly, the set of patches is classically split to trainin g
and testing sets. The pool of patch triplets needed for
the CNNs training are generated and updated every
ten epochs of the training by gather ing the triplets
from all the person s equally. A single patch tr iplet
is obtained following these 3 steps:
1. Randomly select one anchor patch from the pool
of patches related the a given person c.
2. Randomly select the positive p atch from the re-
maining patches in the sam e pool.
3. Randomly select the negative patch from the patch
pool related to other persons (6= c)
4.2 Datasets
Our approach is validated on two publicly RGB-D
face databases: Eurecom ( H uynh et al., 201 2), and
Curtin faces (Li et al., 2013).
Eurecom dataset is composed by 52 subjects, 14
females and 38 males. Each person has a set
of 9 images in two different sessions. Each ses-
sion contains 9 settings: neutral, smiling, open
mouth, illumination variation, left en d right pro-
file, o cclusion on the eyes, occlusion on the
mouth, and finally occlusion with a white paper-
CurtinFaces dataset consists of 52 subjects. Each
subject has 97 imag es captu red under different va-
riations: combinations of 7 facial expression, 7
poses, 5 illuminations, and 2 occlu sio ns. Curtin-
Faces database with low qua lity face models is
more challenging in terms of variations of poses,
and expression and illumination face models.
Figure 3: Performance comparison between our CNN fea-
tures and the standard hand-crafted features HOG and LBP.
4.3 Validation and Results
We p e rformed two sets of experiments to evaluate our
approa c h. The first set is de dicated to compare with
state-of-the-art systems, and the second set is to evalu-
ate the propo sed learned features comparing to hand-
crafted features (i.e., HOG and LBP) taking our face
recogn ition system as baseline.
For th e first set of experiments, an d on CurtinFa-
ces dataset, we report our results as well as those of
(Hsu et al., 2014) (Li et al., 2013), (Ciaccio et al.,
2013), (Kaashki and Safabakh sh, 2018), and (Grati
et al., 2016). To make a fair comparison, we use the
same protocol as (Li et al., 2013). 18 images contai-
ning only one kind of variations in illumination, pose
or expression are selected for the training and testing
images include the rest of non- occluded faces, there
are a total of 6 different yaw poses with 6 different
expressions added to the neutral frontal views. The
reported results of our system on RGB, depth and fu-
sion scheme in comparison with (Li et al., 20 13) are
summarized in table 2.
Table 2: Face recognition performance under yaw pose and
facial expression variations.
Pose Modality Our Work DSC+SRC
Frontal RGB 100% 100%
Depth 100% 100%
Fusion 100% 100%
Yaw ± 30 RGB 99.03 % 99.8%
Depth 94.55% 88.3 %
Fusion 98.40% 99.4 %
Yaw ± 60 RGB 93.75 % 97.4%
Depth 86.05% 87.0%
Fusion 93.43% 98.2%
Yaw ± 90 RGB 70.2% 83.7%
Depth 63.45% 74%
Fusion 71.15% 84.6 %
Average RGB 94.6% 96.70%
Depth 88.67% 86.65%
Fusion 94.23% 96.98%
The presented results demon strates that our met-
hod can works eq ually to the aforementioned work
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 3: CurtinFaces Database performances on differently approach.
Frontal 100% N/A 100% 100% 100% 100%
Yaw ±30 98.40% 94.2% 99.4 % 99.8% 99.04% 90.3%
Yaw ±60 93.43% 84.6% 98.2 % 97.4 95.51% 58.6%
Yaw ±90 71.15% 75.0% 93.5% 83.7% 60.58% N/A
which is based on expensive pre-processing stage to
frontalize and to fill sym metrically the self-occlu ded
part in the face due to head rotation. An overall of
94.6%, 88.67% and 94.23% are achieved with our
system respectively for RGB, depth and multimodal
data. It’s clear that our RGB performance need to
be improved but our d epth performance seems bet-
ter than this repo rted in (Li et al., 2013) which de-
monstrate the importance an d the effectiveness of data
representation with learning discriminant features to
overcome ch allenging cond itions. In other hand we
present in table 3 our obtained results in comparison
with the most pe rforming state of the ar t techniques
namely(Ciaccio et al., 2013; Hsu et al., 2 014) and
some recent works (Grati et al., 2016 ; Kaashki and
Safabakhsh, 2018) .
It is shown that our system outperforms (Ciaccio
et al., 2013) (Cov+LBP) with a margin of 4 % in Yaw
±30 while a gain of 9% in Yaw ±60. The drop in
the performance for the set Yaw ±9 0 angles can be
explained by the fact that CurtinFaces database con-
tains only just two samples for left and right ± 90.
That is, if we take one sample for testing, no corre-
sponding pose exists anymore in the gallery. In con-
trary and as reported previously in the related work
section, (Ciaccio et al., 2013; Hsu et al., 2014; Li
et al., 2013 ) pre-processings allow to tackle this is-
sue as they either au gment the gallery by ge nerating
new poses, correct the pose or symmetrically filling
the self occluded part in the face. Beyon d these well
engineer ed pre-processings, in this work we aim to fo-
cus on estimating optimal RGB-D data representation
for face recog nition applications.
In other hand, ou r study is comp ared also
to (Kaashki and Safabakhsh, 2018) (labeled as
HLF+SVM in the Table 3) as it uses pa tc h repre-
sentation around landmarks points. We can observe
that our performance are better with a gain of 8% in
Yaw ±30 angle and an im provement of more th an
30% in Yaw ±60 angle. T hese results highlights the
added- value of learned features to derive more dis-
criminant representations for local features compa-
red to the standard hand-crafted features (i.e., HOG,
LBP, and 3DLBP) and prove clearly the use of salient
points without interp reting face structure.
On Eurecom database, the first session set is se-
lected for training and the second one for test. The
learned feature descriptor yield to 90,82% for texture
images and 85,57% for depth data, and 92,70% after
fusion, which is better than the recognition rate obtai-
ned in RISE (Goswami et al., 2014) ( i.e., 89.0% after
The seco nd set of experiments are dedic a te d to
compare our CNN learned features to hand-crafted fe-
atures taking our system as baseline. This is to high-
light the added-value of CNN learned features. Three
versions of our system are tested, the only changed
part is the feature extraction: HOG+SRC, LBP+SRC,
and CNN+SRC. As shown in Figure 3, CNN+SRC
outperforms the other systems for all the test sub sets.
Based on all the obtained results and compari-
sons, we can conclude that CNN learned-fe atures ca n
achieve a competitive identification pe rformance for
person recognition from low-cost sensor and under
challengin g pose and expression variations an d wit-
hout any prior face analysis (e.g., face pose estima-
tion, facial landmar ks detection , etc.).
In this paper, we proposed a data-driven representa-
tion for RGB-D face recognition. A given face is re-
presented by a set of p atches around detected salients
key-points on w hich a CNNs transformation are ap-
plied to extract the learned local descriptor for each
modality separately befo re per forming SRC c la ssifi-
cation. The experimental results obtained on ben-
chmark RGB-D databases highlight the added-value
of deep learning local features compared to standard
hand-c rafted feature extractors. For future works,
we plan to extend our system with learning a multi-
modal representation to combine texture and depth
data. With an appropria te CNN, the fusion strategy
of RGB-D data will take in consid eration the comple-
mentarity between depth and image data to enhance
the recognitio n performance.
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