Adaptive Serendipity for Recommender Systems: Let It Find You
Miriam El Khoury Badran
, Jacques Bou Abdo
, Wissam Jurdi
and Jacques Demerjian
Department of Computer Science, Notre Dame University, Zook Mosbeh, Lebanon
Department of Computer Science, Notre Dame University, Deir el Qamar, Lebanon
LARIFA-EDST Laboratory, Faculty of Science, Lebanese University, Fanar, Lebanon
Keywords: Serendipity, Accuracy, Recommender System.
Abstract: Recommender systems are nowadays widely implemented in order to predict the potential objects of interest
for the user. With the wide world of the internet, these systems are necessary to limit the problem of
information overload and make the user’s internet surfing a more agreeable experience. However, a very
accurate recommender system creates a problem of over-personalization where there is no place for
adventure and unexpected discoveries: the user will be trapped in filter bubbles and echo rooms. Serendipity
is a beneficial discovery that happens by accident. Used alone, serendipity can be easily confused with
randomness; this takes us back to the original problem of information overload. Hypothetically, combining
accurate and serendipitous recommendations will result in a higher user satisfaction. The aim of this paper is
to prove the following concept: including some serendipity at the cost of profile accuracy will result in a
higher user satisfaction and is, therefore, more favourable to implement. We will be testing a first measure
implementation of serendipity on an offline dataset that lacks serendipity implementation. By varying the
ratio of accuracy and serendipity in the recommendation list, we will reach the optimal number of
serendipitous recommendations to be included in an accurate list.
Nowadays, with the internet being used world
widely and for many applications, the user is
exposed to a very large quantity of information.
Consumers are suffering from what is called
information overload. The need to bridge the gap
between the demand and the supply becomes of
urging importance. Recommender systems arise in
order to predict what the user might need the most
and recommend it to him, narrowing consequently
his choices. Personalization of the internet’s content
or information-filtering has a very important role in
knowledge management (Reviglio, n.d.). The
personalization happens in two ways: explicitly
through the act of rating or implicitly through
activity monitoring with the use of artificial
intelligence and machine learning. Personalization is
somewhat dangerous, especially when done
implicitly since it is imposed on the user who might
not desire it. It creates filter bubbles and echo rooms.
In the filter bubbles, the user continues to see and
listen to what reinforces his interest and opinion.
While the echo room is a group situation where
information, ideas, and beliefs are being amplified
like the actual echoing phenomenon. If used up to a
certain extent, personalization brings satisfaction to
most users; however, if techniques continue to
diverge towards further enhancing it, the result
would be a dangerous over-personalized
environment having users that are addicted to their
comfort zone.(Reviglio, n.d.). Customers of e-retail
businesses will view only their familiar items
without being exposed to new items that they don’t
even know exist even though these new items may
solve problems that customers face and they aren’t
aware that these problems are solvable.
Serendipitous items will satisfy customer’s needs
and increase sales. That’s why “beyond-accuracy”
objectives are essential in recommender systems.
Kaminskas and Bridge analyze these objectives:
diversity, serendipity, novelty, and coverage
(Kaminskas and Bridge, 2016).
Serendipity is commonly described as “pleasant
surprise”, “unintended finding”, “accidental
discovery” or simply the “Aha!” experience (Sun et
al., n.d.). The term was first used in 1754 by Horace
Badran, M., Abdo, J., Jurdi, W. and Demerjian, J.
Adaptive Serendipity for Recommender Systems: Let It Find You.
DOI: 10.5220/0007409507390745
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2019), pages 739-745
ISBN: 978-989-758-350-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
in his book The Three Princes of Serendipity, whose
adventure was full of unexpected happy discoveries.
Simply put, serendipity is knowing what the user
doesn’t know he/she likes: a hard task indeed.
The item inside the user’s mind we be divided
into two categories (for the sake of simplicity): what
he/she knows and what he/she ignores. And each
category can be divided to two sub-categories: what
he/she likes or dislikes for the known items and what
he/she would like or would dislike for the unknown.
Serendipity lies in the subcategory of the items the
user ignores but would like. It refers to the process
of “finding valuable or pleasant things that are not
looked for” as defined by Van Andel (Kaminskas
and Bridge, 2016).
Figure 1: Recommended items from a user's point of view.
Serendipity is the intersection of what is
unexpected and relevant at the same time as shown
in Fig 1.
Users tend to enjoy what is relevant and
accurate, unaware that there might be an entire new
world that they might be interested in, but that they
have never discovered.
For all the previously mentioned reasons, and
considering the importance of serendipity in a world
so accurate that it is becoming boring and redundant,
we suggest integrating some serendipitous items in
the recommendation list. The purpose of this paper
is, first, to show that serendipity can increase user
satisfaction even in offline datasets that aren’t linked
to serendipity studies. The second goal is to test the
optimal number of unexpectedly relevant items
among others that are accurate.
This paper is divided as follows: in section 2 we
discuss the background and the related work. Then,
we show the implementation environment including
the algorithm in its steps, and the dataset. In the last
section, the experimental results will be presented
followed by the limitations.
In the current section, we have an overview of the
previous studies and works that are related to
Serendipity is something hard to define and this
complexity in the definition impacts the possibility
of implementation. Ge et al. (Ge et al., 2010)
indicate that experimental studies of serendipity are
very rare since it is not only hard to define, but, in
parallel, hard to measure. This difficulty to define
and measure surprise and unexpectedness was
mentioned in other surveys and studies (Kaminskas
and Bridge, 2016). As previously mentioned, many
research studies are trying to grasp the meaning of
this happy surprise; they all admit that it is
somewhere between the unexpectedness, the novelty
and the relevance or what is also called utility or
Kotkov et al. in their survey list state-of-the-art
recommender approaches that suggest serendipitous
items (Kotkov et al., 2016). They point at the re-
ranking algorithm, opposite to the accuracy-based
algorithms, where obvious suggestions are given a
low ranking. This algorithm can use any accuracy
algorithm to give the result, and in case we desire a
serendipity-oriented modification, specific
algorithms are to be used; while novelty doesn’t rely
on any common accuracy algorithm. These
algorithms can be improved by pre-filtering,
modeling and post-filtering.
Iaquinta et al. proposed introducing serendipity
in a content-based recommender system creating
consequently a hybrid recommender system that
joins both, the content-based algorithm and the
serendipitous heuristics (Iaquinta et al., 2008).
According to them, the strategies to induce
serendipity are as follows: implement it via “blind
luck”, i.e. randomly, or via user profile in what is
called the Pasteur Principle, or via poor similarity
measures, or even, via reasoning by analogy without
any particular implementation. Therefore, some
content-based recommender systems, like
Dailylearner for instance, filter out the items that are
too different, and also, too similar to the user’s
previously rated items.
The Pasteur Principle previously mentioned, as
Pasteur himself states “chance favors only the
prepared mind”, was used by Gemmis et al. in their
approach. The ability of the algorithm to produce
serendipity can be improved by the knowledge
infusion process (de Gemmis et al., 2015). Their
study showed a better balance between relevance
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
and unexpectedness, and that turned out to be better
than other collaborative and content-based
algorithms for recommendation. An interesting
characteristic of their study was the measure of
surprise done actively through the analysis of the
users’ face expressions. This analysis is performed
using Noldus FaceReaderTM. That way, implicit
feedback about the users’ reactions will be gathered
towards the recommendations that they are given.
(de Gemmis et al., 2015)
In his model for news recommendations (Jenders
et al., 2015), Jenders suggests many ranking
algorithms and models and compares them. The
serendipitous ranking uses a boosting algorithm to
re-rank articles. Those articles are previously ranked
according to an unexpectedness model and another
model based on the cosine similarity between the
items and a source article. This ranking system
gained the highest mean surprise ratings per
Reviglio in his study, states that serendipity
cannot be created on demand (Reviglio, n.d.).
Instead, it should be cultivated by creating
opportunities for it. These opportunities would be
present in a learning environment that can be
physical or digital. He elaborates his concept
through social media. He affirms that by pushing the
user to burst from the bubble, we give the people the
power to discover and by doing this, we create
balance by giving freedom and mystery. As a
continuation for what was previously said, Son et al.
through their observation noted that microblogging
communities provide a suitable context to observe
the presence and effect of serendipity (Sun et al.,
n.d.). In fact, their experiment revealed a high ratio
of serendipity due to retweeting. They remarked that
this serendipitous diffusion of information affects
the user’s activity and engagement positively.
Some practitioners are trying to create systems
where the design enhances serendipity. Two
examples can be Google’s theoretical serendipity
engine and EBay’s test in serendipitous shopping
(Sun et al., n.d.). Another recommender framework
that tries to introduce serendipity is Auralist (Zhang
et al., 2012). This system attempts not only to
balance between accuracy, diversity, novelty and
serendipity in the recommendation of music, but
also to improve them simultaneously. Observation of
the systems reflects how users are ready willingly
sacrifice some accuracy willingly to improve all the
In order to better expect the unexpected,
Adamopoulos et al. proposed a method to generate
unexpected recommendations while maintaining
accuracy (Adamopoulos and Tuzhilin, n.d.). We
used their algorithm in our study, and therefore, we
will be explaining it later.
In this section, we present the algorithm used
followed by the dataset.
3.1 Strategies
In order to test the optimal number of serendipitous
recommendations in the accurate list of
recommendations, we started by choosing an
algorithm for both our base strategy and the
serendipity strategy. For the base strategy, we picked
a non-personalized single-heuristic strategy. Our
base study, which is supposed to generate accurate
recommendations, is based on the popularity. In this
strategy, the selection of the items is done in a
descending order of popularity (i.e. number of
As for the serendipity strategy, which is
personalized, it takes into consideration three factors
in order to select the item and add it to the
recommendation list: the quality, the unexpectedness
and the utility. Certain restrictions and boundaries
are placed in order to test if the item’s quality is
above a certain lower limit, and if it is farther
enough from the expectations of the user (not too
much, not too little).
Six cases were subject to our testing. In each
case, we varied the number of recommendations
generated by each of the two strategies previously
mentioned. Starting from case one where all the
items are generated by the base strategy, till the last
case where all items are serendipitous, we changed
the number of items as follows:
Case 1: Strategy_10B_0S:
10 recommendations from the base strategy
No recommendation from the serendipity strategy
Case 2: Strategy_8B_2S
8 recommendations from the base strategy
2 recommendations from the serendipity strategy
Case 3: Strategy_6B_4S
6 recommendations from the base strategy
4 recommendations from the serendipity strategy
Case 4: Strategy_4B_6S
4 recommendations from the base strategy
6 recommendations from the serendipity strategy
Case 5: Strategy_2B_8S
Adaptive Serendipity for Recommender Systems: Let It Find You
2 recommendations from the base strategy
8 recommendations from the serendipity strategy
Case 6: Strategy_0B_10S
No recommendation from the base strategy
10 recommendations from the serendipity strategy
3.1.1 Serendipity Algorithm
As we have previously mentioned, we used the
algorithm implemented by Adamopoulos et al.
(Adamopoulos and Tuzhilin, n.d.). Three main steps
are used.
Step 1: Quality Calculations:
First, we fix a lower limit on the quality of the
recommended items. The first test is a comparison
between the item’s quality and the lower limit. If its
quality is higher, it continues to the next step.
Step 2: Unexpectedness Calculation:
The second step is to compute the set of expected
recommendations Eu. Then, a lower limit on the
distance of recommended items from expectations,
and an upper limit are set. This is the range of
unexpectedness. Once we compute the
unexpectedness of a certain item, we check if it
belongs to the range. Otherwise, the item is dropped
from the recommendation list.
Step 3: Utility Calculation:
When the item passes the quality and
unexpectedness tests, we need to estimate its utility
for the user. The items with the highest utilities will
be the ones recommended for the user in the end.
Considering that the study is done offline, the ratings
of the users are used as a proxy for the utility of the
3.1.2 Accuracy Algorithm
We used the algorithm implemented by Chaaya et al.
(Chaaya et al., 2017), that was originally suggested
by Elahi et al (Elahi et al., 2011).
R is our dataset. It is a matrix containing the
items, the users and their ratings for some of the
items. The user rating is presented by  where i is
the rated item by user u.
Four main steps are used in order to implement
the accuracy algorithm.
Step 1: Dataset Partitioning
Divide R into three datasets in a random way:
Dataset S (System): it contains the ratings known
to the system that the user provided.
Dataset Q (Queries): it contains the ratings for
items unknown by the system, but that will be
simulated from the user.
Dataset E (Evaluation): as its name indicates, the
purpose of this dataset is evaluation through the
calculation of the accuracy.
A certain rating in the database will be present in
one and only one of these three datasets (if the rating
was not zero). In other words, there are no
duplications. The not null ratings in R were divided
randomly in the following percentages: around 0.5%
in S, 69.5% in Q, and 30% in E. At the beginning, S
contains very few ratings, reflecting what would
happen in a real-life recommender system: the
system possesses little information. This is the cold
start problem that is faced by the recommender
systems (Kunaver and Požrl, 2017).
Step 2: Rating Elicitation
We have the set  that stands for System unknown.
All the items that are not rated in S, for every user,
are considered unknown information for the system.
They will be placed inside . Through active
learning, a certain number L among those items will
be given to the user in order for him/her to rate the
item in question. The ratings will be retrieved from
the dataset Q. Afterwards, they will be transferred to
S. Since there is no duplication, once those items are
moved to S they will be removed from Q. No item
will be rated twice by the user: all L items are
removed from  (System unknown). In the used
algorithm, L is set to 10.
Step 3: Training Prediction Model
For every user in S the prediction model is trained.
The objective of training the prediction model is to
predict the ratings of the unrated items. Chaaya et al.
used a neighborhood-based technique in order to
predict the ratings (Chaaya et al., 2017).
First of all, the similarity between each two users
is computed using Pearson correlation and summing
over , the set of items rated by both users, u and
 
 
 
 
 
This value is then used in order to predict the ratings
of the unrated items for user u, supposing that two
similar users will rate the same item similarly. The
predicted ratings  are calculated using the
following formula:
 
 
 
() is the set of users similar to u and who rated the
item i.
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Step 4: Metrics Calculation
Many metrics exist in order to measure the success
of the recommender system. Serendipity is deeply
related to the user’s satisfaction which is hard to
measure or even define. Our experiment is done
offline and is non-personalized. In other words, it
does not include users. We will evaluate our
technique using existing metrics. This is a common
practice used when trying to evaluate the results,
where the generated recommendations are compared
with a baseline primitive recommendation system,
and measurements are done through the use of saved
ratings (Kaminskas and Bridge, 2016).
The evaluation was done using two predictive
accuracy metrics: MAE and RSME. The Mean
Absolute Error (MAE) computes the deviation
between the actual and predicted ratings. Every
prediction error is weighted in the same way.
 
The Root Mean Square Error is similar to MAE;
however, it places more emphasis on larger
 
The MAE and RSME metrics are calculated on E.
The algorithm then repeats the second, third and
fourth step N times; N being the number of times
every user logs in to the system. While repeating
step three, the set  is new and it should be
3.2 Dataset
In this paper, we consider the 100K MovieLens
dataset. It contains 100,000 ratings of 1682 movies.
Those ratings were made by 943 users. A 5-point
rating scale with the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} is considered.
Every user has twenty ratings at least.
In this section we will compare the different
strategies using the selected metrics. The graphs of
Fig. 2 and 3 show the performance after every
iteration from 1 to 10 for both, MAE and RSME.
We limited our study for 10 iterations for many
reasons. First, the size of the dataset is not very
large, and the strategies tend to behave similarly
after a certain period of time. Second, users tend to
rate few items. Therefore, by limiting our iterations
to 10 we are being more realistic.
The first observation is that the sixth case where
all the items are recommended serendipitously
performs the worst. This is expected and logical and
was encountered by other researches (Chaaya et al.,
2017). In fact, when all the items are serendipitous,
the algorithm will behave identically to a random
strategy, where accurate recommendations are not
taken into consideration at all. Cases five and four
have similarly bad results, since the number of
serendipitous recommendation is still high.
However, with case three we start seeing some better
results. In the first three iterations, it still has a poor
performance, but after that, it starts behaving almost
the same as case one where all items are
“supposedly” accurate. The first three cases are
actually really close in performance. If we take a
good look, strategy two has the best performance. A
detailed table of the values resulting in each of the
ten iterations for both metrics for every strategy is
shown in Tables 1 and 2. Therefore, according to
this study, and, in the given environment and
conditions, eight accurate recommendations teamed
with two serendipitous gave the best result.
The limitations on this study were many.
Serendipity can be implemented using many
algorithms and in different ways. Serendipity
strongly affects the user’s satisfaction which is
already hard to understand or measure. An online
study may be more relevant to how serendipity
actually affects the recommendations. An implicit
feedback is required for a better assessment, like in
the work of Gemmis et al. where the facial
expression was considered the key to measure
surprise (de Gemmis et al., 2015). Moreover, the
recommendation list size was fixed to ten which is
not always the case. This goes without mentioning
all the limitations that always occur in the
recommender systems studies where many factors
cannot be generalized and the results are restricted
by the experiment itself.
Serendipity is an important factor in the
recommender system that is still under construction.
A clear definition is yet to be unified but what we
can say for sure is that it is a happy surprise. The
system is asked to predict the unpredictable, to
expect the relevant unexpected. Many studies are
Adaptive Serendipity for Recommender Systems: Let It Find You
Figure 2: Evaluation of the strategies with MAE.
Figure 3: Evaluation of the strategies with RMSE.
Table 1: Detailed values of the evaluation of the strategies using MAE.
Strategy 1
Strategy 3
Strategy 4
Strategy 5
Strategy 6
Table 2: Detailed values of the evaluation of the strategies using RMSE.
Strategy 1
Strategy 3
Strategy 4
Strategy 5
Strategy 6
interested in finding a way to measure serendipity
and, even more, to create it. In this paper, we proved
that the presence of serendipity in the list of
recommendations alongside some relevant
recommendations will improve the user satisfaction.
In the future, many improvements can be done to
this study: new strategies can be proposed, different
metrics can be used, and an online experiment can
be conducted. Serendipity is a very vast world
worthy of discovering and a face for recommender
system that deserves to be invested in.
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
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Adaptive Serendipity for Recommender Systems: Let It Find You