Empathic Interaction: Design Guidelines to Induce Flow States in
Gestural Interfaces
Loup Vuarnesson
ENSADLab / SpatialMedia, PSL University, 31 rue d’Ulm, Paris, France
EMOTIC, 13 rue Crucy, Nantes, France
Interaction, Improvisation, Collaboration, UX Design, Flow, Anthropomorphism, NUIs.
The argument of this article is to propose design guidelines favoring the exploration and appropriation of an
interface by a novice user, by drawing inspiration from the mechanisms of adaptation and perceptive loops
in improvisation activities. We want to create sensitive digital experiences, accessible to as many people as
possible, and dynamically adapt their behavior and their interface to the activity and to the emotional state of
the users. Our hypothesis is that such a design would favor the emergence of Flow states, leading to the setting
up of a ”social contract” between the user and his interface.
This research in Interactive Design is at the crossroads
between Arts and Sciences and stems directly from
the observation and experience of complex psycho-
logical phenomena, related to creativity or emotional
amplification. The optimal experience - or Flow - a
state of absolute mental absorption, that can be lived
alone or shared with others in a sporting or creative
activity, is in some ways the starting point. We are in-
terested in the mechanisms linking an individual to his
tool, context, or partners / adversaries, and sometimes
leading to states of intense immersion, emotional con-
tagion, creative amplification, and more generally to
the feeling of being embodied with the experience.
We will connect the study of these phenom-
ena with User Experience (UX) concepts and de-
sign methods, and from this perspective we will pro-
pose several design guidelines to induce Flow state
occurence in digital experiences. We will conclude
by presenting two research projects to support these
2.1 Optimal Experience, Empathy and
Creative Amplification
”I developed a theory of optimal experience based on
the concept of Flow the state in which people are
so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to
matter; the experience itself is so enjoyable that peo-
ple will do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of
doing it.(Cs
alyi, 1990).
In the various testimonies collected during his works
on happiness and creativity, Mih
aly Cs
was able to identify multiple activities in which this
quasi-mystical state could occur. Described as deeply
inscribed in the moment, and yet disconnected from
time and from the environment, Flow gives to the one
who lives it a feeling of empowerment. The subject is
then at the maximum of his capacities, of his creative
potential, he enters a state of jubilation and happiness,
for a moment that he would like to see it last infinitely.
”. . . a strange calmness I hadn’t experienced in any
of the other games. It was a type of euphoria; I felt I
could run all day without tiring, that I could dribble
through any of their teams or all of them, that I could
almost pass through them physically. I felt I could not
be hurt.(Fish, 2007).
Here is a testimony of the legendary football player
e, which closely coincides with many other expe-
riences reported to Cs
alyi by dancers, ath-
letes, musicians, mountaineers. In those experiences
we encounter systematically an absence of effort, the
idea to be in the zone, being carried by the current, in
a state of grace, harmony.
In addition to the feeling of invincibility and zero ef-
fort, participants frequently relate:
Attention and intense focus on the present mo-
Vuarnesson, L.
Empathic Interaction: Design Guidelines to Induce Flow States in Gestural Interfaces.
DOI: 10.5220/0007524301600167
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2019), pages 160-167
ISBN: 978-989-758-354-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
A feeling of control over the situation or activity.
The feeling of being able to succeed the proposed
An experience of intrinsically rewarding, self-
sufficient, autotelic activity.
Being in contact with these different sportive and
artistic backgrounds, Cs
alyi was able to
detect that the existence of this modified state of
consciousness was appearing when the participants
were on the edge of their own physical or creative
limits. Many studies followed Cs
alyi’s to
try to level, provoke, or share this state of Flow
c et al., 2017), (Chen, 2007). Several re-
lations have been attempted with spiritual concepts,
such as mindfulness meditation techniques, Wu-wei
or the non-action principle among the Taoists, dhyana
among the Buddhists. However, most studies seem to
agree on some of the essential conditions to help the
state of Flow appear:
The user must be involved in the activity with
clearly stated goals.
The activity should provide immediate feedback
so that the user can better adjust his performance
and maintain his Flow status.
An optimal balance must be found between the
challenges perceived by the user and his own abil-
ities. The user must be confident about his ability
to perform the task.
Figure 1: Mental state in terms of challenge level and skill
We can see in the different areas of this graph the mul-
tiple mental states that can occur when we vary the
level of challenge according to the skills of the user.
A challenge beyond the expectations or abilities of the
subject leads to stress and anxiety, making him leave
the area of comfort and efficiency. On the opposite, a
participant who is too qualified for the task is subject
to boredom.
On this graph the Flow appears in the upper right
corner, when the balance between the levels of chal-
lenges and capacities is ideal. The subject must be
confronted with stimulating solicitations, on which he
will be able to exercise his savoir faire while develop-
ing and enriching his capacities. Without this, he will
move into one of the other states presented, such as
apathy and indifference, reflecting his lack of involve-
ment in the task.
Flow theorists insist on the importance of creat-
ing a proper environment allowing the Flow ex-
perience in everyday life, in private life, as well
as in the workspace (Cs
alyi, 2013).
alyi connects it very closely to notions
of creativity, productivity, or happiness:
”[The Flow is] A state in which people are so in-
volved in an activity that nothing else seems to mat-
ter; the experience is so pleasant that they will con-
tinue to experience it even at a great cost, for the sheer
pleasure of the experience itself. (Cs
We refer to an autotelic experience, sufficient in itself,
even if these moments are also the most profitable for
us in the long term:
”The best moments in our lives are not the passive,
receptive, relaxing times ... The best moments usually
occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its
limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something
difficult and worthwhile.
The flow therefore depends on many parameters, the
context and the interlocutors being the main ones.
2.2 Interaction, Improvisation and
Emotional Contagion
Flow can also be experienced as shared in group ac-
tivities, such as dance, music and/or sport. (Borderie,
”The secret of football and the smooth running of
teams is harmony. True harmony is equivalent to per-
fection, to beauty (...) Harmony can be anywhere: in
the music, in the body and in the spirit, in the will of
a football team to win victory (. . . ). Harmony in a
team means that everyone plays together and thinks
like One. (Cantona and Fynn, 1996).
A football team will sometimes appear scattered, dis-
tressed, or lost; and sometimes will seem to reach mo-
ments of perfect coordination, where all the individ-
ual talents express themselves and form an insepara-
Empathic Interaction: Design Guidelines to Induce Flow States in Gestural Interfaces
ble entity. In these situations, the results can reach
levels beyond all expectations.
In dance or musical improvisation - autotelic ex-
periences by essence - the goal is in the exploration
rather than the completion. Each participant will pro-
pose, receive, then propose again, thus unfolding the
course of the shared experience, in a balance between
tensions and harmonies. These events involve com-
plex interaction strategies between the participants,
involving many expressive, perceptive, contextual and
emotional parameters. The principles of mirror neu-
rons, or empathy, resonate closely with these dynam-
ics of coordination and affective tuning.
The desired goal is by no means discrete but mul-
tiple, it is at the same time an exploration of one’s
body, one’s instrument, and at the same time to push
one’s own limits, to set oneself a challenge, for him as
for others; it is at the same time A game, a surprise,
it can be humorous, as it can be infuriating, violent or
A successful improvisation performance does not
lie in the fulfillment of a predefined goal, but in the
quality and renewal of the ideas proposed, their ap-
propriateness to the context, and of course in the plea-
sure felt and the emotion shared with the partners and
the viewers.
3.1 Aim of the Study
The argument of this article is to propose design
guidelines favoring the exploration and appropriation
of an interface by a novice user, by drawing inspi-
ration from the mechanisms of adaptation and per-
ceptive loops in improvisation activities. We want
to create sensitive digital experiences, accessible to
as many people as possible, and dynamically adapt
their behavior and their interface to the activity and
to the emotional state of the users. Our hypothesis is
that such a design would favor the emergence of Flow
states, leading to the setting up of a ”social contract”
between the user and his interface (Bianchini et al.,
A central idea in any form of improvisation is the
tuning and good communication between the individ-
uals involved. In the context of an interactive experi-
ence, the emergence of a participant’s feeling of free-
dom requires that his power and his grip over it are
clear, and that the effects produced are immediately
perceived. To base our interactional paradigm we can
not ask the human to express themselves in the native
language of the machine, but we can instead draw in-
spiration from inter-human modes of communication.
Empathic phenomena work by identification, by
projecting oneself into the body of another. We must
be able to translate all the information coming from
the user to the machine, to reveal his ease and emo-
tional state so that the interface can adapt to it.
This proposal and this entire research focus there-
fore on the expressive dynamics that can be envisaged
between the user and the system. Coordination in cre-
ative improvisation is the result of multiple adapta-
tions based on the entire perceptual and cognitive do-
main; drawing inspiration from it for an interface de-
sign implies to determine which information can be
observed from the user and how it can be reflected
with an adaptation from the interface.
We will detail what implies the idea of a coordi-
nated interaction for the user and the machine.
3.2 Adapt to the User – Movement
We want to give the user the feeling of being under-
stood by the system, to give him the will to propose
and improvise through it, to explore it freely and to
bond a new and personal form of exchange. We need
therefore to identify what we can track to design our
adaptive and pseudo-empathic process.
Many models exist for the evaluation of a user in a
digital context. These models list a certain number of
criteria specific to the cognitive, physical, psycholog-
ical and emotional domains. For our research we seek
to identify the characteristics that have an influence on
the phenomena of emotional and empathic contagion.
Further explorations will be conducted on the actual
characteristics during a co-creative activity with the
ArTiculations project. In this study, two participants
will interact in a virtual reality experience via a sim-
plified representation of their movements. We want
to analyse quantitatively the observed behaviours and
collect the emotionnal outlines of their experiences
(see 4.2.2).
In Figure 2, some characteristics are distinguished
through several temporalities. Some will remain fixed
from one session to another (the gender, the physical
characteristics ...), others can change radically as the
experience is lived (the emotional state, the cognitive
load ...). For reasons of comfort and portability we
do not want to equip the users with sensors, or asking
them to fill questionnaires beforehand.
We will build our analysis engine on the basis of
the clues collected during the actual experience, and
centered on the core of our proposal: the expressive
and intuitive potential of the gesture.
HUCAPP 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Figure 2: User Model – arranged from the least stable (con-
text dependant), to the most stable (stable characteristics).
There is something deeply intimate in the way we
move, in the way we express ourselves through ges-
tures. A movement whether it is planar or in space
brings much more nuances and expressiveness than a
discrete touch of a keyboard key. An interactive ges-
tural paradigm makes it possible to think of a form
of freedom of use that is wider, more personal, more
We are particularly interested here in the works of
Rudolf Laban, as well as ones based on his notions of
effort and qualities of gesture (Laban and Lawrence,
1947), (Bernhardt, 2007).
Theses qualities distinguish movements by their
intentions, their characters, and seek to explain them
verbally. We use action names like floating, slashing,
pressing, punching, as well as attributes such as direc-
tivity, contraction, suddenness, fluidity, fragility...
Figure 3: Laban’s gesture qualities axises.
It is possible to associate emotions to theses ges-
tures, to detect evolutions in nature and intensity, and
thus to observe and react to them.
These qualities, initially created and used to de-
scribe the danced gesture, have been appropriated
by digital artists and researchers to compose the in-
teractive basis of their works or studies in cogni-
tive psychology (Niewiadomski et al., 2017), (Fdili
Figure 4: Emotional states associated with movement qual-
Alaoui et al., 2011). They allow, thanks to real-time
qualification tools (EyesWeb for example) to evalu-
ate the users’ performance in a more subtle, sensitive
way. It is possible today to obtain a state of these qual-
ities of motion in realtime, and to think of appropriate
reactions from the point of view of the interface.
However, it is necessary to identify how we could
define and base these reactions.
3.3 Intuition in the Experience – NUIs /
In the 90’s the idea of natural user interfaces (NUI)
appeared. Popularized by Microsoft with inventions
like Kinect or Microsoft Surface, this concept brought
the idea of intuitiveness into the development of digi-
tal interfaces.
Through gestural interfaces, whether on smart-
phones, touch tables, or via motion capture, the NUIs
have offered a new interactive paradigm, giving op-
portunities to use linguistic forms more faithful and
close to our modes of inter-human communication.
They appear as a response to the WIMP era (windows,
icons, mouse, pointer) by simplifying the display, and
dynamically adapting the complexity of the proposed
commands as the user gains ease of use.
The desired effect is a lower cognitive load and an
immediate user comfort.
Rachel Hinman, UX researcher at Nokia Re-
search, give us some basic principles for the devel-
opment of a good NUI (Hinman, 2011):
Performance Aesthetics - Unlike GUI experiences
that focus and privilege accomplishment and task
completion, NUI experiences focus on the joy of
doing. NUI experiences should be like an ocean
voyage, the pleasure comes from the interaction,
not the accomplishment.
Direct Manipulation - Unlike GUI interfaces,
which are enabled by indirect manipulation
Empathic Interaction: Design Guidelines to Induce Flow States in Gestural Interfaces
through a keyboard and mouse, natural user inter-
faces enable users to interact directly with infor-
mation objects. Touch screens and gestural inter-
action functionality enable users to feel like they
are physically touching and manipulating infor-
Scaffolding - Successful natural user interfaces
feel intuitive and joyful to use. Unlike a success-
ful GUI in which many options and commands
are presented, a successful NUI contains fewer
options with interaction scaffolding. Good NUIs
supports users as they engage with the system and
unfold or reveal themselves through actions in a
natural way.
Seamlessness - GUIs require a keyboard and
mouse for interaction with a computing systems.
Touchscreens, sensors embedded in hardware,
and the use of gestural UIs allow NUI interactions
to feel seamless for users because interactions are
direct. There are fewer barriers between the user
and information.
When Rachel Hinman speaks about intuition, she ap-
peals to what is already known by the user. Design-
ing an intuitive and accessible interface for a large
number of people requires to first of all understand
the expertise of the users regarding NUI’s, in relation
to other interactive paradigms that they may have al-
ready experienced (or integrated).
Gord Kurtenbach, director of research at Au-
todesk tells us:
”There is no such thing as natural or intuitive in-
terface [...] Effective user interface design is a very
carefully controlled skill transfer - we design inter-
faces so users can take their skills from on situation
and re-apply them to a new situation. (Widgor and
Wixon, 2011).
Same as in the previous section regarding the state
of Flow, we are talking about being embodied in
the experience. The interface becomes an ”exten-
sion of the hand”. A good NUI is therefore based
on metaphors borrowed from the reality, that the user
will recognize and take over easily. In this way, he
will be able to integrate the experience instantly, and
unfold more complex functionalities while being in
action. The system accompanies and guides the user
throughout the whole experience.
3.4 Adaptation from the Designer’s
Perspective – Hassenzahl’s UX
More concretely, several tracks can be explored to
base the idea of adaptive interfaces. We choose to
focus here on the works of Marc Hassenzahl (Has-
senzahl, 2005), (Hassenzahl, 2018):
Figure 5: Hassenzahl UX Model - Designer Perspective.
Hassenzahl explains here the links between the
user and the product: the UX is seen from the de-
signer’s side as a set of contents / presentations / func-
tionnalities / interactions. That is, as designers, what
we can consider as plastic and adaptable.
These characteristics are then merged into two types
of attributes :
The pragmatics, that concern what can be manip-
ulated, what has a practical use. These attributes
refer to the functionalities of the product.
The hedonics, that concern the elements in charge
of improving one’s well-being. These attributes
refer to the stimulation, the identification of the
Figure 6: Hassenzahl UX Model - User Perspective.
On the user’s side, these two types of attributes are
translated into attractiveness, pleasure and satisfac-
tion. Each digital product has these two types of at-
tributes, unequally balanced:
If the pragmatic aspect is particularly strong, we are
talking about ACT products, more linked to objectives
and tasks, which seek to bring satisfaction.
If the hedonic aspect is in foreground, we talk about
SELF products, linked to the user himself, where we
want to induce pleasure.
HUCAPP 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Figure 7: Hassenzahl UX Model.
Hedonics does not have the same purpose as Prag-
matics and there are situations where the need for
stimulation, novelty or attractiveness will be strong;
on the contrary, sometimes this need will be more di-
rected towards a high rate of accomplishment of tasks.
The general emotional reaction depends on how a
product is momentarily suitable for a situation. The
designer will ideally seek the appropriate balance be-
tween pragmatic and hedonic attributes, playing on
both utility and usability, both on the senses and the
This formulation makes it possible to categorize
better the type of adaptation and the spirit of the ex-
periment that we consider to develop. We will now
outline the key points of our proposal.
4.1 UX Design Guidelines
By comparing the different notions presented here,
we propose a set of objectives for the design of ex-
periences inducing the appearance of a state of flow
among users of all kinds :
1. The interface must involve metaphors inspired by
We need to allow a transfer of skills and remain intu-
itive for novice users. To this purpose, we propose a
focus on the design of biomorphic entities animated
by movements with life-relevant dynamics. In order
to create a form of empathy and an emotional lan-
guage immediately noticeable by the user, we will
play with the behavior of these visual entities by mod-
ulating their movements explicitly.
2. The user must have an immediate feedback of his
implicit and explicit actions.
Any gestural information emitted by the user should
be considered relevant and generate a reaction by the
interface. We will base the adaptation of the Hassen-
on all the information coming from the analysis of the
qualities of movement.
3. The interface must adapt its behavior as the user
We recommend here an adaptation of the functionali-
ties as well as the behaviors of the metaphors inspired
by reality.
The ACT aspect of the experience must be designed
as dynamic. The interface must unfold its complexity
and functionality in a consistent manner. The basics
need to be mastered for more advanced concepts to
become available.
4. The interface must be creative and surprising.
Modeling our study on the principles of autotelic ex-
periments, the SELF aspect must be particularly de-
veloped. The interface should not be completely pre-
dictable, on the contrary it should provoke the desire
of exploration to the user, and make him adjust his
own gestural activity. For that, we plan to oscillate the
adaptivity of the interface between a tuning accord-
ing to the qualities of the user’s movements on the
one hand, and the creation of a certain degree of ten-
sion on the other hand. A perfect tuning would lead
to comfort and harmony. An ideal degree of tension
would lead to a form of resistance and playfullness.
4.2 Experiments
We will conduct a research around these design guide-
lines through two Arts / Sciences research projects,
each highlighting a different part of this study.
4.2.1 Tamed Cloud
”Tamed Cloud, Sensitive interactions with a behav-
ioral cloud of spatialised information” is a research
conducted by Ensadlab / Spatial Media - Reflective
Interaction in partnership with IBM, and which is
part of the actions of the Cognition Carnot Institute
around the theme ”Artificial and Cognitive Intelli-
gence”. It proposes an articulation of human’s biolog-
ical, biomechanical and psychological models with
quantitative data.
The project integrates a user into a virtual real-
ity experience, and explores the possibility of a truly
responsive relationship based on gesture and speech
Empathic Interaction: Design Guidelines to Induce Flow States in Gestural Interfaces
Figure 8: Ingame footage of Tamed Cloud.
with large masses of information thought as a living
and malleable entity.
In the current state of the project, the information
consists of floating paintings taken from the MOMA
catalog in New York.
The paintings encircle the user and move like a
swarm. The user can grab one or more of them and
move them into space. He can also ask the cloud, by
using voice commands, to organize itself by color, or
by date, in which case all the paintings are reordered
around him in the desired mode.
We consider to apply the previous proposals to this
project, and to design a ”character” to the cloud that
would be changeable, unpredictable, but however re-
lated to the movements made by the user. The user
would naturally be invited to explore his own gestural
vocabulary in order to understand which of his actions
could have an impact on the cloud’s behavior.
4.2.2 ArTiculations
This second research project was submitted as part of
the EUR ArTeC call for projects and aims to explore
the processes involved in collaborative artistic cre-
ation situations. We want to study, in the controlled
context of a virtual reality scene, how the dynamics
of interaction by the gesture favor the emergence of
creative behaviors.
The system will immerse two people dancing and
improvising freely together, represented in a minimal-
ist way. Their movements will be captured in real
time while their physiological states will by analyzed
a posteriori, linked to a review of their lived experi-
Our goal is to identify the emergence of intersub-
jective forms and dynamics of creative interactions.
This research raises questions that cross multiple
fields like UX design, cognitive psychology, arts and
creativity, but focuses on something deeply connected
with one’s well-being and self-actualization. In all
the fields of interactive media, we see the spectator
becoming actor, and artworks often being described
as experiences. With the rise of virtual reality, adap-
tive learning, artificial intelligence and voice assis-
tants, we can now extend our capabilities by exploring
new situations and activities, by experiencing new in-
teractions modalities and linguistic (or non-linguistic)
Adaptive interface designers are keen on creat-
ing smart tools that align with the way people live,
think, or feel. They seek a projection in the user’s
life, by tuning well their product and inducing proper
emotional responses. The product may have multiple
forms of use, and may be conceived for different sup-
port devices. First and foremost, it has to be designed
for the user, who will hopefully remain subject to un-
predictable changes.
Trying to adapt in realtime an interface to the ease
of use and the gestural activity of the user is an exten-
sion of this idea. We proposed here a set of objectives
to reach a more human way of thinking an interaction,
allowing the user to inject a bit of his unpredictabil-
ity to the system, which will react to him in the same
Research funded by the company EMOTIC, con-
ducted within the research group SpatialMedia En-
sadLab (EnsAD) and under the doctoral program
SACRe, PSL University.
I would like to thank Dionysis Zamplaras and
Franc¸ois Garnier for their precious help and advices,
and Asaf Bachrach for the inspiring insights.
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Empathic Interaction: Design Guidelines to Induce Flow States in Gestural Interfaces