Designing Transparent and Autonomous
Intelligent Vision Systems
Joanna Isabelle Olszewska
School of Engineering and Computing, University of West Scotland, U.K.
Intelligent Vision Systems, Autonomous Systems, Vision Agents, Agent-oriented Software Engineering,
Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), Transparency and Ethical Issues.
To process vast amounts of visual data such as images, videos, etc. in an automatic and computationally
efficient way, intelligent vision systems have been developed over the last three decades. However, with
the increasing development of complex technologies like companion robots which require advanced machine
vision capabilities and, on the other hand, the growing attention to data security and privacy, the design of
intelligent vision systems faces new challenges such as autonomy and transparency. Hence, in this paper,
we propose to define the main requirements for the new generation of intelligent vision systems (IVS) we
demonstrated in a prototype.
With the omnipresence of digital data in our Society,
and in particular visual data (Olszewska, 2018) from
smartphone pictures to television video streams, from
m-health services to social media apps, from street
surveillance cameras to airport e-gates, from drones
to autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), intelli-
gent vision systems (IVS) are needed to automatize
the processing of these visual data.
Indeed, intelligent vision systems are a set of in-
terconnected hardware and/or software components
which take digital image(s) as input data and process
them by means of methods ranging from low- to high-
level techniques/algorithms in order to extract mean-
ingful information, which could be structured and or-
ganized into knowledge, and aid to the automatic un-
derstanding of the gathered visual data (Fig.1).
The input image to be processed by an IVS could
be a single, still picture, a set of pictures, or a dy-
namic stream of frames (Sabour et al., 2008). The
image(s) could be gathered from an online/offline
database (Rahbi et al., 2016) or acquired live by a
single vision sensor or multiple ones (Bianchi and
Rillo, 1996), each sensor being either static or dy-
namic (Ishiguro et al., 1993).
The IVS output is the information obtained after
processing the input visual data. The resulting in-
formation could present any degree of modality, i.e.
could be of a semantic type (degree 0) such as a
tag/label or a text file, of a visual type itself, e.g. a
picture or a region of a picture (degree 1), or of a
video type (degree 2). This information could also
consist in further processed results such as computed
trajectories (Ukita and Matsuyama, 2002), workflows
(Sardis et al., 2010), etc. It could produce knowledge
(Reichard, 2004) and/or provide further understand-
ing of the visual data (Li et al., 2009).
In order to process the input visual data, a (series
of) method(s) is implemented within the intelligent
vision system. It could consist of low-level techniques
of image processing such as thresholding, morpho-
logical operations, edge detection, texture region de-
tection (Arbuckle and Beetz, 1999), etc. Mid-level
techniques include computer vision methods such as
interest point descriptors, active contours (Olszewska,
2015), etc. High-level techniques involve artificial in-
telligence (AI), and in particular, machine learning
approaches which could be based on symbolism (e.g.
logic rules) (Olszewska, 2017), analogism (e.g. Sup-
port Vector Machine (SVM)) (Prakash et al., 2012),
probability (e.g. Bayesian rule) (Hou et al., 2014),
evolutionarism (e.g. genetic algorithms) (Nestinger
and Cheng, 2010), or connectivism (e.g. neural net-
works) (Jeon et al., 2018).
The design of such complex systems necessitates
a careful requirement analysis (Rash et al., 2006), not
only in terms of performance targets of the vision al-
gorithm(s), but also in terms of software and system
Olszewska, J.
Designing Transparent and Autonomous Intelligent Vision Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0007585208500856
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2019), pages 850-856
ISBN: 978-989-758-350-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Intelligent vision system (IVS) overview.
Indeed, in this paper, we present the requirements
for intelligent vision systems.
IVS can be considered either as an intelligent vi-
sion software or an embodiment of a vision process.
Therefore, the proposed set of requirements pro-
vides the backbone for the ethical and dependable de-
sign of such complex vision systems.
The main contributions of this work are, on one
hand, the identification of the requirements for the
new generation of intelligent vision systems and, on
the other hand, the definition of the main concepts
such as autonomy and transparency in context of in-
telligent vision systems as well as the elucidation of
the intelligent vision system notion itself and its re-
lated design pattern.
The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2,
we present the intelligent vision system requirements
and their related definitions. The proposed design
method has been successfully prototyped as reported
and discussed in Section 3. Conclusions are drawn up
in Section 4.
The proposed IVS requirements are intelligent vision
system’s reliability, security, autonomy, and trans-
parency, as described in Sections 2.1-2.4, respec-
2.1 Reliable
The prime focus of the IVS design has been the ef-
ficiency of such systems in order to develop reliable
Low- and mid-level IVS performance are assessed
using one or more metrics quantifying shape fidelity
(Correia and Pereira, 2003), shape accuracy (Gelasca
and Ebrahimi, 2009), shape temporal coherence (Er-
dem and Sankur, 2000), connectivity, and compact-
ness (Goumeidane and Khamadja, 2010).
However, there is no single definition of these
measures. In particular, the segmentation error could
be defined in several ways, e.g. by calculating:
the Pratt’s Figure of Merit (FOM) (Pratt et al.,
1978) which evaluates the edge location accuracy
via the displacement of detected edge points from
an ideal edge:
1 + δ d
, (1)
with I
, the number of ideal edge points, I
, the
number of actual edge points, d, the Euclidean
distance between the actual points and the ideal
edge points, and δ, a scaling constant (of usual
value δ = 1/9). The value of FOM falls between
0 and 1, and the larger, the better.
the overlap (OL) between the segmented region A
and the ground truth region A
(Saeed and Duge-
lay, 2010):
OL =
A + A
100, (2)
where OL [0,100], and the larger, the better.
the segmentation error (SE) for edge and region-
based methods (Saeed and Dugelay, 2010):
SE =
2 A
100, (3)
where SE [0,100], and the smaller, the better.
the spatial accuracy or MPEG-4 Segmentation er-
ror Se (Muller-Schneiders et al., 2005):
Se =
, (4)
where card(M
) is the number of pixels of the ref-
erence mask; fn, the number of false negative pix-
els; fp, the number of false positive pixels; d
, the
distance of the k
false negative pixel to the ref-
erence pixel; and d
, the distance of the l
Designing Transparent and Autonomous Intelligent Vision Systems
Figure 2: Representation of the true positive rate (TP), the
false positive rate (FP), the false negative rate (FN), and the
true negative rate (TN), respectively, in a confusion matrix.
positive pixel to the reference pixel. The value of
Se is in the range of [0,[, and the smaller, the
The above-mentioned measures (Eqs. 1-4) could
lead to further assessment of IVS, e.g. by plotting
detected/tracked object’s actual trajectory vs ground
truth one (Leibe et al., 2008).
The effectiveness of mid- and high-level IVS is
mainly measured using the following set of metrics
(Estrada and Jepson, 2005):
precision (P) =
T P + FP
, (5)
detection rate (DR) or (R) =
T P + FN
, (6)
f alse detection rate (FAR) =
FP + T P
, (7)
accuracy (ACC) =
T P + T N
T P + T N + FP + FN
, (8)
where TP is the True positive rate, FP is the False
Positive rate, FN is the False Negative rate, and T N
is the True Negative rate (see Fig. 2).
It is worth noting the detection rate (DR) is also
sometimes called recall (R), sensitivity, or hit rate.
Another common metric is the F1 score which is
the harmonic mean of the precision and recall and
which could be used when a balance between preci-
sion and recall is needed and when the class distri-
bution is uneven (i.e. high T N + FP). F1 score is
defined as follows:
F1 score (F1) = 2
P + R
. (9)
To represent and evaluate IVS efficiency, the stan-
dard measures (Eqs. 5-8) could be used to compose a
confusion matrix such as in Fig. 2 and/or a precision-
recall curve. The later one is useful in the case the
classes are very imbalanced and shows the trade-off
between precision and recall for different thresholds.
It is worth noting a high area under the precision-
recall curve is aimed, since it represents both high
recall (i.e. low FN) and high precision (i.e. low FP).
Indeed, high scores for both precision and recall show
that the system is returning accurate results (high pre-
cision) as well as returning a majority of all positive
results (high recall), i.e. the system returns many re-
sults, with most of the results labeled correctly. Inci-
dentally, a system with high recall but low precision
returns many results, but most of its predicted labels
are incorrect when compared to the training labels. A
system with high precision but low recall returns very
few results, but most of its predicted labels are correct
when compared to the training labels.
On the other hand, programming paradigms and
implementation language choices have an impact on
the IVS design, with C++/OpenCV and MatLab the
most common languages adopted for IVS (Nestinger
and Cheng, 2010). Moreover, the development of re-
liable IVS is a Test-Driven Development (TDD) that
can be assessed using software engineering indica-
tors (Pressman, 2010) such as function-based met-
rics, specification quality metrics, architectural design
metrics, class-oriented metrics, component-level de-
sign metrics (including cohesion and coupling met-
rics), operation-oriented metrics, user-interface de-
sign metrics, etc. Hence, IVS code complexity, main-
tainability, and quality (Reichardt et al., 2018) as well
as IVS computational speed (e.g. computational time
vs image resolution/size) are crucial to be analysed in
the IVS design phase. .
Furthermore, IVS robustness and fault tolerance
(Asmare et al., 2012) along with its portability and
interoperability (Bayat et al., 2016) should also be
considered in the IVS design phase, as IVS tend to
be deployed not only on desktops/laptops, but also on
smartphones, robots, industrial equipment, etc.
2.2 Secure
In today’s society, ensuring the security of cyber-
physical systems is a main challenge (Escudero et al.,
2018), (Burzio et al., 2018). Therefore, in addition of
correctness and robustness (Reichard, 2004), IVS de-
sign should integrate the cybersecurity element (Rus-
sell et al., 2015). For example, the communication
between the visual data acquisition set-up and the ma-
chine processing them should be secured (Leonard
et al., 2017).
Furthermore, the collected visual data which are
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 3: UML Class Diagram of the Intelligent Vision System.
processed by IVS as well as the produced informa-
tion and knowledge should respect data privacy and
in particular comply with GDPR legislation (General
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 2018).
Hence, the design of such correct, robust, and se-
cure IVS ensures its dependability (Meyer, 2006).
2.3 Autonomous
Autonomous systems (AS) are systems that decide
themselves what to do and when to do it (Fisher et al.,
2013). Their features could include failure diagnosis,
self-awareness, biomimetic, automated reasoning or
knowledge-inspired transactions (Olszewska and Al-
lison, 2018).
IVS autonomy is the system’s capacity of manag-
ing itself using artificial intelligence (AI) method(s)
to produce the intended goal(s), i.e. to process
and provide the expected information, to build the
relevant knowledge, and/or to automatically anal-
yse/understand its environment. Depending of its
level of autonomy (i.e. not autonomous, semi-
autonomous, autonomous), the system will have a
various degree of interactions with other intelligent
agents (Calzado et al., 2018) through manned or re-
mote control operations (Zhang et al., 2017).
Figure 3 presents a possible pattern for such
systems, whatever their classification (Franklin and
Graesser, 1996), architecture (Fiorini et al., 2017), or
environment (Osorio et al., 2010).
2.4 Transparent
Transparency in AS is the property which makes pos-
sible to discover how and why the system made a par-
ticular decision or acted the way it did (Chatila et al.,
2017), taking into account its environment (Lakhmani
et al., 2016).
IVS transparency is the system’s capacity of its
goals, its situational constraints, its input/output data,
its decision criteria, its internal structure, its assump-
tions about the external reality, its actions, and its in-
teractions being understood by the relevant stakehold-
ers. Hence, depending of the level of transparency,
the system could be transparent to the system’s users,
commanders, regulators, and/or investigators.
Therefore, an IVS system should adopt the de-
sign pattern proposed in Fig. 3. Moreover, designing
transparent IVS implies the choice of intelligent tech-
niques, like the machine learning (ML) methods, not
only in terms of efficiency but also in terms of trans-
parency. As per (Bostrom and Yudkowsky, 2014), the
Designing Transparent and Autonomous Intelligent Vision Systems
most transparent ML techniques are logic based and
the less transparent ones involve neural networks. In-
deed, with explainable AI (XAI) (Ha et al., 2018) be-
ing in its infancy, logic-based approaches (Olszewska
and McCluskey, 2011) have the most well-established
procedures for system verification (Brutzman et al.,
2012). In addition, ML training databases should
avoid biases (Skirpan and Yeh, 2017).
The proposed requirements have been demonstrated
on a IVS prototype aiming to detect and count peo-
ple in indoor environments (Fig. 4). The system can
be used by a university to monitor the use of com-
puter labs during assignment deadline times. This can
help a university to determine whether the computer
labs should be open for longer during these periods.
Another benefit of the developed application is that it
can be used for safety purposes to provide an accurate
number of people inside a building, aiding the evacu-
ation process e.g. in the event of a fire.
The IVS prototype has been run on a computer
with Intel Core i5-2400 CPU, 3.10 GHz, 12Gb RAM,
64-bit Windows 7 Enterprise OS, using MatLab lan-
As per Section 2, the IVS reliability has been as-
sessed in terms of recall (R = 80%) and precision
(P = 91%). The computational speed rate is 14 fps.
The IVS security has been analysed and the data
privacy has been ensured in order people appearing
within the video will remain anonymous.
The IVS system has been designed in order to
work in an autonomous way, performing the tasks as
Detecting people - the software is able to detect
the people in the video automatically.
Tracking people - the software automatically
tracks people in the video, once they are detected.
Counting people - the software is able to automat-
ically count the people detected in the video.
The IVS prototype has been designed in order
to be transparent to both users and experts. Indeed,
from the user’s point of view, the input for this soft-
ware is the video-recorded stream that the software
processes, and the software output is in the form of
two video players that show simultaneously the an-
notated input and the extracted information all along
the software execution (Fig. 4). From the expert’s
point of view, the software process does not involve
deep learning and is rather based on the main intel-
ligent vision techniques such as background subtrac-
Figure 4: Example of the intelligent vision system proto-
type in action.
tion and foreground detection by thresholding, blob
analysis by applying morphological mathematic op-
erations, tracking using a Kalman filter (KF), and a
counter algorithm to count the people detected; all
these techniques being formally verifiable.
In this work, we proposed a set of requirements and
definitions to aid the design of (near-)future intelli-
gent vision systems (IVS). Indeed, intelligent vision
systems have been developed for 30 years, with a
main focus on their efficiency. Nowadays, IVS pres-
ence is ever growing in our daily life. Hence, their
design should not only take into account their relia-
bility in terms of accuracy and robustness, but also
encompass concepts such as transparency, autonomy,
security, and privacy. Experiments in real-world con-
text have displayed the effectiveness and usefulness of
our approach well-suited for applications within im-
age/video processing, pattern recognition, computer
vision, and machine vision domains.
The author would like to thank her students, R. Dobie
and J. Webb for their involvement in the prototype.
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ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence