Online Learning in Schools of Business: Deans’ Perspectives on
Faculty Issues
Maureen Snow Andrade, Ronald Mellado Miller and Shaylana Davis
Utah Valley University, 800 W. University Parkway, Orem, U.S.A.
Keywords: Online Learning, Distance Education, Schools of Business, Higher Education, Resistance.
Abstract: The demand for higher education is increasing, thereby widening access and creating a more diverse student
body. Institutions are implementing flexible learning strategies, such as online courses, to accommodate
students’ responsibilities and time demands. This enables them to have choices in how, what, when, and where
they learn, and extends opportunities to gain knowledge beyond a privileged few. Business schools in
particular are embracing online degrees to meet demand as the programs they offer attract more students than
any other course of study in many contexts. However, institutions face challenges when implementing
organizational change, and particularly those that disrupt traditional practice. Deans of business schools must
find ways to encourage faculty to redesign their courses for online delivery and teach online; they must also
to take steps to ensure quality. The purpose of this study was to explore the current practices of business
schools for online learning, particularly how deans are addressing faculty issues, and to determine the impact
of these practices. Findings indicate that demand is outpacing offerings. Resistance, workload, and
compensation are continuing issues. Quality assurance and training predicted the number of faculty teaching
online but the former did not increase faculty confidence.
Due to the benefits of post-secondary education,
countries which traditionally had elitist higher
education systems are expanding access to a diverse
range of learners (Evans et al., 2017; Ma et al., 2016).
This is increasing demanda total of 412 million
students is expected to be enrolled by 2030 compared
to 99 million in 2000 (Ossiannilsson et al., 2015).
Expanded access is also resulting in changes in
student demographics as these U.S. enrollment
statistics illustrate: 26% of students work full time,
36% work part-time, 38% attend classes part-time,
44% are non-White, 45% live off campus, 62%
receive federal financial aid, 27% are between the
ages of 22 and 29, 10% are between the ages of 30
and 39, 28% have children, 56% are female, and 14%
study online (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, n.d.).
These students need options for how, what, when
and where they learn” (Higher Education Academy,
2015, para. 1) so that they can successfully balance
multiple responsibilities. Few students have the
ability to attend university full-time without some
type of concurrent employment. A common approach
for addressing the needs of today’s students is
distance education, which most typically takes the
form of online coursework. The primary purpose of
distance learning is to make “knowledge accessible to
more than just a privileged few” (Kentnor, 2015, p.
30). Diverse students, including those who are non-
traditional (over the age of 25), (Radford, 2011;
Wladis et al., 2015) have low grade point averages,
are ethnic minorities, and are first-generation (neither
parent attended college) (Ashby et al., 2011; Johnson
and Palmer, 2015; Wladis et al., 2015) are the most
likely to enroll in online courses in U.S. higher
education institutions.
Business schools in particular are embracing
online degrees as a strategy to meet demand as the
programs they offer attract more students than any
other course of study in higher education institutions
in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and the UK
(Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2017; Higher
Education Statistics Agency, 2018; National Center
for Educational Statistics, 2017; Statistica, 2018).
Leaders in these schools must find ways to encourage
faculty to redesign their courses for online delivery
and teach online; they must also to take steps to
ensure quality. This study explores the current
practices and strategies of business schools for online
Andrade, M., Miller, R. and Davis, S.
Online Learning in Schools of Business: Deans’ Perspectives on Faculty Issues.
DOI: 10.5220/0007617403440351
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 344-351
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
learning, particularly how leaders are addressing
faculty issues, and the impact of these practices.
Various forms of student diversity affect success in
both traditional and non-traditional modes of
learning. Thirty percent of students in U.S. higher
education institutions leave during or after their first
year and 40% of those who continue beyond that
period fail to graduate (Morshed, 2016). Such
statistics differ by country. Only 6% leave during or
after the first year in the UK and less than 1% fail to
complete; however, 95% of traditionally-aged
university students enroll in U.S. higher education
institutions and only 6% in the UK (Morshed, 2016),
suggesting more opportunity for widening access.
Student success in online courses, in particular, is
an extensive concern. Forty-five percent of chief
academic officers (CAOs) in the U.S. feel that
retention (e.g., course completion and continued
enrollment) is more difficult in online courses than in
face-to-face courses and 68% view these courses are
requiring more discipline (Allen and Seaman, 2015).
As a result, some institutions restrict certain
populations from taking online courses in general,
online courses deemed to be difficult, or the number
online courses (Liu et al., 2007).
Faculty are critically important to the success of
online initiatives, yet many are resistant (Allen and
Seaman, 2016). One-third of CAOs report that this is
a significant barrier (Allen and Seaman, 2016).
Reasons for resistance are predominantly concerns
with quality or a perceived lack of institutional
support (Carlson and Carnevale, 2001; Shelton &
Saltsman, 2005). Even CAOs themselves feel that the
quality of online learning is not comparable to face-
to-face; 71.4% rated it as good or better in a U.S.
national survey, but this number has declined from
previous years (Allen and Seaman, 2016). In spite of
this, academic leaders feel compelled to increase
online offerings to meet demand, expand outreach,
compete with other institutions, and generate tuition.
Professional guidelines and standards for
implementing online learning initiatives in higher
education indicate the importance of quality
standards, the provision of appropriate technology,
professional development opportunities, and regular
course review and improvement processes
(Community College Research Center, 2013;
Institute of Higher Education Policy, 2000; Lenert
and Janes, 2017). However, the impact of these
practices on institutional goals such as increasing
enrollments, the percentage of faculty teaching
online, stakeholder confidence in online courses, or
student success is largely unknown. The results of one
survey indicate that 55% of faculty members disagree
or strongly disagree that online and face-to-face
courses are comparable in terms of student learning
outcomes (Calderon & Jones, 2016), indicating that
much remains to be done to address this issue.
Faculty are responbile for the content and design
of online courses, including how content is presented;
learning activities, interaction; and feedback and
grading, although they may be supported by trained
instructional designers. Additionally, peer review
processes for online courses, typically based on a
standardized rubric, aim to provide consistency in
course features and ensure quality (Budden and
Budden, 2013; MarylandOnline, Inc., 2018). The
Quality Matters rubric, for example, consists of
standards related to several different course aspects:
introduction, learning objectives, assessment,
instructional materials, interaction/engagement,
technology, learner support, and accessibility
(MarylandOnline, Inc., 2018).
Faculty in business fields, trained to use the
Quality Matters rubric, felt that its adoption resulted
in more visible information to students and clearer
expectations, consistency in the look and feel of a
course, and improved course structure; however, they
did not feel it specifically reflected the needs of
business education (Budden and Budden, 2013). A
disadvantage of rubrics such as Quality Measures is
that they do not examine how a faculty member
actually delivers a course, but focus on only course
design (Piña and Bohn, 2014). One aspect of online
course delivery is ensuring that faculty members
maintain currency with technology-assisted learning,
its strengths and weaknesses, and how it can
contribute to learning (Lenert and Janes, 2017). Other
aspects might involve faculty-student interactions
and faculty presence. Online course evaluation
processes have yet to focus on such issues, possibly
because faculty are evaluated in other ways.
The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools
of Business (AACSB) published an international
distance learning quality document, which is distinct
from its accreditation standards, but which provides
institutions with guidelines for distance learning. This
document emphasizes the importance of faculty
commitment to online learning and the need to
provide faculty with design and delivery training; it
also indicates that faculty are responsible for
curriculum and delivery platform decisions and
evaluation (AACSB, 2007, 2013; Gaytan, 2013).
These principles are critical as presidents may dream
Online Learning in Schools of Business: Deans’ Perspectives on Faculty Issues
visions and vice presidents may design plans, and
deans and department heads may try to implement
them, but without the support of the faculty members,
nothing will change” (Bates, 2000, p. 95). Leaders
much remember and honor the faculty role to ensure
the success of online learning initiatives.
Some feel that online education has become
mainstream rather than a new method that needs to be
justified (Kentnor, 2015), and that it may be an
improvement, or even at some future point, a
replacement for traditional face-to-face delivery
(Arasaratnam-Smith and Northcote, 2017). Others
observe that online education has been aimed at
access until recently, and is now focused on
improving educational quality and determining how
knowledge is “transmitted, preserved, and generated”
(Sener, 2012, p. 124). A perhaps unexpected outcome
of online learning has been greater interest in
instructional practices and improving teaching and
learning across all delivery modes (McPherson and
Baccow, 2015), which supports this future vision of
online learning contributing to better understanding
of knowledge acquisition across the board.
Leaders responsible for online learning
acknowledge the importance of faculty training and
instructional design services (Fredericksen, 2017),
yet is it unknown if or how these strategies and others
impact the achievement of strategic initiatives for
online learning. Leaders must identify not only how
to get faculty on board, but how to help them develop
motivation and skills for online learning and future
educational innovations. A larger goal is to improve
teaching and learning across delivery modes to ensure
that students are graduating with the outcomes
employers expect (Association of American Colleges
& Schools, 2015; Schneider, 2015).
This study involved a survey of deans at AASCB-
accredited business schools. The survey focused on
institutional strategies, challenges, and successes
based on issues identified in the literature related to
online learning. Factual information regarding
enrollments, degree levels, programs, length of time
online learning has been in place, percentage of
faculty teaching, and other particulars were also
collected. The survey had a combination of forced
choice and open-ended questions.
A total of 621 deans were invited to participate in
the online survey and e-mailed a link. E-mail
addresses were located through an internet search
based on a list of 800 AASCB schools. Of those for
whom e-mail addresses were obtained, 474 were in
the U.S. and 147 outside of the U.S. In total, 414 e-
mails were successfully delivered, 121 surveys
started, and 84 completed. The majority of
respondents were in the U.S. with 21 from outside the
U.S., (e.g., Canada, Australia, New Zealand,
Singapore, Hong Kong, Republic of China, Mexico,
Chile, Peru, and Lebanon). Quantitative survey data
was analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple
regression analysis techniques with dummy variables
created as needed. Qualitative data was analyzed
using the constant comparative method to identify
themes and subthemes in the deans’ comments to
determine those that were most representative across
In this section, we present factual program
information, descriptive statistics, and regression
analyses based on the survey results to inform the
purpose of the researchto explore current practices
for online learning in AACSB-accredited schools of
business and determine their impact.
Qualitative data related to the identification of
institutional strategies for online offerings indicated
that predominantly, deans were instituting distance
learning to increase enrollments and provide students
with flexible access to education, as noted in this
representative quotation: “Distance learning is an
initiative in our strategic plan to grow enrollment and
offer students more flexibility in completing their
degrees.” Another noted that “demand for online was
growing in popularity, so we knew we had to
respond.” Thus, there is a clear need to increase the
number of faculty teaching online to increase student
access. Survey results indicated that an average of
approximately 43% of full-time faculty in the
respondents’ schools of business was teaching online.
The majority of schools of business participating
in the study (44%) had been offering online courses
and degrees for 1-5 years, with 32% from 6-10 years,
and 25% over 10 years. As such, the majority were
relative newcomers to the online modality. The length
of time online courses had been offered predicted the
approximate percentage of full-time faculty who were
teaching online, demonstrating that programs can
expect a gradual increase in faculty involvement over
time. The regression results showed that: R= 0.26,
R²= 0.07, Adjusted R²= 0.05, F(1,79)=5.53, p=0.02.
A key issue identified by the deans in the
qualitative responses was faculty resistance. Still
challenged to address negative perceptions about
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
online and faculty resistance.” One explained further:
“Our current faculty are experts in a different kind of
teaching and learning, and the teaching philosophies,
strategies, and tactics they have learned are not
always well-suited to an online environment.”
Another agreed, stating: “The faculty are resistant to
training and development efforts. Some faculty are
not very good at teaching online.” A third dean
commented: “Senior faculty sometimes have a
difficult time reacting to change and want to turn the
clock back to only face-to-face. Other senior faculty
have recognized that creating online courses
improves their face-to-face courses. The more recent
hires have embraced online.” These comments
illustrate variation in faculty members’ reactions.
One reason for resistance was quality. One dean
described his key challenge as HUGE faculty
resistancefaculty think that an online course is an
inferior product.” Interestingly, deans indicated that
quality was impacted by the faculty themselves. As
noted earlier, deans shared that in some cases,
“faculty are not that good at it [teaching online].” As
such, while quality can be controlled through course
design, the faculty themselves may doubt their skills
or lack confidence in their mastery of online
pedagogy or technology.
One way to address resistance and the
development of needed skills is training. Training
was required by 58% of the schools represented and
optional in 42%; training positively predicted the
percentage of full-time faculty who taught online,
which could be partially explained by the fact that in
some cases, faculty were required to complete
training before being allowed to teach online. In
several cases, deans indicated that all faculty must
complete training before being allowed to be assigned
to a distance course.” In some ways, this strategy of
requiring training could act as an incentive for those
wanting to teach online. Even though it could be
perceived as a barrier by others, the results indicated
that training predicted higher percentages of full-time
faculty teaching online, with R= 0.29, R²= 0.09,
Adjusted R²= 0.07, F(1,73)=6.93, p=0.01.
One dean commented that in cases where training
was available but optional, “faculty do not take the
opportunity.” The same dean observed that the more
courses offered online, “the less [he sees] of faculty
in the building,” suggesting that changes in
organizational culture were also evident. In other
cases, respondents indicated that developing faculty
members’ online teaching skills also resulted in these
skills being transferred to their face-to-face courses.
“Faculty develop better instructional skills and take
those skills back to their campus classes.” In other
words, leaders and faculty must be prepared for a
range of consequences as the result of increasing the
prevalence of online learning, some which may be
considered less than ideal by some stakeholders.
Accompanying the need for training were
“bureaucratic challenges to instructor pay and
incentives outside of traditional model.” Frequently,
comments pertaining to this were made in connection
with training as in the following two quotations:
“Work load and compensation as well as adequate
training support is an ongoing issue.” “Faculty need
training, development, compensation and recognition
to ensure high quality online education.” The most
common recognition for faculty completing training
was a stipend (45%). In spite of this, however,
recognition for completing training did not predict
approximate percentage of full-time faculty in the
school of business who taught online, with R= 0.12,
R²= 0.01, Adjusted R²=0.00, F(3,51)=0.24, p=0.87.
Reasons for resistance were also explained as
follows: “We have experienced considerable push-
back because of the additional effort required and the
negative impact that this time has on the completion
of research.” Another dean agreed, indicating this
challenge: “Coordinating course offerings across
departments to support a variety of students while
ensuring faculty are not overloaded and we maintain
the required balance of research/tenure and tenure
track faculty and adjunct instructors to support the
need of online programs.” Both statements indicate
that balance is importantthe balance of teaching
and research and the balance of full- and part-time
instructors interacting with students in online courses.
The mean percentage of online courses offered by
the schools of business in the study was 22.72%,
which is relatively low. In schools where deans
indicated their course enrollments were increasing,
the percentage of full-time faculty teaching online
was not increasing, perhaps suggesting the need to
hire part-time faculty to fill the gap. A regression to
explore this showed R= 0.15, R²= 0.02, Adjusted R²=
0.01, F(1,78)=1.80, p=0.18.
These issues concerning the faculty role and the
ratio of full- and part-time faculty are critical to
faculty acceptance and involvement. Faculty will
most value what is rewarded, particularly when
tenure and promotion are at stake. In other words,
leaders must ensure that reward systems are aligned
with strategic planning and goals.
One approach to overcoming resistance is to take
specific measures to ensure quality. An
overwhelming 89% of respondents reported using
some type of quality evaluation procedures for online
education. The use of these standards predicted the
Online Learning in Schools of Business: Deans’ Perspectives on Faculty Issues
approximate percentage of full-time faculty in the
school of business who taught online. As such, this is
an effective practice, with R= 0.18, R²= 0.03,
Adjusted R²= 0.02, F(1,78)=2.75, p=0.05, one tailed.
However, although 42% of respondents indicated
evaluation processes increased faculty confidence
with another 36% neither agreeing or disagreeing,
regression analyses demonstrated that these
evaluation processes did not increase faculty
confidence in the quality of online offerings, with R=
0.08, R²= 0.006, Adjusted R²= 0.00, F(1,68)=0.40,
Fewer than half of the faculty in the schools
represented, on average, is teaching online. This is an
issue due to increasing demand for online programs
and the need for business schools to provide
flexibility and access to diverse populations of
learners and to remain competitive with other
schools. Findings also indicate that school of business
deans are struggling with some common issues,
namely faculty resistance in a variety of forms,
balancing the number of full- and part-time
instructors, the need for faculty training and
professional development to foster appropriate skill
sets, and quality. These issues also reflect those
reported in the literature.
The main takeaways from the research are
summarized and discussed below.
The majority of business schools have been
offering online education for 1-5 years. As such,
they are relatively new to this modality and their
capacity and expertise is evolving.
The number of faculty teaching online is not
keeping pace with increasing online enrollments.
This is a significant issue and requires leaders to
explore reasons for this (e.g., resistance) and
implement appropriate strategies. The latter
might include instructional design support,
hiring new faculty with the expectation they will
teach online, requiring training to build needed
skills, nurturing faculty-to-faculty mentoring,
aligning rewards or performance evaluations
with desired behaviors, or other incentives.
Otherwise, more part-time faculty will need to be
hired, which may result in an imbalance in the
ratio of full- and part-time faculty teaching
Faculty resistance is a significant barrier to
expanding online offerings. Reasons vary, but
predominantly include the following:
o Faculty do not possess the skills for it.
o Faculty believe that the quality of online
learning is lower than traditional face-
to-face learning.
o Senior faculty tend to be more resistant
to online delivery than junior faculty.
Those leading online initiatives might
consider identifying the root causes of faculty
resistance in order to determine how to address
this issue. Are the faculty blaming quality simply
because they do not want to teach online? Do
they not want to teach online because they are
satisfied with the status quo? Do they not
understand that online learning is more than
grading assignments and that they can actually
teach (albeit in different ways)? Are they worried
about a lack of interaction with students? Greater
understanding of the issues is needed and better
communication about what online learning
Teaching online is perceived as increasing
faculty workload and negatively impacting
research time. As such, schools of business must
prioritize their strategic initiatives for online
learning and find ways to fund them. This might
include decreasing class size, hiring teaching and
research assistants, and providing student and
faculty support staff and resources. Additionally,
institutional and program mission statements
must be guide what activities are prioritized and
rewarded and the balance expected between
teaching and research.
Along with workload, incentives and
compensation were concerns. Approaches to this
vary and depend on context. Some institutions
offer incentives for designing or teaching online
courses. These can range from fairly
conservative stipends to those that are quite
generous. In other cases, institutions view online
course design and teaching as a normal part of
what a faculty member does and do not offer
additional monetary compensation. These
strategies may depend on the degree to which
online teaching is embedded in the institutional
Faculty training at the majority of schools is
required. When it is not, faculty tend to not
participate. Those who do, however, may
transfer what they learn to other learning modes,
thus requiring such training should be seriously
considered. In some contexts, pedagogical
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
training is required of all new faculty members
as although they have all been trained in their
disciplines, most have not been trained in
teaching. Many faculty welcome these types of
professional development opportunities,
particularly new faculty who are eager to learn
how to engage with students. Participating in
professional development teaching programs can
be acknowledged through the tenure and
promotion process and through other forms of
certification or recognition, such as Higher
Education Academy Fellowships (Advance HE,
Organizational culture and change are impacted
by online learning initiatives, evident by fewer
faculty being present on campus on a regular
basis and the carryover of new skills gained
through online course design and teaching to
traditional teaching. Some of this may be
perceived as positive while in other cases, it
could be considered negative. Change is
inevitable but must be managed well and focused
on a common vision and the establishment of
agreed-upon and specific goals to enable
achievement of that vision.
This study also makes a significant contribution
in terms of identifying practices that predict more
faculty teaching online. These include the following:
Training positively predicted the percentage of
full-time faculty teaching online.
Recognition for completing training did not
predict the percentage of full-time faculty
teaching online.
The length of time online courses/programs had
been in existence predicted more faculty teaching
The use of quality evaluation measures predicted
the percentage of full-time faculty teaching
Increases in student enrollments did not predict
the percentage of full-time faculty teaching
Course evaluation processes did not increase
faculty confidence in the quality of online
Given these outcomes from the study, leaders
have a clear directiveimplement training or review
the effectiveness of current training and rewards,
understand that change evolves over time and do not
let up (Kotter, 2008), ensure the efficacy of quality
evaluation, take measures to make sure that the
number of full-time faculty teaching online keeps
pace with increasing online enrollments, and
determine root causes of faculty concerns to address
lack of confidence in online learning on the part of
faculty members. Specific ideas for addressing many
of these issues were discussed earlier in this section.
Leaders wanting to implement organizational
change and ensure that it becomes embedded in the
culture might consider the use of change models such
as Kotter’s 8-steps (2002, 2008) or Bolman and
Deal’s (2017) reframing. Reframing involves
viewing organizational change through four frames
structural (strategy, goals, responsibilities, reporting
lines), human resource (people’s needs, personal
growth, job satisfaction), political (conflict
resolution, power base-building), and symbolic (a
motivating vision, sense of purpose, celebrations that
recognize performance). Reframing provides leaders
with a comprehensive approach to leading change
initiatives and greatly increases the likelihood of
Education is a “partnership between [higher
education providers] and students with the goal of
providing accessible yet manageable learning
opportunities for a wide range of people (Higher
Education Academy, 2015, p. 4). This study has
shown that schools of business are actively pursuing
this goal, yet are faced with significant challenges, as
are other programs and institutions that are
implementing online learning. It is generally
acknowledged that “despite the current drawbacks,
online education is still the best prospect for the future
provided the barriers of faculty assessment and course
design are addressed (Nash, 2015, p. 80). As such,
this study provides specific, actionable findings to
assist leaders in the effective implementation of
online learning in schools of business and beyond.
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Online Learning in Schools of Business: Deans’ Perspectives on Faculty Issues