Automated Measurement of Technical Debt: A Systematic Literature
Ilya Khomyakov, Zufar Makhmutov, Ruzilya Mirgalimova and Alberto Sillitti
Innopolis University, Russian Federation
Technical Debt, Measurement, Literature Review.
Background: Technical Debt (TD) is a quite complex concept that includes several aspect of software devel-
opment. Often, people talk about TD as the amount of postponed work but this is just a basic approximation
of the concept that includes many aspects that are technical and managerial. If TD is managed properly, it
can provide a huge advantage but it can also make projects unmaintainable, if not. Therefore, being able of
measuring TD is a very important aspect for a proper management of the development process. However, due
to the complexity of the concept and the different aspects that are involved, such measurement it not easy and
there are several different approaches in literature.
Goals: This work aims at investigating the existing approaches to the measurement and the analysis of TD
focusing on quantitative methods that could also be automated.
Method: The Systematic Literature Review (SLR) approach was applied to 331 studies obtained from the three
largest digital libraries and databases.
Results: After applying all filtering stages, 21 papers out of 331 were selected and deeply analyzed. The
majority of them suggested new approaches to measure TD using different criteria not built on top of existing
Conclusions: Existing studies related to the measurement of TD were observed and analyzed. The findings
have shown that the field is not mature and there are several models that have almost no independent validation.
Moreover few tools for helping to automate the evaluation process exist.
A keen competition among companies for customer
satisfaction is one of the reasons behind the contin-
uous pressure to produce high-quality and maintain-
able source code in continuously reduced timeframes
(Kan, 2002). Several studies has been performed
focusing on the activities of the developers (Coman
and Sillitti, 2007) (Coman and Sillitti, 2008) (Moser
et al., 2008) (Coman et al., 2014) and considering
code quality as the main criterion for releasing a prod-
uct could lead to consume an excessive amount of re-
sources (Corral et al., 2014). However, this criterion
is critical to achieve a high level of customer satisfac-
tion and the quality of the product is often a prereq-
uisite to achieve success. Consequently, companies
focusing on the quality of their product usually have
a better market success (Boehm et al., 2001).
There are situations in which it is required to re-
duce the development time to achieve a minimum
working product. This is a typical situation of startup
companies that have very aggressive schedules to de-
liver the product that allows them to survive. In such
context, the sub-optimal decisions that decrease the
quality of the system lead to a strategic TD (Tom
et al., 2013). This allows the company to deliver
the product for which the customer pays allowing the
company to survive. In any case, companies should
be aware that in the long run such sub-optimal deci-
sions require additional effort in the future to fix the
product (Coman et al., 2008) (Corral et al., 2013).
This phenomenon was originally described by
Ward Cunningham in 1992 (Cunningham, 1992) in-
troducing the concept of TD. There are many more
sources of TD that have been investigated recently
that involve communication, collaboration among
team members, documentation, and individual atti-
tudes (Tom et al., 2013) (Lenarduzzi et al., 2017).
Since TD is a way of measuring the effort needed
to achieve top quality in a software system compared
to the current status, it is of paramount importance
being able of measuring (or estimating) it. The im-
portance of such an activity is proved by the simple
fact that most of the software projects have some TD
Khomyakov, I., Makhmutov, Z., Mirgalimova, R. and Sillitti, A.
Automated Measurement of Technical Debt: A Systematic Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0007675900950106
In Proceedings of the 21st Inter national Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 95-106
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Falessi et al., 2013). Being able to estimate TD al-
lows development teams and the manager to plan the
work properly.
It may also happen that TD is too high to be payed
(Chatzigeorgiou et al., 2015), requiring different ap-
proaches to address it (e.g., rewriting the system).
However, knowing that and how the system reach that
condition could help in the identification of past mis-
takes and improve the development.
Moreover, the measurement of TD should be per-
formed automatically to avoid increasing the load of
the developers and being able to monitor that continu-
ously. This is particularly useful in conjunction to the
usage of Agile approaches that can use such informa-
tion to adapt iterations continuously.
For all these reasons, being able of measuring au-
tomatically TD is of paramount importance to support
the daily work of developers. There are many differ-
ent approaches to TD in literature and this paper pro-
vides an extensive analysis pointing out the current
status of the research.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 de-
scribes the adopted methodology; Section 3 discusses
the findings; Section 4 investigates the related work;
Section 5 analyzes the threats to validity; finally, Sec-
tion 6 draws the conclusions and introduces future
The protocol adopted for this Systematic Literature
Review (SLR) is the one introduced by Kitchenham
and Charters (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007) for
performing such reviews in the software engineering
The main goal of this work is to review existing
studies and highlight the aspects related to TD mea-
surement, therefore we have defined the following re-
search questions:
RQ1: Which are the existing techniques for mea-
suring TD?
RQ2: Which are the tools that support the automa-
tion of the measurement of TD?
RQ3: Are there any empirical studies able to
demonstrate the usefulness of the identified tech-
RQ4: Are there any empirical studies able to
demonstrate the usefulness of the tools identified?
To answer the research questions, we have
searched for papers using the three largest digital li-
braries: ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, Google
Since only studies focusing on TD as main topic
are interesting for our purpose, we suppose that their
title or abstract include the key word technical debt.
Consequently, we used appropriate queries for each
library. The data have been extracted in August 2018,
when the study was started.
Only certain papers should be included to the fi-
nal result: containing abstracts, considering TD as a
main topic, written in English. No year constraint was
specified, since we aimed at collecting all appropriate
data despite of the date.
Many publications found in the digital libraries
were not appropriate for our study since we were
interested in primary studies published in referred
workshops, conferences, and journals. Therefore, we
excluded documents such as: summaries of work-
shops, tutorials, introductory descriptions of confer-
ences, research plans, presentations, not primary stud-
ies. Therefore, we excluded all the documents that
were not proper research papers.
Finally, we manually excluded all the papers not
related to our research that passed the previous filters
but still included in the list. The selection was per-
formed after reading the entire content of the papers.
We found 603 papers distributed as follows: ACM
Digital Library (111), IEEE Xplore (194), Google
Scholar (298).
As expected, there was a significant overlap in the
papers found in the different libraries. Therefore, the
first step was merging the results and removing dupli-
cates. Finally, at the end of the process, we selected
21 papers. The overall selection process is summa-
rized in Figure 1 (the numbers on the arrows show the
amount of papers that passed each phase):
Step 1: Merging all Papers from Data Sources.
The initial list included 603 papers but many du-
plicates were present. The identification of the
duplicates was performed manually to avoid prob-
lems with minor character differences in the titles
and in the author names. At the end, we had a list
of 331 unique papers.
Step 2: Applying Exclusion Criteria. At this
stage, we applied the exclusion criteria resulting
in a selection of 274 papers. At this stage we still
kept in the list the secondary studies.
Step 3: Excluding not Primary Studies. At this
stage, we identified the secondary studies (e.g.,
systematic reviews, systematic mappings, etc.)
that were removed from the list and analyzed in
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Steps of the selection process.
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Figure 2: Distribution of papers related to TD measurement
over the years.
Section 4. The secondary studies identified are 10
and the list is reduced to 264 papers.
Step 4: Considering Studies Related to Mea-
surement of TD. Reading the title and the ab-
stract of the 264 papers, we identified the studies
related to the measurement of TD. We identified
38 papers distributed between 2011 and 2018 as
described in Figure 2.
Step 5: Quality Assessment. We read the 38 pa-
pers identified and we excluded 17 of them since
they were not dealing with the measurement of the
technical debt even if from the title or the abstract
they appeared appropriate for our investigation.
3.1 RQ1: Which are the Existing
Techniques for Measuring TD
The identified studies have been analyzed in terms of
proposed techniques, their requirements about input
data needed for the calculation of TD, the resulting
information, advantages and disadvantages of the ap-
proach. Table 5 summarises the techniques identified
while Table 1 compares the input required by the dif-
ferent techniques and Table 2 the output generated.
Letouzey (Letouzey, 2012) proposed a method for
TD evaluation named Software Quality Assessment
Based on Lifecycle Expectations (SQALE), which is
described as an answer to the need for an objective
and standardized open-source method with low false
positives. At the official website of the method
there is a list of several tools able to analyze the code
written in different languages.
The method defines how to formulate and orga-
nize non-functional requirements that can affect code
quality defining a herarchical structure of character-
istics and sub-characteristics similar to the ISO qual-
ity model. SQALE has been developed to be auto-
mated and considers several properties of the code
but two main aspects are not taken into account. The
first one is that non-conformities for business or op-
erations are not considered important by any index
of SQALE (considering version 1.0 (Letouzey and
Ilkiewicz, 2012)). The second one is that there is
no definition of the level of implementation of the re-
CAST (Curtis et al., 2012) presents a formula
with flexible parameters to measure TD. That flexi-
bility implies the possibility of adjusting the param-
eters to the specificity of a particular organization.
The approach defines five Health Factors that have
a different impact on the overall TD: Changeability
(30%), Transferability (40%), Robustness (18%), Se-
curity (7%), Performance Efficiency (5%).
Violations in each area are rated according to their
severity and a formula is applied for calculating the
final value of the debt. The approach has been eval-
uated on 745 business applications containing more
than 10 KLOC using the CAST proprietary Applica-
tion Intelligence Platform.
The SIG/TUViT approach (Nugroho et al., 2011)
is based on a sound and quantitative approach for
measuring software quality from source code. More-
over, the estimation of TD is based on empirical data
using a model that is quite simple.
Mayr at al. (Mayr et al., 2014) define a model that
provides a combination of the benefits of the flexible
approaches to quality changes and the simplicity of
the SIG model. The approach requires only informa-
tion from static code analysis. The output is simple
as well, being the hours of work required to pay the
Skourletopoulos (2015) (Skourletopoulos
et al., 2015) developed a fluctuation-based modelling
approach to TD. It measures the amount of profit not
earned due to the under-usage of a given service and
Automated Measurement of Technical Debt: A Systematic Literature Review
Table 1: Input of TD measurement techniques.
Technique (method)
Number of
The hours
to fix each
The cost
of labor
Output data
from static
code analyzers
mobile service
Past changes
in the history
of the system
activity data
SQALE X X - - - - - - - -
CAST - - X X X - - - - -
SIG X - - - X X - - - -
A benchmarking-based model X - - - X X X - - -
A fluctuation-based
modelling approach
- - - - - - - X - -
Breaking Point for TD - - X X X - - - X -
LOC and Fan-In to Quantify
the Interest of SATD
- - - - - X - - - -
A framework for design level TD - - - - - X - - - -
A framework for estimating
interest on TD
- - - - - - - - - X
Modularity metrics for ATD - - - - - X - - X -
Detecting and quantifying SATD - - - - - X - - - -
considering the probability of over-usage of the se-
lected service that would lead to accumulated TD.
The hypothesis is that service capacity affects to ser-
vice choice, which is made with respect to the pre-
dicted fluctuations in the number of users over some
time and the way TD is gradually paid off. Con-
sequently, formulas for predicting appearance of TD
were developed, as well as tools for validating them.
Chatzigeorgiou (2015) (Chatzigeorgiou
et al., 2015) provide an estimation of a breaking point,
that is when debt becomes too large to be paid off.
The source code is initially assessed by fitness func-
tion based on the Entity Placement metric quantifying
coupling and cohesion. The approach is based on the
identification of the best design for a system. The cost
of reaching that best system with necessary refactor-
ings is calculated as well as number of versions lead-
ing to the breaking point. However, the authors point
out some issues to be considered:
only coupling and cohesion dimensions exist for
the method, but TD has many other aspects
maintenance effort means not just adding lines of
code, but deleting and modifying them
future maintenance effort cannot be predicted
solely on the basis of past maintenance tasks
Kamei et al. (Kamei et al., 2016) propose measur-
ing the self-admitted TD interest with code metrics
like LOC (because it well correlates with code com-
plexity metrics) and Fan-In (showing how much one
piece of code affects another one). They have vali-
dated the approach on the Apache JMeter project.
Marinescu (Marinescu, 2012) proposes a frame-
work exploring TD symptoms at design level. The
construction of such framework includes four steps:
1. definition of the principles for finding design de-
2. identification of a set of relevant design defects
3. estimation of the impact of each defect
4. the overall design quality is calculated
The framework also includes:
a coarse-grain approach to monitor the evolution
of TD over time
a more detailed approach that enables locating and
understanding individual flaws, which can lead to
a systematic refactoring
The approach has been applied in a case study
including 63 releases of two well known Eclipse
projects (JDT and EMF). However, the conclusions of
the case study cannot be generalized, considering the
restricted number of systems analyzed and the limited
number of design flaws that were included in the ac-
tual instantiation of the framework.
In the framework proposed by Singh et al. (Singh
et al., 2014), TD estimation is based on measures of
code maintainability obtained via static analysis and
interest estimation based on activity data obtained by
monitoring developer actions in the IDE. Main contri-
bution of the framework is the integration of a devel-
oper activity data with code metrics and to improve
the understanding of developer comprehension effort
resulting in an improved accuracy of the estimation.
Although the Architectural Technical Debt (ATD)
is difficult to measure, the Average Number of Mod-
ified Components per Commit (ANMCC) is a met-
ric proposed in (Li et al., 2014). However, commit
records may not exist anymore, therefore the authors
suggest to use Index of Package Changing Impact
(IPCI) and Index of Package Goal Focus (IPGF) in-
stead of ANMCC. The advantage of using such two
new metrics is the possibility of obtaining them di-
rectly from the source code. Then validation of cor-
relation of that metrics with ANMCC is performed.
However, the weakness of whole study is relying only
on results of projects developed in C#.
Maldonado et al. (Maldonado and Shihab, 2015)
examine code comments to identify and evaluate Self-
admitted Architectural Debt (SATD). The strength of
the approach is the usage of heuristics to eliminate
comments which are not likely to affect TD. In addi-
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Output of TD measurement techniques.
Technique (method)
of TD
amount of TD
Number of
SQALE X - - - - -
CAST - X - - - -
SIG - X X - - -
A benchmarking-based model - X - - - -
A fluctuation-based
modelling approach
- - - X - -
Breaking Point for TD - X X - X -
LOC and Fan-In to Quantify
the Interest of SATD
- - X - - -
A framework for design level TD X - - - - -
A framework for estimating
interest on TD
- - X - - -
Modularity metrics for ATD - - - X - -
Detecting and quantifying SATD - - - - - X
Table 3: Tools able to support the automation of the measurement of TD.
Technique (method) Ref Tool Tool URL
Open source
SQALE (Letouzey, 2012) SonarQube yes
MIND yes
FindBugs yes
Breaking Point for TD (Chatzigeorgiou et al., 2015) JCaliper yes
A framework for design level TD (Marinescu, 2012) inFusion no
A framework for estimating interest on TD (Singh et al., 2014) Blaze monitoring tool no
Modularity metrics for ATD (Li et al., 2014) TortoiseSVN yes
LOC and Fan-In to Quantify the Interest of SATD (Kamei et al., 2016) Understand no
JDeodorant yes
Detecting and quantifying SATD (Maldonado and Shihab, 2015)
SLOCCount yes
tion, the method classify comments to different types
of SATD.
3.2 RQ2: Which are the Tools that
Support the Automation of the
Measurement of TD?
TD measurement techniques often require a large
number of input data that require a large amount of ef-
fort to be extracted. Therefore, tools are of paramount
importance to support development teams in the inte-
gration of TD measurement in their daily work. Ta-
ble 3 provides a summary of the available tools and
the methodology they implement.
SonarQube (Gaudin, 2009) implements the
SQALE method of TD evaluation. It is used for con-
tinuous inspection of code quality to perform auto-
matic reviews with static analysis of code to detect
bugs, code smells and security vulnerabilities in sev-
eral programming languages.
MIND (ManagIng techNical Debt) is an open
source tool which is, to the best of our knowledge,
the first tool supporting the quantification and visu-
alization of the interest (Falessi and Reichel, 2015).
Basically, it is a plug-in for SonarQube. MIND uses
a few metrics to count the interest:
Defect Proneness
Maximum Defects per 100 LOC Touched
Extra Defect Proneness
Maximum Extra Defects per 100 LOC Touched
Relative Extra Defect Proneness
Average Relative Extra Defect Proneness
Violation Density
Estimation Error
JCaliper (Chatzigeorgiou et al., 2015) was de-
signed to find the placement of entities that minimizes
the Entity Placement metric as a search-space explo-
ration problem. It automatically extracts the number,
type and sequence of refactoring activities required to
obtain the design without TD.
Blaze is a monitoring tool (Snipes et al., 2014)
recording temporal sequence of developer actions, in-
cluding code navigation actions and edit actions. The
log produced is subsequently analysed to figure out
class relationships and effort spent by a developer to
understand program elements.
TortoiseSVN allows extracting commit records
from standard SVN servers and any code repositories
supporting Subversion, such as GitHub. That records
Automated Measurement of Technical Debt: A Systematic Literature Review
are used by Li et al. (Li et al., 2014) to perform AN-
MCC metric checking.
JDeodorant (Tsantalis et al., 2008) is used in
(Kamei et al., 2016) for performing source code pars-
ing. In particular, the ability to extract a comment
and map it to its corresponding method is interesting.
Later in the paper, to calculate the interest that is in-
curred over time, 16 code metrics were extracted us-
ing the Understand tool (und, ). JDeodorant (Tsantalis
et al., 2008) is also used in (Maldonado and Shihab,
2015) to parse the source code and extract the code
comments. However, before that, the SLOCCount
tool (Wheeler, 2001) is applied to calculate SLOC in
Java files.
3.3 RQ3: Are there any Empirical
Studies able to Demonstrate the
Usefulness of the Identified
The empirical studies performed to validate the iden-
tified techniques are summarized in Table 4.
(Griffith et al., 2014) assessed three methods
((Letouzey, 2012) (Curtis et al., 2012) (Marinescu,
2012)) to find out if they effectively describe the re-
lationship between the quality of the system and the
level of TD.
Izurieta et al. (Izurieta et al., 2013) uses Nugroho
et al. (Nugroho et al., 2011) to exemplify the method-
A Benchmarking-based Model of Mayr et al.
(Mayr et al., 2014) is closely related to their earlier
work on benchmarking-oriented quality assessments.
Also it calculates the remediation cost in a way simi-
lar to the approach of CAST (Curtis et al., 2012).
Relevant code structure metrics in the framework
for estimating interest on TD (Singh et al., 2014) were
selected in such a way that related to maintainability
and TD in (Nugroho et al., 2011). Similar to the prior
work, static code metrics are used.
3.4 RQ4: Are there any Empirical
Studies able to Demonstrate the
Usefulness of the Tools Identified?
In (Parodi et al., 2016), TD was measured using two
static code analysis tools (Findbugs (Ayewah et al.,
2008) and SonarQube (Gaudin, 2009)). The goal was
evaluating if the code produced with the Test Driven
Development approach has a lower TD than code pro-
duced using other techniques. This two tools are
widely used in the community for measuring TD.
Other studies tested SonarQube: (Luhr et al.,
2015) use it for measuring TD in a particle tracker
system; (Monteith and McGregor, 2013) use it for
several calculation of TD in the software supply
chain; (Britsman and Tanriverdi, 2015) describes a
case study in Ericsson, where they had to observe TD
measurement tools to use them for evaluation system
creation based on ISO standard 15939:2007.
Investigating the different approaches for measuring
TD could be valuable to practitioners and researchers
to provide a better understanding of the field and iden-
tify research gaps. However, we were not able to iden-
tify any secondary study related to the research ques-
tions we listed in Section 2. Instead, several others
deal with TD in general.
The systematic mapping study of Li et al. (Li
et al., 2015) was initiated to find and analyze publica-
tions between 1992 and 2013 of TD and its manage-
ment. After the selection of 92 studies authors clas-
sified 10 TD definition, identified 8 TD management
activities, and collected 29 tools for the latter.
Another systematic mapping study of TD defini-
tions, Poliakov (Poliakov et al., 2015) has performed
full review of 159 papers. 107 definitions were sepa-
rated into keywords. Consequently, the main achieve-
ment of the research is built keyword map, supple-
mented by synonyms and types of TD.
Another literature review has been done by Alves
et al. (Alves et al., 2016) based on three research
questions. They evaluated 100 studies of 2010 - 2014
and proposed initial taxonomy of TD types, list of in-
dicators for identifying TD, and existing management
There is a study considering another aspect of the
phenomenon. Ribeiro et al. (Ribeiro et al., 2016)
state that the evaluation of appropriate time to pay
TD and applying an effective decision-making criteria
are an important management goals. Consequently,
authors identified 14 such criteria for development
teams. Also the results showed gaps where further
research can be performed.
Recently, Behutiye et al. (Behutiye et al., 2017)
considered a narrow field of study related to TD,
which means that they synthesized the state of the art
of TD and its causes, consequences, and management
strategies only in the context of agile software devel-
opment (ASD). In particular, after processing system-
atic literature review 38 primary studies, out of 346
studies, were identified and analyzed. Then five re-
search areas of interest related to the literature of TD
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 4: Identified techniques and the related empirical studies.
Technique (method) Based on Ref
SQALE previous version (Letouzey, 2012) (Letouzey and Ilkiewicz, 2012) (Griffith et al., 2014)
CAST - (Curtis et al., 2012) (Griffith et al., 2014)
SIG SIG quality model (Heitlager et al., 2007) (Nugroho et al., 2011) (Izurieta et al., 2013)
A Benchmarking-based Model benchmarking-oriented method (Gruber et al., 2010), CAST (Curtis et al., 2012) (Mayr et al., 2014) (Mayr et al., 2014)
A Fluctuation-Based Modelling Approach - (Skourletopoulos et al., 2015) (Skourletopoulos et al., 2015)
Breaking Point for TD CAST (Curtis et al., 2012), previous version (Ampatzoglou et al., 2015a) (Chatzigeorgiou et al., 2015) (Chatzigeorgiou et al., 2015)
LOC and Fan-In to Quantify the Interest of SATD - (Kamei et al., 2016) -
A framework for design level TD - (Marinescu, 2012) (Marinescu, 2012), (Griffith et al., 2014)
A framework for estimating interest on TD SIG (Nugroho et al., 2011) (Singh et al., 2014) (Singh et al., 2016)
Modularity metrics for ATD - (Li et al., 2014) (Li et al., 2014)
Detecting and quantifying SATD previous version(Potdar and Shihab, 2014) (Maldonado and Shihab, 2015) -
in ASD, as well as 12 strategies for managing it have
been found. Authors identified eight categories re-
garding the causes and five categories regarding the
consequences of incurring TD in ASD.
In the case of work performed by Besker et al.
(Besker et al., 2016) ATD is considered as affecting
to system success and able to cause expensive reper-
cussions, so the goal is to create new knowledge with
interest in ATD. Research efforts should be synthe-
sized and compiled for that. The main contributing
outcome of the paper is a presentation of a novel de-
scriptive model, providing comprehensive interpreta-
tion of ATD phenomenon.
Finally, the last related work focuses on a specific
view of TD. Employing a method for syntactic liter-
ature review and applying it to seven digital library
studies sources Ampatzoglou et al. (2016) (Ampat-
zoglou et al., 2015b) analyzed financial aspect of TD.
Authors conclude that the communication between
technical managers and project managers is benefi-
cial, because a vocabulary will be provided, and high-
quality goals will be set up. In order to achieve this,
they introduced a glossary of terms and a classifica-
tion scheme for financial approaches.
The main threats to validity identified are the follow-
Although the applied guideline (Kitchenham and
Charters, 2007) recommends to consider about
seven digital libraries for performing an exhaus-
tive search, in our case only three have been cho-
sen. The reason of it is that other sources contain
very few unique papers compared to the ACM and
IEEE digital libraries. Moreover, to avoid missing
important papers we used Google Scholar that in-
dex almost everything.
Constructing appropriate search string is a tricky
task, since the title of some studies we are inter-
ested in does not include our key words, we de-
cided to extend the search to the abstracts. Since
we are interested in studies focusing on TD, we
suppose that the key word is mentioned in the ab-
A way of automatically merging the outcome lists
from that libraries is risky, since even a single dif-
ferent symbol in title might affect the result. For
that reason, duplicates were identified and elim-
inated manually during the creation of a merged
It may happen that some information has not been
considered in our study since some papers could
have been accidentally skipped or not present at
the time of the query (August 2018).
This study provides an overview of the available ap-
proaches to the measurement of TD and the tools able
to support its automation. The research in the field is
very active but there is a lack of validation and evolu-
tion of the models. In particular, in almost all cases,
models are developed from scratch and not refining or
extending existing ones. This shows a very low level
of maturity of the field in which it is not clear which
is the best approach(s) to follow. Moreover, there is
a need of independent validation since nearly none of
the models have been independently evaluate but the
evaluation is usually performed by the proponents of
the approach.
About the tools, they usually require a complex
setup, they support a limited number of programming
languages, and the results provided are quite differ-
ent. They also use very different measurement units.
Finally, most of the tools are able to estimate only
the main TD (sometimes called remediation cost),
whereas also knowledge of its interest (sometimes
called non-remediation cost) would complete the pic-
Overall, both methodologies and support tools re-
quire a relevant amount of research to become really
usable in practice.
Automated Measurement of Technical Debt: A Systematic Literature Review
Table 5: Techniques with input, output, and calculation.
Technique Input Calculation Output Ref
SQALE 1. Target
quality level
(a list of non-
that define right
2. Debt-
model (as-
sociate each
with remedia-
tion function
turning number
of noncom-
pliances into
a remediation
Run the code through the anal-
ysis tools and use remediation
functions to work out remedia-
tion costs for each element.
TD is the sum of remediation
costs for all noncompliances.
This debt is called the SQALE
quality index (SQI).
Design symp-
toms of TD
(Pyramid -
an indicator
to represent
the specific
distribution of
TD for eight
and Ilkiewicz,
CAST 1. Number of
should-fix vio-
lations in an ap-
2. The hours
to fix each vio-
3. The cost of
high-severity violations) x
(percentage to be fixed) x (aver-
age hours needed to fix) x ($ per
hour)) + ((
violations) x (percentage to be
fixed) x (average hours needed
to fix) x ($ per hour)) + ((
severity violations) x (percent-
age to be fixed) x (average hours
needed to fix) x ($ per hour))
(Curtis et al.,
SIG 1. Source code
2. Target qual-
ity level
3. The cost of
For the extraction of measure-
ment values from source code,
the Software Analysis Toolkit of
SIG is used.
RE = RF * (SS * TF) * RA
ME =
MF (SS (1 + r)
T F)
1. Remediation
2. Non-
(Nugroho et al.,
based Model
1. Static code
output data (ref-
erence projects)
2. Source code
3. Target qual-
ity level
4. The cost of
Tool support is available
(Ploesch et al., 2008) that
facilitates triggering code anal-
ysis tools as well as building
the benchmark database and
benchmark suite
1. the target quality level is
2. # of maximum allowed
violations is calculated
3. # of violations to be fixed is
4. # of violations to be fixed *
the estimated effort for fixing *
an hourly cost rate
(Mayr et al.,
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 5: Techniques with input, output, and calculation (cont.).
Technique Input Calculation Output Ref
A Fluctuation-
based Mod-
elling Approach
mobile service
Quantifying the TD during the
first year
= 12 [ppm (U
)] =
12 (U
) (ppm
from the second and onwards
= 12 [K
] M
]] =
12 (U
) (K
), i ¿ 1
amount of
et al., 2015)
Breaking Point
for TD
1. Number of
should-fix vio-
lations in an ap-
2. The hours
to fix each vio-
3. The cost of
4. Past changes
in the history
of the system
TD-Principal is calculated as a
function of first 3 input vari-
Interest = addedLOC (1
versions =
1. Remediation
2. Non-
3. Breaking
et al., 2015)
LOC and Fan-
In to Quantify
the Interest of
Source code 1. Extracting comments and
mapping them to its correspond-
ing methods
2. Determination of the change
over time in these SATD meth-
3. Determining metrics measur-
ing interest
4. Calculating the interest per
SATD instance
(Kamei et al.,
A framework
for design level
Source code 1. Select a set of relevant design
2. Define rules for the detection
of each design flaw
3. Measure the negative in-
fluence of each detected flaw
f law instance
f law type
f law type
f law instance
4. Compute an overall score
DebtSymptomsIndex =
f law instance
Design symp-
toms of TD
Automated Measurement of Technical Debt: A Systematic Literature Review
Table 5: Techniques with input, output, and calculation (cont.).
Technique Input Calculation Output Ref
A framework
for estimating
interest on TD
activity data
1. Establishing sessions
2. Calculate metrics related to
comprehension effort within a
3. Interest(I) = I
Static metrics show presence of
TD in classes Comprehension
effort metrics quantify effort to
comprehend the classes
(Singh et al.,
metrics for
Past changes
in the history
of the sys-
tem (commit
Source code
1. Parse the commit records
to extract needed data items for
ANMCC calculation
2. Filtering out data in commit
3. ANMCC = (
NMC(k +
A higher ANMCC entails poten-
tial increase in ATD
1. Code map generation (XML)
2. Code map parsing
3. Modularity metrics calcula-
A higher IPCI or IPGF indicate
less ATD
amount of
(Li et al., 2014)
Detecting and
Source code 1. Project Data Extraction (
release used, the number of
classes, the total source lines of
code, the total extracted com-
ments and the number of con-
2. Parsing the source code and
extracting the code comments
3. Filtering comments
4. Manual classification into ve
different types of SATD
# of comments
(number of
line, block,
and Javadoc
and Shihab,
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