A Pattern-based Process Management System to Flexibly Execute
Collaborative Tasks
Mamadou Lakhassane Cisse
, Hanh Nhi Tran
, Samba Diaw
, Bernard Coulette
and Alassane Bah
IRIT Laboratory, Jean Jaures University, Toulouse, France
IRIT Laboratory, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France
UMMISCO, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal
Keywords: Process Management, Process Execution, Multi-instance Task, Collaboration Process Pattern, Late-binding.
Managing collaborations during the execution of a process is complex and challenging, especially for man-
aging the collaboration inside a task having multiple instances performed by various actors. Existing process
management approaches propose either a rigid control for conducting such collaborative tasks or no control
at all. Aiming at a more flexible way to execute and control multi-instance tasks, we investigate a solution
based on late-binding mechanism to allow actors choosing dynamically suitable strategies to perform their
collaboration. First, we propose a process modeling language which focuses on describing multi-instance
tasks and their dynamic instances at execution time. Second, this language is then used to represent patterns
capturing reusable collaboration strategies. A prototype of a pattern-based Process Management System has
been developed to demonstrate the possible flexible execution of collaborative tasks.
Collaborative processes have to deal with dynamic
and complicated relationships between participants of
a given project. Thus, they should benefit from pro-
cess management methods and tools which, based on
the information flows described in the process model,
allow coordinating the activities performed by pro-
cess actors at process execution time. Conventionally,
a task is the smallest unit of work in a process sub-
ject to management accountability. Existing process
management systems focus on coordinating process’s
tasks but pay less attention to managing the collabo-
ration of actors inside a given task to achieve a com-
mon goal. In general, there are two usual approaches
to deal with the collaboration inside a task: (1) rep-
resenting the collaborative task only in the process
model but ignoring interactions among actors during
its enactment; (2) refining the inner steps inside the
task concerning actors and describing these sub-tasks
in the process model so that they are manageable dur-
ing process execution. In the first case, the collabo-
ration at runtime is not monitored and controlled, in
the second case, the collaboration is controlled but is
rigid and cannot adapt to evolving contexts, for exam-
ple when the number of task’s actors changes.
Many works have been done on designing collab-
oration strategies (Briggs et al., 2006; Kolfschoten
and de Vreede, 2007), on modeling collaborations
(Lonchamp, 1998; Hawryszkiewycz, 2005; Kedji
et al., 2012; Antunes et al., 2013; Gallardo et al.,
2013). However, there have been few studies about
assisting and controlling the execution of collabora-
tive processes, especially to allow the collaboration
to evolve according to the process application context
(Ariouat et al., 2016).
Motivated by this lack when working on model-
ing and execution of collaborative processes (Cisse
et al., 2018), we have been investigating a solution
for executing collaborative tasks in a flexible way. We
are interested in a special form of collaborative tasks,
so-called Multi-Instances Tasks (MIT). At execution
time, a single task is instantiated once and the task in-
stance is performed by an actor playing the required
role. An MIT needs several instances to accomplish
the task’s goal. The relationships among the instances
of an MIT depend on the collaboration strategy used
to realize the task’s goal. In order to enable a fine
control of an MIT’s enactment, these inter-instances
relations must be defined.
As an extension of the work in (Cisse et al., 2018),
this paper presents our proposition to allow executing
flexibly multi-instance tasks. The main steps are: (1)
defining a set of patterns to capture different collab-
Cisse, M., Tran, H., Diaw, S., Coulette, B. and Bah, A.
A Pattern-based Process Management System to Flexibly Execute Collaborative Tasks.
DOI: 10.5220/0007680702730280
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2019), pages 273-280
ISBN: 978-989-758-375-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
oration strategies that define typical relations at exe-
cution time among the instances of a multi-instance
task in specific situations; (2) using the patterns in
(1) to specify flexibly the inter-instances relations of
an MIT at execution time in order to allow actors
adapting their collaboration strategies according to
the project’s context.
The main contribution of this work is the proposal
of the late-binding mechanism to dynamically choose
the execution strategy of a multi-instance task. In or-
der to do so, we have defined a set of collaboration
patterns from which one is chosen at execution to con-
duct a particular strategy in a given project’s context.
A collaboration pattern captures a recurrent col-
laboration strategy that can be used at execution time
to perform a collaborative task in a specific context
of the application project. A collaboration pattern de-
scribes the typical relationships among the instances
of a collaborative task from two main perspectives:
the control-flow and the data-flow. The control-flow
perspective provides the execution order of task in-
stances, represented by the work-sequence relations
among the instances. The data-flow perspective spec-
ifies, via the task parameter relations, the data manip-
ulated, exchanged or shared by the task’s instances.
In contrast to the modeling patterns proposed in (Lon-
champ, 1998), (der Aalst et al., 2003) and (Vo et al.,
2015) that are applied at modeling time for describ-
ing collaboration scenarios, our collaboration patterns
(see Section 2.2) are applied dynamically at execution
time to generate the detailed model of running collab-
orative tasks.
A loosely specified collaborative task at model-
ing time needs to be completed at execution time to
enable a controlled flexible execution. To do so, we
use the late-binding mechanism to select dynamically
a suitable collaboration pattern and use it as a tem-
plate to generate the inter-instances relations for the
collaborative task. To enable adapting the execution
of a collaborative task to the evolution of a project
context or to change collaboration strategy during the
execution, a collaborative task can be bound to differ-
ent collaboration patterns. Generally, the main factors
that can impact the choice of a collaboration are con-
straints on the availability of resources (humans, time,
tools etc.) or constraints on the order of manipulating
or producing the inputs and outputs. Selecting (semi-)
automatically a suitable pattern is out of scope of this
Furthermore we have also defined an operational
semantics that enables the application of collabora-
tion patterns to make the execution of collaborative
tasks flexible. Due to space constraint, this semantics
is not presented here.
The paper is structured as follow. Section 2
presents first our executable process modeling lan-
guage used to describe collaborative tasks and the re-
lations among their instances at execution time, and
second collaboration patterns for MITs execution. A
prototype implementing our work is described in Sec-
tion 3. We discuss in Section 4 some related works
and summarize in Section 5 our contributions as well
as our perspectives.
To enable a fine-grained control of collaboration dur-
ing process execution, both the structural and behav-
ioral aspects of collaborative tasks must be known.
Aiming at a flexible execution, we define these as-
pects of a collaborative task in two times: at mod-
eling time, only the task’s structural elements (e.g.
performing role, used artifacts) are described, then
at execution time, when the task is instantiated into
several instances, the relations among the task’s in-
stances (e.g. work-sequences, exchanged-data) will
be specified according to the used collaboration strat-
egy and in this way reflect the task’s behavior. The
challenge for such an approach is how to generate at
execution time the behavioral model of a collabora-
tive task without requiring process actors to go back
to the modeling phase.
Dealing with this issue, first in Section 2.1 we pro-
pose the Executable Collaborative Process Modeling
Language (ECPML) which is composed of two pack-
ages allowing to represent the process elements at
modeling time (ECPML Core ) and their dynamic in-
stances at execution time (ECPML Execution). Then
in Section 2.2 we propose a catalog of collaboration
patterns that can be bound dynamically to a collab-
orative task instance at execution time to define its
2.1 Executable Collaborative Process
Modeling Language
Figure 1 shows an extract of the meta-model
of our Executable Collaborative Process Model-
ing Language (ECPML). This language is in-
spired from SPEM (OMG, 2008) for the ele-
ments of ECPML Core. The concepts represent-
Execution were defined by ourselves be-
cause SPEM does not provide elements concerning
process execution.
The Figure 1a defines the process elements and
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 1: Extract of the meta-model defining the ECPML. ”instance of” dependency abstracts the instantiation links between
concepts of ECPML Core and ECPML Execution.
the relations among them. Our main focus in this
paper is the Task concept representing a manageable
unit of work. A Role is an abstract entity represent-
ing some qualifications. The relation TaskPerformer
allows to specify a specific role required to perform
a given task. WorkProduct represents concrete, tan-
gible entities used or produced during the execution
of a task via the relation TaskParameter. The rela-
tion WorkSequence between two tasks represents the
constraint on the orders to execute the tasks. Our lan-
guage distinguishes two types of task: a SingleTask
which has only one instance at execution time and a
CollaborativeTask which can have several instances
at execution time.
The Figure 1b defines the concepts used to repre-
sent the execution of a process, i.e. the dynamic in-
stances created at execution time from the elements
defined at modeling time in a process model. The
relation instance of represents the mapping between
the two packages of the meta-model. As an example
we can say: a Task at modeling time is instantiated
at execution time into one or many TaskInstances; a
WorkProduct at modeling time is instantiated at exe-
cution time into one or many WorkProductInstances.
A Role is played by one or many Actors at execu-
tion time. The relations between the instances are the
same as those defined between their modeling con-
cepts. Concretely, a TaskInstance can have TaskIn-
stanceParameter relations with the WorkProductIn-
stances that it uses or produces, a TaskInstance has
a TaskInstancePerformer relation with the Actor who
enacts it and a TaskInstance can have TaskInstanceSe-
quence relations with other task instances to specify
their execution orders.
Focusing on controlling the execution of an MIT
performed by several actors, we distinguish Single-
TaskInstance (STI), which is an instance of Single-
Task, and CollaborativeTaskInstance (CTI), which is
an instance of CollaborativeTask. An STI is the
main executable element representing a unit of work
assignable to a single actor. A CTI is composed of
several STIs performed by separate actors.
We present in Figure 2 the example Writing pro-
cess modeled in ECPML. It contains two single tasks
WriteDocument and ReviseDocument, each one being
performed by one actor playing the role Author, and
a collaborative task ReviewDocument which is per-
formed by several actors playing the role Reviewer.
Manuscript and Assessment represent the in and out
WorkProduct of the tasks.
Figure 2: Model of the Writing process in ECPML at mod-
eling time.
Controlling the execution of a process is essen-
tially coordinating the execution of different STIs. To
do so, the TaskInstanceSequence relations among the
TaskInstances must be known. However, only those
specifying the relations among the instance of differ-
ent tasks are defined in the process model and thus
known at modeling time. For example, from the pro-
A Pattern-based Process Management System to Flexibly Execute Collaborative Tasks
cess model in Fig. 2, we can know only the work-
sequences FS (i.e. Finish2Start) between the Write-
Document and the ReviewDocument, between the Re-
viewDocument and the ReviseDocument. However,
the relations among multiple instances of a collab-
orative task, i.e. among the STIs inside a CTI as
among the STIs of the ReviewDocument CTI, are not
described in the process model and need to be estab-
lished at execution time.
The inter-instances relations among the STIs of a
CTI are dependent on the collaboration strategy used
to carry out the task. In our approach, we use collabo-
ration patterns to capture such strategies and to reuse
these patterns as templates to define the relations be-
tween the STIs inside a CTI. The following section
presents how ECPML can be used to model collabo-
ration patterns and shows two representative patterns.
2.2 Patterns for Multi-instances Task
We have identified several patterns based on the way
the manipulated artifacts are shared. In this paper,
we consider only how the output artifacts that are
changed by the collaborative task are shared among
its instances. The input artifacts are implicitly con-
sidered as ”read-only” items shared by the instances
inside the collaborative task and are not shown in the
Using our own template, a pattern is presented
with its name, description, problematic, context of
use, and a solution described in ECPML. Presenting
the exhaustive list of these patterns is out of scope of
this paper. In the following, we present 2 representa-
tive patterns corresponding to the two main types of
execution: in parallel and in sequence.
2.2.1 Pattern Parallel Instances with Composite
Out Parameter
Problematic: need to realize a quick production of a
composite artifact made of independent parts
Context: This pattern serves to manipulate a com-
posite artifact regardless of the order of production
for the different parts. It means that those parts must
be independent. It can be used when all the resources
needed for the enactment of the collaborative task are
Description: Given a collaborative task T having one
output parameter P composed of n independent com-
ponents P
, this pattern is used to execute a set of n
single task instances t
inside the collaborative task in-
stance of T simultaneously. Each task instance t
manipulate separately an instance p
of the compo-
nent P
. The different task instances can be executed
at any time as there is no sequencing between them.
They should be executed in parallel to minimize the
execution time.
Solution: Figure 3 shows the models of PAR-
INSTANCES-COP pattern respectively at modeling
time, and at execution time with 2 task instances of
the collaborative task T .
Figure 3: Pattern PAR-INSTANCES-COP for a collabora-
tive task T.
2.2.2 Pattern Sequential Instances with
Composite out Parameter
Problematic: need for a progressive production of a
composite artifact made of dependent parts.
Context: This pattern serves to manipulate different
components of a composite artifact in a sequential
order determined by the dependencies among them.
This can happen when we need to divide the work on
the production of the composite artifact among sev-
eral actors according to their availability.
Description: Given a collaborative task T having one
output P which is composed of n dependent compo-
nents P
, i [1, n], this pattern is used to execute a se-
ries of n consecutive single task instances t
, i [1, n]
inside the collaborative task instance of T . Each task
instance t
manipulating an instance p
of the com-
ponent P
and is performed by a different actor play-
ing the same role. The execution order FS among the
task instances is imposed by the dependencies defined
among the components of P: the creation of P
+ 1
needs the completion of P
thus t
+ 1 (which works
on P
+ 1) has to follow t
(which produces P
). The
value of n can be given when the collaborative task is
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Solution: Figure 4 shows the models of SEQ-
INSTANCES-COP pattern respectively at modeling
time, and at execution time with 2 task instances of
the collaborative task T .
Figure 4: Pattern SEQ-INSTANCES-COP for a collabora-
tive task T.
As a dynamic entity, a TaskInstance has a lifecy-
cle composed of different states through which it goes
when executed. To allow deploying and executing
a multi-instance task, we need to define the task in-
stance’s lifecycle, its operational semantics. As men-
tioned above, the semantics of the behavior of the pro-
cess engine is out of scope of this paper.
Figure 5 describes the application of the pattern
SEQ-INSTANCES-COP presented in Figure 4 to de-
scribe the behavior of the collaborative task Review.
Notice that the resulting Review document is com-
posed of Alice Assessment and Bob Assessment.
Figure 5: Application of SEQ-INSTANCES-COP to define
the relations among the task Review’s instances.
As a proof of concept, we have developed the proto-
type CPE (Collaborative Process Engine), a process
management system supporting flexible execution of
multi-instance tasks so that users can choose, at enact-
ment time, appropriate collaboration strategies corre-
sponding to their organizational model. Figure 6 be-
low describes the general architecture of CPE.
Figure 6: General architecture of CPE.
CPE has two main components:
Process Editor allows process designers using
ECPML to model processes and collaboration
patterns then store them into Process Model
Repository and Patterns Catalog.
Process Engine supports process actors perform-
ing their process, i.e. instantiating the tasks de-
fined in their process model and managing the ex-
ecution of these tasks. Process actors choose a
process model in Process Models Repository to
execute and the process engine will generate the
dynamic instances of the process’s elements and
store them in the Instances Store. At execution
time, the process engine updates the process’s in-
stances, by using the operational semantics, to
evolve the process. To deploy a collaborative task,
the number of instances for each task can be given
by the project manager or imposed by the orga-
nizational model of the project. Then according
to the project characteristics, the project manager
chooses the most suitable collaboration pattern to
the project’s context, among those of the Patterns
Catalog, for executing each collaborative task.
The physical artifacts and human resources ma-
nipulated during the process execution are managed
by external Databases: Artifacts Management System
for artifacts and Resources Management System for
actors. These databases are connected to CPE which
manages just the references of artifacts and actors in-
side its InstancesStore.
Figure 7 shows a screenshot of the execution of
our motivating example in the prototype. In this step,
the manager chooses the most suitable pattern to de-
ploy the collaborative task Review. Given that all the
actors are available at the same time and the different
A Pattern-based Process Management System to Flexibly Execute Collaborative Tasks
document’s parts to be reviewed are independent, he
has chosen the pattern Parallel Instances Composite
Out Parameter.
Figure 7: Screenshot of the CPE prototype.
Thanks to CPE, the project manager can monitor
the execution of collaborative tasks and adapt the col-
laboration strategy for conducting collaborative tasks
at any moment according to the alteration of project’s
constraints and needs. CPE provides process actors
with not only the necessary functionalities to perform
their task (by verifying the condition to create, start,
end or assign resources to a task instance) but also a
global and real-time view on the progress of develop-
ment tasks (by showing the information about the col-
laborative task that he participates in: what is the cur-
rent state, who are other actors performing the task,
what are exchanged data, etc.).
Although CPE is helpful for all kinds of processes
which have multi-instance tasks, it can benefit partic-
ularly system and software processes which are of-
ten performed by several teams to produce different
parts of the final product. Moreover, generally sys-
tem and software processes’ projects have changing
contexts because of the evolution of product’s speci-
fication as well as the evolution of production’s con-
straints. The above characteristics make system and
software processes require more assistance and con-
trol during their execution - what is offered by our
There are some works (Hawryszkiewycz, 2005; Kedji
et al., 2012; Antunes et al., 2013; Gallardo et al.,
2013) addressing the modeling of a collaborative pro-
cess. Mostly they proposed constructs to model ac-
tivities that need to be coordinated during the process
execution but did not deal with the management of
collaborative tasks during execution.
Process patterns have been used to describe a set
of activities realized to solve common problem in a
software development lifecycle or in a business pro-
cess. The works in (Lonchamp, 1998; A. de Moor,
2006; Verginadis et al., 2010) proposed patterns cap-
turing best practices about organizing collaborative
activities. The mentioned works also focused only on
representing collaborative strategies at modeling-time
contrarily to our approach which studies the applica-
tion of collaborative strategies.
The work of (der Aalst et al., 2003) proposed a
series of workflow patterns representing typical solu-
tion for modeling and implementing processes. Their
work is used principally for evaluating the expressive-
ness of process modeling languages and the support-
ing capacity of process management systems. In con-
trast to us, they did not provide a formalized solution
to integrate the proposed patterns into a process sys-
Few works on multi-instance tasks have also been
investigated in the literature. In (Atwood, 2006), the
author proposed a way to represent loop of tasks or in-
dependent tasks. However, it focuses only on control-
flow between instances but ignores data-flow. (Sun
et al., 2006) also introduced patterns for multiple in-
stances activities. They dealt with the flexible exe-
cution by allowing a workflow management system
to perform an activity several times, not like us who
proposes defining the behavior of the system at ex-
ecution time. Although (der Aalst et al., 2003) pre-
sented some workflow patterns concerning the imple-
mentation of multi-instance tasks, it does not address
the question of using dynamically patterns to support
a flexible execution of collaborative as done in our
The flexibility of process execution is an impor-
tant challenge of the process community. One ap-
proach to handle this is allowing deviations inside
process environments i.e., detecting, tolerating and
managing deviations, as done in (da Silva et al., 2011;
Smatti and Nacer, 2014). Another approach is al-
lowing late-modeling or late-binding, i.e. the abil-
ity to deal with unpredictable situations by allowing
the process model to be partially unknown at design-
time and refined at run-time. As for (Dustdar, 2004),
they proposed a process-aware CSCW system sup-
porting process schemas that are created on-the-fly.
In (Charoy et al., 2006), authors introduced a Work-
flow management system allowing users to modify
the instance of a process, such as adding an activity.
It has been taken into account in the development of
the Bonita workflow management system. Compared
to the cited works, we also adopt the late-binding ap-
proach, but propose to use dynamically patterns to pa-
rameterize the behavior of the process engine and thus
make it flexible.
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
In (Tran et al., 2011), the authors defined pat-
terns for modeling process and a mechanism for ap-
plying patterns to refactoring process models. This
work does not tackle collaborative tasks. (Vo et al.,
2015) proposed also an approach to define and apply
collaboration patterns for software development mod-
eling. Compared to these pattern-based approaches,
our work allows dynamical application of patterns for
adapting the behavior of a running process at execu-
tion time.
Our current research focuses on the flexible manage-
ment of collaborative processes. Our work targets
the modeling and execution of collaborative tasks.
The work presented in this paper considers in partic-
ular multi-instance tasks which are instantiated sev-
eral times at execution and performed by different ac-
tors but all collaborating to produce a common result.
The objective of this work was providing a solution
to model partially multi-instance tasks and then us-
ing the late-biding mechanism to complete the tasks
behavior flexibly at execution time.
The main contribution of our work is the language
ECPML used to model collaborative process, both
structural and behavioral aspects, at modeling and ex-
ecution time. We have used ECPML to model a set of
collaboration patterns describing the typical behavior
models of multi-instance tasks. These patterns can be
bound to the structural model of a collaborative task
to complete the task information and thus allow man-
aging collaborative tasks. The execution of the col-
laboration is assisted by our prototype process man-
agement system CPE.
To improve the validation of our approach, we
need to apply it to other case studies and especially to
real projects. Indeed, it is always better to work with
real project data, but our objective is mostly to test
the set of collaboration strategies at execution time.
Adding new collaboration patterns is also desirable
but the limited set of collaboration patterns imple-
mented, so far, does not question the validity of our
approach. The proposition of more patterns, which is
one of our perspective, will not put at risk the scala-
bility of our approach since the search function com-
plexity of a suitable pattern is linear.
We aim also supporting more complex collabo-
rative task behaviors. Currently, we only deal with
patterns describing one kind of work-sequence rela-
tions among the single tasks instances of a collab-
orative task (for example Finish2Start). However,
sometimes in practice there are several kinds of inter-
instances relations inside a task. To support more
complex collaborations, we intend to investigate the
proposition of new patterns covering those situations.
We explore also the capacity of combining dynami-
cally collaboration patterns at execution time.
One of our perspective also is to investigate the
possibility of allowing a single task instance inside a
collaborative task instance to become itself a collab-
orative task instance during enactment. Indeed, it is
needed sometimes to allow a task to be refined into
several instances due to constraints (such as emer-
gency for a faster execution).
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pers, pages 248–262.
ENASE 2019 - 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering