visualize the behaviour of such systems. Nevertheless,
the UML already covers a wide spectrum of elements
and has a defined interface for extending the standard
notation. To address the still open research question,
this publication introduced different design templates
and a UML profile. Using these tools allows
expressing the behavioural characteristics of context-
aware systems in a clear and understandable way.
Therefore, we encourage to use the presented case
study as a reference for developing own models.
While the application of the proposed design
templates and profile in the stated use case was a
success, a large-scale evaluation is still missing. To
assess the approach more extensively, different
context-aware systems will be designed with help of
the proposed extension. Having a brother set of use
case applications will also provide a variety of example
implementations that other modellers can rely on.
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MODELSWARD 2019 - 7th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development