Towards Goal-oriented Analysis and Redesign of BPMN Models
Christophe Ponsard
and Robert Darimont
CETIC Research Centre, Gosselies, Belgium
Respect-IT SA, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Business Process Modelling, Goal-oriented Requirements Engineering, Model-Driven System Development,
Model Analysis, Model Improvement.
The Business Process Management lifecycle involves identifying, analysing and evolving the design of an
organisation’s tasks. Modelling plays a key role in those activities to capture the processes but also the related
goals representing the rationale behind them. While some mappings have been defined between such models,
they lack guidelines to support analysis or (re)design activities in order to improve processes in an evolving
organisation. The purpose of this paper is to propose a two-staged guidance: (1) a lightweight approach
leaving the goal model implicit but using goal reasoning techniques; and (2) an heavier approach where an
explicit goal model is explicitly built and mapped to support the redesign process. Our work is experimented
on a running case study inspired from a logistics system. Although still in progress, we were able to uncover
interesting problems and to suggest relevant redesigns.
A business process consists of a set of activities that
are performed in coordination in an organisational
and technical environment. These activities jointly
realise a business goal (Weske, 2012). Organisations
need to make sure that their business processes are
correctly defined and kept aligned with their strate-
gic goals. This is achieved through Business pro-
cess Management (BPM), a disciplined approach to
identify, design, execute, document, measure, mon-
itor, and control both automated and non-automated
business processes to achieve consistent, targeted re-
sults (ABPMP, 2011).
A typical BPM lifecycle is depicted in Figure 1.
The focus of this paper is on first two steps: the pro-
cess analysis and process redesign. In those steps, ex-
isting processes are first analysed and then modified
in order to address a number of weaknesses resulting
from possible evolutions of the organisation’s goals,
internal capabilities or changes in the environment.
Standard notations to capture business processes
are known to be widely available and adopted by com-
panies, especially the Business Process Modelling
Notation (BPMN) (OMG, 2011) is known by 64% of
companies and 40% are using model-oriented tooling
according a recent survey (Harmon, 2016). However,
the same survey also reveals that companies have not
yet reached a high level of BPM maturity given one
third of the companies seeing it as a rather static top-
down process. There is also little update in the doc-
umentation nor monitoring in more that half of the
Figure 1: Business process management lifecycle.
The benefits of capturing goals along with busi-
ness processes are well known: it helps focusing
on the relevant activities, exploring alternatives, as-
sessing how well a process operates and understand-
ing its impact on the whole organisation (Kueng and
Ponsard, C. and Darimont, R.
Towards Goal-oriented Analysis and Redesign of BPMN Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0007687405270533
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2019), pages 527-533
ISBN: 978-989-758-358-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
Kawalek, 1997). However popular notations like
BPMN provide little explicit support for goals and are
rather focusing on the operational side.
For strategic goal modelling, different architec-
ture enterprise frameworks are available. While the
Zachman framework (Zachman, 2003) only provides
the ability to list goals and to work with tables, TO-
GAF (The Open Group, 2009) can reference them in
composite diagrams enabling some graphical mod-
elling of business alignment. Archimate (The Open
Group, 2017) provides a more elaborated modelling
where goals can be organised hierarchically with
positive and negative contributions from more spe-
cific (e.g. IT) goals w.r.t. higher level (strategic)
goals. More elaborated goal models are also pro-
posed in the field of requirements engineering, e.g.
i* (Yu and Mylopoulos, 1997), KAOS (van Lam-
sweerde, 2009) or URN (International Telecommuni-
cation Union, 2012). Those can be used for dealing
with business process alignment. However generally
companies mostly focus on generic types of goals like
cost reduction, customer satisfaction, responsiveness
or specific risk management (e.g. governmental or fi-
nancial regulations). As a result, BPM must still ad-
dress many challenges related to the management of
the misalignment between business and IT, the deriva-
tion of IT goals from business goals, the reengineer-
ing processes and the adaptation to rapidly evolving
business processes (Alotaibi and Liu, 2017).
The aim of this position paper is to propose some
improvement over the current state of practice. Start-
ing from the assumption that a BPMN model is avail-
able, we propose to drive the improvement by a goal-
oriented process. We explore two non exclusive ap-
proaches: a lightweight approach based on generic
goals that can be inferred implicitly and a more in-
depth approach based on the construction of an ex-
plicit goal model and enabling more powerful goal-
based redesign tactics. Those approaches are dis-
cussed based on a running example which is a logis-
tics system operating between UK and Europe.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2
will remind some background on modelling with pro-
cesses (using BPMN as widely adopted method) and
goals (using KAOS as a representative variant). Sec-
tion 3 details the redesign approach based on an im-
plicit goal model while Section 4 explores the ap-
proach based on the construction of an explicit goal
model. Section 5 discusses our work in the light of
some related work. Finally, Section 6 concludes by
identifying our roadmap to further expand this work.
This section reminds about the structure of a BPMN
and of goal models by presenting their specific meta-
models and illustrating them on our case study which
is first introduce in textual form.
2.1 Case Study in Logistics
We consider a use case from the logistic domain, de-
scribing the process of shipping goods from the UK to
continental Europe. In this process, a truck needs to
cross the Strait of Dover, usually using an Euro Tun-
nel shuttle but in case of too high delay the ferry can
be considered as an alternative.
In the shipment process, a transport plan is first
prepared and is sent to the truck driver. The driver
then heads toward the check-in point at the Euro Tun-
nel. A monitoring can detect some delay and decide
to divert the truck route to take a ferry. Once arrived
at destination a local dispatch is organised.
2.2 Process Modelling
This paper will rely on the widely used BPMN no-
tation to model processes. BPMN is a specification
(currently in version 2) for the high-level represen-
tation of business processes (OMG, 2011). It pro-
vides a notation that can easily be understood both
by business analysts and technical developers. Figure
2 shows a simplified view of the BPMN meta-model.
Figure 2: Simplified BPMN meta-model.
The main concepts to define the behaviour of a
business process are Flow objects. There are three
types of Flow objects: Events, Activities and Gate-
ways. They can be connected to each other with Se-
quence Flows, Message Flows or Associations. Those
elements can also be grouped inside Pools and Lanes.
Finally a more abstract view can be given by group-
ing inter-pool messages using Conversations inside a
MODELSWARD 2019 - 7th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
dedicated diagram. Figure 3 illustrates a possible de-
livery process for our case study.
Figure 3: Ideal transport process.
2.3 Goal Modelling
Goal modelling was elaborated in the field of require-
ments engineering with different method variants dis-
cussed in the introduction. In the scope of this pa-
per, we will use KAOS as support. The developed
approach can however be transposed to other variants
because all notations share many common features
around the concepts of goal, refinement, agent and
responsibility for achieving the goal and operations/-
tasks that directly relate to the process dimension.
Figure 4: Goal meta-model (KAOS variant).
Although the goal part is central, a KAOS model is
actually structured on the following four sub-models
depicted in Figure 4.
The goal model structures functional and non-
functional goals of the considered system. It also
helps identify potential conflicts and obstacles re-
lated to goals and reason about their resolution. It
is graphically represented as a goal tree.
The object model captures all the concepts in-
volved in goal specifications. Its representation
is aligned with UML class diagrams and allows
structuring entities, relations, events and agents.
The agent model identifies the agents of both the
system and the environment as well as their inter-
faces and responsibilities. They can be shown as
part of goal trees or in more specific diagrams.
The operations model describes how agents
functionally cooperate to ensure the fulfilment of
the requirements assigned to them and hence the
system goals. A simplified form of business pro-
cess model is proposed by default but more elab-
orated notations like BPMN can come into play.
In KAOS, different abstraction levels to ex-
press goals can range from high-level strategic
goals like Achieve[Timely Dispatch of Orders from
UK to EU]” down to operational goals such as
Achieve[Transport through Eurotunnel]” depicted as
blue parallelograms in Figure 5. High-level goals
can be progressively refined into more concrete and
operational ones through relationships linking a par-
ent goal to several sub-goals, with different fulfil-
ment conditions using either ”AND-refinement” (all
sub-goals need to be satisfied) or ”OR-refinement” (a
single sub-goal is enough, i.e. possible alternatives
like Achieve[Transport through Ferry] as alternative
to Eurotunnel). The “WHY” and “HOW” questions
can be used to conveniently navigate to parent and
sub-goals, respectively. This results in a goal tree
structure. The goal decomposition stops when reach-
ing a goal controllable by an agent (i.e. a yellow
hexagon), i.e. answering the “WHO” question about
responsibility assignment. These goals are either re-
quirements on the software or expectations on agent
behaviours and are respectively depicted as blue and
yellow parallelograms with thick borders. Domain
properties or regulation can also be taken into account
to justify a refinement, like the maximal speed on a
road or the minimal time to cross the Eurotunnel.
Figure 5: Ideal transport process (with KAOS syntax).
Towards Goal-oriented Analysis and Redesign of BPMN Models
Although processes typically aim at achieving some
functional goal, standard BPMN models do not in-
clude explicit information about this rationale. The
situation is even worse for non-functional goal-
s/requirements (NFR). In this first and deliberately
lightweight approach, we choose not to build an ex-
plicit goal model but try to guess existing goals, chal-
lenge about missing goals and perform redesign di-
rectly in the BPMN model. The meta-process is illus-
trated in Figure 6 and is currently fully manual.
Figure 6: Redesign approach using implicit goal model.
3.1 Eliciting Goals from BPMN
We identified a number of clues that may reflect
some design rationale through different means such
as analysing the intent behind specific constructs (e.g.
the use of parallel tasks, or timers), identifying some
BPMN patterns (e.g. feedback loop until a condition
is met) and more generally our experience in decoding
BPMN diagrams. Table 1 gives a (non-exhaustive) list
of such clues. Of course, explicit requirements may
also have been documented using notes or in-diagram
3.2 Challenging Goals
Once goals have been identified, they can be con-
firmed and challenged using the questions proposed in
the last columns of Table 1. More systematic check-
lists, like SQuaRE (ISO, 2011), can also be applied
to avoid missing important NFR. Business processes
generally focus only on a few of them like perfor-
mance, reliability while others are less important (e.g.
usability is only relevant for ”manual” tasks).
3.3 Improving Business Processes
The use of the above check-lists should trigger a de-
sign thinking about the purpose of a specific design
and either confirm it or lead to some evolution. Such
reasoning even informal will typically uncover some
missing goals. At this point, modelling skills come
into play but the same table can also provide support
to guide enforcing those goals by using it in the re-
verse way.
Figure 7: Improved transport process for timing efficiency.
Considering our case, the conditional rule ”delay
at Eutotunnel” can be analysed as related to a goal
to avoid too much delay. However, in the proposed
design, this requirement is placed under the respon-
sibility of the driver and the company will only be
informed after the cross of the Strait of Dover. Figure
7 shows a more efficient design where the company is
responsible of monitoring Eurotunnel delays and no-
tifying the truck in advance. This design also gives
more control to the company.
Table 1: Non-exhaustive list of BPMN rationale indicators.
BPMN Possibly underlying goal Challenging question
Single end state Achievement goal What is the state reached ?
Final error state Non-critical requirement Where/How is the error managed ?
Conditional Business rule Does this condition reflects some business property that should be main-
tained ? How is it maintained more widely ?
Parallel tasks/loops Scalability requirement What is the load ? How dynamic is it ? Are enough processing resources
available ?
Conditional loop
on activity
Reliability requirement Does the condition reflect some milestone to reach or some key property that
should be kept enforced ?
Transaction ACID property What are related atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability require-
ments ?
Timer event Time-critical requirement Is the deadline hard ? How is it related to other deadlines ? Why is the
activity interrupted or not (if border event)?
Escalation event Transfer of responsibility What is the normal operation condition ? Who takes care outside those
conditions ?
MODELSWARD 2019 - 7th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
An explicit goal-based analysis proceeds according to
the more complex meta-process described in Figure
8, currently fully manual. It is detailed in the rest of
the section and may or not rely on a preexisting goal
model, In the later case, the goal model is built.
Figure 8: Redesign approach using explicit goal model.
4.1 Build/Enrich Goal Model
The clues detailed in Table 1 remains applicable,
especially to identify non-functional goals. How-
ever they can be refined in order to provide finer
grained rules for the model-to-model translation be-
tween business process and goal models. Such map-
pings have already been studied and taken into con-
sideration to build the consolidated Table 2 which
gives our current progress on this task.
In our case study, the three requirements of Fig-
ure 5 are directly derived from the process activities
of Figure 3. The goal structure can also be derived,
e.g. the main milestone (AND refinement) prepare-
transport-local dispatch as well as the transportation
alternative (OR-refinement) which is actually not to-
tally coherent with the BPMN: this should be a case
based AND-refinement as depicted in Figure 9.
4.2 Goal Analysis and Redesign
Goal analysis and redesign are considered to-
gether. They are performed using standard tech-
niques from goal-oriented requirements engineering
(GORE). Some useful techniques are:
analysis techniques for identifying incomplete
goal refinements that could result from the pre-
vious goal elicitation phase.
different goal refinement tactics and patterns to
produce correct refinements.
analysis techniques to identify correct agent as-
signment w.r.t. their monitor and control capabil-
ities to fulfil their responsibilities.
obstacle analysis to make sure goals are not over-
idealistic with respect to adverse events. This can
also be identified by analysing process KPIs, i.e.
level of goal satisfaction.
obstacle resolution techniques such as avoidance,
mitigation, goal deidealisation.
Those techniques are fully detailed in GORE liter-
ature with can be explored through (van Lamsweerde,
2009). Considering our case study, an example of
problem revealed by the BPMN model at the goal
level is that the shipment tracker is in charge of moni-
toring the status of the Eurotunnel. This design is not
very efficient because monitoring is best performed
by a dedicated software agent such as a CEP (Com-
plex Event Processing) software agent. In the goal
Table 2: Model-to-model mapping between business process model (BPMN) and goal model (KAOS).
BPMN KAOS Comment Source
Process/Subprocess goal/sub-goal to be stated as achieve goal (de la Vara et al., 2013)
(Rebeca Alves, 2013)
Sequence AND milestone parent is enclosing business process (Horita et al., 2014)
XOR split AND case-based parent is enclosing business process (de la Vara et al., 2013)
(Horita et al., 2014)
Incoming flow from
Expectation Process expects some input otherwise it could
block (e.g. on message wait)
(Horita et al., 2014)
Loop with guard AND refinement with until pattern in guarded sub-process (Horita et al., 2014)
Control flow agent-driven refinement inside the system (if across corridors)
between system and env. (if across pools)
authors’ contribution
Escalation case-based responsibility see the escalation condition authors’ contribution
(as interrupt event)
OR or case-based AND check the condition, could also result from obsta-
cle resolution
authors’ contribution
Transaction pattern Complete final state enforced or initial state
should be restored
authors’ contribution
(as start event)
Obstacle resolution See obstacle management strategies (e.g. restore
authors’ contribution
(as border event)
Obstacle resolution See obstacle management strategies (e.g. weak-
authors’ contribution
Towards Goal-oriented Analysis and Redesign of BPMN Models
model of Figure 9, a new software agent is introduced
to detect Eurotunnel delays (but possibly other im-
pacting conditions) and inform the shipment tracker
who will can then focus on notifying and tracking the
trucks. Other strategic evolution could also be intro-
duced such as the need for an extra activity to prepare
border control due to the Brexit (see obstacle in red).
Figure 9: Ideal transport process (with KAOS syntax).
4.3 Process Level Redesign
The BPMN model should then be revised with this
goal perspective to reflect the changes in the goal
model. This is partly supported by the mapping given
in Table 2. More generally this step is following the
usual design flow and does not pose much problems.
Figure 10: Revised transport process after goal analysis.
Note there is some room left for implementation
level decisions as long as the goal is enforced. For ex-
ample, the new requirement to produce a border form
can be enforced as a new activity either parallel or
sequential with the existing preparation of the trans-
portation plan. In our case, we selected the former as
it is more general. The final revised process is shown
in Figure 10. The new lane at the bottom corresponds
to the new CEP agent which monitors possible de-
lays and arrival events. The shipment tracker is now
in charge of monitoring and reacting to such events
through an event-based gateway. The truck driver lane
is unchanged except the delay notification is now gen-
erated by the CEP and send by the shipment tracker.
The problem of relating business processes and
goals has received quite some attention with sev-
eral proposed mappings (Koliadis et al., 2006), (Re-
beca Alves, 2013), (de la Vara et al., 2013), (Horita
et al., 2014). Our approaches build on top of them.
The GoalBPM methodology proposes a bi-
directional mapping and satisfaction verification be-
tween operational BPMN and goal models both for i*
and KAOS in order to ensure their co-evolution (Ko-
liadis et al., 2006; Koliadis and Ghose, 2006). The
method also relies on clues to establish the required
traceability links but do not provide any heuristics as
we do. However, it introduces a consistency check us-
ing normal and exceptional trajectories which relates
to our notion of obstacle.
Considering more specifically the KAOS ap-
proach, the Goal-Oriented Business Process Mod-
elling Notation (GO-BPMN) is a language enhancing
standard BPMN with support for the explicit mod-
elling of goals, plans and their relationships (Green-
wood and Ghizzioli, 2009). A GO-BPMN model con-
sists of a set of goal hierarchies (similar to KAOS)
that must be achieved or maintained. Leaf goals (i.e.
requirements) are related to at least one plan describ-
ing the activities to be performed. Although it com-
bines goals and processes, GO-BPMN is however fo-
cusing more on autonomous run-time adaptation of
systems than on supporting a more general redesign
process for which it does not define useful tools.
A recent survey also reported that the most com-
monly used techniques are i* and Key Performance
Indicators (KPI) for strategic goals and Business Pro-
cess Model and Notation (BPMN) for business pro-
cesses (Carmo et al., 2017). KAOS, used here, is less
popular but offers a clear semantics that can be trans-
posed to those more popular notations. The problem
of dealing with NFR is also still open and our work
only devoted a limited attention to it.
A distinctive characteristic of our approach is the
ability to keep the goal analysis implicit in a first at-
tempt to improve the processes and if necessary to
perform a deeper analysis and redesign based on an
MODELSWARD 2019 - 7th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
explicit goal model. Some indicators triggering the
need to build a goal model are the discovery of undoc-
umented goals through the use of Table 1 or the use of
complex redesigns going beyond simple actions like
adding some activity of a transfer of responsibility.
Note Table 1 supports the analysis process and dis-
covery of goals while Table 2 is more a syntactic in-
strument to help in the building a goal model if partial
or not available.
This work considered the problem of the poor atten-
tion to goals in business process models and more
specifically the widely used BPMN standard which
focuses essentially on the ”who/when/how” opera-
tional dimensions rather than on providing rationales
about the ”why/who” dimensions. Our proposal is
in line with previous work and is structured in two
approaches: a lightweight approach that does not try
to build an explicit goal model for improving BPMN
models and a more powerful one that relies on the
construction of such a model. For the implicit goal ap-
proach, we proposed support under the form of guide-
lines derived from goal analysis principles applied to
generic process constructs. For the explicit goal ap-
proach, we refined existing mappings to build a goal
model in order to apply goal analysis techniques on
it. Our experiment on a small logistics model shows
its applicability and benefits proportional to the con-
sidered approach.
Our work is still in progress as we are now evolv-
ing the guidelines for the implicit approach under the
form of a more consistent knowledge base. For the ex-
plicit approach, we are prototyping tool support base
on an EMF model-to-model transformation according
to the meta-models sketched in Section 2. We also
plan to conduct experiments with novice and more
experienced modellers to assess our current mappings
and to improve them.
This work was partly funded by the PRiMa-Q project
of the Walloon Region (grant nr. 1610019). Thanks
to our industrial partners.
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Towards Goal-oriented Analysis and Redesign of BPMN Models