Challenges in Designing Datasets and Validation for Autonomous Driving
Michal U
1 a
, David Hurych
, Pavel K
and Senthil Yogamani
2 b
Valeo R&D DVS, Prague, Czech Republic
Valeo Vision Systems, Tuam, Ireland
Visual Perception, Design of Datasets, Validation Scheme, Automated Driving.
Autonomous driving is getting a lot of attention in the last decade and will be the hot topic at least until the first
successful certification of a car with Level 5 autonomy (International, 2017). There are many public datasets in
the academic community. However, they are far away from what a robust industrial production system needs.
There is a large gap between academic and industrial setting and a substantial way from a research prototype,
built on public datasets, to a deployable solution which is a challenging task. In this paper, we focus on bad
practices that often happen in the autonomous driving from an industrial deployment perspective. Data design
deserves at least the same amount of attention as the model design. There is very little attention paid to these
issues in the scientific community, and we hope this paper encourages better formalization of dataset design.
More specifically, we focus on the datasets design and validation scheme for autonomous driving, where we
would like to highlight the common problems, wrong assumptions, and steps towards avoiding them, as well
as some open problems.
We have the privilege to live in the exciting era of
high pace research and development aiming for the
full autonomy in the ground transportation, involv-
ing all major automotive industries. Nowadays, the
sort of standard is the autonomy level 2 (International,
2017). We can see the progress towards levels 3 and 4,
and the ultimate goal is, of course, to achieve level 5,
i.e., the real full autonomy. In Figure 1, we outline all
the levels of autonomy in automotive for reference, as
described by (International, 2017).
Naturally, there is a high motivation and willing-
ness to speed up the progress in combination with
the recent success of deep neural networks. However,
this leads to the development of certain bad practices,
which are progressively more and more visible in re-
search papers. The goal of this paper is to determine
some of the bad practices, especially those related to
the issue of dataset design and validation scheme, and
propose the ideas for fixing them. Apart from that, we
would also like to identify several open problems for
which the standardized solution is yet to be discov-
The importance of dataset design is often over-
looked in the computer vision community; the prob-
lem was addressed in detail in the ECCV workshop in
2016 (Goesele et al., 2016). In (Khosla et al., 2012)
the authors discuss issues with dataset bias and how
to address them. In general, we can say that having a
good and representative data is the crucial problem of
virtually all machine learning techniques. Often, the
applied algorithms come together with a requirement
for data to be independent and identically distributed
(i.i.d). However, this requirement is frequently bro-
ken and not checked for. Either the dataset parts are
obtained from different distributions or their indepen-
dence is questionable. Also the definition of terms
identically and independently depends on the foreseen
Frequently, we can also see that researchers
blindly follow the results of the evaluation repre-
sented by a key performance indicator (KPI) with-
out making the trouble to check for the experiment
correctness. With the increasing size of the datasets,
the errors in annotations become significant, and the
absence of a careful inspection might be dangerous.
Especially, when we achieved the state where the im-
provements in decimals point are considered essen-
tial. A lot of models are discarded during the design,
because of the lack of systematical analysis and the
effort of getting a real insight. However, such a com-
plete and systematical analysis might render some
r, M., Hurych, D., K
rížek, P. and Yogamani, S.
Challenges in Designing Datasets and Validation for Autonomous Driving.
DOI: 10.5220/0007690706530659
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2019), pages 653-659
ISBN: 978-989-758-354-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Levels of autonomy as described by (International, 2017). Note, that the standard in 2018 is level 2, since the first
sensor allowing level 3 functionality was just released in 2018. We can participate quick adaptation to level 3 in the next year.
The ultimate goal is, of course, level 5, for which a lot of companies is aiming now. However, the path to get to the level 5 is
still quite long and the predictions are speculating about decades to get there.
of these models more robust or to better generalize
across different datasets.
Last but not least, we should emphasize the im-
portance of fair comparisons regarding the used re-
sources or a model complexity. Taking deep neu-
ral networks as a gentle example, what if we use
an ensemble of simpler classifiers, trying to call the
complexity of a neural net? Would we still see the
same performance gap? As a typical example of
methods and models compared only from the perfor-
mance point of view while ignoring the computational
complexity we may take deep Convolutional Neu-
ral Networks (CNN) (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) versus
the Deformable Part based Models (DPM) (Felzen-
szwalb et al., 2010). The CNN models are dominating
DPM since their break-through in ImageNet Large
Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) (Rus-
sakovsky et al., 2015) back in 2012. However, we
tried to do a bit “fairer” comparison, where the model
complexity was more or less matched (i.e. both CNN
and DPM models consisted of the similar number of
operations in the inference calculation). The results
from the independent testing set are summarized in
Figure 2, where we experimented with these methods
on our internal pedestrian dataset in real driving sce-
narios. Both CNN and DPM models were trained on
the same training set. The dataset splits were obtained
by the means of stratified sampling. The DPM model
is better in several different settings.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 discusses the current bad practices in dataset
design, emphasizes its importance and lists open is-
sues. Section 3 summarizes issues related to the val-
idation of a safety system. Finally, Section 5 con-
cludes the paper and provides future directions.
Typically in academia, test and validation datasets are
provided, and the goal is to get the best accuracy.
However, in the industry deployment setting, datasets
have to be designed interactively along with the model
design. Unfortunately, there is minimal systematic
design effort as it is difficult to formulate the prob-
lem and quantify the quality of datasets. First, there
is a data capture process where cameras mounted on
a vehicle capture necessary data. This process has to
be repeated across many scenarios like different coun-
tries, weather conditions, times of the day, etc.
Table 1 lists the popular automotive datasets for
semantic segmentation task. There is visible progress
towards the increased number of samples as well as a
change in direction to realistic data.
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Popular automotive datasets for semantic segmentation.
Dataset CamVid Citiscapes Synthia
(Brostow et al., 2008) (Cordts et al., 2016) (Ros et al., 2016)
Annotation 700 images 5000 images 200, 000 images
Note Cambridge captures Germany captures Synthetic data
Dataset Virtual KITTI Mapillary Vistas ApolloScape
(Gaidon et al., 2016) (Neuhold et al., 2017) (Huang et al., 2018)
Annotation 21, 260 25, 000 images; 100 classes 143, 000 images; 50 classes
Note Synthetic data Six continents China captures
Figure 2: Performance comparison for equally complex
CNN and DPM models on a pedestrian detection task. Mul-
tiple settings were tested in an attempt to reach best per-
formance for both methods. Due to internal confidential-
ity rules we can not reveal individual settings. Here only
SVM+HOG had lower complexity than other models and
served as a baseline. 3 curves do not pass through the whole
[Recall, FPR] space because of lack of data-points in next
confidence step. We were interested in parts of curves with
recall higher than 0.9.
2.1 Typical Scenarios of Dataset Design
in Autonomous Driving
There are three scenarios currently possible for auto-
mated driving researchers: (i) academic setup where
public datasets are used as they are. However, these
have commercial licensing restrictions and cannot be
used freely for industrial research nor for final pro-
duction, (ii) proof of concept setup where dataset is
collected for a restricted scope, e.g. one city, regu-
lar weather conditions, and (iii) a production system
where dataset has to be designed for all scenarios,
e.g., a large set of countries, weather conditions, etc.
Here, we focus our discussion on the third type.
A typical process for dataset design comprises of the
following steps. Firstly, the requirements are created
for coverage of countries, weather conditions, object
diversity, etc. Then video captures are acquired and
their frames arbitrarily sampled without a systematic
sampling strategy. Next step is creating the training,
validation and test splits from all gathered images.
This can be done either randomly, or in a better case
by stratified sampling, retaining the class distributions
among the splits. Then, after the model is trained, one
has to evaluate the KPIs, such as the mean intersection
over union (mIoU). Last but not least step is a na
search for corner cases in the test split and addition
of such infected samples to the training split (in best
case by obtaining new data, which look similar to the
testing ones).
Validation scheme is another critical part of the cur-
rent research. In the automotive industry, this topic is
even more critical, due to the very stringent require-
ments on safety. However, we would like to empha-
size here, that the common problems with validation
are shared among other fields as well.
The AD systems have unique criteria due to func-
tional safety and traceability issues. The artificial in-
telligence software for the AD has to comply with
strict processes like ISO26262 to ensure functional
safety. Thus, apart from accuracy validation, it is
essential to do rigorous testing of software stability.
However, unit testing of AI algorithms comes with ad-
ditional challenges, like large dimensionality of data,
or the abstract nature of the model and automated
code generation. Due to these challenges, it is diffi-
cult to write tests manually. There have been attempts
to generate tests automatically using deep learning
like DeepXplore (Pei et al., 2017) and DeepTest (Tian
et al., 2018) focused on the AD.
Challenges in Designing Datasets and Validation for Autonomous Driving
3.1 The Need for Virtual Validation and
their Limitations
In the automotive industry, one tests the algorithms
by recording a lot of hours of various scenarios which
should ideally cover all possible real-world situations.
Afterward, these hours of recordings are statistically
evaluated, and the algorithm is allowed to go for the
start of production only if fulfilling the strict require-
ments, which were formulated and ideally also fixed
at the beginning of the project. Despite sounding
completely legitimate at first, such an approach has
several important flaws. The first, and probably also
the most important one is the physical and practical
impossibility to cover all real-world scenarios. Let
us formulate an example explaining our claims: we
want to test the automated parking functionality en-
hanced by pedestrian detection algorithm. The ve-
hicle should send a command for braking if there is
a pedestrian within critical distance and on the colli-
sion course present. Now, imagine a legitimate sce-
nario, where the pedestrian should be a toddler sitting
right behind the car. In most of the countries across
the whole globe, their laws prohibit making of such
recordings. The second problem is in setting up the
requirements at the beginning of the project. If we
agree that it is not possible to record all real-world sit-
uations, freezing the requirements tends to influence
the scenarios to record as well as their complexity.
One might say, that the solution is obvious— use
virtual validation or some other workaround, like us-
age of dummy objects. However, doing so bring other
problems, such as the realism of these artificial sce-
narios. It is clear that we will never be able to evaluate
it for some of the real-world situations.
A common problem (not only in the automotive
industry) is the design of the validation scheme it-
self. Typically, we can see that the algorithm was op-
timized for a specific criterion, using a particular loss
function. Ideally, we should see the same loss func-
tion used in the evaluation, alas, it is not uncommon
to see something not even similar to the original loss
used in testing. The problem with this setup is that it
is not possible to optimize for a beforehand unknown
3.2 Model Survivorship Bias
This mistreated optimization is connected to another
significant problem— overfitting to (not only) stan-
dard datasets. In research, but also in industry, only
the models which are obtaining the best results are
reported or survive. Nobody tells, how many times
the model failed on those data before it was tweaked
enough to provide the best results. Not reporting the
negative results is counter-productive (Borji, 2018).
With the increase of the deep learning models in the
game, this problem is even worse. Deep networks are
known to easily fit random labels, even for randomly
generated images (Zhang et al., 2016).
3.3 Complete Reporting and
Another, and unfortunately also very frequent, prob-
lem is that certain important statistics are not being
reported. Only rarely, we can see that authors of the
research paper give away also their splits of datasets
to training/validation/testing parts. Quite frequently,
they do not even bother mentioning the key statistics,
such as the number of samples they used, or how the
splits were obtained. This problem is connected with
a choice of machine learning method, which is not
well justified. For example, a lot of techniques come
with an assumption about the data distribution. Im-
portant and integral part of each experimental eval-
uation should be its replicability by a non-involved
3.4 Cross-validation and the Law of
Small Numbers
The emphasis on early deployment in the automo-
tive industry often leads to unjustified design choices,
which do not have support in data. The infamous law
of small numbers gets into the practice. Usually, the
researchers and developers have to deal with the in-
sufficient amount of data to do a statistical evaluation.
Then, due to the lack of time, some early decisions
are made. The smaller the sample of data was used
for performing the evaluation, the higher the proba-
bility of wrong outcomes. Just imagine you have a
fair coin, so the expected probability of getting head
after flipping it is 0.5. Let us conduct the following
experiment. Flip the coin ten times and count the
number of heads/tails. Very likely, you will not get
the ve heads. Now flip the same coin a thousand
times, marking the number of heads. This time, the
number of heads will be close to five hundred. If one
does only the first experiment, he might be in tempta-
tion to question the fairness of the coin. While after
the second one, such conduct feels unjustified. It is
common to see quite a small number of samples for
some particular tasks, as well as only one evaluation
over a single split of data.
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Wrong metrics can lead to misinterpretation of the results. Left: ideal segmentation of the lane marking— whole
line is correctly covered. Middle: one possible case of a realistic segmentation obtained from a learned model. Note that the
segmented marking is thinner than it should be. However, it is continuous non-interrupted line as it should be. Right: another
possible case of a realistic segmentation. This time, the width of the lane marking is correctly segmented. However, there
are interruptions, which render the marking looking like a dashed line. Note, that such misinterpretation might be grievous,
since as we know both type of markings are admissible having completely different semantic meaning. The example on the
rightmost image has higher IoU value, than the middle one.
3.5 The Need for Customized
Evaluation Metrics
Standard performance measures, such as mIoU for se-
mantic segmentation, may not translate well to the
end user application needs. Let us take the automated
parking functionality with pedestrian detection as an
example again. A perfect segmentation of a pedes-
trian is not necessary, and just a coarse detection is
sufficient for initiating the braking. Another example
is recognition of the lane markings— there are nice
examples, where a higher mIoU does not necessarily
lead to a better segmentation of the main shape of the
marking, which is crucial for its recognition. In Fig-
ure 3, we depict one of such examples. In both of
these cases, custom tailored evaluation metric is the
key for a better algorithm. And visual checks of the
results are a must.
In this section, we would like to discuss several im-
portant open issues and suggestions for improvement.
4.1 Open Issues and Suggestions for
Many visual perception tasks, like semantic segmen-
tation, need a very expensive annotation, leading to
unnecessarily smaller datasets. Synthetic datasets,
like (Ros et al., 2016), (Gaidon et al., 2016), (Dosovit-
skiy et al., 2017), (Mueller et al., 2018), can be useful
as potential mitigation of the lack of data. However,
domain adaptation is usually required, and it is not
clear what ratio of synthetic to real data would be still
Due to the popularity of the AD, the available
datasets are snowballing, and the choice of datasets
starts to be a problem itself. Moreover, in research,
there is no synchronization on datasets, and it is dif-
ficult to compare different works justly. It might be
helpful if the community agrees on some standard-
ized dataset (combining the strengths and weaknesses
of all of them) to have a possibility to compare algo-
rithms more thoroughly and honestly. For example,
there is no available dataset with wide-angle fisheye
camera images. Such a camera is a standard in the
AD for capturing the 360
view around the vehicle. A
publicly available dataset with multiple cocoon cam-
eras, which are typical for the AD, is also missing.
An automated sampling mechanism for acquiring
the training images the goal of which is to get rid of
redundant samples and providing a maximal diversity
is an open problem. The dataset and model design is
done iteratively, and samples are added on the go to
improve the model performance. This process is dan-
gerous since such an approach might easily break the
i.i.d. requirements on data. A corner case mining is
a related topic, where difficult samples are identified,
and their knowledge is used for improving the per-
formance. Note, that this process usually takes into
the account the sample similarity in the image space.
However, one would benefit if the mining would be
based on the similarity measured in the classifier’s
feature space.
Data augmentation is an important mechanism to
obtain samples for difficult or rare scenarios. We can
take an automated parking system with pedestrian de-
tection as an example. We would like to have data
where children are playing with a ball and sometimes
Challenges in Designing Datasets and Validation for Autonomous Driving
blindly follow the ball which gets on the collision path
with the vehicle. One such possible situation is de-
picted in Figure 4. It is clear that we cannot record
such scenario, due to the safety and legal issues.
We see the possibility in bypassing such scenario by
recording in a controlled environment and applying
GANs (Goodfellow et al., 2014) for the domain trans-
fer to fit the AD needs (Chan et al., 2018), (Hoffman
et al., 2018).
Figure 4: Typical situation, which is required to be covered
by data, but which is also prohibited to arrange for recording
by law— a child is playing with a ball, focusing on the play
and not paying any attention to the car, which is parking and
on the collision path with the child.
In this paper, we attempt to emphasize the importance
of dataset design and validation for the AD systems.
Both dataset design and validation are highly over-
looked topics which have created a large gap between
academic research and industrial deployment setting.
There is a considerable effort to go from a model
which achieves state-of-the-art results in an academic
context to the development of a safe and robust sys-
tem deployed in a commercial car. Unfortunately,
there is very little scientific effort spent in this direc-
tion. We have tried to summarize the bad practices
and listed open research problems based on our expe-
rience in this area for more than ten years. Hopefully,
this encourages further scientific research in this area
and places a seed for future improvement.
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Challenges in Designing Datasets and Validation for Autonomous Driving