Using Demographic Features for the Prediction of Basic Human Values
Underlying Stakeholder Motivation
Adam Szekeres, Pankaj Shivdayal Wasnik and Einar Arthur Snekkenes
Department of Information Security and Communication Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Information Security Risk Management, Stakeholder Motivation, Psychological Perspective, Motivational
Human behavior plays a significant role within the domain of information security. The Conflicting Incentives
Risk Analysis (CIRA) method focuses on stakeholder motivation to analyze risks resulting from the actions of
key decision makers. In order to enhance the real-world applicability of the method, it is necessary to charac-
terize relevant stakeholders by their motivational profile, without relying on direct psychological assessment
methods. Thus, the main objective of this study was to assess the utility of demographic features-that are
observable in any context-for deriving stakeholder motivational profiles. To this end, this study utilized the
European Social Survey, which is a high-quality international database, and is comprised of representative
samples from 23 European countries. The predictive performances of a pattern-matching algorithm and a
machine-learning method are compared to establish the findings. Our results show that demographic features
are marginally useful for predicting stakeholder motivational profiles. These findings can be utilized in settings
where interaction between a stakeholder and an analyst is limited, and the results provide a solid benchmark
baseline for other methods, which focus on different classes of observable features for predicting stakeholder
motivational profiles.
Information security is considered to be a highly
technical domain, where research on the human el-
ement gets relatively low attention, given the involve-
ment and impact of individuals on the system’s safety
and security. However, “...people are responsible for
stealing passwords, committing intellectual property
crimes, skimming financial accounts, selling informa-
tion to competitors, breaking into databases, cyber-
snooping, and committing a host of other offenses
against organizations and their systems. Ironically,
the disciplines that assess, evaluate, and solve human
based problems have not been an integral part of the
information security measures used to protect data...”
(Gudaitis, 1998). It is suggested that there is a need
for synthesis between various disciplines in order to
improve on the attempts that aim to protect against
threats to information systems. More than a decade
later, Greitzer and Hohimer (Greitzer and Hohimer,
2011) concluded that insider threats ranked among
the most problematic cyber-security challenges that
threaten government and industry information infras-
tructures. Furthermore, they identified that there were
no systematic methods that provided a complete and
effective approach to preventing undesirable actions
(e.g. data leakage, espionage, and sabotage).
More recent incidents (e.g. using technical exper-
tise and insider privileges to reprogram Smart Meters
(Krebs, 2012), cheating with emission rates (Arora,
2017), financial misreporting (Kulik et al., 2008), cre-
ating abusive websites (Franklin, 2014), etc.) also call
for methods that incorporate intentional, deliberate
human behavior into risk assessments. While the spe-
cific details of the enumerated incidents vary greatly,
they are still united by some common features:
It is possible to identify a person or a group who
had a strong motivation to take certain actions.
It is possible to identify a person or a group who
suffered the consequences of those actions but
who were unintentionally exposed to those trans-
Such situations are recognized in the economic liter-
ature as negative externalities (Liebowitz and Margo-
lis, 1994) and the concept has been applied within the
domain of information security, where motivated ac-
tors have the potential to exert a negative influence on
Szekeres, A., Wasnik, P. and Snekkenes, E.
Using Demographic Features for the Prediction of Basic Human Values Underlying Stakeholder Motivation.
DOI: 10.5220/0007694203770389
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 377-389
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
a large number of other stakeholders who have little
influence on the outcome of those actions (Anderson
and Moore, 2009).
Assessing stakeholder motivation could be the key
to preparing against such events, since motivation is a
central concept in understanding human behavior; it
aims to answer the question concerning why people
do the things they do (Forbes, 2011). During the past
centuries, researchers have generated a vast number
of theoretical constructs and systems which vary in
the level of the analysis (e.g. instincts, biologically
determined drives, needs, social and cognitive moti-
vations), the scope (e.g. general principles vs. task-
specific motivations), and the terminology. Through
describing stakeholder motivation we can enable the
prediction of future behaviors and check whether the
likely behavior is in alignment with the goals of other
affected stakeholders. However, people are not ex-
pected to cooperate in any analysis that aims to assess
their motivations for risk-analysis purposes. There-
fore, the main goal of the present study is to contribute
to the information security risk management literature
by investigating the utility of demographic features
for deriving stakeholder motivational profiles in con-
texts where no direct interaction between the subject
and analyst is assumed.
Following the Problem Statement and Research
Questions, Section 2 describes the risk analysis
method under development, and it’s connection to the
theory of basic human values. Section 3 explains how
a publicly available high-quality dataset was utilized
in the study, which is followed by describing the re-
sults in Section 4. Section 5 provides an overview of
the conducted work, and Section 6 concludes with di-
rections for future work.
1.1 Problem Statement
The main objective of this work is to investigate how
stakeholder motivation can be predicted by utiliz-
ing publicly observable individual characteristics (e.g.
demographic variables). The end goal is the develop-
ment of a predictive model that can be utilized by an
observer to derive the motivational profile of a pre-
viously unknown subject by collecting and aggregat-
ing various forms of publicly observable features con-
nected to the subject.
1.2 Research Questions
To address the problem statement, the following re-
search questions have been formulated:
1. To what extent can demographic features be uti-
lized to construct stakeholder motivational pro-
2. How well do different predictive models perform
in terms of inferring stakeholder motivational pro-
This section provides an overview of the risk-analysis
method under development, the motivational theory,
and the related constructs that were included in the
2.1 Conflicting Incentives Risk Analysis
The importance of understanding stakeholder moti-
vation is emphasized within the Conflicting Incen-
tives Risk Analysis (CIRA) method (Rajbhandari and
Snekkenes, 2013). This method identifies the stake-
holders (i.e. individuals), the actions that can be taken
by the stakeholders, as well as the consequences of
these actions. A stakeholder is a physical person who
has some interest in the outcomes of his actions. The
procedure identifies two types of stakeholders: the
Strategy owner (the person who is capable of execut-
ing an action) and the Risk owner (whose perspective
is taken-the person at risk). Each stakeholder’s moti-
vation is modeled on the concept of utility, which en-
tails the consideration of the benefit of the action per-
formed from the perspective of the stakeholder. This
cumulative utility encompasses several utility factors,
each representing aspects of life considered impor-
tant by the corresponding stakeholders. Two types of
risks are identified in the method: Threat risk refers
to the perceived decrease in the total utility of the risk
owner and Opportunity Risk refers to the lack of po-
tential increase in utility because the strategy owner
is not motivated enough to take actions that would be
beneficial for the Risk owner. Therefore, risk is con-
ceptualized as a misalignment of incentives between
these two classes of stakeholders, and risk identifica-
tion is about uncovering activities that would be ben-
eficial for the Strategy owner, and potentially harmful
for the Risk owner, or vice versa (Snekkenes, 2013).
Therefore, Threat risk closely resembles the concept
of moral hazard; it captures a wide range of behav-
iors that are beneficial for one party and detrimental
for another (i.e. the strategy owner inflicting negative
externalities on the risk owner) (Dembe and Boden,
2000). Previous work explored the feasibility of in-
ferring key stakeholders’ motivational profiles based
on the linguistic analysis of interviews given by inac-
cessible subjects (Szekeres and Snekkenes, 2018).
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2.2 Theory of Basic Human Values
The theory of basic human values, developed by
Schwartz, (Schwartz, 1994) identifies ten distinct val-
ues that are universally recognized across various cul-
tures, and it provides a unified and comprehensive
view on human motivation. The theory incorporates
several previous approaches that emphasized the cen-
trality of values in human behavior (e.g. Hofstede and
Rokeach on cultural differences (Schwartz, 1992)).
Values both represent desirable end-goals and pre-
scribe desirable ways of acting. Schwartz summarizes
the six core features that characterize values:
“Values are beliefs linked to affect.
Values refer to desirable goals that motivate ac-
Values transcend specific actions and situations.
Values serve as standards or criteria.
Values are ordered by importance.
The relative importance of multiple values guide
Furthermore, all of the ten distinct values in the
theory encapsulate one of the three key motivational
aspects that are grounded in the universal require-
ments of human existence: the needs of individuals
as biological organisms, the requisites of coordinated
social interaction, and the survival and welfare needs
of groups. Values guide behavior, given that the de-
cision context, or situation activates the relevant val-
ues. The ten values form a circular structure that cap-
tures a motivational continuum, where adjacent val-
ues are compatible with each other, while opposing
values are in conflict. The ten values are grouped un-
der four higher dimensions, as represented by Figure
1 (Schwartz, 2012).
Goldberg, Sweeney, Merenda, and Hughes (Gold-
berg et al., 1998) describe how one of the most en-
during topics in the history of psychometrics is the
strength of association between group and individ-
ual differences, and the many controversies centered
around the issue of how various demographically de-
fined groups differ in terms of important human at-
tributes. In their study, they investigated the dif-
ferences between the Big Five personality traits and
four demographic variables (i.e. gender, age, ed-
ucation, and ethnic status). The study concluded
that most demographic-personality associations are of
trivial size, with an average correlation of 0.08 (across
the four demographic variables and the five person-
ality dimensions included in the study). However,
these results are not directly comparable to the value-
demographic association yet, they nevertheless pro-
Figure 1: Circular value structure, with 4 higher dimensions
comprising of the 10 basic human values.
vided some initial insights into the strength of asso-
ciations between demographic features and psycho-
logical variables. Schwartz (Schwartz, 2007) dis-
cusses the reciprocal relationship between value pri-
orities and life circumstances and provides empirical
evidence on the hypothetical relationships. Choices
guided by values influence the life circumstances, but
certain life circumstances (e.g. the type of profes-
sion, raising children, etc.) also affect the possibility
of, and constraints placed upon, enacting particular
choices. People tend to adapt their values to fit into
their life circumstances by upgrading the importance
of values that are readily attainable, while downgrad-
ing the importance of values of which the pursuit
is blocked. As people’s demographic variables (e.g.
age, gender, education, income level, etc.) largely
impact the circumstances to which they are exposed,
these differences are expected to have a direct effect
on the value priorities. Based on the value system’s
structure, the following subsections present validated
and hypothesized relationships between demographic
variables and value priorities based on (Schwartz,
2.2.1 Age
Due to the general decline of physical strength and
cognitive abilities, aging is expected to increase the
importance of Security values, as the capacity to deal
with change declines. Therefore, the opposing Stim-
ulation value might decrease in importance as novelty
and risk is viewed as increasingly threatening. Con-
formity and Tradition values might increase in impor-
tance, while Hedonism could potentially decrease due
to the dulling of the senses. Achievement and Power
values may also decrease in importance since older
people become less able to perform demanding tasks
Using Demographic Features for the Prediction of Basic Human Values Underlying Stakeholder Motivation
and obtain social approval.
2.2.2 Life Stages
In early adulthood people are primarily concerned
with establishing themselves within the domains of
work and family. The pursuit of Achievement and
Stimulation values comes at the expense of the Se-
curity, Conformity, and Tradition values. Later, the
motivation shifts to preserving the status already at-
tained, both in the professional and in the family do-
mains. The possibility of radical change narrows and
responsibilities constrain the opportunities for risk-
taking. Taking these factors into consideration, it is
expected that people in their middle adulthood ex-
press a stronger preference for values encompassed
in the Conservation category. At later stages, close to
retirement, the opportunities for expressing Achieve-
ment, Power, Stimulation, and Hedonism values fur-
ther decrease.
2.2.3 Gender
In a cross-cultural, large scale study, Schwartz and
Rubel investigated gender differences in value pri-
orities (Schwartz and Rubel, 2005). The findings
suggest that men attribute more importance to Self-
enhancement and Openness to change values than
women do, while for Self-transcendence values, the
reverse is true. The differences are generally small,
and account for less variance than age and culture do,
for example.
2.2.4 Education
An explanation for the association between the level
of education and the values is offered in (Schwartz,
2007). According to the hypothesis education re-
quires intellectual openness, and flexibility that is as-
sociated with Self-direction values. Challenging ex-
isting views and norms can be linked to a lower im-
portance assigned to Conservation values, as they pro-
mote conformity and tradition. Furthermore, there
might be a positive correlation with Achievement val-
ues as performance and meeting external standards is
increasingly important as the level of education rises.
2.2.5 Country
The challenges faced by nations in organizing hu-
man activities are similar, but nations differ in the
importance they attribute to certain values (Schwartz,
2013). When values are analyzed at the societal level,
three bipolar dimensions can be identified based on
the alternative resolutions to each of the problems af-
fecting all societies: Embeddedness vs. Autonomy
(affective and intellectual), Hierarchy vs. Egalitari-
anism, and Mastery vs. Harmony. The importance
assigned by various countries to the previous dimen-
sions gives rise to eight distinct cultural regions, rep-
resenting vague differences among cultures: Western
Europe, East-Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Latin
America, English-Speaking, Confucian, South-East
Asia, and Africa-Middle East.
2.2.6 Occupation
Another study by Knafo and Sagiv (Knafo and Sagiv,
2004) investigated the relationship between values
and occupational choices. The survey-based study
showed that the 32 occupations under investigation
clustered according to the motivational profiles of the
individuals within the profession, and that these clus-
ters fit well into Holland’s work typology. Universal-
ism values negatively correlated with the Enterprising
work environment, while Social environments corre-
lated positively with both Universalism and Benev-
olence values, and correlated negatively with power
and Achievement values. Artistic work environments
correlated negatively with Conformity values while
the Investigative environments correlated positively
with Openness to change values.
These results suggest that there are meaningful
and detectable differences among various groups of
people. However, to our knowledge, there is no ex-
isting study that investigates how well the motiva-
tional profile can be predicted when solely based upon
demographic features. Therefore, this study aims
to establish predictive models from a high-quality
database that contains representative samples from 23
European countries.
3.1 Sample and Procedure
The European Social Survey (ESS), round 8, edition
2.0, (N.A., 2018) served as the main source of an-
swers to the research questions. The high-quality cu-
mulative dataset contains individual-level data from
23 countries (Austria, Belgium, the Czech Repub-
lic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ice-
land, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, the Russian Federation,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United
Kingdom), gathered using strict probability sampling
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
methods. The survey’s main objectives are to moni-
tor and interpret changing public attitudes in Europe,
to investigate relevant societal issues, and to establish
social indicators across Europe. The original dataset
contains a total of (n = 44 387) individual respondents
with 536 variables. The ESS has been conducted ev-
ery two years since 2001 across European many coun-
tries. The survey consists of two main parts:
The core module - covers a wide range of top-
ics (e.g. politics, social trust, household, socio-
demographics, human values, etc.) that largely
remain the same in each round to allow for lon-
gitudinal observations.
The rotating module - increases the scope of the
survey by focusing on specific topics between dif-
ferent times of administration (e.g. immigration,
economic morality, justice, democracy, climate
change, etc.)
3.2 Measures
In order to address the research questions, the fol-
lowing preparation procedures were conducted on the
original cumulative dataset. In the first step, the
complete list of variables (N
= 536) was screened
and then it was sorted into four main categories (de-
mographics, attitudes, behaviors, and others). The
next step focused on identifying the demographic at-
tributes that met the inclusion criteria (i.e. the predic-
tor variables should be publicly observable and easily
identifiable by an observer). This resulted in a list of
demographic variables being included in the present
analysis (N
= 14), accompanying the basic human
values. Table 1 contains the list of independent vari-
ables selected for the analysis. We aimed at maxi-
mizing the number of subjects with valid responses,
therefore, the next step was to investigate the num-
ber of missing values in the sample. Since our ob-
jective was to analyze the predictability of the moti-
vational profiles of individuals who are actively em-
ployed we used a listwise deletion of subjects with
missing values on any of the remaining variables. The
listwise removal of data is justified by the fact that
most of the missing data was attributed to four vari-
ables associated with employment relations (the last
four variables in Table 1), with a not-applicable la-
bel (e.g. the not actively working age-group) which
contributed to a total of 7255 subjects with miss-
ing data, while the remaining missing data (n = 385)
was distributed among the ten other independent vari-
ables (with the labels: refusal, do not know, no an-
swer, not available). While it was not possible to
determine whether the data was missing at random,
Table 1: List of observable features used as predictors.
Number of
Country Y 23
Gender Y 2
Age N -
Domicile Y 5
to religion
Y 2
to a minority
ethnic group
Y 2
Number of people
living in the same
N -
Living with partner Y 2
Ever had a divorce Y 2
Highest level
of education
N -
Employment relation
Y 3
Supervising others at work
Y 2
Type of industry
working in (NACE rev.2)
Y 21
Type of organization
working for
Y 6
completely at random, or not at random for the re-
maining small number of cases, the relatively small
number enabled deletion without introducing a bias
into the models. Additionally, the 89 levels of vari-
able "Type of industry working for" were grouped ac-
cording to the NACE rev. 2. section codes, result-
ing in 21 higher level groups (Eurostat, 2008) pro-
viding larger groups within occupational categories.
The ESS dataset contains raw responses for the Hu-
man Values Scale, which is a 21-item survey instru-
ment designed for self-assessment. In order to com-
pute ground-truth scores from the raw item-level re-
sponses, we followed the procedures described in the
accompanying manual (Schwartz, 2016). Finally, all
dependent variables (the ten basic values) were nor-
malized to a range of [0-1] through the following
method: X
, since it is provides a linear
transformation and keeps the relationships among the
original data (Patro and Sahu, 2015).
This section describes the experiments conducted on
the ESS dataset and the results obtained from two dif-
ferent types of analytic techniques. All subjects with
valid responses on the 14 features were included in
the final analyses (n = 36 747): 48.5% of the subjects
were males and the mean age of all respondents was
Using Demographic Features for the Prediction of Basic Human Values Underlying Stakeholder Motivation
50.41 years (SD = 17.55). Furthermore, the database
was randomized and divided into three sets:
Training set: 60%
Development set: 20%
Testing set: 20%
4.1 Multiple Linear Regression
Several multiple linear regressions (LRs) were con-
ducted to identify the most suitable set of features that
can be utilized for predicting the human value scores
based on the observable features presented in Table
1. This part of the analysis was conducted using IBM
SPSS 25’s automatic linear modeling module, which
includes supervised merging of the categories, out-
lier detection, and several feature-selection methods
(Yang, 2013). For each of the ten basic values, the
first step involved the assessment of the maximum
possible predictive accuracy by using all the features,
which aided us in providing an estimate of the highest
potential accuracy achievable. Next, predictors were
entered into the models using the forward stepwise
selection algorithm. At each step, variables not yet
included in the model were tested for inclusion until
no variables met the inclusion criteria, using a limit
of 4 as the maximum number of effects in the final
model. This reflects a decision to trade-off a marginal
improvement in accuracy for a simpler model with
lower costs in terms of data collection. The procedure
resulted in two models for each of the ten values, as
shown in Table 2. Performance was measured by the
(coefficient of determination), ranging between 0-
1, which is a well-established, common measure of
the success of predicting the dependent variable from
the independent variables (Nagelkerke et al., 1991).
Formula: R
= 1
, where SS
is the sum of the
residual squares and SS
is the total sum of squares.
This procedure enabled us to assess the observable
feature’s utility in terms of predicting the ten basic
values, and to identify an optimal set of features that
can sufficiently cover all the basic human values con-
sidering the added utility of each feature relative to
what is already included in the model.
Table 2: Statistics of R
values for the Linear Regression
approach. In the last column, values in parentheses repre-
sent the number of features used in the final model.
possible R
Achievement 0.23 0.16 (2)
Benevolence 0.22 0.16 (2)
Conformity 0.17 0.11 (2)
Hedonism 0.22 0.18 (2)
Power 0.24 0.18 (1)
Security 0.20 0.12 (3)
Self-Direction 0.16 0.09 (3)
Stimulation 0.16 0.09 (2)
Tradition 0.24 0.14 (4)
Universalism 0.18 0.13 (3)
Figure 2 presents each dependent variable with the
best set of demographic variables, that account for the
largest amount of explained variance (see the ’Final
’ column from Table 2 for the corresponding mod-
els). The colored bars represent demographic features
that were included in the final models and their length
represents the amount of variance explained by the
corresponding variable. The white bars represent the
amount of unexplained variance for each value, and
as such, they express the amount of remaining uncer-
tainty regarding a subject’s motivational profile. Fig-
ure 4 and Figure 5 in the Appendix provides the de-
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Country Age Religion Gender Education NACE Employment relation Unexplained Variance
Figure 2: Feature importance for predicting the 10 basic human values from observable features by the LR approach relative
to unexplained variance expressed in terms of R
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
tails of all the final regression models for each of the
ten values.
4.2 Machine Learning Approach
This experiment utilized a machine learning (ML) ap-
proach for the prediction of the same set of basic
human values. The regression models were trained
using the H
2 API, which is an open-source ML
platform (, 2018b). The Distributed Random
Forest (DRF) regression algorithm was chosen for
building models for each of the ten values separately,
since the algorithm can properly handle categorical
variables with several levels (, 2018a), and
also provides useful internal estimates of error, cor-
relation, and variable importance metrics (Breiman,
2001). Furthermore, when given a training dataset,
the DRF creates a forest of classification (or regres-
sion trees) instead of a single tree.
4.2.1 DRF Training
During the training stage, the models were trained
using a 5-fold cross validation procedure to obtain
the final model of the training set. Table 3 presents
the mean and the standard deviation of the root-mean
square error (RMSE) scores for all of the five folds.
Table 3: Mean and SD of RMSE and R
for 5 fold cross
validation training.
Variable Mean SD Mean SD
Achievement 0.128 0.0002 0.141 0.0090
Benevolence 0.098 0.0009 0.126 0.0096
Conformity 0.127 0.0005 0.097 0.0041
Hedonism 0.106 0.0005 0.139 0.0134
Power 0.120 0.0004 0.159 0.0033
Security 0.112 0.0004 0.109 0.0095
Self-Direction 0.113 0.0013 0.072 0.0034
Stimulation 0.114 0.0008 0.074 0.0064
Tradition 0.104 0.0006 0.122 0.0092
Universalism 0.102 0.0008 0.106 0.0070
The RMSE scores indicate the absolute fit of the
model as it is the square root of the variance of the
residuals in the prediction model. As such it is a
good measure of the model’s predictive accuracy. The
RMSE can be interpreted as the standard deviation
of the unexplained variance and it has the same unit
as the dependent variable (Grace-Martin, 2008). The
models were tuned on the hyperparameter ’number of
trees’ using the development set. The hyperparame-
ter tuning favoured a higher number of trees. How-
ever, increasing the number of trees beyond 50 did
not result in a significant improvement in terms of the
RMSE. Therefore, for all of the ten models, 50 tree-
solutions were selected.
4.2.2 DRF Testing
In the testing phase, the accuracy of the trained mod-
els was verified using the testing set. Table 4 reports
the RMSE and R
performance metrics for each vari-
able with additional comparisons between random
guessing and specifically guessing the mean values
for each of the dependent variables. This part of the
experiment enabled an assessment of the model’s su-
periority over various types of educated guesses.
Table 4: RMSE score comparison for each variable between
Machine Learning model (ML), Mean Guessing (MG), and
random guessing (RG).
Dependent Variable
Achievement 0.1282 0.1376 0.1393
Benevolence 0.0974 0.1046 0.1485
Conformity 0.1267 0.1328 0.1454
Hedonism 0.1056 0.1133 0.1134
Power 0.1195 0.1293 0.1293
Security 0.1134 0.1195 0.1515
Self-Direction 0.1146 0.1180 0.1303
Stimulation 0.1144 0.1182 0.1244
Tradition 0.1031 0.1100 0.1445
Universalism 0.1017 0.1081 0.1086
Furthermore, Figure 3 reports the mean impor-
tance of the features across all of the ten basic hu-
man values based on the average contribution of each
feature to the overall explained variance. Since these
scores represent the average contributions across all
of the values, it should be noted that certain values can
be predicted with higher and lower accuracy, and the
cost of obtaining certain demographic features should
be considered during data collection.
4.3 Comparison of Approaches
Finally, a comparison between the predictive perfor-
mance of the two approaches is presented in Table
5, across all of the dependent variables in terms of
both the R
and RMSE scores. Since the interpreta-
tion of R
scores is relatively straightforward as the
percentage of variability explained in the dependent
variable by the independent variables, for the pur-
pose of comparison, this measure of goodness of fit is
used. In the case of both approaches, the predictabil-
ity of Power is the highest, implying that Power can
Using Demographic Features for the Prediction of Basic Human Values Underlying Stakeholder Motivation
Age, 2.09%
IndustryTypeNACE2Reduced, 1.78%
Country, 1.40%
Domicile, 0.91%
LevelOfEducation, 0.91%
NumberOfPplLivingInHouse, 0.79%
TypeOfOrganisation, 0.75%
SupervisionOfOthers, 0.37%
LivesWithPartner, 0.37%
Gender, 0.34%
EmploymentRelation, 0.32%
Figure 3: Mean feature importance for predicting the 10 basic human values from observable features by ML approach.
be predicted with the highest accuracy from the avail-
able set of demographic variables. On the other hand,
Self-direction and Stimulation values are at the low-
est end of predictability, which indicates that demo-
graphic features are less useful for inferring these par-
ticular values. While the LR approach shows slightly
better performance than the ML approach in terms of
scores across all of the dependent variables, both
data-analytic approaches converge on similar overall
results in terms of predictive performance, which fur-
ther consolidates the findings.
Table 5: Predictive performance comparison of machine
learning (ML) and linear regression (LR) approaches in
terms of R
and RMSE scores.
ML approach LR approach
Variable R
Achievement 0.13 0.128 0.16 0.127
Benevolence 0.14 0.097 0.16 0.095
Conformity 0.09 0.127 0.11 0.126
Hedonism 0.12 0.106 0.18 0.104
Power 0.15 0.120 0.18 0.118
Security 0.08 0.113 0.12 0.113
Self-Direction 0.07 0.115 0.09 0.113
Stimulation 0.08 0.114 0.09 0.114
Tradition 0.12 0.103 0.14 0.102
Universalism 0.11 0.102 0.13 0.101
The main objective of this study was to assess the util-
ity of demographic features in predicting stakeholder
motivation, operationalized as the basic human val-
ues. We have shown through a set of experiments how
these observable attributes can be utilized for predict-
ing a subject’s motivational profile. The results sug-
gest that the overall predictability of these psycholog-
ical variables from demographic features is relatively
low, but that the usefulness of such assessments is
highly dependent on the context in which the results
are to be used. In cases where no prior information
is available, even a slight reduction in uncertainty can
be significant and worth the effort of gathering addi-
tional, easily observable features.
A study by Kosinski, Stillwell, and Graepelsing
(Kosinski et al., 2013) has demonstrated how a set
of psychological constructs (the Big 5 traits) can be
predicted from online behavioral traces. Firstly, the
study showed that certain differences can be expected
among the Big 5 traits in their level of predictability:
Openness (r = 0.43), Extraversion (r = 0.40), Neu-
roticism and Agreeableness (r = 0.3), and Conscien-
tiousness (r = 0.29), covering a range between 8.41
and 18.49 in terms of the R
. Considering that the
present study only relied on demographic features, the
level of predictability matched closely, even though
behavioral features might convey a lot more informa-
tion about latent traits. Furthermore, the aforemen-
tioned study compared the predictive accuracy ob-
tainable from observable features, to the predictive
accuracy achievable by administering the same psy-
chometric instrument for the same respondent at two
points in time. The correlation between these scores
(test-retest reliability) varies between r = 0.55-0.75,
indicating a possible upper bound in terms of the pre-
dictability of relatively stable psychological traits by
standard, validated instruments.
The experiments conducted with the ML approach
established that the model’s performance is superior
to random guessing, as well as educated guessing (e.g.
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
a guess of the group means), and that the LR ap-
proach had a higher level of performance when us-
ing different combinations of predictor variables, but
also that most of these differences are only marginal.
The differences could be attributed to the automated
data preparation in the case of the LR approach,
which shows the implementation’s additional useful-
ness during the analysis of complex survey data.
In sum, country, age, and type of industry one is
working for are the most important features that can
be easily obtained and used for the prediction of the
majority of basic values from the available set of fea-
tures included in the ESS dataset. Therefore, identi-
fication and inclusion of other demographic features
(which might be more difficult to obtain) do not nec-
essarily provide additional predictive utility. This is
important knowledge for an analyst when consider-
ing the cost-benefit of gathering a greater amount of
descriptive data with the intention of achieving higher
accuracy. In order to identify potentially more useful
predictor variables, further studies will focus on fea-
tures that reflect previous choices in a subject’s his-
5.1 Legal and Ethical Considerations
It should be noted that there are important legal and
ethical aspects when human subjects are involved
both in research and in the real-world application of
the described profiling method. For this reason it is
necessary to outline and separate the conditions un-
der which the method’s application can be considered
ethical or legal. While the distinction between law
and ethics is often unclear, they are fundamentally
different (Hvinden et al., 2016). Both are normative,
but ethical norms are formulated as guidelines rather
than as prescriptions and prohibitions. Ethics is a col-
lection of fundamental concepts and guidelines that
informs individuals about desirable actions in certain
situations. Legislation, on the other hand, refers to
a systematic body of rules and regulations in writ-
ten form that aim to govern the behavior of individu-
als within the boundaries of a particular organization
(e.g. country) and unlawful activities are penalized
and sanctioned. The difference between ethics and
law is also expressed in the corresponding documents.
Ethical guidelines (e.g. the Guidelines for Re-
search Ethics in the Social Sciences, Humanities,
Law, and Theology (Hvinden et al., 2016)) developed
for conducting research with human participants re-
quire: respect for human dignity, privacy, safeguard-
ing against harm, compliance with the duty to inform,
and the obtaining of the participant’s consent, espe-
cially in cases where sensitive personal data is col-
lected. There are also exceptions from the main rule
concerning informed consent e.g. observation in pub-
lic arenas, public figures, if the research does not in-
volve direct contact with the participants, and in cases
where information cannot be provided before the re-
search is initiated because it would affect the out-
comes of the experiment. These exceptions must be
justified by proving the they add value to the research
and by demonstrating the lack of alternative options.
Laws vary with time and across territories; there-
fore, it is crucial to have an up-to-date and contextual
understanding of the legal regulations concerning any
activity. Different laws have been developed for the
collection and protection of personal data across na-
tions. Member states of the European Union (EU) and
the European Economic Area (EEA) have opted for
an all-encompassing regulation named the European
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Euro-
pean Union, 2016). The GDPR requires that the pro-
cessing of personal (linkable to a person) and sensi-
tive data (health, race or ethnic background, sexuality,
political, or religious beliefs) should be done with free
and informed consent, and that data processors are
required to protect the privacy of respondents, and,
therefore, ensure confidentiality. A different approach
is used by the United States, which implements vari-
ous sector-specific data protection laws that work to-
gether with state level legislation (e.g. HIPAA, NIST
800-171, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the Federal
Information Security Management Act) (Coos, 2018).
The overview on the legal and ethical aspects
aimed to highlight some important issues that have
to be taken into consideration when it comes to either
the development or the application of any profiling
This study aimed at increasing the real-world appli-
cability of the CIRA method that addresses human-
related risks within the domain of information se-
curity. The method focuses on stakeholder motiva-
tion and requires the inference of motivational pro-
files without direct involvement of the stakeholders.
Therefore, we investigated the usefulness of easily
observable demographic features for inferring stake-
holder motivational profiles. By analyzing a high-
quality dataset from representative European sam-
ples, and utilizing various data-analytic approaches,
we showed that demographic features have some lim-
ited usefulness in terms of deriving stakeholder mo-
tivation. While the analysis was limited to respon-
dents from European countries, cultural differences
Using Demographic Features for the Prediction of Basic Human Values Underlying Stakeholder Motivation
account for the majority of variances explained. In
sum, these results are useful for characterizing indi-
viduals’ motivational profiles especially, when lim-
ited access to subjects is assumed, and in cases where
subjects might be motivated to answer dishonestly to
direct questions. While the primary application of
these results is the CIRA method of risk analysis,
other domains could benefit from predicting inacces-
sible subject’s motivational profiles, especially where
decisions are characterized by trade-offs between var-
ious objectives and have great potential impact (e.g.
intelligence analysis, operations research, etc.). Fu-
ture work may expand the analysis to include other re-
gions of the world (e.g. USA, Eastern-cultures) to in-
vestigate whether the predictability of value profiles is
affected by deeper cultural differences. Finally, these
findings provide a solid benchmarking baseline for
other future work, which will investigate other classes
of observable features for inferring motivational pro-
files. More specifically, observables that represent the
outcome of a conscious decision process (e.g. own-
ership of items, style, etc.) will be analyzed in terms
of their capability to provide insight into the decision-
maker’s value structure.
The authors would like to thank the anonymous re-
viewers for their constructive comments and sugges-
tions for improving the paper.
This work was partially supported by the project
IoTSec Security in IoT for Smart Grids, with
number 248113/O70 part of the IKTPLUSS program
funded by the Norwegian Research Council.
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Using Demographic Features for the Prediction of Basic Human Values Underlying Stakeholder Motivation
regression residual Age
11 22,036 390.72 0.16 0.52 0.08 Finland (0)
0.15 United Kingdom (1)
0.15 Lithuania (2)
0.14 Netherlands (3)
0.01 Sweden (4)
0.08 Belgium, Switzerland (5)
0.06 Spain, Poland (6)
0.10 Austria, Estonia, Italy, Russian Federation (7)
0.11 Czech Republic, Ireland (8)
Iceland, Norway (9)
0.05 Hungary, Slovenia (10)
13 22,034 329.04 0.16 0.64 -0.10 Finland (0) -0.03 Male (1)
-0.04 United Kingdom (1)
Female (2)
-0.06 Lithuania (2)
0.03 Netherlands (3)
-0.12 Sweden (4)
-0.10 Belgium, Switzerland (5)
-0.05 Spain, Poland (6)
-0.03 Austria, Estonia, Italy, Russian Federation (7)
-0.02 Czech Republic, Ireland (8)
Iceland, Norway (9)
0.01 Hungary, Slovenia (10)
-0.08 Germany, France, Israel, Portugal (11)
9 22,038 303.35 0.11 0.51 -0.10 Finland (0)
-0.03 United Kingdom (1)
-0.07 Lithuania (2)
-0.05 Netherlands (3)
-0.09 Sweden (4)
-0.06 Belgium, Switzerland (5)
-0.08 Spain, Poland (6)
-0.11 Austria, Estonia, Italy, Russian Federation (7)
Czech Republic, Ireland (8)
13 22,034 341.90 0.18 0.60 -0.01 Finland (0)
-0.11 United Kingdom (1)
-0.07 Lithuania (2)
-0.13 Netherlands (3)
-0.05 Sweden (4)
0.01 Belgium, Switzerland (5)
-0.06 Spain, Poland (6)
0.00 Austria, Estonia, Italy, Russian Federation (7)
-0.03 Czech Republic, Ireland (8)
Iceland, Norway (9)
-0.04 Hungary, Slovenia (10)
0.02 Germany, France, Israel, Portugal (11)
9 22,038 510.15 0.18 0.46 0.09 Finland (0)
0.13 United Kingdom (1)
0.05 Lithuania (2)
-0.03 Netherlands (3)
0.12 Sweden (4)
0.02 Belgium, Switzerland (5)
0.06 Spain, Poland (6)
-0.05 Austria, Estonia, Italy, Russian Federation (7)
-0.02 Czech Republic, Ireland (8)
Iceland, Norway (9)
reference variable; all SE B < .005; for all included variables p < .05
adjusted R
Unstandardized Beta
Country (coded as)
Gender (coded as)
Figure 4: Final regression models for each dependent variable (1/2).
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
regression residual Age
12 272,374 267.72 0.12 0.51 0.03 Finland (0)
0.10 United Kingdom (1)
-0.02 Lithuania (2)
-0.04 Netherlands (3)
0.08 Sweden (4)
0.08 Belgium, Switzerland (5)
0.02 Spain, Poland (6)
0.04 Austria, Estonia, Italy, Russian Federation (7)
0.05 Czech Republic, Ireland (8)
Iceland, Norway (9)
0.07 Hungary, Slovenia (10)
11 22,036 212.09 0.09 0.47 0.01 Finland (0) 0.04 Self-employed (0)
-0.01 United Kingdom (1)
Employee, Working for own family business (1)
0.03 Lithuania (2)
0.06 Netherlands (3)
0.06 Sweden (4)
-0.04 Belgium, Switzerland (5)
0.04 Spain, Poland (6)
0.04 Austria, Estonia, Italy, Russian Federation (7)
0.01 Czech Republic, Ireland (8)
Iceland, Norway (9)
6 22,041 361.72 0.09 0.56 -0.02 Finland (0)
-0.04 United Kingdom (1)
-0.03 Lithuania (2)
-0.01 Netherlands (3)
-0.04 Sweden (4)
Belgium, Switzerland (5)
9 22,038 415.14 0.14 0.54 -0.03 Finland (0) 0.04 Yes (1)
-0.05 United Kingdom (1)
No (2)
-0.05 Lithuania (2)
-0.01 Netherlands (3)
-0.02 Sweden (4)
-0.03 Belgium, Switzerland (5)
Spain, Poland (6)
16 22,031 209.70 0.13 0.51 -0.02 Finland (0) 0.01 Mining and quarrying (0)
-0.09 United Kingdom (1) Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities, Information and communication (2)
-0.08 Lithuania (2) Professional, scientific and technical activities, Administrative and support service activities (2)
-0.04 Netherlands (3) 0.02 Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Manufacturing, Accommodation and food service activities (3)
-0.05 Sweden (4) Public administration and defence; compulsory social security, Education (4)
-0.04 Belgium, Switzerland (5) Other service activities, Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies (4)
-0.10 Spain, Poland (6) -0.004 Human health and social work activities, Arts, entertainment and recreation, Activities of households as employers (5)
-0.01 Austria, Estonia, Italy, Russian Federation (7) Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (6)
-0.04 Czech Republic, Ireland (8) Transportation and storage, Financial and insurance activities, Real estate activities (6)
Iceland, Norway (9)
-0.07 Hungary, Slovenia (10)
reference variable; all SE B < .005; for all included variables p < .05
Employment Relation (coded as)
adjusted R
Unstandardized Beta
Country (coded as)
Religion (coded as)
Level of education
NACE classification of economic activities (coded as)
Figure 5: Final regression models for each dependent variable (2/2).
Using Demographic Features for the Prediction of Basic Human Values Underlying Stakeholder Motivation