SMILE Goes Gaming: Gamification in a Classroom Response System for
Academic Teaching
Leonie Feldbusch, Felix Winterer, Johannes Gramsch, Linus Feiten and Bernd Becker
Chair of Computer Architecture, University of Freiburg, Georges-K
ohler-Allee 51, Freiburg, Germany
Gamification, Game-based Learning, Classroom Response System, Higher Education, Computer Science,
Computer Engineering, SMILE.
The classroom response system SMILE (SMartphones In LEctures) is regularly used in academic lectures.
Among other features, it enables lecturers to start quizzes that can be answered anonymously by students on
their smartphones. This aims at both activating the students and giving them feedback about their understand-
ing of the current content of the lecture. But even though many students use SMILE in the beginning of a
course, the number of active participants tends to decrease as the term progresses. This paper reports the
results of a study looking at incorporating gamification into SMILE to increase the students’ motivation and
involvement. Game elements such as scores, badges and a leaderboard have been integrated paired with a
post-processing feature enabling students to repeat SMILE quizzes outside of the lectures. The evaluations
show that the gamification approach increased the participation in SMILE quizzes significantly.
SMILE (SMartphones In LEctures) is a classroom
response system with different functionalities. One
of its most popular features is the quiz functional-
ity that enables lecturers to start multiple-choice or
multiple-response quizzes which the students can an-
swer anonymously using their internet-capable de-
vices like smartphones, tablets or laptops. The lec-
turer sees how well students performed and can there-
upon adapt the course of the lecture accordingly.
SMILE has been used in academic lectures since
2011 (K
andler et al., 2012; Feiten et al., 2012).
Using a classroom response system with adequate
quizzes is not only useful for students (to know if they
properly understood the content of the lecture) but
also for the lecturer (to evaluate if the given expla-
nations were understandable and to activate the stu-
dents to engage more with the lecture content). How-
ever, there has often been a noticeable decrease of par-
ticipation during the term, resulting in only a small
number of students still participating in the lecturer’s
quizzes near the end of term. There can be many rea-
sons for that, such as students generally not attend-
ing the course any more, not understanding why us-
ing SMILE is useful, or simply not having fun using
SMILE. So far we have only been able to verify that
the first of these reasons students dropping out of the
course is definitely a major contributor to this de-
crease of SMILE users. However, even among the re-
maining students there is a great potential to increase
the number of SMILE users, which was the initial mo-
tivation for the study presented here.
We therefore extended SMILE by incorporating
concepts of gamification, such as scores, badges,
achievements, levels, pop-ups for feedback, a user-
pseudonym appearing on a leaderboard, and an op-
tion for the students to personalise the colour scheme
of their SMILE client. Additionally, students are now
able to repeatedly answer the live quizzes outside of
the lecture (e.g. at home). Lecturers are provided with
an overview of statistics, such as gained scores and
achieved levels. Furthermore, they are able to set
parameters, such as the number of (correct) quiz an-
swers required for certain achievements, or individual
level names.
In this paper we describe an approach to deter-
mine game elements suitable for academic teaching
purposes, based on concepts and definitions presented
in literature. Furthermore, we report the evaluation
of applying this first prototype in a Computer Engi-
neering course for first semester students in the winter
term 2017/18 at the University of Freiburg, Germany.
The results are compared to the same course held the
year before, where SMILE without gamification had
been used. The evaluation shows:
Feldbusch, L., Winterer, F., Gramsch, J., Feiten, L. and Becker, B.
SMILE Goes Gaming: Gamification in a Classroom Response System for Academic Teaching.
DOI: 10.5220/0007695102680277
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 268-277
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
a significant increase of SMILE usage compared
to the winter term 2016/17.
many students having fun using the new game el-
ements and thus feeling more motivated to use
the potential of reaching the students not only dur-
ing class but also outside the lecture via the quiz
repeating system.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents the definition and previous
use cases of gamification. Section 3 then gives an
introduction to the non-gamified version of SMILE
before presenting the new gamification features and
their relevance in the given context. Section 4
presents the evaluation results of the prototype’s first
use, before the conclusions are drawn in Section 5.
The word “gamification” was originally defined by
Deterding et al. (2011) as the use of game elements in
a non-gaming context. Their definition distinguishes
between four different aspects shown in Figure 1:
gameful design (gamification), (serious) games, play-
ful design, and toys. They differentiate the concepts
of game and play, with a play being free and a game
having rules. Whole means that playing or gaming
is in the foreground: for example in learning con-
text where the students use games for learning. How-
ever, it is also possible to partly use game elements
e.g. in non-gaming contexts. Regarding SMILE we
have added game elements to its basic functionality,
so our work falls into the gamification category.
Literature presents gamification as a powerful
possibility to evoke desired behaviour (AlMarshedi
et al., 2017). It has been evaluated concerning the
increase of motivation and learning benefit (Sailer,
2016; Yildirim, 2017). Sailer (2016) discovered that
scores, badges, leaderboards, avatars, etc. fulfil ba-
sic psychological needs. Satisfying these needs can
have a positive impact on motivation and on quanti-
tative and qualitative performance. Yildirim (2017)
published a study that records the positive impact of
gamification in a university lecture. Wang (2015) con-
ducted a survey about whether game elements have a
positive long-term effect, or whether there are “wear-
out effects” when students get used to gamification.
It was shown that gamification does in fact retain
its positive impact on students regarding engagement,
motivation, concentration and learning.
Glover (2013) gives an overview of when and how
gamification can be used in learning contexts. He
Figure 1: The difference between play and game, with play
being free and game having rules, and between wholly and
partly, with wholly meaning that the game or play is in the
foreground and partly meaning that only some elements of
gaming/playing are used. (Deterding et al., 2011).
proposed a set of questions to determine the use of
gamification. In the following we answer these ques-
tions regarding SMILE, showing that the endeavour
of gamification is recommendable:
Q: “Is motivation actually a problem?”
A: Yes, because the use of SMILE is decreasing
during the term.
Q: Are there behaviours to encourage/dis-
A: Yes, we want to encourage the use of SMILE.
Q: “Can a specific activity be gamified?”
A: Yes, the activity of answering quizzes can be
Q: Am I creating a parallel assessment route?”
A: No, because as SMILE is anonymous, scores
and leaderboards are disconnected from the for-
mal assessment of learning.
Q: “Would it favour some learners over others?”
A: No, because the usage of SMILE is rec-
ommended but not required. Thus there is no
favouritism at all.
Q: “What rewards would provide the most moti-
vation for learners?”
A: We see scores, badges, achievements, levels,
feedback pop-ups, a leaderboard and personalisa-
tion as promising (cf. Section 3.2).
Q: “Will it encourage learners to spend dispro-
portionate time on some activities?” and Are re-
wards too easy to obtain?”
A: No, because it is neither possible to obtain the
rewards by spending disproportionate time nor are
they too easy to obtain (also cf. Section 3.2).
SMILE Goes Gaming: Gamification in a Classroom Response System for Academic Teaching
Since 2011 the number of studies concerning gam-
ification has risen significantly (Darejeh and Salim,
2016). In the following we present some of these
studies and show what sets our work apart:
Berkling and Thomas (2013) implemented gami-
fication into a course of Software Engineering at the
Cooperative State University in Karlsruhe. They re-
placed the lecture with independent learning phases,
using given material and a game environment. Stu-
dents, however, were not able to cope with the free
time management but 55% nevertheless liked the idea
of a gamified lecture or at least thought that it would
work with small adjustments. In our work we do not
replace the whole lecture with self-regulated learning
but only gamify SMILE, the classroom response sys-
tem in use.
Denny (2013) published a study of a badge-based
achievement system. In his large-scaled evaluation
he found that a significant positive effect can be ob-
served in the attendance of the online learning tool
“PeerWise” without decreasing the quality of learn-
ing. Students have fun getting badges and seeing them
in their user interface. In SMILE we go even further
by including not only badges and achievements but
also scores and a leaderboard.
The study of Cheong et al. (2013) concerns a gam-
ified multiple-choice quiz tool that is used in several
different Bachelor degree courses at the RMIT Uni-
versity of Melbourne. The authors did a survey with
students assessing their subjective opinion of the tool.
The engagement, fun and learning of the students
were evaluated almost exclusively positively. We also
use a quiz tool for our study but furthermore compare
our observations with a previous year in which gami-
fication had not been used.
Ohno et al. (2013) introduced “half-anonymity”
and gamification into a lecture to increase the moti-
vation and engagement of students to ask questions.
They used the “Classtalk”-Software and developed an
application the students could use to discuss quizzes
online and vote for the answers until the lecturer
closed the question. The 17 surveyed students over-
all evaluated the system positively and would have
liked to use it in further lectures as well. In SMILE
the students can use pseudonyms, which is similar
to the “half-anonymity”, but they can also stay com-
pletely anonymous if they want to. Furthermore, we
also do quizzes during the lecture but the students are
discussing “offline” (face-to-face) instead of online.
Another difference is that our study has more partici-
The publication of Fotaris et al. (2016) describes
a programming course that used the tools “Kahoot!”,
“Who wants to be a millionaire” and “Codecademy”,
readily providing different game elements. This
course was compared to a control group not using
gamification, regarding a number of key metrics like
course attendance, course material downloads or final
grades, and it was concluded that gamification is en-
riching for both students and instructors. In contrast
to this study, we only use one system and apply all
game elements to it.
Also using a self-developed system, the study of
Barrio et al. (2016) analyses the use of game dynam-
ics and real-time feedback in “IGC”, a classroom re-
sponse system very similar to SMILE. In their system,
however, the students are not completely anonymous
as lecturers are able to see the browser types and IP
addresses. For their study they used IGC in four 90-
minute lectures and did their evaluation in four dif-
ferent categories: motivation, attention, engagement
and learning performance. In contrast, SMILE is used
during the whole term (26 90-minute lectures). We
execute two evaluations in two different lectures using
seven different question categories: attention, self-
efficacy, meta cognition, motivation, understanding,
fun and recommendation.
For our own work we focus on the suggestions
by Follert and Fischer (2015) who already developed
game design elements for the academic learning con-
text. They used an e-learning platform called Opal
where lecturers are able to distribute teaching mate-
rial, while students can find study-related information
and come together in working groups (TU Dresden,
2017). However, they never put forth an evaluation of
their exploration in this field. We emulate their devel-
opment steps for our own work as described in Sec-
tion 3.2 and then also evaluate the resulting prototype
in our whole-term field test.
The main intention of adding gamification to SMILE
has been to increase the students’ motivation to per-
sistently participate in the quizzes during the lectures.
For this purpose we implemented several game ele-
ments into the client and the possibility of repeating
quizzes outside of the lecture, for which the students
would also get rewards in the gamification context.
In this chapter, we briefly describe the previous non-
gamified version of SMILE before explaining in de-
tail the added game elements of the new prototype.
3.1 Non-gamified SMILE
The SMILE application consists of three modules:
“Quiz”, “Q&A” and “Feedback”. Each module can
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
be accessed by the lecturer and the students in sepa-
rate SMILE clients using a web browser on arbitrary
devices. Furthermore, the lecturer is able to adminis-
ter the modules in their client. As students remain
anonymous, the lecturer cannot extract information
about a specific student.
Via the Quiz module a lecturer has the ability
to conduct multiple-choice or multiple-response live
quizzes during the lecture. Students attending the lec-
ture can answer a quiz in a fixed amount of time via
the SMILE student client. After each quiz the lecturer
is able to see a statistic about the given answers and
can discuss and incorporate the results in the remain-
der of the lecture. It is up to the lecturer to publish the
correct answer of a quiz as well as an explanation text
to the students in the end.
The Q&A module is a forum where students have
the opportunity to ask questions at any time. The
questions can be answered by the lecturer, by teaching
assistants (if available) or by other students. Further-
more, it is possible to up- or down-vote forum entries.
There is no difference between the SMILE student or
lecturer client for this module.
In the Feedback module the students are able to
give live feedback during a lecture. To do so they use
a slider in the student client to show whether they are
keeping up with the content of the lecture. In the lec-
turer client the distribution of all slider positions is
shown in a histogram, that may be interpreted by the
lecturer in real-time to adapt the speed of the lecture
accordingly. Furthermore, the students might be en-
couraged to ask questions if the lecturer chooses to
publish this live histogram, when they see that they
are not the only ones struggling.
Past evaluations of SMILE showed, however, that
the Feedback module does not have the desired effect.
Also the Q&A module has remained unused most of
the times as most lecturers already use another forum
for their lectures. The use of the Quiz module, how-
ever, was very successful in raising the students’ inter-
activity and revealing their misconceptions (K
et al., 2012). For these reasons we only focus on the
Quiz module for further investigation.
We dubbed the new SMILE version including
game elements gamified SMILE. In contrast, the
SMILE version without any new (gamification) fea-
tures shall be called basic SMILE.
3.2 New Game Elements
To realise the gamification of SMILE we used game
elements according to the eight gamification cate-
gories defined by Chou (2015): meaning, accom-
plishment, empowerment, ownership, social influ-
ence, scarcity, unpredictability and avoidance. Based
on these categories, Follert and Fischer (2015) pro-
posed their own game elements for academic teaching
context in the e-learning platform “Opal”.
Using the propositions of Follert and Fischer
(2015) as orientation, we developed the following
game elements in SMILE:
a score system
a (named) level system
a leaderboard
pop-ups for feedback
pseudonyms and choice of colour scheme
In addition to our literature research about possi-
ble game elements we did a pre-survey with 40 basic
SMILE users asking for their opinion and wishes on
introducing game elements into SMILE. The results
showed that basic SMILE was considered to be very
useful for understanding the content of the lecture. In
addition to the current functionality a majority of stu-
dents requested an option to answer the quizzes again
at home. Thus, we implemented a facility to repeat
quizzes outside of the lecture (post-processing). In
the following, we explain how our developed game
elements fulfil the eight different gamification cate-
gories of Chou (2015).
Meaning: The game elements of the meaning
category aim to make the users aware of the big-
ger meaning (i.e. the purpose) behind the application
(Chou, 2015). An intuitive welcome page explaining
the benefits and the usage of the application e.g. with a
tutorial could be an example for this category (Follert
and Fischer, 2015). For SMILE there already exists an
intuitive welcome page providing such explanations.
Accomplishment: This category contains ele-
ments to increase the motivation for making progress
or developing skills (Chou, 2015). In this context, re-
ward mechanisms such as badges or scores are very
important (Follert and Fischer, 2015). To apply this
category to SMILE we implemented a reward sys-
tem containing scores, levels, badges, achievements
and a leaderboard. The students can achieve scores
for participating in the live quizzes during the lecture
with additional scores for the correct answer (cf. Fig-
ure 2). A similar score system is applied for repeating
the quizzes outside of the lecture. To prevent students
from getting huge amounts of scores by just repeat-
ing quizzes over and over again, there is a time pe-
riod after each quiz trial in which no further scores
can be obtained. The length of this delay doubles af-
ter each trial. The accumulation of the scores allows
SMILE Goes Gaming: Gamification in a Classroom Response System for Academic Teaching
Figure 2: An example of an answered quiz including the
pop-up feedback stating the number of gained scores.
students to gain certain levels and to compare them-
selves with other students via a pseudonym ranking in
a leaderboard which can be seen in Figure 3. Further-
more, each student can follow her/his own progress
over time shown in a score chart (cf. Figure 4).
Students can earn three different badges for each
quiz by answering it (1) during, (2) outside of the
lecture and (3) by giving the correct answer in three
different trials. Collecting one badge category for all
quizzes in a chapter is rewarded by a virtual trophy for
Figure 3: The leaderboard of our course viewed by the
client of a student with “dangerbleistift-7523-8842” as
Figure 4: A score chart example of a participant of our
course in the winter term 2017/18.
this category in the chapter (cf. Figure 5). Finally, we
also provide some achievements, e.g. for the amount
of answered quizzes, for fast and correct answers or
the amount of quizzes all badges are achieved for.
Empowerment: Challenging and encouraging
the creativity of the user as well as direct feedback
from and to the users are the main goals of the
game elements contained in the empowerment cat-
egory (Chou, 2015). For Opal, Follert and Fischer
(2015) recommend feedback and valuation symbols
e.g. in forums. In SMILE there is already a dedicated
module to give live feedback during the lecture (see
Section 3.1). Furthermore, the Q&A-module is a fo-
rum including different feedback and valuation sym-
bols (e.g. “thumbs-up”) to show that a forum entry
is considered useful. However, as these modules are
not used regularly in lectures, we decided to establish
a sense of empowerment in the Quiz module by giv-
ing direct feedback in form of visual pop-ups in the
user interface. After submitting the answer to a re-
peated quiz students are thus informed about whether
their answer was correct, about the score they gained
as well as the current time delay until scores can be
obtained for repeating this quiz. Such a feedback can
be seen in Figure 2. During live quizzes in the lecture
the information about the correct answer and obtained
scores are not revealed until the lecturer unlocks them,
typically after the discussion.
Figure 5: An example of the students’ overview over all
quizzes with their gained trophies and badges.
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Ownership: The personalisation of the applica-
tion is part of the ownership category (Chou, 2015).
This category is not considered in Opal (Follert and
Fischer, 2015). To provide options for customisation
in SMILE, we introduced the facility for the students
to choose an individual colour scheme for the client
(Figure 2–5 show the blue colour scheme) and to set a
pseudonym which is used in the leaderboard (cf. Fig-
ure 3). If no pseudonym is used, the students remain
anonymous. The pseudonym can be changed and re-
set at any time.
Social Influence: The game elements allowing
interactions with other users are covered by the so-
cial influence category (Chou, 2015). In Opal, this
is solved by chats and a service for private mes-
sages (Follert and Fischer, 2015). In SMILE, mes-
sages can only be exchanged in the Q&A module
which is not used in the considered lecture. How-
ever, the implemented leaderboard covers the social
influence. The board lists the top-ten students, either
completely anonymous or by their voluntarily chosen
pseudonym. Additionally, students can see their own
score for comparison (cf. Figure 3). This ensures that
students are able to compare themselves with the best
ten students even if they do not know who they are.
But the students still have the option to loosen their
own anonymity by using and sharing pseudonyms to
be able to compare themselves with a restricted group
of people, e.g. their friends.
Scarcity: Some game elements (e.g. achieve-
ments) are not supposed to be gained immediately
by the user. Such elements belong to the category
of scarcity. The idea is that the resulting impa-
tience leads to a permanent fixation of the users to the
content, increasing the invested time (Chou, 2015).
Follert and Fischer (2015) used applications such as
showing further education courses (e.g. “Cross mar-
keting”) in Opal to gain scarcity. In contrast, we
achieve scarcity by limiting the scores for repeated
quizzes using an increasing time delay. This ensures
that the high levels cannot be reached too easily. Also
some badges and achievements can only be achieved
over time by e.g. constantly attending the live quizzes
in the lecture.
Unpredictability: The game elements in this cat-
egory are meant to be surprising to the users (Chou,
2015). While there are no unpredictable elements
integrated in the Opal platform (Follert and Fischer,
2015), SMILE implements the concept of unpre-
dictable level names and level-up limits. These pa-
rameters are chosen by the lecturer. The students only
know their current level name and the score neces-
sary to achieve the next higher level. After a level-up
this information is revealed for the new level. As the
transparency of the score and achievement system is
an important aspect in SMILE, we decided to refrain
from further unpredictability.
Avoidance: The avoidance category contains
game elements that motivate the usage of the appli-
cation to prevent negative outcomes (Chou, 2015).
Follert and Fischer (2015) strongly recommend not to
use punishment mechanisms as it can have negative
effects on students’ affection towards learning. We
are also not using punishment of any kind. One could
argue, however, that dropping lower on the leader-
board can be perceived as a negative outcome that ea-
ger students want to avoid by continuously earning as
many scores as possible.
The first prototype of gamified SMILE, including all
game elements described in Section 3.2, was used in
a Computer Engineering course for first semester stu-
dents in the winter term 2017/18. The results from
this extensive field test were then compared to the
previous winter term in which the basic version of
SMILE was used, allowing for a direct comparison
between the basic and gamified versions of SMILE.
In both terms the course was given by the same lec-
The goal of the evaluation has been to measure
whether the introduced game elements have an effect
on the students’ participation, attention, self-efficacy,
meta cognition, motivation, understanding, and fun.
The effect on the students’ participation is analysed
in Section 4.1 by means of statistical information pro-
vided by SMILE. The evaluation of the other effects
has been done via questionnaires created just for this
purpose. The analysis is described in Section 4.2. We
finally discuss our results in Section 4.3.
4.1 Participation in SMILE
The Computer Engineering lecture under considera-
tion is a course for first semester students with usually
about 250 participants. To be precise there were 266
registrations for the winter term 2016/17 and 248 for
2017/18. From these registrations, 170 took the final
exam in 2016/17, 151 in 2017/18.
We measured the number of students participat-
ing in each SMILE live quiz during the lectures for
both terms. Figure 6 shows this data in one graph for
comparison. The gaps in the curves stem from sin-
gle quizzes that were used in one term but not in the
other. It can be seen that the number of participants in
2017/18 is on average 2.4x as high as in 2016/17, even
SMILE Goes Gaming: Gamification in a Classroom Response System for Academic Teaching
though the number of registered students was almost
equal (even 1.07x lower in 2017/18).
Furthermore, the increased participation rate con-
tinues until the end of the term. When we compare
the average number of participants in the last quarter
of the term (starting with quiz 30) to the maximum
participation in any quiz of the same term, we see that
in 2017/18 there are still 41% (about 58 students) tak-
ing the quizzes, opposed to only 27% (21 students) in
2016/17. When we compare the number of students
still active in the last quarter of the term to the num-
ber of participants in the final exams, the difference is
even higher: more than 38% (of 151) in 2017/18 and
less than 13% (of 170) in 2016/17.
Figure 6: Number of students participating in SMILE
quizzes: winter term 2017/18 (orange) compared to winter
term 2016/17 (blue).
For the winter term 2017/18 we also have ad-
ditional information regarding the general usage of
SMILE provided by the new statistic feature. This
includes that a total of 229 students registered at least
once in SMILE. Figure 7 shows the number of par-
ticipating students per week in 2017/18, either in live
quizzes or repeating quizzes. The statistic accumu-
lates for each week all students who obtained at least
one score in that week. The lecture started in the third
week of the term and lasted until week 19. There were
two courses each week including different numbers
of live quizzes with two exceptions: in week 13 and
14 no lecture took place (Christmas holidays) and in
week 19 there was no live quiz in the lecture. The
final exam took place at the first day of week 26.
Even though the overall participation of students
is sloping during the term (as students drop out of
their studies), Figure 7 shows that at the end of the
lecture (week 18) still about 80 students were using
SMILE. Considering the two outliers in the Christ-
mas break and the time between the lecture and the
exam, up to 32 students used SMILE in their holi-
days and for preparation of the exam. This can be
interpreted as a lower bound for the usage of the post-
processing system of SMILE as in other weeks in-
cluding live quizzes the students might have used this
feature even more extensively. As the post-processing
and the gamification features have been introduced si-
multaneously, it is not possible to evaluate the impact
of gamification on the usage of the post-processing.
Nevertheless, the data shows that this feature is defini-
tively used.
Figure 7: Number of students participating in SMILE by
week in the winter term 2017/18.
All in all, the data shows a significant improve-
ment in the participation numbers from winter term
2016/17 to 2017/18 as well as an active usage of the
new post-processing feature in SMILE.
4.2 Survey Analysis
To measure the influence of gamification on the stu-
dents’ behaviour and learning we designed three eval-
uations: The first one – a pilot survey performed prior
to the first “official” use of gamified SMILE in the
actual course targeted former participants of basic
SMILE quizzes to attend a contrived lecture asking
for their opinion about the new features. A second one
was handed out in a lecture shortly before the Christ-
mas break and a third one close to the end of term, to
get a final assessment. Every survey was designed as
a paper questionnaire to be answered anonymously.
The questionnaires were all structured as follows:
The first part consisted of several demographic items.
The second part consisted of self-assessment regard-
ing the course itself (irrespective of SMILE) and the
perceived improvement of the lectures by using gam-
ified SMILE. Furthermore, as the students had never
attended a lecture using basic SMILE, they were
asked to estimate the improvements caused by the
gamification or the post-processing feature. The sec-
ond part focused on:
attention: attentiveness during lecture
self-efficacy: feeling able to answer exam ques-
meta cognition: interest in further information
motivation: motivation to learn and to pay atten-
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
understanding: comprehension of taught content
fun: enjoyment
recommendation: suggestion of the use of SMILE
to other lecturers or other students
The third part consisted of questions regarding the
user-friendliness of the web interface while the fourth
part was a section for further comments to not only
get quantitative results but also qualitative answers.
Except for the fourth part all questions were to
be rated with a number between 1 (dislike/not useful)
and 5 (like/useful) or the option to abstain from vot-
ing. If a question was not answered, we considered
it as an abstention from voting. In the following we
define a question as answered positively if the mean
of the given answers is greater than 3, and answered
negatively if the mean is smaller than 3. A positive
outlier is a question with a mean over 4.5, a negative
outlier a question with a mean below 2.
Pilot Survey
The pilot survey
was designed to gain user informa-
tion about the effectiveness of the game elements and
of the user friendliness of the web interface to be able
to make adjustments before the actual start of term.
For this purpose the lecturer gave a contrived lecture
for 17 voluntary students on one chapter of the up-
coming Computer Engineering course in which gam-
ified SMILE was used. The participants were after-
wards asked to fill in a questionnaire that also con-
tained questions regarding the understandability of
the questionaire itself. This was to potentially im-
prove the questionnaires of the upcoming two eval-
uations during the term.
Overall, gamified SMILE was rated very posi-
tively (91% positive answers in the questionnaire).
Although the students rated the contrived lecture as
not exciting not even with gamified SMILE and
were not motivated to pay attention initially, SMILE
managed to induce certain motivation by the means of
the reward system. The reason for the initial lack of
motivation and excitement though might be that the
lecture was contrived and thus without a subsequent
examination. The participants had a lot of fun using
gamified SMILE and stated that its use (quizzes) was
beneficial for understanding the content of the lec-
ture. Nearly all of them would recommend gamified
SMILE to other lecturers and students (mean value
over 4.5; no single value below 3).
SMILE was considered user-friendly, with some
remarks in the comment section that were taken into
Not to be confused with the pre-survey mentioned in
Section 3.2.
account for small adjustments before the actual start
of term, as were comments regarding bugs in the sys-
tem. The other comments were mostly positive, like
some stating they already experienced a positive ef-
fect towards learning. As the understandability of
the questionnaire was evaluated positively (mean over
4.5) we used the same question types in the two other
questionnaires during term.
Mid-term Evaluation
The second evaluation was carried out after two con-
secutive lectures in which even more quizzes than
usual (about five as opposed to the usual one to three)
were performed to focus on the integration of SMILE
into the lecture. 86 first semester students participated
in this evaluation.
The two lectures themselves were perceived pos-
itively in every aspect. The students liked the addi-
tional SMILE quizzes, but were indecisive whether
they gained a benefit compared to the other lectures
with less quizzes. Gamified SMILE was rated posi-
tively regarding attention, motivation, understanding
and fun. The game elements in particular were evalu-
ated as motivating for the usage of SMILE, enhancing
the attention during the lecture and being fun.
As in the pilot survey, the recommendation of
SMILE to other lecturers and students was rated pos-
itively (positive outlier). Also the usability was com-
plimented (positive outlier), especially the quiz func-
tionality and achievement overview.
On the other hand, the self-efficacy and meta cog-
nition for gamified SMILE was rated negatively by
the students. However, this is not very surprising as
the SMILE quizzes only cover the content of the lec-
ture, neither providing exam questions nor further in-
formation. Furthermore, in the students’ opinion the
game elements did not turn out to be useful for the
understanding and motivation to follow the lecture.
The section for further comments contained both
positive and negative comments. While the game el-
ements were mentioned positively, the students com-
plained about bugs in SMILE (that did not occur in
the smaller pilot test group) as well as the WiFi in the
lecture hall and SMILE itself being slow.
Final Evaluation
The last evaluation focused on the use of gamified
SMILE and its post-processing functionality during
the whole winter term 2017/18. 56 students partici-
pated in the survey.
The course itself was again evaluated positively
in every aspect. The evaluations regarding gamified
SMILE as well as the benefit of the game elements
SMILE Goes Gaming: Gamification in a Classroom Response System for Academic Teaching
themselves were quite similar to the mid-term evalua-
tion. Once more, attention, motivation, understanding
and fun were rated positively for gamified SMILE.
Also the game elements were seen to be fun and to
motivate the usage of SMILE. However, the influence
of gamification towards attention had shifted from
significant to less significant.
As in both prior surveys the majority of the stu-
dents would highly recommend gamified SMILE to
other lecturers and students. Despite the request of
the students in the pre-survey (cf. Section 3.2) to be
able to repeat SMILE quizzes outside of the lecture,
the post-processing feature while students were gen-
erally using it was rated negatively. Questions re-
garding usability were left out in this final evaluation
as no usability adjustments had been done after the
mid-term evaluation that already covered this topic.
In the further comments section the functional-
ity of SMILE was complimented whereas there were
some critics towards SMILE being slow and some mi-
nor bugs. Except for the post-processing feature the
game elements were mostly well perceived.
4.3 Discussion
Observations show that the usage of SMILE is slop-
ing. This has natural reasons as the attendance of stu-
dents in the lectures is decreasing and many students
quit their studies during the term. Nevertheless, we
observed a significant increase of the participation in
SMILE quizzes comparing the winter terms 2016/17
and 2017/18. As there were almost no changes in the
flow of the course (aside from the participating stu-
dents) it is plausible that the increase is induced by
the newly implemented gamification features as well
as the post-processing function in gamified SMILE.
Furthermore, when considering the evaluations,
gamified SMILE turned out to be very useful for
the students’ attention, motivation and understanding.
Figure 8 shows that a majority of the students had fun
using gamified SMILE during the term. Also, many
students stated that the game elements were the main
motivation to use gamified SMILE. But it can be seen
in Figure 9 that this was not true for all students as
a considerable amount of them strongly disagreed or
were just not sure about the impact of gamification on
their motivation. On the other hand, nobody reported
a negative effect of gamification, e.g. distraction from
learning. Furthermore, nearly all students enjoyed the
full “gamified SMILE package”. Thus, we conclude
that the effect of gamification depends on the individ-
Another aspect to consider is the post-processing
feature. It was highly requested by the students in
Figure 8: Answers of students to the question regarding the
fun they have using gamified SMILE.
Figure 9: Answers of students to the question regarding
their motivation to use SMILE because of the game ele-
the pre-survey and used even during the holidays.
However, the final evaluation shows that the post-
processing feature is not perceived as helpful by the
students. Nevertheless we see great potential in this
functionality which shall be further explained in the
following final section.
Literature presents gamification as a promising ap-
proach to increase the motivation of students to par-
ticipate more in lectures, to invest more time into
learning the content of the lecture and to have more
fun learning. To take advantage of this, we included
game elements like scores, achievements, badges
and a leaderboard in our classroom response system
SMILE. Furthermore, we implemented a feature for
students to post-process the lecture’s content by re-
peating the live quizzes of the lecture at home. We ob-
serve that gamification has significant positive effects
on the usage of SMILE in lectures. This increased
usage is desirable since SMILE enables the lecturer
to see which content is already understood and which
topics need further explanations. The self-assessment
in the evaluation also indicates a positive effect on
most students as they have fun and are motivated to
use gamified SMILE.
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The most requested feature of the pre-survey, an
option to answer quizzes outside of the lecture, was
the only aspect that was overall evaluated negatively.
Nevertheless we do not want to discard this idea but
plan on improving this feature by adding a function-
ality for students to submit their own quizzes that can
be accessed and answered by other students. This will
furthermore increase empowerment, ownership and
social influence. This modified feature is planned to
be given a trial in our Computer Engineering course
in the summer term 2019. We will then elaborate
how students perceive this functionality in order to
rate the benefit of such a feature for a classroom re-
sponse system in general. We assume that also the
meta cognition will be improved as the option to cre-
ate own quizzes (for others) might activate the stu-
dents to think outside the box of the course. Further-
more, adding exam-like quizzes by the lecturer or the
teaching assistants (or the students themselves) could
also have a positive effect on self-efficacy.
As students would recommend the gamified
SMILE to other students and other lecturers we can
say that the integration of gamification in SMILE was
useful and well perceived and thus will be used in fu-
ture lectures. Our results thus suggest gamification
to be useful for other classroom response systems as
Special thanks go to Sven Reimer for providing an
enormous knowledge of game elements and to Ralf
Wimmer for beta-testing the new SMILE-version in
his lecture.
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SMILE Goes Gaming: Gamification in a Classroom Response System for Academic Teaching