On Some Possibilities of Organizing a Mobile Hardware-information
System for Polyfactorial Neuro-electrostimulation
Vladimir Kublanov, Mikhail Babich and Anton Dolganov
Research Medical and Biological Engineering Centre of High Technologies, Ural Federal University,
Mira 19, 620002, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: Neuro-electrostimulator, Current Pulses Field, Neuroplasticity, Information System, Machine Learning.
Abstract: In paper the organizational principles of the mobile hardware-information system for polyfactorial neuro-
electrostimulation were considered. It was shown that the system can be implemented by three functionally
separate blocks, one of which ensures the formation of a spatially distributed field of current pulses, the
second is the specialized interface for the patient, and the third is the specialized interface for the doctor.
The exchange of information between the blocks is provided by a telemetric communication channel or via
the global network using mobile wearable computers (which can include a personal computer, tablet or
smartphone). A personalized patient information system can be implemented on the basis of the neuro-
electrostimulation system. In this case patient data can be placed on the server of the medical institution.
The prospects for using artificial intelligence and machine learning to control the treatment process were
Medical rehabilitation today is the relevant area of
medicine, which is associated with its great social
significance (Gunn, 2017; Khan et al., 2015; Voinea
et al., 2017).
It is known that the state of health and illness
differ in the level of the adaptive mechanisms in the
body (Pulakat et al., 2011). Increasing the adaptation
of a healthy person to constantly changing
environmental conditions is the main measure of
health and is achieved through temporal adjustment.
Adaptation of a sick person to the conditions of
existence is carried out by compensating for
impaired functions. At the same time, adaptation and
compensatory mechanisms are based on functional,
biochemical and morphological properties and
reactions of the body that are similar in nature and
are based on increasing of the functional capabilities
for existing structures and functions (Ram-Tiktin,
In order to launch these mechanisms, particular
conditions are necessary that can be initialized with
the help of biotechnical systems of restorative
medicine, in which physical fields are used for
stimulation. At the same time regulatory systems
that stimulate the processes of adaptation and
compensation are used as stimuli targets.
This article discusses some of the possibilities
for organizing such system in which polyfactorial
neuro-electrostimulation is used to control the
processes of adaptation and compensation.
Stimulation of the Neck Neural Formations and
Organization of the Neuro-electrostimulation
Process Management
In general, modern biotechnical systems, which are
focused on solving the problems of medical
rehabilitation, should provide:
1. Formation in the problem area of the body by
means of the external physical field for targeted
physiological changes aimed at restoring the health
of persons with disabilities.
2. Regulation of the structure of the external
physical field and its biotropic parameters, as well as
the choice of targets for stimulation, which form the
‘targeted’ physiological changes.
Kublanov, V., Babich, M. and Dolganov, A.
On Some Possibilities of Organizing a Mobile Hardware-information System for Polyfactorial Neuro-electrostimulation.
DOI: 10.5220/0007695505720576
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2019), pages 572-576
ISBN: 978-989-758-353-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
3. Measuring the patient's response to targeted
stimulation by monitoring functional changes in the
central and autonomic nervous systems, as well as
mental and behavioral functions.
With that in mind, the first task is conditionally
“tied” to the patient, the second to the doctor. To
implement the third task, one can use both
embedded and stationary systems of functional
diagnostics. Recently, video surveillance systems are
also in high demand (Klompmaker et al., 2010).
An individual multidisciplinary approach to
medical rehabilitation organization is promising.
The physician must take into account the patient's
age, gender, main and concomitant diseases, the
degree of adaptation-compensatory mechanisms
training and the biorhythmic activity of the vital
body functions. This means that during
rehabilitation, data on clinical, functional and mental
changes should be observed during the treatment
process. Using this data allows physician to organize
an information system to support the treatment
According to WHO, impaired cerebral
circulation and diseases for which treatment requires
neurorehabilitation are the most common causes of
disability and mortality among the population
(WHO, 2018). As noted earlier in our papers
(Kublanov, 2008), technologies that use a spatially
distributed field of monopolar low-frequency current
pulses, which characteristics are similar to
endogenous processes in neural networks, are
promising for solving such rehabilitation problems.
In this case, neural formations of the neck are used
as targets for stimulation: segmental control centers
of vital functions (cervical sympathetic ganglia) and
pathways of suprasegmental homeostasis regulation
centers (glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves and
their branches, as well as the cervical plexus of
spinal nerves).
At the same time, during the electrical
stimulation of the cervical spinal plexus, branches of
the vagus, accessory and glossopharyngeal nerves,
the gray matter of the brainstem can be stimulated
along afferent pathways. Through the reticular
formation, the effect in this case extends to the
thalamic structures and the cerebral cortex.
Stimulation of the sympathetic trunk nodes provides
an effect on both the vascular tone of the cerebral
arteries and the vegetative nuclei of the spinal cord.
As a result of these actions, it is possible to influence
various functional processes in the brain tissues,
modulate the autonomic processes, and influence the
motor control and cognitive functions (Michailov et
al., 2013).
An analysis of the anatomical features for the
neural formations in the neck made it possible to
establish that, for neuro-electrostimulation tasks, 6
targets on the neck surface are promising, the
projections of which correspond to the location of
the upper and middle cervical ganglia of the
sympathetic nervous system (target 1), the
sympathetic trunk (target 3) ), spinal plexus (target
4), vagus nerve (target 5), accessory nerve and
branches of the glossopharyngeal nerve (target 6)
(Orlov and Nozdrachev, 2010).
The formation of these stimulation targets is
ensured by selecting the electrodes of a neuro-
electrostimulator, which allow the formation of an
adequate field of current pulses in the projection of
the corresponding nervous formations. Example of
the electrodes formation, which allows stimulation
of the aforementioned targets is presented on Figure
Figure 1: Electrodes combinations for different targets.
Living organisms are complex and consist of
many interconnected systems, its functional state is
determined by a large number of biophysical
variables (factors). The more factors that can be used
in rehabilitation, the more likely it will be to achieve
the desired therapeutic effect. In addition, each of
the methods used in rehabilitation should
complement and not duplicate the others, be
independent of them and not create discomfort due
to the inconvenience of operation. Therefore, a
promising neuro-electrostimulator should, on the
one hand, be polyfactorial, and on the other, be
compact and mobile, since the large mass-
dimensional characteristics of the neuro-
electrostimulator may be the reason for the
Organization of Hardware-information System
Based on the tasks to be solved, the neuro-
electrostimulator of the mobile hardware-
information system can be implemented from three
functionally separate blocks:
• the first block ensures the formation of a
monopolar rectangular current pulses field;
On Some Possibilities of Organizing a Mobile Hardware-information System for Polyfactorial Neuro-electrostimulation
• the second block is a specialized patient interface
and provides a solution of two tasks:
- changing the structure of current pulses the field,
setting the values of biotropic parameters of pulses
(amplitude, duration and repetition rate of a
sequence of consecutive pulses) and choosing the
stimulation target;
- collecting information about the patient, its clinical
data and functional parameters of the central and
autonomic nervous systems, as well as monitoring
data for the neurorehabilitation process;
• the third block is a specialized doctor interface and
- data input into the second block on the structure of
the current pulse field, the value of the biotropic
parameters of the pulses and the stimulation target;
- provides the second block with data for managing
the treatment process (turning on / off the first block
and parameters of the cyclogram of the stimulation
procedure), as well as comments about the patient
and the course of the treatment process.
The schematic of the mobile hardware-
information system for the polyfactorial neuro-
electrostimulation is presented on Figure 2.
Figure 2: Mobile hardware-information system schematic.
In order to ensure the mobility and compactness
of the first block, in its implementation it is
necessary to use high-level system integration
electronic radio devices and microcontrollers. It
consists of two multi-element electrodes, between
which a spatially distributed field of current pulses is
formed; a multichannel source of pulsed current, the
functions of which are realized by two multiplexers
and a controlled current source; battery; transceiver
telemetry communication channel; flash memory
that implements the functions of a persistent storage
device; microcontroller. Flash memory allows
physician to save individual patient data, as well as
data on the structure of the field of current pulses
and the characteristics of partial pulses in each
treatment procedure. It is essentially one of the main
carriers of information about the patient’s treatment
process, provides the ability to use its personalized
medicine system and save these data in the service
available for global computer networks. The
technical implementation of the first unit made it
possible to ensure its compactness and mobility: the
prototype of the product has a mass of not more than
200 g, and its overall dimensions are 90x50x18 mm.
Mobile wearable computers can be used as the
second and third units, which include a personal
computer, tablet or a smartphone. The exchange of
information between the first and second blocks is
provided by a telemetric communication channel (in
particular Bluetooth Low Energy), and between the
second and third blocks via the Internet.
With the help of wearable computers, it is
possible to organize the interaction of a doctor and a
patient remotely using telemedicine technical means
via the Internet.
The approach described above made it possible
to implement a system for neuro-electrostimulation
using mobile and compact devices.
Information System of the Treatment Process
Support in Neurorehabilitation
The information support system for the treatment
process should be formed using personalized data
from patients who have undergone a course of
neurorehabilitation. In general, regardless of the
pathology that is treated during medical
rehabilitation, for the implementation of such a
system it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
1. The choice of biomedical signal, which is a
reliable indicator of changes in the functioning of
the patient's state in case of particular pathology.
2. Determination of the diagnostically significant
features complexes for this biomedical signal to
assess the current functional state of the patient.
NNSNT 2019 - Special Session on Non-invaisive Neuro-stimulation in Neurorehabilitation Tasks
3. Prediction of the functional state for the patient
during the treatment process.
Let us consider a case study of information
support for the treatment process using the example
of developing a decision support system for a
physician in the treatment of arterial hypertension.
Analysis of the pathophysiological factors of
arterial hypertension indicates a special role of the
autonomic nervous system in their formation (da
Silva et al., 2014). It is known that blood pressure is
supported by physiologically several regulatory
mechanisms, including neuronal and humoral. The
exclusive role here belongs to the vegetative nervous
system. Therefore, its functional disorders can be
considered as the most important pathophysiological
factor in the development of arterial hypertension.
For example, in the pathogenesis of hypertension,
the role of increased activity of the sympathetic
division of the autonomic nervous system is noted,
which can lead to impaired neurogenic regulation of
the circulatory system (Cardinali, 2017).
The works of physiologists have shown that
heart rate variability (HRV) can be a reliable
indicator of changes in the autonomic nervous
system (Malik, 1996). The HRV reflects the work of
the cardiovascular system and mechanisms of
regulation of the whole organism, including the
overall activity of regulatory mechanisms, neuro-
humoral regulation of the heart, the relationship
between the sympathetic and parasympathetic
divisions of the autonomic nervous system.
To reduce the effect of situational deviations on
the results of diagnostics, it is advisable to use
functional tests (or loads) in studies. In this case,
when choosing the load that activates the reaction of
the problem function, one can get information that
most fully reflects the pathophysiological state of the
patient. In case of the cardiovascular system
disorders rehabilitation, a tilt-test study is often used
as such a load, in which the patient is transferred
from a horizontal position to vertical head up and
back to horizontal position.
The study involved two groups of subjects -
relatively healthy volunteers and patients suffering
from arterial hypertension of 2-3 degrees (Dolganov
et al., 2017). It is known that the HRV signal can be
described by a variety of features in the time and
frequency domains, as well as using nonlinear
dynamics methods. After reduction of the HRV
features numbers, it is possible to form a sets of
diagnostically significant features using the methods
of machine learning in solving the problem of binary
classification. The best solution was obtained using
a search strategy based on evolutionary
programming. In that case, quadratic discriminant
analysis was used as a classification method. The
obtained sets of diagnostically significant features
consisted of 12–15 features of HRV (out of 192
features total) recorded in each of the functional
states when performing tilt-test studies:
If one apply quadratic discriminant analysis to
predict the class of the subject (“healthy” or “patient
suffering from arterial hypertension”), then the result
of this operation will be the intended class of the
subject and the probability of belonging to this class.
As there are only two classes of subjects, the use of
quadratic discriminant analysis allows to reduce the
multidimensional space of diagnostically significant
parameters to the one-dimensional space of the
decision rule metrics. When training a classifier, a
hyperplane is formed that separates the two classes
of subjects. In the decision rule space, this
hyperplane defines the origin. In our case, the
positive values of the metric in the space of decision
rules correspond to the class of subjects “healthy”,
the negative values of the metric correspond to the
class of subjects “patients suffering from arterial
hypertension”. In our case the accuracy of the
proposed approach can reach 98% (Dolganov and
Kublanov, 2018).
Further, changes in the metrics in the space of
decision rules and the dynamics of changes in blood
pressure during the treatment process were analyzed.
It was shown that the dynamics of changes in the
metrics obtained on the basis of sets of
diagnostically significant features had a rather high
degree of consistency with changes in blood
pressure. This indicates that the obtained sets of
diagnostically significant features can be used as
additional markers of change during the
rehabilitation process.
The organization principles of the hardware-
information system proposed in this work allowed to
create a mobile and compact system for
neurorehabilitation. It was shown that the
application of artificial intelligence and machine
learning makes it possible to ensure the management
of the rehabilitation process taking into account the
requirements of personalized medicine.
At the moment, the neuro-electrorehabilitation
polyfactorial system has been clinically tested in the
treatment of depressive anxiety disorders, children
with attention deficit disorder, rehabilitation of
patients after traumatic brain injuries (Kublanov,
On Some Possibilities of Organizing a Mobile Hardware-information System for Polyfactorial Neuro-electrostimulation
Retyunskii, et al., 2016; Kublanov, Petrenko, et al.,
2016; Kublanov et al., 2017; Petrenko et al., 2015,
2017). Clinical studies have shown that, compared
with the state-of-art, a higher efficiency of treatment
is achieved by involving the regulatory process in
addition to the autonomic nervous system, brain
structures responsible for cognitive, motor, visual,
auditory, vestibular and other brain functions.
Finally, the rehabilitation process is becoming more
adapted to the problems of a particular patient.
The work was supported by Act 211 Government of
the Russian Federation, contract 02.A03.21.0006.
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