TriCePS: Self-optimizing Communication for Cyber-Physical Systems
Jia L. Du
, Stefan Linecker
, Peter Dorfinger
and Reinhard Mayr
Advanced Networking Center, Salzburg Research, Jakob Haringer Str. 5/3, Salzburg, Austria
COPA-DATA GmbH, Karolingerstrasse 7B, Salzburg, Austria
Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things, Interoperability, Self-adaptation, Protocol Negotiation, Protocol
The progress in energy-efficient, cost-effective and highly capable sensor-actuator electronics and data trans-
mission technologies has been triggering a new phase in the digital transformation with potentially billions
of cyber-physical systems connected in the Internet of Things in future. To fully harvest the potential of this
development, a strategy for efficient, robust, interoperable and future-proof communication between a myriad
of different CPS in a global network is essential. Such a strategy will have to cope with the desire for com-
munication between potentially up front unknown systems using up front unknown communication networks
under unknown conditions. Within the TriCePS project a framework and missing building blocks for adap-
tive communication for cyber-physical systems are designed and developed. The three main pillars will be
Application Adaptation, Protocol Negotiation and Protocol Parameter Optimization. In this paper, the general
concept and architecture as well as first results are presented.
The term cyber-physical system (CPS) emerged
around 2006, when it was coined by Helen Gill at
the National Science Foundation in the United States
(Lee, 2015). A cyber-physical system is a system that
integrates computation with physical processes. Em-
bedded, networked computers use sensors and actua-
tors to interact with the physical world. Physical pro-
cesses then affect computation and vice versa. In con-
trast to traditional embedded systems, a CPS is a net-
work of interacting appliances instead of a standalone
device (Minerva et al., 2015).
The CPS concept is strongly connected to the no-
tion of the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is a global in-
frastructure enabling advanced services and consist-
ing of networked everyday objects which are con-
nected through interoperable information and com-
munication technologies (Xia et al., ). As IoT is about
the interconnection of (everyday) objects (or things),
it can be seen as related to the idea of ubiquitous
computing that Mark Weiser came up with in 1988
(Weiser, 1999). IoT applications include smart home,
wearables, connected car, smart grid, and many more.
The concepts of CPS and IoT have become pos-
sible due to the progress in highly capable, of-
ten embedded, cost effective, energy-efficient sensor-
actuator and computation electronics and data trans-
mission technologies.
1.1 Communication for CPS
With a myriad of network-connected entities, there
will also be an immense number of different commu-
nication connections with varying qualities of connec-
tivity. Caused by the stochastic behaviour of the un-
derlying wired or wireless (usually IP) networks and
applications that compete for bandwidth, the experi-
enced quality of service (QoS) can be volatile. The
size of the experienced variations depends on the ratio
between the application requirements and the granted
network resources. Managing this interdependence
successfully, is a main challenge in comparison to
existing systems, e.g. in the energy domain, which
rely on exclusive and over-provisioned communica-
tion infrastructures. In addition to different qualities
of connectivity, a multitude of used communication
standards and a wide variety of hardware capabilities
will also present a challenge.
A generally suitable CPS end system architecture
will require new approaches, which can fulfill the
adaptivity and openness needs for the integration of
highly different systems under varying conditions.
Du, J., Linecker, S., Dorfinger, P. and Mayr, R.
TriCePS: Self-optimizing Communication for Cyber-Physical Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0007696402410247
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2019), pages 241-247
ISBN: 978-989-758-369-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
1.2 Project Overview
The TriCePS project addresses the communication-
related challenges for future cyber-physical systems.
It aims for interoperable and efficient communication
in such systems and uses adaptation and optimization
as its basic strategies. The missing building blocks for
adaptation and self-optimization that TriCePS aims to
contribute can be described in form of three compo-
nents (Figure 1):
The first TriCePS component, “Application Adap-
tion”, will inform the application layer about QoS
values. The application then has the chance to
adapt to the current conditions, e.g. by activating
local pre-processing.
The second TriCePS component, “Protocol Ne-
gotiation”, enables interoperability and efficient
communication between end systems by allowing
negotiating and choosing a communication pro-
tocol supported by all partners or even by down-
loading a protocol from a central repository.
Finally, the third TriCePS component, “Protocol
Parameter Optimization”, optimizes the parame-
ters of the protocols in use for the current applica-
tion, content and infrastructure.
Figure 1: Illustration of TriCePS ”Optimization Space”.
Such a comprehensive approach with a combina-
tion of these three components will provide future in-
terconnected CPS with the means to establish interop-
erability and to efficiently and robustly communicate
with each other in the future Internet of Things.
In this chapter the assumptions, requirements and
adaptation mechanisms for TriCePS are presented
which have served as basis for the architectural de-
cisions in the next chapter.
2.1 Network Model, Constraints and
TriCePS assume a very general network model (Fig-
ure 2). When thinking about general, adaptive and
future-proof CPS communication systems, we cannot
assume in advance too much about either the nodes
or the edges and have to be content with this very ba-
sic, abstract model. Potential communication nodes
in the network include all kinds of devices such as
servers, mobile devices, embedded devices. A given
network route may cross multiple underlying logical
and physical local or wide-area, wired or wireless net-
works. Every route can be thought of as having a va-
riety of properties including current available band-
width, round-trip time and number of hops. Some of
these properties might be mostly static (like the num-
ber of hops between two devices in a wired, local net-
work), whilst others may change continuously (like
the available bandwidth between two devices when
other network flows are competing for resources).
Figure 2: TriCePS network model.
Additionally, some further general assumptions
and requirements are:
There is no control over the network components,
features or settings between two nodes.
The route between two nodes can be used by po-
tentially many other devices, components and ser-
vices too.
There is no general possibility to control or mod-
ify node network stack behaviour.
There is the possibility to influence user space ap-
plication behaviour on nodes.
A focus will be put on TCP traffic.
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
2.2 Adaptation Mechanisms
If network conditions vary and the current conditions
are not suitable, one can basically take three strategies
to cope with it.
First, one can simply wait until the data transfer
is done anyway. This strategy works well if it does
not really matter too much when the data actually ar-
rives. A background download for a software update
might be a good example where data integrity is very
important but there are usually no strict timing re-
quirements. Self-limiting the data rate for not time-
sensitive communication (which naturally increases
the duration a data transfer takes) may help to ease
overall network congestion.
Second, one can try to send less data. As an ex-
ample, a video surveillance camera could send a sin-
gle picture every few seconds instead of a full video.
This approach makes sense when outdated data has no
value and it is better to have a reduced amount of data
in time than the original data with a large delay. The
reduced data rate might help to ease overall network
congestion, too.
Third, one can try to transfer the data as efficiently
as possible through e.g. compression or other tech-
nical approaches like proper packaging or appropri-
ate protocol selection. These approaches can come
with various effects, e.g. data loss in case of lossy
compression or higher processing or memory require-
ments on the nodes.
Within TriCePS the following three approaches
will be supported.
Time stretch If two nodes want to exchange data
but there is no inherent urgency for the data to ar-
rive at a certain time.
Payload adaptation If the type of content can
be changed to adjust the data rate to the current
network conditions.
Protocol adaptation Protocol selection and/or
protocol parameter selection are used to react to
the current network conditions.
Of course, a combination of several or all of these
approaches is also possible. The goal of the TriCePS
project is to develop the architecture and components
necessary to support these adaptation mechanisms.
The TriCePS project touches several areas of research
in computer networking, especially network measure-
ment and monitoring, quality of service, transport
protocols and application layer protocols.
3.1 Network Measurement and
Generally, one can differentiate between active and
passive measurements and monitoring (Mohan et al.,
2011). With active monitoring, special probe packets
are used to measure certain metrics. Active measure-
ments create additional load. Passive measurements,
in contrast, does not insert packets but use existing
traffic and facilities to gain insights.
With TriCePS, we need continuous feedback on
network state and potentially have to handle a huge
number of connections. Due to the intrusive nature
of active techniques, its bad scalability and infeasibil-
ity for continuous measurements on low-bandwidth
links, passive techniques are used.
As a further constraint, we do not assume to gen-
erally have access to available passive network mea-
surements on the path between two nodes (like router
or switch SNMP statistics). We therefore have to use
passive techniques that only rely on the end nodes of
a connection, passive, end-to-end network measure-
ments so to speak.
3.2 Quality of Service Metrics
The notion of quality of service (QoS) really has (at
least) two relevant meanings for this project.
First, more general and highly related to service-
level agreements (SLAs), a QoS attribute describes a
measurable, specific aspect of the quality of a service.
These aspects include metrics of performance, relia-
bility and availability and SLAs then define QoS tar-
gets, e.g. 99.9% of I/O operations take less then 100
ms when measured over a one-minute sliding win-
Second, in packet-switched networking, QoS
refers to a broad set of technologies that offer dif-
ferent types of service to different data packets, usu-
ally with the intent to provide guarantees with respect
to network performance. QoS techniques include for
example scheduling, resource reservation and traffic
While our generalized approach rules out both
forms of QoS (the networks and devices are unknown
a-priori so we cannot generally expect or enforce any
type of SLA, neither can we expect or enforce the use
of any of the mentioned QoS techniques), awareness
of the term is important and many QoS metrics are
directly relevant:
One-way delay Amount of time it takes for a
packet from the sending node to the receiving
node (in an end-to-end fashion).
TriCePS: Self-optimizing Communication for Cyber-Physical Systems
Round trip time Delay from sender to receiver
and back.
Delay variation Variation of packets’ one-way
Throughput Amount of data that is transferred
in a certain period of time. Usually measured in
bits per second.
Goodput – Effective, application-level throughput
without protocol overhead.
3.3 Application Level Optimization
With application level optimization, the application
layer is informed about current QoS metrics and has
the chance to adapt accordingly. This is not a novel
approach; adaptive codecs have been around for quite
a while.
The Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) audio codec,
which is widely used in GSM and UMTS, is a promi-
nent example. With AMR, different coding schemes
can be used depending on link quality measurements
performed on the receiver side (Ekudden et al., 1999).
If conditions are good, AMR strives for speech qual-
ity (high speech bandwidth, low error protection). If
conditions are bad, AMR strives for robustness (com-
promising on speech quality but boosting error cor-
rection and limiting bandwidth needs).
Another prominent example for existing
application-level optimization is adaptive bitrate
streaming (ABS) for video. ABS detects the user’s
current bandwidth and adjusts the quality of the
video stream accordingly. One current ABS imple-
mentation is HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS). With
HAS, segments of content (in the size of seconds) are
encoded with different quality levels and made avail-
able over HTTP. The receiving side can then choose
segments according to current bandwidth estimates.
An interesting view into how YouTube is handling
Quality of Experience for video can be found in
(Sieber et al., 2016). NADA (Network-Assisted
Dynamic Adaptation) (Zhu et al., 2013) also suggests
adaptive real-time media applications in which adapt
their video target rate and thus their sending rate
based on explicit or implicit congestion signals.
In difference to the solutions above, TriCePS fol-
lows a more general approach by allowing the type
of content being transported to change. This is sup-
ported by protocol switching and protocol parameter
optimization mechanisms. However, approaches and
solutions developed for by the other solutions such as
NADAs delay estimations could generally be reused
in TriCePS as components.
3.4 Protocol Switching
Protocol switching or, more specifically, time-
independent communication protocol (re-)negotiation
and switching enables two things: first and foremost,
interoperability between a priori unknown end sys-
tems and second, further optimization of network us-
age through optimal protocol selection.
A recent, relevant work is Application-Layer Pro-
tocol Negotiation (ALPN), described in (Friedl et al.,
2014). ALPN is a TLS extension and allows for pro-
tocol negotiation within the TLS handshake. The
client sends a list of supported application protocols
with its TLS ClientHello message. The application
layer protocol to be used is then contained in the
server’s reply, the ServerHello message. For this, it
is assumed that the server supports a number of pro-
tocols that are ordered by preference. A process sim-
ilar to APLN will be implemented in TriCePS for
protocol negotiation. The Session Initiation Protocol
(SIP) with its Session Description Protocol (SDP) can
be seen as another example for protocol negotiation
(Rosenberg et al., 2002).
Finally, for a protocol repository an approach sim-
ilar to software repositories will be used which man-
age and store applications and software packages that
can be downloaded and installed on digital devices.
Various software application or packet managers exist
for specific operating systems (like Linux, Windows,
macOS, Android) or programming languages (such as
Maven for Java, PyPI for Python, CTAN for LaTeX).
3.5 Protocol Parameter Optimization
The parameter optimization for transmission proto-
cols has a long history for TCP retransmission time
out estimation (Paxson et al., 2011) based on heuristic
formulas. (Balandina et al., 2013; Betzler et al., 2016)
present the heuristic adaptation of the two CoAP pa-
rameters used for controlling the back-off mecha-
nism retransmission timeout (RTO) and retransmis-
sion counter. Additionally the problem of miss-
ing ACKs for NON(-confirmable) messages leading
to sparse RTT measurements is solved by artificial
generated CON messages (“weak RTTs”). A new
so-called Organic Network Control-based systematic
learning approach is presented in (Kodama et al.,
2008). The situation for a sending entity in the CPS
is modelled as a competition between species in a
harsh environment with the Lotka-Volterra competi-
tion model. The population of the species is mapped
onto the TCP window size dependent on the received
ACKs. Especially this work has high relevance for
this project because its results were validated by a
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
real implementation and experiments in a wide area
network. The optimization of all ten TCP parame-
ters for Web over TCP applications (Tomforde et al.,
2015) has been developed to alter protocol configura-
tions at runtime. It is equipped with online learning
capabilities and safety considerations. The results are
validated through simulation.
With the requirements and relevant related work being
laid out in the former chapters, the proposed software
architecture for TriCePS is presented.
4.1 Basic Design Decisions
Congestion-oriented Generally, the main net-
work information required by TriCePS is whether
there is congestion on the used network paths and
the two main network-related metrics that are of
importance for the purposes of TriCePS are la-
tency and/or bandwidth. Changes in one or both
of these two main metrics will serve as potential
triggers for adaptations in the communication be-
havior of TriCePS-enabled CPS.
Socket-level mode of operation From a granu-
larity point of view, all adaptation mechanisms
are performed at socket level (as opposed to
application-level or device-level). This is a com-
paratively non-invasive approach as each data
flow can be treated separately and gives CPS users
the means to prioritize individual data flows as
necessary. Each application will also keep creat-
ing and controlling its communication sockets (as
opposed to letting TriCePS create and control all
sockets and passing the data back and forth to the
Application-embedded From a deployment
point view, the first version of TriCePS is embed-
ded in the application process (as opposed to run-
ning in a separate process and accessed through
inter-process communication mechanisms or be-
ing integrated in the kernel or network driver).
This makes it easier to access socket information
and modify socket settings if necessary.
In-band control TriCePS control signals are
ideally be communicated in-band (i.e. over the
same communication connection through which
the payload is sent) to avoid creating additional
connections. However, it remains to be investi-
gated in the further course of the project if this
can be correctly handled by applications and if
there are any negative effects, e.g. caused by deep
packet inspection security systems.
Non-collaborative Finally, the TriCePS adapta-
tion mechanisms operates in a non-collaborative
manner. At first, the Application Layer Optimiza-
tion will choose the type/amount of data to be
sent, then a suitable protocol is chosen, and fi-
nally a suitable set of protocol parameters is cho-
sen (see figure 3). The application layer decisions
will have the biggest influence on the overall com-
munication and other adaptation mechanism will
depend on these decisions.
Figure 3: TriCePS Adaptation Components by Priority.
4.2 System Architecture Diagram
Figure 4 shows the TriCePS system architecture with
TriCePS nodes, socket connections between those
nodes and, for Node B, the internal TriCePS compo-
Two arbitrary nodes of a communication system
can be seen. Both nodes use TriCePS. Node A is
only depicted as a black box while Node B is depicted
with all the TriCePS components (Network Moni-
toring, Protocol Switching, Parameter Optimization)
as well as all relevant building blocks of the over-
all system (the application itself, the TriCePS library,
the network socket and the network). Note that the
TriCePS functionality Application Level Optimization
has no dedicated building block since it is imple-
mented within the Application (which therefore relies
on metrics gained by the Network Measurement com-
4.3 Components
The Network Monitoring component provides contin-
uous feedback on network state (in the form of net-
work metrics) to both the application and the Protocol
Parameter Optimization component. It thereby uses
passive, end-to-end network measurement techniques
to obtain those metrics.
TriCePS: Self-optimizing Communication for Cyber-Physical Systems
Node A
Node B
Figure 4: TriCePS nodes, components and interfaces.
The Protocol Switching component gathers infor-
mation about the available protocols on the counter-
part (node A) and the availability of new protocols on
the protocol repository. It forwards this information
to the application.
The Parameter Optimization component is set up
by the application to work towards certain goals (e.g.
low delay) and tries to tune certain socket parameters
towards those goals. It does so without further trig-
gering due to the application but solely on network
metrics, socket parameters and mentioned goals. The
work of the Network Parameter Optimization compo-
nent is transparent to the application.
An application that uses TriCePS gets network
metrics from the Network Management component,
uses the Protocol Switching component to exchange
information about available protocols (both at the
counterpart and the repository) and assistance for pro-
tocol (re-)negotiation and sets goals for the Protocol
Parameter Optimization component. It also controls
the socket(s) used to send application data and thus
the used congestion control algorithm.
For demonstration purposes the following scenario
will be realized. A ”smart surveillance camera” needs
to transmit live digital footage over the communica-
tion network (see figure 5). The bandwidth require-
ments is significant while the amount of available
bandwidth fluctuates. Tackling this problem through
buffering is not sufficient as the footage needs to be
transmitted and processed in real-time. To ensure
liveliness of data, it can be better to compromise on
video quality then to look at a stuttering and delayed
high quality video. The amount of transmitted data
will be adopted as shown in the following hierarchy
(from good to bad network quality):
HD video, normal compression, normal frame
Individual images at low frame rate (<0.5 fps),
reduced quality
Individual image features (using image feature ex-
The bandwidth requirements then vary between sev-
eral Mbit/s (for HD video) and several hundred Bits/s
(for textual descriptions of image features), that is a
factor of 10000.
This demonstrator will serve as an example ap-
plication and will make use of most or all TriCePS
adaptations mechanisms and components at once. It
will be adapted by industrial partner COPA-DATA for
industrial use cases where for example near real-time
availability of critical SCADA data is crucial.
Robust, interoperable, efficient and future-proof com-
munication is essential for CPS. The architecture and
components developed in TriCePS will provide a
lightweight, practical solution for this purpose that
does not rely on certain technologies or configurations
of the network between two communicating CPS end
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 5: Depending on the underlying network conditions
(controlled through the IPerf tool used to generate network
load), the “smart camera” on the left side changes the appli-
cation data that is sent. Either a full video stream, or only
high resolution images, or textual descriptions of events and
This project is partially funded by the Austrian Fed-
eral Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technol-
ogy (BMVIT) under the program ”ICT of the Future”
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TriCePS: Self-optimizing Communication for Cyber-Physical Systems