Fuzzy Logic Decision based Collaborative Privacy Management
Framework for Online Social Networks
Gulsum Akkuzu, Benjamin Aziz and Mo Adda
School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, U.K.
Privacy Management, Online Social Networks, Data Security Features, Fuzzy Logic.
Online Social Networks (OSNs) have become one of the most popular implement for interacting with people
all over the world and sharing data with them. These data sometimes may be a co-owned data which involves
multiple users, sharing co-owned data can cause privacy violation if co-owners are not happy with the owner’s
sharing privacy settings. To tackle privacy issues on co-owned data, collaborative privacy management has
become a popular research area in recent years. In this work, we provide a fuzzy logic decision based col-
laborative privacy management framework for OSNs. We use data sensitivity value and confidence value in
targeted group as input variables of fuzzy system. We also use trust values between users since our framework
needs to calculate trust loss and gains for reputation value.
Online Social Networks (OSN) are popular all over
the world, since they offer information sharing, social
communications, and attractive interactions among
people. There are various social networking sites in
the Internet such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, We-
Chat, Linked-In, etc. Facebook is one of the social
network sites in which people are allowed to share dif-
ferent types of context such as video, photo, message,
event, etc. These contents may include their personal
life information, private information and the content
may be disclosed to wider audience than they actu-
ally intended for. Sensitive information of users are
stored in OSNs, however, most users are unaware of
shared contents’ features. Protecting information is
one of crucial concerns, therefore OSNs need to pro-
vide mechanisms for protecting users’ data.
Users can upload content to their own space and
other users’ spaces also. They are allowed to tag
users, which may cause privacy leakage. Current
OSNs allow users to regulate access to the data that
is on their own space, however, they can not control
or take precaution for contents that are shared by ot-
her users and include their information. It is most li-
kely to see the leakage of sensitive information while
data is being publicised (Hu et al., 2015). Beside the
service providers of OSNs take precaution to prevent
data breach, users can also adjust their data access
control by using the privacy setting function imple-
mented in OSNs (Xu et al., 2011). Facebook has
provided users different levels of privacy protection
countermeasure that users can decide who is allowed
to contact them, see their stuff, and search them. A
privacy policy determines which users are allowed to
access to other user’s data. OSNs use user relations-
hips and group membership to distinguish trusted and
untrusted users (Hu and Ahn, 2011). OSNs provide
simple access control that allows users to control in-
formation on their own spaces, however, users can-
not control or in other words have no rights to control
data, that is related to them, outside of their space.
Current Online Social Networks have provided
restrictions on users who can access data, however,
there is no restrictions who posts data. There is one
side data restriction on data even if data is co-owned
data which involves more than one user. However,
privacy management of co-owned data requires col-
laborative privacy management. Even though some
online social networks provide chances to co-owners,
who have rights to manage permissions of a co-owned
data, which is related to them, either with tagging or
face-recognition techniques we do not see any benefit
for those who are not tagged or notified.
In this work, we provide a collaborative privacy
management on the shared data from multiple asso-
ciated users. Different from previous studies, which
assume all users are tagged by owner or use identifi-
cation technique, we assume the owner who intends
to share co-owned data notifies co-owners and allows
Akkuzu, G., Aziz, B. and Adda, M.
Fuzzy Logic Decision based Collaborative Privacy Management Framework for Online Social Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0007702206740684
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2019), pages 674-684
ISBN: 978-989-758-359-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
fuzzy decision system to make a decision based on
co-owners’ privacy requirements on the data. We
use fuzzy logic on decision making process in which
decision is not restricted with the Boolean decision
’Yes’ or ’No’. We define multi-value set in decision
making with Fuzzy Logic Decision Making System
’Yes’, ’Maybe’, ’No’. Based on the owner’s final de-
cision on data co-owners’ trust in owner either incre-
ases or decreases, end of the sharing process our fra-
mework updates the owner’s reputation. In short, the
main contributions of this work as follows:
A fuzzy decision making system is proposed for
making decision in OSNs. The result of fuzzy de-
cision making system affects the privacy loss cal-
culation and changes on owner’s reputation value.
Exploring the connection between data sensitivity
and trust in targeted group for sharing sensitive
data. The sensitivity value of data and confidence
value in targeted group are gathered together for
making decision of fuzzy system .
Collaborative Privacy Management is a challenge for
OSNs since all users have different privacy require-
ments. Hence, it is very possible to see conflicts on
shared contexts in OSNs. Although privacy manage-
ment mechanism has restrictions on users who want
to access data, there is no restriction on users who
post data. However, users who post data may vio-
late other users’ privacy. Recent works have focused
on conflicts among users’ privacy policies, they first
have aimed to detect the conflicts, then generate an
aggregation policy that resolves the conflicts. The ag-
gregated policies are not the solution since there are
still privacy loss issues in OSNs.
Researchers have worked on the problem of col-
lective privacy management of co-owned data even
though OSNs do not yet set restrictions on the co-
owned data. This problem was addressed by Squic-
ciarini et al.(Squicciarini et al., 2009), they proposed
a solution for privacy management for photo sharing
in OSNs, this means that each co-owner can specify
their own privacy preference for the shared content.
They adopt the Clarke-Tax mechanism to provide col-
lective enforcement in shared content, they evaluate
their work with Game Theory. The usability is an is-
sue for this work, they do not take all stockholders’
privacy preferences.
Wishart et al.(Wishart et al., 2010) provided a
collaborative privacy policy authoring in the context
of social networking, they allowed the originator of
the data to specify policies for the content, however,
their work does not consider co-owners’ privacy po-
licy specifications.
Hu (Hu et al., 2015) proposed a collaborative ma-
nagement of shared data in OSNs, it is a simple but
flexible mechanism. The mechanism provides con-
flict resolution that considers both the privacy risk and
data sharing loss.
Suvitha (Suvitha.D, 2014) formulated a multi-
party access control and policies, he used voting me-
chanism for making decision on co-owned data. Col-
laborative privacy management issue might be descri-
bed mother of the privacy conflicts. Therefore, it is an
inevitable point to be involved while the co-privacy
management of shared data is considered.
Joseph (Joseph, 2014) proposed a solution for
privacy risk and sharing loss for collaborative data
sharing in online social network. The work proposes
an algorithm to identify conflict segments in accessor
A framework was developed for protecting and
securing co-owned data for public OSN by Shaukat
et al. (Ali et al., 2017). They pointed that the pri-
vacy risk is seen not only from unauthorized users
but also from the OSNs service providers, they used
cartographic-based technique in their framework to
overcome privacy concerns.
Recently, a work has been proposed to address
collaborative privacy management with an agent-
model (Ulusoy, 2018). He has proposed to modify
Clarke-Tax mechanism that was used in (Squicciarini
et al., 2009). Du et al, proposed an evolutionary game
model that analyses how a user’s data privacy pro-
tection is affected by other users’ privacy decisions
(Du et al., 2018).
All given above studies generally assume that
there is a service provider (mediator) that knows each
users’ privacy policies for data items. However, there
are studies that consider mediator is unnecessary and
not taking trust into consideration. In the literature
there are also studies which exclude service provi-
der from the scope, and they use involved users feed-
backs for making owner’s final decision (Xu et al.,
2019; Rathore and Tripathy, 2017). We use the same
approach with those studies which consider media-
tor is unneeded, however, we use fuzzy logic decision
making system to help co-owners (in other words sta-
keholders who are involved to data). In the previous
studies, owner of data asks co-owners opinion on the
data whether they want to share data with decision=1
or they do not want to share the data with decision=0.
The decision does not have just Boolean value, de-
cision would be between 0=no and 1=yes which can
be named maybe. We take this point into our consi-
Fuzzy Logic Decision based Collaborative Privacy Management Framework for Online Social Networks
deration, also in the previous works data sensitivity
has been decided by the owner, however, data sensiti-
vity would be different for each co-owners, therefore,
we develop a system which asks to each co-owners
opinions on the data sensitivity value. We think such
a system is more realistic and practical, considering
collaborative privacy management in OSNs.
A social network structure involves a set of actors and
a set of connection between these actors. An OSN
is represented as a directed-graph G = (V, E), where
V is the set of nodes (actors, users) and E is the set
of relationships among actors. A simple online so-
cial network has nodes and edges, where nodes repre-
sent users and edges present a relationship between
users in the graph representation of online social net-
works. User relationships are divided into two groups,
namely symmetric and asymmetric (Rathore and Tri-
pathy, 2017). In our case, we use both symmetric and
asymmetric discrimination for trust value adjustment,
i.e., we use t
i j
[0,1], which shows u
s trust in u
For instance, if u
has the symmetric relation to u
then t
i j
could have a high value, most possibly full
3.1 Overview of Fuzzy-decision based
We provide our proposed algorithm and its explanati-
ons in this section (see Algorithm 1).
An owner starts the process by uploading data.
Then choose the trust threshold and the priority
criteria. The priority choice is either Co-owner
Trust Preferential, in which co-owners’ trust value
in owner is in priority, or Owner Trust Preferential
in which owner trust values in co-owners is prefer-
red for data sharing process and trust-reputation
Once the owner chooses requirements for the first
step then s/he needs to notify co-owners by giving
them details for which data s/he intends to share
and the group of people (targeted group) who will
access the data.
Fuzzy Decision Making Step: It allows co-owners
to rate on data CIA properties for the sensitivity
value, and confidence value for targeted group
which is calculated based on relations that are
between co-owners and members of the targeted
group people.
Result: Updated Reputation value of owner
while Owner upload the data, adjust the
privacy settings,notify co owners do
if Co-owners:rate CIAPP features ;
activate the fuzzy decision
Result of Fuzzy decision making
Wait till CIAPP ratings are completed
if preference: co-owner trust then
Pl equation11;
TrustlossandTrustgain Equations 13
and 12;
if valueo f equation12
valueo f equation13 then
share data with full permission
if T h
t r
t r
share data with like and view
Do not share
if fuzzy decision Yes or Maybe then
if 0.7 dec
share data with full permission
share data with like and view
Do not share
Algorithm 1: Algorithm of FuLoBaF.
After a fuzzy system gives the decision value on co-
owned data, the second part of framework works
if the co-owner trust was chosen by the owner in
step 1, then the privacy loss is calculated with the
given equation 9. Trust gain and trust loss are cal-
culated with the privacy loss, according to equa-
tion 10 and equation 11. If the trust gain is hig-
her than the trust loss, then the data can be shared
with no access restriction on data. Otherwise, the
average of co-owners’ trust in owner is calculated
and compared with the threshold that needs to be
ForSE 2019 - 3rd International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering
decided by the owner in step 1. If the average trust
value is greater than the threshold value, then the
data is shared with some access restrictions on it-
self (i.e. viewers (targeted group of people) can
view and like it but can not share it). The final
need is to update owner reputation and gained or
decreased trust values of co-owners in the owner.
if the owner’s trust was chosen in step 1 by the ow-
ner, then the system chooses at least half of the
co-owners who have the highest trust values in
owner. If choosing co-owners’ rates on the sensi-
tivity (CIA properties) without concerns, then the
data are shared with a full permission. Otherwise,
the framework checks the fuzzy membership de-
gree, i.e., the intensity score of the decision.
3.2 Details of Fuzzy Decision Making
In the framework, co-owners’ decisions are taken
with the fuzzy system. The system has two inputs and
one output, where the data sensitivity and confidence
in the targeted group are defined as the inputs and the
decision is defined as the output. A fuzzy decision is
based on the fuzzy logic in which the decision values
are ranged from 0 to 1 rather than binary values (0 or
A fuzzy set is defined as (U, µ) in which U repre-
sents the universe set of elements and µ represents the
membership function with the membership degrees of
the elements to the set U, i.e., x U µ(x) [0, 1].
Based on the system and data, the shapes of the
membership functions are chosen. There are various
shapes of membership functions that can be chosen
for a fuzzy set, such as triangle, trapezoid, and rec-
tangle. It can be clearly seen that trapezoid functions
can be viewed as a generalization of triangular and
rectangular membership functions. As shown in Fi-
gure 1, if a=b and c=d, then the shape of the members-
hip function would become rectangle. On the other
hand, if b=c, then the shape would become triangle.
Figure 1: Trapezoid Membership Function.
The membership function of the trapezoidal fuzzy
set is defined by a function,f(x), and essentially de-
pends on four parameters a,b,c,d as given below.
(x) =
0, x a or x d (1)
x a
b a
, a x b (2)
1, b x c (3)
d x
d c
, c x d (4)
There are two ways to define membership functions,
either expert knowledge can be used to define mem-
bership functions (Mamdani and Assilian, 1999) or
data can be used to induce the membership functions
using machine learning techniques (Hosseini et al.,
2012), (Jamsandekar and Mudholkar, 2014).
A fuzzy rule based system mainly involves three
operations, namely, fuzzification, inference, and de-
fuzzification. In the fuzzification step, a numerical
value is mapped into a membership degree according
to a membership function. In the inference stage, ru-
les are defined with the linguistic terms of input va-
riables and the linguistic term of the output variable.
For example,
· x is A: antecedent
· Rule: If x is A then y is B
· y is B: consequent
In a given fuzzy rule x is A and y is B can be true
to a degree, instead of being entirely true or false
(Koyuncu and Yazici, 2005), the antecedent may be
composed of one condition or multiple conditions
connected by the AND or OR logical operators. For
· Rule 1: If x
is A
is A
THEN decision=
· Rule 2: If x
is A
OR (x
is A
is A
THEN decision=D
· Rule m: If x
is A
is A
is an indication of a linguistic term in which n
represents As input attribute and m represents the rule
index. D
represents a decision label, k is the decision
This fuzzy rule based system can be seen in Figure
2. The system basically has three steps: fuzzification,
inference process, and
Fuzzification: Obtains membership degree values
mapped from crisp values, i.e., it aims to map the
Fuzzy Logic Decision based Collaborative Privacy Management Framework for Online Social Networks
Figure 2: Fuzzy Expert System with proposed work sample
value of each continuous attribute to the members-
hip degrees to the fuzzy sets defined for the conti-
nuous attribute.
Inference Process: Obtains the membership degree
to the consequent of each rule, i.e. a fuzzy output
from each rule is derived, and then combines the
fuzzy outputs of all the rules by using a fuzzy ag-
gregation operator, in order to derive the overall
membership degree.
Defuzzification: Converts the derived overall
membership degree into a crisp value as the out-
put of the fuzzy system.
Dataset: We conduct our work on both real world
data and synthetic data. We use the Facebook data
from Stanford large network data set collection (snap
Facebook Data, 2016). We also generate a network
by using the network packages supported by Harberg
et al. (Hagberg et al., 2008). The generated network
has 1000 nodes and 20000 undirected edges.
To test our equations and proposed system usabi-
lity, we have simulated data for sensitivity and confi-
dence values. An owner decides the sensitivity value
in all the previous work. However, the data sensiti-
vity value may not be the same one for co-owners as
owner’s concern. In our work, co-owners decide how
sensitive the co-owned data is for them. To do simula-
tion, we formulate the sensitivity value with five fea-
tures of Evolutionary Circles of Information Security
(Cherdantseva and Hilton, 2012) which considers that
data security is based on fourteen features. The Evo-
lutionary Circles of Information Security model has
five circles that are separated with regard to subject of
protection and security goals. We choose five features
that are related to information security in the network
area. The equation of data sensitivity is as follows;
( f
represents the data sensitivity, it ranges [0,1].
The numerator gives the summation of the data CI-
APP probabilities, in which P i indicates the proba-
bility of CIAPP concerns that is voted by co-owners
and w
is the weight of the properties. The denomina-
tor indicates the total number of features.
We also formulate the confidence value based on
the owner trust relation with targeted group members,
co-owners’ trust relations with targeted group mem-
bers, and sensitivity value that is given in equation 1.
We first show the calculation of the trust relation;
: f (r
, r
, r
, ...., r
) =
o j
represents the owner’s trust in each member of tar-
geted group and S
represents the size of the targeted
: f (r
, r
, r
, ...., r
) =
c j
represents the co-owner’s trust in each mem-
ber of the targeted group and S
represents the size of
the targeted group.
From equations 2 and 3, we finalize the trust rela-
tion with the following formula;
R = R
R is the trust in the targeted group with the owner’s
trust in the group i R
, also with the each co-owner’s
trust in group i.
With the equations 1,2 and 3, we can now calcu-
late the Confidence value in targeted group as follows;
= 1 S
(1 R) (9)
Below figure shows the changes of Confidence va-
lue based on the sensitivity and relation values (see
equation 9.
Our dataset (see Table 1) has sensitivity value and
confidence value, these two variables values are obtai-
ned with the above equations (see 5 and 9). The data-
set is used for fuzzy logic decision.
Our Fuzzy Inference System has two inputs varia-
bles and one output variable. We used triangular and
ForSE 2019 - 3rd International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering
Figure 3: 3D graph of Confidence value with the Sensitivity
and Confidence value.
Table 1: Sample of Sensitivity and Confidence Input Values
of Fuzzy System.
sensitivity confidence
0.5 0.5
0.1 0.9
0.2 0.9
0.3 0.9
0.4 0.8
0.9 0.5
0.9 0.1
0 1
0.12 1
0 0.98
1 0
trapezoidal membership functions. To generate tri-
angular membership functions of Figure 4 and 5, we
used the fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm to gene-
rate clusters and to construct membership functions.
Input variables’ values and output variable values
are formed into three clusters, and these three
clusters’ centers are used the centers of triangu-
lar fuzzy membership functions.
The maximum and minimum values of each cluster
are used as two vertexes values of each of triangu-
lar membership functions.
The maximum and minimum values for the trian-
gular membership functions are formed by incre-
asing and decreasing b vertex values.
In trapezoidal membership functions, the values of
variables are calculated by increasing the mini-
mum vertex value of the triangular membership
function and decreasing the maximum vertex va-
lue of triangular membership function .
We have twelve rules for our fuzzy system, and
the rules are given in Table 2.
As it is seen on the table, we use the AND’ opera-
tor in which the minimum value among membership
functions is picked up, while the ‘OR’ operator picks
up the maximum value among the membership functi-
Figure 4 and 5 illustrate transformation of the lin-
guistic variables x
and x
to numerical values.
Figure 4: Linguistic terms’ membership functions for sen-
sitivity input.
Figure 5: Linguistic terms’ membership functions for con-
fidence input.
In this section, we first give the experiments in the
framework’s fuzzy part. After getting the decision re-
sult from the fuzzy decision making part, we give use
cases to show the applicability of the proposed frame-
Table 3 presents the decision output depending
on two input values, which are sensitivity and con-
fidence. The decision is given with its decision calcu-
Figure 6 and Figure 7 are the presentations of
the decision making computation. Figure 6 indica-
tes that the decision is ‘maybe’ if the sensitivity value
is low
and the confidence value is medium
. Si-
milarly, Figure 7 shows the decision is ‘no’ if the sen-
sitivity is high
and the confidence is verylow
Examples. In this section, we present the usability of
our framework.
Let us assume Daniel has a photo with Alice, Bob,
and Dan. Daniel notifies those people to solicit their
ideas for sharing. She aims to share the photo with a
group of her friends, which consists of five hundred
Fuzzy Logic Decision based Collaborative Privacy Management Framework for Online Social Networks
Table 2: The proposed work rules.
Rule number Rule
1 If x
is low AND x
is verylow then decision=maybe
2 If x
is low AND x
is low then decision=maybe
3 If x
is low AND x
is medium then decision=maybe
4 If x
is low AND x
is full then decision=yes
5 If x
is medium AND x
is verylow then decision=no
6 If x
is medium AND x
is low then decision=maybe
7 If x
is medium AND x
is medium then decision=maybe
8 If x
is medium AND x
is full then decision=yes
9 If x
is high AND x
is verylow then decision=no
10 If x
is high AND x
is low then decision=no
11 If x
is high and x
is medium then decision=maybe
12 If x
is high AND x
is full then decision=yes
Table 3: Decision Making Fuzzy System with Input and Output Variables’ Values.
Input 1 (sensitivity) Input 2 (confidence) Output (decision)
Figure 6: Maybe Decision Value.
Figure 7: No Decision Value.
Example 1: Our framework continues with the co-
owner trust preferential because Daniel chooses this
option at the beginning.
We calculate the privacy loss with the data sensi-
tivity and the number of authorised people by owner
but unauthorised people by co-owners.
(co) = S
| (10)
The privacy loss is calculated for co-owners who
think their privacy is violated by the owner. Data
security features choices show whether they worry
about their privacy. If a co-owner chooses any of the
data security features, then s/he shows her/his con-
cern on the privacy. If there is no selection on the data
security features, then we do not consider s/he wor-
ries about her privacy. We use the following rules for
classifying users based on their concerns.
f ull worry : i 1, 2, ......, n : rate
= 1
partly worry : i 1, 2, ......,n : rate
= 1
no worry : i 1, 2, ......, n : rate
= 0
(co) = S
| (11)
Equation 12 indicates the co-owners trust loss in
owner if they are worried about any of the CIAPP data
security features. It depends on the privacy loss if a
co-owner does not have privacy loss, it means privacy
loss means is 0, then we do not calculate the trust loss
for them. If the privacy loss is not equal to 0, then
trust loss is as follows;
T l(pl) =
1 pl
1 + pl
In equation 12, n is the mood of co-owners, where
n belongs to N. The mood refers to states of co-
owners’ mind on the data sharing process.
ForSE 2019 - 3rd International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering
Table 4: Co-owners’ rates on data security features.
Co-owner’s id Confidentiality Integrity Availability Privacy Possession
Alice 1 0 0 0 0
Bob 0 0 1 0 0
Dan 0 0 0 1 0
Alice 0 0 1 1 1
Bob 1 1 1 0 0
Dan 0 1 1 0 0
Table 5: Co-owners’ relations with the targeted group’s pe-
The number of known
Co-owner’s id people in targeted group
Alice 200
Bob 100
Dan 500
Equation 13 is used for co-owners who do not con-
sider that sharing the data cause the privacy violation
(Xu et al., 2011). If someone is in the no-worry class
and has the privacy loss value which is equal to 0, then
the owner gains trust in them by sharing the data.
) = t
, (0 < a < 1)(Xuet al., 2011) (13)
) =
Equation 14 gives the calculation the owner’s repu-
tation. It is calculated with the summation of co-
owners’ trust in owner and the number of co-owners
on the data. We can calculate the Daniel’s reputation
after he shared the data. The reputation value beco-
mes rep(Daniel)= 0.33. Let us assume that his repu-
tation value was 1 before he shared the data, and the
new reputation value is calculated as follows;
) = |rep(u
)| (15)
) represents the new reputation value,
indicates the reputation value after sharing
the data, and rep(u
) is the reputation value before
the data was shared. Nrep(Daniel) = 0.7.
Case: Alice is Owner of a Data and Chooses Co-
owner Trust Preferential: Let us assume Alice plans
to have an event. She wants Daniel and Bob to parti-
cipate for organizing it. Therefore, she notifies them
and solicits their opinions to share event invitations.
The targeted group for the event is Alice’s friends,
which consists of seven hundred people in it.
Table 11 shows the choices of Bob and Daniel on
the data security features (CIAPP) .
The following tables show values of S
, R,C f , P
, ht
. Based on the rates of the data security featu-
res, they are both in partly-worry and full-worry class.
Therefore, the trust loss value needs to be calculated
for both of co-owners.
Case: Alice is Owner of a Data and Chooses Ow-
ner Trust Preferential: In this case, Our framework
goes through with owner’s trust preferential. The de-
gree of a fuzzy decision is important. The fuzzy sy-
stem involve two inputs: s
and C
. Table 13 repre-
sents the values of s
and C
. With regard to our fuzzy
rules, the decision degree becomes no
. This means
that the framework will not share the data, since the
degree of a decision does not belong to Yes or Maybe.
Alice will not loss values on her reputation.
Example 2: The framework checks the fuzzy deci-
sion whether is maybe or yes. If it is not, then the sy-
stem ends the process without sharing the data. If the
decision is maybe or yes, then the framework checks
the degree of decision if it is greater than 0.7, which is
the transition value between yes and maybe, then the
co-owned data is shared with no restricted permissi-
ons on it. However, if it is less than 0.7, then the data
is shared with the ‘like’ and ‘view’ permissions. The
reputation value is an updated end of the sharing pro-
The important point of the proposed framework is that
it involves using a fuzzy system and trust values be-
tween the owner and their co-owners . It encourages
users to solicit co-owners’ opinions before sharing the
data. It has a kind of punishment and reward system
in which if the owner shares data with the decision
which is against the co-owners’ decision, then s/he
losses value on her reputation, otherwise, s/he gains
value for her reputation.
Fuzzy logic is applied to remove bivalent decisi-
ons from decision making process in OSNs, this is
because the real life situations and human thought are
not restricted to bivalent logic (yes/no). With fuzzy
logic based decision system we can have the degree of
the decision and use the degrees. It can help owners
to finalise the decision that helps to make sufficient
decision on data sharing process.
Fuzzy Logic Decision based Collaborative Privacy Management Framework for Online Social Networks
Table 6: The values of Sensitivity, Relation, and Confidence.
Case id Sensitivity (sd) Relations (R) confidence (cf)
Case1 0.2 0.533 0.906
Case2 0.53 0.533 0.47
Table 7: Trust values before sharing the data.
Daniel’s Trust in Co-i Co-id Co-i s Trust in Daniel
0.5 Alice 0.7
0.8 Bob 0.6
0.3 Dan 1
Table 8: Privacy loss for each co-owner who are in class
full-worry or partly-worry and co-owners’ trust loss in ow-
Case 1 Co-owner-id privacy-loss Trust-loss
Case1 Alice 0.12 0.78
Bob 0.16 0.72
Dan 0 NA
For the experimental study on the fuzzy decision
making part, we use simulated data as mentioned in
the data preparation section. The ranges of values are
given in the same section. The data set includes data
sensitivity S
, which is simulated with the equation 8,
the confidence value for the targeted group, and de-
cision that is taken with the fuzzy system. The result
of a fuzzy decision making system is shown in Table
3. Our data set is based on the subjective evaluations,
i.e., the experts make the evaluations and the rules’
definitions are based on experts’ knowledge. While
the decision making system was built upon trust and
share rules, in this context, the phenomenon is that if
you trust someone, then you share your data. Howe-
ver, you do not trust your data with untrusted people.
In comparison with the previous studies on col-
laborative privacy management in OSNs, our frame-
work involves various approaches for collaborative
privacy management in OSNs. Previous studies either
allow owner to share co-owned data without asking
co-owners’ opinions , or they ask co-owners whet-
her their decision is yes or no. However, a real deci-
sion is generally not, Fuzzy Logic allows an intensity
score of the decision to be ranged from 0 to 1. In our
case, we used the fuzzy logic context on the decision
making part and use the outcome value in the data
sharing process. In addition, co-owned data sensiti-
vity is settled only by the owner in the previous stu-
dies. However, the sensitivity is also co-owners’ con-
cerns. Therefore, our framework allows co-owners to
express their concerns on data sensitivity with CIAPP
security features. Our framework encourages owners
to solicit their co-owners opinions when the co-owned
data is intent to share. At the end of the data process,
if the owner makes a decision in favour of co-owners,
Table 9: Co-owners’ trust gain in owner.
Case 1 Co-owner-id Trust-gain
Case1 Dan 1
Table 10: Trust values after sharing the data.
Daniel’s Trust Co-id Co-i s Trust
in Co-i in Daniel
0.5 Alice 0
0.8 Bob 0
0.3 Dan 1
then most possibly the reputation of the owner is not
damaged. Otherwise, the owner looses the value on
This work proposes an effective fuzzy decision ba-
sed collaborative privacy management framework for
Online Social Networks. The fuzzy approach is used
for making decision based on the data sensitivity and
the confidence value in the targeted group in Online
Social Networks. One of the aims is to use a fuzzy
decision making system instead of asking co-owners’
decision whether the data is shared, i.e., we ask co-
owners which data security features (CIAPP) are in
threat if the data is shared with people who will access
the data. Another aim of this work is to encourage
users to preserve co-owners privacy. The trust gain
and the trust loss values are used for the benefit of
owner and co-owners. In example 1 and example 2,
we show the effects of trust gain and trust loss values
on owner’s reputation.
In this paper, we have proposed an effective frame-
work which has a fuzzy logic based decision system
and provides a collaborative privacy management on
co-owned data in OSNs. To help the co-owners on de-
cision of sharing co-owned data, we use related data
security features (CIAPP) and ask co-owners con-
cerns on CIAPP. In our work, co-owners are not for-
ced to give their Boolean (i.e. Non-fuzzy) decision
(0 or 1), all they need to do is to choose CIAPP fea-
tures that may be a reason for their information vi-
olation. When an owner wants to share data, it is
needed to set the privacy policy on the data i.e tar-
geted group, co-owners of the data, owner trust or
co-owner trust preferential. Then the owner notifies
co-owners and asks their opinions on the CIAPP fea-
ForSE 2019 - 3rd International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering
Table 11: Co-owners’ rates on data security features.
Co-owner’s id Confidentiality Integrity Availability Privacy Possession NKP
Bob 1 1 1 0 0 100
Daniel 1 1 1 1 1 0
Table 12: Trust values before sharing the data.
Alice’s Trust in Co-i Co-id Co-i s Trust in Alice p loss T loss final-trust-in Alice
0.6 Bob 0.7 0.68 0.47 0.23
0 Daniel 0.5 0.8 0.21 0.29
Table 13: Co-owners’ rates on data security features.
R C f
0.8 0.07 0.256
tures. Once co-owners choose which CIAPP features
are their worries, then the fuzzy logic based decision
system infers the decision. After getting the decision
from the fuzzy logic based system, our system goes
through the sharing process. If the owner choose the
co-owner trust preferential when they set their privacy
policy up on the data, then our system calculates the
privacy loss, the trust loss, and the trust gain values. If
the owner shares the data with targeted group without
considering the co-owners’ choices on the CIAPP fe-
atures, the the owner looses the value on their reputa-
tion. However, if the owner chooses the owner trust
preferential in the beginning, then they do not loss
value on their reputation, since the fuzzy decision is
based on the co-owners choices on CIAPP features.
It is clearly seen that the fuzzy logic decision based
system helps users to make trade-off sharing the data
and getting benefits out of sharing data with incre-
ment on the reputation value.
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ForSE 2019 - 3rd International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering