Metadata Management for Textual Documents in Data Lakes
e N. Sawadogo
, Tokio Kibata
and J
ome Darmont
e de Lyon, Lyon 2, ERIC EA 3083, 5 avenue Pierre Mend
es France, F69676, Bron, France
e de Lyon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 36 avenue Guy de Collongue, F69134, Ecully, France
Data Lakes, Textual Documents, Metadata Management, Data Ponds.
Data lakes have emerged as an alternative to data warehouses for the storage, exploration and analysis of big
data. In a data lake, data are stored in a raw state and bear no explicit schema. Thence, an efficient metadata
system is essential to avoid the data lake turning to a so-called data swamp. Existing works about managing
data lake metadata mostly focus on structured and semi-structured data, with little research on unstructured
data. Thus, we propose in this paper a methodological approach to build and manage a metadata system that
is specific to textual documents in data lakes. First, we make an inventory of usual and meaningful metadata
to extract. Then, we apply some specific techniques from the text mining and information retrieval domains to
extract, store and reuse these metadata within the COREL research project, in order to validate our proposals.
The tremendous growth of social networks and the In-
ternet of Things (IoT) brings various organisms ex-
ploit more and more data. Such amounts of so-called
big data are mainly characterized by high volume, ve-
locity and variety, as well as a lack of veracity, which
together exceed the capacity of traditional process-
ing systems (Miloslavskaya and Tolstoy, 2016). To
tackle these issues, Dixon introduced the concept of
data lake, a large repository of raw and heterogeneous
data, fed by external sources and allowing users to ex-
plore, sample and analyze the data (Dixon, 2010).
In a data lake, original data are stored in a raw
state, without any explicit schema, until they are
queried. This is known as schema-on-read or late
binding (Fang, 2015; Miloslavskaya and Tolstoy,
2016). However, with big data volume and velocity
coming into play, the absence of an explicit schema
can quickly turn a data lake into an inoperable data
swamp (Suriarachchi and Plale, 2016). Therefore,
metadata management is a crucial component in data
lakes (Quix et al., 2016). An efficient metadata sys-
tem is indeed essential to ensure that data can be ex-
plored, queried and analyzed.
Many research works address metadata manage-
ment in data lakes. Yet, most of them focus on
structured and semi-structured data only (Farid et al.,
2016; Farrugia et al., 2016; Madera and Laurent,
2016; Quix et al., 2016; Klettke et al., 2017). Very
few target unstructured data, while the majority of big
data is unstructured and mostly composed of textual
documents (Miloslavskaya and Tolstoy, 2016). Thus,
we propose a metadata management system for tex-
tual data in data lakes.
Our approach exploits a subdivision of the data
lake into so-called data ponds (Inmon, 2016). Each
data pond is dedicated to a specific type of data (i.e.,
structured data, semi-structured data, images, textual
data, etc.) and involves some specific data prepro-
cessing. Thus, we propose in this paper a textual data
pond architecture with processes adapted to textual
metadata management. We notably exploit text min-
ing and information retrieval techniques to extract,
store and reuse metadata.
Our system allows two main types of analyses.
First, it allows OLAP-like analyses, i.e., documents
can be filtered and aggregated with respect to one
or more keywords, or by document categories such
as document MIME type, language or business cate-
gory. Filter keys are comparable to a datamart’s di-
mensions, and measures can be represented by statis-
tics or graphs. Second, similarity measures between
documents can be used to automatically find clusters
of documents, i.e., documents using approximately
the same lexical field, or to calculate a document’s
centrality. We demonstrate these features in the con-
text of the COREL research project.
Our contribution is threefold. 1) We propose the
first thorough methodological approach for managing
Sawadogo, P., Kibata, T. and Darmont, J.
Metadata Management for Textual Documents in Data Lakes.
DOI: 10.5220/0007706300720083
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 72-83
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
unstructured, and more specifically textual, data in a
data lake. 2) We introduce a new type of metadata,
global metadata, which had not been identified as
such in the literature up to now. 3) Although we artic-
ulate existing techniques (notably standards) to build
up our metadata management system, adaptations are
required. We especially combine a graph model and
a data vault (Linstedt, 2011) for metadata represen-
tation, and extend an XML representation format for
metadata storage.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 surveys the research related to meta-
data management in data lakes, and especially tex-
tual metadata issues. Section 3 presents our metadata
management system. In Section 4, we apply our ap-
proach on the COREL data lake as a proof of concept.
Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper and gives an
outlook on our research perspectives.
2.1 Metadata Management in Data
2.1.1 Metadata Systems
There are two main data lake architectures, each
adopting a particular approach to organize the meta-
data system. We call the first architecture storage-
metadata-analysis (Stein and Morrison, 2014; Quix
et al., 2016; Hai et al., 2017), where the metadata
system is seen as a global component for the whole
dataset. Every analysis or query is then performed
through this component.
The second architecture structures the data lake
into data ponds. A data pond is a subdivision of a
data lake, dealing with a specific type of data (In-
mon, 2016). In this approach, storage, metadata man-
agement and querying are specific to each data type
(voluminous, structured data from applications; ve-
locious, semi-structured data from the IoT; various,
unstructured textual documents). This organization
helps conform to data specificity.
2.1.2 Metadata Generation
There are many techniques in the literature to extract
metadata from a data lake. For instance, generat-
ing data schemas or column names make formulat-
ing queries and analyses easier (Quix et al., 2016; Hai
et al., 2017). In the same line, integrity constraints
can be deduced from data (Farid et al., 2016; Klettke
et al., 2017). However, such operations are not appli-
cable to textual data.
There are three main ideas in the literature for
building and managing metadata that are appropri-
ate for textual data. The first proposal consists in in-
dexing the documents. This is notably applied in the
CoreDB data lake to support a keyword querying ser-
vice (Beheshti et al., 2017).
The second idea, called semantic annotation (Quix
et al., 2016), semantic enrichment (Hai et al., 2017) or
semantic profiling (Ansari et al., 2018), adds a con-
text layer to the data, which defines the meaning of
data. This is done using World Wide Web Consor-
tium standards such as OWL (Laskowski, 2016). It is
used for enriching a couple of data lakes (Terrizzano
et al., 2015; Quix et al., 2016).
Finally, the third proposal applies a textual disam-
biguation process before document ingestion in the
data lake (Inmon, 2016). Textual disambiguation con-
sists in, on one hand, providing context to the text,
e.g., using taxonomies; and on the other hand, trans-
forming the text into a structured document.
2.2 Discussion
Current metadata management techniques for textual
data (Section 2.1.2) are all relevant. Each brings in a
crucial feature: indexing permits filtering data with
one or more keywords; semantic enrichment com-
plements data with domain-specific information; and
textual disambiguation makes the automatic process-
ing of textual data easier.
To achieve an efficient metadata system, an idea
can be to take advantage of these three techniques,
combining them into a global metadata management
system. However, it is not so simple.
A first problem is that textual disambiguation im-
plies that the original data are transformed before be-
ing fed to the data lake (Inmon, 2016). Thus, raw data
are lost during this process, which contradicts the def-
inition of data lakes (Dixon, 2010).
A second problem also concerns textual disam-
biguation. We need to define concrete examples of
structured formats in which textual data can be con-
verted to be easily analyzed. This remains an open
issue as far as we know.
A third problem is that seeking for semantic en-
richment via all possible semantic technologies seems
illusory. There are indeed many semantic enrichment
methods, which limits user flexibility.
Eventually, current metadata management tech-
niques do not consider an important type of metadata,
i.e., relational metadata. Relational metadata, also
called inter-dataset metadata (Section 3.1.2), express
Metadata Management for Textual Documents in Data Lakes
tangible or intangible links between datasets or data
ponds (Maccioni and Torlone, 2017). Obtaining rela-
tional metadata indeed allow advanced analyses such
as centrality and community detection proposed in a
semi-structured data context (Farrugia et al., 2016),
and that could be extended to unstructured docu-
ments. In the context of textual documents, a com-
munity typically means sharing a lexical field, and can
serve to automatically classify documents by topics.
3.1 Metadata Identification
A categorization of metadata in data lakes (Maccioni
and Torlone, 2017) distinguishes intra-dataset (Sec-
tion 3.1.1) and inter-dataset metadata (Section 3.1.2).
In addition, we propose a third category: global meta-
data (Section 3.1.3).
3.1.1 Intra-dataset Metadata
This category is composed of metadata concerning
only one dataset (a textual document in our context) in
a data pond. Three subcategories are relevant to tex-
tual documents. The first category is made of prop-
erties that take the form of key-value pairs and pro-
vide information about data (Quix et al., 2016), e.g.,
document creation date, document creator, document
length, etc.
The second category of intra-dataset metadata is
called previsualization metadata. They consist of a
summary of the document through a visualization or
a set of descriptive tags (Halevy et al., 2016). Their
role is to provide users with an idea of the document’s
Finally, the last category concerns version meta-
data. These metadata are inspired from the idea of
keeping different versions of each document in the
data pond (Halevy et al., 2016), e.g., a lemmatized
version, a version without stopwords, etc.
To enhance version metadata, we introduce the
notion of presentation metadata. Presentation meta-
data are obtained by applying two operations to the
original data. The first is a transformation operation
to get a cleaned or enriched version of a document,
e.g., stopwords removal, lemmatization, etc.
The second operation consists in giving a struc-
tured format to the transformed document to actually
achieve the presentation as, e.g., a bag of words, a
term-frequency vector or a TF-IDF vector.
The generation of presentation metadata is similar
to text disambiguation (Inmon, 2016), except that our
proposal does not involve any data loss. Original data
are retained.
3.1.2 Inter-dataset Metadata
Inter-dataset or relational metadata specify relation-
ships between different documents (Maccioni and
Torlone, 2017). There are two subcategories of inter-
dataset metadata: physical and logical links (Farrugia
et al., 2016).
Physical links represent a clear (tangible) connec-
tion between documents. Such connections are typ-
ically induced by the belonging to some natural or
business clusters, e.g., creation by the same person
or belonging to the same business category, etc. In
contrast, logical (intangible) links highlight similari-
ties between documents from their intrinsic character-
istics, such as common word rate or inherent topics.
3.1.3 Global Metadata
This category of metadata covers the whole data lake.
Global metadata may be used and reused to enrich
documents or to perform more advanced analyses.
They generally include semantic data such as thesauri,
dictionaries, ontologies, etc.
Such metadata can be exploited to create enriched
or contextualized documents through semantic en-
richment (Hai et al., 2017), annotation (Quix et al.,
2016) or profiling (Ansari et al., 2018). This process
is then the first part of presentation metadata genera-
tion (Section 3.1.1) .
Global metadata can also serve to enrich data
querying, e.g., a thesaurus can be used to expand a
keyword-based query with all the synonyms of the
initial keywords.
Eventually, semantic resources such as ontologies
and taxonomies can also help classify documents into
clusters (Inmon, 2016; Quix et al., 2016). For exam-
ple, Inmon uses two taxonomies of positive and nega-
tive terms to detect whether a text brings out a positive
or negative sentiment, respectively.
3.2 Metadata Representation
A data lake or data pond can be viewed as a graph,
where nodes represent documents and edges express
connections or similarities between documents (Far-
rugia et al., 2016; Halevy et al., 2016). Such a repre-
sentation allows to discover communities or to cal-
culate the centrality of nodes and, thus, to distin-
guish documents sharing the same lexical field from
those with a more specific vocabulary (Farrugia et al.,
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2016). We adopt this approach because it is relevant
to inter-dataset metadata (Section 3.1.2).
Moreover, to handle the changing number and
form of intra-dataset metadata, we combine the graph
view of metadata with data vault modeling. Data
vaults are alternative logical models to data ware-
house star schemas that, unlike star schemas, allow
easy schema evolution (Linstedt, 2011). They have
already been adopted to represent a data lake’s meta-
data (Nogueira et al., 2018), but retaining a relational
database structure that does not exhibit an explicit
graph representation.
In contrast, we associate data vault satellites rep-
resenting intra-dataset metadata with graph nodes. In
our context, a satellite stores descriptive information,
i.e., a set of attributes associated with one specific
document. Yet, a document may be described by sev-
eral satellites (Hultgren, 2016). Then, with the help
of this one-to-many relationship, we can easily asso-
ciate any new intra-dataset metadata with any docu-
ment by creating new satellites attached to the docu-
ment’s node.
Figure 1 shows an example of metadata represen-
tation for three documents. Visualization metadata,
presentation metadata and properties are associated
with each document. The association arrow from a
document to metadata indicates that it is possible to
associate several instances of every type of metadata
with a document.
Inter-dataset metadata are subdivided into logical
links represented by dotted edges and physical links
represented by solid edges. It is also possible to de-
fine several instances of inter-dataset metadata. The
only constraint that we introduce is that each logi-
cal link, when defined, should be generated between
every couple of documents, which is not the case of
physical links. That is, we assume that there is al-
ways some similarity between two documents. The
question is then to know the strength of this similar-
ity. For physical links, the question is simply whether
the link exists.
Finally, global metadata are not as such part of the
graph, because they are not directly connected to any
document. This is why they are isolated.
3.3 Metadata Storage
To efficiently store the metadata identified in Sec-
tion 3.1, we adopt the idea to associate an XML meta-
data document with each document. This XML docu-
ment serves as the textual document’s “identity card”
and permits to store and retrieve all its related meta-
data. This approach has notably been used to build a
data preservation system for the French National Li-
brary (Fauduet and Peyrard, 2010). Each digital doc-
ument is ingested in their system as a set of infor-
mation pieces represented by an XML manifest (Sec-
tion 3.3.1) that can be viewed as a metadata package
(Fauduet and Peyrard, 2010).
Depending on the type of metadata, we pro-
pose three storage modes: integrally within, par-
tially within and independent from a manifest (Sec-
tions 3.3.2, 3.3.3 and 3.3.4, irrespectively).
3.3.1 XML Manifest Structure
The manifest XML document associated with each
textual document is composed of three sections,
each dedicated to a specific metadata type. The
first two sections are defined by the Metadata En-
coding & Transmission Standard (METS) (The Li-
brary of Congress, 2017).
The first section, named dmdSec, stores atomic
metadata in a mdWrap subsection (Section 3.3.2).
The second section is another dmdSec section where
non-atomic metadata are referenced by a pointer in
mdRef XML elements (Section 3.3.3).
The third section is our proposal, which we name
prmSec for physical relational metadata section. It
stores physical links in prm elements.
Figure 2 shows the document manifest schema
as an XML DTD, which we choose because it is
more humanly understandable than an XML Schema.
Eventually, to make exploring and querying meta-
data easier, we strongly advocate for storing the set
of XML manifest documents into an XML DBMS.
3.3.2 Atomic Metadata Storage
Metadata in an atomic or near-atomic form are di-
rectly included in the XML manifest. It is gener-
ally the case of properties, e.g., the document’s iden-
tifier, its creation or last modification timestamp, its
creator’s name, etc. More precisely, such metadata
are stored in a dmdSec section/mdWrap subsection.
In this subsection, atomic metadata are represented
by XML elements from the (standard) Dublin core
namespace (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, 2018).
However, the proposed namespace can easily be re-
placed by a customized namespace.
3.3.3 Non-atomic Metadata Storage
Several types of metadata bear a format that requires a
specific storage technology. Therefore, such metadata
cannot be stored internally in the manifest like atomic
and near-atomic metadata. They are thus stored in a
specific format in the filesystem. Yet, to make the
Metadata Management for Textual Documents in Data Lakes
Figure 1: Sample metadata representation.
retrieval of this kind of metadata easier, they are ref-
erenced in the second mdRef section of the manifest,
through URIs.
Presentation and previsualization metadata fall in
this category. The original data must also be refer-
enced this way, to allow users easily retrieve the raw
data whenever necessary.
Global metadata are also stored using specific
technologies and externally referred to. However, as
they do not concern a specific document, they can-
not be included in a document manifest. Thus, we
propose the use of a special XML manifest document
for all global metadata. This manifest contains a set
of global metadata for which the name, location and
type (e.g., thesaurus, dictionary, stopwords, etc.) are
specified. The global manifest’s schema is provided
in Figure 3 as a DTD.
3.3.4 Relational Metadata
Inter-dataset metadata have some specific require-
ments because they concern two documents. It is
thus difficult to include them in a document mani-
fest. Hence, we propose to include physical links in
the prmSec section of all concerned document mani-
fests. The physical link’s name must be specified. Its
value represents a cluster name, e.g., for a physical
link expressing the document’s language, the link’s
name can be ”language” and possible values ”fr”,
”en”, ”de”, etc. Thus, clusters can be reconstituted by
grouping all documents of equal value with respect to
a specific physical link.
Unlike physical links, logical links cannot be de-
fined internally within a manifest, since they materi-
alize between each couple of documents with a given
strength. Thus, to store logical links, we propose to
use a graph DBMS such as Neo4j (Neo4J Inc., 2018),
which allows to easily store link strengths and to con-
form to the graph view from Figure 1. In this ap-
proach, each node represents a document by the same
identifier as the one in the manifest. Each type of log-
ical link is then defined between every couple of doc-
uments as an edge labeled with its name and strength.
3.4 Metadata Extraction
Several techniques can be applied to generate meta-
data. We categorize them with respect to the type of
metadata in the following sections. Moreover, here,
we redefine intra and inter-dataset metadata as intra
and inter-document metadata, respectively, to fit our
textual document data pond context.
3.4.1 Intra-document Metadata Extraction
Properties can be obtained from the filesystem, e.g.,
document name, size, length, location or date of last
modification (Quix et al., 2016). Once metadata are
extracted, they are inserted into the manifest docu-
ment, into the corresponding element from the Dublin
Core’s namespace. Moreover, to conform to our
metadata storage system, an ID must be generated
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Document manifest DTD.
Figure 3: Global manifest DTD.
for each document. ID generation can be based ei-
ther on the document’s URI, if any (Suriarachchi and
Plale, 2016), or on the document manifest’s genera-
tion timestamp. We choose to use the manifest’s gen-
eration timestamp to avoid possible conflicts resulting
from moving or changing the name of the document.
Then, there are two ways to generate previsualiza-
tion metadata. The first is manually adding a set of
tags to a document, in the form of atomic metadata.
The second is automatically generating metadata by
applying, e.g., topic modeling techniques.
Presentation metadata generation requires two ad-
vanced operations. The first operation consists in ei-
ther data cleaning (e.g., stopwords removal, lemmati-
zation, filtering on a dictionary, etc.) or data enrich-
ment (e.g., adding context using taxonomies, transla-
tions, etc.). At this stage, a transformed version of
the document is obtained. The second operation, e.g.,
presentation as a bag of words or a term-frequency
vector, is then applied on the transformed document
to generate presentation metadata.
Generated metadata can then be stored either in
the filesystem, possibly with an indexing technology
such as Elasticsearch (Elastic, 2018) on top, or within
a DBMS. We opt for a hybrid storage solution exploit-
ing the filesystem and Elasticsearch for metadata in a
raw format (e.g., original documents), and a relational
DBMS for metadata in structured format, with respect
to metadata type. This allows to take advantage of
each storage mode’s specific features.
Metadata are also referred to through an mdRef el-
ement in the manifest document. The XPTR attribute
of the mdRef element is set with the metadata piece’s
URI, while its LABEL attribute is set to the concate-
nation of the names of the two operations used for
generating presentation metadata.
Table 1 presents a short list of sample operations
for generating presentation metadata. To the transfor-
mation operations, we add a special operation with a
neutral effect named original version. It is equiva-
lent to a “no transformation” operation on the origi-
nal document. We also define a presentation opera-
tion with a neutral effect, classic presentation, which
Metadata Management for Textual Documents in Data Lakes
leaves the transformed document in its raw format.
When these two special operations are applied to a
document, presentation metadata are exactly identical
to the original data. These two special, neutral oper-
ations actually allow to retain original documents in
the data lake as presentation metadata.
Eventually, we assume that previsualization meta-
data represent a special case of presentation metadata.
An example of presentation metadata can be obtained
by filtering the original document on most frequent
terms and presenting the result in a tag (term) cloud.
3.4.2 Inter-document Metadata Extraction
Some physical links can be automatically generated,
e.g., the Apache Tika framework (The Apache Soft-
ware Foundation, 2018) permits to automatically de-
tect document MIME type and language (Quix et al.,
2016). Once the MIME type or language is detected,
documents of same type or language can be consid-
ered physically linked, respectively.
However, other physical links must be defined
through human intervention. It is the case of links
expressing documents belonging to the same business
category. For example, in a corpus composed of a
company’s annual reports, the department to which
each document belongs must be defined either by the
document’s folder name or by a tag.
Finally, we propose to generate logical links by
computing document similarity measures represent-
ing the similarity strength between each couple of
documents. Some examples of textual data simi-
larity measures include the cosine similarity (Allan
et al., 2000), the chi-square similarity (Ibrahimov
et al., 2002) and Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coef-
ficient (Kilgarriff, 2001). Such similarity measures
have a high score for documents sharing the same
terms and a low score for documents using different
terms. Moreover, many different logical links can be
obtained by applying the same measure on different
presentations of the documents.
3.4.3 Global Metadata
Global metadata generation generally needs human
intervention, because such metadata are domain-
specific and must be designed by a domain expert
(Quix et al., 2016). Global metadata may also be de-
rived from pre-existing metadata, e.g., a list of stop-
words can easily be found on the Web and then com-
plemented or reduced.
Since there is no such systems as ours currently avail-
able, we put the metadata management system from
Section 3 in practice within a research project related
to management sciences, and more specifically strate-
gic marketing, as a proof of concept. This project is
named COREL (“at the heart of customer relation-
ship”) and aims to study, analyze and compare cus-
tomer policies between and within companies.
We first present CORELs corpus in Section 4.1.
Section 4.2 is dedicated to the corresponding data
lake’s architecture. Then, we explain in Section 4.3
how we build the metadata system. Finally, Sec-
tion 4.4 shows how our metadata system is exploited
to perform analyses.
4.1 COREL Corpus
The COREL corpus is composed of 101 tex-
tual documents from 12 different companies
from various business domains. Documents
are categorized in 3 business categories: inter-
views, annual reports and press articles. The
documents bear 2 different MIME types (appli-
cation/pdf and application/vnd.openxmlformats-
officedocument.wordprocessingml.document) and 2
different languages (French and English).
Although the COREL corpus does not fall in the
big data category in terms of volume (the size of raw
documents is 0.15 GB), it does in terms of variety,
with significant variations in annual reports with re-
spect to companies, various sponsors in interviews
(CEOs, marketers...) and a variety of press releases.
4.2 Data Lake Architecture
To allow various analyses on the COREL corpus,
we build a data lake called CODAL (COrel DAta
Lake) that is composed of one single data pond, since
the whole corpus is purely textual. To fit CODAL
within our metadata management system, we adopt
the architecture and technologies shown in Figure 4.
This architecture conforms to the storage-metadata-
analysis system presented in Section 2.1.1.
The lowest-level component in this architecture
is dedicated to document and metadata storage. It
is hybrid and exploits the following technologies:
the filesystem to store presentation metadata, Elastic-
search to index presentation metadata and Neo4j to
store logical links. To speed up queries, we plan to
replace the filesystem by a relational DBMS, but we
currently keep it as is for simplicity’s sake.
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Transformation and presentation operations.
Transformation operation (to) Presentation operation (to) Resulting metadata
Original version Classic presentation Original document
Original version Term-frequency vector Term-frequency vector
Original version TF-IDF vector TF-IDF vector
Lemmatized version Classic presentation Lemmatized document
Lemmatized version Term-frequency vector Term-frequency vector
of lemmatized document
Lemmatized version TF-IDF vector TF-IDF vector of lemmatized document
Figure 4: Architecture of CODAL.
The second component stores XML manifest doc-
uments that contain atomic metadata, physical links
and pointers to non-atomic metadata. The set of XML
manifest documents is stored in BaseX, an XML-
native DBMS (BaseX GmbH, 2018).
Finally, the top-level component in the CODAL
architecture is a layer that allows OLAP-like analyses
through a Web platform. In addition, CODAL users
can access the metadata system through BaseX to ex-
ecute ad-hoc queries or to extract data.
4.3 Metadata Extraction
The metadata extraction process is composed of two
phases. The first consists in generating the set of
XML manifest documents (Section 4.3.1) and all rel-
evant metadata, while the second is logical link gen-
eration (Section 4.3.2).
4.3.1 Intra-document Metadata and Physical
For each document, we generate an XML manifest
document bearing the format defined in Section 3.3.1.
Properties are an identifier, the document’s title, its
creator, the creation and the last modification date.
These metadata are then stored as elements in the
manifest first dmdSec section/mdWrap subsection.
Presentation metadata are each generated by ap-
plying a transformation followed by a presentation
operation. The different transformation operations
applied are stopwords removal, lemmatization, filter-
ing on a dictionary and preservation of the original
version. The operations retained for presentation are
term-frequency vector format, TF-IDF vector format
and classic presentation (raw format).
Once presentation metadata are generated, they
are stored in the filesystem as either simple text files
or in CSV format (for TF-IDF or term-frequency vec-
tors). They are then referred to in the corresponding
XML manifest document. Presentation metadata in
classic presentation are also indexed in Elasticsearch.
Presentation metadata extraction is achieved using
global metadata such as a list of stopwords and a dic-
tionary. These global metadata are manually created
and then referred to in the global XML manifest.
In the context of the COREL project, we retain
four physical links: belonging to the same company,
Metadata Management for Textual Documents in Data Lakes
document type (business category), MIME type and
language. The first two links are obtained via the doc-
uments’ directory structure in the filesystem. The last
two are extracted with Apache Tika.
Once all the XML manifest documents are cre-
ated, they are inserted in a BaseX database. Figure 5
shows an example of XML manifest document.
4.3.2 Logical Links
To generate logical links, we calculate the cosine sim-
ilarity of each couple of documents using as presen-
tation metadata TF-IDF or term-frequency vectors,
since the cosine similarity can only be calculated with
such vectors.
To store the generated measures, a node is created
in Neo4j for each document. The different measures
are then integrated into the database as edges carry-
ing the similarity’s strength. Each edge is named by
concatenating the presentation metadata piece’s name
with the similarity measure’s name.
4.4 Possible Queries and Analyses
Authorized users can freely access the CODAL meta-
data management system to perform either ad-hoc
queries or analyses through the BaseX and the Neo4j
DBMSs. All the generated metadata can be filtered,
aggregated and extracted through these interfaces.
However, some advanced data management skills are
required, which are not possessed by researchers in
management sciences.
Thence, we developed an intuitive platform to al-
low some recurrent analyses, i.e., OLAP-like analyses
(Section 4.4.1), document proximity analyses (Sec-
tion 4.4.2) and document highlights (Section 4.4.3).
4.4.1 OLAP-like Analyses
These analyses are done through the left-hand side
of our Web interface (Figure 6). A set of multiple
choice boxes allows documents filtering and aggrega-
tion with respect to physical links.
Documents can also be filtered and aggregated us-
ing keyword-based queries. Here, a transformation
operation must be specified and filtering operates us-
ing the classic document presentation resulting from
this transformation. Another option allows to ex-
tend keyword filtering with all synonyms of the given
terms through a thesaurus. The filtering options serve
as analysis axes that are much similar to OLAP di-
mensions. Thus, filtering the corpus on a set of physi-
cal links is similar to OLAP slice and dice operations.
The characteristics of the aggregated documents
are provided through statistics and visualizations.
These visualizations can be compared to OLAP mea-
sures, because they also provide some aggregated in-
formation about documents. We propose four types of
visualizations: 1) distribution of documents through
clusters induced by physical links, e.g., displaying
what companies provide documents in English (filter
documents on the English language and then observe
the results’ distribution with respect to companies);
2) timeline created from the document’s creation or
last modification date, which provides a temporal dis-
tribution of documents; 3) most common terms (plot-
ted as a bar graph); 4) average term frequencies (de-
picted as a tag cloud).
The left-bottom part of Figure 6 displays a visu-
alization of the most common terms in the selected
documents with a tag cloud where the size of terms
represents their weight.
As the analysis platform is a Web application, dif-
ferent filtering can be performed simultaneously in
different windows, to compare a given visualization
with respect to various filter values. Similarly, the
same filter can be set to observe simultaneously two
or more visualizations.
4.4.2 Proximity Analyses
The right-bottom side of the analysis platform (Fig-
ure 6) is dedicated to proximity analyses on, and prox-
imity visualizations of, selected documents. To show
what documents are similar or different, we cluster
them automatically by applying the Walktrap com-
munity detection algorithm (Pons and Latapy, 2006)
on the sub-graph induced by the selected documents,
given a similarity measure and a user-defined thresh-
old. Walktrap’s time complexity is O(n
log n) in
most cases, where n is the number of nodes. The
result of clustering allows identifying the documents
that form groups with strong internal links, while
links with documents outside of the group are weak.
Then, we represent the documents in a graph with
a different color for each cluster. In Figure 6, we ob-
serve in the yellow-colored cluster documents from
two distinct companies. This can be interpreted as a
similarity in the vocabulary used by these companies
in some of their documents and, thence, a potential
similarity in their marketing strategy.
Another relevant technique for proximity analy-
sis is documents centrality calculation (Farrugia et al.,
2016), which can be applied in the context of textual
documents to identify the documents bearing a spe-
cific or common vocabulary. Documents with a spe-
cific vocabulary are weakly linked to others, which
implies a low centrality. In contrast, documents with
a common vocabulary are highly connected together
and have a high centrality.
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Sample XML manifest.
Centrality can also be interpreted as the docu-
ment’s importance in the graph. Thus, documents
with a high centrality can be considered essential be-
cause they are involved in a large number of links.
Such documents should then be handled carefully, so
as not to be destroyed. However, this technique is not
implemented yet in our analysis platform.
4.4.3 Highlights
These visualizations are provided in the right-top part
of the CODAL analysis interface (Figure 6). Af-
ter keyword-based filtering, the corresponding docu-
ments are listed. In addition, we show, for each result-
ing document, a set of highlights where the keywords
appear. This constitutes a summary of the document
”around” one or more keywords.
Moreover, advanced options in the left-top side
of the interface allow to customize highlight display.
The highlights size option can be used to increase or
decrease the highlight’s length. The thesaurus option
allows to expand the given keywords with all their
synonyms, with the help of a previously selected the-
saurus. For example, we observe in Figure 6 that a
query on the term “client” also returns a highlight on
the term “consommateur”, i.e, consumer in French.
We propose in this article the first, to the best of
our knowledge, complete methodological approach
for building a metadata management system for data
lakes or data ponds storing textual documents. To
avoid the data swamp syndrome, we identify rele-
vant metadata extraction, structuring, storage and pro-
cessing techniques and tools. We notably distinguish
three types of metadata, each of which having its own
extraction and storage techniques: intra-document
metadata, inter-document metadata and global, se-
mantic metadata (which we introduce). Eventually,
we extend the XML manifest metadata representation
to suit textual document-related metadata storage.
Metadata Management for Textual Documents in Data Lakes
Figure 6: CODAL analysis interface.
We apply and validate the feasibility of our meta-
data management system on a real-life textual cor-
pus to build the CODAL data lake. As a result,
non-specialist users (i.e., with no data management
knowledge) can perform OLAP-like analyses. Such
analyses consist in filtering and aggregating the cor-
pus with respect one or more terms, and in navigat-
ing through visualizations that summarize the filtered
corpus. Users can also cluster documents to identify
groups of similar documents.
In future works, we first plan to replace the
filesystem by a relational DBMS to store structured
presentation metadata, and thus allow easier and
faster queries and analyses. We shall also improve
our platform by integrating centrality analyses (Sec-
tion 4.4.2). Finally, since our current test corpus is
small-sized, we plan to apply our method on a bigger
one from a new project in management sciences and
test its scalability.
Moreover, our objective is to turn the specific CO-
DAL platform into a generic (i.e., not tied to the
COREL project) analysis platform that implements
the metadata management system we propose, and
make it available to the community. This would allow
non-computer scientists to easily exploit any textual
data pond.
Eventually, in the long run, we aim at designing a
metadata management system that would help query-
ing data ponds storing different types of data (struc-
tured, semi-structured, unstructured textual and pos-
sibly multimedia) altogether.
The research accounted for in this paper has been
funded by the Universit
e Lumi
ere Lyon 2 through
the COREL project. The authors would like to thank
Angsoumailyne Te and Isabelle Prim-Allaz, from the
COACTIS management science research center, for
their constant input and feedback.
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