An Intelligent Tutoring System for Procedural Training with Natural
Language Interaction
José Paladines
and Jaime Ramírez
Facultad de Ciencias Técnicas, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Manabí, Ecuador
Computer Science School, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Context-aware Dialogue, Intelligent Tutoring System, Natural Language Processing, Procedural Training,
Virtual Environment.
Abstract: In this paper we present a proposal of an Intelligent Tutoring Systems equipped with dialogue in natural
language to facilitate student interaction with the learning environment, provide hints and answer students’
questions. This system is designed to be integrated with a 2D/3D virtual environment for procedural training,
where it can maintain a dialogue with students adapted to the context. Our notion of context comprises: the
specific features of the student; his/her progress in the development of the task; and the virtual environment
where it is performed. The dialogue will be controlled by a dialogue manager, built on Watson Assistant,
which has been chosen for its versatility. Additionally, we present an application example that describes the
operation of the modules that constitute the proposed approach. Then, we provide some indications on how it
will be evaluated with students shortly.
During the last years, Intelligent Tutoring Systems
(ITS) have been developed that show effective results
in the teaching the concepts of physics, mathematics
and computer science. Some of these ITSs have been
able to capture the attention and interest of most
students through mixed conversational dialogues and
have been able to produce significant learning gains
beyond the classroom environment (Graesser et al.,
Furthermore, 2D/3D Virtual Environments (VEs)
have demonstrated to be valuable training tools by
simulating real scenarios where students can learn
without risks in a cost-efficient way (Dalgarno, 2002;
Duncan, Miller and Shangyi, 2012). 3D VEs offer a
superior learning experience, greater immersion,
greater fidelity and a high level of active student
participation, therefore, in addition to supporting the
learning tasks, can be intrinsically motivating to the
student to make decisions to achieve individual goals
within the environment (Dalgarno and Lee, 2010).
This kind of virtual environments become especially
useful for procedural training, that is, when students
have to learn to perform a task step by step that
eventually they will have to do in the real world.
However, after carrying out a literature review in
the field of ITSs, we can state that there are some ITSs
intended for procedural training, in which the student
can interact with a 2D/3D virtual environment, such
as Steve (develop physical tasks) (Rickel and
Johnson, 1999), SafeChild (pedestrian safety of
children) (Gu, Sosnovsky and Ullrich, 2015),
Lahystotrain (surgeons in laparoscopic operations
and hysteroscopy) (Los Arcos et al., 2000),
TRANSoM (pilots of remote-operated submarine
vehicles (ROV)) (Pioch, Roberts and Zeltzer, 1997),
but only in a few of these ITSs (Jacob, Paco and
Normit-SE) the user can interact with the system
through a dialogue in natural language.
The goal of this paper is to present a proposal for
an ITS capable of maintaining a dialogue with the
student in natural language while the student is
performing a procedural training in a 2D/3D virtual
environment. To generate the dialogue in natural
language, the specific features of the student, his/her
progress in the development of the task and the
physical environment where it is performed will be
taken into account. Therefore, the tutoring feedback
will include a dialogue adapted to the context.
Moreover, in a virtual environment for procedural
training, the actions related to the development of a
procedure become particularly relevant and must
Paladines, J. and Ramírez, J.
An Intelligent Tutoring System for Procedural Training with Natural Language Interaction.
DOI: 10.5220/0007712203070314
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 307-314
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
serve to determine the most suitable tutoring at each
To generate the dialogue between the student and
the ITS, we will build a dialogue manager with the
cognitive services of some currently available
platforms (Mallios and Bourbakis, 2016).
This paper is structured as follows: section 2
presents the previous works most related to the
objectives of this paper; Section 3 summarizes the
main features of the platforms for the construction
of dialogue managers; Section 4 details the
architecture of the proposed system; Section 5
describes, through an application example, the
operation of the ITS integrated with the dialogue
manager; and finally, section 6 shows the
conclusions and future work.
In the literature we find few ITSs that use dialogue in
natural language for procedural training, because
most of this kind of ITSs are oriented to the teaching
of concepts. Therefore, we believe that to show a
reasonable view of the state of the art in this field, it
is convenient to first present some remarkable
systems that simulate patterns of discourse and
include pedagogical strategies of a human tutor
through dialogues for declarative instruction, and
then present the existing ITSs with dialogue for
procedural training.
CircSim (Glass, 2001), considered one of the first
systems to implement dialogues in natural language,
can analyse the user input through a syntactic analysis
and admits short answers of one or two words. It has
a tutoring strategy based on Directed Reasoning Lines
to control the variables of a prediction table and is
oriented to the physiology domain. Atlas-Andes
(Rosé et al., 2001) adds dialogue capabilities to the
Andes system (Gertner and VanLehn, 2000),
allowing students to participate in a typed dialogue. It
has a tutoring strategy based on knowledge
construction dialogues (KCD) by means of which it
involves the students in a dialogue about correcting
conceptual misconceptions of physics. Why2-Atlas
(VanLehn et al., 2002) encourages students to write
essays as answers to a question. The analysis of these
long explanations and the discovery of
misconceptions is possible through CARMEL. Like
Atlas-Andes, it is aimed at the teaching of physics.
ITSpoke (Litman and Silliman, 2004) is a system that
involves students in spoken dialogues of conceptual
physics. To analysis the statements of students, it uses
the front-end of the Why2-Atlas system. Regarding
the tutoring strategy, only Atlas-Andes, Why2-Atlas,
ITSpoke ITSs rely on KCDs. These KCDs are based
on the CircSim Directed Reasoning Lines. Other
outstanding ITS for declarative instruction is
AutoTutor (Graesser et al., 2005), a system that
maintains conversations of mixed initiative with
students to allow them to build explanations of
concepts. It uses a dialogue pattern called expectation
and misconceptions tailored dialogue that consists in
comparing the explanations of the students with a set
of expectations (ideal answers) and misconceptions
(incorrect answers) using a statistical technique called
latent semantic analysis. This system has evolved
over time and has managed to cover different
domains such as computer literacy, biology, physics
and critical thinking. Beetle II (Dzikovska et al.,
2014), implements an approach based on a task-based
dialogue system supported by a simulation that
generates a dynamic learning context. The dialogue
with the student is executed through a cycle
“Predicting, verifying, evaluating” with which we can
analyse the predictions and mistakes that the student
may make. It is aimed at teaching electricity and
electronics and uses an ontology to represent the
knowledge domain. Both AutoTutor and Beetle II
support the constructions of explanations through the
dialogue but differ in the approach to interpret the
student's statement. AutoTutor applies a statistical
approach whereas Beetle II employs a hybrid
approach, that is, adds a statistical classifier to the
semantic analyser for a better interpretation of
Next, we will mention the only ITSs with dialogue
in natural language for procedural training. Jacob
(Evers and Nijholt, 2000) teaches how to solve the
problem of the Towers of Hanoi and provides
instructions and assistance to execute tasks in a
virtual 3D environment. Paco (Rickel et al., 2002)
supports tutoring actions as part of a collaborative
dialogue system (built on collagen) that uses rules for
the generation of speech acts. This generation of acts
is based on a task model, a student model and the
interaction with the student. Normit-SE (Mitrovic,
2005) teaches the database normalization process.
The dialogue starts from the moment the student
makes an error to which he must provide explanations
by selecting one of the options (solutions) offered in
a menu. These systems provide help when requested
and positive comments, although in the case of Jacob
it is occasional. To analyse the students' statements,
they use a symbolic approach based on superficial
semantic grammars.
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Nowadays, there are some platforms on the market to
implement conversational interfaces; among the most
popular are Google's Dialog Flow, Facebook
Messenger’s, IBM's Watson, Microsoft's
LUIS, etc. Each of them has its own characteristics,
advantages and disadvantages, but to structure the
flow of conversation or dialogue, these platforms use
some common elements such as utterances, intentions
and entities, which facilitate the Natural Language
Processing (Singh, 2017).
An utterance is the user input that the
application needs to interpret, which in some
cases are not well formulated.
An intention represents the purpose expressed
in the user's input. The same intention can be
expressed through different user sentences.
An entity represents an instance of an object
class that is relevant to a user's intention and
can be identified in an utterance.
Something outstanding of these platforms is that
they support the use of a structure called context that
facilitates the adaptation of the dialogue to different
situations in a given scenario. This structure is used
internally and externally to pass information between
a client application and the dialogue manager.
For this work, we have only considered the IBM,
Microsoft and Google platforms because apart from
the dialogue managers services, they also have a
natural language understanding module necessary to
decompose the student's statement into entities and
relationships. However, after comparing these three
platforms, we have chosen IBM because it enables us,
among other things, to handle a larger number of
intents; to define concepts, dictionaries and
relationships through annotators; and to manage the
context information more easily. In addition a recent
comparative study of conversational platforms
(Koplowitz et al., 2018) positions the IBM platform
as the most complete and robust of the market.
From the IBM Watson platform, the following
cloud services will be used:
Watson Knowledge Studio (WKS), to create
the automatic learning annotator by
identifying the mentions (entities) and
relationships in unstructured texts;
The Natural Language Understanding (NLU)
module (IBM, 2016) to apply the machine
learning annotator obtained from the WKS;
The Watson Assistant (IBM, 2018) to build
the nodes of dialogue based on the intents,
entities and context variables necessary for the
The dialogue manager associated with the ITS must
have enough information to be able to provide a
contextualized dialogue as part of the tutoring
feedback. To provide this type of dialogue, the
context must contain information related to the
student's knowledge, the virtual environment (with
static and dynamic information) and the student's
current progress in the practice assignment to be
performed. Some examples of personalized tutoring
feedback that may be provided in this way are the
following ones:
Answer questions related the ubication and
identification of an object in the virtual
environment or how reach it, even though
this object is a distant position to the
student's avatar one
Answer questions related the next action to
be done in the practice assignment.
Recommend learning activities to fill gaps in
knowledge demonstrated by the student.
Provide hints proactively to guide the
student with the execution of a task, if it is
observed that the student needs help, even if
he/she is not asking for it.
Encourage an affective dialogue to mitigate
students’ inactivity or moments of
Figure 1 describes the architecture of the ITS with
dialogue in natural language. This architecture
contains four main components: the Procedural
Training Environment (PTE), the Natural Language
Understanding (NLU) System, the ITS and the
Dialogue Manager (DM).
The PTE is the module that simulates the real
environment where the task related to the practice are
carried out. In order to give more realism to the tasks
that the student must perform throughout the practice,
this environment can be a virtual world in 3D. The
interaction of the user with the PTE can be generated
through events such as questions, attempts of actions,
etc., that will be delivered to the ITS during the
development of the practice.
The NLU System will be responsible of receiving
the user's sentences and extracting from them their
An Intelligent Tutoring System for Procedural Training with Natural Language Interaction
composing entities and relationships. In this way, it
will preprocess the statement of the user, so that later
the ITS modules can work with the semantics of the
statement. The NLU system will be developed using
the Watson Knowledge Studio and the Watson’s
Natural Language Understanding Service.
The ITS will be integrated by the modules
corresponding to a classic ITS plus a world module.
The World Module (WM) will represent the physical
characteristics of the virtual training environment,
that is, it will contain information about the scenarios
and constituent aspects of the virtual Its content will
be useful so that the system can answer questions, for
example, about the situation of an object or how to go
from one place to another. environment, related to
avatars and 2D/3D objects. The Student Module (SM)
will contain information related to the student. In this
work, we will adopt the student model proposed by
(Clemente, Ramírez and de Antonio, 2011), because
it fits very well to your needs. This SM contains
information on: the student's actions; his/her
movements through the virtual environment; the
questions he/she asked; the hints he/she received from
the tutor, etc. From this information, the same module
will infer, with a certain level of reliability, the
student knowledge that, in turn, will be useful to
decide the best tutoring strategy in each moment.
Both the information of the WM and the SM will be
represented by means of ontologies, because they
support the representation of sufficiently abstract and
properties as well as facilitate their own reuse and
even their own extension to other application
contexts, if necessary. To access the information on
these ontologies, Jena framework will be used. The
Expert Module (EM) will contain information about
the knowledge that the student must learn. In this
case, the EM will contain a complete description of
the procedure to be learned. The Tutor Module (TM),
based on the information of the other modules, will
provide students with adequate feedback at every
moment of their learning. The ITS extracts the
information from the different modules to build the
context. This context will be represented by an
ontology and will be filled with information from the
SM (state of knowledge, progress of the activity,
student's trajectory in the virtual environment), the
EM (the correct plan, the next correct action) and the
WM (structure of the virtual world, position of the
student's avatar, descriptions of the objects). Once the
contextual information is collected, before passing it
to the Dialogue Manager, this information will be
transformed into another representation
understandable by the Dialogue Manager.
The DM will contain the definition of the structure
of the dialogue, i.e., the intentions, the entities and the
dialogue nodes specifically intended to the training
environment. This component will be implemented
through the Watson Assistant and will be responsible
for the dialogue with the user taking into account the
contextual information provided by the ITS.
Figure 1: Architecture of proposed approach.
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
For a better understanding of the tutoring process and
the generation of dialogue in natural language, we
present an example taken from a practice assignment
that is performed in a Virtual Biotechnology
Laboratory (In mAFREZ5_iak you can
find a video of this virtual laboratory). This laboratory
was developed on the platform of virtual worlds
OpenSimulator, as part of a master thesis (Riofrío-
Luzcando, 2012). To carry out the practice
assignment, the student controls an avatar and has he
help of an automatic tutor, who will give him
indications about the actions to be carried out at each
moment and will show him error messages, when he
makes a mistake. These indications and error
messages consist of messages previously configured
and associated with each of the actions that must be
carried out in the practice assignment.
The current version of the automatic tutor doesn’t
implement the architecture proposed in the previous
section. However, the example that will be explained
below describes the behavior of the ITS as if it were
really equipped with the proposed architecture and
implemented the process of tutoring detailed in the
previous section.
In this example, we are going to assume that the
student asks for a chemical that he needs to prepare
the mix, and after receiving the hint, he looks for it
and ends up adding a different chemical to the one he
is looking for. The tutor will give the hint based on
the student's level of knowledge.
STUDENT (Utterance) Where is Casein? /
Where can I find casein?
TUTOR (General hint) “Casein is in the
STUDENT (Action attempt) Look in the
showcase and try to add the bisacrylamide
The tutor detects that the student has taken an element
that isn’t casein and decides to block the action, send
an error message and give a more specific hint about
the chemical to choose.
TUTOR Error Message “The action attempt is
(Specific hint) “You must add casein to the mix,
that's the right thing!
As we can see, the dialogue is composed of two
iterations; and to show how the tutoring feedback is
generated, Figure 1 has been used as a base, so that
enumerated circles have been drawn on it to specify
the sequence of steps executed by the ITS modules.
Table 1: Iterations of the Dialogue Example.
First Iteration: The student asks the ITS, because he/he
does not know where Casein is.
1. The student asks where Casein is
2. The PTE retransmits the question to the NLU System.
3. The NLU System interprets the question and breaks it
down into entities and relationships and sends them to
the ITS Communication Module (CM).
4. The CM sends the question broken into entities and
relationships to the SM.
The SM infers that the student doesn’t know where
the casein is and updates the student’s knowledge
state in the ontology.
The learning objective to be evaluated is: “The
student knows where the casein is”.
Therefore, the state of knowledge of the student will
contain “The student has not acquired that objective
with a certain degree of certainty”.
5. The CM sends the question to the TM Where is
6. The TM, once the student's question arrives, asks the
WM Where is casein? Where is the student? Then,
WM returns:
“Casein is in the showcase” and “The showcase is in
the main room”
“The student is in the main room”
7. The TM asks the SM: Does the student know where
the showcase is? What was the overall performance of
the student so far in practice assignment?
As the student has previously taken another
chemical from the showcase and this was recorded in
the student’s ontology, the SM will answer the TM:
“Yes, the student already knows where the
showcase is”
“The performance was good (made a few
8. The TM sends to the CM the information obtained
from the WM and SM with which the context
information will be elaborated. In addition, it indicates
that the student is going to need a general hint.
9. The CM sends the student's question to the DM.
Where is Casein? and the context with the following
“The student is in the main room”.
“Casein is in the showcase”.
“The showcase is in the main room”.
“The student knows where the showcase is”.
Hint Level: General
10. The DM builds the hint according to the level
decided by the TM and send it to the PTE.
General: “Casein is in the showcase”
Second Iteration: After receiving the hint, the student
tries to add bisacrylamide to the mix, so the action
attempt is blocked.
1. The student tries to add the bisacrylamide chemical
element to the mix.
2. The PTE retransmits the action attempt (event) to the
An Intelligent Tutoring System for Procedural Training with Natural Language Interaction
3. The CM sends the event to the SM.
The SM registers in its ontology that the student
tries to perform an action.
The learning objective to be evaluated is: “The
student must add casein to the mix”.
4. The CM sends the event to the TM.
5. The TM asks the EM if the event is correct and what
is the next action; and EM returns: “The event is
wrong”, “Add casein to the mix”.
6. The TM tells the SM “The action of adding
bisacrylamide to the mix is incorrect” and asks What
was the recent performance of the student so far in
practice assignment?
The SM infers that the student has not acquired this
learning objective or reinforces his belief that he has
not acquired it, since he has just obtained new
evidence of it.
The SM returns that the performance was bad for
the next action.
7. The TM tells the CM:
“The action of adding bisacrylamide to the mix is
NEXT_ACT_PLAN: “Add casein to the mix”.
In addition, it indicates that the student is going to
need a specific hint.
8. The CM tells the DM the following.
“The attempt of action is incorrect”.
NEXT_ACT_PLAN: “Add casein to the mix”.
9. The DM sends the PTE an error message and hint
according to the level decided by the TM.
“The attempt of action is incorrect”.
Specific: “You must add casein to the mix, that's the right
5.1 Application of the Natural
Language Understanding
The Natural Language Understanding system has an
automatic learning annotator that was built from some
entities, dictionaries and an annotated corpus of
dialogue. These entities, dictionaries and the corpus
refer to the terminology associated with the
procedural tasks that students must perform as part of
the practice assignment. If we apply this annotator to
the student’s question, the annotator will generate a
file in JSON format that would have the following
information in abbreviated form:
Utterance: Where is casein?/ Where can I find
Relation: LocateObj
Entities: Adv_ans (Where),
Action (Is),
Chemical (Casein).
5.2 Application of the Student Module
The Student Module is responsible for controlling the
information related to the learning objectives, the
state of the student knowledge, the trace of the
student, etc. In this sense, this information is
represented by a network of ontologies and updated
by means of diagnosis rules (Clemente, Ramírez and
de Antonio, 2011).
First Iteration:
Learning objective: “The student knows where
the casein is”
State of the student's knowledge: Student does not
know where the casein is.
Second Iteration:
Learning objective: “The student must add the
casein to the mixture”
Trace of the student: Student tried to add
Try_To_Apply(actx) ˄ Next_Act_Plan(acty) ˄
¬Equal(actx, acty)
5.3 Application of the World Module
Within the World Module there is an ontology,
expressed in OWL language, in which information
about the 3D virtual environment has been
represented, that is, the names and locations of the
contained objects, the location of the student’s avatar,
etc. In this case, this module provides the following
First Iteration:
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="Is">
Second Iteration:
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="Is">
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#room"/>
5.4 Application of the Tutor Module
The Tutor Module decides and applies the tutoring
strategy according to the pace of the student's
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
learning, just as a human tutor would. To do this, it
interprets the requests of the communication module;
collects the information coming from the world,
expert and student modules; and encapsulates the
necessary logic to return the information required by
the Dialogue Manager, and thus enables the dialogue
with the student. To build this information in the
example, TM will have to submit the following
First Iteration, TM requests information to:
WM: Where is the casein? Where is the student?
SM: Does the student know where the showcase
is? What was the overall performance of the
student so far?
Second Iteration, TM requests information to:
EM: Is this event correct or incorrect?
SM: What was the recent performance of the
5.5 Application of the Dialogue
The Dialogue Manager receives from the CM the
user's event and the context data. Then, with this
information the dialogue manager generates the
response in natural language. For the generation of
natural language, a dialogue structure has been
designed, integrated by the necessary intents, entities
and dialogue nodes. Next, the dialogue structure and
the contexts employed in the example are detailed in
a simplified form:
First Iteration
Intent #locate = Where is Casein?
Entities @chemical = Casein
Context variables
$levHin: “G”,
$posStu: “main room”,
$objLoc: “casein”,
$contObjLoc: “showcase”,
$ubiSpaObj: “in”,
$posObjLoc: “main room”,
Node information
If #locate and (@element || @document ||
If ($levHin== “G”) && ($posStu == “main
The answer in natural dialogue would be:
The $objLoc is $ubSpaObj the $contObjLoc
Second Iteration
Intent #trylocate = “ ”
Entities @chemical = “bisacrylamide”
Context variables
$levHin: “C”,
$posStu: “main room”,
$objLoc: “casein”,
$contObjLoc: “showcase”,
$posObjLoc: “main room”,
$nextAccPlan: “Add casein to the mix”
Node information
If #trylocate and ($posStu == “main room”)
and ($objLoc!=@chemical)
If ($levHin== “C”)
The answer in natural dialogue would be:
“The attempt of action is incorrect”
“You must $nextAccPlan, that’s the right thing!”
We have presented a proposal of an Intelligent
Tutoring System for Procedural Training with Natural
Language Interaction. To generate the interaction in
natural language, we implemented a dialogue manager
and a natural language understanding module, using
the IBM Watson platform because it supports all the
required services. To detail the proposed solution, we
have presented an application example that describes
how the dialogue manager would be integrated with
the ITS. In the future, we plan to conduct a pilot study
with 25 students of the first semester of the Forestry
Engineering Degree of the Universidad Politécnica de
Madrid. We will select a part of the practice that is
carried out in the Virtual Biotechnology Laboratory, in
which the dialogue manager will help students and
answer their ques-tions. In this way we will evaluate
the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed
approach. The results of this study will serve to identify
and address any inconvenience, so that we can
successfully conduct a second study in which we will
employ the dialogue system in the entire practice. To
formulate the evaluation metrics, we plan to use the
Goal, Question, Metric (GQM) methodology [25].
This methodology is used to identify which metrics are
necessary to achieve the objectives of the pilot study.
The evaluation of the first study will be conducted
through an experiment to test the following research
questions: a) Is the ITS robust? b) Does the ITS answer
the students’ questions properly?. Dialogues will be
collected from the ITS log file and analysed to evaluate
the quality of the ITS answers. Later, after analysing
the results of the first study, we will define the research
questions for the second study.
An Intelligent Tutoring System for Procedural Training with Natural Language Interaction
Paladines would like to acknowledge financial
support from the Universidad Estatal del Sur de
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CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education