Investigation of Sound-Gustatory Synesthesia in a Coffeehouse
Nicole Ashley V. Santos and Maria Teresa R. Pulido
Department of Physics, Mapúa University, Intramuros, Manila City, 1002, Philippines
Keywords: Psychophysics, Synesthesia, Surveys, Data Analysis.
Abstract: Synesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon involving the stimulation of multiple senses. In this work, we
determine the presence of sound-gustatory synesthesia by looking at the possible effects of background
music on the perceived taste of a coffee-sugar mixture. We asked participants (N = 83) to listen to music
while identifying the tastes they perceived drinking a coffee-sugar sample. Our results showed that
sweetness was perceived more while listening to the “Slow” music, which is consistent with previous work.
The perception of sourness also increased with the tempo of the music, consistent with work associating
sourness with pitch. Interestingly, participants also perceived saltiness and sourness even though the
ingredients did not contain ingredients with those tastes, which provides further evidence of sound
influencing taste perception. This study has shown the presence of sound-gustatory synesthesia in a typical
coffeehouse setting, introducing potential applications in psychophysics, food science, and other complex
systems research. Our algorithm has also shown how quantitative tools can be used in a qualitative field
such as psychological perception. We expect multisensory, interconnected technology in the Internet of
Things to spread the experience of synesthesia within a population, with Big Data enabling researchers to
detect and measure synesthesia much more accurately.
Humans make use of sensory information to
determine environmental properties (Hillis, et al.,
2002). Synesthesia is the simultaneous perception
of two or more stimuli as one experience, even
when the external stimulation of the additional
perceived sense is absent (Colizoli, et al., 2013;
van Campen, 2009). Only around two to four
percent of a population have some form of
synaesthesia, and its origins are not yet clearly
determined (Brang and Ramachandran, 2011).
However, with the arrival of multisensory
technology and the interconnectedness of Big Data,
we expect a proportional increase in the
manifestation and detection of synaesthesia.
In particular, flavor perception makes use of
multisensory integration of all other human senses
(Spence, 2015). Gustatory synaesthesia involves
the automatic and consistent experience of tastes
that are activated by non-taste related inducers
(Colizoli, et al., 2013), such as music (sound-
gustatory) and words (lexical-gustatory) (Gallace,
at al., 2011; Bankieris and Simner, 2013). In a
study by Mesz, Sigman and Trevisan (2012),
“Sweetness” is associated with high pitched,
consonant, slow, and soft music, “Bitterness” is
associated with low pitch and continuous music,
“Saltiness” is perceived more when the music have
silences between notes, and “Sourness” is with
high pitched, dissonant and fast music. Perceptual
associations between taste and different aspects of
sounds (pitch, timbre, interval, or tempo) can lead
to predictions about the effects of musical pieces
on gustatory perception (Knöferle and Spence,
2012; Crisinel and Spence, 2009).
Sound-gustatory synesthesia has been initially
investigated in terms of how pleasure, associated
with sound in the form of music or noise, affects
taste as well. With the music used as a component
of sound, the experience of drinking beer was rated
more enjoyable with music than when in silence
(Reinoso Carvalho, et al., 2016). Meanwhile, gelati
consumed while listening to liked and neutral
music had positive scores, while gelati consumed
while listening to disliked music had negative
scores (Kantono, et al., 2016). Meanwhile,
background noise has been shown to reduce the
Santos, N. and Pulido, M.
Investigation of Sound-Gustatory Synesthesia in a Coffeehouse Setting.
DOI: 10.5220/0007719502940298
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2019), pages 294-298
ISBN: 978-989-758-369-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
intensity of gustatory cues and increase the
intensity of sound-conveyed food attributes
(Woods, et al., 2011).
In this work, we investigate sound-gustatory
synesthesia in a typical coffeehouse setting, by
looking at the possible effects of background music
on the perceived taste of coffee-sugar drinks. In
particular, we asked participants which particular
tastes they perceived upon listening to a type of
music. Through this work, we hope to learn more
about the interconnectedness of sensory perception
within the complex system of the human body. We
are also interested in the potential applications of
this work to food science and to improving the
customer experience in the food and beverage
industry. Chefs and related professionals actively
apply the latest scientific findings to their own work
(Spence, 2015).
The researchers downloaded coffeehouse
background music (Jazz and Blues Experience,
2016) and used Wondershare Filmora video editor
to vary the music speed or tempo (Figure 1).
Compared to the original music track (“Normal”),
the “Fast” track was 5.000 times faster, and the
“Slow” track was 0.230 times slower. Different 60-
second segments of the music track were used for
the three tracks, to minimize the possibility of
participants making conscious associations
between the music and the coffee. The participants
(N = 83) were composed of college students, senior
high students, and some faculty members of the
Mapúa University. They were presented with an
overview of the nature and purpose of the
experiment. The researchers also explained that
participation was completely voluntary and will not
affect their academic standing. Participants who
chose to stay were asked to fill up the questionnaire
provided (Figure 2).
At the start of each trial, participants were
asked to sip some water to cleanse the palate. A
music track was then played for 1 minute. During
this time, participants were asked to taste a new
5.00-cc coffee-sugar sample and report their
perceived tastes on their questionnaire. The
participants may select more than one taste per
trial; alternately, they may answer “None”.
Trials “A”, “B” and “C” made use of the
“Normal”, “Fast”, and “Slow” tracks respectively.
Participants were given 3 samples marked “A”, “B”,
and “C”, but these samples involved the same
mixture (equal parts coffee and sugar dissolved in
warm water), to limit the variability in the
experiment. All experiments were performed in a
classroom within one day, with around 15 to 30
participants for each batch.
Figure 1: Screenshot of the video editor used.
Investigation of Sound-Gustatory Synesthesia in a Coffeehouse Setting
Figure 2: The questionnaire used in the experiment.
Overall, Bitterness and Sweetness were the
dominant perceived tastes, as expected from samples
containing bitter coffee and sweet sugar (Figure 3).
The tallied answers for each trial exceeded 100% as
participants may select more than one answer.
A significantly large majority (53.33%)
perceived Sweetness for the “Slow” trial, while
Bitterness was dominant taste for the “Normal”
(56.93%) and “Fast” (43.05%) trials. The results are
consistent with previous studies associating
sweetness with slow music (Mesz, et al., 2012),
presumably influencing participants to sense
“Sweetness” in a predominantly bitter drink. We
note that Mesz, Sigman and Trevisan (2012) also
associated bitterness with low pitch, which are not
necessarily in contrast with our results, as the speed
of a music track may be increased without
necessarily increasing its pitch.
Interestingly, a notable portion of responses
perceived Sourness and Saltiness even though the
samples did not contain sour nor salty components;
while a significant minority also selected “None” for
the perceived taste. Such results are evidence of taste
perception as opposed to objective taste.
Lastly, the perception of Sourness increased with
the speed of the background music: from 9.17% to
18.98% to 24.50%, for “Slow” to “Normal” to
“Fast” music, respectively. This is consistent with
previous work associating sourness and pitch (Mesz,
2012), when we consider that pitch is proportional to
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 3: The tastes perceived by the respondents listening to music played at three different speeds
Investigation of Sound-Gustatory Synesthesia in a Coffeehouse Setting
This initial work has demonstrated the presence of
sound-gustatory synesthesia in a typical coffeehouse
setting. We have seen that the speed of the music
being heard may alter the perception of the coffee
being tasted. In particular, majority of the
participants detected Sweetness when Slow music
was played, and Bitterness when Normal and Fast
music were played. Participants also perceived
Sourness and Saltiness, and the perception of
Sourness increased with the speed of the music
track, even when sour and salty components were
not present in their drinks.
We can improve the study by including baseline
measurements for taste (water) and sound (no
music). Stafford, Fernandes, and Agobiani (2012)
have shown that the presence of music altered taste
perception, serving as a “distraction” in the same
way as shadow multitasking.
To extend the previous sound-gustatory
synesthesia research, we can also have participants
ask if they inherently “like” or “dislike” the drink
and the music tested, to investigate associations
between hedonic and sensory perception of coffee.
Lastly, we can also look for possible effects of
respondent traits such as gender and age.
We expect multisensory, interconnected
technology in the Internet of Things to spread the
experience of synesthesia within a population, with
Big Data enabling researchers to detect and measure
synesthesia much more accurately.
We thank the students and faculty of Mapúa
University for participating in the study, the
Yuchengco Innovation Center for the resources in
preparing this manuscript, and our colleagues and
loved ones for their support. We also thank the
organizers of the IoTBDS 2019 Conference for
accepting this work and for the financial support.
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IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security