Active Problem-based Learning for Engineering Higher Education
Hariklia Tsalapatas
, Carlos Vaz de Carvalho
, Olivier Heidmann
and Elias Houstis
Institute University of Thessaly, Argonafton & Filellinon, 38221 Volos, Greece
Porto Polytechnic, Rua Dr. Doberto Frias 712, 4200465 Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Active Learning, Problem-based Learning, Digital Laboratories, Simulations, Learning Games, Engineering
Higher Education, Modernization, Labour Market.
Abstract: The engineering sector today faces a shortage of technical personnel as a result of fast evolving technologies
in innovation related sectors expected to drive economic growth. Engineering higher education is in need of
modernization in order to link student skills to labour market needs. Skills necessary for supporting
economic growth include both a sound theoretical background as well as transversal competencies such as
problem-solving capacity, creativity, and analytical thinking. This work presents a problem-based learning
framework that aims to more effectively develop students for transitioning into the world of work. This is
pursued through active educational approaches supported by digital learning services that promote
collaboration, innovative mindsets, autonomous, and self-relying work. The proposed platform facilitates
learning experiences that integrate simulations and serious games linked to real world challenges in the
context of wider, blended learning practices. The framework is being developed by a network of European
and South Asian universities with the objective of integrating needs from diverse cultural, economic, and
educational environments resulting into an educational platform with international relevance.
One of the key challenges for growth in the
engineering sector is the lack of availability of
skilled personnel able to support emerging
opportunities. According to the New Skills Agenda
for Europe (European Commission, 2016) high level
skills are necessary for the personal and professional
growth of an individual and the realization of
aspirations and dreams. Furthermore, skills
constitute a key driver for job creation and
determine competitiveness in a global economy
whose growth is driven by innovation. In
engineering, the skills demanded by the job market
include a sound theoretical backbone as well as
transversal competencies such as critical and
analytical thinking, problem solving, entrepreneurial
capacity, ability to collaborate as well as work
independently, ability to work in a cross-cultural
environment, digital competencies for work, and
As technology evolves in a fast pace,
educational providers may struggle to keep curricula
up to date and in line with industry needs. This is a
natural consequence of the rigid nature of formal
education which results in long processes for
updating educational offerings. This high lights the
need for modernizing higher education towards
building the skills remanded by the job market.
According to the Investing in Europe’s Youth
communication (European Commission, 2017), the
investment in skills can contribute to the fighting of
unemployment, innovation, competitiveness, and
social fairness. According to the Agenda for the
Modernization of Higher Education roadmap
(European Commission, 2017), higher education
institutions are in need of aligning the skills they
build to society, to drive innovation, and to link their
academic programs to the needs of people,
companies, and public services in their regions for
benefitting their surrounding areas.
The modernization of higher education
programs for linking them to emerging business and
societal challenges and opportunities requires,
among others, updating educational approaches to
ensure that skills developed can be transferred into
the world of work, enriching learning experiences
through digital technology, increasing student
motivation by linking education to the real world,
and linking educational activities to innovation and
Tsalapatas, H., Vaz de Carvalho, C., Heidmann, O. and Houstis, E.
Active Problem-based Learning for Engineering Higher Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0007720403470351
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 347-351
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
research. This work presents a framework for
updating higher education practices in engineering
through problem-based learning approaches that
help build problem solving capacity and analytical
thinking. The proposed educational framework is
further enriched through simulations and learning
games inspired by real world challenges that
facilitate the transfer of newly developed knowledge
to the world of work facilitating a smoother
transition of students from academia to the industry.
The framework is being designed and developed in
the context of project ALIEN: Active Learning in
Engineering Education (Project ALIEN, 2017),
which brings together universities from Portugal,
Greece, Estonia, Bulgaria, Malaysia, Vietnam,
Cambodia, Pakistan, and Nepal with the objective of
designing educational interventions that contribute
to the modernization of higher education initiatives
in South Asia.
South Asia is an emerging economy with high
growth prospects. According to the OECD
Economic Outlook for South East Asia, China, and
India 2019 (OECD, 2018), growth in the region is
estimated to an average of 6.1% for the period 2019-
2023 despite domestic and external challenges. In
relation to education similarities and differences
exist. In the countries of interest in this work,
namely Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Pakistan, and
Nepal, challenges include the effectiveness of higher
education, the fighting of unemployment, the
competitiveness of graduates, and building skills for
work. More specifically, according to the OECD
Structural Policy Country Notes (OECD, 2013),
Cambodia’s growth is threatened by inefficiencies in
the country’s higher education system and
challenges in both demand and supply for higher
education. Malaysia and Vietnam, although facing
different challenges in the labour market, are in need
of aligning skills to the requirements of their
economies (OECD, 2013). In Nepal, being the
poorest country in South Asia, a key goal is making
basic education accessible to all (Danida, 2004).
Pakistan is faced with fragmentation of technical and
vocational education and training, skills mismatches,
and skill recognition challenges that limit the
portability of its workforce (OECD, 2012).
Initiatives do exist for enriching higher education
practices in line with societal needs in the countries
in focus. The Malaysian Ministry of Education
launched in 2007 the Malaysian National Higher
Education Strategic Plan beyond 2020
(NHESP/PSPTN). According to the Malaysia
Education Blueprint (Ministry of Education
Malaysia, 2015), future educational goals include
increased access, research growth, and improvement
of institutional global rankings. The Cambodian
Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport has
launched the Cambodian Higher Education Vision
2030 aiming at identifying long term direction for
higher education development. The Government of
Pakistan introduced the Pakistan Vision 2025
initiative which aims to develop a knowledge
economy by increasing enrolment to higher
education from the current 1.5m to 5m (Government
of Pakistan, 2016).
Problem-based learning is a methodological
educational approach through which learners build
skills by solving a specific problem (Barrows, 1986)
(Savery and Duffy, 1995). While problem-based
learning was first initiated in medical education
(Barrows, 1996), where students would learn by
addressing specific medical cases, it is now widely
deployed in secondary as well as higher education.
In problem-based learning students are challenged to
combine skills from diverse thematic areas to solve
wider problems. The advantages of problem-based
learning are many. In addition to building core
knowledge, the method promotes the development
of critical and analytical thinking skills, inquiry,
collaboration, and entrepreneurial mindsets. In
problem-based learning students are called to
identify the problem at hand and its parameters,
analyse potential approaches for addressing it, break
the problem down to smaller tasks, and synthesize
an overall solution by combining those to smaller,
more contained tasks. In problem-based learning the
instructor acts as a facilitator that guides students
through the discovery and learning process (Boud
and Feletti, 1997).
In engineering education problem-based learning
challenges students to apply knowledge from diverse
subjects and thematic areas to solve problems often
inspired by the real world. This approach builds
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
student capacity to apply newly developed
knowledge in a manner that simulates acting in a
professional environment, promoting the
transferability of knowledge to the world of work.
Digital technology allows the enrichment of
problem-based learning through the deployment of
tools and services that may be applied in wider
blended-learning scenarios. Simulations, learning
games, collaboration environments, and more can
enhance learning experiences at all stages of the
problem-based learning process, from problem
presentation, to analysis, collaboration, and solution
synthesis. An example of a related environment is
the eCity learning application (eCity, 2013) which
exposes secondary education students to engineering
skills by challenging them to tackle non-trivial
problems inspired by real life the solution to which
requires an engineering perspective and the
combination of STEM knowledge taking also into
account economics parameters.
This work focuses on the design and development of
a learning intervention that exploits problem-based
learning for building engineering skills for work.
The intervention targets engineering education and
is designed to address educational objectives and
challenges in South Asian countries taking into
account European experiences. More specifically,
the proposed problem-based learning framework
aims to address the need for modernizing higher
education offerings by:
Promoting links between educational
offerings and industry skills
Building core engineering knowledge.
Exploiting digital technology for
enriching learning experiences and for
addressing educational objectives.
Fostering the development of
transversal skills including analytical
thinking, entrepreneurial thinking,
collaboration in an international
environment, and capacity for
independent work.
The learning intervention is implemented
vertically to address the needs of the educational
process in several levels. It includes the
development of infrastructure and facilities, the
design and implementation of supporting digital
learning services, and instructor capacity building
towards ensuring that proposed methodologies and
tools are integrated into day to day activities of
participating organizations and beyond.
At the infrastructure level, work focuses on the
development of problem-based learning labs at 12
South Asian universities in Malaysia, Vietnam,
Cambodia, Pakistan, and Nepal taking into account
individual organizational needs. These laboratories
aim to enhance the capacity of universities to
integrate problem-based learning into existing
educational practices. The aim of the laboratories is:
To digitally enable problem-based
educational activities.
To effectively support the deployment
of digital tools, such as serious games,
simulations, and AR/VR tools in
To provide a pool of workstations that
students can use in problem-based
learning contexts.
To provide a pool of workstations that
students and staff can use for
developing problem-based learning
digital applications.
To increase interactivity in the
classroom through better connectivity
to the internet and access to interactive
equipment such as smart TVs and
At the digital services level, work focuses on the
design and implementation of a digital platform that
facilitates problem-based learning. The platform is
aimed to be deployed as a complementary learning
service within broader problem-based learning
activities. It is further aimed to be flexible in order to
be relevant in the context of diverse institutional
strategies related to problem-based and active
learning in broad educational, cultural, and
economic environments. The educational objectives
of the proposed digital platform are:
To promote problem-based learning
through on-line services which facilitate
the deployment of related activities in
digitally enabled classrooms.
To provide access to rich educational
content for problem-based learning
engineering contexts.
To increase classroom collaboration.
To increase student interaction across
universities promoting international
Active Problem-based Learning for Engineering Higher Education
The proposed digital learning platform is
complemented with digital applications that
challenge students to deploy problem-based learning
approaches for solving engineering problems. The
content is in the form of digital learning games,
simulations, and other applications that expose
students to educational scenarios that require broad
theoretical and field knowledge while promoting
critical thinking. The design of the problems is being
pursued with the collaboration of teams from South
Asian and European universities to ensure broad
coverage of diverse educational needs linked to
institutional objectives of participants and industry
needs in their respective countries.
At the instructor capacity building level, work
focuses on enabling educators and educational
institutions to effectively integrate digitally-enabled
problem-based learning activities to already well-
designed educational practices for better preparing
students to enter the workforce. Given that
instructors play a significant role in facilitating
problem-based learning (Boud and Feletti, 1997),
their preparation for deploying the methodology in
the classroom is important for reaching educational
goals. Work in this area involves:
The development of good practice
guidelines for instructors on the most
effective deployment of the proposed
problem-based learning intervention.
The development of manuals on the
deployment of the digital services as
well as specific digital content in the
form of learning games and
The potential customization of digital
learning content for better addressing
institutional and class requirements.
Suggestions on extra-curricula activities
related to problem-based learning.
The organization and delivery of
training sessions in South Asian
countries on the deployment of
problem-based learning in engineering.
The organization of transnational peer
collaboration activities for collective
skill building and exchange of good
practices and experiences.
The above work aims to lead to a holistic, end-
to-end approach that promotes problem-based
learning in a user centred manner that best addresses
the interests of students, instructors, educational
institutions, and society.
This work presented the design of a vertical learning
intervention for fostering problem-based learning in
engineering higher education in Europe and South
Asia. The proposed learning intervention is currently
under development. Instructor training and
evaluation activities will begin in early 2019 in
South Asia through learning experiments that
engage students and educators in 12 universities.
Feedback from these activities will be integrated into
the design and technical implementation of proposed
methodologies and digital learning tools for ensuring
that the final outcome best addresses student needs.
This work is funded with the support of the Capacity
Building for Higher Education Erasmus+ Program
of the European Commission. Project ALIEN:
Active Learning for Engineering Education, with ID
586297/2017, is implemented from 2017 to 2020.
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Active Problem-based Learning for Engineering Higher Education