Smart Shop-floor Monitoring via Manufacturing Blueprints and
Complex-event Processing
Michalis Pingos
, Amal Elgammal
, Indika Kumara
, Panayiotis Christodoulou
Mike P. Papazoglou
and Andreas S. Andreou
Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus
Department of Computers & Information, Cairo University, Egypt
Department of Economics and Management, Tilburg University, Netherlands
Keywords: Product-Service Systems, Smart Product Customization, Smart Shop-floor Monitoring, M2M, H2M.
Abstract: Nowadays, Product-Service-Systems (PSS) are being modernized into smart connected products that target
to transform the industrial scenery and unlock unique prospects. This concept enforces a new technological
heap and lifecycle models to support smart connected products. The intelligence that smart, connected
products embed paves the way for more sophisticated data gathering and analytics capabilities ushering in
tandem a new era of smarter supply and production chains, smarter production processes, and even end-to-
end connected manufacturing ecosystems. The main contribution of this paper is a smart shop-floor
monitoring framework and underpinning technological solutions, which enables the proactive identification
and resolution of shop-floor distributions. The proposed monitoring framework is based on the synergy
between the novel concept of Manufacturing Blueprints and Complex Event Processing (CEP) technologies,
while it encompasses a middleware layer that enables loose coupling and adaptation in practice. The
framework provides the basis for actionable PSS and production “intelligence” and facilitates a shift toward
more fact-based manufacturing decisions. Implementation and validation of the proposed framework is
performed through a real-world case study which demonstrates its applicability, and assesses the usability and
efficiency of the proposed solutions.
Nowadays, the trend in manufacturing calls for
increased connectivity and more sophisticated data-
gathering and analytics capabilities empowered by
Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), big data technologies
and the Internet of Things (IoT). These usher in
tandem a new era of smarter supply and production
chains, smarter production processes, and even end-
to-end connected manufacturing ecosystems.
Manufacturing is trying to create a competitive
advantage by not only offering products but
accompanying them with services (Product-as-a-
Service). Product-as-a-Service starts by sensor-based
products that generate data in a continuous manner;
these data can be utilized for delivering preventive
and proactive maintenance. Product-as-a-Service
often called Product/Service Systems (Bustinza et al.,
However, the current state of practice of
engineering PSSs still suffers from severe drawbacks
(Elgammal et al., 2017; Papazoglou and Elgammal,
2017; Song, 2017). The most noticeable drawback is
that PSS remains at conceptual level considering a
marketing or business perspective and missing solid
IT implementation. There is also complete lack of a
common factory level vision to empower data
sharing, monitoring and cross-correlation. In
addition, PSS do not accommodate evolving user
preferences or product differentiation features to
enable effective customization. PSS are unable to
capture a full view of products and services linking
product structure with product quality, production
processes and services. More importantly, they do not
support analysis of product-related data gathered
along product lifecycles to improve data-driven
decision making.
This demands the use of novel lifecycle,
techniques, and technologies to enable manufacturers
to connect their data, processes, systems, personnel
and equipment. The main contribution of this paper is
a smart shop-floor monitoring framework with
Pingos, M., Elgammal, A., Kumara, I., Christodoulou, P., Papazoglou, M. and Andreou, A.
Smart Shop-floor Monitoring via Manufacturing Blueprints and Complex-event Processing.
DOI: 10.5220/0007720802290236
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 229-236
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
proactive capabilities, which enables the
identification and resolution of execution disruptions.
The proposed monitoring framework realizes the
“Monitoring” process as a part of the novel smart PSS
lifecycle previously introduced in (Papazoglou et al.,,
2018). The lifecycle provides a closed monitoring
feedback loop that enables continuous product and
service improvements on the basis of the novel
concept of knowledge-intensive structures called
Manufacturing Blueprints (Blueprints in short). The
proposed framework is established on the basis of
these tested structures, which semantically capture
product-service and production-related knowledge
(Papazoglou Elgammal, 2017; Papazoglou et al.,
2015). Blueprints integrate dispersed manufacturing
data from diverse sources and locations, which
include and combine business transactional data and
manufacturing operational data to gain full visibility
and control, and provide the basis for production
actionable “intelligence”. A a middleware layer is
introduced that enables loose coupling with
blueprints and adaptation of the proposed framework
in practice. Furthermore, the framework utilizes CEP
technology (Etzion and Niblett, 2010), the latter
offering event processing which combines data from
multiple sources to infer events or patterns that
suggest more complicated circumstances.
Implementation and validation of the proposed
framework is demonstrated through a real-world case
study sourcing from the H2020 ICP4Life EU Project,
while the validation process assess the applicability,
usability and efficacy of the proposed solutions.
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 discusses related work efforts in
the areas of servitization and shop-floor monitoring.
Section 3 presents the smart manufacturing
framework and discusses its main components. This
is followed by presenting the current implementation
efforts in section 0. Finally, section 5 concludes the
paper and highlights future work directions.
Related work efforts found in the literature are mostly
focused on separately addressing aspects of the two
converging research directions in this paper, namely
Servitization and Shop-floor Monitoring. These are
discussed in the next two sub-sections.
2.1 Servitization
Servitization is the innovation of an organization’s
capabilities and processes to shift from selling
products to selling integrated products and services
that deliver value in use (Howard et al., 2013; Tim et
al., 2017). Different approaches in the literature build
on a distinction between products and services, and
demonstrate how a change in the balance between
these can result in different levels of servitization
(Tim and Howard, 2013).
An approach with focus on value proposition that
distinguishes between "base", "intermediate" and
"advanced" services is proposed in (Howard et al.,
2013; Tim and Howard, 2013). The base services
focus on the product provision; intermediate services
are based on exploitation of production competences
to also maintain the condition of products; finally, the
advanced services concentrate on the capability
delivered through performance of the product
(Howard et al., 2013; Tim and Howard, 2013).
Another frequently addressed approach for PSS
classification proposes distinguishing between three
main categories (Baines et al., 2007): (i) product-
oriented, (ii) use-oriented, and (iii) result-oriented. In
the product-oriented PSS, the product is offered in a
traditional sale model, but also includes the sale of
additional services (Baines et al., 2007). In the use-
oriented and the result-oriented PSS, customer
satisfaction is achieved by the functions provided by
the products or the result of services rather than the
product ownership (Chou et al., 2015).
Unfortunately, existing literature provides little or
no guidance on how to successfully tackle the
servitization challenges. Baines et al. (2009) discuss
the scarcity of previous studies “that provide
guidance, tools or techniques, that can be used by
companies to servitize”, pointing out that “guidance
in the literature on how to approach organizational
strategy (for servitization) is largely limited to
anecdotal evidence from case studies that suggest
good practices and processes for implementation”.
Sai et al. (2016) add to the discussion that most of the
existing servitization studies remain at a theoretical
level, limiting the applicability of the findings.
Unlike efforts in the literature, which lack
concrete IT solutions to realize the vision of
servitization (Howard et al., 2013; Tim et al., 2017),
the proposed monitoring framework in this paper
provides a native support to couple products and
services for their continuous monitoring and
improvement through a closed feedback loop.
2.2 Shop-floor Monitoring
Papazoglou et al. (2018) presented a novel PSS
customized lifecycle approach that includes
technological solutions aiming to enable PSS
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
customization. The proposed methodology utilizes
blueprints (Papazoglou and Elgammal, 2017;
Papazoglou et al., 2015), which provide the root for
actionable PSS and production intelligence. As
previously mentioned, the proposed monitoring
framework relies on blueprints as the basis of
manufacturing intelligence; blueprints are briefly
discussed in Section 3.
In addition, manufactures today are moving into a
different direction that targets in fulfilling orders on
demand by negotiating value-adding processes in
real-time, taking at the same time into consideration
quality, time, price etc. The growing demand of
customized production results is considered a major
challenge to traditional manufacturing businesses
(Zhang et al., 2017). Wan et al. (2018) proposed a
customized version of a Smart Factory for
pharmaceutical manufacturing that was tested on a
demand-based drug packing production. That work
also introduced a Manufacturing's Semantics
Ontology knowledge in the perception layer that
aimed to plan the scheduling of the pharmaceutical
production, thus the new plans are directly created
from the production demand and the data collected
from machines. Similarly, the work in (Zhang et al.,
2017) outlined a framework of an intelligent shop-
floor to allocate resources based on the production
requirements. The proposed structure consists of
three models: (i) the smart machine agent model, (ii)
the self-organizing model and (iii) the self-adaptive
model. A prototype cyber-physical system that
includes the aforementioned models was developed
to test the proposed methodology and assess the
flexibility of configuring resources to deal
According to (Theorin et al., 2015) future
manufacturing systems must be flexible in order to
adapt easily in the continuously changing market
demands, but at the same time they need to make a
better use of source data, thus low-level data should
be transformed to real-time information for decision-
making support. (Theorin et al., 2015) presented a
Line Information System Architecture, called LISA,
to enable factory integration and data exploitation.
LISA is an event-driven framework with a prototype-
oriented model which combines international
standards and well-known off-the-shelf technologies
aiming to be mechanically applicable. The work of
(Christ, et al., 2016) introduced a different
methodology based on Complex Event Processing
(CEP), a technology to analyse event streams. The
limitation of traditional CEP is that it cannot consider
events that have not taken place yet, thus this paper
introduces the concept of Conditional Event
Occurrence Density Estimation (CEODE) to CEP.
Christ et al. (2016) outline a structure for merging
CEP engines with predictive analytics using CEODEs
and demonstrates how CEP can change from a
waiting process to predictive and prescriptive, to be
able to deal with the production line challenges.
In a nutshell, this paper proposes a monitoring
framework based on manufacturing blueprints and
Complex Event Processing (CEP) technologies; to
the best of our knowledge, it constitutes one of the
very few, if any, initial studies that combine the
aforementioned approaches under the same structure.
The proposed framework aims to enable the proactive
identification and resolution of shop-floor distribu-
tions in order to help businesses to connect their data,
systems, equipment and personnel, developing at the
same time a user-friendly environment for customers
to customize products where resources are allocated
based on the production requirements.
The approach of the present paper relies on a
production planning/engineering middleware which
is placed between the process of product design
customization and the actual execution of the
production steps performed at the shop-floor,
following the novel smart product lifecycle
introduced in (Papazoglou et al., 2018). The aim of
the middleware is to provide the missing link
connecting a conceptualized co-creation process
based on which a user/customer designs the desired
product using a graphical environment - for the
purposes of this paper we assume that this design
definition (product request) is already available and
has been performed in the Unreal Engine
environment ( - with
the processes and actions executed by machines
during the actual making of the product.
In this context a series of steps are followed which
start by transforming the product customization
information inserted by the user into a standardized
representation to facilitate comparison with existing
knowledge stored in a repository as regards properties
of the product to be developed and the sequence of
operations at the machine level to actually construct
it. To this end, the concept of Blueprints is adopted,
to take advantage of their formal, standardized
representation of product properties, events and
workflows for the conceptual description of the
details for building a product as analyzed earlier.
Smart Shop-floor Monitoring via Manufacturing Blueprints and Complex-event Processing
Figure 1: UML Meta-model OWL ontology in Protégé.
The existing knowledge, as expressed through
Blueprints, essentially describes product and
production related information, which consists of
product events knowledge and product emergency
events knowledge.
The latter is based on extending certain Blueprint
types, namely Production Process Blueprint (PPB)
and Production Service Blueprint (PSB), something
which constitutes part of the novelty of the present
paper. This extension to abovementioned Blueprints
(see figure 1) provides refined details for the
machines at the shop-floor involved in the specific
product creation, and more specifically for the type,
frequency of sampling (timing) and thresholds of
sensors these machines include, as well as a list of
actions to handle each emergency event according to
sensor values (thresholds). Thresholds are defined by
the control room operator or the shift manager, and in
this work we consider these values as given.
In the next step the new knowledge is pushed to
the shop-floor to complement and extend the normal
workflow of machine actions throughout the process
of building the product with actions that handle
undesired cases (i.e., when alerts are raised). During
this step the product request is compared with the
existing knowledge stored and the closest match is
used as the backbone to define refinements and revise
the sequence of events for building the product and
perform emergency actions. This revision creates a
new Blueprint instance. The dedicated middleware
receives this Blueprint instance and follows the cycle
of normal execution and emergency actions described
therein by translating them into a series of events that
will take place at the shop-floor. To do so it parses
and queries the RDF/OWL (
OWL/) images of the Blueprints involved to retrieve
this information.
Focusing on the emergency actions, the
middleware supports the monitoring and control of
the execution of normal tasks by the machines and
their actuators. The “product monitoring and
actuating knowledge” is a process that is invoked in
parallel with normal execution and monitors the
threshold values in contrast with sensor readings so
that in cases where anomalies are detected the proper
actions are initiated, again in the form of events, as
these were previously defined by the user (e.g. the
shop-floor manager). This initiation process is
handled by a tool called WSO2 (,
which is essentially an event-driven framework that
supports event-driven systems. Therefore, our
approach follows the integration of WSO2 and
Blueprints in terms of translating the conceptual
Blueprint actions into actual steps/events executed
through WSO2.
WSO2 is an open-source enterprise platform that
enables integration of application programming
interfaces (APIs), applications and web services both
at local level and across the Internet. WSO2 offers a
platform of middleware products for agile integration,
API management, identity and access management,
and smart analytics.
WSO2 essentially monitors in real-time the
execution steps at the shop-floor by receiving real-
time events. The detection of a violation of any of the
defined monitoring rules (and/or thresholds), apart
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Functional representation of the proposed middleware
from the alerting process, fires the appropriate
response action(s) defined in the corresponding rules
of the Blueprints. An action in its simplest form could
be the generation of an alert sent to the shop-floor
manager, and in a more advanced case, the initiation
of a series of signals/actions/controls passed directly
to the shop-floor to instruct and drive the actuators of
the machines to execute a process. For example, a
possible action as a response to the detection of a rise
in temperature for a welding machine (as compared
to the predefined threshold), is to send a signal to the
actuators at the shop-floor to turn on specific
ventilation or air-conditioning machinery to cool the
place and lower the temperature.
Figure 1 shows the extension of the service
Blueprint in order to reveal alerts in WSO2 CEP tool
by parsing the new RDF file of the extended
Blueprint. Machine and sensors are part of a factory.
Sensors is located in machines and are part of
machines such as CO2 LASER, Laser Cutter and
Drilling Machine. Machines perform normal actions
in order to produce a requested product. If an
abnormal scenario occurs, then emergency actions,
such as alerts and healing actions, are executed.
Certain types of sensors, such as for temperature,
pressure, humidity etc., offer the ability to a set-up
threshold values (e.g. min, max).
Figure 2 shows the whole concept of the
workflow with the combination of the existing tools.
When a customer builds a product request in a
GUI environment (this step is beyond the scope of the
present paper and it is assumed to be available), the
request is transformed into a Blueprint image. Τhis
request-image is then pushed to the middleware in
order to be compared with the existing production
Blueprint monitoring repository images. Shop-floor
managers or engineers have already defined the
thresholds of sensors on the machines which produce
the requested product (e.g., Min Temperature: 50°C
and Max Temperature: 250 °C). In order to push
events and details of the whole production, normal
operation and emergency cases, the latter being based
on threshold values of the sensors at the shop-floor,
PPB and PSB must first be parsed and then queried in
order to obtain this information (see manufacturing
Blueprint - BL images with light red color in figure 1
– second and third from left). PPB consists of
Production Workflow (solution), Process Event and
Data Collection, and Resources Devices and
Equipment. PSB consists of Service Type, Service
Sensors, Service Metrics and Service Schedule
(Papazoglou and Elgammal 2017). What is actually
executed is parsing and querying the images of these
blueprints (PPB, PSB) expressed in RDF/OWL form.
An RDF data model
is similar to classical
conceptual modelling approaches (such as entity–
relationship or class diagrams), but it provides a
semantic support. It is based on the idea of making
Smart Shop-floor Monitoring via Manufacturing Blueprints and Complex-event Processing
Figure 3: Stream example of the attributes of sensors.
statements about resources (in particular web
resources) in expressions of the form subject
predicateobject, known as triples. The subject
denotes the resource, while the predicate denotes traits
or aspects of the resource, and expresses a relationship
between the subject and the object. RDF is an abstract
model with several serialization formats (i.e. file
formats), so the particular encoding for resources or
triples varies from format to format. A collection of
RDF statements intrinsically represents a labelled,
directed multi-graph. This in theory makes an RDF
data model better suited to certain kinds of knowledge
representation than other relational or ontological
models. However, in practice, RDF data is often stored
in relational database or native representations. OWL
is a computational logic-based language such that
knowledge expressed in OWL can be exploited by
computer programs, e.g., to verify the consistency of
that knowledge, or to make implicit knowledge
explicit. OWL documents, known as ontologies, can be
published in the World Wide Web and may refer to or
be referred from other OWL ontologies. OWL is part
of the W3C’s Semantic Web technology stack, which
includes RDF, RDFS, SPARQL, etc.
The current paper is not involved with data
visualization; it deals with rules and implements the
definition of the actions to be taken when emergency
cases arise according to some threshold values set,
while it assumes that the latter are already available
as their definition is the subject of another research
work by the authors (reference omitted for blind
review and will be given upon acceptance).
To sum-up, when a request for building a product
is received (see figure 2), the middleware, according
to the request, firstly produces an extended
production profile, which includes both the normal
events that must be executed to produce the desired
customized product and the emergency events, along
with the threshold values of the sensors in each
machine at the shop-floor that, when exceeded,
trigger the execution of emergency actions. Secondly,
it converts this profile into a series of events using
WSO2 and transferring these events to the machines.
At this stage it is also assumed that the details of the
machines required for production, as well as the
number and type of the sensors each machine
includes, have already been defined and are available
prior to the request sent to the middleware
This section presents a demonstration example where
the methodology described in section 3 is applied on
a real-world use-case. Firstly, an extension in the
Blueprints is performed to refine details for the
machines and the sensors at the shop-floor, as well as
a list of alerts and actions (see table 1) that are used to
handle each emergency event according to sensor
values (thresholds). As presented in figure 3, in our
demonstration example we used three types of
machines, a CO2 Laser, a Laser Cutter and a Drilling
Machine. In addition, to handle the emergency events,
we have utilized various types of sensors that have
been considered as an integral part of the machines,
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
such as Temperature, Humidity and Light. Sensors
were defined as presented in figure 3 and their real-
time readings were presented as shown in figure 4.
As already mentioned in the methodology, upon
occurrence of an abnormal event, emergency actions,
alerts and/or healing actions that were defined by the
shift manager upfront are executed/produced
Table 1: Demonstration alerts and actions.
Alerts Actions
Temperature value overcame
upper threshold
Turn on A/C
Humidity value overcame
upper threshold
Stop the execution
Switch-off machine
Following our methodology, the new knowledge
acquired from the previous step is pushed to the shop-
floor. This extends the usual workflow of machines
and aids in the building of a customized product by
creating a new Blueprint instance.
Figure 4: Real-time snapshot of sensors’ readings.
Figure 5: JAVA pseudocode for handling and querying
Blueprint images.
Figure 6: JSON results for the proposed example.
The proposed methodology utilizes Apache Jena
to handle the Blueprint images and SPARQL for
accessing Blueprint images. SPARQL takes the
description in the form of a query, and returns that
information, in the form of a set of bindings or an
RDF graph. The JAVA code/pseudocode for handling
and querying the Blueprint images of the
demonstrated example is shown in figure 5 and the
outcomes of the JSON file that were imported into
WSO2 are presented in figure 6.
In summary, the proposed methodology
supported the identification of the most meaningful
events and patterns from multiple data sources, the
analysis of their impact, and the decisions to be taken
for resolving any problems occurred in real-time.
The present paper introduces a smart shop-floor
monitoring framework that supports the identification
and resolution of execution disruptions with proactive
capabilities. The framework adopts a smart PSS
lifecycle to offer a monitoring feedback loop that
enables continuous product and service
improvements based on knowledge-intensive
structures called Manufacturing Blueprints. The latter
integrates data from diverse sources and locations in
the manufacturing environment and facilitate
production actionable “intelligence”. The
middleware layer of the proposed framework
connects it with the Blueprints offering at the same
time adaptation capabilities in order to be fully
operational in practice. In addition, the framework
utilizes Complex Event Processing technology to
combines data from the multiple sources present at
the shop floor and infer events or patterns according
to the circumstances. The proposed framework is
being implemented and validated using a real-life
case study demonstrating its applicability, usability
and efficiency.
Smart Shop-floor Monitoring via Manufacturing Blueprints and Complex-event Processing
Future research is ongoing in a number of parallel
and complementary directions, which include: (i)
design and development of a user-friendly graphical
domain-specific language to enable the product
engineer/designer to specify and interpret monitoring
rules in a user-friendly and intuitive manner, (ii)
(semi-) automating recovery actions by seeding self-
adaptiveness and self-healing capabilities, moving
towards the vision of self-autonomous smart factory,
and (iii) augmenting the dashboard with sophisticated
visualization features by supporting augmented and
virtual reality.
This paper is part of the outcomes of the Twinning
project Dossier-Cloud. This project has received
funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant
agreement No 692251.
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