Computer-supported Active Transparency for Strategic Open
Emmanuel D. Adamides
and Nikos I. Karacapilidis
Industrial Management and Information Systems Lab, MEAD, University of Patras, 26504 Rio Patras, Greece
Keywords: Open Innovation, Computer-supported Argumentation, Knowledge Management.
Abstract: Aiming at facilitating the design and deployment of information systems to support Open Innovation with a
potential of providing sustainable competitive advantage, we rely on the micro-foundations of dynamic
capabilities, namely on the concepts of framing and abduction that are considered as the main elements of
generative sensing. We elaborate the concept of “active transparency” as a step for developing generative
sensing through the implementation of computer-supported argumentation in an open innovation setting. In
particular, we review the relationship between dynamic capabilities and strategic Open Innovation, we
concentrate on active transparency surfacing the important role that argumentation plays in the deployment
of this capability, and we discuss the ICT solutions that enable active transparency and open innovation for
providing competitive advantage.
Open Innovation (OI) is an established paradigm of
innovation based on “the use of purposive inflows
and outflows of knowledge to accelerate internal
innovation, and expand the market for external use of
innovation, respectively” (Chesbrough, 2006). The
adoption of OI by an organization implies that the
innovation management process (Tidd and Bessant,
2014) becomes porous, and ideas, concepts, design,
products, services etc. flow in and out of its
boundaries. At the same time, different human and
non-human knowledge sources associated with
internal and external organization actors, such as
managers, users/customers, employees, suppliers,
competitors, researchers, regulators etc., become
interconnected in many different ways, and
information and knowledge items of different forms
flow between them, and are transformed in many
different ways. Clearly, in large complex
organizations, or networks of organisations, this is
accomplished in a complex web of social processes
(Anderson and Hardwick, 2017), in which agents of
different views, interests, cultures and power status
(Mota Pedrosa et al., 2013), usually being situated
geographically and contextually at a distance, are part
There are four models associated with Open
Innovation (Möslein, 2013). In innovation markets,
organizations and individuals act as seekers of
innovation solutions and solvers of innovation
problems. This model is usually implemented
through intermediaries that facilitate the matching of
problems to solutions. In the model of firm-sponsored
innovation communities, agents of different size and
complexity develop ideas, discuss concepts and
promote innovation. Crowdsourcing is a particular
strategy in the framework of this model, also
associated with innovation contests where a firm gets
ideas for products, services, solutions, or even
business models from different sources (customers,
suppliers, etc.), which are also involved in their
evaluation and selection. When innovation toolkits
are used, users develop solutions in prescribed steps,
sometimes using standard components and modules
in a predefined solution space, interacting with the
company to get feedback. Innovation markets and the
related social product development forums, as well as
the ideas/innovation contests, provide solution spaces
with a high number of degrees of freedom, whereas
innovation and co-design toolkits and innovation
communities, through predefined procedures, restrict
the solution space and processes (Piller and Ihl,
Adamides, E. and Karacapilidis, N.
Computer-supported Active Transparency for Strategic Open Innovation.
DOI: 10.5220/0007731300170026
In International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2019), pages 17-26
ISBN: 978-989-758-370-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In this paper, we focus on the model of innovation
contest for providing strategic advantage, i.e. the use
of OI for obtaining ideas and solutions to problems
set collaboratively by the focal company and its
partners and customers, with a potential of gaining
competitive advantage (Malhotra and Majchrzak,
2016; Tavakoli et al., 2017). It has been argued that
to exploit the strategic potential of such innovation
models, the firm should install mechanisms for
integrating the knowledge provided by external
sources with that held internally. There have been
proposed different mechanisms and model processes
for knowledge integration in strategic organisational
processes (e.g. Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995; Malhotra
and Majchrzak, 2016) associated with the
development of (dynamic) capabilities (Adamides
and Karacapilidis, 2018). Most of them, however, are
at a macro or meso level of analysis and hence are not
suitable for providing insights and guidelines for the
design of information systems (IT platforms) that
support the operation of such OI models.
To facilitate the design and deployment of
information systems to support OI with a potential of
providing competitive advantage, in this paper, we
rely on the micro-foundations of dynamic
capabilities, namely the concepts of framing and
abduction (Dong et al., 2016), which are considered
the main elements of generative sensing. We
elaborate the concept of “active transparency”
(Adamides and Karacapilidis, 2018) as a step for
implementing generative sensing through the
implementation of computer-supported argumenta-
tion in an open innovation setting. We provide design
specifications for such a system and an example of its
potential use. Following in Section 2, we review the
relationship between dynamic capabilities and OI for
competitive advantage. Then, we concentrate on
active transparency surfacing the important role that
argumentation plays in the deployment of this
capability. In Section 4, we discuss the ICT solutions
that enable active transparency and open innovation
for providing competitive advantage. Finally, in
Section 5, we draw the conclusions.
It has been argued that organizations that aim at
strategic OI need to develop a set of capabilities for
absorbing and assimilating knowledge from different
sources in an efficient and effective manner (Hosseini
et al., 2017). These capabilities are associated to the
organisation’s absorptive capacity and the
development of an infrastructure for cooperative
learning. In general, capabilities are constituted by
assets/resources, such as ICT artefacts, and
routines/processes for deploying these assets (Amit
and Schoemaker, 1993). OI-based strategic
capabilities are linked to the notion of dynamic
capabilities (Teece et al., 2016), i.e. to the ability to
select or change operational/ordinary capabilities and
switch strategies between breadth (diversity) and
depth (intensity) in the effective use of internal and
external knowledge sources about products, services,
business models, etc. In more practical terms, they are
linked to an organization’s ability to innovate through
the appropriation of the right knowledge by sensing
the environment, seizing opportunities and
transforming its innovation process(es) and value
offerings. Sensing is associated with exploration,
whereas seizing with both exploitation of the
internalized environmental signals, ideas, concepts,
technologies etc., as well as with the exploration of
the external environment for gaining economic value
from the innovative products and/or services
developed through transforming activities. External
knowledge integration and learning are products of
the execution of these activities, which in the inbound
OI approach exhibit a certain degree of openness
(Tavakoli et al., 2017), while their effectiveness
depends on the organization’s level of absorptive
capacity (ACAP) (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990), as
well as on its degree of “active transparency”, which
may be defined as a form of generative sensing (Cui
et al., 2015; Dong et al., 2016).
Active transparency allows an organisation to
control proactively and effectively its interface with
the external environment, as far as knowledge inflows
and outflows are concerned. Active transparency
refers to an active organisational interface that filters
and distils internal and/or external knowledge before
it is integrated. In this line, it supports the collective
development of hypotheses about problems and their
innovative solutions – in general, hypotheses about
the possible use and effects of incoming and outgoing
knowledge items – as well as the testing for their
validity. In effect, active transparency is a capability
that is constituted by the capabilities of generative
sensing and argumentation. Generative sensing, in
turn, is a component of dynamic capabilities founded
on the micro-capabilities of framing problems/issues
and selecting/inferring their solutions using an
abductive logic (abduction) (Dong et al., 2016).
Argumentation refers to the use of formal schemata to
collectively – in an OI fashion – set propositions and
FEMIB 2019 - International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
collectively decide on the validity of propositions.
Formal argumentation schemata control the
proposition-setting and decision-making processes by
regulating the relative power (positional and rhetoric)
of participants and their arguments (dominant
argumentation logic/repertoire).
Absorptive capacity also contributes to an
organization’s capability/readiness of recognizing the
value of new external information, but also to
assimilating it, and applying it to commercial ends
(Cohen and Levinthal, 1990). Recent research
directly associates absorptive capacity to the dynamic
capabilities framework and stresses its importance as
a degrees-of-freedom provider towards innovation
and change (Zahra and George, 2002; Teece et al.,
2016). Absorptive capacity is a function of the
richness/diversity of the pre-existing knowledge
structure, both personalized (tacit) and
impersonalized (codified). Hence, although many
consider ACAP as a dynamic capability (e.g.
Lichtenthaler and Lichtenthaler, 2009), it is better to
consider it as an intangible, accumulating and
depleting strategic asset used in organisational
processes/routines. Obviously, both the active
transparency and ACAP of an organisation depend on
the corresponding qualities of its individual members.
The very processes of knowledge creation and
integration are largely associated with interaction and
socialisation (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995). So, in OI
settings (innovation contests and crowdsourcing), a
knowledge management strategy that aims at the
efficient and effective creation of strategically-useful
knowledge from different intra- and inter-
organizational sources, as well as at augmenting
learning capacity, should be primarily targeted on the
use of ICT for the development and use of social
capital, rather than on the installation of technology
systems for the storage, transformation and
distribution of codified knowledge (Lichtenthaler and
Lichtenthaler, 2009; Adamides and Karacapilidis,
2018). Towards this objective, and on the basis of the
above discussion, methods and tools for supporting
active transparency, as well as for supporting intra-
organisational collaboration are required. Hence, the
objective of OI contests for gaining competitive
advantage suggests a personalization rather than a
codification knowledge management meta-strategy
(Scheepers et al., 2004), in which information and
communication technology has an important role to
play. There is a wide range of technologies that can
be used for augmenting learning processes and
building ACAP and active transparency, the most
important of which are discussed in Section 4. Before
that, however, we further elaborate on active transpa-
rency and the role of argumentation within it.
As it was indicated before, active transparency is an
organizational capability directly related to
generative sensing, which is a particular type of
sensing capability, focused on generating and testing
hypotheses about new technologies, new products
and novel strategies (Dong et al., 2016). As such,
active transparency controls the inflow and outflow
of organizational knowledge (Karacapilidis et al.,
2003), actively contributing into knowledge
integration in both ways. Active transparency
presupposes the capabilities of problem framing and
abduction, which in OI settings are accomplished by
a set of internal and external organizational actors in
an argumentative fashion. In this way, it directly
addresses the very definition of innovation as a
“process where knowledgeable and creative people
and organizations frame problems and select,
integrate, and augment information to create
understanding and answers” (Teece, 2001). As
activities in all the phases of the innovation process
constitute problem resolution tasks (Leonard and
Sensiper, 2003), propositions and evaluation of
propositions need to take place all along the
innovation process. Obviously, innovation for
sustainable competitive advantage means a move
towards strategy innovation rather than incremental
change and should be based on the refinement and
integration of knowledge, and not on a number of
discrete unfounded ideas. In fact, propositions for
novel technologies, products or strategic initiatives to
innovative business models are
arguments/propositions with supporting evidence,
which however have to be evaluated and accepted in
a collective manner (Wright, 2012).
Truly innovative propositions are not based on
existing technologies, products and strategies and are
easily accepted in the initial format proposed. They
are the result of argumentative
discussions/negotiations between external and
internal organizational actors. Argumentation
contributes to the extraction/elicitation/filtering of
knowledge from diverse sources (to support
arguments) and to their integration (conflict
resolution and agreement). Nevertheless, this process
of convergence of perspectives and agreements does
not take place in a political vacuum. Politics in the
Computer-supported Active Transparency for Strategic Open Innovation
change/innovation process is important and “creating
affective change and adaptation within the
organisation depends upon effective use of politics”
(Eisenhardt and Zbaracki, 1992). Inevitably, this
“political” perspective leads to one of the central
issues of active transparency and its implementation,
and consequently of open innovation, that of the
relative distribution of power among all the agents
participating in the contest/crowdsourcing, and the
regulation of its influences on the outcome of the
knowledge integration process through asymmetric
forms of argumentation.
In general, the purpose of an argument is to show
that a non-trivial assertion (a proposition whose
validity is not obvious without further details and
cannot proved or verified by evidence) may claim
validity (von Werder, 1999). Argumentation is a
context-based sense-making process, which varies
according to (socially) constructed rules and (social)
groups. According to Bloor (1980), characteristic
forms of argument will emerge in a social setting,
standing out by their frequency (e.g. seeking
argument justification with reference to a specific
report, or with reference to what the industry leaders
do, etc.). Inevitably, this gives each social
(organisational) structure its dominant argumentation
repertoire of explicit legitimation, which solidifies
and increasingly constrains social and organisational
behaviour, and is used for characterising and
evaluating actions, events and other organisational
phenomena “which are often organised around
specific metaphors and figures of speech” (Potter and
Wetherell, 1987). As a result, institutionalised
justifications exist as objective, widely available
rules, and, directly or indirectly, tell organisation
members how to argue (Sillince, 1999). Clearly, the
institutionalization of an argumentation form is not a
positional- and rhetorical-power-neutral process,
neither a static one. In innovation propositions,
organisation members with high positional power
need not justify their arguments extensively, while
those with rhetorical power (which is related to the
positional power) may bias the organisation
discourse, both in short and long term, towards
specific forms that have more affinity with the
institutionalised argumentation forms, undermining
other forms which may include more substantive
arguments. This is one of the drawbacks of “closed”
innovation and at the same time a sign for caution for
open innovation. Argumentation for postulating
(innovative) propositions should encourage external
actors to contribute giving them appropriate power to
support their arguments by using a variety of
justification/claim logics. ICT can contribute to this
by sealing off these processes from their actual
social/organisational context in a controlled manner
(Kallinikos, 2011).
Many argumentation models (formalisms) have
been proposed in the literature, especially in
connection to computer-supported argumentation
systems (Bentahar et al., 2010). Gürkan et al. (2010)
integrated three such formalisms (IBIS, the Toulmin
framework, and the concept of argument schemes of
Walton) in an inclusive model, which consists of the
problem/issue in hand, the ideas/proposals/positions
for its solution, and pro and contra arguments related
to proposals. Pro and contra arguments are justified
by claims consisting of grounds and warrants. Pairs
of grounds and warrants define four main argument
schemes (which are related to the argumentation
repertoires mentioned above), namely, arguments
based on expert opinion (accept claim because
someone is an expert), popular opinion (something is
generally accepted as true because it is generally
accepted as true), analogy (A works because it
resembles B that have been proven to work in the
past) and causal associations (A works because B
works, and there is a positive correlation between the
two). Clearly, all four schemes can be employed in an
OI-based strategy.
The quality of propositions and the
knowledge/insights produced is a function of the
argumentation rationality
, i.e. the thoroughness of
the proposition preparation as revealed by the
arguments put forward to support it (von Werder,
1999). In relation to the above argumentation models,
abuse of positional power means that the proponent
does not justify claims and/or pro/contra arguments,
or does not justify the selection of a specific
argumentation scheme, or does not justify the issue of
specific rhetoric arguments, or even does not justify
the truth of warrants. Similarly, the abuse of
rhetorical power implies that the proponent knows
how others react to rewards and practices rhetoric
argumentation accordingly, giving little emphasis on
the validity and truth of arguments and statements
(“populist” behaviour). Such behaviours result in
effectively weak arguments and shaky propositions
distorted by power relations. So the result of the
knowledge integration effort and innovation will not
necessarily match the organisation’s strategic needs.
In open innovation, once a proposition is framed
collectively in an argumentative fashion, then its
validity needs to be tested through abduction.
Abduction is a microfoundation of generative sensing
and active transparency. It is a form of logical
reasoning in which hypotheses/propositions, which
are intuitive “guesses” (and not necessarily logically
FEMIB 2019 - International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
sound) are introduced and then tests are performed to
validate them (Dong et al., 2016). The proposition is
a hypothetical mechanism (the product of abduction),
which, if it existed, would generate (would be
responsible for) the observed phenomenon/problem,
or a phenomenon different from what was normally
expected (Papachristos and Adamides, 2016). The
proposition may be the result of formal argumentation
and thus logically sound as far as the collective
process is concerned. However, most likely, it will be
unfounded regarding its content, since most
participants have limited, or no, knowledge of the
specifics of the issue/problem and the context around
the issue.
In explanatory abduction, the environment is
scanned for truly surprising ideas and facts. Here the
participation, collaboration and argumentation of
external and internal agents follow initially a dialogic
conversation model where the diversity of ideas and
propositions is the principal objective (Karacapilidis
et al., 1997; Sennett, 2012). This is followed by
dialectic conversation to arrive at a single, or a small
number of propositions. For instance, as a very simple
example, consider a number of executives involved in
a discussion about the causes and possible
(innovative) solutions to the pollution problem of an
industrial district. The argumentation of executives
may result in a consensus that the main sources of
pollution are the industrial waste of a paints-
producing company. This forms the (unfounded)
proposition to be validated by collecting data to
construct the underlying mechanisms that when put in
place – in reality or simulated – will (re)produce the
phenomenon (pollution in our case), and hence
support this claim and reject any alternative claims –
for instance, a claim that a food processing company
also situated in the district is the main pollutant. Once
the alternative claims have been discarded, the
hypothesis becomes a sort of conclusion to be used in
(the next phase of) innovative abduction.
In innovative abduction, inferences are made
about the strategic options/innovations and/or the
initiatives that need to be accomplished for their
implementation. Here, the premise is that the paints
company is the main pollutant and the hypothesis to
test is the (possible) use of specific chemical waste
treatment technologies that will convert waste to
energy source for the food processing company. The
hypothesis will be validated by collecting data,
consulting specialists, even performing simulation
experiments. It is possible that this hypothesis will not
be valid, so an alternative hypothesis, e.g. mixing
with other chemical wastes and treatment to heat the
nearby village, need to be tested. Once this proves to
be possible, hypotheses about the implementation of
the technological innovation will be set and tested. In
this way, eventually, the industrial district will arrive
collectively at an innovative solution (innovation)
that provides competitive advantage to the
participating companies through cost reduction and
the construction of a green image.
Open Innovation can be facilitated and significantly
augmented through a diversity of software tools and
associated technologies. In this section, we identify
the main categories of these tools and comment on
their capacity to support and enhance the explanatory
and innovative abduction processes. Based on their
main purpose, they can be classified into two broad
categories: (i) tools that mainly serve the collection,
integration and consolidation of underlying
information, knowledge, opinions and values, thus
supporting the collective development of hypotheses
about problems and their innovative solutions, and
(ii) tools that aid the analysis and validity testing of
the components of the overall argumentation process
and the assessment of stakeholders’ attributes in
terms of credibility and expertise. It is the former tool
category that enables an organization to conduct a
formal argumentation process towards framing the
problem and postulating the related propositions,
while the latter assists in performing
experimentations with alternative mechanisms and
approaches to reproduce or strengthen a proposition.
Collaboration Support. The emergence of the Web
2.0 era led to the introduction of a plethora of tools,
which feature novel collaboration paradigms and
enable users’ engagement at a massive scale. These
tools cover a broad spectrum of needs ranging from
knowledge exchanging, sharing and tagging, to social
networking, group authoring, mind mapping and
discussing. For instance, Facebook
( and LinkedIn
( are representative
examples of social networking tools that facilitate the
formation of online communities among people with
similar interests; tools such as MindMeister
( and Mindomo
( aim to collectively
organize, visualize and structure concepts via maps to
aid brainstorming and problem solving; Debatepedia
( and Cohere
( are typical tools aiming to
Computer-supported Active Transparency for Strategic Open Innovation
support online discussions over the Web; phpBB
( and bbPress (http://www. are Web 2.0 applications enabling the
exchange of opinions, focusing especially on the
provision of an environment in which citizens can
express their thoughts without paying much attention
to the structure of the discussion. At the same time,
there are tools enabling a more structured, and
therefore more focused and effective consultation
(Karacapilidis et al., 2009; Karacapilidis et al., 2004).
The abovementioned tools enable the massive and
unconstrained collaboration of users engaged in
discussions like the one sketched in the example
given at the end of the previous section; however, the
amount of information produced and exchanged (as
well as the number of events generated) within these
tools often exceeds by far the mental abilities of users
to: (i) keep pace with the evolution of the
collaboration in which they engage, and (ii) keep
track of the outcome of past sessions. Current Web
2.0 collaboration tools exhibit two important
shortcomings making them prone to the problems of
information overload and cognitive complexity. First,
Web 2.0 collaboration tools lack reasoning services,
with which they could actively and meaningfully
support a more productive collaboration. Second,
these tools are “information islands”, thus providing
only limited support for interoperation, integration
and synergy with third party tools. While some
provide specialized APIs with which integration can
be achieved, these are primarily aimed at developers
and not end users.
Argumentation Support. As far as argumentation is
concerned, various tools focusing on the sharing and
exchange of arguments, diverse knowledge
representation issues and visualization of
argumentation have been developed. Tools such as
Araucaria (
and Compendium (
allow users to create issues, take positions on these
issues, and make pro and contra arguments. They can
capture the key issues and ideas and create shared
understanding in a knowledge team; in some cases,
they can be used to gather a semantic group memory.
In the example described in Section 3, such tools may
facilitate the collection, structuring and visualization
of alternative causes and solutions to the pollution
problem (together with the propositions speaking in
favour or against them). However, these
argumentation support tools have the same problems
with the Web 2.0 collaboration tools discussed above;
they too are standalone applications, lacking support
for interoperability and integration with other tools
(e.g. with data mining services foraging the Web to
discover interesting patterns or trends). They also
cope poorly with voluminous and complex data as
they provide only primitive reasoning services. This
makes these tools also prone to the problem of
information overload. Argumentation support
services recently developed in the context of the
Dicode project (Karacapilidis, 2014) address most of
these issues through innovative virtual workspaces
offering alternative visualization schemas that help
stakeholders control the impact of voluminous and
complex data, while also accommodating the
outcomes of external web services, thus augmenting
individual and collective sense-making.
In any case, argumentation support tools reveal
additional shortcomings that prevent them from
reaching a wider audience. In particular, their
emphasis on providing fixed and prescribed ways of
interaction within collaboration spaces make them
difficult to use as they constrain the expressiveness of
users, which in turn results in making these systems
being used only in niche communities. Adopting the
terminology used in the most common theoretical
framework of situational awareness shaped by
Endsley (1995), this category of tools only partially
cover the needs of the three stages of situational
awareness, namely perception (i.e. perceive the
status, attributes, and dynamics of relevant elements
in the setting under consideration), comprehension
(i.e. perform a synthesis of disjointed elements of the
previous stage through the processes of pattern
recognition, interpretation, and evaluation), and
projection (i.e. extrapolate information from previous
stages to find out how it will affect future instances of
the operational setting).
Social Media Monitoring. Social Media Monitoring
and Analytics is an evolving marketing research field
that refers to the tracking or crawling of various social
media content as a way to determine the volume and
sentiment of online conversation about a brand or
topic (Bekkers et al., 2013). Their added value lies on
the fact that such investigations can be performed at
real time and in a highly scalable way. Well-known
tools of this category include Hootsuite
(, Trackur (http://www.trackur.
com), and Sysomos ( These
tools can support the required “attention mediation”
suggested by Klein and Convertino (2015), by
providing a structured way to represent the “big
picture”. Disclosing the analytics and reports implies
the provision of feedback to the involved population
on how their input has been taken into account. In the
example discussed in Section 3, a social media
FEMIB 2019 - International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
monitoring tool may provide valuable feedback from
the citizens affected by the pollution problem about
the solutions being shaped.
Opinion Mining. Opinion mining tools employ
natural language processing, machine learning, text
analysis and computational linguistics to extract
relevant information from the vast amounts of human
textual communication over the Internet or from
offline sources (Dhokrat et al., 2015). In fact, the
propagation of opinionated textual data has caused
the development of Web Opinion Mining (Taylor et
al., 2013) as a new concept in Web Intelligence,
which deals with the issue of extracting, analyzing
and aggregating opinions from large quantities of
textual data. The analysis of the sentiment of citizens'
opinions, known as Sentiment Analysis, is significant
for both the private and the public sector, because it
allows determining how people feel about a product
or service, or about a public issue under
consideration. We can distinguish between two types
of tools in this category; those that provide a
framework for data mining algorithms (e.g.
Rapidminer (, KNIME
( and WEKA (http://, and online
platforms that can visualize opinion mining analytics
on predefined Web 2.0 Sources (e.g. sentiment viz
/tweet_app) and Socialmention
( Opinion miming
methods can be used in combination with the
abovementioned engagement and collaboration tools
as well as social media monitoring tools. In the
example discussed at the end of Section 3, an opinion
mining tool may systematically identify and extract
affective states and subjective information about an
alternative cause of (or solution to) the pollution
problem, and reveal meaningful insights that may
advance the related discussion.
Reputation Management. Reputation Management
refers to the need to seek references for an individual
or organization participating in social networks and
communities regarding their intellection or influence
(He et al., 2012). This need is partially addressed by
existing online reputation management services,
which monitor one’s influence based on his/her
activities in the social web, such as Klout
( and Naymz (http://www.; or in the research domain measure one’s
scientific performance based on citation analysis,
such as Google Scholar (
and Research Gate (
Another stream of reputation management systems is
using customer feedback to gain insight on suppliers
and brands, or get early warning signals to reputation
problems (e.g. eBay RMS). Current reputation
assessment algorithms can assign a reputation score
to individuals and enable the identification of experts.
In any case, the identification of promising ideas and
proposals from large corpuses demands contributors
to be assessed against their expertise on specific
topics related to the problem under investigation. By
collecting data concerning the knowledge, credibility
and expertise of individuals, reputation scores are
calculated for each individual with respect to different
thematic areas using a synthetic algorithm; based on
these reputation scores, content generated by the most
knowledgeable experts over the web can be shown
first in users’ searches, and this enables the
identification of and the focus on the highest quality
content that has been already generated in various
electronic sources by experts (‘passive expert-
sourcing’; such an approach has been developed in
the European project EU-Community
(Androutsopoulou et al., 2016)). In the example
sketched in Section 3, a reputation management tool
may identify and assess the rhetorical and political
power of stakeholders involved in the pollution
problem under consideration.
Dynamic Simulation. Dynamic simulation
environments (Agent-based, Discrete Event and
System Dynamics) are used to model and simulate
complex realities in various domains. In its
conventional use, simulation allows for testing
alternative solutions, as well as predicting and
assessing the impact of prospective choices, reducing
the associated uncertainty. In an
abductive/retroductive mode, simulation modelling is
used for representing and simulating underlying
mechanisms/ hypotheses that are suspected to be
responsible for phenomena observed (Papachristos
and Adamides, 2016), or for testing the effectiveness
of postulated unfounded solutions/innovations. In the
example mentioned in Section 3, a system dynamics
simulation model could be used to represent product,
by-product and waste flows in an industrial district,
and it could be used to test the hypothesis that the
paint company is the main pollutant, as well as the
hypothesis that waste can be treated and converted to
energy source for the food processing company
effectively. Well known examples of visual
simulation environments include ExtendSim
(, Vensim
Computer-supported Active Transparency for Strategic Open Innovation
( and Anylogic
Decision Making Support. Data warehouses, on-
line analytical processing, and data mining have been
broadly recognized as technologies playing a
prominent role in the development of current and
future Decision Support Systems (Karacapilidis,
2006), in that they may aid users make better, faster
and informed decisions. However, one critical point
that is still missing is a holistic perspective on the
issue of decision making. This originates out of the
growing need to develop applications by following a
more human-centric (and not problem-centric) view,
in order to appropriately address the requirements of
public sector stakeholders. Such requirements stem
from the fact that decision making has also to be
considered as a social process that principally
involves human interaction (Smoliar, 2003). The
structuring and management of this interaction
requires the appropriate technological support and
has to be explicitly embedded in the solutions offered
for this purpose. The above requirements, together
with the ones imposed by the way open innovation
stakeholders work and collaborate today, delineate a
set of challenges for further decision support
technology development. Such challenges can be
addressed by adopting a knowledge-based decision-
making view, while also enabling the meaningful
accommodation of the results of social knowledge
mining processes (revealing the needs, perceptions,
opinions of the general public). Knowledge
management activities, such as open innovation
related knowledge elicitation, representation and
distribution influence the creation of the decision
models to be adopted, thus enhancing the decision
making process, while evaluation of contributions in
the decision making process act as a reputation
mechanism and provide incentives for engagement.
In this paper, we elaborated the concept of “active
transparency” as a step for developing generative
sensing through the implementation and deployment
of computer-supported argumentation in a strategic
Open Innovation setting. Aiming at developing an OI
platform with a potential of providing sustainable
competitive advantage, we reviewed the relationship
between dynamic capabilities and strategic Open
Innovation, we focused on active transparency
stressing the important role that argumentation plays
in the deployment of this capability, and we discussed
the ICT solutions that enable active transparency and
open innovation for providing competitive advantage.
In any case, we argue that the seamless
interoperability and integration of these ICT solutions
is a hard issue. An ideal OI platform should be able to
loosely combine existing standalone tools and web
services to provide an all-inclusive infrastructure for
the effective and efficient support of diverse OI
stakeholders. Such a solution will not only provide a
working environment for hosting and indexing of OI-
related services, and the required retrieval and
meaningful analysis of large-scale data sets; it will
also leverage existing technologies and social
networking solutions to provide stakeholders with a
simple and scalable solution for targeted
collaboration, resource discovery and exploitation, in
a way that facilitates and boosts OI activities
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