An Innovative Framework for Supporting Social Network
Polluting-content Detection and Analysis
Alfredo Cuzzocrea
, Fabio Martinelli
and Francesco Mercaldo
University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy
IIT-CNR, Pisa, Italy
Keywords: Social Networks, Social Network Security, Social Network Analysis, Machine Learning, Word Embedding,
Text Classification.
In last years we are witnessing a growing interest in tools for analyzing big data gathered from social networks
in order to find common opinions. In this context, content polluters on social networks make the opinion
mining process difficult to browse valuable contents. In this paper we propose a method aimed to discriminate
between pollute and real information from a semantic point of view. We exploit a combination of word em-
bedding and deep learning techniques to categorize semantic similarities between (pollute and real) linguistic
sentences. We experiment the proposed method on a data set of real-world sentences obtaining interesting
results in terms of precision and recall.
The Reuters Institute recently released the 2017 Digi-
tal News Report, analyzing surveys from 70,000 peo-
ple across 36 countries and providing a comprehen-
sive comparative analysis of modern news consump-
tion (Dormann et al., 2018).
The real impact of the growing interest in fake
news has been the realization that the public might
not be well-equipped to separate quality information
from false information (Peters et al., 2018). In fact,
a majority of Americans are confident that they can
spot fake news. When Buzzfeed (BuzzFeed, 2018)
surveyed American high scholars (the BuzzFeed Quiz
and Skills!, 2018), they too were confident they could
spot, and ignore, fake news online: the reality, how-
ever, is that it might be more difficult than people
The report reveals several important media trends,
including rising polarization in the United States. It is
interesting to observe that while 51% of left-leaning
Americans trust the news, only 20% of conservatives
say the same: this is symptomatic that right-leaning
Americans are far more likely to say they avoid the
news because they do not rely on news to be true.
In order to generate pollute content, as fake news
or spam on social network, usually social bot are em-
ployed (Wu and Liu, 2018; Wang et al., 2018).
A social bot is a software able to automatically
generate messages (for instance post in social net-
works like Twitter of Facebook) or in general advo-
cate certain ideas, support campaigns, and public re-
lations either by acting as a ”follower” or even as a
fake account that gathers followers itself (socialbot,
Social bots demonstrated to have played a signif-
icant role in the 2016 United States presidential elec-
tion (Friends and Profit, 2018; Shao et al., 2017), and
their history appears to go back at least to the 2010
United States midterm elections (Ratkiewicz et al.,
It is estimated that 9-15% of active Twitter ac-
counts may be social bots (Varol et al., 2017) and that
15% of the total Twitter population active in the US
Presidential election discussion were bots. At least
400,000 thousand bots were responsible for about 3.8
million tweets, roughly 19% of the total volume (Fer-
rara et al., 2016).
Social bots, besides being able to produce mes-
sages autonomously, also share many traits with
spam-bots with respect to their tendency to infiltrate
large user groups.
Automated accounts or bots play a pivotal role
in the spread of fake news or misinformation. The
spread of such misinformation can have polarizing ef-
fects on a society and prevent any consensus from
evolving, leading to a grid-lock, and bringing down
welfare levels in the society (Azzimonti and Fernan-
Cuzzocrea, A., Martinelli, F. and Mercaldo, F.
An Innovative Framework for Supporting Social Network Polluting-content Detection and Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0007737403030311
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 303-311
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
des, 2018): researchers show that even if only a tenth
of users in a social network fall for fake news, it
can lead to significant misinformation and polariza-
tion because of network effects, i.e., the reliance of
other users on them for news and views.
Researchers also demonstrate that a society that is
successful in eliminating a source of fake news pro-
moting one extreme of the political spectrum may end
up worse off due to the unintended consequences of
making the other extreme relatively more powerful.
This, in the end, would generate greater misinforma-
tion and lower welfare, despite effectively reducing
polarization (LiveMint, 2018). On the other hand,
these topics are extremely important in the emerging
big data setting (e.g., (Li et al., 2015; Braun et al.,
2014; Yang et al., 2014)), as also highlighted by re-
cent studies (e.g., (Shafahi et al., 2016)).
Starting from these considerations in this paper we
propose a method to discriminate between real and
pollute contents. We exploit word embedding, a tech-
nique able to encode text into numerical vectors and
machine learning techniques, aimed to build a model
able to label a sentence under analysis as pollute or
The remaining part of this paper is organized as
follows. In Section 2, we focus the attention of
state-of-the-art proposals that are relevant to our re-
search. Section 3 reports a case study that better il-
lustrates how our proposed framework works in prac-
tice. In Section 4, we provide the main social network
polluting-content detection techniques embedded in
our framework. Section 5 shows the experimental re-
sults of our proposed techniques on a real-life Twitter
data sets. Finally, in Section 6, we draw conclusions
and future work of our research.
In this section we review state-of-the-art literature fo-
cused about the polluting content detection in social
(Smadi et al., 2018) investigate a set of features
to detect unsolicited bulk emails and select the set of
best features to detect spam emails. The feature rep-
resentation and feature selection techniques have also
been used to enhance the SVM-based spam detector
(Diale et al., 2016).
In addition to detect spam emails, feature selec-
tion techniques play an important role in spam de-
tection in online social networks. An optimal Ran-
dom Forest-based spam detection model has been
proposed in (Lee et al., 2010b), which optimizes two
parameters of RF and determines importance of vari-
able to select the most important features and to elim-
inate irrelevant ones.
(Sohrabi and Karimi, 2018) propose a method
aimed to filter spam message on Facebook social net-
work, as one of the largest and most popular social
networks, exploiting a Particle Swarm Optimization
feature selection method and combining supervised
and unsupervised classification techniques.
(Liu et al., 2018) investigate crowdretweeting
spam in Sina Weibo, the counterpart of Twitter in
China. They find that although spammers are likely
to connect more closely than legitimate users, the un-
derlying social connections of crowdretweeting cam-
paigns are different from those of other existing spam
campaigns because of the unique features of retweets
that are spread in a cascade; from these considerations
they consider several algorithms in order to find more
suspicious spamming account obtaining, in the best
scenario, a precision equal to 0.915 and a recall equal
to 0.683.
(Li and Shen, 2011) propose a social network
spam filter (SOAP) aimed to exploit the social re-
lationship among email correspondents to detect the
spam adaptively and automatically. SOAP integrates
three components into the basic Bayesian filter: so-
cial closeness-based spam filtering, social interest-
based spam filtering, and adaptive trust management.
They evaluate performance of the proposed method
based on the trace data from Facebook social network:
the main outcome is that SOAP improves the perfor-
mance of Bayesian networks in term of spam detec-
tion accuracy and training time.
Machine-learning techniques were also diffused
to build model able to predict whether a sentence un-
der analysis is spam or legal. For instance, (Bilge
et al., 2009) show that after an attacker has entered
the network of trust of a victim, the victim will likely
click on any link contained in the messages posted,
irrespective of whether she knows the attacker in real
life or not. Another interesting finding by researchers
(Jagatic et al., 2007) is that phishing attempts are
more likely to succeed if the attacker uses stolen in-
formation from victims’ friends in social networks to
craft their phishing emails. For example, phishing
emails from shoppybag were often sent from a user’s
friendlist and hence a user is often tricked into believ-
ing that such emails come from trusted friends and
hence willingly provides login information of his/her
personal email account.
In (Yardi et al., 2009), the authors created a pop-
ular hashtag on Twitter and observed how spammers
started to use it in their messages. They discuss some
features that might distinguish spammers from legit-
imate users e.g. node degree and frequency of mes-
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
sages. However, merely using simple features like
node degree and frequency of messages may not be
enough since there are some young Twitter users or
TV anchors that post many messages. A larger spam
study is reported in (Stringhini et al., 2010).
(Stringhini et al., 2010) generate honey profiles
to lure spammers into interacting with them. They
create 300 profiles each on popular social networking
sites like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. Their 900
honey profiles attract 4250 friends request (mostly
on Facebook) but 361 out of 397 friend requests on
Twitter were from spammers. They later suggest us-
ing features like the percentage of tweets with URLs,
message similarity, total messages sent, number of
friends for spam detection. Their detection scheme
based on the Random Forest classifier can produce a
false positive rate of 2.5% and a false negative rate of
3% on their Twitter data set.
The idea behind the POISED framework
(Nilizadeh et al., 2017) is that there are differences
in propagation between benign and malicious mes-
sages on social networks, and from this assumption
authors designed POISED to identify spam and other
unwanted content. They defined three entropy-based
metrics: completeness, homogeneity, and V-measure
of topics detected in communities. Authors exper-
iments the proposed framework on 1.3M tweets
collected from 64K users, demonstrating that their
approach is able to reach 91% precision and 93%
recall in malicious messages detection.
(Zhang et al., 2012) propose a three steps frame-
work to detect spam on Twitter: firstly linking ac-
counts who post URLs for similar purposes, secondly
extracting candidate campaigns which may exist for
spam or promoting purpose and finally distinguishing
their intents. Their method is able to obtain 0.903 of
precision and 0.849 of recall.
(Noll et al., 2009) offer a graph-based algorithm
to rank experts based on the user’s ability of identi-
fying interesting or useful resources before others in
a collaborative tagging system. (Yamaguchi et al.,
2010) address the problem of ranking authoritative
users based on the actual information flow in Twit-
ter. (Das Sarma et al., 2010) adopt comparison-based
scoring mechanism to achieve approximate rankings
with the feedback comparison results from users.
(Lee et al., 2010a) deploy honeypots to harvest
deceptive spam profiles from social networking com-
munities and train classifiers to detect existing and
new coming spammers. (Bogers and Van den Bosch,
2009) detect malicious users on the basis of a similar-
ity function that adopts language modeling.
(Benevenuto et al., 2010) approach the problem
of detecting trending-topic spammers users who in-
clude unrelated URLs with trending words in tweets,
in order to make the tweets appear in the results
of searches or meme-tracking tools. They manu-
ally label a collection of users as spammers or non-
spammers and identified properties that are able to
distinguish between the two classes of users through
a machine learning approach.
In this section we discuss a real-world scenario aimed
to better understand the context of the proposed
method to detect polluting contents in social net-
Figure 1 shows a real-world scenario: in the left
side there are the malicious users (social network bot,
fake news, aggressive advertisement) and in the right
one the legitimate users (i.e., Bob and Alice). In the
center of the scenario there are social networks, and
all users (malicious and legitimate) are able to publish
Figure 1: The scenario for the proposed case study: in the
left side there are the malicious users (social network bot,
fake news, aggressive advertisement) and in the right one
the legitimate users (i.e., Bob and Alice).
As depicted in Figure 1 in the real-world mali-
cious users and/or social network bot start a campaign
of contents. Basically the type of polluting contents
that are diffused are fake news and aggressive adver-
This is the typical flow in which polluting contents
are diffused on social networks:
a social network start to publish messages about a
specified topic (usually aggressive advertisement)
or a malicious user publish a fake news;
once the polluting content is published for the first
time, different actions can be performed at this
An Innovative Framework for Supporting Social Network Polluting-content Detection and Analysis
point: for instance the polluting contents can be
shared using the ’@’ character and the name of
the user to cite in order to spread the contents.
Whether the user cited is an important company,
all the follower of the company will be able to vi-
sualize the polluting contents;
Alice is an user of social networks, she visualizes
everyday the social profile of his favorite perfume
company. Today, the company published several
contents related to an interesting offer for a men
perfume: “Save up to 75% with our men fragrance
offers on branded perfumes!”.
Alice shares this content on the Bob profile (from
the Alice point of view the content is from the per-
fume company and it is considered legitimate), in
this way he will receive a notification from Alice
about this offer (social networks offer a one-click
option to share content in an easy way): from the
Bob point of view the content is from Alice and it
is considered legitimate;
in this way the polluting content is shared between
users that are considered legitimate and not mali-
cious and the polluting content will propagate it-
self using this mechanism.
This mechanism is based on the trust of users in
the profile of a well-known company and in trust be-
tween users: this is the reason why polluting content
are able to spread their self on social networks.
In a typical scenario like the one we discussed, the
proposed method will be able to intercept the pollut-
ing content and to block it in order to avoid its diffu-
The method we propose to distinguish between pol-
luting and real sentences is described in following
In Figure 2 the flowchart of the proposed frame-
work is depicted.
The first step in the flowchart in Figure 2 ac-
cepts as input the word embeddings (word embed-
dings step) and the text sentences (text sentences step)
to analyze (i.e., the data set): basically word embed-
dings are exploited to map to vector of real num-
bers words or phrases from the vocabulary. In or-
der to use word embeddings, we need to load pre-
Figure 2: Flowchart of the proposed approach.
trained word embeddings (load pre-trained word vec-
tors step). Once loaded the pre-trained word vectors,
through the convert text to numerical vector step we
are able to perform several computation with the data
set text sentences, for instance we can get most simi-
lar words to some word or load a word into the vocab-
ulary to see embeddings: these operations are possi-
ble via the numeric representation of the words.
Once obtained the word embeddings for text clas-
sification of sentences, we split the sentences data set
in two sub data set: the training, containing the 80%
of the sentences (training set) and the testing, con-
taining the remaining 20% of the sentences (testing
Considering that the proposed method applies su-
pervised machine-learning, the sentences belong to
two classes (polluting and real), the labels for classes
will be assigned later as 0 (i.e., polluting) or 1 (i.e.,
In order to discriminate between polluting and
real sentences we need to build the model (the model
training step) with the sentences belonging to the
training set. Once built the model we evaluate the
model with the sentences belonging to the testing set
(predictions step). Training and testing set contain
both polluting and real sentences.
The sentence under analysis from the predictions
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
step is labeled as real (sentence marked as real step)
or polluting (sentence marked as polluting step).
Listing 1 shows the pseudo-code of the algorithm
we developed.
It is basically divided into three main phases: the
first one is related to obtain word embeddings, the
second one to divide the sentence data set into train-
ing and testing set with the consequent label attach-
ment (we consider supervisioned learning) and the
last phase is related to model building and evaluation
using the MLP algorithm.
We designed an experiment in order to evaluate
the effectiveness of the word embedding feature vec-
tor we propose.
More specifically, the experiment is aimed at veri-
fying whether the word embedding feature set is able
to discriminate between real and polluting sentences.
The classification is carried out by using the MLP
classifier with different configurations.
The evaluation consists of a classification analy-
sis aimed at assessing whether the features are able
to correctly classify between real and polluting sen-
We adopt the supervised learning approach, con-
sidering that the features evaluated in this work are
The supervised learning approach is composed of
two different steps:
1. Learning Step: starting from the labeled data set
(i.e., where each feature is related to a class. In
our case, the class is represented by the real or
polluting sentences), we filter the data in order
to obtain a feature vector gathered by word em-
bedding. The feature vectors, belonging to all the
sentences involved in the experiment with the as-
sociated labels (i.e., real or polluting), represent
the input for the machine learning algorithm that
is able to build a model from the analyzed data.
The output of this step is the model obtained by
the labeled data set.
2. Prediction Step: the output of this step is the
classification of a feature vector belonging to the
real or polluting sentence. Using the model built
in the previous phase, we input this model using
a feature vector without the label: the classifier
will output with their label prediction (i.e., real or
In this section we describe the real-world data set used
in this paper and the results of the experiment.
5.1 The Data Set
The evaluated data set contains 2,353,473 polluting
tweets and 3,259,693 legitimate tweets (Lee et al.,
2011) collected from December 30, 2009 to August
2, 2010 on the Twitter social network.
As described in (Lee et al., 2011) the data set
was obtained through 60 social honeypot accounts on
Twitter whose purpose is to pose as Twitter users, and
report back what accounts follow or otherwise inter-
act with them.
The Twitter-based social honeypots can post four
types of tweets: (1) a normal textual tweet; (2) an
“@” reply to one of the other social honeypots; (3)
a tweet containing a link; (4) a tweet containing one
of current top 10 trending topics of Twitter, which are
popular n-grams.
To seed the pool of tweets that the social honeypot
accounts would post we crawled the Twitter public
timeline and collected 120,000 sample tweets (30,000
for each of our four types). The social honeypot ac-
counts are intentionally designed to avoid interfering
with the activities of legitimate users. They only send
@ reply messages to each other, and they will only
follow other social honeypot accounts.
Once a Twitter user makes contact with one of the
social honeypots via following or messaging the hon-
eypot, the information is passed to the Observation
system. The Observation system keeps track of all
the users discovered by the system. Initially, all in-
formation about each user’s account and all the user’s
past tweets are collected. Every hour the Observa-
tion system checks each user’s status to determine if
more tweets have been posted, the number of other ac-
counts that the user is following, the number of other
Twitter accounts following the user and if the account
is still active.
The system ran from December 30, 2009 to Au-
gust 2, 2010. During that time the social honeypots
tempted 36,043 Twitter users, 5,773 (24%) of which
followed more than one honeypot.
5.2 The Evaluation
In order to evaluate the proposed method we consider
four metrics: Precision, Recall, F-Measure and Ro-
An Innovative Framework for Supporting Social Network Polluting-content Detection and Analysis
Listing 1: Algorithm for Polluting Sentence Detection.
# g o t word e mbe dd ing s
d ef s e n t v e c t o r i z e r ( s e n t , model ) :
s e n t v e c = [ ]
numw = 0
f o r w i n s e n t :
t r y :
i f numw == 0 :
s e n t
v e c = model [w]
e l s e :
s e n t v e c = np . add ( s e n t v e c , model [w ] )
e xc e pt :
p a ss
r et ur n np . a s a r r a y ( s e n t v e c ) / numw
V= [ ]
f o r s e n t e n c e in s e n t e n c e s :
V . a pp en d ( s e n t v e c t o r i z e r ( s e n t en c e , model ) )
# d i v i d e d a t a i n t r o t r a i n i n g and t e s t i n g s e t
X t r a i n = V[ 0 : 6 ]
X t e s t = V [ 6 : 9 ]
# a t t a c h c l a s s l a b e l s
Y t r a i n = [ 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 ]
Y t e s t = [ 0 , 1 , 1 ]
# l o a d d a t a t o MLP c l a s s i f i e r t o p e r f o r m t e x t c l a s s i f i c a t i o n
c l a s s i f i e r = M L P C l a s s i f i e r ( a l p h a = 0 . 7 , m a x i t e r =40 0)
c l a s s i f i e r . f i t ( X t r a i n , Y t r a i n )
d f r e s u l t s = pd . Da t aFram e ( d a t a =np . z e r o s ( s h a p e = ( 1 , 3 ) ) ,
col um n s = [ c l a s s i f i e r , t r a i n s c o r e , t e s t s c o r e ’ ] )
t r a i n s c o r e = c l a s s i f i e r . s c o r e ( X t r a i n , Y t r a i n )
t e s t s c o r e = c l a s s i f i e r . s c o r e ( X t e s t , Y t e s t )
The precision has been computed as the propor-
tion of the examples that truly belong to class X
among all those which were assigned to the class. It
is the ratio of the number of relevant records retrieved
to the total number of irrelevant and relevant records
Precision =
t p
t p+ f p
where tp indicates the number of true positives
and fp indicates the number of false positives.
The recall has been computed as the proportion
of examples that were assigned to class X, among all
the examples that truly belong to the class, i.e., how
much part of the class was captured. It is the ratio of
the number of relevant records retrieved to the total
number of relevant records:
Recall =
t p
t p+ f n
where tp indicates the number of true positives
and fn indicates the number of false negatives.
The F-Measure is a measure of a test’s accuracy.
This score can be interpreted as a weighted average
of the precision and recall:
F-Measure = 2
The RocArea is defined as the probability that a
positive instance randomly chosen is classified above
a negative randomly chosen.
The classification analysis consisted of building
deep learning classifiers with the aim to evaluate the
feature vector accuracy to distinguish between pollut-
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Classification results: Precision, Recall, F-
Measure, RocArea computed with the MLP classification
algorithms. We considered two different deep learning net-
works, the first one with 0 hidden states (i.e., MLP 0), while
the second one with 1 hidden state (i.e., MLP 1).
Algorithm Precision Recall F-Measure RocArea
MLP 0 0.753 0.400 0.563 0.775
MLP 1 0.791 0.756 0.773 0.791
ing and real sentences.
For training the classifier, we defined T as a set of
labeled messages (M, l), where each M is associated
to a label l {IM, NM}. For each M we built a feature
vector F R
, where y is the number of the features
used in training phase.
For the learning phase, we consider a k-fold cross-
validation: the data set is randomly partitioned into k
subsets. A single subset is retained as the validation
data set for testing the model, while the remaining
k 1 subsets of the original data set are used as train-
ing data. We repeated this process for k = 10 times;
each one of the k subsets has been used once as the
validation data set. To obtain a single estimate, we
computed the average of the k results from the folds.
We evaluated the effectiveness of the classification
method with the following procedure:
1. build a training set TD;
2. build a testing set T
= D÷T;
3. run the training phase on T;
4. apply the learned classifier to each element of T’.
Each classification was performed using 90% of
the data set as training data set and 10% as testing
data set employing the full feature set.
To build models able to classify the sentences we
consider Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) (Pal and Mi-
tra, 1992), a class of feedforward artificial neural net-
We consider two neural network MLP-based, whit
a number of hidden layers equal to 0 and to 1.
Table 1 shows the results of the evaluation we per-
From the results of the classification analysis, we
observe that the MLP network with 1 hidden state
(i.e., MLP 1 in Table 1) obtains better performance
that the one with 0 hidden states (i.e., MLP 0 in Table
We obtain a precision equal to 0.753 and a recall
equal to 0.4 with the MLP network with 0 hidden
states, while with regards to the MLP network with
1 hidden state the precision obtained is equal to 0.791
and the recall is equal to 0.756.
Figure 3: Bar chart related to precision metric.
Figure 4: Bar chart related to recall metric.
The bar charts related to precision (in Figure 3)
and recall (in Figure 4) metrics depicted show a com-
parison between the two algorithms.
A method aimed to discriminate between polluting
and real sentences is proposed in this paper. We ex-
ploit word embeddings and deep learning techniques
and we experiment the proposed solution using a real
world data set gathered by the Twitter social network.
As future work, we plan to extend the proposed
method by: (i) evaluating the effectiveness of more
deep neural network, (ii) classifying the sentences by
different type of polluting content (for instance fake
news and spam category), and (iii) considering the
interesting case represented by inter-social-networks,
like in similar studies (e.g., (Cucchiarelli et al., 2012;
Wu et al., 2013)).
This work was partially supported by the H2020 EU
funded project NeCS [GA #675320], by the H2020
EU funded project C3ISP [GA #700294].
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An Innovative Framework for Supporting Social Network Polluting-content Detection and Analysis