Challenging Big Data Engineering: Positioning of Current
and Future Development
Matthias Volk, Daniel Staegemann, Matthias Pohl and Klaus Turowski
Magdeburg Research and Competence Cluster Very Large Business Applications, Faculty of Computer Science,
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
Keywords: Big Data, Engineering, Technology Selection, Decision Support System.
Abstract: This contribution examines the terms of big data and big data engineering, considering the specific
characteristics and challenges. Deduced by those, it concludes the need for new ways to support the creation
of corresponding systems to help big data in reaching its full potential. In the following, the state of the art is
analysed and subdomains in the engineering of big data solutions are presented. In the end, a possible concept
for filling the identified gap is proposed and future perspectives are highlighted.
Big data and the accompanying technologies rank
among the most popular and researched topics of the
last years and have achieved significance influence on
many aspects of daily life. Around the world
scientists as well as practitioners are seeking to
explore, utilize and extend its potentials (Mauro et al.,
2016; Jin et al., 2015). For example the amount of
data created by modern industry already exceeds a
total volume of 1000 exabytes annually (Yin and
Kaynak, 2015). Still, despite the increase of maturity
accomplished by those efforts, there exists a plethora
of challenges that needs to be solved in the future.
One of those stems from the interest big data has
attracted and the subsequently high number of
companies being engaged and offering solutions,
tools and services around the topic (Turck, 2018).
Thus, to achieve the most optimal results, it is
necessary to choose the best fitting tools and
approaches for conducting those kinds of projects.
However, in doing so, lots of pitfalls may occur
that may lead to a lower projects success or even a
complete failure. Those can be related to the
multifaceted nature of the data, their processing as
well as the general management (Sivarajah et al.,
2017). For instance, even the pure testing of a
constructed solution can be a sophisticated task
(Staegemann et al., 2019). Additionally, this situation
is reinforced, by the huge shortage of people that are
able to leverage big data (Debortoli et al., 2014;
Gardiner et al., 2018; Sivarajah et al., 2017).
1.1 Delimitation of Big Data
Apart from the described challenges, a second view
emphasizes the opportunities that one could find in
the analysis of big data, such as fraud detection in IT
log analysis or information retrieval in social media
(Zikopoulos, 2012, p. 12 ff.). However, dealing with
the challenges and problems surrounding big data
constitutes a condition for profitable insights. While,
there is no sole explanation of the term itself, the
definition of the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) is widely accepted and will
therefore also be used in the publication at hand
(NIST, 2015). It introduces the four data
characteristics named, volume, variety, velocity and
Volume indicates the sheer amount of data that
has to be handled in order to fulfill a given task. In
case of big data, that volume excels the capabilities of
commonly used systems and technologies. Therefore,
it is required to apply approaches that are adjusted to
meet those needs. For example transferring all data to
a single high-end server for processing is impractical
because of the bad ratio of time consumed by transfer
to productive work. Although, there is no clearly
defined number where big starts, today some
companies are already working with data in the
petabyte-region (Assunção et al., 2015; Gandomi and
Haider, 2015).
Variety refers to the heterogeneity of data and its
origins. While a plethora of sources compared to a
single one often allows for more comprehensive
Volk, M., Staegemann, D., Pohl, M. and Turowski, K.
Challenging Big Data Engineering: Positioning of Current and Future Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0007748803510358
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2019), pages 351-358
ISBN: 978-989-758-369-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
insights into a topic, the retrieval and handling of data
also gets more demanding for the underlying
technology the higher the number gets. Apart from
that, variety also refers to the inner structure of the
data (structured/semi-structured/unstructured) and
properties like formatting, datatypes or used units.
Those often have to be unified, when combining
different sets of data. Nevertheless this process might
be an additional source of flaws (Gani et al., 2016).
Velocity denominates two things. On the one
hand, it can refer to the speed at which those data are
incoming, regardless of requirements regarding their
processing. On the other hand, it can identify the
speed at which the received data have to be processed.
With the spread of smartphones, smart home
technologies and the ubiquity of sensors, plenty of
data are generated. Assessing those in a timely
manner is not possible with the usage of only
traditional database technology. However huge
potential gains may arise, for instance when used to
create personalized recommendations or optimize
decisions regarding the staffing of a store (Gandomi
and Haider, 2015; Sagiroglu and Sinanc, 2013).
Variability corresponds to the change of the other
characteristics. Since the course of the real world is
not always constant, the same applies for the
generation of data. Therefore, systems handling those
data have to accommodate this fact. This can for
example be caused by special events that trigger
resonance on social media. As a result, the produced
volume might shortly increase, accompanied by a
shift of the composition of received data towards the
format of the affected platform (Katal et al., 2013).
Table 1: Characteristics of big data.
Volume indicates the amount of data
that has to be handled.
Variety refers to the heterogeneity of
data and its sources.
Velocity denominates the speed in
which data are incoming and the speed
at which received data have to be
Variability corresponds to the change of
the other characteristics.
Those characteristics, depicted in Table 1, lead to
certain requirements concerning the building of
corresponding systems. For example the high volume
makes it important to ensure a high degree of
scalability to keep up with likely growing workloads.
Since the potential of vertical growth is extremely
limited, instead horizontal expansion is pursued. This
approach offers far more possibilities and is usually
handled by distributing the necessary calculations
over a multitude of servers running on commodity
hardware (McAfee and Brynjolfsson, 2012). It allows
to handle huge amounts of data, while reducing costs
for customization or high-tech premiums, therefore
allowing for a better cost-performance ratio.
Furthermore this approach constitutes a solution for
the demands that go along with the aforementioned
velocity. Meanwhile the variety results in a need to
harmonize and convert related data for the sake of
analyzing it. It is also common for data to be
incomplete or incorrect, therefore lacking in data
quality (Taleb et al., 2018). This in turn necessitates
measures for detection and correction of flaws
concerning the data quality.
The activities of creating those systems fall into
the category of engineering, which is concerned with
the purposeful and planful design and construction of
means to transform the reality towards a desired state
(Rogers, 1983). Though, the generalistic nature of
this explanation dimishes the applicability on today’s
information systems. Therefore, a more precise
expression for the given challenges would be systems
engineering. This term describes the combination of
several interacting elements to solve a problem
(Wasson, 2016).
However, this definition still lacks on the
emphasis of software. The process of engineering
software is defined as the application of a
systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the
development, operation, and maintenance of
software (IEEE, 2017, p. 8). Considering the
interplay of different software and hardware solutions
to fullfill the identified needs in big data system
engineering, the aspects of both disciplines have to be
factored in. Additionally, as a consequence of all
highlighted specifics, depicted in Table 1, one can
note that the engineering process in this particular
area brings up even more deliberations.
In (ISO, 2014, p. 6) big data engineering is
explained as the storage and data manipulation
technologies that leverage a collection of
horizontally coupled resources to achieve a nearly
linear scalability in performance. Yet, this statement
ignores the specifics of the big data characteristics,
possibly being too vague for practical application.
Along with this, it doesn’t accommodate the
increased difficulty of testing due to the high
complexity of the resulting systems (Tao and Gao,
Therefore we define big data engineering as a
systematic approach of designing, implementing,
testing, running and maintaining scalable systems,
combining software and hardware, that are able to
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
gather, store, process and analyze huge volumes of
varying data, even at high velocities”.
1.2 Challenges of Big Data Engineering
As pointed out, the challenges of big data engineering
are strongly related to the specific requirements
accompanying the task. Handling huge volumes of
data in different formats at high speeds, while
maintaining resiliency and data security, can be very
challenging. Thus it is uncommon for typical
enterprises, that are interested in the usage of big data,
to develop their own system from scratch. Instead,
existing solutions and tools are combined to fullfill
the specific needs. Though, due to the sheer amount
of those offerings, the proper selection of the
solutions and the employees designated to administer
and operate them has developed into a cumbersome
and challenging task (Szyperski et al., 2016). Since
experts in the area of big data are rare, many
enterprises lack the appropriate expertise for this
purpose, potentially stalling or even impeding big
data projects (Sagiroglu and Sinanc, 2013).
Therefore we argue, that big data can only unfold
its full potential, if its application is made more
accessible by supporting the engineering of
corresponding systems, allowing more enterprises to
Due to its popularity and the subsequent efforts, big
data reached a high maturity in recent years,
especially in terms of its definition, characteristics
and applications. However, the general engineering
activities are less extensively researched, compared to
its foundation. In most of the cases, this is restricted
to adjacent areas. As a consequence, only few
contributions have been identified targeting multiple
subdomains of big data engineering.
In (Fekete and Vossen, 2015) the authors
highlight the complexity of the term big data in
context of already existing solutions, such as data
warehouse architectures. Through the continuous
introduction of novel ideas and technologies, the
difficulty of a big data-related project realization is
steadily increasing. This led, for instance, to a
widespread uncertainty about technology choices,
combinations and especially their implementation,
even though a goal and requirements exist. According
to the authors, a layer-based reference architecture
appears to be a suitable solution in context of this. As
an artifact, the Goal-Oriented Business Intelligence
Architectures (GOBIA) method is introduced,
consisting out of a reference architecture and a five-
stepped development process. Originated on a similar
baseline, the contribution by (Volk et al., 2018)
provides a classification approach for big data
technologies. Driven by the current situation, that lots
of confusion in respect to big data technologies, their
application and description exists, the BDTonto
ontology was developed. The structure is
predominantly oriented on the crucial steps of a big
data project and the operations performed in each
phase. Through the extraction and alignment of the
needed technology information, a classification is
utilized. Compared to the initially proposed GOBIA
approach, requirements and reference architectures
are neglected in here. However, the authors deal in
other contributions with this subdomain, such as in
(Volk et al., 2017) with focus on requirements
engineering and the project realization.
A description of similar activities, with regard to
various technologies is also provided in (Oussous et
al., 2018). By highlighting challenges, located on the
individual levels of big data, numerous descriptions
and a comparison of a multitude of technologies are
given. Another comprehensive approach is presented
by (Lehmann et al., 2016), in addition to a layered
reference framework, also a method for the selection
of big data technologies is provided. While the first
attempts to distinguish and classify technologies,
without explicitly naming specific manifestations, the
second supports the selection procedure. Within the
description of each layer, distinct properties are
highlighted and exemplary technologies presented.
The method itself, called Strategy Time Analytics
Data Technology (S.T.A.D.T) Selection Framework
(SSF), thereby represents a multi-stepped procedure.
Starting with the strategy, a tactical plan,
decomposing a use case into storage, processing and
analytics, is formulated. Afterwards, each element is
aligned to the layers and further process steps of SSF,
which in combination describe the main building
blocks. In the further steps, the remaining
requirements of the use-case are investigated and
integrated. By the identification of the processing
types, used methods and the handled data, a
technology selection is refined.
Despite the fact, that no clear definition or relation
to big data engineering is given, all contributions are
concerned with the realization of big data projects and
the respective systems. The same applies for
contributions, which are not further described within
this section. Consequently the subdomains
requirements engineering, project realization,
technology selection and reference architectures were
Challenging Big Data Engineering: Positioning of Current and Future Development
deduced as major areas of interest. In the following,
those are further examined, to highlight current
challenges and future developments.
Within the following sub-section, each of the
identified subdomains will be described in context of
the area big data. Additionally to that, potentials as
well as challenges will be identified and summarized
in Table 2.
3.1 Requirements Engineering (RE)
When it comes to the realization of projects, one
initial activity is always represented by the
requirements engineering procedure. In context of
system development, requirements describe the
desired behaviour of the system, relevant properties
as well as attributes (Sommerville and Sawyer, 1997).
However big data projects reveal distinct properties
compared to regular IT projects as it was previously
highlighted, for instance, by the data characteristics.
According to Volk et al., big data projects can be
described as an objective-oriented temporary
endeavor with a precisely defined timeframe, whose
implementation requires a combined use of specific
big data technologies(Volk et al., 2017, p. 3). As a
consequence, the requirements engineering
procedure in big data projects differs from
conventional IT projects. By combining compound
big data requirements with a classification framework
and typical project realization approaches, in (Volk et
al., 2017) a method for the sense-making of those
projects in early stages is presented. Hence,
practitioners are forced to start with an in-depth
The previously referred compound requirements
are also part of the investigations conducted by
(Arruda and Madhavji, 2018). In their literature
review the current situation of RE in big data is
analyzed. In doing so, the authors highlight the
importance of a thorough and comprehensive
observation of big data relevant facets. Additionally
to the specific big data technologies, also their
selection, combination, integration and rapid changes
are mentioned. Due to the reason that some of the
most prevailing challenges are related to the sole
formulation, testability and recognition of big data
characteristics, plenty of future research is required.
Despite the fact that the authors were able to identify
initial approaches, they conclude that only a little
amount research was carried out so far (Arruda and
Madhavji, 2018).
Further contributions, such as (Altarturi et al.,
2017), propose a big data requirements model, which
can be used for the instantiation of the project. It
basically consists out of multiple steps performed by
the requirements engineer as well as the data scientist
to obtain a comprehensive view from various
perspectives. Yet, this selection of contributions
represents only an excerpt of current investigations.
3.2 Technology Selection (TS)
An important aspect of big data engineering arises
with the application of those kinds of projects.
Currently a multitude of technologies, tools and
services exist (Turck, 2018), that lead with their sheer
amount to lots of confusion. Although an ambitioned
community exists beyond almost every single
solution, the selection of application-specific tools
and technologies requires plenty of effort (Philip
Chen and Zhang, 2014). Reinforced by the
continuous appearance of innovations and
alternatives, several potentials as well as challenges
can be identified. At its first glance, an increase of
new solutions appears to be daunting. Nevertheless,
by the composition of very specific solutions,
incorporating new introductions or consolidations, a
tailored system architecture can be facilitated. Hence,
practitioners pursuing always an up-to-date solution
are able to adapt rapidly to recent competitive needs.
However, it should not be neglected, that each of
those solutions has its own requirements and
properties. The composition of an architecture
requires lots of expertise and knowledge (Zicari et al.,
2016). This is not restricted to the initial requirements
that are formulating functional aspects, data
characteristics and other constraints. Further aspects,
such as the compatibility to other manifestations or
the used licences have to be considered as well. Thus
it is not surprising that the demand of experts in this
area is constantly rising (Debortoli et al., 2014;
Gardiner et al., 2018). At the current time, only a fair
amount of approaches have been found, that attempt
to provide clarity in this particular field. Either by
classifying existing tools and technologies (Oussous
et al., 2018; Volk et al., 2018) or selecting them
(Lehmann et al., 2016). In most of the cases those are
also linked to architectural recommendations, such as
in the case of (Pääkkönen and Pakkala, 2015) that
proposed a classification of various tools and
technologies while introducing a compound reference
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
3.3 Project Realization (PR)
Regarding the expertise that is needed for data
science in the context of big data engineering, a big
data project has to be considered from a business, a
statistics, a machine learning, a domain and an
engineering perspective (NIST, 2015). On the one
hand, the domain view depends on the use-case as
well as data semantics and cannot be generalized. On
the other hand, an analysis of costs, benefits and risks
as a description of a business case covers the
business-related aspects and leads to a decision if a
project should be conducted or not (van Putten et al.,
2013; Taschner, 2017). Cost-benefit analysis and
business case development can be highly complex
and depend distinctively on the stakeholders of a
From a statistics/machine learning perspective, a
concept like knowledge discovery in databases
(KDD) (Fayyad et al., 1996) or the further matured
framework CRISP-DM (Shearer, 2000) are widely
used within the scope of data-related projects. Based
on a business and data understanding, the selected
data can be prepared and modelled. Evaluated results
are further deployable to the target (e.g. database,
application) regarding the purpose of the project.
These steps stake out the broad lines, even though, the
detailed elaboration has to be conducted by data
scientists for instance. The most important part is
attributed to the engineering point of view.
Referencing to the already described definition
provided by the NIST, the data life cycle, including
data collection, preparation, analysis, visualization
and accessing (NIST, 2015) guides the technical
project development. Further, an information-related
approach, involving data creation, information
consolidation, information utilization, information
preservation as well as information archiving (Thome
and Sollbach, 2007, p. 22) could also be considered.
However, engineering is constantly challenging in
regards to big data and an overall concept that meshes
on the data level is desirable. The complexity from
technical and project organization perspective is
immense in respect to business objectives and needed
key capabilities (Zicari et al., 2016). An
interdisciplinary project approach has to combine
technical, domain-specific as well as business aspects
and reveals project related skillsets.
3.4 Reference Architectures (RA)
In order to overcome the complexity of these related
subdomains, especially the TS and PR, lots of effort
is put into the development of architectural solutions.
Those system architectures focus on fundamental
concepts or properties of a system, to encompass all
elements and their relationships (IEEE, 2011). Due to
the nature of big data and its characteristics, described
in section 1.1, the development demands the
consideration of various requirements. As a
consequence, reference architectures gained huge
popularity in the area of big data, since the initial
introduction of the Lambda architecture by Nathan
Marz (2011).
According to Vogel et al. (2011), reference
architectures combine the “general architecture
knowledge and general experience with specific
requirements for a coherent architectural solution for
a specific problem domain. They document the
structures of the system, the main system building
blocks, their responsibilities, and their interactions”
(Vogel et al., 2011, p. 232). Further approaches are
for instance the Kappa (Kreps, 2014), Bolster (Nadal
et al., 2017) and Solid architecture (Martínez-Prieto
et al., 2015). All of them constitute extensions or
alterations of the Lambda architecture. The Kappa
architecture, for instance, devotes the reduction of the
maintenance by scaling the initially two proposed
layers into only a single one (Kreps, 2014).
Apart from the application of very specific
approaches, also some general reference architectures
exist, serving more as a kind of a best-practice. While
the first mostly offers specific implementation and
technology selection details, the latter only provide a
rough structure. Those are predominantly based on
the previously described project realization
workflows, consisting out of various lifecycle steps.
However, the use of a specific approach does not
necessarily imply that concrete technical details are
described. Depending on the scope, this can also be
limited on functional aspects only (Vogel et al.,
2011). One highly regarded approach was proposed
by Pääkkönen and Pakkala (Pääkkönen and Pakkala,
2015). In here, the main components were identified
and mapped to the crucial steps of a project
realization, through the comparison of real-world use
However, while considering one of those
solutions, the problem remains at which point in time
a specific reference architecture should be applied.
Depending on a multitude of attributes, the selection
of the most suitable approach is a comprehensive
task. The final decision eventually has high influence
on the project and, therefore, will decide on its
success or failure. Thus, this particular subdomain
offers, as all other subdomains, lots of potentials, such
as best-practices or decision support for technology
selection. Nevertheless, also huge challenges can be
Challenging Big Data Engineering: Positioning of Current and Future Development
identified, like the careful choice of a reference
architecture. A summary, highlighting all identified
potentials and challenges of all subdomains, is given
in Table 2.
Table 2: Derived potentials and challenges.
detailed planning;
consideration of
various big data
relevant aspects
requires an depth
formulation of the
frequent changes;
distinct features;
tailored solutions;
innovations and
multifaceted data;
compatibilities; system
requirements and license;
existing systems;
outdated solutions;
bus. objectives;
project approach
skill matching;
collaboration strategies;
complexity of projects
best-practices; imp.
identifying required
input information;
choosing the RA;
According to the aforementioned subdomains, one
can observe, that the area of big data engineering, and
thus the realization of these specific projects, is
getting more and more complex. Thus, we argue, that
in future development the focus will shift on the
facilitation of the contiguous big data engineering
tasks. Besides the sole application of best-practices
and reference architectures, described in beforehand,
a realization of a comprehensive supporting solution
appears to be promising. By covering all identified
subdomains, this could be realized, for instance, by a
comprehensive knowledge-driven decision support
system (DSS). Considering the previously made
observation, this could be structured and used as
exemplarily illustrated in Figure 1. As an input, the
decision maker needs to deliver the needed
information. This can be managed as described by
Volk et al. (Volk et al., 2017) through an initial RE
procedure, during which a combination of
requirements and characteristics could be developed.
In doing so, also important operations should be
introduced to the system, which are often related to
the various phases of the data life-cycle. This includes
for instance data generation and transformation
methods. The benefits of this initial procedure are
two-folded. First, the project itself is getting planned
in a thorough manner. Second, the input information,
required for the DSS, deliver as many details as
possible. The input data itself could be realized by
directly inserting the developed requirements.
Afterwards, these could be decomposed and analysed
by applying additional natural language processing
techniques. Alternatively, preconfigured input
options, mapping the basic structure of the
requirements, could be provided. In any case, a
cooperative strategy appears to be desirable, at which
the respective user interacts with the systems.
Whenever adjustments are needed, modifications of
the initial inputs should be allowed. This can be
realised by the provided user interface that represents
a crucial part of a DSS (Nižetić et al., 2007).
Decision Maker
I. Big Data Technology Selection
II. Suitable Reference Architectures
III. Minimum System Requirements
IV. Programming Language Skills
V. Minimum Software Cost
<<execution environment>>
User Interface
The Decision Support System
Inference Unit
Big Data Project Recommendation
Deployed System
Figure 1: The proposed solution.
Afterwards the DSS analyses the data through the
application of various models. In this particular case,
a rule-based inference unit could be applied, due to
the diversity of the data (Nižetić et al., 2007).
Through the use of an easy to adapt and extend
solution, such as the BDTonto ontology or the SSF
(cp. Section 2), a comprehensive knowledge base can
be provided. Compared to other approaches, this
would assure long-term usability, even in such a fast
evolving field. The generated output of the DSS can
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
be manifold. Besides the sole recommendation about
technological considerations, also suitable reference
architectures and specifications required for
implementation purposes could be determined. This
might also include information, needed for the
relevant stakeholders of the projects and, thus,
persons directly involved. For example, a list of skills,
that are mandatory for the implementation and
utilization of the planned system, could be forwarded
to the human resources department. This would
facilitate the recruitment of appropriate experts, as it
was tried by other authors through the investigation
of current job descriptions (Gardiner et al., 2018).
Furthermore, the generated output could be redirected
to automatically create a model for a better overview,
a deployment or both. Hence, the system might be
also capable to pass through the results to another
system realizing an automated provisioning of the
given recommendation. In consequence of an
enhanced use of such a solution, multiple benefits are
expectable, for both researchers as well as
practitioners. First and foremost, the general relation
between the various subdomains of big data can be
uncovered. By providing such kind of a clarification,
in the jungle of big data, the needs of the required
knowledge of a related project can be specified in
more detail. As a consequence, this might have a
beneficial influence on the general demand of big
data experts, data scientist and other related position
titles. Because of the initial decision support, specific
needs in terms of skills and knowledge can be
identified, especially for current job descriptions. By
reducing the general confusion, the acceptancy and
willingness of an application of big data may rise.
Thus, enterprises could profit on a large scale, even
though such a system would be only utilized as a first
quick-check whether it is reasonable to apply big data
technologies or not.
In this work, the term of big data engineering was
investigated and also defined. Along with this, the
current challenges as well as potentials were
highlighted for each subdomain. As it has been
observed, currently a lot of uncertainty and confusion
exists. A first step facilitating this situation was
presented through the idea of a structured utilization
of a DSS. In the future, those systems could be highly
beneficial, freeing the time needed for the planning
for the actual realization.
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IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security