Every University Should Have a Computer-Based Testing Facility
Craig Zilles
1 a
, Matthew West
2 b
, Geoffrey Herman
1 c
and Timothy Bretl
3 d
Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.
Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.
Assessment, Higher Education, Computer, Exams, Frequent Testing, Second-chance.
For the past five years we have been operating a Computer-Based Testing Facility (CBTF) as the pri-
mary means of summative assessment in large-enrollment STEM-oriented classes. In each of the last three
semesters, it has proctored over 50,000 exams for over 6,000 unique students in 25–30 classes. Our CBTF has
simultaneously improved the quality of assessment, allowed the testing of computational skills, and reduced
the recurring burden of performing assessment in a broad collection of STEM-oriented classes, but it does
require an up-front investment to develop the digital exam content. We have found our CBTF to be secure,
cost-effective, and well liked by our faculty, who choose to use it semester after semester. We believe that
there are many institutions that would similarly benefit from having a Computer-Based Testing Facility.
Exams are a commonly-used mechanism for sum-
mative assessment in postsecondary education, es-
pecially in introductory courses. At many univer-
sities, however, introductory courses are large (e.g.,
200+ students), presenting logistical challenges to
running traditional pencil-and-paper exams, includ-
ing requesting space, printing exams, proctoring,
timely grading, and handling conflict exams (Mul-
doon, 2012; Zilles et al., 2015). These practical con-
cerns place a significant burden on faculty and their
course staff and generally dictate many aspects of how
exams are organized.
Unfortunately, because exams are traditionally de-
signed for summative assessment only, faculty seldom
use them in ways designed to improve students’ learn-
ing. However, exams can be formative in function as
well, providing a critical mechanism to improve stu-
dents’ metacognition, prime them for future learning,
and help them retain knowledge for longer (Pyc and
Rawson, 2010; Rawson and Dunlosky, 2012). When
exams are given only once, there is no incentive for
students to re-learn material. In contrast, when ex-
ams are used in a mastery-based learning context, stu-
dents are required to review and master material be-
fore moving on, deepening their learning and helping
them take advantage of the feedback that exams pro-
vide (Kulik and Kulik, 1987; Bloom, 1968). In ad-
dition to mastery-based paradigms, spaced testing of
the same concept over time and frequent testing are
two additional techniques that can help students learn
content more quickly and retain it for longer. Unfor-
tunately, most exams keep testing new content, rarely
returning to previously tested material. Furthermore,
the high cost of running exams leads to the use of only
a few exams in a course, and they tend to be very high
In an effort to mitigate the tension between prac-
tical and pedagogical concerns in running exams
for large classes, we developed our Computer-Based
Testing Facility (CBTF, Figure 1). The CBTF’s
goal is to improve the exam experience for everyone
involved—students, faculty, and course staff. Four
concepts are central to achieving this goal. First, by
running the exams on computers, we can write com-
plex, authentic (e.g., numeric, programming, graph-
ical, design) questions that are auto-gradable, allow-
ing us to test a broad set of learning objectives with
minimal grading time and providing students with
immediate feedback. Second, rather than write in-
dividual questions, we endeavor to write question
generators—small pieces of code that use random-
Zilles, C., West, M., Herman, G. and Bretl, T.
Every University Should Have a Computer-Based Testing Facility.
DOI: 10.5220/0007753304140420
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 414-420
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: The Computer-based Testing Facility (CBTF) is
a dedicated, proctored computer lab for summative assess-
ment using complex, authentic items, which permits stu-
dents to schedule exams around their other commitments.
ness to produce a collection of problems—allowing
us to give each student different questions and per-
mitting the problem generators to be used semester
after semester. Third, because each student has a
unique exam, we allow students to schedule their ex-
ams at a time convenient to them within a specified
day range, providing flexibility to students, avoiding
the need to manage conflict exams, and allowing very
large classes to be tested in a relatively small facil-
ity. Finally, because exam scheduling and proctoring
is handled completely by the CBTF, once faculty have
their exam content, it is no more effort to run smaller,
more frequent exams, which reduces anxiety for some
students (Adkins and Linville, 2017; Kuo and Simon,
2009). Furthermore, exams can become more for-
mative as instructors can offer second-chance exams
to struggling students with relative ease, giving these
students a reason to review and demonstrate mastery
of concepts that they missed on an exam.
Now operating in its fifth year, our CBTF has be-
come a resource that faculty have come to rely on.
In each of the past three semesters, the CBTF has
proctored more than 50,000 mid-term and final exams
for more than 6,000 unique students enrolled in more
than 25 classes. In addition, the CBTF has changed
how we teach, leading to more frequent assessment,
improved student learning (Nip et al., 2018) and the
re-introduction of more open-ended assignments.
This position paper advocates for other uni-
versities to explore and adopt Computer-Based
Testing Facilities to improve assessment at their
institutions. We write this paper motivated
by the belief that our institution is not unique
in its need to offer large enrollment STEM
courses nor in its perceived tension between
best practice assessment and logistical overhead with
pencil-and-paper exams in these classes.
We of-
fer our CBTF implementation as a starting point for
these investigations, as it is a model that has with-
stood the test of time and has been operated at scale.
To this end, this paper briefly summarizes salient de-
tails about the implementation, philosophy, learning
benefits, security, and faculty and student experience
with the CBTF.
In principle, a CBTF implementation is straight for-
ward. It consists of five main components: 1) a phys-
ical space with computers, 2) software for delivering
exams, 3) the class-specific exam content, 4) staff to
proctor exams, and 5) a means for scheduling stu-
dents into exam times. While details of the implemen-
tation, which are discussed elsewhere (Zilles et al.,
2018a), are important for handling exam accommo-
dations, ensuring security, and providing faculty with
the information they need without the burden of ex-
cessive communication, there are two concepts that
are central to the implementation: question random-
ization and asynchronous exams.
In our transition to computerized exams, we’ve
gone to great effort to not dumb down our exams.
While many learning management systems (LMS)
only support auto-grading of a small range of ques-
tions types (e.g., multiple choice, matching), the
PrairieLearn LMS (West et al., 2015; West, url) pro-
vides complete flexibility (i.e., the full capabilities of
a web browser) to problem authors. This means that
we’re capable of asking numerical, symbolic, draw-
ing, and programming questions, basically any ques-
tion type where the answer can be objectively graded
by writing a computer program to score the answer.
Furthermore, many PrairieLearn questions are writ-
ten as question generators (Gierl and Haladyna, 2012)
that can produce a wide range of question instances
by including a short computer program to randomly
select parameters or configurations of the question.
By writing generators, we can give each student their
own instances of the problems and reuse the genera-
tors for homework and exams semester after semester,
without worrying about students getting an advantage
from having access to old solutions.
In addition, we’ve found that running exams asyn-
chronously, where students take the exam at different
This belief is validated by the existence of the Eval-
uation and Proficiency Center (DeMara et al., 2016) at the
University of Central Florida, which was developed concur-
rently with our CBTF and shares much with it in the way of
philosophy and implementation.
Every University Should Have a Computer-Based Testing Facility
times in a given exam window, is key to the efficiency
of the CBTF. First, it would be expensive to provision
a computer lab large enough for our largest classes
(500+ students), and, second, it is practically impos-
sible to get all of the students in a large class to take
the exam at the same time due to illnesses and con-
flicts. Instead, we run our 85-seat CBTF roughly 12
hours a day, seven days a week and allow students the
choice of when to take their exam during a 2–4 day
exam period. Students make and change their reser-
vations using a fully-automated web-based schedul-
ing tool and they love the flexibility provided by this
aspect of the CBTF (Zilles et al., 2018b).
Many instructors are initially wary of running ex-
ams asynchronously, because of the potential for stu-
dents to collude to pass information from early test
takers to later test takers. The key to mitigating
this concern is to generate random exams for each
student where not only are the problem parameters
changed (i.e., problem generators are used), but the
problems/generators are drawn from pools of prob-
lems. Such a strategy makes it harder for students
to collect complete information about the exam and
harder to memorize (rather than learn) all of that in-
formation. An empirical study found that randomiz-
ing question parameters and selecting problems from
a pool of 2–4 problems was sufficient to make in-
significant the informational advantage from collud-
ing with other students (Chen et al., 2017; Chen et al.,
A side-effect of running exams on computers is
that it enables us to test a student’s ability to use a
computer in problem solving. This benefit is most
obvious in programming-oriented exams where stu-
dents can compile, test, and debug their code before
submitting it for grading (Carrasquel et al., 1985), a
much more authentic scenario for programming than
writing code on paper. Perhaps less obvious, though,
is that this capability is also valued in our engineering
courses, which are trying to tightly integrate computa-
tion into their curricula. Computerized exams permit
these courses to pose non-trivial problems to students
that require them to write small programs or use com-
putational tools to produce solutions.
Our implementation of the CBTF has proven to
be cost effective. We estimate that exams offered in
the CBTF have an amortized cost of between 1 and 2
dollars each, including scheduling, proctoring, grad-
ing, and supplies (Zilles et al., 2018a).
By far, our
biggest expense is personnel, but the CBTF’s econ-
omy of scale makes even its staffing cost effective
relative to courses proctoring their own exams. Our
This cost estimate does not include the cost of the space
or utilities, which were too hard to isolate.
costs are an order of magnitude lower than commer-
cial proctoring services.
By delegating much of the work of proctoring to
the CBTF and the work of grading to computer pro-
grams, we free up faculty and course staff resources
for higher-value activities in courses. Our goal is not
automation for automation’s sake, but rather to au-
tomate tasks that are improved through automation
(e.g., web-based homework systems can provide im-
mediate feedback, provide an endless supply of prob-
lems, and be adaptive) to allow the humans to focus
on the tasks that cannot be effectively automated (e.g.,
one-on-one question answering, grading open-ended
projects). We believe that the CBTF improves testing
by enabling faculty to offer shorter, more-frequent ex-
ams (Bangert-Drowns et al., 1991), by providing stu-
dents immediate feedback (Kulik and Kulik, 1988),
and by enabling faculty to offer second-chance tests
Furthermore, we don’t advocate that auto-graded
questions need to make up the entirety of a course’s
summative assessment. To date we’ve had the most
success writing auto-graded questions for “building
block” skills and structured design tasks in STEM
courses. For courses that want to include higher-level,
open-ended, or integrative tasks (e.g., creative design,
requirements gathering, critique), we recommend a
blended assessment strategy where the CBTF is used
for the objectively gradable tasks and subjective grad-
ing tasks are performed manually. In fact, we’ve
seen a number of large-enrollment courses reintro-
duce team activities, lab reports, and projects because
the teaching assistants are no longer burdened with
traditional exam proctoring and grading.
In general, it is our view that proctoring exams
and checking the correctness of completely correct
answers is not a good use of highly-skilled faculty and
teaching assistant time. For example, the wide spread
practice in introductory programming classes of hav-
ing teaching assistants grade pencil-and-paper pro-
gramming exams by “compiling” student code in their
heads seems particularly inefficient. Instead, faculty
and course staff time can be directed to improving stu-
dent learning through more face time with students
and developing better materials for the course. Our
experience has been that not only do students highly
Second-chance testing is the practice of providing stu-
dents feedback about what they got wrong on an exam,
permitting them to remediate the material, and then offer-
ing them a second (equivalent but different) exam for some
form of partial grade replacement.
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
value these activities, but faculty and staff prefer them
to doing routine exam grading.
In addition to the reduction in recurring grading ef-
fort and exam logistics, the biggest motivation for us-
ing the CBTF is improved learning outcomes. Two
quasi-experimental studies have been performed in
the CBTF that had the same basic structure. In both
cases, a course taught by the same faculty mem-
ber was compared from one semester to the same
semester in the following year. An effort was made to
ensure that the only thing that changed in the course
was to convert some of the summative assessment to
use the CBTF. Student learning was compared across
semesters through the use of a retained pencil-and-
paper final exam.
In the first experiment (Morphew et al., 2019), a
sophomore-level mechanics of materials course was
modified to replace two two-hour pencil-and-paper
mid-terms with five 50-minute exams in the CBTF,
each with a second-chance exam offered in the fol-
lowing week. As shown in Figure 2, the more fre-
quent testing enabled by the CBTF led to a more than
halving of the number of D and F grades and a dou-
bling of the number of A grades on an identical re-
tained final exam.
Figure 2: Replacing long pencil-and-paper mid-terms with
shorter, more frequent computer-based exams led to a re-
duction of failing grades on the final exam and a commen-
surate increase in the number of A grades.
In the second experiment (Nip et al., 2018), a
junior-level programming languages course was mod-
ified to convert its two two-hour pencil-and-paper
mid-terms into two, two-hour computer-based exams
in the CBTF. In addition, four of the 11 programming
assignments were no longer collected, but instead stu-
dents were asked to go to the CBTF to re-write a ran-
dom fifth of the assignment in the CBTF. As shown
in Figure 3, the combination of the computerized ex-
ams, the higher level of accountability for the pro-
gramming assignments, and the more frequent testing
enabled by the CBTF, all led to a substantial reduction
in the number of failing grades on the final exam.
Figure 3: Replacing pencil-and-paper mid-terms (2014)
with computer-based exams and requiring portions of four
programming assignments to be re-written in the CBTF
(2015) led to a significant reduction in the number of failing
grades on the final exam.
Faculty and students are both overwhelmingly
positive about shorter, more frequent exams (Zilles
et al., 2018b). Students prefer them because each
exam is less stressful, because it is a smaller fraction
of their overall grade. Faculty like them because they
prevent student procrastination. As one faculty mem-
ber said:
“The CBTF has allowed us to move from a
standard 3-midterm model to a weekly quiz
model. As a result, students are staying on
top of the material, which has made a sub-
stantial impact to their learning, but also feeds
back into the lecture and lab components of
our course. Students are more participatory in
these sections because they have not fallen be-
hind.” (Zilles et al., 2018b)
Faculty on the whole are very positive about their ex-
perience with the CBTF; we provide here an overview
of findings from a collection of surveys of faculty
users of the CBTF (Zilles et al., 2018b). The majority
find that the CBTF reduces their effort to run exams,
reduces their effort to deal with student exceptions,
improves student learning in their course, and im-
proves their ability to test computational skills. Fur-
Every University Should Have a Computer-Based Testing Facility
Figure 4: Scaling properties of CBTF exams in terms of instructor effort. Left: traditional exams are less effort for a small
number of students, but CBTF exams become more efficient for hundreds of students in a course. Right: CBTF exams require
more up-front effort to create pools of question generators, but are much less effort to repeat in the future.
thermore, these faculty see the CBTF as a necessity to
support enrollment growth, and half of those we sur-
veyed would be willing to accept a reduced number
of teaching assistants to be able to continue using the
CBTF. Faculty demonstrate that they value the CBTF
through their actions as well; in the past 4 semesters,
90% of courses have returned to the CBTF in the next
semester that the course was offered, and many fac-
ulty that have used the CBTF introduce it into new
courses as their teaching assignments change.
The biggest hurdle to adoption of the CBTF in
a course is the up-front investment required to de-
velop the digitized exam content. In addition, one’s
exam construction mind set has to change, as some
commonly-used practices (e.g., questions with multi-
ple dependent parts) aren’t as appropriate for comput-
erized exams. As one faculty member stated, “CBTF
exams are *not* a drop-in replacement for traditional
pencil-and-paper exams. They are different. Your ex-
ams (and policies) have to change. We recommend
that courses develop auto-graded questions and de-
ploy them as homework for a semester before offering
computerized exams. This ensures that enough con-
tent will be available and that questions are tested in a
low stakes environment before being used on exams.
Another faculty member noted, “It is easy to underes-
timate how much effort it is to develop good question
Our experience has been, however, that this invest-
ment pays off quickly with reduced recurring exam
construction, proctoring, and grading time, especially
in large classes (see Figure 4). With question gen-
erators and question pools resulting in unique exams
for each student, faculty can heavily reuse their exam
content from semester to semester with less concern
for exam security. Most faculty then focus on in-
crementally refining and enhancing their exam con-
tent rather than unproductively churning out new ex-
ams each semester. In addition, we’ve found that
the necessity for the grading scheme to be designed
before the question is given to students (in order
to implement an auto-grader) has led many faculty
to think more deeply about what learning objectives
their questions are testing and the design of their ex-
ams. One faculty remarked:
“This has revolutionized assessment in my
course. It is much more systematic, the ques-
tion quality is much improved, and my TAs
and myself can focus on preparing questions
(improving questions), rather than grading.
Over the CBTF’s lifetime, a number of student
surveys have been performed; we summarize here
salient findings of those surveys (Zilles et al., 2018b).
Student satisfaction with the CBTF is broadly high,
as shown in Figure 5. Many students appreciate the
asynchronous nature of CBTF exams, which allows
them to be scheduled at convenient times of the day
and around deadlines in other courses. In addition,
students find the policies to be reasonable, find oppor-
tunities to take second-chance exams to be valuable
for their learning, and like getting immediate feed-
back on their exam performance. Finally, students
generally prefer more frequent testing because each
exam is less anxiety provoking, as they are each worth
a smaller portion of the final grade. Some students,
however, report fatigue from frequent testing, espe-
cially if they are taking multiple CBTF-using courses.
In light of the learning gains presented above, which
we largely attribute to more frequent testing, the op-
timal frequency of testing considering both cognitive
and affective impacts is a question that deserves fur-
ther study.
In our surveys, we found that computer science
and electrical/computer engineering students are dis-
proportionately fond of the CBTF. In part, these stu-
dents are more comfortable with computers generally
and benefit from taking programming exams on com-
puters where they can compile, test, and debug their
programs to avoid losing points to easy to find bugs.
CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 5: Many more students are satisfied than dissatisfied
with CBTF exams (in relation to pencil-and-paper exams).
In addition, these computing-oriented students have
a lot of prior experience with finicky all-or-nothing
systems like compilers. In contrast, the physical en-
gineering disciplines report below average affinity for
the CBTF, and their primary concern is the manner
that partial credit is granted in the CBTF. While many
exams in the CBTF grant partial credit for students
that can arrive at the correct answer on their 2nd or
3rd attempt (for example), the auto-graders give no
credit if the student answer doesn’t meet any of the
desired criteria. This is in stark contrast (for the stu-
dents) to common practice in paper exams in STEM
subjects, where partial credit is often granted to stu-
dents that correctly do some of the set-up steps (e.g.,
writing relevant equations) in problem solving ques-
tions even if the calculation isn’t performed correctly.
DeMara et al. have developed a technique that
they call score clarification that simultaneously im-
proves student satisfaction with auto-graded exams
and induces deeper metacognition in students about
the questions they got wrong (DeMara et al., 2018).
With score clarification, the students’ scratch paper
is scanned when they complete the exam. Then, af-
ter the exam period is over, students can review their
exam, the correct answers to their questions, and their
scratch paper under the supervision of a TA. Students
can then (verbally) make a case to the TA to get some
partial credit by demonstrating how their scratch rep-
resents part of the solution process and an understand-
ing of how they failed to reach the correct answer.
Key to this process relative to traditional partial credit
grading is that it is the student that has to reconcile
their work with the correct answer and articulate why
they deserve credit. We have begun prototyping score
clarification at our CBTF with similar positive results.
Lastly, the majority of students report that the
CBTF is more secure than traditional pencil-and-
paper exams (Zilles et al., 2018b). Student comments
explain how the CBTF’s physical and electronic secu-
rity prevents common cheating strategies and indicate
that “CBTF staff check for cheating more intensely
than instructors in regular tests”. Students are surpris-
ingly positive about the inclusion of security cameras
in the CBTF; student written comments on the survey
suggest that most students want an exam environment
that doesn’t encourage cheating. A number of stu-
dents did remark that it is commonplace for students
after leaving the CBTF to discuss their exams with
friends waiting to take that same exam. These anec-
dotes only reinforce our belief that it is necessary to
randomize exams as discussed above.
In this position paper, we have argued for the benefits
of Computer-Based Testing Facilities in higher edu-
cation, like the one we have implemented at the Uni-
versity of Illinois. We have provided evidence that
our own facility improves student learning outcomes
(e.g., by reducing the number of failing grades on fi-
nal exams), allows practical adoption of exactly those
course policies that are thought to lead to these out-
comes (e.g., the use of frequent and second-chance
testing as a proxy for mastery-based learning), can
be operated efficiently at very large scales (e.g., us-
ing one room with 85 seats to serve 50K exams each
semester for a total cost of less than $2 per exam)
and—despite requiring changes both in how exams
are designed and how they are taken—leads to broad
faculty and student satisfaction (e.g., positive sur-
vey results and continued use by courses from one
semester to the next). We have described the archi-
tecture of our facility and, in particular, the two key
concepts—question randomization and asynchronous
exams—that are central to its implementation. We
have noted that the University of Central Florida con-
currently developed a similar facility that shares many
of the same principles and methods as our CBTF, and
we believe that this demonstrates the potential for cre-
ation of Computer-Based Testing Facilities at other
Although we have emphasized the utility of our
CBTF to very large courses (more than 200 students)
in this position paper, it is important to note that our
facility is also used by—and provides the same sig-
nificant benefits to—many smaller courses (less than
100 students). The existence of large courses, often
prompted by steady growth in student enrollment and
a decline in state funding for public universities, are a
key driver for adopting facilities like ours. However,
we have seen that once a Computer-Based Testing Fa-
cility is available, it is attractive to a broad range of
faculty teaching both large and small courses.
Every University Should Have a Computer-Based Testing Facility
The authors would like to thank Dave Mussulman,
Nathan Walters, and Carleen Sacris for critical contri-
butions to the development and continued operation
of the CBTF. In addition, we’d like to thanks Mariana
Silva and Tim Stelzer for important discussions and
contributions to the development of the CBTF. The
development of the CBTF was supported initially by
the Strategic Instructional Innovations Program (SIIP)
of the College of Engineering at the University of Illi-
nois, and we are grateful for the College’s continued
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CSEDU 2019 - 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education