A Structured Approach to Guide the Development of Incident
Management Capability for Security and Privacy
Luis Tello-Oquendo
, Freddy Tapia
, Walter Fuertes
, Roberto Andrade
, Nicolay Samaniego Erazo
Jenny Torres
and Alyssa Cadena
Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Quito, Ecuador
Escuela Polit
ecnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador
CSIRT, Cybersecurity, Incident Management, Information Security, Privacy.
The growth and evolution of threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber-attacks increase security incidents and generate
adverse impacts on organizations. Nowadays, organizations have been strengthened in aspects of information
security and information through the implementation of various technological solutions. Nevertheless, defined
processes for the proper handling and coordinated management of security incidents should be established. In
this paper, we propose an incident management framework that is adaptable to educational organizations
and allows them to improve their management processes in the face of computer incidents. We introduce a
coordination network with three levels of decision-making that defines interfaces and communication channels
with supporting policies and procedures for coordination across processes and process actors. It enables
different organizations to maintain focus on different objectives, to work jointly on common objectives, and
to share information that supports them all in case of security incidents. Our model enables the examination
of incident management processes that cross organizational boundaries, both internally and externally. This
can help CSIRTs improve their ability to collaborate with other business units and other organizations when
responding to incidents.
During the last years, an increasing number of infor-
mation security incidents have been reported (ENISA,
2017; ENISA, 2018). Besides minor errors with
severe consequences, typical incidents include both
general and single-purpose attacks caused by mal-
ware. Furthermore, the variety of attackers is wide
which yield the threat landscape quite complex. The
fact that new vulnerabilities and information security
incidents occur occasionally is inevitable. Thus, it
is evident that organizations, and in particular edu-
cational organizations, should have plans and proce-
dures so that incidents can be handled when they oc-
cur. Therefore, the implementation of information se-
curity policies and controls in any type of organiza-
tion is a must (Anderson et al., 2013).
Incident management is an umbrella term that
comprises all activities for the entire incident life-
cycle. These activities include from planning, train-
ing and raising awareness, to detecting, responding,
and learning from incidents. An incident management
capability includes an incident management policy, a
plan, and procedures; all of which should be tailored
to the specific needs of each organization (Hove et al.,
2014). The existence of an incident response capabil-
ity in organizations can assist them in rapidly detect-
ing incidents, minimizing loss and destruction, miti-
gating the weaknesses that were exploited, and restor-
ing computing services (Cichonski et al., 2012).
A challenging task for many organizations is plan-
ning and preparing for a cybersecurity incident. An
organization should take immediate action when it
occurs with the aim of mitigating threats to the con-
fidentiality, integrity, and availability of its informa-
tion assets. As the amount of incidents and threats
in the network constantly grows, the concerned scien-
tific and academic communities have been progres-
sively developing methods to respond and mitigate
them. Besides the establishment of communication
strategies and the effective deployment of resources,
several approaches has been proposed in the litera-
ture. In (Yang et al., 2016), the authors focus on
the predictive aspect and low level inspection opera-
tions to eliminate vulnerabilities. The use of data min-
ing techniques to perform trend analysis and behavior
patterns is addressed in (Macas et al., 2017; Ahmad
et al., 2012). In (Tisdale, 2015), the authors use an ad-
Tello-Oquendo, L., Tapia, F., Fuertes, W., Andrade, R., Erazo, N., Torres, J. and Cadena, A.
A Structured Approach to Guide the Development of Incident Management Capability for Security and Privacy.
DOI: 10.5220/0007753503280336
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 328-336
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
equate knowledge management, governance, and or-
ganizational psychology to solve issues related to cy-
bersecurity. The proper use of information security
managers, through systems protection, information
security architecture and event management (SIEM)
is tackled in (Gabriel et al., 2009). Also, the opti-
mization of an intrusion detection system (IDS), such
as Snort, as a tool to generate a large number of alerts
is addressed in (Harang and Guarino, 2012).
Incident response is one of the functions per-
formed in incident handling, and incident handling is
one of the services provided as part of incident man-
agement. Some of the primary objectives of cyberse-
curity incident management are the following:
Avoid cybersecurity incidents before they occur.
Minimize the impact of cybersecurity incidents to
the confidentiality, availability, or the integrity of
the institutions’ services, information assets, and
Mitigate threats and vulnerabilities as cybersecu-
rity incidents are occurring.
Improve cybersecurity incident coordination and
management within the investment industry.
Reduce the direct and indirect costs caused by cy-
bersecurity incidents.
Report findings to executive management.
Based on the above-mentioned objectives, this pa-
per is an initial attempt to produce an incident man-
agement framework that is adaptable to educational
organizations and allows them to improve their man-
agement processes in the face of computer incidents.
Specifically, we describe an overall plan for han-
dling information security incidents at organizations
and evaluate how various factors contribute to the ef-
ficiency and effectiveness of organizations’ incident
management. By identifying how these factors af-
fect successful incident management, we hoped to
find improvements to incident management practice
for most organizations and academic communities.
Furthermore, we define the roles and responsibili-
ties of participants, characterization of incidents, rela-
tionships to other policies and procedures, and report-
ing requirements. The main goal is to provide a plan
and a set of actions to detect and react to computer
security incidents, determine their scope and risk, re-
spond appropriately to the incident, communicate the
results and risk to all stakeholders, and reduce the
likelihood of the incident from reoccurring.
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 analyzes the role of incident manage-
ment within the scope of information security man-
agement. Section 3 presents the proposed framework
for incident management. Section 4 presents the dis-
cussion. Finally, Section 5 draws the conclusions and
presents future work lines.
Giving an accurate definition of incident manage-
ment is difficult; it means different things to different
communities. For instance, in the Information Tech-
nology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), incident man-
agement refers to the handling of any service disrup-
tion or interruption (Van Bon et al., 2010); in the
International Standard for Information Security In-
cident Management (ISO/IEC 27035), it is the pro-
cesses for detecting, reporting, assessing, responding
to, dealing with, and learning from cybersecurity in-
cidents (ISO/IEC 27035-1:2011, 2011). The scope of
our incident management definition is preventing and
handling computer security incidents. This includes
identifying and minimizing the impact of technical
vulnerabilities in software or hardware that may ex-
pose computing infrastructures to attacks or compro-
mise, thereby causing incidents. Part of the inherent
difficulty in defining the term incident management
is defining the term incident, which is often derived
based on organizational requirements and specifica-
tions. We consider a computer security incident as
any adverse event which compromises some aspect of
computer or network security as defined in (Brownlee
and Guttman, 1998).
Distinguishing the boundary between informa-
tion security management and incident management
is open to interpretation and can be confusing, es-
pecially if the incident management scope includes
processes for protecting infrastructures and detecting
events using network monitoring and IDS. The divid-
ing line often depends on the structure of an organiza-
tion’s security or incident management capabilities.
In agreement with related works in the area of
information security management, in our model we
view incident management as an integral component
of information security management. Information se-
curity management encompasses all of the tasks and
actions necessary to secure and protect an organiza-
tion’s critical assets, and this is much broader in scope
than incident management. It involves aligning and
prioritizing security actions based on the organiza-
tion’s mission and objectives and assessing security
risks to achieving such objectives. It also involves
establishing, configuring, operating, and maintaining
A Structured Approach to Guide the Development of Incident Management Capability for Security and Privacy
Information Secu-
rity Management
Asset man-
and training
Projects and
Risk Man-
Incident Man-
Plan and
and report
and decide
Figure 1: Overlap of information security management and
incident management (NIST, 2013; ISO/IEC 27001:2013,
2013; Cichonski et al., 2012; ISO/IEC 27035-1:2011,
the organization’s computing infrastructure in a se-
cure manner and as a continuous process. There-
fore, we consider that information security manage-
ment includes risk management, business continu-
ity, operation management, security policies man-
agement, assets management, communication man-
agement, providers relation management, human re-
sources, information and training, projects and re-
search management, physical security, and disaster
recovery. Note that information security management
comprises physical security to protect critical assets
at the organization level and applies risk management
approaches to help choosing the most effective course
of action.
On the other hand, incident management may use
several of these capabilities in the performance of its
objectives, such as communication management, op-
eration management, or security policies. Neverthe-
less, incident management is not responsible for es-
tablishing and maintaining these capabilities. There-
fore, incident management is a component of infor-
mation security management as depicted in Fig. 1;
whereas information security management provides
a framework within which the execution of incident
management processes occurs.
If we examine the five high-level incident manage-
ment processes (as detailed later in Section 3), we see
that some of them intersect and overlap with informa-
tion security management in some fashion. Fig. 1 il-
lustrates how incident management processes fit into
the scope of information security management. As
can be seen, the plan and prepare processes are in-
cluded in both incident management and information
security management. In the former, the plan and pre-
pare process addresses infrastructure changes in re-
sponse to current computer security threats, whereas,
in the latter, the plan and prepare process addresses
a wider range of protection activities, including those
necessary to configure and secure a computing infras-
tructure and maintain and monitor those configura-
tions. The assess and decide, triage, and respond pro-
cesses are totally within the scope of incident man-
agement, with regards to the treatment of computer
security events and incidents.
Note that there are also several plan and prepare
process actions that are beyond the scope of incident
management, as described above. Additionally, Fig. 1
demonstrates the need for coordination and informa-
tion sharing between business capabilities such as le-
gal, human resources, and incident management. Fur-
thermore, incident management touches many of the
other functions, indicating the need for established
channels of communication and collaboration.
Several standards and guidelines have been proposed
to handle cybersecurity incidents; they have a num-
ber of similarities and have chosen to divide the inci-
dent management process into several phases. Most
of them describe a preparation phase, where an in-
cident management capability is built. All of the
standards and guidelines have phases for detection,
analysis, and incident responses, but the structure of
these phases varies. All of them highlight lessons
learned activities, even though not all describe a sep-
arate phase for this. Table 1 presents a brief compar-
ison of the main guidelines and standards concerning
incident management models in the literature.
In the following, we describe a structured ap-
proach based on five phases that aim at managing cy-
bersecurity incidents. This proposed model resembles
the structure offered by ISO/IEC (ISO/IEC 27035-
1:2011, 2011) and NIST (Cichonski et al., 2012) that
stand out as two of the primary standards and guide-
lines related to information security incident manage-
ment. Both offer a structured approach to incident
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Comparison of Incident Management Models in International Standards and Guidelines (Ab Rahman and Choo,
CERT/CC (West-Brown et al., 2003) ITIL BIP 0107 (Van Bon et al., 2008) ENISA (Maj et al., 2010) ISO/IEC 27035 (ISO/IEC 27035-1:2011, 2011) SANS (Kral, 2011) NIST SP 80061 (Cichonski et al., 2012)
Relevant phases
Plan and prepare Preparation Preparation
Reporting and detection Incident detection and recording Incident report registration
Detection and reporting Identification Detection and analysis
Triage Classification and initial support
Analysis Investigation and diagnosis
Incident response Resolution and recovery Incident resolution Responses Containment, eradication, recovery Containment, eradication, recovery
Incident closure Incident closure Post- Analysis Lessons learned Lessons learned Post-incident activity
Mode Reactive Reactive Reactive Proactive Proactive Proactive
1. Plan and prepare
Establish the incident
response team
Manage security
Apply safeguards
Test the plan and
2. Detect and report
Monitor security
systems and feeds
Detect cybersecurity
3. Assess and decide
Assess: verify if it is
really an incident
Triage and prioritize
4. Respond
Contain, eradicate,
recover from, and
forensically analyze
the incident
5. Post-
incident activity
Lessons learned
Evidence retention
Continuous improve-
Figure 2: Structured approach based on five major sequence
components of cybersecurity incident management.
management, including planning and preparing for
incident response, what to do when incidents strike,
and how to extract lessons learned afterward.
3.1 Structured Approach
Benefits from a structured approach to information
security incident management include an overall im-
provement of information security, reduced impact of
incidents, improved focus and better prioritization of
security activities, and better and more updated in-
formation security risk assessment efforts (ISO/IEC
27035-1:2011, 2011; Cusick and Ma, 2010; Busta-
mante et al., 2017; Bustamante et al., 2016). The
five major sequence components comprising this ap-
proach are: (1) plan and prepare, (2) detect and re-
port, (3) assess and decide, (4) respond, and (5) post-
incident activity. These phases are depicted in Fig. 2.
3.1.1 Plan and Prepare
In this phase, the organization should be in a state
of readiness to minimize the impacts of security inci-
dents and maintain the organization continuity (Tay-
lor, 2013). The key activities in this phase include the
Obtain support from senior management for the
cybersecurity incident management plan.
Establish a formal cybersecurity incident response
capability to respond quickly and effectively
when computer security defenses are breached.
Establish a policy governing cybersecurity inci-
dent management that: describes which types of
events should be considered incidents; establishes
the organizational structure for incident response;
defines roles and responsibilities; and lists report-
ing requirements.
Develop incident response procedures.
Establish policies and guidelines for internal and
external cooperation and information sharing.
Know the information assets that you are respon-
sible for protecting.
Implement controls to safeguard your organiza-
tion’s information assets. Possible controls in-
clude firewalls, patch management, and vulnera-
bility assessments.
Create an Incident Response Team (IRT) and con-
duct training for team members.
Develop a communications plan and awareness
training for the entire organization.
Provide easy reporting mechanisms.
Deploy endpoint security controls (e.g., anti-
malware scanners) on information systems.
Establish relationships with law enforcement
agencies and other external Incident Response
Perform evaluations, such as tabletop exercises, of
the incident response capability.
3.1.2 Detect and Report
Preparation aims at minimizing incident risk; how-
ever, not all incidents can be prevented. It is, there-
fore, necessary to rapidly detect and report an incident
occurrence. The key activities in this phase include
the following:
A Structured Approach to Guide the Development of Incident Management Capability for Security and Privacy
Monitor user reports of anomalous activities.
Monitor alerts from internal security systems.
Monitor information shared from peer organiza-
tions, vendors, and organizations who specialize
in cybersecurity incidents.
Monitor alerts from external information sources
such as national incident response teams, law en-
forcement, etc.
Look for signs of anomalous activities within sys-
tems or the network.
Gather relevant information.
Continue monitoring and detection.
Escalate anomalous reports to the incident re-
sponse team.
3.1.3 Assess and Decide
Incident analysis is then conducted to determine the
report’s validity (probably false alarm) and the poten-
tial impact(s) to the organization’s core services and
assets. Risk management (including risk assessment,
mitigation, and evaluation) is the key to estimating the
damage that such impacts can have on an organiza-
tion. Furthermore, the results of risk assessment are
needed to prioritize incident (if multiple incidents oc-
cur simultaneously). The key activities in this phase
include the following:
Assign a person who will be responsible for the
Determine whether an event is actually a cyberse-
curity incident or a false alarm.
If a cybersecurity incident has occurred, then es-
calation to the incident response team is required.
Find out what information, system, or network is
Find out what the impact is in terms of confiden-
tiality, integrity, and availability.
Notify the appropriate officials.
Find out if your partners are being affected.
3.1.4 Respond
Once an incident has been detected and verified, an
effective response reaction must be undertaken. Re-
sponse should be generally a quick and effective re-
action to an event to mitigate its harmful impacts as
explained in (Baskerville et al., 2014). In this phase,
the proactive degree is low which suggests that reac-
tive activities are taking place. The key activities in
this phase include the following:
Assign internal resources and identify external re-
sources in order to respond to the incident.
Contain the problem, for example, by shutting
down the system or disconnecting it from the net-
Eradicate the malicious components of the inci-
dent, for example, by deleting malware or dis-
abling a breached user account.
Recover from the incident by restoring systems to
normal operation and fixing the vulnerabilities to
prevent similar incidents.
If necessary, conduct a forensic analysis of the in-
3.1.5 Post-incident Activity
Post-incident constitutes the final phase after an inci-
dent has been resolved. It is beneficial in improving
security measures, and the cybersecurity incident han-
dling process itself. It provides a chance to achieve
closure concerning an incident by reviewing what oc-
curred, what was done to intervene, and how well in-
tervention worked. The degree of pro-activeness is
switched to high as the relevant personnel must take
the initiative to recognize and reflect new threats, and
improve protection mechanisms. Information or re-
sults from this phase will be used as feedback to im-
prove incident management. The key activities in this
phase include the following:
Identify the lessons learned from the cybersecu-
rity incident.
Identify and make improvements to the organiza-
tion’s security architecture.
Review how effectively the incident response plan
was executed during the cybersecurity incident.
3.2 The Role of CSIRTs Within
Incident Management
Incident management is a process that involves sev-
eral areas of an organization. In many cases, it in-
cludes participants from multiple divisions, who may
have different organizational business drivers or mis-
sions (Fuertes et al., 2017). Balancing these different
drivers effectively in the development and execution
of an incident management plan can be challenging.
The term incident management also includes other
services and functions that may be performed by
CSIRTs, being these vulnerability handling, artifact
handling, security awareness training, and the other
services outlined in the CSIRT Services list as shown
in Fig. 3. Including this expanded set of services is
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Alerts and warnings
Incident handling
Vulnerability handling
Artifact handling
Technology watch
Security audit or assessments
Configuration and maintenance of
security tools, applications, and
Development of security tools
Intrusion detection services
Security-related information
Risk analysis
Business continuity & disaster
recovery planning
Security consulting
Awareness building
Product evaluation or certification
Figure 3: CSIRT services.
important since incident management is not just re-
sponding to an incident when it happens. It also in-
cludes proactive activities that help preventing inci-
dents by providing guidance against potential risks
and threats; for instance, identifying vulnerabilities
in software that can be addressed before they are ex-
ploited. Training end users is also part of these proac-
tive actions; it helps them to understand the impor-
tance of computer security in their daily operations
and to define what constitutes abnormal or malicious
behavior. By doing so, end users can identify and re-
port this behavior.
Therefore, a CSIRT is one type of incident man-
agement capability that can take several roles. It
can provide a set of comprehensive policies and pro-
cedures for analyzing, reporting, and responding to
computer security incidents. Also, it can conform an
ad hoc or crisis team with defined functions and re-
sponsibilities that is called together when an incident
occurs. Furthermore, it can be an established or des-
ignated group that is given the responsibility for han-
dling computer security events.
Post-incident feedback
Figure 4: Scalable coordinated incident response model.
3.3 Coordination and Decision-making
Considering that the nature and quantity of simulta-
neous cyber events might yield large-scale cyber inci-
dents that involve several CSIRTs, a crosscutting co-
ordination network (Osorno et al., 2011; Daley et al.,
2011) should be established for coordinated incident
response. It has the following key characteristics:
It enables different organizations to maintain fo-
cus on different objectives, to work jointly on
common objectives, and to share information that
supports them all.
It is easily understood, tracked, and managed to
reduce information overload at all levels.
It enables rapid escalation and communication,
both inside and outside an organization.
The underlying coordination network employs
three levels of decision-making, two modes of com-
munication, and the coordination activities, generally
performed by a CSIRT, that tie them all together as
illustrated in Fig. 4.
The three levels of decision-making, namely oper-
ations, management, and policy are defined by types
of decisions, inputs and outputs, as well as the time
frames in which those decisions usually are made.
Operations include the immediate activities required
to manage incidents; they are almost always con-
cerned with whether a problem can be diagnosed and
fixed immediately with resources at hand, or if it
needs to be reported to other entities for their aware-
ness or as a request for assistance or prioritization.
Management includes those activities needed to pri-
oritize and allocate resources to manage and respond
to incidents, including the identification and report-
ing of critical incidents and the scope of coordination
activities to address them. Policy is primarily con-
cerned with the establishment and governance of ef-
fective business processes for managing incidents.
The two modes of communication, namely peer-
to-peer and hierarchical are distinguished by whether
they occur within a level or between levels. Peer-
to-peer represents the communications within a
A Structured Approach to Guide the Development of Incident Management Capability for Security and Privacy
level (i.e., operator-to-operator, analyst-to-analyst,
manager-to-manager, and so on). Hierarchical repre-
sents the communications between levels, that is the
escalation of incident information and dissemination
of directives or plans, as well as the flow of questions
and answers between the layers.
The proposed model is a road-map that integrates the
main processes or actions in the literature to build an
overarching framework that outlines a methodology
for planning, implementing, improving, and evaluat-
ing an incident management capability. It can be used
by an organization to guide the development of their
incident management capability.
Moreover, the proposed methodology identifies
critical components for building consistent, reliable,
and repeatable incident management processes. It in-
cludes a set of essential activities or criteria against
which an organization can benchmark its current in-
cident management processes. The results of such
benchmarking can help an organization identify gaps
and problem areas in its incident prevention and han-
dling processes and plans.
As mentioned earlier, incident management is not
just responding to an incident when it happens. It
also includes proactive activities that help prevent in-
cidents by providing guidance against potential risks
and threats. Thus, incident management expands the
scope of incident handling and incident response; it
includes several CSIRTs’ services or function includ-
ing vulnerability handling, artifact handling, security
awareness training, among others.
Given the persistent nature of many contemporary
cybersecurity threats and related incidents that are si-
multaneously affecting multiple organizations, vari-
ous sectors, or different types of organizations, co-
ordination between CSIRTs is often required. Our
model enables examination of incident management
processes that cross organizational boundaries, both
internally and externally. This can help CSIRTs im-
prove their ability to collaborate with other business
units and other organizations when responding to in-
Once implemented, the proposed model will pro-
vide a set of supporting materials that can be used
by any organization. These materials include various
components and guides that will help organizations to
identify the issues and decisions that must be ad-
dressed in planning a new or expanding an exist-
ing incident management capability;
identify the various components of such a capa-
bility and the various processes that should be in
place to perform effective incident management;
develop work-flows and tasks that can be followed
to implement or improve the capability.
It is worth noting that the incident management
processes introduced in our model are distributed in
nature. It defines roles and responsibilities to ensure
accountability; also, it defines interfaces and commu-
nication channels with supporting policies and proce-
dures for coordination across processes and process
actors. Furthermore, it can be integrated into other
business and security management processes.
Currently, organizations, especially those of an
educational nature, have a dynamic environment that
entails new challenges such as the management of In-
ternet of Things (IoT) devices, bring your own device
(BYOD), geographical positioning information sys-
tems, use of social networks, surveillance systems,
among others. This involves the handling of large
amounts of data in real time, but above all, analyz-
ing, understanding, and discovering hidden informa-
tion that can affect the organization and the people
who directly and indirectly interact with it.
A well-developed incident management capabil-
ity is the foundation for implementing an architecture
and infrastructure of solutions such as Big data and
artificial intelligence applied to cybersecurity. There-
fore, we consider as the next step the analysis of
data analytics methodologies and architectures used
in conjunction with decision support systems, which
will allow organizations to take actions based on in-
stitutional knowledge. Also, proposing a Big data ar-
chitecture and machine learning that can be used by
different organizations on demand. For this, it is nec-
essary to consider the governance of security in or-
ganizations using these new technological solutions,
establish methods of communication between the in-
terested parties, collaborative processes between the
security groups of the organizations, procedures for
the collection, aggregation and analysis of the data
and the management of strategic indicators in cyber-
security considering the principles of personal privacy
and information transparency.
We proposed an incident management framework
based on a structured approach that include planning
and preparing for incident response, what to do when
incidents strike, and how to extract lessons learned
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
afterward. The aim of this framework is to give a
thorough description of why and how organizations
should plan for security incident management, con-
duct business impact analysis and explain various
measures to improve information security in organi-
zations. We also detailed the role of CSIRTs within
the incident management. It can provide a set of
comprehensive policies and procedures for analyzing,
reporting, and responding to computer security inci-
dents. Our proposed model defines roles and respon-
sibilities to ensure accountability; also, it defines in-
terfaces and communication channels with support-
ing policies and procedures for coordination across
processes and process actors in a distributed manner.
Furthermore, it can be integrated into different types
of organizations and security management processes.
As future work, we plan to analyze data analytics
methodologies and architectures used in conjunction
with decision support systems, which will allow orga-
nizations to take actions based on institutional knowl-
edge. We aim at implementing an architecture and in-
frastructure of solutions such as Big data and artificial
intelligence applied to cybersecurity.
The authors would like to thank the financial support
of the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development
of Research and the Academy (RED CEDIA) for the
development of this work, under Project Grant GT-II-
2018 (Cybersecurity).
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