Knowledge Basis for Integration of Finance, Economics, Management
and IT Business
Maxim Polyakov
1 a
, Igor Khanin
2 b
, Nikolai Bormatenko
3 c
and Sergiy Kosenchuk
3 d
Managing Partner, Noosphere Ventures Inc., 1906 El Camino Real, Suite 201, Menlo Park, U.S.A.
Department of International Economic Affairs, National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use,
Rivne, Ukraine
Researcher, Noosphere Ventures Inc., 103A, Gagarina, Dnipro, Ukraine
Keywords: Integration of Objects and Subjects of Activity, Vertical and Horizontal Integration of Knowledge, Quasi-
Physical Approach to Conscious Phenomena, Paradigmatic Innovative Development of Cognition and
Economy, Paradigm of Ontology of Sign Constructions.
Abstract: The problem of integration of finance, economics, management and IT business is the problem of activities’
integration, digitalized with application of IT. Digitization leaves unsolved questions of cognitive activities
objects’ integration. This disintegration is partially compensated on the humanitarian level by optimization
of subjects’ behaviour. But integration on level of physical and informational objects of activity stays
insufficient. The experience convinces that its strengthening is impossible without vertical integration of
knowledge about conscious phenomena, and horizontal integration of conscious and natural sciences
knowledge. Products of conscious activity are programs and databases. The understanding of their essence
led to building of bilateral development models of cognition and economy. On this basis, the vertical of
knowledge for spheres of sign phenomena, is built. It contains in its core the paradigm of sign constructions
ontology. It is received with method of immersion from concrete to abstract. The result is used for
ascending from abstract to concrete. On the way to data infrastructures as flexible “junctions” between
fragments of activity, paradigms of data and computer programs are received. Their essence which is called
quasi-physical is defined by analogy with computer programs, where signifier and signified have no
physical connection but have correspondence.
The economy includes interrelated heterogeneous
objects. It is people, money, power sources,
materials, documents, etc. The integrity of such
complexes is ensured by people. Their activities are
difficult to be technologized, despite undoubtedly
high IT potential. Starting from a certain level of
semantic diversity of data, IT face the difficulties
even in the case of the trivial processing of diverse
data. Particularly, it happens if the data have a
variable structure.
Such complexes as economic and information
ones, where their essence is still uncertain, are now
commonly referred to as systems. In combination
with the emergence, the concept of the system,
associated in natural sciences with order, actually
became an implicit synonym of disorder.
However, even with such a logical basis,
addressing the challenges of integration of IT,
business, finances and management is also possible,
while being empirical and heuristic, i.e.
preparadigmatic. These solutions intended not so
much for the integrated objects, but rather for the
personnel, who should ensure the integration.
Fundamental solution to the problems of
technologization and integration of information and
economic processes, that this paper focuses on, is
Polyakov, M., Khanin, I., Bormatenko, N. and Kosenchuk, S.
Knowledge Basis for Integration of Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business.
DOI: 10.5220/0007757000700077
In International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2019), pages 70-77
ISBN: 978-989-758-370-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
possible by forming the knowledge basis including,
along with technologies and practices, deep levels of
cognition philosophy, methodology, math,
fundamental and applied scientific paradigms and
theories. We called the innovations, covering such
levels of cognition, paradigm innovations.
In order to implement the integration “in the
world”, it should first take place “in the minds”. The
approach, used therein, is related to the concept of
noosphere. This concept arose in the 1920s in Paris
in the social circle, including Edouard Le Roy,
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (Chardin 1987) and
Vladimir Vernadsky (Vernadsky 2004). This
concept was significantly ahead of time. Only a few
comprehended the idea of noosphere as it was
understood by Vladimir Vernadsky. The latter,
primarily, meant continuity of social historical
evolvement with regard to natural history.
Noosphere should comprise biosphere and
physiosphere and, at the same time, it should have
its own nature and consist of the bodies of the same
nature. In our opinion, such bodies are signs.
Actually, Vladimir Vernadsky pointed out that in
cognition of conscious phenomena it is possible to
be guided by approach, applied in cognition of
natural phenomena. As distinct from physicalism,
which tries to disseminate the results of physics
beyond physiosphere, the objects of quasi-physical
approach are not the conscious phenomena
themselves, but the quasi-physical effects, created
by these phenomena. In our case, these objects are
represented by computer programs, databases and
knowledge bases, economic organizations.
Until the vertical of knowledge is formed, at
least, in general terms, delineation of the spheres and
levels of cognition (subject specialization) here will
be premature. All basic levels of cognition, from
practical to philosophical, are represented in this
paper. It is not an accident and it is not eclecticism.
According to PIDev and VIK models (see below)
such integration bears principal meaning, being, in
our view, a prerequisite for fundamental solution of
the problem of FEMIB integration. In order to have
“normal science” and to make specialization
possible, we need to develop a vertical of
knowledge, which is formed as a whole. Here the
specific problems like integration of FEMIB play the
role of the goal as well as means.
Traditionally, knowledge is divided into natural and
humanitarian. The specific nature of cognition
consists in the fact that consciousness produces just
one of two parts of sign body. It is a signifying part,
that should correspond to the second the signified
part. The signifiers (for instance, text, photo, and
movie) eventually point to the natural bodies,
provided that the scope of the concept of sign body
will also include dynamic (temporal) and multiple
formations. The signifying parts of the sign
represent the result of the processes, similar to
programming, even if it is not about computer
programs. Their application consists in performance
(interpretation), which is implemented by human or
special devices (computers). We can say that any
sign is a program segment in the broad sense of the
Vladimir Vernadsky focused on the issues of
cognition. His concept of noosphere gives a new
insight into the processes of cognition and structure
of knowledge. He did not live to see the emergence
of computer technologies. Having no experience,
brought by these technologies, it was not always that
he formulated his views explicitly. It creates grounds
for trivial interpretation of these views, when the
issues of noosphere are equated with ecological
issues of biosphere or issues of digitization of
information practices. The utter nonsense that
Vladimir Vernadsky has given no reason for, is a
mystification of the concept of noosphere.
The thoughts of Vladimir Vernadsky about the
nature of knowledge and cognition become more
coherent, if we view them, like Thomas Kuhn, in
terms of scientific revolutions (Kuhn 2012). The key
distinction of Vladimir Vernadsky is that he uses
larger spatial (geosphere, biosphere, noosphere) and,
accordingly, temporary categories. Moreover, he
builds a bridge between the spheres of natural and
conscious phenomena. It enabled him, using the
concept of noosphere, to foresee inevitability of the
new scientific revolution. This is the second
revolution of that magnitude after the revolution in
natural science of XVII century. Its prelude is the
current technological revolution, taking place in the
sphere of physical processes of data handling and
called the information revolution. We believe that
the events of such revolution are still ahead. It will
affect not only circulation of information, but also
the entire sphere of conscious phenomena.
Therefore, the title “noospheric” would be the most
appropriate for such revolution.
Its main content, able to accelerate dramatically
and, at the same time, to stabilize scientific and
technological development, will be not so much the
technological advances, but rather “destruction and
reconstruction of understanding” what is happening
Knowledge Basis for Integration of Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
in reality (Mamardashvili 1997). Destruction-
reconstruction of understanding assumes revision
and extension of the system of concepts, acting in
the studied sphere. Therefore, developing the ideas
of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Vladimir
Vernadsky, related to noosphere and continuity
between the natural and social history (Chardin
1987, Vernadsky 2004), ideas of Thomas Kuhn,
related to scientific revolutions and paradigms
(Kuhn 2012), and ideas of Merab Mamardashvili,
related to quasi-physical effects of non-physical
phenomena (Mamardashvili 2011), we believe that,
for today, the most relevant challenge is to form the
language, applicable for raising and addressing the
issues of developing the cognition and economic
management as the spheres of non-physical
(conscious) phenomena, producing quasi-physical
2.1 Ontology
For some time, the term “ontology”, which came
from the philosophy, has been widely disseminated
in IT sphere. Ontology in philosophy is a teaching
on being, essence and existence. We consider the
ontology in science as a synonym of fundamental
science, i.e. knowledge of the essence and existence
of the objects of study. The ontology is also an
object of a certain scientific discipline, an
abstraction, determining its internal structure and
external relations. Thus, philosopher Gustav Shpet,
calls physics to be a science of the ontology of
physical bodies, biology a science of the ontology
of living organisms. According to Gustav Shpet,
semiotics should become a science of the ontology
of signs (Shpet 1996). So, the fundamental science is
a science of the ontology of objects, which cannot be
reduced to other objects.
A little bit different understanding of the
ontology was developed in the sphere of information
technologies. We can say that it is thesaurus,
describing the subject area of computer program. At
the same time, the subject area can be the area of
interests of program user, although, more often it is
the existing source domain of data processing, being
a subject to digitization and modernization. Under
this arrangement, the major ontological issue of the
information development of economy and society,
consisting in ensuring the maximum correspondence
between syntax and semantics of the sign, becomes
2.2 Spheres of Phenomena
Sphere of phenomena is a set of phenomena,
deriving from a certain entity, which is not reduced
to any other entity. The examples of such objective
scientifically grounded entities can be represented
by physical bodies and living organisms. The signs
are hypothetic entities, and their objectivity needs
theoretical and empirical justification. The use of the
concept sphere of phenomena” in science about
science and knowledge economy leads to
understanding of the relativity of dividing the
sciences into the natural ones and the humanities as
well as an opportunity to discover new spheres of
phenomena and extend nomenclature of fundamental
Infosphere is a sphere of information (produced
by messages and data) phenomena. Information is a
multiple-meaning term, where the scientific meaning
is still controversial. Synonym of the words:
a)message, data; b)one of the measures of message
impact on the recipient. Econosphere is the sphere of
economic phenomena. Scientific cognition is one of
the parts of the process of cognition as a whole.
Economy is not only a consumer, but also a source
of new knowledge. Natural sciences function within
the framework of the developed verticals of
knowledge, relating to famous spheres of well-
known phenomena. Development of the vertical of
knowledge requires paradigm innovations, which
start from empirical material and end with practical
Innovative Development of Economy (IDE) is a
systematic introduction of progressive changes,
resulting from new knowledge, into products, means
and ways of their production and distribution,
organization and management of economic
processes. It is in need of continuous inflow of new
knowledge, produced not only by science, but also
by practical activity. Consequently, IDE is a
mutual development of cognition and economic
management. Noosphere is a sphere of phenomena
(anthropological, economic, social, cultural), where
the signs play the key role. Noosphere contains
biosphere almost similarly as biosphere contains
physiosphere. At the same time, the larger sphere is
not reduced to the smaller one.
2.3 Paradigms
Paradigm is a scientific achievement, a foundation, a
core of methodology, model or theory, playing a
fundamental role within the framework of scientific
discipline or its subdiscipline. Until the paradigm is
FEMIB 2019 - International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
recognized, the respective methodology, model or
theory is of trial nature. Paradigm innovation is such
innovative changes, which cover major part of the
vertical of knowledge, starting from the depth of
fundamental science and philosophy, and ending with
Model of Paradigm Innovative Development
(PIDev) is a three-tier model of mutual development
of economy and cognition, where development of a
certain sphere of phenomena starts from prescientific
(in respect of a specific sphere) phase of empirical
and heuristic innovations. Based on the experience,
accumulated herewith, in the course of paradigm
innovations there is a transition to the third phase
scientifically grounded innovations. According to the
model of PIDev, the sphere of conscious, primarily,
information phenomena, is in the empirical and
heuristic (pre-paradigm) phase of development. The
invention of computer became one of the
technological revolutions in physiosphere. It had
aggravated and exposed the problems of infosphere
development, bringing it closer to the beginning of
paradigm phase.
2.4 Vertical and Parabola of
Figure 1 shows the Model of Vertical Integration of
Knowledge (VIK) and parabola of knowledge in
graphical form.
The model includes five levels of cognition, from
practical to philosophical. It divides cognition into
the area of practices, including economy (zero
level), and cognition area, consisting of five levels,
as well as analysis area, where the problems and
their causes are identified, and the area of synthesis,
where the search of solutions to the problems takes
place. Natural sciences are developed in compliance
with the existing parabolas of knowledge. Similar
verticals (parabolas) of knowledge should be
developed for sciences of infosphere, econosphere
and sociosphere.
In the figure 1 the Vertical of Knowledge
Integration reflects the view on the structure of
knowledge, which, in our opinion, is relevant for the
current stage of cognitive development. The vertical
integrates practical knowledge (upper semisphere)
with the applied fundamental and philosophic
knowledge (lower semisphere), and it also integrates
subjective knowledge, gained by heuristic and
empiric way (left semisphere) with logically verified
and tested in practice knowledge (right semisphere).
The parabola of knowledge symbolizes the
process of solving the problems (“ontogeny”) in the
Figure 1: Model VIK and Parabola of Knowledge.
Integration of knowledge for integration of objects and
means of conscious activity (Polyakov 2017).
infosphere. The left branch corresponds to
immersion from the concrete (practice) to the
abstract (paradigms), and the right one to Hegel’s
ascending from the abstract to the concrete.
Considering the sphere of conscious, in particular,
information and economic phenomena through the
prism of the vertical and parabola of knowledge, it
can be noted that in this spheres there is an
accumulation of experience, required for paradigm
development. It takes place, among other things,
using the modeling methods. In terms of the model
of VIK, the modelling is also a transition from
abstraction of the high level (philosophic,
mathematical, semiotic, etc.) to practical concrete.
The specific feature of such transition consists in
absence intermediate steps in the form of the
fundamental and applied theories with ontological
focus. As a result, instead of gradual “ascending”,
there are risky “jumps”.
In fact, finances, economy, management and IT
business cannot function, being not closely related
between each other. It is an objective reality. Their
mutual functioning is ensured, amongst other things,
manually, owing to human factor. An increase of the
level of their integration is impeded by the
subjective factor. IT is not able to overcome the
Knowledge Basis for Integration of Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
barrier of semantic diversity of data, although it is
not high. The cause of the barrier is of psychological
nature, and it consists in the fact that a human, in
particular, a programmer, is able simultaneously to
control a limited number of elements and their
relationship. At the same time, he needs to reflect in
the program a correspondence between data,
operation of computer, actions of user (for instance,
manager) and an area of user’s interests (subject
As a result, processing of data, related even to
one natural gender of objects, can be a serious
problem. Data have to be fragmented, thereby losing
their integrity and informativeness. Complexity
depends on objective and subjective reasons. We
have already indicated the objective reason
(semantic diversity). The subjective reason is an
inability to simplify data structures by the way of its
decomposition, unification and application of
flexible connections, damping the mutual impact of
the contiguously-allocated structures of signs. This
situation also has its cause. It is called digitalization
and is also of subjective nature. Digitalization is
embedded in IT paradigm. Thus, if we look closely,
IT are indeed the technologies, but rather physical
than information technologies of data processing.
From the information side, IT include information
practices but not technologies.
Using this approach, there is no need to think
about the nature of data and programs. Evolutionary
developed data forms and structures are adapted to
machine-readable media. As a result, a considerable
part of the capability of computer technology
remains unused. Thus, the root of all problems is the
problem of understanding the essence (ontology) of
data, programs and economic entities. Even at first
sight, it is evident that the sciences, having a direct
relation to the phenomenon of sign semiotics and
linguistics, should be closer to addressing such
4.1 The Theory of Sign Constructions
Instead of Semiotics
More than a half of century, on the signs basis, the
school of organizational semiotics is working
towards the problems, close to the ones raised in our
paper (Gazendam 2005). Just as we do, they suggest
their view on the nature of signs. The monography
of Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii “Semiotics of
programming” is also worth attention (Tanaka
2010). The author uses a slightly eclectic mix of the
paradigms of sign of Ch.Peirce (2009) and F. de
Saussure (2017). The different paradigms of sign are
used for different types of programs. Each one
claims to be the universal paradigm.
According to our quasi-physical approach,
scientific cognition is going in the way of ascending
from abstract to concrete. Although to do this, we
should have an appropriate abstract of sign. The
usage of a universal paradigm of sign does not allow
the exit beyond the limits of philosophy.
Our paradigm of sign is the product of the
immersion from concrete to abstract. As a concrete
we use not any sign bodies but just the outcomes,
obtained in the process of the development of
strongly formalized signs bodies of a specific kind.
These are databases, programs, organizations. As for
our version of knowledge about signs, we called it
the theory and practice of sign constructions. We
would like to emphasize the high degree of our
objects formalization and the application to them of
the methods of development which are close to the
methods of physics development. We were delighted
to discover some convergence of our views on signs,
programs and organizations with results of the
observations of Peter Brödner, who saw the
similarity in such objects as organizations and
programs (Brödner 2005).
4.2 The Paradigm of Ontology of
Economic Sign
The problem of the integration of FEMIB elements
can be solved by gradual changes in the existing
structures (programs and data) of every element and
interfaces between them. But as a consequence of
high data and programs fragmentation, and their
alterability, there is a low level of the unification and
standardization. This forces to search for an
alternative. Appealing to IT, in this case, looks
absolutely natural. This improves productivity but
not the flexibility of the data processing. The latter
becomes worse due to the increasing costs of
There are persistent attempts to solve the
problem fundamentally by the development of the
flexible IT, which have to prevent the fragmentation
of data and programs, support their unification, and
also quick and simple changes. Although, these
attempts end with the integration on the level of
FEMIB 2019 - International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
personnel instead of the integration on the level of
the objects of activity. The fails of these attempts are
natural. They are unavoidable and necessary for the
accumulation of experience of empirical and
heuristic innovations. As a result, the vertical of
knowledge from philosophy to practices is forming.
This is the scheme under which natural sciences,
particularly, physics have been developing.
However, it is widely thought that programs and
data are an absolutely different matter, relative to
which can be used notions such as “intangible
assets”. Nevertheless, artefacts are also the result of
conscious activity. This fact does not bother the
application of the apparatus of physics to them.
Programs and data are signs, and the specific feature
of signs is that they are programs in a broad sense.
A sign is a signifier and a signified together, but
they are not connected to each other directly. The
signifier should correspond to the signified. The
latter can be a static, dynamic (temporal) or multiple
body. In the case of the temporal body, the
maximum overlapping with metaphor, where sign is
compared with computer program, is achieved.
Cognitive activity creates physical artefacts, which
are signifiers of signs. Although they cannot be
considered without signified parts. The latter are
also physical bodies, but not connected directly to
the signifiers. Quasi-physical effects of cognitive
activity appear and require special treatment, when
signs become the products of cognitive activity.
As long as signs exist in the form of, at least, two
physically disconnected parts, which connect to each
other in the social consciousness in the form of the
relation of the correspondence, they cannot be
presented as static objects. Space and time (causal)
relations between the signifier and signified parts of
sign are realized in the process of its functioning by
means of human or technical devices. Thus, the
ontology of sign can be presented as
substantivisation of the actions of sign and with sign,
i.e. in the form of the temporal (dynamic) body. The
appropriate principal scheme of the structure (the
paradigm of ontology) of the economic sign is
shown in figure 2.
According to figure 2, the sign is a quasi-
physical object, consisting of the signifier (sign
syntax), and signified (sign semantics) parts. The
connection between parts of sign has been supported
by people (design or programming, the execution of
a project) or automatic devices (the execution of a
program). This definition is the ontological one. The
example of functional (pragmatic) definition: “Sign
is everything that is a potential producer of response
on something different from itself” (Ackoff and
Figure 2: The paradigm of economic sign (Polyakov
Emery 1974). We are going to call weakly
formalized, and therefore, allowing multiple
treatments sign formations, the texts. The sign
construction is, oppositely, strongly formalized
(appropriate for mechanical processing both as an
object and as a mean) sign formation. For example,
signs with tables, texts of programs etc. as signifiers.
Data is the signifier part of sign construction.
Usually data is understood as just objects of
processing. This does not allow seeing the text of
program as the same object of processing, and
program, in general, as a sign construction similar to
the one signified by data. Therefore, computer
program is a sign construction with “text of
program” (data) in the role of signifier part, and
signified part represented with the dynamic object,
which realizes the process of handling the other data.
The latter has the area of users’ interests as the
signified part.
Obviously, the processing of signs as integral
units is impossible. Just signified part can be
processed (data). For that purpose, it is separated
from signifier (disassembling), and after the
processing, it again connects to signifier
(assembling). The pragmatics of sign is a set of
properties of signs as the objects of manipulations or
tools, which allow the impact on the area of interests
of signs’ users. The pragmatics of sign reveals itself
in the process of its disassembling- assembling,
processing and application in the management or
Semantic syntax the part of syntax, reflecting
the architecture of semantics (signifier part) of sign.
“Syntactic” syntax the part of syntax reflecting a
state of the signified part (semantics) of a sign.
Pragmatic syntax is a part of syntax, reflecting its
forms and structures, which are used in the process
of disassembling- assembling and processing.
Knowledge Basis for Integration of Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
Observations show that the processing of signs
depends on the forms and structures of data and does
not depend on their semantics.
Figure 3 shows the schematic diagram of integration
of the objects and subjects of different types of
conscious activity, including FEMIB, targeted at
common object.
It is based on the obtained abstraction of sign in
the form of paradigm of its ontology (Figure 3).
The result is sign construction. The common for
different types of activity (for instance, FEMIB) is
its signifying part (semantics). It is the area of
interests, common for all users from FEMIB. Before
we move to the signifier, i.e. data or syntax, which
create highly formalized language for describing the
Area of Users’ Interests (AUI), it should be
considered using unformalized language of the actor
of integration. The result is a presentation of AUI as
a network of objects, belonging to substantive
classes. This result can serve as an example of how a
change in signifying capacities can have impact on
the signified.
The existing systems of classification, like a
fragmentation of the areas of user’s interests and
objects of activity, is a tool for reduction of semantic
variety and, as a result, a complexity of development
and processing of data structures. Computer
processing enables to be satisfied with a limited
number of basic substantive classes (for instance,
people, materials, machines, power sources, etc.),
using a system of filters in all other cases. They can
be prepared in advance or specified in the course of
processing. Every substantive class corresponds to a
basic form of semantic syntax (BFSS). Basic forms
are interrelated (i), creating the extending network.
Pragmatic syntax enables to describe information
capacities of users by filling of database, and their
information needs - in terms of semantic syntax.
Before processing the data is transformed in
compliance with requirements of one or another
processing tool. The paradigm of the ontology of
sign construction, in combination with quasi-
physical logical-conceptual framework, allow
presenting formulas of sign construction as an
invention. Such work is carries out in respect of the
existing versions of BFSS.
Figure 3: Principle of FEMIB integration based on
integration of the objects of activity.
6.1. The problem of FEMIB integration based on IT
is a result of our confidence that the potential of
these technologies is capable of ensuring the higher
level of integration of the parts of FEMIB complex.
6.2. For today, there are trials to compensate the
disintegration by improving the integration of
personnel’s efforts. However, such integration
should correspond to the integration of objects of
activities. There is a growing confidence that the
integration of these objects is impossible without the
integration of the levels of their cognition. A central
place in the vertical of knowledge should be
occupied by knowledge about ontology of signs. The
attempts to use the existing humanitarian semiotics
in this place led to its discrediting as a basis for
technologies. There is a necessity to develop the
science of signs of other type. However, its place is
still vacant.
6.3.Our solution to this problem is based on the
appropriate interpretation of noospheric philosophic
views of Vladimir Vernadsky and Pierre Teilhard de
Chardin, papers of Thomas Kuhn, the teaching of
Merab Mamardashvili on quasi-physical effects of
conscious phenomena.
6.4. Formation of the vertical of knowledge,
which is necessary to derive the paradigm of the
ontology of sign, required an understanding of the
specifics of cognition in a paradigm phase of
development that the sphere of conscious is in. As a
result, the Model of Paradigm Innovative
Development, Vertical and Parabola of Knowledge
have emerged at the confluence of philosophy,
science about cognition and knowledge economy.
The model of PIDev establishes basic patterns of
innovative development of the sphere of phenomena
FEMIB 2019 - International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
as a whole. VIK model defines the structure of the
Vertically Integrated Unit of Knowledge (VIUK).
Vertical links between them are established using
the parabola of knowledge.
6.5. Through substantivization of the basic
functional diagram of communication process, the
developed basis of knowledge enabled us to obtain
quasi-physical paradigm of sign. In these sign
constructions, the signifier and the signified are
integral, but, at the same time, are not linked
directly. The integrity consists in maintaining the
correspondence between them.
6.6. Development of such structures is carried
out. The quasi-physical approach and logical-
conceptual framework, created on its basis, build the
background for development of patent claims and
patenting of the obtained sign constructions.
The authors are thankful to Yuliya Davydova for her
significant assistance with the translation of the
paper into English.
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Knowledge Basis for Integration of Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business