ROSEO: Novel Savonious-type BIWT Design based on the Concentration
of Horizontal and Vertical Circulation of Wind on the Edge of Buildings
Oscar Garcia
, Mario del Rio
, Alain Ulazia
, Juan Luis Osa
and Gabriel Ibarra-Berastegi
ROSEO start-up, University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Otaola 29, 20600 Eibar, Basque Country, Spain
NI and Fluid Mechanics Department, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Basque Country, Spain
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Basque Country, Spain
Building Integrated Wind Turbine, Savonious, ERA-Interim, ERA5, Anemometer, Calibration.
In this paper a new Building Integrated Wind Turbine (BIWT) called ROSEO-BIWT is presented. The
ROSEO-BIWT is installed on the edge of the buildings and it consists of a Savonius wind turbine and two
concentration panels that have the purpose of accelerating the usual horizontal wind together with the vertical
upward air stream on the wall of the building, improving the performance of the wind turbine and also getting
a good architectural integration. We have studied its hypothetical performance and design configuration in a
tall building of Bilbao using wind data from the reanalysis ERA-Interim (European Centre for Medium-Range
Weather Forecasts’ reanalysis), from an anemometer to calibrate the data, and its real small-scale behavior in
a wind tunnel. Promising preliminary results have been obtained, which could suppose an energy production
increment of 20%.
In general terms,the market of the small wind tur-
bines is currently growing although the sector of small
wind turbines to be installed in buildings is increas-
ing at a lower speed. According to the World Wind
Energy Association (WWEA) (WWEA, 2016), the
installation of small-wind turbines will increase by
around 12 % annually in the 2015-2020 period. The
good economic profitability of small-wind turbines
and the constant technological advances are the de-
terminant factors that justify the rising of the small-
wind turbines market. On the other hand, in the last
years, more and more research is being focused on
the development of different technologies that help
minimize the buildings energy consumption. This
philosophy is known as nZEB (nearly Zero Energy
Building) (Chastas et al., 2017) and it is included in
the EU 2010/31/CE directive related to energy effi-
ciency in buildings. After 2018 every public building
constructed should consider this regulation and, after
2020, every new building.
The goal is to maximize as much as possible the
energy efficiency and reduce the primary energy from
fossil resources so that the required energy demand
may be covered by renewable sources. In this sense,
the mini wind technology, which consist in generat-
ing energy with wind turbines of 100 kW or less to
cover an area smaller than 200 m
, can play a very
interesting role. For this purpose, some technological
challenges are yet to be fully solved such as the vibra-
tions, the generated noise levels and the device’s aes-
thetical and architectonic integration. Many are the
advantages of these devices.
Many are the advantages of these devices:
1. They can work as stand-alone devices thus pro-
viding energy in isolated locations, not connected
to the electric grid;
2. They work in distributed micro-generation mode,
thus minimizing energy losses due to transport
and distribution. These devices generate energy
close to the final user thus dramatically reducing
the need of electric infrastructures;
3. Furthermore, it can be combined with photo-
voltaic energy in hybrid installations allowing an
optimal use and management of shared electric
1.1 State of the Art
The recent developments on wind energy in urban
environments have inspired different types of BIWT
projects. For example, in London Strata SE1 is a tall
Garcia, O., Rio, M., Ulazia, A., Osa, J. and Ibarra-Berastegi, G.
ROSEO: Novel Savonious-type BIWT Design based on the Concentration of Horizontal and Vertical Circulation of Wind on the Edge of Buildings.
DOI: 10.5220/0007758201720178
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2019), pages 172-178
ISBN: 978-989-758-373-5
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
building of 43 floors that will include 3 wind turbines
with a diameter of 9 meters in the roof of the struc-
ture. These wind turbines would cover the lighting
demand of the building (Bogle, 2011).
On a smaller scale there are a lot of projects that
includes Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT) in-
tegrated in the building and also Vertical Axis Wind
Turbines (VAWT). These projects are focused on in-
tegrate wind turbines in existing buildings. So, these
buildings are no previously designed to accelerate
air streams like the World Trade Center of Baharein
(Smith and Killa, 2007) or the mentioned Strata S1
building. According to this post-integration tendency,
building integrated wind turbines are being imple-
mented in strategic locations to capture the acceler-
ation of air streams that is produced because of dif-
ferent shapes. In this sense, the most interesting loca-
tions are the upper and lateral edges of the building,
mainly the first one because it is at reasonable dis-
tance from the homes.
Nowadays there are several ongoing projects to
develop an optimal system to harness wind energy
in urban environments. Most of them conclude that
wind turbines that are used in obstacle-free environ-
ments are not adequate for urban environments due
to the turbulent urban flow. For that reason, HAWT
devices, which usually exhibits a good performance
with laminar flows, shows a low performance in ur-
ban environments and also originate high noises of
up to 200 dB within a radius of 500 m (Oerlemans
et al., 2007). Conversely, VAWT plays an important
role, since its performance is not affected by turbulent
flows and tend to be noiseless. Additionally, VAWT
has a lower cut-in speed than HAWT and a larger cut-
off speed, ensuring longer operating time (Manwell
et al., 2010; Dilimulati et al., 2018). Although the
power coefficient is lower, the design is simpler and
the manufacturing process is easier to carry out.
Along these lines, the existing wind energy urban
potential has encouraged the researchers to develop
a propper methodology of wind energy estimation in
urban environments (Arteaga-L
opez et al., 2019). The
use of anemometers at specific locations can be com-
bined with other advanced computational simulations
between buildings and considering the complex urban
terrain using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics).
In this way, the use of reanalysis and meteorological
mesoscale models for wind energy potential estima-
tion, which is well-known offshore and onshore an
developed also by the author (Ulazia et al., 2017b;
Ulazia et al., 2016), can be complemented with dif-
ferent posterior tools.
In this work, we present the design of a Savonious
drag driven turbine integrated in buildings called
ROSEO-BIWT, which has been especially designed
to work in urban environments where the wind is
characterized by its turbulence and it is important
as well to take advantage of low speed air streams.
The germinal project of ROSEO won the first award
LENGE 2017 (EDP, 2017), and now the members of
the project have created an university start-up called
ROSEO. Although it is usually used as an vertical axis
turbine, ROSEO-BIWT is formed by a Savonius tur-
bine in a horizontal position and concentration vanes
that accelerates the air streams thanks to the Ven-
turi effect (see Section 2.2). These type of vanes are
usually called PAGV (Power Augmentation Guiding
Vanes) (Chong et al., 2013; Chong et al., 2011; Tong
et al., 2010). It has been also designed to be archi-
tectonically easily integrated. This is the case of the
design proposed by Park et al. (Park et al., 2015), in
which several Suetonius turbines are implemented in
the facade of the building at different heights to take
advance of the vertical currents created by the wind
on the walls of the building (Figure 1):
Figure 1: Savonious turbines with PAGVs proposed by Park
et al. (Park et al., 2015).
The Savonius wind turbine is a drag-based de-
vice, unlike the majority of turbines, that are lift-
based. This particular aspect allows producing low
noise levels and few vibrations, which is very impor-
tant in building installations (Zemamou et al., 2017;
Kim and Cheong, 2015). The PAGV increases the
wind speed as the catching area is bigger, giving as a
result a system that is able to start with wind speeds
of, about, 1 m/s, which ensures a great number of en-
ergy producing hours. Furthermore, energy continues
being generated no matter how high the wind speed
This paper proceeds as follows: a possible lo-
cation for the installation has been studied by us-
ing ERA-Interim and ERA5 data, a powerful tool for
global atmospheric analysis that is updated in real
time (see Section on Data and Methodology (Section
2.1). The authors have installed also an anemome-
ter in the roof of their university to calibrate wind
data with a period of six months against ERA-Interim
ROSEO: Novel Savonious-type BIWT Design based on the Concentration of Horizontal and Vertical Circulation of Wind on the Edge of
or ERA5 (Section 2.1.2 ). In this way, an empirical
method for the estimation of wind energy potential
on buildings will be developed, with low computa-
tional cost 3.2. Finally, a preliminary small-scale ex-
periment has been developed in a wind tunnel with
a small Savonious and different disposition of the
PAGV (Section 2.2 and 2.3 ). The authors finish this
work with some relevant conclusions and the possible
research lines within a future outlook. The qualitative
methodology used here can be considered within the
scope of analogical reasoning and model construction
(Ulazia, 2016).
2.1 Data and Location
2.1.1 ERA-Interim
A tall building in Bilbao has been selected (longitude:
W ; latitude: 43.258
N) for the representa-
tion of the integration of the design and to present a
method for the preliminary estimation of the energy
production. Figure 2 shows the top view of the build-
ing and the space of 12 m in the roof where our pro-
totype can be installed.
Figure 2: Selected building in Bilbao.
For the approximate estimation of the wind
statistics data from ERA-Interim have been used.
ERA-Interim is a reanalysis from the global atmo-
spheric data sets provided by the European Cen-
ter for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
(Berrisford et al., 2009). It is continuously updated
once per month, and contains data from 1979. The
spatial resolution is approximately 75 km and time
output is achieved every 6 hours. Zonal and merid-
ional components of the wind (U and V) can be down-
loaded at 10 m height.
2.1.2 Anemometer and Calibration
A cup anemometer has been installed in one of the
buildings of the University of Basque Country in
Eibar (see Figure 3) to develop a preliminary calibra-
tion methodology based on quantile-matching tech-
niques used previously by the authors in wind energy
and wave energy(Ulazia et al., 2017a; Penalba et al.,
2018; Ulazia et al., 2018). For this paper the authors
will obtain 8 months of 10-minute data series, which
should be filtered every 6 hourly to match the ERA-
Interim data series or the new ERA5 reanalysis (1-
hourly time resolution in this case) (Olauson, 2018).
Having the average wind speed U after calibration on
the corresponding facade and considering the typical
form parameter in the Rayleigh distribution (k=2), the
corresponding scale parameter can be obtained:
c = U/Γ(1 + 1/k). (1)
In this way, the cumulative distribution function
and the fraction of time between two wind speeds is
F(U) = 1 exp((U/c)
) (2)
and the augment factor of the PAVG can be imple-
mented in the c parameter (Manwell et al., 2010).
Figure 3: Anemometer on the roof of the building.
2.2 ROSEO-BIWT Design
2.2.1 The Location on the Upper Edge of the
The effect of the wind against buildings have been
largely studied by the sector of architecture with the
purpose of study the dynamic loads generated by air
streams. Because of that, there is a large knowl-
edge about the behavior of wind in urban environ-
ments. Through scale experiments and also CFD sim-
ulations, similar to the Figure 4 generated using CFD
by (Mertens, 2006).
Most of the studies that have analyzed the behav-
ior of the air streams around the buildings agree in
the great potential of the upper edge of the windward
face of the building. It happens because the wind
have to surround an object. The effect is even more
intense when the building is taller and also when the
SMARTGREENS 2019 - 8th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Figure 4: CFD image where the acceleration in the wind-
ward upper edge can be appreciated (Mertens, 2006).
wind direction is perpendicular to the building facade.
For example, in a 5-stor building the wind velocity
increases 1.2 times in the windward edge (Mertens,
2.2.2 Savonious Turbine
That is why our ROSEO-BIWT’s Savonious axis is
positioned horizontally along the superior edge on the
building. There are several recent studies about the
performance of the Savonius turbine. Mohamed et
al. (Mohamed et al., 2010) have improved the perfor-
mance using plates to eliminate the negative torque in
the returning blade. They have carried out tests for a
two bladed and for a three bladed wind turbine and
in both cases they have improved the C
of the wind
turbine until a 27 %, being the 15% the typical value.
Apart from these intrinsic improvements, some
engineers have developed the mentioned PAGV sys-
tems to accelerate the air streams. Shikha et al.
(Bhatti et al., 2003) increased 3.7 times the wind
speed in a experimental way using a specific well-
studied nozzle. Additionally, Altan et al. (Altan and
Atılgan, 2012) have studied the influence of the in-
clination angle of the plates and its length. In these
experiments they found out that when the longitude
of the PAGV increases the power also increases. So
the important consideration here is the relationship
between the diameter of the rotor and the length of
the PAGV. They even obtained a C
of 38.5 %. Other
types of PAGVs called omni-directional reached a C
of 48%, implying an increase of 240% in relation to a
Savonius rotor without a PAGV system.
In terms of longitude and diameter, (Roy and
Saha, 2013) shows that the best performance of a
Savonius rotor is reached with a Length/Diameter ra-
tio of 6:1. In the same way, Park et al. (Park et al.,
2015) tested different kind of Savonius rotors and they
discovered that the best design was a 6 bladed rotor.
Therefore, for our purpose, a similar rotor with these
proportions is chosen.
2.2.3 The Final Design
Park et al. (Park et al., 2015) developed the idea of us-
ing a bigger surface of the facade to generate energy
installing a lot of Savonius rotors at different heights,
and also using PAGV to improve the performance of
the wind turbines. The system that they propose is
similar to a ventilated facade and it is important to
emphasize that they want to capture the vertical air
streams that are generated on the windward side of the
building, as in our case. However, they use parallel
vanes in the facade, with a small concentration angle,
and our case the upper edge is used augmenting the
concentration angle and capturing also the horizon-
tal component of the wind, and not only the vertical
stream on the facade. Furthermore, the background
of the Savonious rotor is free in the edge of the build-
ing, an important aspect that is not met by turbines
installed in the facade. Although the influence of this
aspect is out of the scope of this study, it is an obvious
aerodynamic advantage.
Another innovation that we include is that it can be
installed in existing buildings: it is not a design only
for new buildings. To sum up, ROSEO-BIWT shows
a good architectural integration in existing buildings,
with high economical viability due to the simplicity
of the design.
Figure 5 shows this design of the ROSEO-BIWT
viewed from above and from below. This is a
schematic perspective which does not take into ac-
count the influence of the angle between the two
Figure 5: ROSEO-BIWT design.
Figure 6 shows the schematic profile of the instal-
lation with the appropriate measures for the building
of Bilbao. The areal ratio of the PAGV between the
entrance and the exit of the air is 4:1, expecting an
analog augment of wind speed due to the Venturi ef-
fect. In any case, the upper vane is adjustable, and its
angle can be changed up to a horizontal position, to
ROSEO: Novel Savonious-type BIWT Design based on the Concentration of Horizontal and Vertical Circulation of Wind on the Edge of
capture the free wind speed.
Figure 6: Schematic profile of the design.
2.3 Experiments in the Wind Tunnel
Although there are results provided by previous stud-
ies, in the following sections the authors describe the
general experimental methodology that will be devel-
oped in the future. The model construction is pro-
posed in analogy to previous findings and design pro-
cedures (Ulazia, 2016). These are the main steps:
1. First, the augment factor of the wind speed on the
edge of the building should be empirically stud-
ied: this occurs due to the union of the horizontal
usual component and the vertical component.
2. Then, the previous augment factor should be mul-
tiplied by the new augment factor provided by the
PAGVs. These factors will be measured for dif-
ferent wind speeds in the wind tunnel of the uni-
versity using a scale model of a building.
3. The power curve of a longitudinal section of the
Savonious prototype will be also measured in the
4. Finally, the Weibull distribution at the location
obtained by the previously described calibration
methodology will be implemented on the mea-
sured power curve considering also the augment
Figure 7 shows the wind tunnel and the installa-
tion of PAVGs and a Savonious rotor. The measure-
ment of the wind speed at specific points via a Pitot
tube shows an augment between 3-4 in the conver-
gence center of the structure, corroborating the aug-
ment factors obtained in previous studies (Wong et al.,
2017), or even more due to the corner effect of our
design. However, until now, these preliminary mea-
surements have been only performed with few values
of steady wind speed without considering important
effects such as the blockage ratio of the tunnel.
Figure 7: The Savonious turbine inside the wind tunnel with
the PAVGs around.
3.1 Wind Rose Around the Building
The ERA-Interim grid around Bilbao city is shown
in the Figure 8 with the points in yellow color. The
nearest ones are marked by the numbers in consecu-
tive rows, and the location of the selected building is
marked in red color. The nearest gridpoint, number
15 at 6 km distance, has been chosen to download the
data (period 2001-2005, that is, 7304 cases 6-hourly).
Figure 8: Nearest ERA-Interim gridpoints (yellow) around
the study point (red).
These data should be raised to the height of the
building (45 m) using the log law and the roughness
of urban environments (Manwell et al., 2010). Ac-
cording to usual considerations in wind energy sector,
the roughness (z
) of the urban terrain is around 1 m.
Roughness is used to apply the logarithmic law of ver-
tical wind shear,
, (3)
obtaining wind speed at 45 m height, U (z = 45), in
terms of the speed of reference U (z
= 10).
After the application of the log law, a wind rose
can be plotted in our location using the time series
SMARTGREENS 2019 - 8th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
of U and V. We have represented it around the build-
ing in the Figure 9, visualizing the predominant wind-
ward facade of the building towards the Northwest as
expected according to the climatology of the Gulf of
Biscay. This method offers a first estimation of the
wind statistics on the edge of the building, because
the height of the building guarantees that street-level
flows are negligible.
Figure 9: Wind rose according to ERA-Interim around the
3.2 Estimation of the Energy
We have used previously described concepts and val-
ues to estimate the energy production according to
these suppositions:
According to (Mertens, 2006), the wind incre-
ments its velocity a 20% at the upper edge of a
typical building.
The simplest PAGVs have increased the wind
speed 3.7 times, with corresponding increments
in C
that can reach a value of 0.37 (Wong et al.,
2017). Although higher values can be obtained
with wider entrances, we will use a low factor of
augment of 4 for our estimation, since we have
also the 20% due to the other architectonic accel-
eration in the upper edge.
Taking into account the wind rose of Figure 9,
we have only considered the wind data of ERA-
Interim with this direction and also with our tur-
bine in the corresponding facade.
For the estimation of generated power a commer-
cial Savonious model (SeaHawk-PACWIND) is used.
Its rated power is of 1.1 kW, the rated wind speed of
17.9 m/s, the cut-in wind speed of 3.1 m/s, the cut-
off without a given limit being a drag device, and the
swept area is of 0.92 m
(SeaHawk, 2017). If the
pure ERA-Interim wind speed distribution is consid-
ered on the best facade and the average values given
by the calibration (around 5-6 m/s), the turbine would
be working 1600 hours per year in the interval of rated
wind speed: an AEP of around 1700 kWh. However,
using a typical Weibull distribution with k=2, an aug-
ment factor of 4 via PAGVs would produce an incre-
ment of 20% in AEP and working hours (Equations 1
and 2).
In the future, the AEP increment of 20% via PAVGs
in the edge of the buildings must be shown using a
real prototype of ROSEO-BIWT. For that, the build-
ing in the city of Eibar will be used within the Bizia
Lab project of the University of Basque Country. The
anemometer has been installed on the same roof and
having the new data provided by ERA5 in the near-
est gridpoint, the identification of the best facade and
the corresponding wind distribution will be obtained
following the methodology described in this paper.
These preliminary results and the methodological dis-
cussion developed until now encourages us for the fu-
ture refinement of ROSEO-BIWT.
For that, the novel validation method for
anemometers developed by the authors in a recent
study for wind farms (Rabanal et al., 2018) will be
very beneficial, since it allows to compare and com-
bine the data of more than one anemometer installed
on the roof of the building.
The research leading to these results was carried out
in the framework of the Programme Campus Bizia
Lab EHU (Campus Living Lab) with a financial
grant from the Office of Sustainability of the Vice-
Chancellorship for Innovation, Social Outreach and
Cultural Activities of the University of the Basque
Country (UPV/EHU). This programme is supported
by the Basque Government. We acknowledge also
the availability given by the School of Engineering
of Gipuzkoa-Eibar in the University of Basque Coun-
try, the EDP-Renewable awards in which we obtained
the main award in September 2017, the Youth Enter-
prise Grant of UPV/EHU, and the project GIU17/02
of EHU/UPV. All the computations and representa-
tions of this work has been developed using the pro-
gramming language R (Venables et al., 2018).
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ROSEO: Novel Savonious-type BIWT Design based on the Concentration of Horizontal and Vertical Circulation of Wind on the Edge of
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SMARTGREENS 2019 - 8th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems