“It’s Modern Day Presidential! An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of
Sentiment Analysis Tools on President Donald Trump’s Tweets”
Ann Masterton Perry
1 a
, Terhi Nurmikko-Fuller
1 b
and Bernardo Pereira Nunes
2,3 c
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sentiment Analysis, Social Media, Donald Trump, POTUS, Twitter, Sentiment Analysis Tools.
This paper reports on an evaluation of five commonly used, lexicon-based sentiment analysis tools (Mean-
ingCloud, ParallelDots, Repustate, RSentiment for R, SentiStrength), tested for accuracy against a collection
of Trump’s tweets spanning from election day November 2016 to one year post inauguration (January 2018).
Repustate was found to be the most accurate at 67.53%. Our preliminary analysis suggests that this percentage
reflects Trump’s frequent inclusion of both positive and negative sentiments in a single tweet. Additionally to
providing an evaluative comparison of sentiment analysis tools, a summary of shared features of a number of
existing datasets containing Twitter content along with a comprehensive discussion is also provided.
The President of the United States of America (PO-
TUS), Donald Trump, is an active and unique social
media user. As POTUS, his posts have real-world ef-
fects that go beyond those of other users, and his dis-
course is influencing politicians’ engagement, chang-
ing the acceptable language and expected behaviour
of elected officials (Stolee and Canton, 2018).
But what is POTUS tweeting about? We hypothe-
sise that sentiment analysis tools (developed for large
datasets derived from a broad range of users) would
become inaccurate at the granularity of a single con-
tributor, where linguistic idiosyncrasies represent a
greater percentage of the data. To verify this hypoth-
esis, we evaluated the accuracy of five tools (Mean-
ingCloud, ParallelDots, Repustate, RSentiment for R,
SentiStrength) in classifying Trump’s tweets.
In this paper, we summarise on existing research
in the sentiment analysis of politicians’ use of Twit-
ter (Section 2); outline the ethical considerations of
including deleted tweets (Section 3); describe our
methodology (Section 4) and the dataset (Section 5);
and provide a comparative evaluation of five senti-
ment analysis tools (Section 6). Finally, we conclude
the paper with a discussion (Section 7).
(Stieglitz and Dang-Xuan, 2013) (Larsson and
Kalsnes, 2014) (Gainous and Wagner, 2014) (Hoff-
man et al., 2016) have examined elected officials’
daily engagement with the public and changes to it
within an election context (Strandberg, 2012) (Gra-
ham et al., 2014). Trump’s use of social media has
been examined previously (Francia, 2017) (Gross and
Johnson, 2016) (Enli, 2017) (Oh and Kumar, 2017)
(Ahmadian et al., 2016) (Stolee and Canton, 2018)
and (Karpf, 2017) found that his use of Twitter has
changed the way political campaigns are conducted.
This includes altering previously accepted models of
political discourse in the United States (Ott, 2016)
(Auxier and Golbeck, 2017) and legitimizing the be-
haviour of other world leaders (McNair, 2018).
The first instance of real-time sentiment analy-
sis for political events was during the 2012 Obama-
Romney presidential cycle, when (Wang et al., 2012)
analysed over 36 million tweets posted during the
campaign and election. Other studies into politicians’
Twitter use have been undertaken by (Park et al.,
2015) (Ahmed et al., 2016) and (Wang et al., 2016).
Tweets contain hashtags (e.g #TrumpsWall-
Songs), acronyms (“LOL”), emoticons ( :) ) and
Perry, A., Nurmikko-Fuller, T. and Nunes, B.
“It’s Modern Day Presidential! An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Sentiment Analysis Tools on President Donald Trump’s Tweets”.
DOI: 10.5220/0007759306440651
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019) , pages 644-651
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
emojis ( ), which are problematic for lexicon-based
analysis tools (Davidov et al., 2010) (Kouloumpis
et al., 2011), but (Pak and Paroubek, 2010) developed
accurate models using a na
ıve Bayes classifier.
Sarcasm and irony also presents a challenge
(Reyes et al., 2012). Whilst models that consider
word context have been successful (achieving 65%
accuracy (Mukherjee and Bala, 2017)), (Wang et al.,
2012) argue there is much work to be done in develop-
ing models for their identification and classification.
Trump’s tweets do not typically follow English
syntax, containing incomplete conditional clauses, er-
ratic punctuation, and the use of capitals for emphasis,
demonstrating his difference from the Washington po-
litical elite. His willingness to immediately tweet his
thoughts on breaking news appeals to his supporters,
who are disillusioned with the current political land-
scape and, even if his statements later turn out to be
incorrect, this spontaneity is seen as a measure of hon-
esty and forthrightness (Stolee and Canton, 2018).
argues that a key to Trump’s success is
that he appears to be one step ahead of other politi-
cians and the media in communicating his thoughts on
current events, framing events in his own context and
perspective. He suggests that Trump’s tweets are so-
called “trial balloons”, deliberately designed to gauge
public response with no intention of commitment to
an underlying policy. Ongoing coverage by main-
stream media then legitimizes them, manufacturing
consensus online (Woolley and Guilbeault, 2017).
The debate over whether or not publicly available
social media data
should be accessible for aca-
demic research without requiring informed consent
from each individual user is on-going (Bonnilla and
Rosa, 2015) (Webb et al., 2017) (boyd and Crawford,
2012) (Nunan and Yenicioglu, 2013) (Fiesler and Pro-
feres, 2018). In this paper, we argue that the content
posted from the @realDonaldTrump account is in-
tended for public consumption, giving three reasons:
i) whether as POTUS, a high profile businessman, or
a reality television star (all highly visible public po-
sitions which he actively sought), Trump can have
no expectation of obscurity, nor likely a desire for
it (Stolee and Canton, 2018); ii) it is possible both
Trump and members of his administration are respon-
sible for tweet content (Auxier and Golbeck, 2017),
thus, they do not represent the output of an individ-
ual, as they do an institution, and crucially; iii) cur-
rent interpretation of constitutional law in the United
States holds that post-election tweets from @realDon-
aldTrump constitute Presidential records, and require
preservation under the Presidential Records Act of
1978, and part of the public record.
This distinction between public and private is im-
portant in the context of POTUS’ deleted tweets.
(Maddock et al., 2015) identify that not only do le-
gal obligations require researchers to remove deleted
content, but so too do ethical obligations, as the act of
deleting a tweet indicates withdrawal of consent for
its use in research. Twitter’s Developer Agreement re-
quires that “all reasonable efforts to delete or modify”
deleted content as soon as possible, or within 24 hours
after being asked to do so by Twitter or the user
, but
(Meeks, 2018) argues that researchers may be able to
use these tweets if they have been sourced from a third
party, such as Politiwoops
, who have an agreement
in place with Twitter to archive and publish deleted
content. Furthermore, since content from the @re-
alDonaldTrump is subject to preservation orders, all
tweets, including any deleted ones, require preserva-
tion under the Presidential Records Act of 1978, and
form part of the public record. We follow (Meeks,
2018), (Abramson, 2017), and (Dawsey and Bender,
2017), and have included deleted tweets – sourced by
a third party (namely Politiwoops) – into our dataset.
An initial survey of 64 existing tools led to the identi-
fication of five (MeaningCloud
, ParallelDots
, Re-
, RSentiment for R
, and SentiStrength
that met six selection criteria: i) ability to perform
English language sentiment analysis on tweets, ii) are
free to use, iii) do not require an existing application,
iv) use a pre-built lexicon, v) are able to ingest the
data collected for analysis, and vi) have no special
computational infrastructure requirements (Table 1).
“It’s Modern Day Presidential! An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Sentiment Analysis Tools on President Donald Trump’s Tweets”
Table 1: Tool selection criteria and required response.
Selection Criteria Required
Suitable for English?
Suitable for ngram analysis?
Free to use? Yes
API dependent? No
Pre-built lexicon? Yes
Able to ingest the dataset? Yes
Special computational requirements?
Data was sourced from Politiwoops
. They have a different collection rate,
thus minimising the risk of missing or deleted tweets.
Following data matching and a cross check against
archives of deleted tweets from @realDonaldTrump,
a consolidated dataset of 2,880 tweets was produced.
Manual sentiment annotation was completed by
three coders on the crowdsourcing platform Figure
. For quality assurance, we also manually an-
notated the tweets. Mismatches between the senti-
ment determined by the Figure Eight coders and us
were referred to a third-party volunteer arbiter.
5.1 Existing Twitter Datasets
A review of publicly available Twitter datasets (based
on the work of (Saif et al., 2013) (Saif et al., 2012)
(Saif et al., 2016), and confirmed and extended by
(Symeonidis et al., 2018)) informed the development
of the custom dataset used in the evaluation of the
tools. The focus was on attributes such as size, cre-
ation method, and classifier categories. A total of 10
datasets (six of which were publicly available at the
time of writing) were identified. They were reviewed
to assess size, classifiers used (e.g. positive, negative
or neutral) and the creation workflow (see Table 2).
The Debate08 or Obama-McCain Debate (OMD)
dataset holds 3,238 tweets (Shamma et al., 2009)
that were manually annotated by three coders using
classifiers for positive, negative, mixed or other. It has
been utilized for testing supervised learning methods
by (Saif et al., 2012) and (Hu et al., 2013).
https://www.figure-eight.com, formerly known as
Posted during a 2008 presidential debate between the
President Obama and challenger Senator McCain
The Stanford Semantic Twitter Sentiment (STS)
Datasets were among the first of their kind. Ini-
tially built by (Go et al., 2009) to support a project
report, the dataset contains training and testing cor-
pora, both using three classifications (positive, nega-
tive and neutral). The 1.6 million tweets of the STS-
Training dataset were automatically annotated, whilst
the smaller STS-Test dataset was hand-coded.
The Health Care Reform (HCR) dataset
prises of 2,516 tweets that contain the #hcr hashtag,
which relates to the efforts of the Obama administra-
tion to introduce the Affordable Care Act. A subset
of this corpus was manually annotated by the authors
with five labels (positive, negative, neutral, irrelevant,
and other). It is comprised of three sub-corpora for
use in model development, evaluation, and training.
The STS-Gold Dataset (constructed by (Saif et al.,
2013) from the Stanford datasets) comprises of 2,142
tweets, classified as positive, negative, neutral, mixed
and other. It was hand-coded by three annotators.
The Sentiment Strength
(SS) Twitter Dataset
(SS-Twitter) was developed by (Thelwall et al., 2010)
to evaluate the effectiveness of their lexicon-based
tool, SentiStrength. It was hand-annotated by three
annotators to assign a Likert-type numerical value
(both a positive (1 [not positive] to 5 [extremely pos-
itive]) and a negative (-1 [not negative] to -5 [ex-
tremely negative]) one) to each of the 4,242 tweets.
5.2 Dataset Used for Tool Evaluation
Our dataset was created by combining tweets from the
Trump Twitter Archive
, and those directly extracted
from Twitter using a third party tool, FireAnt
. There
were two challenges to the process of data selection
and acquisition: i) access via the public API is con-
strained to the last seven days, and ii) deleted tweets.
Our dataset comprises of 2,981 tweets from elec-
tion day 2016 (8 November) to one year post the Pres-
idential inauguration (20 January, 2017). This period
was chosen as it is slightly longer than a full calen-
dar year of events in a Presidential diary. This pro-
vided the opportunity to include regular events in-
cluding international assemblies such as the Group
of Seven (G7) summit, holidays and recurrent natural
cycles such as the US hurricane season. The period
also covers a broad range of unanticipated national
and international events, such as domestic protests
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Twitter dataset comparison.
Coders Use
Classifiers used
positive neutral negative mixed other relevant
STS-Test 489 manual 3+ test yes yes yes no no yes
STS-Gold 2,124 manual 3 test yes yes yes yes yes yes
1.6M auto n/a train yes yes yes no no yes
HCR 2,516 manual ?
yes yes yes no yes no
8 (OMD)
3,238 manual 3+ test yes no yes yes yes yes
SS-Twitter 4,242 manual 3+ test yes yes yes no no yes
(Chenoweth and Pressman, 2017) and the testing of
nuclear weapons by North Korea (Fifield, 2017).
6.1 T1: MeaningCloud
provides topic extraction, text clas-
sification, sentiment analysis and summarization
through Excel add-ons, plug-ins, and cloud-based
APIs. It uses a pre-built dictionary to determine senti-
ment based on (uniquely amongst the evaluated tools)
four possibilities: positive, negative, neutral, or none,
but was unable to classify 13.50% of the data.
MeaningCloud was the second most accurate tool
in correctly identifying positive tweets, with a suc-
cess of 72.15% (see T1 in Table 3). It accurately de-
termined negative tweets 50.54% of the time. Many
of those mis-identified as positive relate to attacks
on main stream media (“Drain the Swamp should be
changed to Drain the Sewer - it’s actually much worse
than anyone ever thought, and it begins with the Fake
) or the investigation into Russian influ-
ence on the election (“This is the single greatest witch
hunt of a politician in American history!”
). Posi-
tive tweets mis-classified as negative have mixed lan-
guage, mention the economy or the inauguration.
Most of the neutral tweets that were mis-identified
as negative express condolences or remembrance
(“National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day - A day
that will live in infamy!” December 7, 1941”
while those neutral tweets that were misidentified as
positive were concerned with natural disasters.
Table 3: Accuracy of all five sentiment analysis tools.
Negative Neutral Positive Total
T1 50.54% 5.00% 72.15% 62.95%
T2 64.70% 52.50% 64.50% 64.41%
T3 64.07% 35.00% 70.48% 67.53%
T4 37.66% 45.00% 73.88% 59.62%
T5 60.07% 47.50% 58.52% 58.96%
6.2 T2: ParallelDots
provides machine learning services for
text analytics. They offer Microsoft Excel, Google
Sheets add-ins and cloud-based APIs. These enable
use of functionality including keyword extractions,
named entity recognition and sentiment and emotion
analysis, using a pre-built lexicon to classify each
tweet as either positive, negative or neutral.
Overall accuracy was 64.41%, correctly identi-
fying 64.50% of positive, 64.70% of negative and
52.50% of neutral tweets. Self-promotive tweets
proved an issue, 41.65% of which were misidentified.
There was some consistency among the categories
it misidentified: tweets regarding players protesting
by kneeling for the national anthem as positive even
though they are negative in sentiment (“The NFL is
now thinking about a new idea - keeping teams in
the Locker Room during the National Anthem next
season. That’s almost as bad as kneeling! When
will the highly paid Commissioner finally get tough
and smart? This issue is killing your league!.....
as were tweets regarding immigration and the border
wall (“The judge opens up our country to potential
terrorists and others that do not have our best interests
at heart. Bad people are very happy!”
“It’s Modern Day Presidential! An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Sentiment Analysis Tools on President Donald Trump’s Tweets”
6.3 T3: Repustate
provides server-based software, APIs and
added functionality to Microsoft Excel. Results are
provided numerically from 1 to -1: the greater the
number, the more positive the tweet, the lower a neg-
ative number, the more negative. A score of zero in-
dicates a neutral tweet.
This tool had the highest overall accuracy of
67.53%. It ranked third in identifying positive tweets
(70.10%). Self-promotional tweets were the most
challenging to identify, mis-classified in 32.65% of
cases. It was the second most accurate in identifying
negative tweets (64.07%). Close reading did not iden-
tify the use of positive language, nor tweets that are
purely informational in those categorized neutral. En-
tries such as “Obama Administration official said they
“choked” when it came to acting on Russian meddling
of election. They didn’t want to hurt Hillary?”
are classified as positive, whilst “The judge opens up
our country to potential terrorists and others that do
not have our best interests at heart. Bad people are
very happy!”
to be identified as neutral, possibly
since they combine both negative and positive senti-
ments that effectively cancel each other out.
Only 35.00% of neutral tweets were classified
correctly. These tweets included words such as
“harm”, “destructive” and “terrorism” (“Today, I
signed the Global War on Terrorism War Memo-
rial Act (#HR873.) The bill authorizes....cont
https://t.co/c3zIkdtowc https://t.co/re6n0MS0cj”
illustrating that using only words tagged with pre-
determined sentiment can be problematic.
6.4 T4: RSentiment Package for R
is an Open Source package for use with
R. It provides a range of queries for sentiment de-
termination through a pre-built lexicon and can also
ingest a custom list of single words. It uses Part-of-
Speech (POS) tagging to identify nouns, verbs, ad-
jective, adverbs, etc., inferring context from the order
of these words and incorporating this in the sentiment
score. Additional calculations are performed to iden-
tify negation and sarcasm within the sentence.
For this evaluation the calculate sentiment func-
tion was used. This provides results across five cat-
egories: very positive, positive, neutral, negative and
very negative (Bose, 2018): these results were con-
verted to three categories (positive, negative and neu-
tral) for consistency with the other evaluated tools.
The heavy draw on system resources complicated
the use of this tool, with memory errors consistently
encountered when processing more than 200 tweets
at a time. The dataset had to be split into 15 sepa-
rate files with a maximum of 200 entries. Each file
was imported, analysed, and exported separately, and
results consolidated on completion.
This tool had the second most inaccurate result
with a total accuracy of 59.62%. It was most inaccu-
rate in identifying negative tweets (only 37.66% were
correctly classified). Analysis of the words used in
these tweets does not provide a cause for this, given
the tool identified tweets such as “The @nytimes sent
a letter to their subscribers apologizing for their BAD
coverage of me. I wonder if it will change - doubt
as positive, and “Just tried watching Satur-
day Night Live - unwatchable! Totally biased, not
funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can’t get
any worse. Sad”
as neutral.
RSentiment was unable to correctly identify a ma-
jority of neutral tweets scoring 45.00%. As with pre-
vious tools, it is easy to identify words such as “holo-
caust” and “destructive” that cause negative classifi-
cations, however, it is unclear which words in tweets
such as “RT @NWSHouston: Historic flooding is still
ongoing across the area. If evacuated, please DO
NOT return home until authorities indicate it i...
would lead to a positive classification.
RSentiment had an accuracy of 73.88%. Self-
promotive tweets were the most difficult to classify,
accounting for more than half of the misidentified
tweets. It is clear how particular words have driven a
negative classification in some instances (“Despite the
phony Witch Hunt going on in America, the economic
& jobs numbers are great. Regulations way down,
jobs and enthusiasm way up!”
),but not in others,
e.g.“A great great honor to welcome & recognize the
National Teacher of the Year, as well as the Teacher of
the Year fro. . . https://t.co/pUGl7RDoVX”
. as they
contain several terms generally thought of as positive.
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
6.5 T5: SentiStrength
is an opinion-mining software (Sen-
tiStrength, 2018). It uses a pre-built dictionary of
words tagged positive, negative and neutral to deter-
mine sentiment. There are four options for output:
Dual: where both a positive (from 1 - 5) and neg-
ative (from -1 to -5) score is given for each tweet
Binary: positive and negative
Trinary: positive, negative and neutral
Scale: sentiment is rated -4 to +4, representing
negative to positive results respectively.
The trinary (positive, negative and neutral) setting
was initially chosen for analysis to maintain consis-
tency. This setting did not work as expected with
results being presented as dual. Testing of the Bi-
nary and Scale outputs revealed the same issue. To
convert the dual score to comparable sentiment cat-
egories, the positive and negative scores were added
together, and a classification generated. For example,
if a tweet scored +3 for positive sentiment, and -1 for
negative sentiment, it’s overall score was calculated
as +2, giving it an overall positive classification.
The relative ease-of-use and fast processing time
(<5 seconds) of this tool are negated by it being
the least accurate for overall tweet classification, at
58.96%. It was the least accurate of all tools in identi-
fying positive tweets (58.52%), mis-identifying self-
promotional tweets as positive. Topics such as foreign
affairs and the economy were frequently misidenti-
fied, but in no observable pattern.
Tweets such as “China has been taking out mas-
sive amounts of money & wealth from the U.S. in to-
tally one-sided trade, but won’t help with North Ko-
rea. Nice!”
using mixed language and terms were
mis-classified as positive. It is not clear why some
very negative records were classified as neutral (“The
Fake News media is officially out of control. They
will do or say anything in order to get attention - never
been a time like this!”
Sentistrength ranked second for identifying neu-
tral tweets at 47.05% accuracy. Similar to other
tools, it could not identify neutral tweets related to
remembrance or disasters where typically negative
words such as battlefield or storm were used, and mis-
classified some records as positive when terms includ-
ing “strengthens”, “bless” or “pioneer” were present.
The tweets of POTUS Donald Trump have provided
his social media audience with rich and varied mate-
rials. The first stage to understanding the true nature
of this content has been the evaluation of ve exist-
ing sentiment analysis tools, selected from an origi-
nal list of over 60 possibilities. The results from our
evaluative testing show that MeaningCloud accurately
classified 62.95% of the tweets in our purpose-built
dataset; ParallelDots was 64.41% accurate; Repustate
was 67.53%; RSentiment was 59.62% accurate; and
SentiStrength was 58.96% accurate (Table 3).
There is consistency in the results: Meaning-
Cloud, Repustate and RSentiment were all more ac-
curate at determining positive sentiment, and all five
tools were least able to identify neutrality. Tweets
of self-promotion were the most problematic for
all tools, possibly since these typically contain a
high level of mixed language, often attacking an
opponent then promoting Trump or his administra-
tion’s achievements. Neutral tweets were often mis-
classified due to their inclusion of language related
to death or natural disasters. Determining sentiment
using a pre-tagged dictionary is problematic, as the
tools fail to recognise the context in which these terms
are used, and cannot be guaranteed to distinguish be-
tween a statement of fact and a negative expression.
In addition to providing an evaluative comparison
of the five tools, the paper provides a summary of
shared features of a number of existing datasets con-
taining Twitter content, which are freely accessible.
The project as it currently stands has relied heavily on
such a third-party archive of tweets as well as a third-
party tool for gathering tweets, but there has been lit-
tle scope for critically evaluating either the third-party
dataset or the tweet-gathering tool, beyond express-
ing a concern regarding missing or deleted tweets, and
noting an issue with timezones: to simplify the task,
we made a baseline assumption that all of Trump’s
tweets were posted in Eastern standard time, although
the documentation for the third-party archive does in-
clude the caveat that they cannot be certain when he
was tweeting from other parts of the country or world.
Another assumption made in the process of this
analysis that the @realDonaldTrump Twitter account
captures the idiosyncratic voice of a single user. It is
however possible, that both Trump and his political
team use the account, with some evidence that, for
example, prior to the election, there was a difference
in the voice dependent on the type of equipment used
(iPhone or Android); after the election, we could as-
sume that tweets posted between the hours of 10pm
- 9am are likely Trump personally, but cannot assert
“It’s Modern Day Presidential! An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Sentiment Analysis Tools on President Donald Trump’s Tweets”
the same with equal confidence during office hours,
for example. Future work will concentrate on anal-
yses, which may be in a position to use natural lan-
guage processing and sentiment analysis to investi-
gate whether one or more author-voices can be de-
tected in the data.
The work carried out for this paper formed part of
an unpublished Master’s thesis at the Australian Na-
tional University, which, in turn, builds on an un-
published preliminary investigation submitted for the
SOCR8006 Online Research Methods course taught
by Associate Professor Robert Ackland at the Aus-
tralian National University. The authors would like to
acknowledge and thank all their colleagues who have
contributed to any and all of these pieces, including
Professor Les Carr, University of Southampton, and
Dr Jenny Davis, Australian National University, who
acted as examiners for the thesis.
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“It’s Modern Day Presidential! An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Sentiment Analysis Tools on President Donald Trump’s Tweets”