Proof of Provision: Improving Blockchain Technology by Cloud
Matthias Pohl, Abdulrahman Nahhas, Sascha Bosse and Klaus Turowski
Faculty of Computer Science, University Magdeburg, Germany
Blockchain, Consensus, Proof Algorithm, Proof of Provision, Cloud Computing.
Blockchain technology is mainly used in so-called cryptocurrencies and smart contracts. From a technological
point of view, securing these applications requires a lot of computing power, which results in high energy
consumption. The reason for this is the proof of work algorithm integrated in most cases. In order to promote
the problem of high energy consumption and the sustainable use of cloud computing resources, this paper
presents a consensus concept for use in a blockchain. We also present the classifications for discussion and
give an outlook on a future evaluation.
Even though the hype about blockchain technology
and Bitcoin & Co. has died down in the meantime
there are still many data centers around the world that
dig for cryptocurrencies. The energy requirements of
Bitcoin mining industry alone estimated to be nearly
43.44 TWh yearly (Kosharnaya et al., 2018), which
correspond to the demand of entire countries, as for
instance, Peru, Hongkong, or Iraq (International En-
ergy Agency, 2017). Another study predicts that the
energy demand will even increase in the future to
reach 7.67GW (de Vries, 2018), which is nearly con-
sistent with the demand of Austria 8.2 GW (Interna-
tional Energy Agency, 2017). Yet from a worldwide
perspective, a testimony presented to the U.S Senate
committee on energy and natural resources suggests
that the bitcoin mining process alone constitutes 1
percent of the overall worldwide energy consumption
(Narayanan, 2018). The associated CO2 emissions
of mining processes of cryptocurrencies can be ob-
viously compared with the CO2 emissions of entire
countries, as for instance, Bolivia or Portugal (Stoll
et al., 2018).
The reason for this is the integrated use of a hash-
ing algorithm and a deposited puzzle, whose difficulty
increases with the increasing computing capacity of
the actively mining participants in the Bitcoin net-
A blockchain network basically consists of par-
ticipants, computing units, which are located in a
peer-to-peer network. Each participant has a key that
uniquely identifies it and a key pair to perform autho-
rized activities on the network. In the case of a cryp-
tocurrency, it is possible to transfer virtual amounts
of money in this network. With the appropriate au-
thorization, a participant can place a transaction of an
amount to another participant in the network. To en-
sure that a participant can only transfer amounts that
he has received once before, it is only possible to cre-
ate a transaction on the basis of an older transaction.
If the transactions are posted correctly, you can
also prevent amounts from being transferred more
than once. This is made possible by the proofing al-
gorithm and the consensus. After a certain period of
time, the proof algorithm determines a checksum of
the current accrued and prioritized postings so that
these can no longer be changed or deleted. In addi-
tion, the result of the checksum calculation of the last
time window is added. In the initial bitcoin technol-
ogy, the proof of work is used here. The checksum
is calculated using a hashing algorithm. In order to
prevent a malicious recalculation of old transaction
bundles, the difficulty of the calculation is influenced
by constraints.
The block of transactions and checksum is then
distributed in the network and recognized and re-
distributed by involved participants. If a block has
been evenly distributed in the network, a consensus
is reached on the current bookings. If two blocks are
randomly distributed at the same time, both are ini-
tially accepted by all. As soon as a branch can no
Pohl, M., Nahhas, A., Bosse, S. and Turowski, K.
Proof of Provision: Improving Blockchain Technology by Cloud Computing.
DOI: 10.5220/0007765605230527
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2019), pages 523-527
ISBN: 978-989-758-365-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
longer be continued in a coming time window, it is
no longer used. Some participants in the network pur-
suit the calculation of the proof, others participate the
confirmation of the consensus and yet others only use
the transaction functions as normal participants. The
distribution ensures that each participant can moni-
tor the entire accounting process by viewing the dis-
tributed ledger (Drescher, 2017; Wattenhofer, 2016).
Furthermore, it is possible to link the transactions to
conditions that are checked by so-called oracles (e.g.
data feeds, user trigger). This allows contracts to be
mapped (Szabo, 1997; Wood, 2014).
In this way, it is possible to replace classical fi-
nancial institutions, since no third party is necessary
anymore to confirm the transaction process and the
correctness of the account balances. There exist the
hyptothesis that the Bitcoin network consumes more
energy than the booking and vending systems of fi-
nancial institutions. For instance, Swiss banks con-
sume 8.4GWh per year with 3233 devices (Aebischer,
1998). Nonetheless a reduction in energy use due to
environmentally harmful factors is desirable.
In this paper, we want to present an approach to
reducing energy consumption and the sustainable use
of the data centers that have been established so far.
This work does not claim to introduce a new cryp-
tocurrency or a new detailed blockchain technology.
In section 2, we give an overview of various proofing
algorithms currently used by many cryptocurrencies
networks and conceptually presented in the literature.
In section 3, we will again explain the fundamental
problem of the further use of the proof of work and
also highlight the problems with alternative proof al-
gorithms. We present a solution concept in section 4
and discuss the integrated approaches as well. Finally,
we describe an evaluation concept and give a short
summary as well as an outlook for future research.
In this chapter we will present an overview of existing
proof concepts. We will use a literature review with
the key terms ’blockchain’ and (’proof of’ or ’consen-
sus’). We were able to assign the following essential
concepts from the literature.
2.1 Proof of Work
The proof of work algorithm has been known since
the initial idea of the bitcoin network. According to
, it is now used by most blockchain tech-
nology. The principle has already been explained in
the introduction, since it originates from the basic idea
of the technology. A set of transactions, together with
the hash value of the last transaction bundle and an
additional variable, is re-input into a checksum cal-
culation. The checksum must meet a certain condi-
tion to be accepted by the blockchain. By chang-
ing the variable, you can change the checksum. The
process is also called hash puzzle. The many calcu-
lations generate the high computing effort. A block
that is to be newly created is always appended to the
longest chain of the blockchain if there is a branch
(Nakamoto, 2008).
2.2 Proof of Stake
The proof of stake goes back to the developments of
the PeerCoin (King and Nadal, 2012) and the Black-
Coin (Vasin, 2014). In this concept, the process
of checksum calculation is changed by limiting the
puzzle to be solved by the equation proo f hash <
coins age target. The target is predefined per cal-
culation round, while the age of coins depend on min-
ing user’s stake. Furthermore, a bookkeeper who cal-
culates the checksum must have an amount of coins
to get a lighter puzzle. Participants who have a high
amount of coins can solve the puzzle with a higher
probability. In the original variant, the age of the coins
was taken into account. A further development of the
proof of stake is the delegation of the checksum cal-
culation to selected participants per calculation block
(Kiayias et al., 2017). The chain with the most used
coin days or used coins will be added continuously.
2.3 Proof of Importance
The proof of importance begins with the determina-
tion of the importance of the participants in the net-
work. Each participant who holds coins in the net-
work for a certain time and takes a topologically suit-
able position in the network can thus increase its im-
portance. The importance serves to determine the par-
ticipants who are allowed to calculate the next block.
The calculation of the checksum is based on the proof
of work, but the difficulty of the puzzle is so reduced
that the puzzle can be solved in about 60 seconds. The
continuation of a branch depends on the total impor-
tance in it (NEM, 2018).
2.4 Proof of Luck
The checksum is calculated at the proof of luck us-
ing a randomized procedure. Each participant who
starts the calculation receives a time delay, which is
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
randomly determined for each participant. The net-
work communication is optimized because the ran-
dom component does not send so many checksum re-
sults through the network. The proof of luck contains
a proof of work. If a branch is formed, the chain with
the greatest accumulated luck is used in the next step
(Milutinovic et al., 2016).
We have already highlighted the problem of increased
energy consumption in the Bitcoin checksum calcula-
tions in the introduction. Although, Bitcoin mining
has its own specially designed data centers, there are
other cryptocurrencies that run in standard data cen-
ters. The energy consumption of datacenter industry
witnessed a gigantic growth in the last years. Statisti-
cal analysis suggests a total growth of roughly a hun-
dred percent between 2005 and 2010 with a steadily
increasing behaviour (Koomey, 2011). Clearly, the
associated CO2 emissions of datacentre’s operations
reported an immense growth and observed to be the
most accelerated growing carbon-footprint compared
to various IT-fields (Avgerinou et al., 2017). Accord-
ingly, the worldwide energy consumption and its as-
sociated carbon-footprint have triggered extreme anx-
iety on an international level. In the meantime, this
problem stands in the top agendas of many coun-
tries. For instance, the European Union has intro-
duced many new regulations in addition to some ini-
tiatives and research to reduce the proportion of data-
center’s operations of CO2 global emissions (Avgeri-
nou et al., 2017).
In this paper we address the enormous environ-
mental pollution caused by the high energy consump-
tion of Proof-of-work-cryptocurrencies and the sus-
tainable use of data centers.
The various concepts for changing the consensus
in section 2 have always been motivated by the so-
lution to the same problem. The computing time of
the proof of work should be reduced to regulate en-
ergy consumption. However, the approaches do not
really do justice to the claim, since only the puzzle
was simplified and the possible circle of authorized
persons for the checksum calculation was regulated.
The proof of work still has to be executed. Further-
more, in some concepts (e.g. proof of stake) partici-
pants are preferred, so that there is a risk of third party
We therefore continue to address the abolition of
the proof of work from the consensus mechanism
and the avoidance of preferential treatment of partici-
We now present a consensus concept of a blockchain
technology that can be used to provide cloud comput-
ing instances in data center. As a starting point we
consider a peer-to-peer network in which transactions
should take place.
Participants. The participants of this blockchain
technology are primarily cloud providers, who always
keep the ledger of the blockchain available and can
provide cloud computing instances in their own data
center. If a subscriber does not fulfill the second con-
dition, he is only active in the network as an auditor of
the blockchain. Other participants initially take on the
role of the customer who commissions a cloud com-
puting instance.
Based on familiar blockchain concepts, all partic-
ipants are equipped with a unique ID and a key pair
for authorization.
Smart Contract. The provision of cloud comput-
ing instances by a provider to a customer is recorded
in a smart contract. This contract specifies the time
of availability, equipment and the amount due. The
amount due is transferred at the end of the contract
period or at defined intervals. The smart contract se-
cures the future receipt of the amount.
Availability is checked via a software component
running on the cloud computing instance. At short
intervals, the software component sends a signal to
the smart contract. If a user is active on the instance,
the software sends a proactive status. If the instance
is available, the status is transmitted as active, oth-
erwise as inactive. If an instance is inactive for too
long, defined rules (e.g. fines, invalidity of contract)
will apply.
Software Component. The software component con-
sists of a module that transmits the status and an ad-
ditional module that calculates the checksums of the
blockchain transactions. While a customer is using an
instance, the software sends a customer signed com-
bination of identifier (e.g. MAC address) and times-
tamp. This ensures that the user is really using the
instance. If the instance is in sleep mode, only a
provider signed variant can be sent. Otherwise, the
smart contract receives the message that the instance
is inactive. The second module of the software is de-
scribed in more detail in the next section.
Block Creation. A new block containing a set of
transactions can be created in a predefined time win-
dow (e.g. every 60 seconds). If a time limit is
reached, a time-based random value is formed by the
blockchain. However, this value can only be read
from a current blockchain, i.e. the signals of all run-
ning Smart Contracts must be current. This random
Proof of Provision: Improving Blockchain Technology by Cloud Computing
value is used to select one of all providers that hold
smart contracts with the status ’proactive’ from the
blockchain. This provider in turn selects a customer
who is then commissioned to calculate the checksum
of the transaction block. The checksum of the last
block, a time stamp and the provider and customer ID
are added to this block. The checksum of the new
block is then encrypted again by the customer and
transmitted to the blockchain via the provider. For
the checksum calculation, a hash value function can
also be used in this concept. A user who has been
commissioned with the calculation does not have to
accept this order. If this is the case, the system waits
for the next time window and the next random value
determination. A reward for the calculation serves to
motivate the execution.
Synchronisation. The new block is split after cre-
ation in the network and added to the blockchain. Due
to overlapping calculation times and the simultaneous
distribution of a block in the network, branches of the
blockchain can occur. If this is the case, the string
with the most recent end will be used when creating
the next block.
We first take a look at the extent to which the concept
meets the addressed problems. The calculations of the
checksum in the consensus could be reduced from in-
definitely many to one. Further, if a specific resource
is not booked, the data center could shut down the re-
source. This means that the energy consumption as-
sociated with this can be significantly reduced com-
pared to other consensus procedures. By distribut-
ing the calculation task, centralization of transaction
management is avoided, so that the second problem is
also addressed.
Due to the many status transfers, however, a high
network load is to be expected. Optimizing traffic
data or reducing transmissions by changing the time
pattern could help.
Furthermore, a general change in cloud provision-
ing could be made. The control of the provisioning
could run completely over the blockchain, so that the
provider only hangs his systems in the blockchain net-
work and only takes care of the hardware. Differ-
ent provision strategies could be integrated into the
blockchain technology to ensure a standard in quality
over all smart contracts. A detailed modelling of the
smart contracts would also make it possible to inte-
grate different service level agreements (SLA). Con-
trol mechanisms necessary for verification can be in-
cluded in the software component. The current design
is only designed for cloud instances such as desktop
units, as proactive use is always assumed. Further
mechanisms have to be developed to check different
instance variants.
In the following section we give an outlook on
how to proceed.
For further investigating our hypothesis and evaluat-
ing the presented concept, we will rely on the De-
sign Science Research evaluation pattern presented in
(Sonnenberg and vom Brocke, 2012). Briefly, the au-
thors presented a generalized evaluation pattern that
comprises four evaluation stages, which lies between
four main activities: problem identification, design,
construction and use. The presented argument flow
and the analyzed literature strongly points out the
extensive use of computational resources for min-
ing process due to the inefficient adopted consensus
mechanisms (e.g. Bitcoin). Accordingly, CO2 emis-
sions of this industry will keep rising in the future
which already pose significant problem. The initial
design of the presented concept will be further an-
alyzed from a security point of view to insure that
the presented consensus mechanism will overcome at-
tacks such as 51%-attack or Double block generation.
Furthermore, a simulation model will be built to in-
vestigate the feasibility of the concept to enhance the
operations of cloud providers to reduce their energy
consumption using the concept of proof-of-provision,
which provide a higher form of transparency through
incorporating the SLA conditions and violations. In
the simulation, we will demonstrate the role of dy-
namic scaling of virtual machines and virtual ma-
chines live migration to reduce energy consumption
in datacenters. One can argue that the transparency is
a major problem that demotivate cloud services con-
sumer from accepting specific forms of services as for
instance, a dynamic scaling of virtual machines or hi-
bernating computing resources if they are not in use.
In the third and fourth evaluation phases we will de-
velop a prototype to demonstrate the applicability of
the concept and further investigate the mentioned se-
curity matters.
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