Measuring Architecture Principles and Their Sets in Practice:
Creating an Architecture Principle Measurement Instrument
Challenged in a Case Study at the Dutch Tax Agency
Michiel Borgers and Frank Harmsen
School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, Tongersestraat 53, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Keywords: Architecture Principles, Measurement Instrument, Characteristics, Attributes, Information System, Case
Abstract: Although architecture principles are important in the implementation of information systems requirements,
empirical evidence of the effect of architecture principles is lacking. To find this empirical evidence, we need
an instrument to measure architecture principles in the first place. This paper is the result of creating an
architecture principle measurement instrument challenged in a case study. We describe both the measurement
instrument and the related measurement method, including the test in a real-life case. Based on the outcome
we extended the instrument with extra architecture principles characteristics and attributes. We also made
some improvements on the measurement method as well.
As we described in (Borgers and Harmsen, 2018),
architecture principles play, in theory, a key role in
guiding the design and the implementation of
information system (IS) requirements. Examples of
architecture principles are: A fact is stored only once,
or Reuse, before Buy, before Make. But the question
is: are architecture principles effective in practice, i.e.
do they have a hopefully positive effect on the
implementation of IS requirements?
To answer this overarching question of our
research, we consider the use of architecture
principles during the implementation of IS
requirements. We measure both the architecture
principles and the success of the implementation of
the information system requirements, in order to
determine a correlation. Our research is an
investigation into the practical value of architecture
principles: does the theoretical promise of
architectures principles have a positive effect on the
implementation of information system requirements
in practice?
The current paper is the result of creating an
architecture principle measurement instrument
challenged in a case study. We have used the
definition as well as the framework for defining and
describing architecture principles introduced in
(Borgers and Harmsen, 2018), to create a
measurement instrument and method. With this
instrument we measure architecture principles in
practice, testing the definition and model in a real-life
We start this paper with the research methodology
in section 2. In the third section we provide an
architecture principle measurement instrument. The
validation results of the measurement instrument,
based on a case study, are described in section four.
We finish this article with limitations, conclusions
and further research.
2.1 Research Question
Our literature study (Borgers and Harmsen, 2018)
resulted in a theoretical framework for architecture
principles. The next step is to challenge this
framework in practice: Is it, in a real-life situation,
useful to measure the architecture principles?
Therefore, we phrased the research question:
"How to measure architecture principles and their
sets in practice?"
To answer this question, we need an instrument to
measure both the individual architecture principles as
Borgers, M. and Harmsen, F.
Measuring Architecture Principles and Their Sets in Practice: Creating an Architecture Principle Measurement Instrument Challenged in a Case Study at the Dutch Tax Agency.
DOI: 10.5220/0007787905340543
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 534-543
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
well as the set of principles used. This instrument
should be able to identify architecture principles and
their sets in the first place. Secondly, using the
theoretical framework, we have to determine the
possible values of the characteristics and attributes
out of this framework. In determining the
characteristics and attributes, it is important that the
description is coherent and complete. So, the first sub
question is:
I: “What does an Architecture principle measurement
instrument look like?"
To be able to answer the overall research question,
a measurement instrument in itself is not enough. We
also need a method to collect and to analyze the
information. The second sub question, therefore, will
II: "How to use the Architecture principle
measurement instrument in practice?"
To answer these two research questions, we used
the approach described below.
2.2 Case Study Approach
We have chosen the case study approach for
answering our research questions. There are, in
general, two reasons for using the case study
1. Early phases of research: case studies are useful
“in early phases of research where there may be
no prior hypotheses or previous work of
guidance” according to (Steenhuis and De Bruijn,
2004), but also stated by (Eisenhardt, 1989).
2. Context-related: if a phenomenon is strongly
related to its context, case study research “is used
to investigate a specific phenomenon through an
in-depth limited-scope study” (Eisenhardt, 1989).
Yin states that case studies are necessary “when
the boundaries between phenomenon and context
are not clearly evident” (Yin, 1984).
Architecture principles have been studied since
the early 1990’s. This would imply that the first
reason does not apply to our research. But in
(Borgers, 2016) we already identified that there is a
lack of research about the practical use of architecture
principles. And although there is a scientific basis laid
out by this theory, we would like to challenge its
adequacy, because they have little empirical
substantiation” as Eisenhardt (1989) would call it.
And, although some of the past publications
introduced new definitions and descriptions, they all
confirmed the conclusions of previous publications
(Borgers and Harmsen, 2018). It is time to
juxtaposition theory and practice.
For answering our research question the second
reason to choose for the case study approach, is valid
as well. In our literature review we cited several
authors that “the context in which the architecture
principles are used, is important as well, in particular
for the effect of a principle.” (Borgers and Harmsen,
2018). So, architecture principles are conceptual
instruments used by people in the context of the
design and implementation process.
2.3 Research Steps
A research approach has to be reliable and valid
(Babbie, 2015a). Therefore, especially in a case study
approach, it is important to guarantee the objectivity
of fact findings. Therefore, we looked at the steps
defined by (Eisenhardt, 1989). She based her steps on
literature from authors like (Yin, 1981; 1984; Miles
and Huberman, 1984; Strauss, 1987) and experience
from authors conducting case studies like (Harris and
Sutton, 1986; Eisenhardt and Bourgeois, 1988;
Gersick, 1988). We grouped the steps of Eisenhardt
in the following three phases:
Figure 1: Case study approach.
1. Preparing the Case Study: in this phase we
defined the research question, as described above.
Secondly, we selected a case. Because our overall
research program is focusing on Dutch
government organizations, we chose a case from
the Dutch Tax Agency. One reason to choose this
case study was, of course, that the project did use
architecture principles in the first place. Besides,
the chosen project had to be finished: we could see
the use of principles during the entire
implementation life cycle. We crafted the
instruments and protocols to be used during the
case study research. We defined our research team
with subject matter experts, defined our survey,
and built our measurement instrument and
2. Doing the Research: this was the iterative phase
of data collection, analysis and theory building.
We collected the data from documents, surveys,
interviews, and a site visit. Based on the results of
our desk research, we aimed at specific subjects
Measuring Architecture Principles and Their Sets in Practice: Creating an Architecture Principle Measurement Instrument Challenged in a
Case Study at the Dutch Tax Agency
during our interviews. We added all collected data
to the spreadsheets that contained our
measurement instrument. During this phase we
sharpened our measurement instrument, adding
new characteristics and attributes. After all data
were collected, the research team evaluated both
the measurement instrument and method and
made suggestions for improvement.
3. Closing the Research: the last phase compared the
results with existing literature and to end the case
study because there were no new data sources to
investigate. We ended the case study after
evaluating all possible data sources in our
spreadsheet and reporting the results of the case
study back to the Dutch Tax Agency. We closed
the research by answering the research question.
2.4 Boundaries of Research
In literature, different kinds of architecture principles
are defined: design and representation principles
(Stelzer, 2009; Winter and Aier, 2011; Haki and
Legner, 2013), syntactic and semantic architecture
principles (Lindström, 2006), and architecture
management principles (Lumor et al., 2016). In our
literature review we already took the view that these
different types of principles are different perspectives
on the same kind of architecture principles, all
meeting our definition.
As mentioned in section 2.2, the context in which
architecture principles are used, is relevant. With
narrowing the scope to Dutch government
organizations, we are scaling down the research
scope, resulting in more reliable research results.
To be able to measure architecture principles in
practice, we need both a measurement instrument and
a corresponding method to use in practice. In this
section we start describing the measurement as
answer on research question one. In the second part
we are answering the second research question, by
explaining the measurement method.
3.1 The Measurement Instrument
To measure architecture principles and related
architecture principle sets in practice we need a well-
defined measurement instrument. This measurement
instrument should be able to:
1. Identify the architecture principles and the
architecture principle sets related to them;
2. Describe Architecture principle and the
architecture principle sets with their
characteristics and attributes.
Based on comprehensive literature review we
redefined the definition of an architecture principle.
We also extended a framework for describing both
the architecture principles and related sets.
3.1.1 Definitions of Principle and Set
We defined an architecture principle as: An
architecture principle is a declarative statement,
based on, at least, business and IT strategy. It
normatively describes a property of the design of an
information system, which is necessary to ensure that
the information system meets its essential
requirements.” Of course, to be an architecture
principle all elements of the definition should be
fulfilled. So, in the measurement instrument we
designed a definition check for the elements
declarative statement, based on business and IT
strategy, normatively, describes a property of the
design, and necessary meeting its essential
requirements. Each of these elements has to be
present, including explanatory facts.
For an architecture principle set we use the
definition “a group of architecture principles defined
and presented as a collection”. Because this
definition is more generic, we do see every group of
architecture principles described together as a set.
3.1.2 Descriptions
For describing both the individual architecture
principles and the sets of architecture principles we
defined a framework of characteristics and related
attributes (see fig. 2). This framework is based on
research of Richardson et al. (1990), Fischer, et al.,
(2010) and Winter and Aier (2011).
Using our framework, we listed all characteristics
named in literature (Borgers and Harmsen, 2018). For
each characteristic and its attributes, we provided a
definition (see appendix) and defined the relationship
with the architecture principle. In our measurement
instrument we list all characteristics and related
attributes, so we can collect the data for the
characteristics and attributes found in practice.
In our literature review we also found all kinds of
characteristics and documents in the context of the
architecture principles of which we are calling
artefacts. We described the context of the architecture
principle and set by defining the relationship with the
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
artefacts, like ‘design’ and ‘requirements’.
Figure 2: Framework for describing the architecture
principle and set.
3.2 Measurement Method
To be able to use the measurement instrument, we
also need a reliable and valid measurement method to
measure the architecture principles. The
measurement method helps with collecting and
analyzing the right data and finally with measuring
the architecture principles. The measurement method
is an iterative three-step approach (see fig. 3).
Figure 3: The measurement method.
3.2.1 Collect Data
The objective of this step is to collect data about
architecture principles and the architecture principle
set. Therefore, data about the related artefacts are also
relevant: IS architectures, IS designs, requirements
and business & IT strategies. We use different
methods to collect data: desk research, surveys,
interviews and site visits.
For the desk research all kind of documents might
be useful, like architecture descriptions, requirements
specifications, test reports, and so on. All these
address elements of the architecture principles and/or
the related artefacts. The survey is used to collect data
before the interview sessions, to be able to focus on
specific items during the interview. The survey
consists of open questions based on the characteristics
in the framework. The interviews take place with at
least two members of the research team. All
interviews are recorded, and the minutes of the
interview are sent to the interviewee for feedback.
Interviewees are architects, software engineers, the
test manager, the project leader, and the system
owner. Site visits are useful to see the information
system running in the daily operation and to consider
to what extent the essential requirements are
We record all relevant data per architecture
principle and per source, in order to have different
facts about the same characteristic or attribute
available. This is useful for the analysis of data, when
differences or even conflicts among the data about a
specific characteristic or attribute occur.
3.2.2 Analyze Data
In this step we analyze the data to check the precision
and accuracy of the data and to find exceptions and
trends. For all data collected we check for
inconsistencies between sources. If so, we have to go
back for data collection to find the right or new data.
If, afterwards, data conflicts remain, we have to
explain the differences or decide not to use the data.
Secondly, we check whether or not so-called
architecture principles are in accordance with the
architecture principle definition. We determine if the
principle satisfies each element of the definition and
write down that reasoning in a spreadsheet. If not, the
so-called architecture principle is declared be out of
We then analyze the qualitative data on
exceptions. The analysis has to be done per principle,
but also between different principles. We look at
remarkable differences between attributes or
characteristics of a principle or between principles.
For instance, the key action cannot be related to the
prerequisite of the principle. Or, one architecture
principle is fulfilled completely, while another one is
not, although those two are strongly related.
The final action is to quantify the data and find
specific trends from the quantified data. We simplify
the analysis between principles out from different
cases. We quantify the data of each principle and set
as follows.
We review the different sources per attribute and
set the numerical score;
The score reflects the level of fulfilment of the
definition of the attribute: ‘0’ is no fulfilment, ‘1
is partly fulfilment and, ‘2’ is complete fulfilment.
We call this our code scheme (Babbie, 2015b).
The reasoning for the score is described in the
Measuring Architecture Principles and Their Sets in Practice: Creating an Architecture Principle Measurement Instrument Challenged in a
Case Study at the Dutch Tax Agency
The score of the characteristic is the average of the
score of its attributes;
Only for the “classification” characteristic of the
principle set we use an alternative score: the
scores used refer to the specific values the
attribute can have. See the appendix for all
attribute values of principle sets;
Finally, we calculate the average score of each
characteristic over all principles and sets.
We now are able to make cross-section analyses, to
create graphics and to search for trends.
3.2.3 Measure the Principle
This final step is to evaluate the exceptions and
trends. We describe the architecture principles and
the architecture principle sets, including the overall
conclusions about their state.
Based on the qualitative and quantified analysis
we evaluate the exceptions and trends. We explain
those exceptions and trends and draw our conclusions
as subject-matter experts. Of course, we add evidence
supporting those conclusions.
We end up with describing the architecture
principles and the architecture principle sets by
describing their characteristics and attributes. In this
description we add the qualitative and quantified
analysis, including the conclusions.
We started challenging our measurement instrument
with one case study only. Before we use the
instruments for many cases simultaneously, we first
would like to test to what extent the instrument is
useful in practice. Depending on the outcome of the
first case study, we can decide how to continue. If
there is a big misfit with the instrument itself, we will
focus on improving the instrument. If it is working in
practice quite well, we can start directly with the
research itself and optimize the measurement
instrument where necessary.
We used the ‘Teruggaaf Dividendbelasting’
(TDi), in English: ‘Return of Dividend Tax’, of the
Dutch Tax Agency as case in our research. TDi is an
information system supporting the return of tax on
dividend payed to legal entities. TDi was rebuilt in an
agile project, which we investigated until system
release in December 2017. For this case study we
reviewed nineteen documents, conducted five
interviews with six different stakeholders and
examined the TDi system itself during a site visit.
These activities were done by our research team
consisting of three researchers.
4.1 Architecture Principles of the TDi
In the rebuilding of the TDi system 55 potential
architecture principles were used. According to our
definition (see section 3), only 36 architecture
principles could be identified as such. In fig. 4 we see
the level of completeness of all those 36 architecture
principles together, while the individual scores may
differ between the principles.
Looking at the specification characteristic of the
architecture principles we did recognize that none of
the principles included a rationale, while the
statement and implications were worked out well. A
reference to the rationale, as they were described in
other architecture documents, was missing as well.
Figure 4: Level of completeness of the 36 architecture
80% of the principles has been fulfilled partly
(36%) or fully (44%). Only one principle was not
followed (“from object based to subject based
working”) and in 17% we could not determine
whether or not the principles had been fulfilled
because of missing resource data (see fig. 5).
Interestingly, developers didn’t respect some of the
principles as meant to be and implemented parts of
the system in other directions.
With respect to the prerequisites, for seven
principles specific preconditions were defined, while
for all, some overall preconditions were defined. Not
all of the preconditions have been fulfilled
(completely) at the start or during the project, like
B/CAO building blocks available”. Therefore, not all
principles could be fulfilled, as we did see.
Surprisingly, there were no key actionsidentified,
to get the preconditions fulfilled.
All meta data was in place, so that managing the
architecture principles was no issue. Information
about author, status, version, users and much more
was easy to find.
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The architecture principles were meeting the
quality attributes as well. The main reason why the
overall score of the quality is not 100 percent, is that
the rationale was missing. Therefore, we were not
able to determine the principle’s intention and
relevance as described in the specific and
relevantattribute. All architecture principles, even
when they were imposed from outside the project,
were translated to the TDi context.
Figure 5: Level of fulfilment of the principles.
The architecture principles originate from two
documents: a High Level Design (HLD) and a Project
Start Architecture (PSA). The HLD describes the
process, application and technical infrastructure of
the TDI system, while the PSA focuses on the
application and technical infrastructure only. In the
HLD, twelve architecture principles are defined
explicitly but most principles are only addressed by
referring to other architecture documents. In the PSA,
nine ICT principles are described, including
directives for using in the TDi system
implementation. In both documents many meta data
attributes can be found, like authors, administrator,
status, target audience, etc.
Given the many architecture principles mentioned
in both sets we conclude that the sets are not
representative for meeting the essential requirements.
There are too many architecture principles adopted
from the overall architectures, resulting in overlap.
Those principles are not translated to a single
principle specific for the TDi system. Although there
are many overlapping architecture principles, there
are no contradictory principles in the sets. The
accessibility of the sets themselves is good, because
they were managed by the architects of the TDi
project. Because the sets refer to other documents, the
accessibility of the original sets of principles is less
4.2 Evaluation of the Measurement
Instrument in the Case
For evaluating the measurement instrument, we have
to test for both the identification and the description
of the architecture principles, whether they are
complete and coherent. To start with the
identification of the architecture principles, the
instrument was helpful in determining which of the
so-called architecture principles are fulfilling the
elements of the definition. As a result, nineteen of the
55 so-called architecture principles did not pass
verification. On the other hand, we did not find any
other statements, not explicitly called architecture
principles, that did fulfil the elements of the
The definition of the architecture principle set was
not differentiating enough. There are many ways to
present a group of principles together. In our case we
analyzed the different kinds of sets to understand the
interrelationships between those sets. We did see in
this case study that the presentation of the architecture
principles was related to other architecture
documents, which were already in place. So, the way
of presenting the principles is not necessarily related
to the system itself but influenced by external factors.
Therefore, our case study resulted in a changed
definition of the architecture principle set: a group
of architecture principles defined and presented as a
collection based on a similar type or scope of the
architecture principles.”
Although we might state that - in this case - the
identification of all individual principles was done,
we also learned that the identification is also related
to the essential requirements. In our case study the
essential requirements were defined at a high level,
e.g. “the system has to be future-proof”, so it was
quite easy to link architecture principles to the
essential requirements. So, in next cases more in-
depth research to the essential requirements is
The coherence of the architecture principle
definition was already theoretically explained in our
literature review with the WH-questions approach
(Borgers and Harmsen, 2018). During the case study
we did not find any inconsistencies between the
elements, which might suggest that the elements of
the definitions are incorrect.
The second part of the measurement instrument
describes the architecture principles. Looking at the
completeness of the instrument we found in the case
all but two of the attributes defined in the model. The
rationaleattribute was defined in other documents
and, although no “key actions” were defined, in some
interviews necessary key actions to take were brought
forward. So, none of the attributes are irrelevant.
In our case study we detected some omissions in
the model. The attribute degree of acceptancehas
Measuring Architecture Principles and Their Sets in Practice: Creating an Architecture Principle Measurement Instrument Challenged in a
Case Study at the Dutch Tax Agency
to be added to the measurecharacteristic, because
in our case this element was addressed by several
sources. It describes an aspect relevant to the
fulfilment of the principle and will be defined as:
level of acceptance of the principle by all of its
users”. The attribute “preconditions fulfilled”, related
to the prerequisitescharacteristic, is also relevant
to add. We explicitly saw in the case that, when
preconditions were set, it was also relevant to know
whether the preconditions were fulfilled. The
definition of this attribute can be described as the
level of fulfilment of the preconditions defined.”
For the architecture principle set we will add an
extra characteristic: prerequisites”. We discovered
in the case study that some prerequisites were not
related to a specific principle, but to a group of
principles. Besides the precondition attribute,
basic assumptionswere described for some sets as
well. Basic assumptions arerelevant criteria for
successful use of the principle”.
In this case we did not find any inconsistencies in
the coherence of the description model. Some of the
relationships as described in the model, e.g. depends
on” or level of fulfilment”, were described explicitly
in the documents or way mentioned during the
interviews. The amount of information, though, is
insufficient to make fact-based statements about the
consistency of the coherence. In this case it was clear
that there are interrelationships between attributes,
e.g. the missing of the rationale and therefore a lower
score at quality, as we already described in (Borgers
and Harmsen, 2016). More research data is necessary
to make clear statements about the coherence.
4.3 Evaluation of the Measurement
We evaluate the measurement method by discussing
the reliability and validity of the case study results.
To challenge the reliability of the results, we want to
know to what extent the results would be consistent
when doing the case study research again. In the
measurement method are different protocols defined
to assure the reliability of the outcome: using
different kinds of data collections, working with a
research team, minutes including feedback, etc. All
these mechanisms are important, because this case
demonstrates the subjectivity of facts collected. Two
architects, for example, were working closely
together during the project, but had different opinions
about the fulfilment of some of the architecture
principles. The research team could, based on all
different sources, make an expert judgement about
the fulfilment.
Although we used different ways of collection
data, in this case study we were lacking some in-depth
information about the essential requirements. As a
result, it was difficult to see to what extent
architecture principles were adding value in meeting
the essential requirements. Additional sources related
to the essential requirements, e.g. interviewing extra
business owners, would help to bridge this gap.
In evaluating the validity of the measurement
method, we concluded that the description of the
architecture principles reflects the real situation of
TDi. Although we found some contradictory data,
especially in the interviews, we were able to explain
the differences in the data. In this specific case we
were not always able to go into details of specific
architecture principles. Because the case used quite
some principles, 36 in total, it was difficult to address
all individual principles. So, in following cases we
need mechanisms to get more in-depth information
about the individual principles.
The aim of this research was to build and test the
architecture principle measurement instrument. To do
so, we chose the case study approach to juxtaposition
theory with practice.
5.1 Limitations
Although the arguments for using the case study
approach are still valid, there are some limitations
important to address in this case study.
We are aware that one case cannot prove the
completeness of the measurement instrument. As
discussed in section 4, the objective of this research
is to test to what extent the instrument is useful in
practice in the first place. For an extended test on
completeness and coherence of the measurement
instrument, we need more test cases.
A second limitation might be that the researchers,
although all kind of protocols are defined, are biased
in searching for characteristics and attributes. The
moment we are introducing a model as a description
of our research object, we see architecture principles
through this model. We tried to avoid this prejudice
by avoiding naming of attributes during the survey
and interviews. The fact that we identified new
attributes and characteristics, shows that we were
open for new elements as well.
Finally we can also note that there is currently no
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
other instrument that measures architectural
principles, so we cannot compare this instrument with
other instruments. Studies have been done on the
added value of architecture in general and we could
apply that approach to the same case to assess
whether comparable results will be achieved.
5.2 Conclusions
To answer the overall research question, we first had
to investigate how an architecture principle
measurement instrument looks like. Based on a
theoretical framework we described a measurement
instrument tested in a real-life case study. Based on
the experiences from practice we can conclude that
the measurement instrument is fit for purpose,
although the instrument can be extended with extra
characteristics and attributes. These extensions are
degree of acceptanceand preconditions fulfilled
for describing the individual principle and the
characteristic prerequisites’, including the attributes
precondition’, and basic assumption for the
architecture principle set. Although we know that we
tested the instrument with one case only, we are
beyond doubt that with these add-ons the model has
added value in measuring architecture principles and
in measuring related architecture principle sets.
Secondly, we had to determine how to use this
measurement instrument in practice. We defined a
three-step method to collect, analyze and measure the
architecture principle. We carried out this
measurement method in our case study, with a
description of the architecture principles and
principles sets for the TDi case as a result. We have
the opinion that the method yields reliable and valid
results, although we discovered in this case that more
information on the requirements and the individual
principles, would strengthen the results of the case
5.3 Next Steps
In summary, the conclusions and limitations
combined confirm that it is feasible to enlarge the
number of tests of architecture principle
measurements with more cases. With more cases we
are able to test the ability to compare architecture
principles and principle sets between case studies.
When carrying out new cases, we would prefer the
number of cases to be as large as possible. However,
the substantial scaling up of the number of cases
requires automatic processing of the data. We are
going to investigate whether automatic processing is
possible, since architectural principles are written in
human language and we have found that this requires
human interpretation.
Secondly, we can use the new case studies to test
the completeness and coherence of the measurement
instrument and method. We need to investigate
whether or not the vision of using architecture
principle is a characteristic in itself and we also have
to see how we can elaborate on the essential
requirements. So, new case studies will give new
insights in the use of the instrument and method and
help in optimizing them both.
We would like to thank Yvette Hoekstra and Henk
van den Berg for participating in the research team
and giving all kinds of comments on both the
measurement instrument and the case study results.
Secondly, we want to thank the Dutch Tax Agency,
and Jelco Bosma specifically, for enabling this case
study. Special thanks to the senior experts Saco
Bekius (M&I/partners) and Paul Oude Luttighuis (Le
Blanc Advies) for reviewing the draft version of this
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Table 1: Characteristics for Architecture principles.
Succinctly and
communicates the
fundamental rule to the
user of the principle
Highlights the business
benefits of adhering to the
Highlights the
requirements for carrying
out the principle
Level of the fulfilment of
the statement
Preconditions and
requirements to be fulfilled
before the principle can be
Key action
Guidelines for
implementing the principle,
giving the preconditions
Meta data
Specifications to be able to
govern the principle
The user can understand its
intention and its effects to
use it in his work
Possible to determine
whether or not a given
behaviour is in line with
architecture principle
The implications of it can
all be performed by or
adhered to by all those
The principle should lead
to a improvement of the
system meeting the
essential requirement
Time framed
Principle should be stable
in context and time
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Characteristics for architecture principle set.
The principles in the
set are related to one of
the architecture layers.
Level of use of the
Meta Data
Specifications to be
able to govern the
principle set.
Quality of the
The set covers all
relevant requirements
in a specific problem
Users can find and
retrieve the set of
principles and they can
comprehend the
No contradictions
between the
architecture principles
in the set.
Table 3: Possible values for the attributes of the
classification characteristic.
Type: The principles in the
set are related to one of the
architecture layers.
Scope: Level of use of the
Table 4: The 36 architecture principles used within the TDi
case (translated from Dutch).
Architecture principle
Organisational units do specialize
Collaboration based on services
We share proven services within the Dutch
We communicate digitally with citizen and
companies, if possible
Data administration is done digitally only
Digital workspaces offer customized
Architecture principle
We connect with the activities of citizens and
We develop knowledge about laws and
regulations and share them
We strengthen the information position of
citizens and companies
Design modularity carefully
Unique management and multiple use of data
Design the continuity of business operations
Use standards
Use services available (re-use, before buy,
before build)
Use ICT products as intended
Deliver robust ICT services
Take security risks consciously
Solve problems at the source
Employee centrally, tailor-made information
Standard building blocks
Client-oriented payment and management of
Establish source data
Exchange of information
Process characteristics
From object-oriented to subject-oriented
Maximize compliant behaviour
Integral production control
Data is used across contexts
Event-driven transactions exist alongside
periodical transactions
The handling time of transactions matches the
expectation of the customer
We are preparing for settlement of positive
and negative claims
Advances can be partially paid
Operational Excellence is for Customer
Decoupling of risk detection and
determining legal consequences
Sensible reuse of process patterns and ICT
Where possible, we shift functionality for
transaction processing to the interaction
Measuring Architecture Principles and Their Sets in Practice: Creating an Architecture Principle Measurement Instrument Challenged in a
Case Study at the Dutch Tax Agency