ShinyAnonymizer: A Tool for Anonymizing Health Data
Marios Vardalachakis
, Haridimos Kondylakis
1,2 a
, Lefteris Koumakis
1,2 b
Angelina Kouroubali
1 c
and Dimitrios G. Katehakis
1,3 d
Computational Biomedicine Laboratory, FORTH-ICS, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Department of Informatics Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Greece
Center for eHealth Applications and Services, FORTH-ICS, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Keywords: Personal Health Data, Security, Privacy, Data Anonymization.
Abstract: Processing and managing sensitive health data requires a high standard of security and privacy measures to
ensure that all ethical and legal requirements are respected. Data anonymization is one of the key technologies
to this purpose. However, the plethora and the complexity of the available anonymization techniques make it
difficult for a non-expert to select and apply the appropriate technique. In this paper, we report on Shiny
Database Anonymizer, a tool enabling the easy and flexible anonymization of available health data, providing
access to state of the art anonymization techniques, incorporating also multiple data analysis visualization
paradigms. In addition, a number of encryption and hashing techniques are presented.
In recent years, various health and medical
institutions have collected a large quantity of medical
data through their Electronic Health Records (EHRs)
(Katehakis et al, 2011). If used effectively, these data
can help acquire new knowledge for disease
prevention, enabling also optimal decision-making
(Schaller et al., 2016). Distributed health care systems
consist of patient data and knowledge from health
care institutions. Meaningful knowledge can be
extracted from medical data which can be shared with
other institutions to achieve knowledge
interoperability among different heterogeneous
health care systems (Kouroubali et al, 1997;
Katehakis et al, 2017).
To this direction, data availability and sharing
have become core elements in biomedical and
healthcare research (Kondylakis et al., 2015d;
Maniadi et al., 2013). However, patient data usually
include sensitive information about personal history,
diagnoses and medications (Kondylakis et al., 2015a).
Multiple regulations and laws have been established
worldwide in order to protect the privacy of
individuals. A recent example in the European Union
is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
that came into force in 25 May 2018. The GDPR
regulates sensitive data access and establishes
measures for ensuring the privacy of patients when
sharing medical data. A key technology to ensure data
privacy is data anonymization using available
anonymization techniques. Anonymization of data is
needed in order for third parties to use patient
information without compromising confidentiality.
The information is anonymized in such a way that the
characteristics of the data remain while the anonymity
of personal identify of the person is preserved. A
typical use case is the knowledge extraction from
medical data (Berman, 2002) and the corresponding
secondary usage (Kondylakis et al, 2016). The first
and most important step of clinical data mining is the
seamless data integration (Potamias et al., 2005) in a
way that privacy is preserved (Aggarwal and Philip,
While anonymization is an important process for
protecting privacy, the available tools allowing non-
expert users to anonymize available data are limited.
These tools are often not user-friendly enough while
Vardalachakis, M., Kondylakis, H., Koumakis, L., Kouroubali, A. and Katehakis, D.
ShinyAnonymizer: A Tool for Anonymizing Health Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0007798603250332
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2019), pages 325-332
ISBN: 978-989-758-368-1
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
they require a deep understanding of the
corresponding algorithms. These facts limit their
practical application. This paper focuses on current
research activities related to the implementation of a
tool for Anonymizing Health Data called
ShinyAnonymizer. ShinyAnonymizer is able to
connect to various databases, enabling non-expert
users to easily select data from remote databases and
then by using a point and click graphical interface, to
anonymize the data with a plethora of available
ShinyAnonymizer offers a wide range of available
algorithms, explained for non-expert users in a non-
technical language using examples, ensuring the
usage of state of the art confidentiality models that
mitigate attacks and privacy breaches. More
specifically, ShinyAnonymizer supports a
combination of the following privacy models:
Anonymization privacy models (removing
information, suppression, generalization,
bottom and top coding)
Hashing privacy models (md5, crc32, sha512,
Encryption privacy models (Des, X-Des, Aes-
512, blowfish)
In addition to multiple methods for privacy, the
system also provides multiple data analysis
visualization paradigms and statistics such as pie
charts, bar charts, area charts, histograms and scatter
ShinyAnonymizer uses well known and high
productive anonymization algorithms and
implements a carefully selected set of techniques that
can handle a large spectrum of data anonymization
tasks while being productive and easy to understand.
Finally, ShinyAnonymizer provides a stand-alone
software library that can be easilty integrated and
used into other systems. In addition, it is extendable
to many more algorithms, is well-tested and carefully
documented. Therefore, ShinyAnonymizer provides
a robust environment for developing novel privacy
The whole platform has been developed in the
context of iManageCancer EU project
( for empowering cancer
patients. The project aims to build an advanced,
standards-based and scalable semantic integration
environment (Kondylakis, et al., 2017), enabling
seamless, secure and consistent bi-directional linking
of clinical research and clinical care systems, which
among others, will empower patients to extract the
relevant data out of the overwhelmingly large
amounts of heterogeneous data and treatment
information (Kondylakis, et al, 2015b; Kondylakis et
al, 2015c). For enabling research organization to
analyze health data of the patients willing to share
their anonymized data, by signing the necessary
consent form (Kondylakis, et al, 2017) the
ShinyAnonymizer is used to preprocess the available
data before enabling data analysis on them
(Koumakis, et al, 2018). Fields like name, surname
and address and other fields that could lead to leakage
of personal information by reasonable means are
anonymized, whereas data transmission among the
various components of the framework are encrypted
before being transferred.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 presents the ShinyAnonymizer workflow
and architecture, describing in detail also the
available components, and section 3 provides a
walkthrough of the tool. A comparison with related
tools is presented in Section 4. Finally, Section 5
concludes this paper and presents directions for future
2.1 Workflow
ShinyAnonymizer is targeted for domain experts who
will anonymize data with the help of an IT person.
The workflow consists of four steps as shown in
Figure 1. The figure shows the process of
anonymization and its alternatives. Our work aims at
making data anonymization attractive to a broad
range of end-users that might not have expertise in
anonymization techniques. We decided to implement
different algorithms that are intuitive to non-expert
users and that can be easily configured.
Figure 1: System Workflow.
The first step of the workflow involves
connection, retrieval and visualization of already
existing data stored in external databases, excel and
ICT4AWE 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
CSV files and others. ShinyAnonymizer supports the
connection to most of the existing relational databases
and file formats, accessible using various scripts of
the R programming language. In each case, only the
appropriate connection parameters should be defined
and then the ShinyAnonymizer is able to connect to
the appropriate data source in order to retrieve and
process the available data.
The second step is to visualize the available data,
enabling the active exploration of the available
information. The users can select the fields to be
further processed and can experiment with the
available privacy models.
In the third step, the users can select among many
different algorithms for encryption, hashing and
Finally in the fourth step, the users are able to
perform several analytic tasks in order to check the
information available after the application of the
various privacy models.
2.2 System Architecture
In order for the aforementioned workflow to be
executed, a three-layered architecture has been
designed and implemented, consisting of the
Graphical User Interface (GUI), the Privacy models
and the Data Source Application Programming
Interfaces (APIs), as depicted in Figure 2. Detailed
description of each one of those layers is provided
2.2.1 The GUI
The top layer of the ShinyAnonymizer system is the
graphical user interface which is the front-end of the
Figure 2: System Architecture.
whole system. It is a web application using multiple
graphs and visualization techniques for enabling data
exploration and for visualizing the result of the
various privacy models that are applied to the data.
This layer has been implemented using HTML,
JavaScript and CSS over the Shiny R package (Team,
2014). A screenshot of the GUI is shown in Figure 3.
After configuring the connection to an external data
source, the data are transformed and stored in an
internal PostgreSQL database. Then the user is
presented with a tabular view of the data which enable
the active exploration of the various data fields and
the identification of the data to be anonymized,
encrypted or hashed.
Figure 3: The GUI of the system.
Before and after the application of the various
privacy models, data exploration is available in
tabular format and in the following visualization
Pie Chart: The pie chart shows the data as
sectors from a circle and is accordingly useful
for displaying data as total parts. Pie charts are
separated into sections to present the values of
different sizes.
Bar Chart: The Bar chart displays the data
differences in length according to their value.
Usually it shows a comparison between several
sets of data.
Histogram: The histogram chart usually
describes the data as continuous lines that pass
through points defined by their items and
values. As the histogram uses colors to desplay
different areas, it is useful for emphasizing
changes in values from several sets of similar
data. A colored background helps visualize the
differences clearly.
Area Chart: Area charts are also called space
graphs and are used to show graphical
ShinyAnonymizer: A Tool for Anonymizing Health Data
representation of quantitative data. They
display data in leap Areas.
Scatter Plot: The scatter plot chart displays the
data as points with coordinates and size
determined by their item values. A bubble chart
is useful for visualizing different scientific
Summary statistics are also presented to the user
summarizing data ranges and diversity of the various
columns, offering useful insights on the quality and
the size of the available data.
2.2.2 The Privacy Models
In this layer, multiple algorithms are available for
hashing encryption and anonymization. All
algorithms have been implemented in R. Encryption
is a technique of scrambling the data in order to
remove sensitive information. The available
encryption methods in our system are the following:
DES: It is one of the most widely accepted
publicly available cryptographic systems
today. It uses a 56-bit key to encrypt the 64 bit
block size data. It processes 64-bit inputs into
64-bit cipher-text and algorithm performs 16
iterations (Kaur et al, 2016).
X-DES: is similar to DES. Its power can be
increased using the Galois Fields. By
increasing the size of the data structure and the
length of the encryption key at least two times
we can stop simple cryptographic attacks like
brute force attacks etc. (Luminita et al, 2017).
AES-512: has been one of the more powerful
security protocols. This is because it uses
higher length key sizes such as 128,192,256
and now 512 bits for encryption. This makes
the algorithm more powerful to avoid
cryptographic attacks and also it is faster than
other state of the art algorithms available
(Abidalrahman et al, 2011).
Blowfish: As DES and Extended DES need
significant processing power for execution,
they have been replaced by the Blowfish
algorithm. Blowfish algorithm is one of the
fastest block ciphers in general use, except
when changing keys. Each new key requires
preprocessing equivalent to encrypting 4
kilobytes of text which is very slow compared
to other block ciphers (Schneier, 1993).
Besides encrypting the available data, there are
also methods for data anonymization. An
anonymization algorithm use special operations to
appropriately hide the personal identity of the
available data. Multiple techniques have been
implemented to this direction as well.
Fake Data: This technique is used to derive
massive amounts of fake data in the appropriate
fields. Multiple functions are employed able to
generate names, addresses, email, various
dates, coordinates, telephone numbers etc. The
end-user is able to select the specific field and
the type of the random data to be generated.
Replace Characters by Random Letters and
Numbers: This technique is used with the
purpose to protect selected fields by replacing
factor and character fields by a combination of
random sampled letters and numbers. Numeric
columns can be transformed as well. The
implemented algorithm generates 5-digits long
character string by default for a selected
column but it can be configured to generate
larger codes as well.
Besides encrypting and anonymizing data, in
many cases, it is important to guarantee that data
reach their destination in their original form as sent
by the sender or that they are coming from an
authenticated/trusted source. Hashing functions are
commonly used to this purpose. They can also be
used as special mathematical functions that convert a
numerical value into another compressed numerical
value. The input to the hash function is an arbitrary
length but the output is always of a fixed length. In
addition an additional input is usually added to the
plain message before hashing also known as salting
to enhance the quality of the output. Values returned
by a hash function are called message digest or simply
hash values. Using a hash function, the input cannot
be deciphered by knowing the hash function and the
output, unless every possible input is tried. For this
reason, it is considered a safe method for data
protection. The available hashing methods in our
system are the following:
MD5: Generates a message digest of fixed 128
bits and it takes 64 rounds. It was created in
1992.The goal of MD5 is to produce digest that
seems to be random. It is ordinarily used to
audit the integrity of data and it is also
introduced as a 32-digit hexadecimal number.
Finally, it provides a fingerprint of a message
of arbitrary length (RFC 1231, 1992).
SHA512: MD5 is recent and common. That
means that there exist a lot of methods for
attacking MD5 (e.g. rainbow table attacks).
SHA512 is similar to MD5 with one difference:
SHA512 is better for security and has relative
fewer attacks than MD5 (SHA-2, 2018).
ICT4AWE 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
CRC32: CRC32 uses a fewer bits and can
correct one bit errors. This is considered as an
advantage against other algorithms for better
protection of the data. Finally, the usage of
systematical circular codes encodes the
message by adding a fixed length check value
for the scope of error detection (Peterson and
Brown, 1961).
XXHASH64: It is a fast hashing algorithm but
writes only a few bytes (Templ et al, 2015).
It is important to note that the system is easily
extensible to use more encryption, anonymization and
hashing algorithms. It is only a matter of providing a
new function call for enabling the usage of a new
privacy model.
Besides hashing the available data, there are also
methods for data anonymization. An anonymization
algorithm uses special operations to appropriately
hide the personal identity of the available data.
Multiple techniques have been implemented to this
direction as well.
Suppression: It replaces a quality value with
the special symbol "*".
Removing Information: A quality value is
replaced with a sequence of numbers that
ranges for example from 1 to 469 (total number
of observations).
Generalization: This technique replaces
quality values with semantically unvarying less
special values hiding the details of attributes.
Bottom Coding: It is an exposure constraint
technique that includes limiting the minimum
worth of a variable allowed on the file to
prevent exposure of individuals or other units
with extreme values in a delivery.
2.2.3 Data Source APIs
This layer includes multiple APIs foe enabling
connection to external data sources such as relational
databases and CSV and excels files. In addition, the
appropriate REST function calls and the
corresponding API are available for
programmatically retrieving data from external data
sources and applying multiple encryption,
anonymization and hashing functions.
has been used for applying privacy models to
iManageCancer patient data to properly anonymize
them. However, for building the system and for
demonstration purposes we are using a chimerical
patient database found online (EmrBots, 2018) that
consists of 100 patients, 372 admissions and 111,483
lab observations. These data are available as CSV
file. By selecting the file location, automatically the
data are imported into a PostgreSQL database and the
different privacy models can now be applied and
The GUI consists of six tabs that can be navigated
using the top navigation bar. Table 1 gives an
overview and description of the tabs in the GUI.
Table 1: Overview of screen tabs in the ShinyAnonymizer
Raw Data
Load and prepare the dataset
Encrypted Data
Encryption Methods
Anonymized Data
Anonymized Methods
Hashing Data
Hashing Methods
Visualized Data
Visualized techniques
Statistics Data
The Raw Data tab provides basic information of
the available data, showing the various tables and
fields available and enabling a basic search over the
After loading the data, the user can navigate to the
Encrypted Data tab to select the encryption methods
to be applied. There are specific tabs for each one of
the implemented algorithm (Blowfish, AES-512,
DES and X-DES) and the user can select the column
for the corresponding algorithm to be applied. The
application for each algorithm has been
preconfigured, however, the user can set further
parameters (e.g. for the Blowfish Algorithm). For
each case, short explanations are provided for the
non-expert user, when clicking to the corresponding
algorithm name. Through the Anonymized Data tab,
the user is able to apply anonymization algorithms
(fake data, random letters and numbers).
Hashing Algorithms can be used by selecting the
Hashing Data tab. By selecting the Visualized Data
tab, the available functions for data exploration, are
available. As such pie charts, histograms, mosaic
plots and some summary statistics can be used.
Finally, a summary of the available data is
presented through various statistics on each field such
as the number of patients, the min, median, mean and
max for various fields, the types of the various fields
ShinyAnonymizer: A Tool for Anonymizing Health Data
There are already many approaches providing data
anonymization as open source tools. To our
knowledge, the most well-known ones are the
Sdcmicro, the Anonymizer and the ARX. These are
described below.
Sdcmicro (Templ, et al., 2015) aims to protect the
data from unauthorized users. It focuses on
anonymizing data from statistical agencies and other
institutions that are mostly confidential and can be
used for the production of anonymized (micro) data,
i.e. for the construction of public- and scientific-use
files. In addition, various risk assessment methods are
included. Sdcmicro borrows techniques from other
fields. For example multivariate statistics are used to
change or affect constant variables and to quantify
information loss. In addition to the anonymization
methods implemented in the Sdcmicro package, an
inclusive set of risk and utility measures are also
provided. Finally, it includes functions to measure,
visualize and compare risk and utility throughout the
anonymization process.
Another anonymization software, called
Anonymizer (Hendricks, 2015) mostly permits users
to rapidly and easily anonymize data containing
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) through
“convenience functions”, i.e. using a combination of
salting and hashing.
Table 2: The main characteristics of the open source
anonymization tools.
Adding noise
Rank swapping
Fake data
Fake Data
Yet another system for data anonymization is
ARX (Abidalrahman, et al. 2011) aiming at providing
scalability and usability. It supports also various
anonymization techniques, methods for analyzing
data quality and re-identification risks. In addition, it
supports well-known anonymization methods such as
k-anonymity, I-diversity, t-closeness and differential
privacy. Table 2 elaborates on the key characteristics
of those tools.
Similar to the aforementioned systems, we argue
that multiple anonymization techniques should be
combined and used as a single technique is not always
optimal for a specific scenario. Anonymization,
hashing and encryption models can be effectively and
efficiently combined to ensure protection of the data
from unauthorized usage. However when combining
multiple state of the art algorithms, an optimal
workflow should be provided with explanations and
guidelines showing also examples of each
transformation to the available data. Furthermore they
should be complemented by at least a basic analytics
framework enabling the active exploration of the
available data. To the best of our knowledge
ShinyAnonymizer (Shiny Anonymizer) is the only
system enabling non-expert access to multiple
privacy models, in a user-friendly manner, combining
privacy with data exploration, offering multiple
exploration options through a rich set of data analysis
This paper focused on the implementation of a tool
called ShinyAnonymizer (Shiny Anonymizer) which
offers multiple privacy models that can be applied on
existing data, by non-expert users. The most well-
known encryption, hashing and anonymization
techniques have been implemented.
In addition, preliminary usage of the system
within the iManageCancer project has shown that the
system is reliable and can provide a vast amount of
options to experts that are able to quickly select the
appropriate fields to be anonymized. The tool is going
to be released soon as open source in order to enable
further real life usage.
However, having a tool like the one proposed
might create a false sense of privacy, as eventually the
domain experts should be trained and select the
appropriate fields to be anonymized. To this task we
envision that an IT expert will guide the domain
expert at least the first times that the tool is used,
explaining him the data view and the various options
ICT4AWE 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
As more technologies emerge like the block-
chain, the internet of things and the artificial
intelligent technologies, anonymization and
encryption of data become more important than ever.
Future work will aim on further development of the
tool implementing new anonymization algorithms,
testing different types of data, comparing the
effectiveness of each implemented algorithm and
linking the anonymization tool with the analytics
framework (Koumakis, et al., 2018).
Work reported in this chapter was partially supported
by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under projects
iManageCancer (“Empowering patients and
strengthening self-management in cancer diseases”,
grant agreement No 643529,
), Bounce (“Predicting Effective Adaptation to Breast
Cancer to Help Women to BOUNCE Back”, grant
agreement No 777167, https://www.bounce-, and MyPal (“Fostering Palliative Care of
Adults and Children with Cancer through Advanced
Patient Reported Outcome Systems”, grant
agreement No 825872,
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ICT4AWE 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health