An Augmented Reality Mirror Exergame using 2D Pose Estimation
Fernando Losilla and Francisca Rosique
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain
Keywords: Exergame, Augmented Reality, Body Pose Estimation, OpenPose.
Abstract: Exergames have become very popular for fitness and rehabilitation purposes. They usually rely on RGB-D
sensors to estimate human 3D body pose and, therefore, allow users to interact with virtual environments.
Currently, a new generation of deep learning techniques enable the estimation of 2D body pose from video
sequences. These video sequences could be augmented with the estimated pose and other virtual objects,
resulting in augmented reality mirrors where players can see their reflection along with other visual cues that
guide them through exercises. The main benefit of using this approach would be replacing RGB-D cameras
with simpler and more widely available webcams. This approach is explored in this work with the
development of the ExerCam exergame. This application relies on a single webcam and the OpenPose library
to allow users to perform exercises where they have to reach virtual targets appearing on the screen. A
preliminary study has been performed in order to explore the technical viability and usability of this
application, with promising results.
Exergames are a new generation of digital gaming
systems with an interface that requires physical
exertion to play the game (Larsen et al., 2013).
Research indicates that they can produce
improvements in physical health, cognitive function
as well as other non-physical effects (Anderson-
Hanley et al., 2012; Larsen et al., 2013; Staiano and
Calvert, 2011). In addition, they also have the
potential to increase motivation and, therefore, the
adherence to exercise or rehabilitation programs.
Typically, exergames are used to construct virtual
environments where an avatar or other elements of
the game are controlled by the movements of the
player in the real world (Synofzik and Ilg, 2014; Zhao
et al., 2017). As a result, they rely heavily on different
technologies to track human body movement. To
date, the most widely adopted of these technologies
are RGB-D sensors such as the Microsoft Kinect.
An interesting alternative to the use of the RGB-
D sensors can be found in recent research in machine
learning techniques that allow the estimation of
human body 2D pose from images (Cao et al., 2016).
These techniques enable using simple RGB cameras
such as webcams in exergames. In opposition to
RGB-D sensors, webcams are widely spread among
users of computers, easily available and have a
smaller size and a much lighter weight. Consequently,
they provide a great opportunity to increase the usage
of exergames in home exercise and rehabilitation
Due to their nature, 2D body pose estimation
technologies create virtual skeletons of people in an
image, being able to superimpose them on top of the
original image. In that regard, they could be used to
create exergames that would behave as augmented
mirrors. In this approach, the original image would
allow players to see their reflection. Virtual skeletons,
even if not displayed, would be used as the interface
to control the game or as a reference to other virtual
elements. Finally, other visual cues could be
superimposed to guide movements. This is the
approach that will be considered in this paper.
Augmented reality has been used previously in
exergames. It became very popular thanks to mobile
games such as Pokemon Go (An and Nigg, 2017).
However, current mobile exergames are very
different in nature from the one studied in this paper
and are aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles rather
than specific exercises. Other approach to augmented
reality consists in the projection of guidance hints on
Losilla, F. and Rosique, F.
An Augmented Reality Mirror Exergame using 2D Pose Estimation.
DOI: 10.5220/0007798906430648
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2019), pages 643-648
ISBN: 978-989-758-379-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
top of body parts or other surfaces such as LightGuide
(Sodhi et al., 2012) or SleeveAR (Sousa et al., 2016).
A problem found with the previous proposals is that
they are still too complex and expensive to be
deployed in home settings.
There is other research work more in line with the
proposal of this paper, in which Augmented Reality
mirrors are applied. Physio@Home (Tang et al.,
2014) employs them to allow patients to practice
physiotherapy at home. It displays visual cues such as
arrows and arm traces to guide patients through
exercises and movements without the presence of a
physiotherapist. MotionMA (Velloso et al., 2013) is
aimed at learning complex movements, allowing
expert users to specify movements, which can be
repeated later by other users while receiving feedback
about their performance. YouMove (Anderson et al.,
2013) is also conceived as a full-body movement
training in which the authors employed an actual
mirror for the implementation. Finally, the NeuroR
(Klein and Assis, 2013) system applies an augmented
reality mirror for patients with paralyzed arms.
In this paper a new exergame that makes use of
recently available 2D pose estimation libraries, called
ExerCam, is introduced. Consequently, it requires a
webcam instead of a RGB-D sensor. ExerCam is
conceived as a general-purpose exergame which can
be customized to perform simple exercises in an
augmented reality mirror. A preliminary study with
healthy volunteers to assess its technical viability and
usability is also presented.
2 ExerCam
For the purpose of this research, the ExerCam
application has been developed. It works as an
augmented reality mirror that uses a screen to reflect
the image of the player and augments it with virtual
objects. The reflection on the mirror allows players to
have visual feedback of their own body. The virtual
components on top of the reflection provide
additional feedback for the proper execution of the
ExerCam operation is based on the appearance of
virtual objects on the screen that players have to reach
with their joints. Exercises can be performed by
sequentially reproducing previously programmed
sequences of objects. In this way, it provides with
means to stimulate physical activity, by inducing
movement, or gross motor learning, as it able to
provide the three key principles in motor learning:
repetition, feedback and motivation (Pereira et al.,
2014). However, at this stage, ExerCam has only be
used to perform exercises not aimed at treating
specific medical conditions, but to gain more
knowledge about its technical viability.
ExerCam has three types of virtual objects (see
Figure 1). First, a virtual skeleton is superimposed on
top of the user’s body, highlighting body joints. The
joints that can be used by the exergame correspond to
the keypoints used in the COCO (Lin et al., 2014)
image dataset, with 17 keypoints for each medium
and large sized person in the images. Superimposed
joints let players know which body parts they have to
use to reach target objects. When targets can be
reached by any joint, virtual joints are drawn as small
circles, whereas, when a particular joint has to be
used, a larger circle with a color associated to the joint
is displayed.
The second type of virtual objects are the target
objects, currently depicted by bullseyes, that players
have to reach with their joints. When they are hit, a
simple sound is played in order to give additional
positive feedback and increase the feeling of
immersion (Jørgensen, 2008) and engagement in the
game. If targets are assigned to a joint, i.e. the player
has to use a particular joint for the target, a colored
circle will indicate the joint that has to be used. They
can be in a fixed position or move along predefined
trajectories. Besides, they can be configured to appear
or disappear at a certain time or in response to events
such as timers being fired or previous targets being
hit. For example, it is possible to schedule a certain
target to appear a few seconds after all the previous
targets have disappeared and thus let the player rest.
Figure 1: ExerCam virtual objects.
Finally, visual cues and instructions are the last
type of virtual objects in the game. They can be
further subdivided into different kinds of text
(instructions, score, time elapsed, etc.), progress bar-
ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies
like buttons to start an exercise and geometric shapes
that help position the user and calibrate the system.
One key differentiator from most of other
exergames that require specific devices (body
markers) or a RGB-D sensor is that it only needs a
webcam and the processing power of a graphics card.
These devices are mainstream and owned by many
computer users. The main limitation of the presented
software, though, is that it requires a relatively
powerful graphics card to operate properly. However,
as the processing power of graphics cards increases
every year and their price drop, this is less of a
The previous requirements are imposed by the use
of a novel library, OpenPose (Cao et al., 2018), the
first open-source realtime library for multi-person 2D
pose detection. OpenPose takes an image as the input
and outputs 2D keypoints for the different body parts
of the people in the image. Its use has also
conditioned the usage of other programming
languages and libraries in the initial implementation
of ExerCam, using those in which OpenPose relies
on. In particular, the C++ language has been used
along with the OpenCV (Bradski and Kaehler, 2008)
computer vision library. In the future, porting
ExerCam to a game development platform such as
Unity will be studied, as it will help in the
development of more sophisticated graphical
interfaces for the game.
3.1 Outline of the Study Protocol
In order to check the system viability, a preliminary
study was carried out on 28 healthy subjects with ages
between 25 and 75 years. A laptop with an NVIDA
GTX 1070 graphics card was used due to its mobility
and computing capability to run ExerCam. An
instructor guided and supervised participants from
beginning to end. The protocol describing the study is
detailed in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Stages of the study protocol.
Initially, the experiment was described to the
participants. Then, in the calibration stage, the screen,
the camera and the participants were positioned, with
a distance between the camera and the players
ranging from 2.5m to 3.5m, depending on the player
height. In the Training Stage, the instructor helped
subjects to perform low difficulty tasks with
ExerCam. In the Exergame Stage, each of the subjects
performed a set of experiments based on the
execution of a task of incremental difficulty. The
participants were asked to reach diverse targets
(static, mobile as well as targets assigned to specific
joints) as they appeared on the screen. Finally, in the
Evaluation Stage, the instructor checked the results
achieved by the subjects in order to determine future
changes to the task.
Three different modalities of the protocol had to
be used, called m1, m2 and m3. Initially, in the m1
modality, the exergame had no visual aids to help the
user position during the calibration stage and the
participants performed only a single repetition of the
task. It was observed that some kind of aid was
necessary to allow participants to place themselves
properly and return to the original position during the
game. This aid was introduced in the m2 modality and
consisted in a rectangle on the screen where the
participants had to place their body. In case that
players moved from their original position during the
exercise, they had to move back to it. Finally, in the
m3 modality, the players were asked to perform
several repetitions of the task instead of one (with a
maximum of 5 repetitions, less if a plateau was
observed in the results). In this way, it could be
observed how their performance improved after
familiarizing with the game.
In order to correctly assess the performance of the
participants, some metrics related to the performance
of the users were stored. These included, among other
data: the response time, measured as the time elapsed
from the moment that a target appears to the time
when the player hits it; the duration of the execution
of each task; whether targets are reached or not; the
total score for each task, obtained adding the points
associated with each target that was hit.
In addition, the SUS (Brooke, 1995) test was
chosen to assess the usability of the system. It is a test
with a reasonable number of questions (10), easily
understandable and widely validated and adopted for
technological-based. Each of its questions is rated on
a Likert scale between 1 and 5 (from 1 for “strongly
disagree” to 5 for “strongly agree”). The results of the
test provides a usability score ranging from 0 to 100.
An Augmented Reality Mirror Exergame using 2D Pose Estimation
Table 1: Target hit times and percentage of misses for each modality of the study and each type of target.
Target Type % Misses m1 % Misses m2 % Misses m3 Hit Time m1 Hit Time m2 Hit Time m3
Static 9.62% 8.92% 1.2% 2196.88ms 1856.78ms 1068.3ms
Mobile 20.06% 17.85% 2.76% 1713ms 1022.2ms 856.9ms
19.68% 15.23% 4.75% 3284.5ms 2873.4ms 1387ms
79.56% 52.14% 7.6% 3925.3ms 3568.8ms 1573.25ms
All 21.85% 16.82% 3.25% 2471ms 2282ms 1370ms
Table 2: Average execution time and information for the targets with longest and shortest response times.
Mod Task duration
Shortest time (target) Longest time (target)
Time Position Type Time Position Type
M1 124575ms 1609ms (600,300) mobile 9757ms (750,250) Join
-assigned Mobile
M2 120929ms 445ms (400,500) mobile 9269ms (750,250) Join
-assigned Mobile
M3 61464.5ms 93ms (600,300) static 4635ms (800,200) Join
Table 3: SUS test results.
Questionnaire item 1 2 3 4 5
I1: I think that I would like to use this system frequently 0 1 5 11 3 3.75
I2: I found the system unnecessarily complex 14 5 1 0 0 1.35
I3: I thought the system was easy to use 0 1 3 5 11 4.3
I4: I think that I would need the support of a technical person to be able to
use this system
2 8 2 2 6 2.48
I5: I found the various functions in this system were well integrated 0 0 0 2 18 4.9
I6: I thought there was too much inconsistency in this system 17 3 0 0 0 1.15
I7 I would imagine that most people would learn to use this system very
0 0 0 11 9 4.45
I8: I found the system very cumbersome to use 12 6 2 0 0 1.5
I9: I felt very confident using the system 0 0 1 16 3 4.1
I10: I needed to learn a lot of things before I could get going with this
18 2 0 0 0 1.1
3.2 Results
The protocol presented in Section 3.1 has been
applied to acquire and analyze data. Table 1 shows
the percentage of missed targets in each modality of
the study and the average time required by the
participants to hit each of the targets in the different
modalities. In both cases targets have been
differentiated by their type (static, mobile, joint-
assigned, joint-assigned mobile).
Table 2 shows the average time (in milliseconds)
required by the participants to finish the defined task
(Task duration) in each of the modalities of the study.
The time, position and type of the target that was hit
in the shortest time, as well as the same information
for the target that took the longest time, are also
shown. The position of the targets have been
expressed in pixels in a 1280x720 screen, where (0,
0) corresponds to the upper-left corner. Missed
targets have not been taken into account for the
The test questions for the subjective assessment
usability of the system by the participants in the study
are shown in Table 3. The SUS score of the system is
84.8 out of 100.
The results in the previous section show that
developing a mirror like exergame using state of the
art technologies for 2D body pose is technically
viable. The developed exergame received a SUS
score of 84.8 from the participants in the study, which
is a good result. The times that the participants needed
to hit the targets, as well as the percentage of targets
not missed were also satisfactory in the m3 modality
of the study protocol (see Table 1), where the
participants were able to perform several repetitions
of the task. During the first repetition, they were not
still familiarized with the interface of the game. After
several repetitions using ExerCam, participants were
able to perform exercises reaching almost all the
targets, with less than a 4% of misses. In addition,
they finished the tasks earlier, they were able to react
ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies
more quickly to targets and they spent less time in the
calibration stage.
It can also be observed in Table 1 that the type of
virtual objects, in all of the modalities of the protocol
study, is a relevant factor affecting both the
percentages of misses as well as the time needed to
reach the object itself. As expected, static objects
subject to no joint constraint had a smaller percentage
of misses. On the contrary, objects subject to both
movement and assigned to a particular joint had a
higher percentage of misses and, in addition, they
required more time to be reached. It is surprising,
though, that the objects that required the shortest time
to be reached are the moving objects, as shown in
Table 2. However, it has to be taken into account that
these objects had a large amount of misses and that
their starting position was easy to reach.
The introduction of visual aids in m2 also led to
better results. Firstly, the use of aids to help
participants go back to their original position was
helpful in performing exercises as they were
originally intended. That is, targets appeared at the
expected position relative to the user. In addition,
other aids such as the use of a superimposed virtual
button to start the game was also helpful. In the m1
modality, without this button, participants required
some time to react at the beginning of the game and
missed the first or firsts targets. Using a button
activated by their left wrist, which has to be held over
the button until a progress bar is full, let users to
remain focused at the beginning of the task.
There are also some considerations and
limitations that have to be remarked about the
software and the study. First, and more important, a
relatively powerful graphics card is required. An
NVIDIA GTX 1070 had to be used because of this.
The computers available with lower end graphics
cards offered an unacceptable delay between the
acquisition of images from the webcam and the
finalization of their processing by the OpenPose
library. In addition, it could be observed that using the
standard settings in OpenPose also resulted in large
delays (even with the GTX 1070 card). We found that
dropping the number of lines of the images to 128
(228 x 128 resolution using a 16:9 aspect ratio) still
provided good tracking with a barely noticeable
delay. This is the resolution of the images processed
by OpenPose in the study. Further reductions in the
resolution resulted in poor tracking. It was possible,
though, to perform partial body estimation (for
example, upper limbs) using 96 lines of input
resolution, but it required the user to be close to the
camera in order to be detected and showed some
instability in the estimations.
The size of the screen may also be a concern with
older adults. Most of the participants of the study
were young and, therefore, the study did not focus on
age. However, it was observed that older players
tended to get close to the screen in order to see the
screen better, which can affect their execution of
tasks. This group of users also reported in the SUS
questionnaire that they would need the support of a
technical person in order to be able to use the system.
Finally, it has to noted that ExerCam only requires
determining the position of the joints in order to
operate. This is not problematic using 2D body pose
estimation libraries. However, the development of
exergames that require more complex analysis of the
pose, for example for the recognition of gestures or
movements could be more challenging than with 3D
poses from RGB-D cameras.
This paper studies the feasibility of applying new 2D
body pose estimation techniques to the development
of exergames based on augmented reality mirrors. To
that end, the ExerCam application was developed. It
works as an augmented reality mirror that overlays
virtual objects on images captured by a webcam. It
can be used for different purposes, allowing trainers
or therapists to define tasks based on the appearance
of virtual targets on the screen, which the player has
to reach. A preliminary study has been carried out to
assess the viability of this approach, with satisfactory
results. Its use in specific medical conditions has not
been studied. However, the application allows the
creation of tasks that could promote physical exercise
and gross motor skills.
In spite of some limitations, emerging 2D body
pose estimation methods based on deep learning are a
promising solution for augmented reality exergames,
particularly for those based on augmented reality
mirrors. They only require a computer with enough
processing power and a webcam. In addition,
webcams are cheap and widely available devices that
can be easily installed due to their small size and
This research has been supported by the AEI/FEDER,
UE project grant TEC2016-76465-C2-1-R (AIM) and
the “Research Program for Groups of Scientific
Excellence in the Region of Murcia" of the Seneca
An Augmented Reality Mirror Exergame using 2D Pose Estimation
Foundation (Agency for Science and Technology in
the Region of Murcia) [19895/GERM/15], Spain.
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ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies