A Heuristic Decision Maker Algorithm for Opportunistic Networking in
Rodrigo Silva
, Christophe Couturier
, Jean-Marie Bonnin
and Thierry Ernst
IMT Atlantique, IRISA, Inria, Univ. Rennes, Rennes, France
YoGoKo, Rennes, France
ISO TC 204, ETSI TC ITS, C-ITS, Decision Making, ACO, AD4ON.
The number of connected devices is growing worldwide and connected and cooperative vehicles should be a
major element of such ecosystem. However, for ubiquitous connectivity it is necessary to use various wireless
technologies, such as vehicular WiFi (ITSG5, and DSRC), urban WiFi (e.g., 802.11 ac,g,n), 802.15.4, cellular
(3G, 4G, and 5G under preparation). In such an heterogeneous access network environment, it is necessary
to provide applications with transparent decision making mechanisms to manage the assignment of data flows
over available networks. In this paper, we propose the Ant-based Decision Maker for Opportunistic Network-
ing (AD4ON), a Decision Maker (DM) algorithm capable to manage multiple access networks simultaneously,
attempting to choose the best access network for each data flow. Moreover, the AD4ON is capable to increase
decision’s stability, to reduce the ping-pong effect and to manage decisions flow by flow while maximizing
flow’s satisfaction.
The number of connected devices is growing expo-
nentially around the world. Connected Internet of
Things (IoT) devices are expected to surge to 125 bil-
lion by 2030 (Howell, 2018).
According to Gartner research company, con-
nected cars will be a major element of the IoT (Gart-
ner, 2018). Once vehicles are capable to exchange in-
formation with others devices and the infrastructure,
they become cooperative and an ecosystem of appli-
cations and services can be developed around them.
In this context, users, devices and vehicles need
to be connected anywhere, anytime with anything.
Such an environment is characterized by its hetero-
geneity. Each service has specific communication re-
quirements. There are a wide variety of mobile de-
vices, each one with specific capabilities in terms of
storage, processing and communication. Moreover,
users can have specific preferences.
However, a single access technology to connect all
these services and devices is impractical. For ubiq-
uitous connectivity it is necessary to use heteroge-
nous wireless technologies, such as vehicular WiFi
(ITSG5, and DSRC), urban WiFi (e.g., 802.11 ac,g,n),
802.15.4 or cellular (3G, 4G, and future 5G) (ETSI,
2010; IEEE, 2006; Chakrabarti et al., 2017). Due
to complementary characteristics of such networks,
more connectivity opportunities are available. Mo-
bile devices equipped with multiple communication
capabilities can use opportunistically these multiple
access technologies in order to maximize flows satis-
faction (e.g., maximizing communication bandwidth,
and/or reducing latency) and to satisfy communica-
tion requirements (e.g., security, monetary cost, traf-
fic load balancing, and others).
In such an heterogeneous and dynamic access net-
work environment, applications and services cannot
take into account all technology particularities, un-
less they explicitly need it. It is preferable to pro-
vide applications with a communication architecture
that hides the heterogeneity of underlying access tech-
nologies, providing seamless communications inde-
pendently of radio access technology.
Standardization bodies have worked to establish
an harmonized communication-centric architecture.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
and European Telecommunications Standards Insti-
tute (ETSI) proposed an ITS-S reference architec-
ture (ISO, 2014), which is capable to manage hetero-
geneous wireless access technologies while hides to
the application the underlying differences of access
In our previous work (Silva et al., 2017a), we pro-
Silva, R., Couturier, C., Bonnin, J. and Ernst, T.
A Heuristic Decision Maker Algorithm for Opportunistic Networking in C-ITS.
DOI: 10.5220/0007799005780585
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2019), pages 578-585
ISBN: 978-989-758-374-2
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
posed an architecture which is compatible with ISO
and ETSI (ISO, 2014) standards and reserves space
for a DM algorithm in charge of managing in real time
the placement of applicative flows over available net-
Based on our research, on ISO/ETSI standards
and surveys, we identified some important properties
for decision making in the vehicular environment that
are not addressed by existing DM algorithms, like in-
crease the stability of decisions to avoid the ping-pong
effect, and avoid full recalculation when few network
parameters change.
Therefore, to meet such properties, we propose in
this paper the AD4ON, a DM algorithm capable to
manage multiple access networks simultaneously, at-
tempting to choose the best access network for each
data flow. This algorithm is designed to increase de-
cision’s stability while maximize flow’s satisfaction.
We performed simulations to compare the
AD4ON algorithm with three other DM algorithms:
the well-known Technique for Order Preference by
Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), a modified
TOPSIS (mTOPSIS) and a commercial DM used in
most of smartphones, in which decisions are based on
predefined network priorities (e.g., connect to WiFi if
available or to 3G/4G otherwise).
Simulations demonstrate that AD4ON algorithm
outperforms the other algorithms, increasing the total
flow satisfaction, increasing decision’s stability and
reducing the overall monetary cost.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 reviews some related work. Section 3 de-
scribes the needs for DM in vehicular environment.
The AD4ON algorithm is described in Section 4. In
section 5 we discuss about simulation results and Sec-
tion 6 concludes the paper.
Several works have concentrated on decision making
algorithms for multiple attributes problems. Most of
them are based on well-known Multi-Attribute Deci-
sion Making (MADM) techniques like Simple Ad-
ditive Weighting (SAW), Multiplicative Exponential
Weighting (MEW) and, mainly TOPSIS (Hwang and
Yoon, 1981).
In TOPSIS, decision calculations are based on a
matrix where lines represent available networks and
decision attributes are set on columns. A quadratic
vector normalisation is applied on columns in order
to homogenize the weight of each attribute. This re-
sults in a hight sensitivity to extreme values which
leads to unstable decisions when a mobile approaches
the limit of range of a given network (where the net-
work can appear or disappear between two steps of
calculations). To mitigate this so called rank rever-
sal behaviour, authors of (Senouci et al., 2016) pro-
pose to replace the classical quadratic normalization
by a new approach based on utility functions. This
way, applications can present a specific utility func-
tion for each attribute. Simulations show that this ap-
proach eliminates the rank reversal and increases the
ranking quality by fulfilling the application require-
ments. However, this paper considers all flows over
only one access network at a time. We compared the
AD4ON with a version of this approach (which we
named mTOPSIS).
In (Bouali et al., 2016) authors develop a fuzzy
MADM methodology to combine application Qual-
ity of Service (QoS) requirements with context com-
ponents (e.g., monetary cost or network power con-
sumption), in order to make context-aware network
selection for each application. First they use Fuzzy
Logic Controllers (FLC) that consider network pa-
rameters and application QoS requirements to deter-
mine the QoS suitability level of each network. Then,
they use MADM SAW algorithm to combine the pre-
vious calculated QoS suitability level with context
components. The network alternatives are ranked by
their context suitability level. Finally, they choose the
best network for each application, i.e., the network
that maximizes the context suitability level. Since this
paper consider the SAW MADM technique, it is sus-
ceptible to suffer from “ping-pong” effect (Trianta-
phyllou, 2000).
Paper (Zarin and Agarwal, 2017) proposes an hy-
brid decision approach in which decision making is
distributed between user devices and the Central Con-
troller Network (CCN), a centralized controller in the
network side. First of all, user devices scan available
networks based on both the Received Signal Strength
(RSS) and user mobility. For example, a mobile user
with high speed does not consider networks with low
coverage. If the received signal strength is higher than
a predefined threshold, the device reports its input
parameter (application bandwidth, user mobility and
battery constraint) to the CCN. Thus, the CCN uses
the MADM MEW algorithm to rank the networks and
provides an associated set of networks for each appli-
cation. This approach suffers from scalability issues.
Due the growing number of user devices and their mo-
bility, the amount of information exchanged between
user devices and the CCN management overhead.
In paper (Rayana and Bonnin, 2009) authors de-
scribe a DM framework for network management,
in which a combination of MADM SAW and Ant
Colony Optimization (ACO) based algorithms is used
A Heuristic Decision Maker Algorithm for Opportunistic Networking in C-ITS
to select access networks for each flow communica-
tion. First, the SAW algorithm calculates a utility
score for each feasible flow - network solution. Such
score indicates the matching degree between flow re-
quirements and network characteristics. In a second
step, the ACO-based algorithm adds the network costs
(i.e., power consumption and network load) to the
previous utility function in order to find solutions tak-
ing into account the whole system satisfaction. In this
work, the decision stability is addressed by changing
the weight of network costs so that currently enforced
solutions are privileged. However, choosing the best
weight is not a trivial task.
Due to the dynamic environment of connected ve-
hicles, we work on a DM mechanism for oppor-
tunistic networking in heterogeneous access network
environment. In our previous work (Silva et al.,
2017a), we proposed a DM architecture for oppor-
tunistic communication. This architecture is based on
the ISO/ETSI ITS-S communication architecture due
the latter’s capability to manage heterogeneous access
technology (ISO, 2014).
At the heart of this architecture, we need a DM al-
gorithm to take smart and fine-grained decisions. In
previous researches (Silva et al., 2017b) we identified
some properties for such DM mechanism in the ve-
hicular environment. These properties are summed
up bellow.
3.1 Expected Properties
The DM algorithm should present the following prop-
erties. 1) It is necessary to manage decisions flow by
flow, choosing the access network that better match
the communication requirements for each flow. 2)
It is necessary to manage multiple attributes from
different actors (e.g., application requirements, user
preferences, administrators and regulators rules). 3)
The DM should manage multiple objectives simulta-
neously, which can be contradictory. For example,
increase the communication QoS (data rate, latency)
while reduce the overall monetary cost. 4) It is nec-
essary to increase the stability of decisions, avoiding
“ping-pong” effect. 5) Moreover, the DM algorithm
should avoid full recalculation when only few net-
work parameters change.
3.2 Motivation
Existing algorithms in the literature do not meet all
our identified needs and current commercial ones
do not consider multiple attributes: they are usually
based on static and predefined decisions.
A large number of research studies have concen-
trated on the development of DM algorithms based
on MADM methods. Among these algorithms we can
highlight the TOPSIS, which is the most used in the
literature. Despite the MADM methods present ad-
vantages such as relative low computation complex-
ity, this approach has some limitations. They require
to make full recalculation even if only a given network
parameter change and suffer from ranking abnormal-
ity (i.e. they are very sensitive to small changes of
Therefore we propose AD4ON, a DM algorithm
able to manage multiple flows and multiple access
networks simultaneously, attempting to choose the
best access network for each data flow while increas-
ing decision stability, reducing the ping-pong effect
and managing decisions flow by flow to maximize
flow requirements satisfaction. The AD4ON algo-
rithm is explained in section 4.
AD4ON is based on the ACO, a swarm intelligence
class of algorithms based on the collective and co-
operative behavior of ants, which are capable to find
high-quality solutions for complex combinatorial op-
timization problems in a reasonable time.
The ACO algorithms present some properties that
can be explored to meet our needs. For example, since
ants drop pheromone based on the solution qualities,
and decisions are driven by pheromone concentration,
solutions are created smoothly over time. This tends
to filter transient effects and thus offers a better sta-
bility. Moreover, since it is a memory-based algo-
rithm (i.e. new solution can take into account previous
status of the network environment), we can prevent
full recalculation when only few network parameters
We modeled our flow to network assignment prob-
lem as a bipartite graph G(F, N, E), where F corre-
spond to data flows, N correspond to available net-
works and E = { f : i 7→ j | i F, j N}, i.e., E is
the union between the sets F and N, if flows in F
can be assigned to networks in N. The AD4ON takes
into account requirements and preferences from dif-
ferent actors (e.g., applications, users, administrators
and regulators), as well as information about access
VEHITS 2019 - 5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
networks conditions (e.g., data rate, latency) in order
to construct this graph.
Once the graph with all potential solutions is gen-
erated, the algorithm establishes the flow to network
assignment as described in Algorithm 1.
First, we set the values of parameters α, β and ρ
that respectively determine the relative influence
of the pheromone trail, the heuristic information
and the evaporation coefficient of pheromone. We
also initialize the “PS” and “FL variables that
will respectively store the non-dominated solu-
tions and the list of flows (lines 1 - 3).
The DM receives the graph G(F, N, E) that repre-
sents all possible solutions (line 4).
The ants are randomly scattered through the exist-
ing flows in the graph G.
Once the ants are distributed, they start to con-
struct solutions by randomly exploring the graph.
For each visited flow, ant chooses one network
among all possible networks, i.e., a path in the
Algorithm 1: ACO algorithm.
1 Set values of ACO parameters (e.g., α, β and ρ)
2 PS = null ; // Initialize Pareto Set
(PS) as empty
3 FL list of flows
4 G(F, N, E) “Rank Alternatives” module
5 while stop condition do
6 for k = 1 NumberO f Ants do
/* Construct a solution */
7 Sort the flow list FL
8 while remains not visited flow in FL do
9 for each possible network for such
f low do
10 calculate the probability of
choosing that network
according to Equation 1
11 end
12 choose the network to be mapped
13 end
14 end
/* Evaporation */
15 apply the pheromone updating according to
Equation 3
/* Evaluation */
16 Calculate the value of objective function
for each solution in current ant population
(Equation 4)
17 Update the Pareto set solutions (PS)
18 end
19 Return the Pareto Set PS
graph G between current flow and potential net-
works (line 10). The probability (P
i, j
) for an ant
to choose the path i, j, i.e., the path between flow
i and network j is given by Equation 1.
i, j
i j
i j
k V
where τ
i j
is the amount of pheromone present be-
tween flow i and network j, V
is the set of avail-
able networks for the flow i, η
i j
is the heuristic
information and it is given by Equation 2.
i j
(i, j)
) (2)
where uP
(i, j)
is the utility function of a given pa-
rameter n (e.g., data rate, latency, monetary cost)
between the flow i and the network j, N is the
number of decision parameters, and w
is the
weight of each utility parameter function, such
= 1.
In order to better meet flow requirements, a suit-
able utility function was defined for each param-
eter (i.e., uP
), as shown on Figure 1. The utility
for Data Rate (DR), Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR)
and Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI)
is defined by function “a”, Latency is defined by
function “b” and the monetary utility is defined
by function “c”. The min and max values rep-
resent the RSSI threshold to get a good wireless
connection or the minimum and maximum flow
requirement for the other parameters.
Figure 1: Utility functions.
Once an ant found a complete solution, i.e., an ac-
cess network for each flow from the graph, such
ant update the pheromone table (line 15). Besides
the pheromone deposition, it is necessary to apply
a pheromone evaporation rule. Such pheromone
evaporation prevents the convergence of the ACO
A Heuristic Decision Maker Algorithm for Opportunistic Networking in C-ITS
algorithm to a locally optimum solution while en-
ables ants to “forget” low quality solutions. The
pheromone update mechanism is given by Equa-
tion 3.
i, j
(t +1) = (1 ρ)τ
i, j
(t) +
i, j
where ρ is the pheromone evaporation rate (0 <
ρ < 1), m is the number of ants and ∆τ
i, j
is the
amount of pheromone deposited by ant k on the
edge i, j.
After all ants have visited the graph G, we should
evaluate the found solutions. In decision making,
utility refers to the satisfaction that a solution pro-
vides to the decision maker. Therefore, we pro-
pose an utility function that calculates a score rep-
resenting the matching degree of each solution in
the current ant colony (line 16). The utility func-
tion is defined by Equation 4.
U =
f =1
where η
is the heuristic information between a
given flow and its network solution. F is the num-
ber of flows in the graph G.
Each solution not dominated by both other solu-
tions in the current colony and the non-dominated
solutions already in the Pareto set PS, should be
added to PS. And all solutions dominated by the
added one should be eliminated from PS (line 17).
Then, the ants are scattered again though the ex-
isting flows in the graph G. And all process restart
from the line 5, until a stop condition is satisfied.
In order to test the AD4ON algorithm, we performed
simulations and compared the results with three other
DM algorithms: the traditional TOPSIS, a modi-
fied version of TOPSIS (mTOPSIS) like the one
of (Senouci et al., 2016), and a version of current
commercial DM (Commercial DM (CM)). To eval-
uate simulation results we defined some Key Perfor-
mance Indicator (KPI).
5.1 Key Performance Evaluation
According to the literature, performances are usu-
ally evaluated using an objective function (utility or
cost function) regardless of whether or not it satis-
fies the application needs (i.e. the higher is the utility
value of a decision, the better the solution). However,
this evaluation does not reflect the actual applications
needs. For example, if we consider a flow, requiring
300 kbps of maximum bandwidth that is sent through
a WiFi network called WiFi-1 that offers 1 Mbps of
bandwidth; if another WiFi (WiFi-2) offering 2 Mbps
of bandwidth appears and if we do not consider other
parameters more than bandwidth, the decision maker
based only on the objective function is supposed to
move the flow over WiFi-2. However, both WiFi net-
works satisfy 100% of flow requirement and it would
be better to maintain the flow through the WiFi-1, in
order to avoid packet loss or increased latency due to
the new network association.
Therefore, in order to compare the AD4ON algo-
rithm with others, we consider three KPI:
The flow satisfaction (FS): is the percentage of
meeting flow requirements. We consider that a
given flow is completely satisfied if all its require-
ments are 100% satisfied by the chosen network.
For example, a flow that requires a maximum data
rate DR
f low
and a minimum latency sensibility
is 100% satisfied by a network N, if such net-
work is capable to supply the flow with a data rate
, such that DR
f low
, and with a la-
tency L
, such that L
. If the chosen
network satisfy only the minimum value for all
parameters required by a given flow, such a flow
satisfaction will be the minimum one, i.e., 10% as
considered in this work.
The stability of decision (DS): frequent changes of
network can increase the packet loss and the com-
munication latency. Therefore, we aim to reduce
the number of network switching. To calculate
this indicator, we consider the average of network
switching performed by each DM algorithm in all
Monetary utility (MU): we aim at finding solu-
tions that offer the lowest monetary cost for users
(i.e., higher monetary utility). We assume that the
user informs the DM algorithm of the maximum
price he or she is willing to pay for data commu-
nication. Based on this information, the DM can
calculate a monetary utility as being the ratio be-
tween the communication cost and the maximum
price the user is willing to pay.
Finally, we define a cost function that is the aver-
age of the three KPI (see Equation 5). In this way, the
algorithm with the best performance is the one that
VEHITS 2019 - 5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
finds solutions with lowest total cost (TC).
Total cost =
(1 KPI
) (5)
where w
is the weight of KPI
, such that
= 1.
5.2 Description of Simulation Scenarios
To implement the simulation scenarios, we consider
a vehicle capable to connect with multiple access net-
works simultaneously, which is being driven in a zone
covered by four access networks (two urban WiFi net-
works, one cellular network and one vehicular WiFi).
In each scenario, the vehicle moves along a route
of 1000 meters long, while it experiences different
flow demands and network conditions. Each access
network is described by five parameters: data rate, la-
tency, PDR, RSSI and monetary cost (i.e., the pricing
for mobile data services).
For the sake of statistical analysis, each simulated
scenario was executed 5 times. Indeed, due to the
stochastic property of ACO algorithms, the results
of AD4ON may vary between two executions of the
same scenario.
We divided our simulation into two steps: 1) a first
step composed by a simple scenario, which is based
on real testbed; and 2) a second step composed by
multiples scenarios commonly used by literature. In
the following, we describe the simulation scenarios
for each of these steps.
Simulation Scenario for the First Step
In the first step we defined the scenario 1, a simple
scenario composed by one application (App1) with
constant requirements and four access networks. The
objective of this step is to show the output and the
key performances for each DM algorithm separately,
while the vehicle moves along the defined route. The
application and network parameter values observed
by the vehicle along this route are showed on Fig-
ure 2. They are taken from our database of real mea-
surements on the field.
Simulation Scenario for the Second Step
In the second step, we used scenarios commonly used
by most of literature works, i.e., with input values ran-
domly chosen from a range of predefined values. In
this step, we defined 50 new scenarios. Each one in-
volving four data flows (conversational, streaming, in-
teractive and security) and four access networks (cel-
lular, vehicular WiFi (ITS-G5), and two urban WiFi
(a) RSSI
(b) Data rate
(c) Latency
(d) PDR
Figure 2: Inputs for scenario 1.
(802.11n)). Each data flow represents a given appli-
cation with specific requirements in terms of data rate,
latency and PDR.
The flows requirements and networks conditions
are randomly generated using the range of values
given in Table 1 and Table 2.
Table 1: Range of flow requirements.
Data rate
Loss (%)
[0.1 .. 0.5] [0.03 .. 0.4] [5 .. 15]
Streaming [0.5 .. 1.9] [0.5 .. 10] [5 .. 20]
Interactive [0.004 .. 0.5] [0.5 .. 4] [5 .. 30]
Security [0.002 .. 0.5] [0 .. 0.1] [5 .. 10]
Table 2: Range of Network Parameters.
Cellular ITS-G5 WiFi
DR (Mbps)
0 .. 14 0 .. 22 0 .. 22
Latency (ms)
0 .. 250 0 .. 200 0 .. 200
PDR (%)
90 .. 100 80 .. 100 40 .. 100
RSSI (dBm)
-120 ..-65 -110 ..-45 -110 ..-45
Cost ($/MB)
0.1 .. 0.4 0 0
The network priorities defined for the CM were
based on the monetary cost of networks, i.e., free net-
works were privileged. Therefore, we defined the fol-
lowing descending priority’s order: urban WiFi (WiFi
1 and WiFi 2), ITS-G5 and Cellular.
We performed simulation of the AD4ON with dif-
ferent parameter values (α, β, etc), and we chosed the
values that gave better results for the simulated sce-
narios. Selected parameter values are showed on Ta-
ble 3.
A Heuristic Decision Maker Algorithm for Opportunistic Networking in C-ITS
Table 3: AD4ON parameters.
Parameter Values Description
α 2.0 pheromone influence
β 3.0 heuristic influence
ρ 0.3 pheromone evaporation
ants 10 number of ants
iterations 50 stop condition (Algorithm 1)
5.3 Simulation Results and Discussion
Simulation results are compared based on the previ-
ous defined KPIs and TC function. Depending on ap-
plications, the total cost evaluation based on the same
weight may not be suitable in some cases. However,
in this work we considered the same weight for all
Results for the First Step
Simulation results of the four algorithms on the sce-
nario 1 (the one of the first simulation step) are
showed on Figure 3.
(a) TOPSIS (b) CM
(d) AD4ON
Figure 3: Results for scenario 1.
Figure 3 shows the network chosen for App1”
by each DM algorithm, while the vehicle moves
along the route. As expected, the traditional TOPSIS
present more ping-pong effect than the others, as we
can observe on Figure 3a.
The KPI (FS, DS and MU), as well as the TC for
each DM algorithm, are shown on Table 4.
This specific scenario favors the CM algorithm.
The RSSI distribution along the route, as showed on
Figure 2a, enables a smooth network switching, re-
ducing the ping-pong effect. Moreover, the network
parameters follow the RSSI distribution, i.e., good
RSSI levels coincide with good values of DR, Latency
Table 4: Key performance results for scenario 1.
FS (%)
63.79 63.78 59.79 62.22
MU (%)
74.41 74.41 70.48 73.76
DS (%)
6.67 33.34 46.67 66.67
TC (%)
51.71 42.83 41.02 32.45
and PDR. Therefore, in this specific scenario, the CM
presents good performances.
The solutions found by the AD4ON present a
flow satisfaction of 62.22% and a monetary utility of
73.76%. This means that, in average, the solution
satisfied 62.22% of “App1” requirements and that for
73.76% of the time, the algorithm selected the access
network with the lowest monetary cost. Since TOP-
SIS tries to find the best utility regardless to ping-
pong effect, for these two KPI the AD4ON offers
slightly lower performances than TOPSIS (around 1%
difference), which occupies the first place for this
specific scenario. However, such slight underper-
formance is compensated by AD4ON stability, i.e.,
avoiding ping-pong effects.
Concerning decision stability, the AD4ON is bet-
ter than the others, performing 65% less network
switching than TOPSIS and 50% less than mTOPSIS.
Analyzing the total cost (calculated by Equa-
tion 5), we observe that the AD4ON outperforms the
other algorithms, meaning that proposed solutions of-
fer the best compromise between the three indicators.
Results for the Second Step
The results for the second step of the simulations are
shown below. We only show the total cost for each
flow, calculated as described by Equation 5.
(a) Streaming
(b) Conversational
(c) Interactive (d) Safety
Figure 4: Total Cost.
VEHITS 2019 - 5th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Figure 4 shows the total cost of solutions found by
each DM algorithm. Analyzing this figure we observe
that the CM has the worst performances. Since its so-
lutions are based only on the RSSI, we observed that
it frequently finds no feasible solution, i.e., it chooses
network that has good RSSI, but does not meet the
minimum flow requirements (e.g., in terms of PDR,
DR or Latency). This behavior impacts negatively the
KPI, and consequently increases the TC.
The AD4ON algorithm outperforms the other al-
gorithms. It found better solutions for streaming, con-
versational and interactive flows in all simulated sce-
narios, as shown on Figures 4a, 4b, and 4c. For the
safety flow (Figure 4d), the AD4ON outperforms the
others in most of scenarios, and in the worst case,
presents the same quality as TOPSIS.
In this paper, we proposed the AD4ON, an ACO-
based DM algorithm to solve the problem of assigning
multiple data flows over heterogeneous access net-
works in real time.
We compared the AD4ON algorithm with three
others: the TOPSIS, a variation of TOPSIS and the
one used in most of smartphones (CM). Simulations
results have demonstrated that the AD4ON outper-
forms the other algorithms by increasing the total flow
satisfaction, limiting the ping-pong effect and conse-
quently increasing the decision stability. This shows
that ACO algorithms are good candidates for the im-
plementation of such decision algorithm in routers
used to manage vehicular communications.
This work presents a reactive algorithm, (i.e. one
that finds new solutions by reacting to the observa-
tion of network conditions). However, vehicles can
move at high speed frequently changing network en-
vironment. Due to such highly dynamic mobility,
it is desired a DM capable to make proactive deci-
sions. Therefore, as future work we aim to enable the
AD4ON to take into account the near future predic-
tion of network environment in its decision process.
Bouali, F., Moessner, K., and Fitch, M. (2016). A Context-
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