Exploring Instance Heterogeneity in Public Cloud Providers for HPC
Eduardo Roloff
, Matthias Diener
, Luciano P. Gaspary
and Philippe O. A. Navaux
Informatics Institute, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.
Cloud Computing, Cost Efficiency, Heterogeneity, Microsoft, Amazon, Google.
Public cloud providers offer a wide range of instance types with different speeds, configurations, and prices,
which allows users to choose the most appropriate configurations for their applications. When executing paral-
lel applications that require multiple instances to execute, such as large scientific applications, most users pick
an instance type that fits their overall needs best, and then create a cluster of interconnected instances of the
same type. However, the tasks of a parallel application often have different demands in terms of performance
and memory usage. This difference in demands can be exploited by selecting multiple instance types that are
adapted to the demands of the application. This way, the combination of public cloud heterogeneity and ap-
plication heterogeneity can be exploited in order to reduce the execution cost without significant performance
loss. In this paper we conduct an evaluation of three major public cloud providers: Microsoft, Amazon, and
Google, comparing their suitability for heterogeneous execution. Results show that Azure is the most suitable
of the three providers, with cost efficiency gains of up to 50% compared to homogeneous execution, while
maintaining the same performance.
Executing large parallel applications (such as those
from the High Performance Computing (HPC) do-
main) in the cloud has become an important aspect of
cloud computing in recent years (Foster et al., 2008;
Buyya et al., 2009; Armbrust et al., 2009). By running
these applications in the cloud, users can benefit from
lower up-front costs, higher flexibility, and speedier
hardware upgrades compared to traditional clusters.
However, raw performance as well as cost efficiency
for long-term usage can be a disadvantage (Roloff
et al., 2012). In recent years, several approaches were
introduced to use the cloud efficiently when execut-
ing HPC applications (Abdennadher and Belgacem,
2015; d. R. Righi et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2015).
Many public cloud providers offer different types
of instances to users, which contain different CPU
types and memory sizes, in contrast to traditional
clusters, which in most cases consist of homogeneous
machines. Furthermore, many HPC applications con-
sist of tasks that have different computational de-
mands, due to load imbalance or uneven work distri-
bution. By matching the demands of the application
to the characteristics of the instance types offered by
a cloud provider, creating a cluster of heterogeneous
instances, and mapping each task to its most appropri-
ate instance, we can create a more cost-efficient exe-
cution of the application in the cloud (Roloff et al.,
In this paper, we use a parallel application,
ImbBench, to analyze three different cloud providers
(Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, and Google Cloud)
in terms of their suitability for such a heterogeneous
execution of large parallel applications. ImbBench
is an MPI-based application that can create differ-
ent imbalance patterns in CPU and memory usage
that mimics the behavior of real-world HPC ap-
plications (Roloff et al., 2018). We evaluate the
cost efficiency as well as performance when run-
ning ImbBench in homogeneous and heterogeneous
instances with different imbalance patterns and com-
putational demands.
Our results show that the suitability for heteroge-
neous execution is very different between the three
providers. Azure benefited the most from hetero-
geneous execution, improving cost efficiency by up
to 50% for the memory-bound 8Level pattern, while
maintaining the same performance. On average,
Azure obtains gains of 30% in cost-efficiency by us-
Roloff, E., Diener, M., Gaspary, L. and Navaux, P.
Exploring Instance Heterogeneity in Public Cloud Providers for HPC Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0007799302100222
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2019), pages 210-222
ISBN: 978-989-758-365-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ing heterogeneous configurations. AWS benefits less
from heterogeneous execution, as in our tests the
cheapest instance was also the fastest. Google Cloud
only offers instances that differ in memory size, but
not in CPU or memory speed, and therefore does not
show potential for heterogeneous execution currently.
These results show that heterogeneous execution can
be beneficial in situations where the cloud provider
offers a sufficient variety of instance types. It also
motivates the future analysis of other aspects, such as
I/O and network performance.
There are many providers in the public cloud, with a
large set of instance type offered to the users. The
goal of this paper is to evaluate whether it is possible
for a cloud user to benefit from this level of hetero-
geneity to create adequate executions environments
for his applications.
In this work, we will evaluate the suitability for
heterogeneity of three major IaaS providers: Amazon,
Microsoft, and Google. These three providers repre-
sent the state of the art of the public cloud providers.
Each provider has its own classification for the avail-
able services and instance configurations.
Amazon divides their instances into five groups:
General purpose, Compute Optimized, Memory Op-
timized, Accelerated Computing and Storage Opti-
mized. General purpose instances includes balanced
machines, in terms of memory and CPU amounts,
this group includes machines with ARM processors
as well. Compute, Memory and Storage Optimized
instances focus on one of the three components. The
Accelerated Computing group contains the instances
equipped with GPUs and FPGAs. In terms of number
of CPUs Amazon ranges from instances with a shared
core up to instances with 128. The available memory
ranges from 500MB up to almost 4TB.
Microsoft classifies instances into six groups:
General purpose, Compute optimized, Memory op-
timized, Storage optimized, GPU and High perfor-
mance compute. The General purpose group aims to
provide a balanced memory to CPU ratio and was de-
signed for small workloads. Similar to Amazon, the
Compute, Memory and Storage optimized instances
focus in one of the three instance components. The
GPU group provides instances with single or multi-
ple NVIDIA GPUs. The High performance compute
group provides instances with substantial CPU power
and several memory configurations, low latency In-
finiBand network is available as well. The CPU range
of Microsoft ranges from 1 to 72 CPUs and the mem-
ory starts from 1GB up to near 4TB.
Google has five groups of pre-configured in-
stances: Standard, High-memory, High-CPU, Shared-
core and Memory-optimized. The Standard group has
a fixed ratio of 3.75 GB of memory per CPU and are
instances for balanced workloads. The High-memory
and High-CPU instances have, respectively, 6.50GB
and 0.90 GB of memory per CPU. The Shared-core
group provides instances that use less than a sin-
gle core, sharing the same core with other instances.
The Memory-optimized group presents instances with
large amounts of memory, suitable for workloads that
perform in-memory compute.
Google has the capability to attach GPUs to the
available instances, with some exceptions, however
it does not provide a group of GPU pre-configured
instances. The pre-defined instances start from 0.2
CPUs up to 96 and from 600MB up to 4TB of mem-
ory. Moreover, Google has the unique capability to
customize the instances according to the user’s needs.
In this case, the user can configure instances starting
from 1 up to 96 cores and the memory starts from 1
GB up to 1.4TB. This feature seems very interesting,
because the user could configure instances with the
amount of memory that the application needs.
In terms of price, there is a significant variation as
well. The price of the same instance type presents
variation inside the same provider. This variation
is due to the datacenter location where the instance
is allocated. For example, a c5.2xlarge Amazon in-
stance costs US$ 0.34 in the Oregon datacenter and
US$ 0.524 in the Sao Paulo datacenter, a difference
of 54%. Because of the variation within the same
provider, we will not present the instance price range
of the three providers.
Table 1 shows the instance prices as well as the
performance result of the High-Performance Linpack
(HPL) (Dongarra et al., 2003) benchmark, which is
widely used to measure computing performance. Ta-
ble 2 shows the results of the memory performance
measured using the STREAM (McCalpin et al., 1995)
benchmark. Due to this heterogeneity in the public
cloud, we explore the variety of instances in order to
benefit the user to reduce the cost without losing per-
This section presents the results of our evaluation of
homogeneous and heterogeneous cloud cluster with
Exploring Instance Heterogeneity in Public Cloud Providers for HPC Applications
Table 1: Characteristics of the Cloud Instances. Linpack
results are given in GFlops/sec.
Instance type Price/hour Memory (GB) Linpack
A8 US$ 0.975 56 149.81
A8v2 US$ 0.40 16 74.25
D4 US$ 0.559 28 261.53
D13 US$ 0.741 56 232.91
E8 US$ 0.593 64 127.62
F8 US$ 0.498 16 218.50
G3 US$ 2.44 112 291.76
H8 US$ 0.971 56 332.76
H8m US$ 1.301 112 326.25
L8 US$ 0.688 64 259.52
n1-standard-8 US$ 0.38 30 136.96
n1-highmem-8 US$ 0.4736 52 137.41
n1-highcpu-8 US$ 0.2836 7.2 135.03
c4.2xlarge US$ 0.398 15 182.31
c5.2xlarge US$ 0.34 16 194.25
m4.2xlarge US$ 0.40 32 154.16
m5.2xlarge US$ 0.384 32 159.52
r4.2xlarge US$ 0.532 61 154.17
r5.2xlarge US$ 0.504 64 161.80
t2.2xlarge US$ 0.3712 32 298.18
t3.2xlarge US$ 0.3328 32 159.50
Table 2: Results of the STREAM benchmark for the Cloud
Instances (in GB/sec).
Instance type Copy Scale Add Triad
A8 11.85 13.11 13.79 13.62
A8v2 5.86 6.39 6.68 6.69
D4 11.03 11.00 12.42 12.26
D13 10.09 9.85 11.23 11.15
E8 8.99 9.46 10.07 10.15
F8 10.50 10.49 12.00 11.70
G3 11.53 11.85 13.39 13.16
H8 13.06 12.78 14.70 14.39
H8m 13.08 12.88 14.71 14.48
L8 9.96 10.10 11.33 11.20
n1-standard-8 12.18 9.37 9.98 9.88
n1-highmem-8 10.01 9.76 10.57 10.50
n1-highcpu-8 12.18 9.49 10.25 10.20
c4.2xlarge 19.72 11.98 13.39 13.22
c5.2xlarge 10.56 12.50 13.25 13.26
m4.2xlarge 16.75 9.03 9.88 9.85
m5.2xlarge 10.25 11.99 12.71 12.68
r4.2xlarge 18.40 9.82 10.79 10.77
r5.2xlarge 10.45 12.12 13.10 13.05
t2.2xlarge 18.94 11.06 12.29 12.35
t3.2xlarge 9.95 10.83 11.59 11.51
3.1 Methodology
3.1.1 Hardware and Software Configuration
For all experiments, we configure a cluster of 32
cores, consisting of four instances with eight cores
each. All instances run Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. To provide
a fair comparison between the providers and their in-
stances, we chose datacenter locations as close as pos-
sible. For Amazon we chose the ”Oregon” region, for
Microsoft the ”West US” region and for Google the
”Oregon” region.
For each experiment, we run 30 executions and
show average values as well as the standard deviation.
For each instance type presented in Section 2, we run
a homogeneous cluster, but discard the types that did
not perform well or cost too much. The following
instance types were used in this section:
Azure: H8, F8, A8v2
AWS: c5.2xlarge, t2.2xlarge
Google: n1-highcpu-8, n1-highmem-8, n1-
3.1.2 ImbBench
We used ImbBench as the workload to perform
the tests of the cloud configurations. ImbBench
is a proto-benchmark that implements several load
patterns for MPI processes (Roloff et al., 2017).
ImbBench can produce several imbalance patterns. In
this paper, we use the following four patterns: 8Level,
Amdahl, Linear, and Balanced. In the 8Level pattern,
there are 8 distinct load levels for the MPI ranks, and
there is an equal number of ranks for each level. In the
Amdahl pattern, the first rank has more work than all
other ranks. In the Linear pattern, the load increases
linearly among all ranks. The Balanced pattern has
the same load across all ranks. It is used to verify the
behavior of a homogeneous application.
It is possible to perform CPU performance tests,
where the workload is a random number generator,
that was profiled with the PERF tool (de Melo, 2010)
as almost 100% CPU-bound computation. The mem-
ory performance could be measured as well, in this
case the workload of ImbBench is a BST manipula-
tion, in this case the PERF profiling results in an ap-
plication that is 50% memory-bound.
3.1.3 Cost Efficiency Metric
To measure the cost of the configuration, we use the
Cost Efficiency methodology (Roloff et al., 2012;
Roloff et al., 2017). In a summarized way, this
methodology helps the user to determine which
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
provider and configuration offers the higher perfor-
mance for the price paid. We define cost efficiency
as the number of executions that could be made in an
hour with a given application, divided by the price per
hour of the cloud. Equation 1 formalizes this defini-
tion, where execution time [hours] represents the ex-
ecution time of an application in hours, and price per
hour represents the price per hour of the cloud where
the application was executed on.
CostEfficiency =
1 hour
execution time [hours]
price per hour
The result values are just to compare two environ-
ments for a given application, where higher values of
indicate higher efficiency. The value itself does not
have another meaning.
3.2 Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure has the largest number of instances
with 8 cores among the three providers of this study.
We selected 10 instance types for our evaluation, cov-
ering the whole spectrum of available configurations.
In terms of processing power, we observed a range
of the HPL results starting from 74 GigaFlops up to
332 GigaFlops, as shown in Table 1. Otherwise, in
terms of memory performance the results presented
less variation than the processing power, but it is still
possible to observe different performance groups, as
seen in Table 2. Those results lead us to state that
Microsoft Azure presents an interesting heterogeneity
among its available instances. We used the homoge-
neous cluster that presented better performance, the
H8 cluster, as the baseline for all the tests and create
heterogeneous clusters to improve the cost efficiency
of the execution.
3.2.1 CPU
To evaluate the CPU performance of Microsoft Azure,
we performed tests with different instances types.
In order to identify if the combination of different
instance types could be used to reduce the execu-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
MPI rank
Time in seconds
Azure CPU 8Level, homogeneous
Figure 1: Results for the 8Level pattern and CPU performance for the homogeneous H8 cluster.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
MPI rank
Time in seconds
Azure CPU 8Level, heterogeneous
H8 F8 A8v2
Figure 2: Results for the 8Level pattern and CPU performance for the Azure heterogeneous cluster.
Exploring Instance Heterogeneity in Public Cloud Providers for HPC Applications
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
MPI rank
Time in seconds
Azure CPU Amdahl, homogeneous
Figure 3: Results for the Amdahl pattern and CPU performance for the homogeneous H8 cluster.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
MPI rank
Time in seconds
Azure CPU Amdahl, heterogeneous
H8 A8v2
Figure 4: Results for the Amdahl pattern and CPU performance for the Azure heterogeneous cluster.
tion cost, we build several combinations of instances.
We show and discuss three different patterns here:
8Level, Amdahl and Linear.
The 8Level pattern simulates an application
whose processes present eight different load levels.
It is quite common that applications present differ-
ent levels of imbalance, and this pattern of ImbBench
simulates that kind of applications. Figure 1 shows
the execution of the 8Level pattern using the homo-
geneous H8 cluster. We can note the load distribution
levels in the eight groups. MPI ranks 7, 15, 23 and 31
were the ones that took most time to execute, around
5 seconds. This means that all the other processes
have certain level of idle time during the application
In order to reduce the execution cost without
losses in the execution time, we performed experi-
ments with combinations of different instance types.
In the Figure 2 we show the combination that pre-
sented the best balance between price and perfor-
mance. This configuration is a combination of one
H8 instance, two F8 instances and one A8v2 instance.
The H8 instance was used to execute the processes
with more load, the F8 instances were used to exe-
cute the processes with medium load and the A8v2
instance the processes with low load level. As seen
in the figure, we were able to maintain the same to-
tal execution time. However, due to the combination
with cheaper instances, the cost of the execution was
In terms of cost efficiency, the homogeneous clus-
ter has a factor of 175 and the heterogeneous cluster
has a results of 288. This means that the heteroge-
neous configuration is more efficient. In terms of cost
per hour, the heterogeneous configuration present a
reduction of US$ 1.51, or 40%, without performance
The Amdahl pattern represents an application that
has one process that performs much more computa-
tion than all the others. Normally this situation oc-
curs in applications that were implemented to central-
ize the work-flow in a master process and the other
processes receive and send data to it. In Figure 3 we
can observe the Amdahl execution time, using a ho-
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
MPI rank
Time in seconds
Azure CPU Linear, homogeneous
Figure 5: Results for the Linear pattern and CPU performance for the homogeneous H8 cluster.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
MPI rank
Time in seconds
Azure CPU Linear, heterogeneous
H8 F8 A8v2
Figure 6: Results for the Linear pattern and CPU performance for the Azure heterogeneous cluster.
mogeneous cluster built of H8 Azure instances. We
can observe that process 0 presents an execution time
of around 5 seconds and the other 31 processes exe-
cute in less than 2 second. This means that we have a
large amount of idle time during the application exe-
cution. Moreover, in a Cloud Computing environment
the user is charged as well for this idle time.
Building a cluster with different instances types
could help the user to reduce his execution cost, with-
out significant losses in execution time. Figure 4
shows the execution of the same application by using
an heterogeneous cluster. The heterogeneous cluster
was configured with one H8 instance and three A8v2
instances. As we can note in the figure, the process
0 still was the critical-path of the application, taking
around 5 seconds. Processes 8 to 31 took around 4
seconds, because they where executed in the instances
with less performance. However, the total execution
time remain the same as on the homogeneous cluster.
In terms of cost efficiency, the homogeneous clus-
ter for the Amdahl pattern results in a factor of 175
and the result for the heterogeneous cluster was 315.
This means, again, that the heterogeneous configu-
ration is more efficient. In terms of cost per hour,
the heterogeneous configuration present a reduction
of US$ 1.71, or 45%, without performance loss.
The Linear pattern presents a situation where each
process of the application executes a different load.
The process 0 has the lowest load and the process n,
in our case process 31, has the highest load of the
application. This patter was designed to explore the
scalability capacity of a given configuration. Figure 5
shows the results of the Linear pattern in the H8 clus-
ter. We can note that the load increases according with
the processes number increases as well. The process
with the highest rank, in our case 31, executes the
biggest load, meaning that it is the one determining
the total execution time. All the other processes exe-
cute in less time, so we have a situation of idle time
In order to reduce the overall idle time, we pro-
pose the execution of the application using a combi-
nation of different instances. We could achieve this
by using instances with less performance and price.
Figure 6 shows the execution of the application in a
heterogeneous cluster. In this case, we configured a
Exploring Instance Heterogeneity in Public Cloud Providers for HPC Applications
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
MPI rank
Time in seconds
Azure Memory Linear, homogeneous
Figure 7: Results for the Linear pattern and Memory performance for the homogeneous H8 cluster.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
MPI rank
Time in seconds
Azure Memory Linear, heterogeneous
H8 F8 A8v2
Figure 8: Results for the Linear pattern and Memory performance for the Azure heterogeneous cluster.
cluster with one A8v2 instance, two F8 instances and
on H8 instance. The execution time remains the same
as the homogeneous cluster. However the idle time
was reduced, by using the cheaper instances.
The cost efficiency repeats the results of the
8Level pattern, where the homogeneous cluster was
of 175 and for the heterogeneous cluster was 288. The
cost per hour reduction was adherent with the 8Level
pattern as well, with a reduction of US$ 1.51, or 40%.
3.2.2 Memory
In terms of memory, there is less heterogeneity among
the Microsoft Azure instances. Only the A8v2 in-
stance presented a result that is far different from the
other instances. The rest of the instances are close,
but we still can group them into two groups. We
could separate the instances that performed 13 and 14
GBytes/sec from the instances that performed 10,11
and 12 GBytes/sec. The first group is composed by
the A8, G3, H8 and H8m instances; and the second
contains the D4, D13, E8, F8 and L8 instances. These
groups have close results but, after some experimen-
tation, we found some heterogeneity that could be ex-
Figure 7 shows the results of ImbBench Linear
pattern for testing the memory in a homogeneous H8
cluster. As observed, the growth of execution time
is linear, according with the increase of the process
number. Likewise the CPU testing, the process with
the biggest rank, in our experiments the process 31, is
the critical one for the execution time.
After some experiments with different instance
combinations, we found a configuration that does not
increase the execution time while reduces the cost.
Figure 8 shows the results of a cluster composed of
two A8v2 instances, one F8 instance and one H8 in-
stance. As shown, the total execution time was not
affected, because the processes with higher load, 24-
31) were stile executed in the most powerful instance.
And the processes with less load, 0-23, were executed
by using less powerful instances. This configuration
presented the best cost-efficiency without increasing
the execution time.
The cost efficiency for the memory Linear pattern
was 73 for the homogeneous cluster and for the het-
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
erogeneous was 126. The cost per hour was reduced
as well, presenting a reduction of US$ 1.61, or 42%.
3.3 Google Cloud Platform
The Google instances presented similar results in
terms of processing power, as observed in Table 1,
where the three instances performed around 135 Gi-
gaflops in the HPL benchmark. In terms of mem-
ory performance, the instances presented almost the
same results, with low variation. For a practical com-
parison, we used the TRIAD test which represents
a mix of all the STREAM tests. The n1-standard-8,
n1-highmem-8 and n1-highcpu-8 memory results are
shown in Table 2.
We executed the whole suite of ImbBench in the
three Google instances. We observed that the in-
stances presented the about same performance for
both CPU and memory.
3.3.1 CPU
In terms of processing power measured with the
ImbBench, the Google instances presented a homoge-
neous behavior, which was expected due to the HPL
results. We present the ImbBench results only for the
Balanced and Linear patterns, because these two pat-
terns contain two situations that can help to identify
the homogeneity of instances.
First, the Balanced pattern means a full load of all
the available cores of the instance for the entire execu-
tion time. The Figure 9 presents the Balanced pattern
results. We could observe that there is a low varia-
tion with all the 32 processes executing their loads in
around 10 seconds for the three Google instances. We
do not observe variation between the four instances of
the cluster as well. The Standard Deviation presented,
also, a low rate meaning that the execution times were
constant among the 30 executions of our experiments.
Secondly, the Linear pattern presents a variable
load inside the instances processes and between in-
stances as well. Each one of the 32 processes exe-
cuted a different load. The Figure 10 presents the Lin-
ear pattern, and the homogeneity could be observed as
well. We could observe that there is a homogeneous
behavior in all of the 32 levels of the ImbBench. This
means, as in the Balanced pattern, that the three in-
stances types of Google have a homogeneous behav-
ior. Like in the Balanced pattern, the Standard Devia-
tion presented a low rate showing the constance in the
execution time.
3.3.2 Memory
In terms of memory performance that we measured
with ImbBench, the Google instances presented a
homogeneous-like behavior. This situation was ex-
pected because of the STREAM results, where the
three instances presented convergent results. As in the
CPU evaluation, we just present the ImbBench results
for the Balanced and Linear patterns.
The Balanced pattern means that each process ex-
ecutes a full load of memory operations, during the
application execution. The Figure 11 shows the Bal-
anced pattern results for the Memory evaluation. As
we can observe, the behavior is slightly different than
the CPU results. We have different performance re-
sults in all the four instances os the cluster. It is pos-
sible to observe that in the first group of processes, 0
to 7, the standard instance performed worst than the
highmem and highcpu instances. The second group
of processes presented slightly better results for the
standard instance, but still worst than the other ones,
and the highcpu instance performed worst as well.
The third group, 16 to 23, presented similar results
for all the three instance types. Finally in the fourth
group, 24 to 31, the standard machine presented bet-
ter performance than the highmem and highcpu in-
stances. Otherwise, the Standard Deviation rates were
low, meaning that the executions presented a constant
behavior. This could be explained with the concur-
rency of the instances over the same hardware, which
means that the instances are not 100% isolated.
The Linear pattern results are shown in Figure 12.
Different from the Balanced pattern, we observed a
homogeneous behavior in the three first groups of pro-
cesses, from process 0 up to 23. These results means
that when the memory pressure is lower, all the three
instances respond with good performance. However,
in the fourth group of processes, 24 to 31, there were
different results among the three instances. In this
group, the highmem and highcpu instances performed
worse than the standard instance type. This situation
could also be explained due to the concurrency level
in the underline hardware. However, this is just re-
garding to our experience in virtualization, because
we do not have access to this level of information
from the provider.
The discussion of cost efficiency is not neces-
sary for the Google instances. The performance of
n1-standard-8, n1-highmem-8, and n1-highcpu-8 are
practically the same, both in terms of memory and
processing power. The price difference among them
is relative to the amount of resources, where the ma-
chines with less resources are cheaper than the ones
with more resources. The major difference is in terms
Exploring Instance Heterogeneity in Public Cloud Providers for HPC Applications
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
MPI rank
Time in seconds
Google CPU Balanced, homogeneous
n1-highcpu-8 n1-highmem-8 n1-standard-8
Figure 9: Results for the Balanced pattern and CPU performance for the homogeneous Google instances cluster.
0 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
MPI rank
Time in seconds
Google CPU Linear, homogeneous
n1-highcpu-8 n1-highmem-8 n1-standard-8
Figure 10: Results for the Linear pattern and CPU performance for the homogeneous Google instances cluster.
of memory amount, and not memory performance.
The ImbBench memory test is related to the mem-
ory performance and does not use the total size of the
3.4 Amazon Web Services
We selected eight different instances from the Ama-
zon Web Services provider. The AWS instances do
not present a high level of heterogeneity in terms of
processing power. In Table 1 we can observe that
only the t2.2xlarge instance presented an HPL result
that was far from the other instances. The other seven
instances presented similar performance results. In
terms of memory, all the instances presented simi-
lar results, with exception of the m4.2xlarge instance,
that performed lower than the others.
3.4.1 CPU
In terms of CPU evaluation, we performed sev-
eral tests with the AWS instances. However, only
the c5.2xlarge and t2.2xlarge instances were inter-
esting to conduct an evaluation. Due to the price-
performance relation these two instances outper-
formed all the others, both in terms of performance
and cost-efficiency.
Figure 14 shows the result of the Balanced pat-
tern of ImbBench for the two instances. We could
note that the performance of the t2.2xlarge was bet-
ter than the c5.2xlarge, with the first presenting an
execution time of around 6.5 seconds and the sec-
ond one around 8 seconds. However, these results
are not as good as expected, because in the HPL pro-
file the t2.2xlarge presented results 50% better than
the c5.2xlarge. These results could be explained due
to the underline hardware and the configuration of
them. During the HPL tests, we note that the eight
cores of the c5.2xlarge instance were 4 cores with hy-
perthreading and the t2.2xlarge delivered eight cores.
Moreover, the c5.2xlarge uses an Intel Xeon Platinum
8000 series as processor and was designed for com-
puting performance and the t2.2xlarge does not spec-
ify the model of the processor, just mentions that it is
an Intel Xeon. These were our findings to explain the
results of the Balanced pattern.
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
MPI rank
Time in seconds
Google Memory Balanced, homogeneous
n1-highcpu-8 n1-highmem-8 n1-standard-8
Figure 11: Results for the Balanced pattern and Memory performance for the homogeneous Google instances cluster.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
MPI rank
Time in seconds
Google Memory Linear, homogeneous
n1-highcpu-8 n1-highmem-8 n1-standard-8
Figure 12: Results for the Linear pattern and Memory performance for the homogeneous Google instances cluster.
When we used another pattern of ImbBench, the
8Level pattern, another situation occurs. Figure 13
shows the results of this execution. The performance
of all the eight levels were similar in both instances.
But, with a closer look, we could observe that the
first four processes, the processes with less load, of
the application presented worst performance in the
c5.2xlarge instance. And the last four processes, the
ones with highest load, performed better in c5.2xlarge
than in the t2.2xlarge.
3.4.2 Memory
Related to memory performance, the AWS instances
were similar to the CPU tests. Again the c5.2xlarge
and t2.2xlarge instances were chosen to perform the
evaluation. Figure 15 shows the results of the mem-
ory performance test using the Linear pattern from
ImbBench. As we can observe, the memory perfor-
mance of both instance types is identical, meaning
that there is no heterogeneity to be exploited.
The AWS instances are well balanced, as the
Google instances, and there is not opportunities to ex-
ploit the heterogeneity. The instance c5.2xlarge is one
of the cheapest of the provider and it presents the best
performance as well. According to our tests, this in-
stance performed better in all patterns, with exception
of the Balanced pattern, where the t2.2xlarge instance
performed better. Due to this situation, the cost effi-
ciency of the AWS will be better by using homoge-
neous clusters made of c5.2xlarge.
3.5 Discussion
Table 3 shows the overall performance and cost
efficiency results for all experiments. In terms of
the performance across all the providers, Microsoft
Azure presented the instance with best performance,
the H8 instance, that performed better both in terms of
processing power and in memory performance. The
AWS c5.2xlarge instance presented slightly less per-
formance than the H8 one. Google got the third place
with its three instances. However in terms of price,
Google’s n1-highcpu-8 instance has the best price,
Exploring Instance Heterogeneity in Public Cloud Providers for HPC Applications
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
MPI rank
Time in seconds
Amazon CPU 8Level, homogeneous
c5.2xlarge t2.2xlarge
Figure 13: Results for the 8Level pattern and CPU performance for the homogeneous Amazon instances cluster.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
MPI rank
Time in seconds
Amazon CPU Balanced, homogeneous
c5.2xlarge t2.2xlarge
Figure 14: Results for the Balanced pattern and CPU performance for the homogeneous Amazon instances cluster.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
MPI rank
Time in seconds
Amazon Memory Linear, homogeneous
c5.2xlarge t2.2xlarge
Figure 15: Results for the Linear pattern and Memory performance for the homogeneous Amazon instances cluster.
followed by AWS and Azure instance has the
higher price.
Several interesting conclusions can be drawn from
the results presented in this section. First, the Azure
cloud presents a beneficial case for heterogeneous
clouds, since cost efficiency improves dramatically
over a homogeneous allocation with an imbalanced
application. On the other hand, Google’s cloud in-
stances consists of machines of the same CPU and
memory speed, varying only in memory size, and can
therefore benefit less from application heterogeneity.
Amazon, in contrast to the other two providers, shows
the interesting situation where the cheapest machine
is also the fastest, which limits its suitability for het-
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 3: Cost efficiency characteristics of the cloud in-
stances. Performance is shown in seconds. Higher values
for cost efficiency are better.
Configuration CPU MEM
Cost eff. Perf. Cost eff. Perf.
Azure H8 175 5.27 75 12.22
Azure Het. 288 5.26 129 12.22
Google n1-standard-8 290 8.15 121 19.53
Google n1-highmem-8 230 8.25 114 16.62
Google n1-highcpu-8 386 8.21 193 16.43
Amazon c5.2xlarge 432 6.12 194 13.58
Amazon t2.2xlarge 365 6.63 158 15.32
Azure H8 175 5.28 75 12.62
Azure Het. 315 5.25 138 12.14
Google n1-standard-8 301 7.85 139 16.97
Google n1-highmem-8 245 7.73 128 13.68
Google n1-highcpu-8 408 7.76 228 13.84
Amazon c5.2xlarge 455 5.81 236 11.17
Amazon t2.2xlarge 369 6.55 159 15.22
Azure H8 176 5.26 73 12.14
Azure Het. 288 5.26 126 12.51
Google n1-standard-8 238 9.93 128 18.47
Google n1-highmem-8 194 9.79 93 20.29
Google n1-highcpu-8 317 9.98 163 19.40
Amazon c5.2xlarge 343 7.71 170 15.50
Amazon t2.2xlarge 368 6.58 160 15.14
erogeneous execution. However, both Google and
Amazon might benefit more from heterogeneity in
the future when the instance types they offer change.
Furthermore, the suitability of heterogeneous execu-
tion is similar between the CPU and memory-bound
versions of ImbBench. The results shown in the pa-
per can therefore also be seen as a motivation for
providers to offer instance types with more diverse
characteristics, as these can be used to improve cost
efficiency of executing applications with uneven com-
putational demands in the cloud.
Prabhakaran and Lakshmi (Prabhakaran and Lak-
shmi, 2018) evaluate the cost-benefit of using Ama-
zon, Google and Microsoft cloud instances instead of
a supercomputing. They found that the cost-benefit of
the supercomputer was better than the cloud. How-
ever they consider a 7x24 hours usage, and do not
consider the idle time, which affects the cost calcula-
tions. Kotas et al. (Kotas et al., 2018) compared AWS
and Azure as a platform for HPC. The authors exe-
cuted the HPCC and HPCG benchmarks suite. How-
ever they evaluate one instance type of each provider
and build cluster configurations from 1 to 32 nodes.
Aljamal et al. (Aljamal et al., 2018) compare
Azure, AWS, Google and Oracle Cloud as a platform
for HPC. They made a comparative analysis of the
providers configurations and offers, but did not per-
form any performance or cost efficiency experiments.
(Li et al., 2018a) performed an analysis of how to
benefit from the cloud heterogeneity to perform video
trans-coding, in order to maximize the efficiency for
video streaming services. (Li et al., 2018b) created
a cost and energy aware scheduler to reduce the cost
and energy consumption of executing scientific work
flows in the cloud. They evaluated their proposal by
using the CloudSim simulator.
Costa el al. (G. S. Costa et al., 2018) performed
a performance and cost analysis comparing the on-
demand versus preemptive instances of the AWS and
Google cloud providers. However they used only pro-
filing of the instances and do not evaluate benchmark-
ing or applications. In our previous works (Roloff
et al., 2017; Roloff et al., 2018), we exploited the het-
erogeneity of public cloud and application demand.
This work is an improvement of the previous work, by
performing a deep analysis of the instances perform-
ing memory and CPU characterizations and a com-
prehensive analysis of different public clouds.
Executing HPC applications in cloud environments
has become an important research topic in recent
years. In contrast to traditional clusters, which consist
of mostly homogeneous machines, executing HPC
applications in the cloud allows them to use hetero-
geneous resources offered by the cloud provider. This
way, the cloud instances can be adapted to an imbal-
anced behavior of the HPC application, reducing the
price of executing it in the cloud.
In this paper, we performed a comprehensive
set of experiments evaluating the potential of us-
ing heterogeneous instance types on three public
cloud providers, Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, and
Google Cloud. Using ImbBench, a benchmark that
can create different imbalance patterns of CPU and
memory usage, we compared performance and cost
efficiency on homogeneous and heterogeneous cloud
instances. Our results show that heterogeneous execu-
tion is most beneficial on Azure, improving cost effi-
ciency by up to 50% compared to execution on homo-
geneous instances, while maintaining the same per-
formance. The other two providers are less suitable,
Exploring Instance Heterogeneity in Public Cloud Providers for HPC Applications
since the cheapest instance type is also the fastest
(AWS), or the provider offers only instances that vary
in memory size, but not in performance (Google).
As future work, we intend to extend our
ImbBench benchmark with support for I/O operations
and network communication to evaluate these aspects
in terms of heterogeneity. We also intend to add sup-
port for combining different types of operations to be
more representative of real-world applications. Fur-
thermore, we will provide an automatic way to sug-
gest a mix of cloud instances for a particular applica-
tion behavior.
This work has been partially supported by the
project “GREEN-CLOUD: Computacao em Cloud
com Computacao Sustentavel” (#16/2551-0000 488-
9), from FAPERGS and CNPq Brazil. This research
received partial funding from CYTED for the RICAP
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CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science