Enriching Threat Intelligence Platforms Capabilities
Mario Faiella
, Gustavo Gonzalez-Granadillo
, Ib
eria Medeiros
Rui Azevedo
and Susana Gonzalez-Zarzosa
Atos Research & Innovation, Cybersecurity Laboratory, Spain
LASIGE, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisboa, Portugal
Threat Intelligence Platforms, Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), Data Enrichment, MISP, Threat Score.
One of the weakest points in actual security detection and monitoring systems is the data retrieval from Open
Source Intelligence (OSINT), as well as how this kind of information should be processed and normalized,
considering their unstructured nature. This cybersecurity related information (e.g., Indicator of Compromise -
IoC) is obtained from diverse and different sources and collected by Threat Intelligence Platforms (TIPs). In
order to improve its quality, such information should be correlated with real-time data coming from the moni-
tored infrastructure, before being further analyzed and shared. In this way, it could be prioritized, allowing a
faster incident detection and response. This paper presents an Enriched Threat Intelligence Platform as a way
to extend import, quality assessment processes, and information sharing capabilities in current TIPs. The plat-
form receives structured cyber threat information from multiple sources, and performs the correlation among
them with both static and dynamic data coming from the monitored infrastructure. This allows the evaluation
of a threat score through heuristic-based analysis, used for enriching the information received from OSINT
and other sources. The final result, expressed in a well defined format, is sent to external entities, which is
further used for monitoring and detecting incidents (e.g., SIEMs), or for more in-depth analysis, and shared
with trusted organizations.
The number and the impact of cyber attacks has dras-
tically increased during the last years, as revealed by
reports written by governments and companies, espe-
cially in terms of how much these threats could harm
them from an economical point of view. The Council
of the Economic Advisers of the United States
mated that malicious cyber activity had an economic
impact in the U.S. economy between 57 billion and
109 billion dollars in 2016 (CEA, 2018). Cyberse-
curity Ventures
identified cyber crime as the ”great-
est threat to every company in the world”, predicting
that it will cost the world more than six trillion dol-
lars annually by 2021 (Ventures, 2017). Moreover,
the global management consulting firm Accenture
during a study conducted in 2017 (Accenture, 2017),
affirmed that cyber crime, on an annual average, is
costing organizations 11.7 million dollars, more or
less 23 percent more than the previous year. These
successful incursions potentially allow groups of at-
tackers to acquire valuable intellectual properties and
secrets. With the aim of facing these menaces, it is
crucial to have timely access to relevant, accurate in-
formation about them, for protecting precious internal
and sensitive data as well as critical assets.
Collecting and processing Open Source Intelli-
gence (OSINT) information is becoming a fundamen-
tal approach for obtaining cybersecurity threat aware-
ness. Recently, the research community has demon-
strated that useful information and Indicators of Com-
promise (IoC) can be obtained from OSINT (Liao
et al., 2016; Sabottke et al., 2015). Besides the re-
search oriented efforts, all Security Operation Centre
(SOC) analysts get updated about new threats against
their IT infrastructures by collecting and analyzing
cybersecurity OSINT data. Nevertheless, skimming
through various news feeds is a time-consuming task
for any security analyst.
Furthermore, analysts are not guaranteed to find
news relevant to the IT infrastructure they oversee.
Tools are therefore required, not only to collect OS-
INT, but also to process it, aiming at enhancing the
Faiella, M., Gonzalez-Granadillo, G., Medeiros, I., Azevedo, R. and Gonzalez-Zarzosa, S.
Enriching Threat Intelligence Platforms Capabilities.
DOI: 10.5220/0007830400370048
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2019), pages 37-48
ISBN: 978-989-758-378-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
quality of the information carried on OSINT to SOC
analysts, for instance, to benefit from the potential
they have. In addition, such tools must filter only the
relevant parts for the SOC analysts, thus decreasing
the amount of information and consequently, the time
required to analyze it and act upon. When appropri-
ate, the filtered information must be further processed
to extract IoCs.
Moreover, a proper quality assessment is needed,
to check if gathered data can be considered as valu-
able Threat Intelligence (denoted as TI). Sillaber et al.
(Sillaber et al., 2016) identified TI quality evaluation
as one of the main challenges in actual cybersecurity
information sharing scenarios, mainly caused by the
limitation of existing TI sharing tools, as well as the
lack of suitable and globally recognized standards and
ontologies (Mavroeidis and Bromander, 2017). These
assessment processes can provide more insights for
inferring the impact that some cyber attacks could
have with respect to internal assets and resources, pri-
oritizing threat detection and incident response.
In addition, the ability to share OSINT informa-
tion is often not enough. TI must be expressed, and
then, shared using specific standards, allowing in-
volved parties to speed up processing and analysis
phases of received information, achieving interoper-
ability among them.
In this paper we propose an Enriched Threat Intel-
ligence Platform, (hereinafter denoted as ETIP), aim-
ing at extending import and information sharing capa-
bilities of internal detection and monitoring systems
(e.g., SIEMs) improving also quality assessment of
received cybersecurity events.
The final objective is to integrate the relevant se-
curity data coming from public sources (e.g., social
networks), after going through a quality information
enhancing process, with data gathered from the in-
frastructure through specific detection and monitor-
ing systems (e.g., SIEMs, IDS, IPS), to anticipate and
improve threat detection and incident response. This
integration has been defined as a crucial activity in
order to produce real and valuable TI (Skopik et al.,
In this context, on one hand, it arises the need of a
component that relates and aggregates collected OS-
INT data, generating thus new enriched data. On the
other hand, it also requires a component that consid-
ers potential security issues in the monitored infras-
tructure, to be correlated with the received OSINT
data, providing a threat score for the latter that helps
to identify its relevance and priority.
This threat score will complement the usage of
static information about the monitored infrastructure
with dynamic and real-time threat information re-
ported from inside the own monitored infrastructure
in the way of IoCs. This dynamic evaluation is based
on heuristic analysis which allows determining the
priority of the incoming OSINT data, by assigning
a threat score to it. The produced object integrating
the information received from OSINT data sources
through its calculated threat score is sent directly to
other security systems and tools (e.g., SIEMs) for vi-
sualization, storage, processing, or feedback and, op-
tionally, could also be shared with external trusted or-
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents related works, while Section
3 introduces and compares threat intelligence plat-
forms. Section 4 describes the architecture of our pro-
posed Enriched Threat Intelligence Platform (ETIP).
Section 5 details the Threat Score Evaluation process
and Section 6 illustrates the applicability of our ap-
proach with a use case scenario and preliminary re-
sults. Finally, conclusions and perspective for future
work are presented in Section 7.
Several standard formats have been proposed to fa-
cilitate cyber intelligence sharing among platforms.
Examples of such formats are the Open Indicators
of Compromise (OpenIoC
), Structured Threat Infor-
mation eXpression (STIX
), Trusted Automated eX-
change of Indicator Information (TAXII
Few studies of existing threat intelligence plat-
forms (TIPs) have been identified. Tounsi and Rais
(Tounsi and Rais, 2018) provides a survey about open
source threat intelligence platforms, including the
Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP)
, the
Collective Intelligence Framework (CIF)
, the Col-
laborative Research Into Threats (CRITs)
, and Soltra
. Sauerwein et al. (Sauerwein et al., 2017),
provide an exploratory study of software vendors and
research perspectives of threat intelligence sharing
platform, and conclude that the market for threat in-
telligence sharing is still developing. Moreover, also
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
ENISA provides an updated report about opportuni-
ties and limitations of actual TIPs (ENISA, 2017),
suggesting various guidelines that should be followed
for overcoming them.
Owen (Owen, 2015) proposes Moat, a powerful
tool that covers known bad actors and consume data
from multiple sources such as vulnerability systems
and port scanners. Moat has been integrated with
SIEMs using STIX and XML formats for sharing pur-
poses but it is not yet defined for other well-known
standards such as TAXII.
Some commercial SIEMs (e.g., LogRhythm
have added security intelligence to its SIEMs and
analytic platforms. Their approach uses rich con-
text enabled by threat intelligence from STIX/TAXII-
compliant providers, commercial and open-source
feeds, as well as internal honeypots. As a result, the
platform uses these data to reduce false-positives, de-
tect hidden threats, and prioritize concerning alarms.
To the best of our knowledge, more research is
needed about threat intelligence sharing platforms,
and their integration with other security tools. Our
approach suggests the use of a platform for collect-
ing and aggregating cyber security related informa-
tion from OSINT, relying on MISP for storing and
managing the resultant IoCs, which will be further
enriched with a threat score, for prioritizing possible
defence actions. The outcome of this platform will
feed systems, like SIEMs and IDS, with actionable
information that will improve the detection of cyber
threats, and could also be shared, in an automated
way, with internal SOCs and CSIRTs, as well as with
other trusted organizations.
Many companies started relying on Threat Intelli-
gence Platforms (TIPs) for overcoming gaps and lim-
itations of actual detection and monitoring systems,
especially SIEMs (ThreatConnect, 2018). They are in
charge of retrieving structured and unstructured data
from diverse external sources, and perform various
complex operations, such as filtering, aggregation,
normalization, detection, analysis and enrichment, as
well as the injection of results into SIEMs. However,
their implementation and usage are still in their in-
fancy and, as stated in (Sauerwein et al., 2017), many
drawbacks have to be addressed, for instance, in terms
of dynamic trust assessment of external sources and
advanced analysis capabilities, where manual work is
still needed, especially for making the retrieved infor-
mation effectively actionable.
TIPs are ideal tools for data collection, storage,
sharing, and for integration with external entities, that
could be other security platforms and tools, as well
as specific groups for handling incident response and
threat management (e.g., SOC, CSIRTs). Several
TIPs are available in the market (most of them under
commercial license). In terms of open-source solu-
tions, we have identified the following:
1. The Malware Information Sharing Platform
2. The Collective Intelligence Framework (CIF),
3. The Collaborative Research Into Threats (CRITs),
4. SoltraEdge (SE), but only a limited version is
available with this kind of license.
The comparison among them is summarized in Ta-
ble 1, and has been performed taking into account
the following criteria, mainly based on the study con-
ducted by Tounsi et al. (Tounsi and Rais, 2018), to-
gether with some personal considerations, especially
about hardware requirements:
Import/Export Format: MISP and CRITs are
able to work with a great number of formats
(e.g., PDF, doc, xls, txt, JSON, XML, STIX).
MISP supports an ad-hoc standard for represent-
ing Threat Intelligence (a customized JSON
format), and basic built-in capabilities for STIX
conversion. It also allows adding modules
for ad-hoc importing/exporting without modify-
ing the core functionalities. CIF is not as flex-
ible as the previous two TIPs, especially if spe-
cific standards (e.g., STIX) will be considered,
while the free and limited version of SoltraEdge
presents some limitations when dealing with non-
STIX data.
Integration with/Export to Standard Security
Tools: MISP allows an easy interaction with In-
trusion Detection Systems (IDSs) and SIEMs, and
contains flexible REST APIs for integrating inter-
nal solutions with the platform. CIF is also a vi-
able platform to integrate with IDS and SIEMs,
although less flexible than MISP. CRITs is a huge
repository of TI, not specifically built for interact-
ing with systems such as SIEMs and IDS, how-
ever its flexibility allows building ad-hoc solu-
tions for these purposes. The free SoltraEdge ver-
JavaScript Object Notation, https://www.json.org
Enriching Threat Intelligence Platforms Capabilities
sion has many limitations, especially in terms of
API support for interacting with other platforms.
Support of Collaboration: MISP allows cen-
tralized support, by sharing the same instance
among a trusted community; and decentralized
support, when multiple instances interact in a
peer-to-peer way. CIF allows the usage of a pri-
vate instance and the implementation of a shared
instance through a centralized service. CRITs and
SoltraEdge allow the usage of a private instance,
or a shared one in the context of a trusted com-
munity. However, CRITs has very poor built-in
sharing capabilities.
Data Exchange Standards: MISP and CRITs
are able to deal with many different standards, in-
cluding STIX and TAXII. The limited version of
Soltra-Edge has very poor capabilities to deal with
standards different to STIX and TAXII. CIF, has
been designed to work with other CIF instances
using private solutions for meeting high perfor-
mance requirements with partial or no support on
standards such as STIX and TAXII.
Analysis Capabilities: high analysis capabilities
is a weakness for all current TIPs (Sauerwein
et al., 2017). CRITs and SoltraEdge are huge cen-
tral repositories for collaborating analysis rather
than pure sharing platforms. They have better
built-in analysis capabilities compared to MISP
and CIF. However, this advantage is partially lost
with the limited version of SoltraEdge.
Table 1: Comparison of Threat Intelligence Platforms.
Evaluated Criteria MISP CIF CRITs SE
Import/Export Format
Integration Capabilities
Data Exchange Std.
Support of Collaboration
Analysis Capabilities
Graph Generation
Hardware Requirements
Low/Basic Medium/Average High/Advanced
Graph Generation: visualization capabilities are
strictly related to the analysis of the aforemen-
tioned features, and the same consideration can be
deducted. More generically, this is another limi-
tation of current TIPs (Sauerwein et al., 2017).
License: all TIPs considered in this analysis (in-
cluding the limited version of SoltraEdge) are re-
leased with open source licenses.
Hardware Requirements: MISP, CRITs and
SoltraEdge have very similar requirements in
terms of RAM and hard disk size needed. CIF, in-
stead, has higher requirements, especially in terms
of processing capabilities.
Due to its ability to be integrated with SIEMs and
IDSs; its high flexibility features for integrating inter-
nal and custom solutions; the support of specific data
exchange standard, such as STIX, as well as good
built-in information sharing capabilities; the avail-
ability of a very detailed on-line documentation
and a huge and responsive on-line community, in case
of development issues; the selected threat intelligence
platform is the MISP.
The Enriched Threat Intelligence Platform (ETIP) is
composed of two main modules: (i) the Composed
IoC Module, and (ii) the Context Aware Intelligence
Sharing Module as shown in Figure 1.
Context Aware Intelligence Sharing Module
External Entities (i.e.,
Enriched Threat Intelligence Platform (ETIP)
IoCs Aggregating
Composed IoC Module
single IoCs
Composed IoCs
Enriched IoCs
Figure 1: Enriched Threat Intelligence Platform architec-
While the first module collects several security
events (i.e., IoCs) provided from different OSINT
feeds, and then interrelates them, generating thus
IoCs with more information composed IoCs –, the
second module receives these composed IoCs and
correlates them with information provided by security
tools deployed in the organization network infrastruc-
ture. Applying a heuristic analysis to these data, the
resulting IoC can be further enriched, providing more
insights about how much the incoming information
could be considered as real intelligence by the enter-
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
4.1 Composed IoC Module
We propose a component to generate composed IoCs,
i.e., for collecting different IoCs from different TIPs,
correlating them, and then, generating new composed
IoCs. The architecture of the component is repre-
sented in Figure 2. The main parts are the following:
IoC Normalizer
IoC Aggregator
Figure 2: Composed IoC Module Architecture.
OSINT Feeds. Open source intelligence informa-
tion regarding to security events, such as cyber-
attacks, exploitation of software vulnerabilities,
malware domains, IP blacklists.
TIPs. Different TIPs are used in parallel to collect
several OSINT data provided from diverse feeds,
which take advantage of the enrichment capabil-
ities they offer, such as improving OSINT threat
intelligence with external data not included in OS-
INT feeds (e.g., asn source, whois).
Collector. The output of the different TIPs, as a
form of IoCs, is channelled to a collector module.
The TIP’s IoCs are seen as OSINT feeds but in an
IoC format (e.g., STIX, MISP format).
IoC Normalizer. Since IoCs might be collected
in different formats (depending on the format
adopted by TIPs), it is necessary to normalize
them in a single and common format (e.g., MISP
format). After this process, they are stored in a
database to be processed by the component.
Deduplicator. IoCs received from different TIPs
can be equals, since TIPs can be configured with
the same OSINT feeds. The deduplicator mod-
ule analyzes the received IoCs with those already
exist in the database with the aim to identify du-
plicated IoCs and remove them before being pro-
cessed by the IoC aggregator module.
IoC Aggregator. Aggregates different but re-
lated IoCs, and generates new ones. The pro-
cess consists on identifying IoCs that contain rel-
evant interrelated information, aggregating them
in a same set, and then, merging that information
into a single IoC, creating a new IoC that we call
composed IoC. These new IoCs are stored in the
database for later be used by the context aware
threat intelligence component (see Section 4.2).
4.1.1 Implementation
The proposed component was implemented using the
MISP platform, for which the deduplicator and aggre-
gator modules were developed in Python 3, and inte-
grated in MISP. This latter acts as the collector and
IoC normalizer to receive and normalize the data that
can be provided from different TIPs, and then uses the
developed modules to process the received data.
The component offers to the end user the possi-
bility of configuration based on two criteria: (1) the
trust level of the IoC assigned by the MISP commu-
nity, where, for example, an IoC with level 2 means
that IoC has the trustiest level of confidence and its
information is relevant; (2) the interrelation type be-
tween IoCs which will be considered by the IoC ag-
gregator module. This interrelation can be based on
IoC as a whole or their attributes, which the former
only allows interrelations between IoCs that belong
to the same threat category, whereas the latter permits
a most deep analysis and connection between IoCs,
allowing to generate new data provided by IoCs of
different categories (e.g., IoCs belonging to the MISP
network category and from type of vulnerability).
IoC 0 (76)
IoC 1.A (32)
IoC 1.B (74)
IoC 1.C (46)
IoC 1.D (51)
IoC 2.B (71)
IoC 3.A (102)
IoC 2.A (16)
OSINT Feed 1 OSINT Feed 2 OSINT Feed 3
Figure 3: Schematic for the creation of a composed IoC.
The component considers dividing the OSINT
feeds in two categories: (1) low level feeds, which
consist mainly of IP addresses and URLs; and (2) high
level feeds, which contain a more advanced analysis
with information about network artifacts, campaigns,
etc.; that feed TIPs (e.g., CRIT, MISP). It performs
queries to the database to identify new entries and
other entries that have matches, and then merge them
Enriching Threat Intelligence Platforms Capabilities
forming a new IoC and inject it into the database,
which is labelled with a tag that allows identifying
it as a rich IoC and avoids the creation of loops.
Figure 3 exemplifies a composed IoC. In the fig-
ure, starting from an IoC that contained 76 elements,
we were able to identify 7 other IoCs, originating
from 3 distinct OSINT feeds, that were correlated.
The merging of these IoCs allowed the creation of a
new IoC containing 468 elements.
4.2 Context Aware Intelligence Sharing
The context aware intelligence sharing module is able
to correlate static and real-time information (e.g., In-
dicators of Compromise), related to the monitored
infrastructure, with data coming from external OS-
INT sources through OSINT data fusion and analy-
sis tools, to check the relevance and accuracy of the
data. Furthermore, the module is also able to share
both the original and the enriched information with
external entities, in an automated way.
The proposed module architecture, depicted in
Figure 4, is composed of two main elements: (i) a
MISP Instance, in charge of gathering data from both
OSINT-based sources and the monitored infrastruc-
tures, as well as sending the enriched IoCs to inter-
nal components, systems and tools (e.g., SIEMs) or
sharing them with trusted organizations; and (ii) the
Heuristic Component, in charge of performing the
heuristic analysis, with the final aim of computing a
Threat Score, enriching the data coming from OSINT-
based sources, and sending it back to the MISP In-
Input Data
Infrastructure Data
External Entities (i.e.,
Figure 4: Context Aware Intelligence Sharing Module.
4.2.1 MISP Instance
From Figure 4, the OSINT and Infrastructure data col-
lectors are responsible of capturing useful data from
OSINT, IoCs and the infrastructure in order to eval-
uate a set of pre-defined heuristics and to compute a
threat score. Collected OSINT data are stored in the
MISP Database, whereas collected infrastructure data
are stored in the Heuristic Component Database.
The integration between security tools, as well as
internal SOC and CSIRTs, and the context aware in-
telligence sharing module is possible thanks to the
adoption of MISP. The objective is to use, as much as
possible, the built-in sharing capabilities of the plat-
form when this interaction takes place, such as a ze-
roMQ publish-subscribe model
. MISP comes with
so-called “MISP-modules”, used both for ad-hoc im-
port and export of threat information. If required, new
modules could be created from scratch and integrated
with the MISP Instance, without modifying the core
functionalities of the platform.
The heuristic component receives all data com-
ing from the monitored infrastructures, through MISP.
Data could be dynamic (e.g., IoC detected in the in-
frastructures) or static and generic information about
a specific infrastructure (e.g., used sensors, operat-
ing systems, specific lists of IP addresses). These
data are stored in the MISP database, represented
through the JSON format (e.g., STIX, MISP events),
or through simple documents related to generic in-
formation. Since its usage is of great interest to
the heuristic component, data could be also stored
in a different way, using for instance a private non-
relational database such as MongoDB
, which sim-
plifies the information retrieval by the heuristic engine
and allows for a full control of the analysis performed
by the tool.
The adoption of MISP makes it possible to auto-
matically share data with external entities thanks to
its built-in information sharing capabilities. For those
cases in which the external entity is using a MISP
instance, the sharing process is performed by sim-
ply synchronizing both instances. Otherwise, MISP
comes with a list of REST APIs, which are accessed
from any internal and external services with differ-
ent levels of access rights, to directly interact with its
database, to push/pull cyber-security related events.
4.2.2 Heuristic Component
The heuristic component receives information com-
ing from multiple sources (e.g., OSINT data, infras-
tructure, IoCs, etc.) to be used in the Threat Score
(T S) analysis performed by the heuristics engine.
This latter considers a set of conditions that are eval-
uated for every single feature. A score is assigned to
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
every feature (i.e., individual score). The sum of all
individual scores results into the Threat Score associ-
ated to the data being analyzed.
The database from the heuristic component stores
the information of the infrastructure and the OSINT
data collector. The Threat Score Agent is responsi-
ble for the generation of the resulting enriched In-
dicator of Compromise (eIoC), including the Threat
Score for the security information received from OS-
INT data sources. The eIoCs shared by this compo-
nent includes the same information received from OS-
INT, as well as the associated Threat Score and the
features considered in the evaluation.
The threat score evaluation is part of the heuris-
tic component that uses a threat score function (de-
tailed in Section 5.1) to compute the relevance of
the received data. The process performs an analysis
methodology composed of the following steps:
1. Source Identification: during this phase we
search and identify all possible sources of infor-
mation. Examples of these sources are: security
logs, databases, report data, OSINT data sources,
IoCs, etc.
2. Heuristics Identification: different features
(e.g., heuristics) are identified from the input
data. Such features provide relevant informa-
tion about the infrastructure (e.g., vulnerabilities,
events, faults, errors, etc.) useful in the threat
analysis and classification process. Examples of
heuristics are: CVE, IP source, IP destination,
port source, port destination, timestamp, etc.
3. Threshold Definition: for each heuristic, mini-
mum and maximum possible values are defined
based on characteristics associated to the instance.
We checked, for instance, if the input data con-
tains or not a CVE for the detected threat. A
threshold (e.g., 0-5) is assigned to cover all pos-
sible results.
4. Score Computation: for each possible instance
of the identified heuristic, a score value is as-
signed based on expert knowledge. All individ-
ual scores are then aggregated and a final score is
computed. The resulting value will indicate the
priority and relevance of the security information
coming from OSINT data sources and the moni-
tored infrastructure.
5. Training Period: a set of preliminary tests need
to be performed during a training process to eval-
uate the performance of the engine. The tests in-
clude real data to analyze the score obtained indi-
vidually (for each heuristic) and globally (for the
whole event) which help to analyze false positive
and negative rates.
6. Engine Calibration: in order to minimize devia-
tions (e.g., reduce number of false positive, false
negative) the engine must be calibrated by analyz-
ing the obtained results, adding other heuristics
and/or modifying the assigned values to current
7. Final Tests: Once the engine is calibrated, we can
repeat previous tests or add new ones in order to
evaluate the performance of the tool.
5.1 Threat Score Function
The heuristics-based threat score is composed of a set
of individual scores as a complement of other pre-
diction tools to indicate the priority and relevance
of incoming security information received from OS-
INT and infrastructure data sources. There exists a
large number of different aggregation operators (e.g.,
Arithmetic Mean, Geometric Mean, Harmonic Mean,
Weighted Mean, Ordered Weighted Averaging) (Ra-
vana and Moffat, 2009; Torra and Narukawa, 2007)
that can be used for the computation of the threat
score. They differ on the assumptions about the data
(data types) and the type of information that we can
incorporate in the model.
From the aforementioned aggregation operators,
the Weighted Mean (WM) is the selected function to
compute the threat score, due to the following ad-
vantages: (i) simple and straightforward function; (ii)
avoids indeterminate results and/or null values; (iii)
can be used if one or more individual scores are zero;
and (iv) individual scores are assumed to have differ-
ent weights depending on the source and the relevance
of the information.
The proposed Threat Score (T S) is defined as the
sum of all individual heuristic values (X
) times its
corresponding weight factor (P
). This latter considers
multiple criteria (e.g., relevance, accuracy, timeliness,
variety). The sum is then affected to the completeness
parameter (C
), as shown in Equation 1.
T S = C
× P
The resulting T S ranges from zero to five (0
T S 5), the higher the TS value, the more reliable
the IoC. Thus, a T S with a value between zero and one
Enriching Threat Intelligence Platforms Capabilities
(0 T S 1) indicates a Very Low level of priority;
a T S with a value between one and two (1 T S 2)
indicates a Low level of priority; a TS with a value be-
tween two and three (2 T S 3) indicates a Medium
level of priority; a T S with a value between three
and four (3 T S 4) indicates a High level of pri-
ority; and a T S with a value between four and five
(4 T S 5) indicates a Very High level of priority.
5.2 Heuristic Value
The first part of the (T S) function refers to the value
assigned to a given heuristic (X
) based on the type
of information processed during the evaluation. Con-
sidering, for instance, that one of the features to be
evaluated is the presence of a Common Vulnerabil-
ity Exposure (CVE)
identified in the input data, the
engine will check if the word ‘CVE’ appears in the in-
put data in order to retrieve the complete CVE number
(i.e., CVE-AAAA-NNNN).
If a CVE is found, the engine checks for its
associated Common Vulnerability Scoring System
. More specifically, the engine will search
for its associated base score, which considers access
vector, access complexity, authentication, and impact
related information based on availability, confiden-
tiality and integrity. Depending on the CVSS score,
the vulnerability is labeled as none, low, medium,
high or critical, as shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Common Vulnerability Score System (CVSS) v3
Severity None Low Med High Critical
Lower Bound 0.0 0.1 4.0 7.0 9.0
Upper Bound 0.0 3.9 6.9 8.9 10.0
Each evaluated feature is assigned an individual
score based on the defined threshold (e.g., from 0 to
5) that will indicate the level of impact of the fea-
ture with respect to the event. We define the variable
“Score CVE” that will compute the individual score
value assigned to the presence of a CVE in the input
data based on the conditions described in Table 3.
Other features (e.g., source/Destination IP, cre-
ation and validity timestamps, etc.) may use posi-
tive and/or negative values in the assignment process.
Such individual values are then tuned in the training
and calibration processes so that the final threat score
reduces the number of false positives and negatives.
Table 3: Examples of Individual Threat Score.
Criteria Condition Score
No CVE If CVE == ” 0
CVE exists with
CVSS ‘none’ or
If CVE 6= &
CVSS = ‘none’ |
CVSS = 0.0
CVE exists with
CVSS ‘low’ or
less than 4.0
If CVE 6= &
CVSS = ‘low’ |
CVSS 4.0
CVE exists with
CVSS ‘medium’
or less than 7.0
If CVE 6= &
CVSS = ‘med’ |
CVSS 7.0
CVE exists with
CVSS ‘high’ or
less than 9.0
If CVE 6= &
CVSS = ‘high’ |
CVSS 9.0
CVE exists with
CVSS ‘critical’
or less than 10.0
If CVE 6= &
CVSS = ‘critical’
| CVSS 10.0
5.3 Weighting Criteria
The second part of the (T S) function corresponds
to the weighting criteria (P
). According to Henry
Dalziel (Dalziel, 2014), Threat Intelligence refers to
specific information that must meet three specific cri-
teria: (i) it must be relevant, for the entity who re-
ceives it, (ii) actionable and (iii) valuable, from a
business perspective. In (ENISA, 2015) the concept
of “actionable information” is defined by the Euro-
pean Union Agency for Network and Information Se-
curity (ENISA), from an organization point of view
as the information that can be used immediately for
specific and strategical decision making. Considering
(ThreatConnect, 2018) and (ENISA, 2015), in order
to be “actionable”, information must meet the follow-
ing criteria:
Relevance: it must have some impacts on specific
receiver’s assets, such as networks, software and
hardware. That is, indicators of compromise will usu-
ally be considered relevant when a threat could affect
the monitored infrastructure. In order to determine
the relevance, it is crucial to determine types of threats
targeting your assets/systems, considering real-time
information (e.g., IoC), from many internal sources,
because they are able to provide dynamic and con-
tinuous information about current internal monitoring
operation, together with a global view of the infras-
tructure status.
In our analysis, this criterion evaluates if the in-
formation associated to a given attribute is useful to
identify a threat. Relevance is computed as shown in
Table 4.
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 4: Relevance Criteria.
Relevance Score
Attribute with no data 0
Optional Attribute 1
Attribute does not identify threat but
helps in the analysis
Attribute is useful to identify threat 7
Mandatory attribute to identify threat 10
Timeliness: threat intelligence is more reliable
when it allows detecting attacker’s activity, especially
during the same intrusion, to monitor how it evolves
during time. Moreover, information about events
older than a few hours are, most of the times, irrel-
evant and non-actionable due to the dynamic nature
of some threat’s characteristics, considering that some
of them are discovered and analyzed months after the
initial compromise.
In our analysis, this criterion evaluates if a de-
tected event is related to an already detected one,
by the infrastructure or by the OSINT-based compo-
nents, and if for instance, such events refer to the same
threat, but with a different level of intrusion, provid-
ing new or updated information. Timeliness is com-
puted as shown in Table 5.
Table 5: Timeliness Criteria.
Timeliness Score
Attribute with no data 0
Attribute has never been seen 1
Attribute has been seen with the same
Attribute has been seen with a different
Accuracy: the receiver side should be able to pro-
cess the received data as soon as possible. It depends
mainly on three factors, which are the confident of
the source from which data is retrieved, the trust level
placed in those sources (which, in turn, could depend
on factors such as false positives/false negatives rates)
and the local dynamic context of the receiver. The lat-
ter is crucial in order to avoid inaccurate results and
efforts when dealing with incident response.
In our analysis, information coming from OSINT-
based components will be compared to the informa-
tion coming from the infrastructure, if there is a match
of one or more attributes, a score will be computed.
Accuracy is computed as shown in Table 6.
Table 6: Accuracy Criteria.
Accuracy Score
Attribute with no data 0
Attribute has some data with no match 1
There is a match of one source and the
There is a match of two sources and the
Variety: detection and prevention should not rely
on a single technique or tool. It is crucial to use
a combination of systems, tools (e.g., IDS, IPS and
Firewalls) and sources (e.g., OSINT), especially when
they are able to detect the threat at different levels of
intrusions (kill chain phases).
In our analysis, this criterion evaluates the sources
from where the information is originated or detected
e.g., infrastructure, OSINT-based components. Vari-
ety is computed as shown in Table 7.
Table 7: Variety Criteria.
Variety Score
Attribute with no data 0
Data come from one source 1
Data come from two sources 5
Data come from all sources 10
Ingestibility: received information must be easy to
ingest into internal data management systems for fur-
ther processing and analysis phases. This is achiev-
able using specific standards for representing this
data, allowing the receiver to process data as fast as
possible, helping also security analysts, as well as
through the usage of specific transfer protocols for
sharing the related intelligence.
Ingestibility is not considered in our analysis since
we are assuming that all received data is expressed in
a structured way and uses a specific standard format
to be processed in the system. The data collection
will be handled directly by the MISP instance. This
criterion would have been meaningful in case of re-
ception of unstructured information, but this scenario
is not considered by the context aware OSINT plat-
form. The analysis will focus on other criteria with
the possibility of adding new ones in the future.
Completeness: Threat intelligence should provide
valuable and complete information to the final re-
ceiver, evaluated from the local cyber context point
of view of the latter. Sometimes, sources are incom-
plete when considered alone, but their provided data
Enriching Threat Intelligence Platforms Capabilities
become actionable once combined or processed with
other internal data available to the destination or re-
ceived from other external sources.
In our analysis, this criterion is used as an over-
all assessment of the heuristic and not for individ-
ual score evaluation of the attributes. Each heuristic
is composed of one or more attributes (e.g., CVE is
composed of six attributes: (i) no cve, (ii) cvss none,
(iii) cvss low, (iv) cvss medium, (v) cvss high, (vi)
cvss critical. Completeness is measured as the num-
ber of attributes with a non-empty value over the total
number of attributes, as shown in Equation 2.
Non Empty Attributes
Total Attributes
In this section we will illustrate the advantages of our
approach, and the benefits our platform will bring in
terms of prioritizing threat information received from
external sources (e.g., OSINT). We will use the Con-
text Aware Intelligence Sharing Module to evaluate
relevance, accuracy, and other features on the infor-
mation received from the Composed IoC Module. For
the threat score evaluation we will consider both: the
data coming from the infrastructure through security
systems and tools (e.g., SIEMs, IDS), as well as, IoCs
obtained by open source and public feeds. The re-
sulting threat score will be inserted in the information
associated to the analized IoC. The higher the threat
score value, the higher the priority of the associated
information when handled by incident response teams
and security analysts.
The Composed IoC module will provide both: sin-
gle and composed IoCs to the Context Aware Intel-
ligence Sharing module. We expect that the com-
posed IoCs will have an associated threat score higher
than the threat score of each single IoCs they con-
tain. The entire process considered in this use case
is characterized by four sequential phases: Collect-
ing and Aggregating phases, performed by the Com-
posed IoC module, followed by the Sharing phase,
which involves both modules, and the TS Evaluation
phase, completely handled by the Context Aware In-
telligence Sharing module.
Collecting Phase: to collect OSINT data we con-
figured a MISP instance with 34 OSINT feeds from
higher value information (e.g., CVE vulnerabilities)
and low value information (e.g., IP blacklists). These
feeds are provided by diverse public free entities and
reach MISP in different formats, such as csv and txt
files. OSINT data are normalized in a single format,
namely the MISP format, and then stored as IoCs
in the MISP database. Afterwards, the deduplicator
module we developed is executed to load the IoCs and
search for duplicates in order to delete them. This task
allows improving MISP in two forms: identify dupli-
cated IoCs and reduce the quantity of data stored, and
therefore, increasing the MISP performance.
Aggregating Phase: After removing the duplicated
IoCs, the aggregator component analyses the result-
ing IoCs to look for connections among them. For the
connections found, the aggregator puts the involved
IoCs in the same group of IoCs, since they are related
to the same malicious threat. At the end, we have
several and different groups of IoCs forming clusters,
each one for a particular threat category. At the point
of view of a threat category, a cluster can contain
IoCs correlated between them and related with a same
(sub-)threat (or attack) and possibly with other valu-
able malicious information that can be provided in a
same IoC. This means that a cluster can contain sub-
clusters of IoCs regarding to different attacks. Such
sub-clusters can well characterize, this point of view,
attacks that have been executed, for which individual
IoCs could not allow their identification. Finally, each
sub-cluster is represented as one IoC, i.e., all its IoCs
are merged in a single one, generating a composed
IoC, and then, they are stored in the MISP database.
Sharing Phase: the final outcome of the composed
IoC module is sent to the context aware intelligence
sharing module for proceeding with the final compu-
tation of the threat score. This integration is achieved
easily thanks to the adoption of MISP.
More precisely, two different MISP instances are
used, one by each module. For simplicity, and for
facilitating reader comprehension, we will refer to
them as MISP
and MISP
, respectively. These in-
stances have been synchronized between each other
to allow a real-time and completely automated infor-
mation sharing, following the guidelines provided in
the MISP book
for setting up a MISP synchroniza-
tion server on MISP
. This server has been associ-
ated to a specific user with synchronization privileges,
which is replicated in both instances. Injecting, and
publishing IoCs in MIS P
on behalf of this user, trig-
gers a push operation of one or more IoCs directly on
, completing the one-way information sharing
needed for this use case scenario.
When the synchronization server is set up, the
sync user authentication key must be specified. This
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
information is provided by MISP
, when the user is
TS Evaluation Phase: to perform the computation
of the threat score, MISP
needs to be extended with
new functionalities. For this specific use case, we
developed a new MISP export module, integrating it
with the core software of the platform, following the
provided by the MISP community and
developers. In this way, the module is available di-
rectly from the MISP UI, where it can be triggered
manually by the user for a specific IoC, to retrieve
and send the IoC directly to the Heuristic Module of
the platform (Figure 4), where the threat score func-
tion has been implemented, and added to the original
IoC as a new MISP attribute.
Aiming at correlating IoCs with infrastructure
data, as well as with other useful information about
cyber events from open source and public feeds, a
database is used, and the information
is stored as JSON documents. The final IoC (i.e.,
enriched IoC) could be shared with specific security
tools or internal SOCs and CSIRTs, with the addi-
tional threat score used for determining the priority of
the contained data, in case of some defence activities
would be needed.
In order to provide practical examples of the func-
tionality of our platform, eleven samples of composed
IoCs have been considered, and the entire process pre-
viously described has been executed in each of them.
As a result, the threat score (T S) is computed for ev-
ery single IoC (sIoC) integrating the composed ones,
making it possible to compare with the threat score
computed for the composed IoCs (cIoC).
For the heuristic analysis, a subset of nine MISP
has been selected, composed of the ones
which are more relevant according to the monitored
infrastructure (i.e., vulnerability, filename, ip-src, ip-
dst, hostname, domain, url, link, and md5). This does
not mean that other attributes are discarded, they sim-
ply have a higher importance when specific criteria
are evaluated, especially for relevance and complete-
Results are summarized in Table 8. Each row is
associated to a sample of composed IoCs (e.g., S
..., S
), specifying the number of single IoCs (sIoC)
composing them, their individual Threat Score (T S),
and the global TS associated to the composed IoC
More information about our platform can be found
in https://caisplatform.wixsite.com/english.
Table 8: Threat Score Results.
Samples N. of
individual TS Global
5 1.86, 2,55, 1.80,
0.71, 1.94
3 1.43, 2.32, 1,58 2.53
3 2.48, 1.54, 1.09 2.87
6 1.18, 1.40, 1.54,
0.64, 1.41, 2.03
2 2.84, 1.66 3.22
17 1.39, 2.22, 2.21,
1.99, 1.87, 0.70,
1.66, 1.10, 0.56,
0.96, 0.94, 0.56,
1.58, 2.66, 2.27,
1.36, 1.08
7 2.09, 3.27, 1.89,
0.89, 2.88, 1.93,
4 3.06, 2.68, 2.11,
11 1.66, 1.21, 2.35,
1.92, 1.33, 1.29,
1.6, 0.90, 0.88,
1.02, 0.56
2 2.43, 2.31 2.54
2 0.99, 0.55 1.29
As depicted in Table 8, in most of the cases, the
T S of the composed IoCs is higher than the T S for
each of the related single ones. This improvement is
strictly dependent on two main factors:
1. The number of attributes present in the IoC. The
higher this number, the higher the probability of
increasing the overall quality when the aggrega-
tion is performed; and
2. The quality of the single IoCs. The higher the
quality of the information found in the attributes
present in the sIoCs, the lower the probability to
increase the overall quality when aggregating sev-
eral IoCs.
For the first factor, we have seen samples S
and S
with a high number of single IoCs (17 and 11 IoCs re-
spectively), for which the T S of their cIoC has greatly
improved compared to the one of each sIoC. For the
second factor, we have seen samples S
, S
, S
, and
, in which the aggregation process is not able to
add a relevant level of quality to the final IoC. In these
cases, the quality of the information identified in the
sIoC samples results in high T S values. Although in
most of the cases, the T S value of the cIoC is higher
than the one associated to each sIoC, the improvement
Enriching Threat Intelligence Platforms Capabilities
is low, having in some cases a lower T S value in the
cIoC compared to one of the sIoC (i.e., S
It is important to note that among all the criteria
used in the T S computation, the completeness (i.e.,
) is the criterion that affects the most the final re-
sult. Whereas, all other criteria are adding individual
values to the T S, the completeness criterion is mul-
tiplying to the overall addition, affecting to a higher
level the T S results of single or composed IoCs.
This paper presents ET IP, an enriching threat intel-
ligence platform, as an extended import, quality as-
sessment processes and information sharing capabil-
ities in current TIPs. The proposed platform gath-
ers and processes structured information from exter-
nal sources (e.g., OSINT sources) and from the moni-
tored infrastructure. The platform is composed of two
main modules: (i) a Composed IoC Module, in charge
of collecting, normalizing, processing and aggregat-
ing IoCs from OSINT feeds; and (ii) a Context Aware
Intelligence Sharing Module, able to correlate, assess
and share static and real time information with data
obtained from multiple OSINT sources.
The ETIP platform computes a Threat Score (T S)
associated to each IoC before sharing it with both in-
ternal monitoring systems and tools (e.g., SIEMs) and
trusted external parties. Enriched IoCs will contain a
threat score that will enable SOC analysts to priori-
tize the analysis of incidents. The Threat Score eval-
uates heuristics with two types of weights: (i) indi-
vidual weights assigned to every attribute (e.g., rele-
vance, accuracy, variety, etc.); and (ii) global weight
(i.e., completeness criterion) assigned to the heuristic.
The higher the T S value, the more reliable the IoC.
Thus, as the T S value approaches to zero, the IoC can
be considered as poor, incomplete and/or not reliable
with a very low priority level.
Future work will concentrate in developing new
attributes to enrich the threat score analysis, improv-
ing the quality of the refined threat intelligence to be
shared, providing not only the final threat score, but
also detailed information about each single criterion
used in the evaluation of the score itself, which in
turn helps to improve threat detection and incident re-
The research in this paper has received funding from
the EC through funding of DiSIEM project, ref.
project H2020-700692, NeCS project, ref. project
H2020-675320 and LASIGE Research Unit, ref.
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