Extracting Core Elements of TFM Functional Characteristics from
Stanford CoreNLP Application Outcomes
Erika Nazaruka
, Jānis Osis
and Viktorija Griberman
Department of Applied Computer Science, Riga Technical University, Sētas Iela 1, Riga, Latvia
Keywords: Knowledge Acquisition, Natural Language Processing, Stanford Corenlp, Functional Feature, Topological
Functioning Model, Computation Independent Model.
Abstract: Stanford CoreNLP is the Natural Language Processing (NLP) pipeline that allow analysing text at paragraph,
sentence and word levels. Its outcomes can be used for extracting core elements of functional characteristics
of the Topological Functioning Model (TFM). The TFM elements form the core of the knowledge model kept
in the knowledge base. The knowledge model ought to be the core source for further model transformations
up to source code. This paper presents research on main steps of processing Stanford CoreNLP application
results to extract actions, objects, results and executors of the functional characteristics. The obtained results
illustrate that such processing can be useful, however, requires text with rigour, and even uniform, structure
of sentences as well as attention to the possible parsing errors.
Software development based on principles of Object
Management Group’s Model Driven Architecture
(Miller and Mukerji 2001) considers models as a core
of the development process. Model Driven
Architecture (MDA) suggests using a chain of model
transformations, namely, from a computation
independent model (CIM) to a platform independent
model (PIM), then to a platform specific model
(PSM) and to source code.
In our vision of implementation of those
principles (Figure 1), we suggest using a knowledge
model based on the Topological Functioning Model
(TFM) as the CIM to generate code via an
intermediary model Topological UML model (Osis
and Donins 2017). The TFM elaborated by Janis Osis
at Riga Technical University (Osis 1969) specifies a
functioning system from three viewpoints
functional, behavioural and structural. This model
can serve as a core model for further system and
software domain analysis and transformations to
design models and code (Osis and Asnina 2011b).
Extraction of TFM elements requires textual
description of functionality of the system. At the
present, we have manual processing of the
unstructured, but processed text, and automated
processing of use case specifications in the form of
semi-structured text (Osis and Slihte 2010; Slihte et
al. 2011). In the latter, results are kept in XMI (XML
Metadata Interchange) files using XML (eXtensible
Markup Language) structures.
The new approach (Figure 1) supposes using a
Natural Language Processing (NLP) pipeline for text
processing (Nazaruka and Osis 2018) and a
knowledge base (Nazaruks and Osis 2017; Nazaruks
and Osis 2018) for keeping and managing results of
the processing. The aim is to gain from NLP, Natural
Language Understanding, and an inferring
mechanism and flexibility of the knowledge base.
Advantages of using the knowledge base are
discovering conflicts in knowledge, managing
synonyms, inferring new knowledge from the
existing one.
In practice, preparation of text and manual
knowledge acquisition are too resource-consuming
(Elstermann and Heuser 2016). It is better either to
skip the step of preparation of text and start from
human analysis of the available information, either to
Nazaruka, E., Osis, J. and Griberman, V.
Extracting Core Elements of TFM Functional Characteristics from Stanford CoreNLP Application Outcomes.
DOI: 10.5220/0007831605910602
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2019), pages 591-602
ISBN: 978-989-758-375-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
automate or semi-automate this process. We are on
the automation way.
The goal of this research is to outline steps for
processing Standford CoreNLP outcomes in order to
achieve automated knowledge acquisition of the core
elements of the TFM functional characteristics.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents overview of related work in the field. Section
3 describes the core elements of the TFM functional
characteristics, how Stanford CoreNLP is used now
and what is required to achieve our aims. Section 4
presents steps for processing CoreNLP outcomes,
demonstrates them using the example as well as main
results and limitations. Section 5 concludes the paper.
Text in formal style
Paragraph level: Coreference
Sentence level: dependency
analysis, constituency analysis
Word level: POS, tagging,
NLP outcome
Knowledge extraction
XML file with structured data
Import to the knowledge base
Knowledge base
(based on TFM
transformation to
Topological UML model
Topological UML model
Source code
Intelligent processing:
1) processing of
2) implicit knowledge
from domain ontology
3) similar functional
feature identification
Figure 1: Intelligent Software Development.
Creation of models using knowledge extraction from
different types of media is quite important since it
may reduce time for analysis of large amount of
Creation of models and UML diagrams from
textual documents is presented in several researches.
For instance, creation of use case diagrams (Jabbarin
and Arman 2014) and UML Activity Diagrams using
identification of simple verbal sentences (Nassar and
Khamayseh 2015) from textual requirements in
Arabic. Creation of UML class diagrams from textual
requirements (Krishnan and Samuel 2010), and from
use case descriptions (Elbendak et al. 2011) in
Analysis of textual user requirements in natural
language and requirements engineering diagrams can
be used to create the Use Case Path model, the Hybrid
Activity Diagrams model and the Domain model
(Ilieva and Ormandjieva 2006). As Ilieva and
Ormandjieva (2006) mentioned the standard way for
automatic model creation from text is transformation
of text in natural language to the one in formal natural
language then to the intermediate model and then to
the target requirements engineering model. For text
analysis the authors applied syntax analysis by MBT
tagger, semantics analysis to discover roles of words
in the sentence (subject, predicate and object) and
connections among them and then created a semantic
network for text models. At the last step, the authors
transformed this semantic network to one of the
mentioned models using patterns.
Natural language analysis can be used for
automated composition of conceptual diagrams
(Bhala et al. 2014). The authors also noted a need for
human participation, as well as several issues of
natural language itself, i.e., sentence structures may
have different forms that are not completely
predictable, syntactical correctness of sentences, as
well as ambiguity in determining attributes as
aggregations and in generalization.
The overview of existing solutions in the field of
UML model creation from textual requirements and
business process models creation from textual
documents (Osman and Zalhan 2016) showed that
existing tools allow creating Class diagrams, Object
diagrams, Use Case diagrams, and several of them
provide composition of Sequence, Collaboration and
Activity diagrams. All the solutions have certain
limitations: some require user intervention, some
cannot perform analysis of irrelevant classes, some
require structuring text in a certain form before
processing, and some cannot correctly determine
several structural relationships between classes. The
only approach that allows complete derivation of the
business process model mentioned by the authors is
presented by Friedrich, Mendling and Puhlmann
(Friedrich et al. 2011).
Some approaches use ontologies predefined by
experts in the field and self-developed knowledge
acquisition rules in order to extract knowledge on
necessary properties or elements and their values
from text documents (Amardeilh et al. 2005; Jones et
al. 2014).
In all cases the source document for creation of
different UML diagrams is a specification of software
requirements expressed as text in formal style.
MDI4SE 2019 - Special Session on Model-Driven Innovations for Software Engineering
3.1 TFM Functional Characteristics
The TFM is a formal model for representing and
analysis of functionality of the system of any kind,
e.g., business, software, biological, mechanical, etc.
(Osis and Asnina 2011b). The TFM may represent
functionality as a directed graph
𝑋, Θ
, where X is a
closed set of inner functional characteristics
(hereinafter called functional features) of the system,
and Θ is a topology set on them in the form of a set of
cause-and-effect relations. TFM models can be
compared for similarities and differences using the
continuous mapping mechanism of topological
spaces (Asnina and Osis 2010). The TFM is
characterized by its topological and functioning
properties (Osis and Asnina 2011a). The topological
properties come from algebraic topology, they are
connectedness, neighbourhood, closure and
continuous mapping. The functioning properties
come from the system theory, they are cause-and-
effect relations, cycle structure, inputs and outputs
(Osis 1969).
Definition of domain functional characteristics
(Asnina and Osis 2011) includes determination of:
List of domain objects and their properties,
List of external systems,
List of subsystems/actors,
List of functional features.
The main TFM element is a functional feature that
represents system’s functional characteristic, e.g., a
business process, a task, an action, or an activity (Osis
and Asnina 2011a). It can be specified by a unique
tuple (1). Comparing to the original one (Osis and
Asnina 2011b), we have added element D for the
better understanding of meaning of the feature.
FF = <D, A, R, O, PrCond, PostCond, Pr, Ex, S>
D is a description of the functional feature,
A is object’s action,
R is a set of results of the object’s action (it is
an optional element),
O is an object set which contains domain
objects that is used or get the result of the
action; for atomic functional feature the size of
the set is equal to 1,
PrCond is a set of preconditions or atomic
business rules,
PostCond is a set of post-conditions or atomic
business rules,
Pr is a set of providers of the feature, i.e.
entities (systems or sub-systems) which
provide or suggest action A with a set O of
certain objects,
Ex is a set of executors (direct performers) of
the functional feature, i.e. a set of entities
(systems or sub-systems) that enact action A.
S is a variable Subordination that holds
changeable value of belonging of the functional
feature either to the system or to the external
environment according to the value of Pr. This
means, for example, if there are two
subsystems of the system, namely, subsystem1
and subsystem2, then in case of separation of
the TFM for subsystem2, S = external for
functional feature with Pr = {System1,
subsystem1}. Likewise, in case of separation of
the TFM for subsystem1, the value of S will be
equal to inner.
A cause-and-effect relation between functional
features defines the cause from which the triggering
of the effect occurred. The formal definition of the
cause-and-effect relations and their combinations is
given by Osis, Donins, Asnina and Ovchinnikova
(Asnina and Ovchinnikova 2015; Donins 2012; Osis
and Donins 2017).
3.2 Natural Language Processing in the
IDM Toolset
The starting point of applying NLP of the textual
description of system functioning for acquiring
knowledge for the TFM is implementation in the IDM
(Integrated Domain Modelling) toolset, where
processing of use case scenario text is performed
using the Stanford Parser Java Library for identifying
the executors (Ex) and the description of the
functional feature D that is the verb phrase from the
text of a step in a use case scenario (Osis and Slihte
2010; Slihte et al. 2011).
The prerequisite for parsing is that sentences of
use case steps must be in the simple form to answer
the question “Who does what?”, e.g., “Librarian
checks out the book”.
Parsing is done according to these steps:
Identify coordinating conjunctions to split a
sentence into several clauses, and, thus, several
functional features;
Identify the verb phrase (VP tag) that is
considered as a union of action A, object O and
Extracting Core Elements of TFM Functional Characteristics from Stanford CoreNLP Application Outcomes
result R (if it is indicated) and forms the so-
called description of the functional feature;
Identify the noun phrase (NP tag) that is
marked as executor Ex if it meets the same
noun in the list of actors for the use case;
Preconditions and postconditions are taken
directly from the corresponding preceding step
in the use case (if they are specified);
Topological relations are equal to the sequence
of use case steps.
As a result, the following elements of the tuple (1) are
obtained: 1) A, R, O implicitly in the description of
functional feature, 2) Ex (single element), 3) PrCond
and PostCond if they are specified for the use case,
4) Topology is determined according to the sequence
of steps specified in the flow of scenarios. The
existing process is limited to use case specification
that is manually proceeded and structured text.
3.3 Extracting Elements of the TFM:
Formulation of the Research Task
The evolution of the topological functioning
modelling leads us to the solution, where knowledge
extracted from text must be kept in the knowledge-
frame base. Part of knowledge can be generated from
the manually entered facts. According to the initial
scheme of the knowledge frame system (Nazaruks
and Osis 2017), the current research puts the focus on
knowledge that is to be entered manually, i.e., values
for slots of frame classes Object, Property, and
FunctionalFeature (Nazaruka and Osis 2018): Object
for domain objects, Property for properties of the
domain objects, and FunctionalFeature for the TFM
functional features.
In case of unstructured text in formal style
(hereinafter, formal text) we cannot use the same
principles for discovering pre- and postconditions,
while others are suitable. Therefore, tokenization,
part-of-speech (POS) tagging, chunking, and Name
Entity Recognition (NER)/Classification” as well as
semantic analysis of noun and verb phrases must be
done (Nazaruka and Osis 2018). Besides that, the
tagged text and parsed trees must be semantically
analysed to identify causal dependencies. In step of
NER/Classification noun and verb ontology banks
must be used.
Therefore, the existing processing must be
improved to proceed formal text and to achieve:
Clear identification of action A, set of results R
and a set of domain objects, namely, objects O
with their properties.
Identification of the Pr and Ex directly or from
the context, if it is not stated explicitly.
Identification of PrCond, PostCond from the text
according to the context and logical operators (OR,
Initialization of the default value of
Subordination as “not defined”.
Since, the last two points require discourse analysis
in text, it will be omitted in this research. Here, the
focus is on the sentence and word level analysis.
The Stanford CoreNLP toolkit (Manning et al. 2014)
contains components that deal with tokenization,
sentence splitting, POS tagging, morphological
analysis (identification of base forms), NER,
syntactical parsing, coreference resolution and other
annotations such as gender and sentiment analysis.
The NER component recognizes names (PERSON,
miscellaneous) and numerical (MONEY, NUMBER,
DATE, TIME, DURATION, SET) entities. Phrases
can be parsed using both constituent and dependency
representations based on a probabilistic parser that is
more accurate according to the parsers that relate to
some predefined structures. Discovering basic
dependencies can help in identification of actions and
corresponding objects, results, modes (that can serve
for identification of causal dependencies), executors
and providers. Besides that, the Stanford CoreNLP
implements mention detection and pronominal and
nominal coreference resolution that can help in
dealing with pronouns and noun phrases that denote
concrete phenomena.
For the given research we use Stanford CoreNLP
version 3.9.2 that for POS tagging uses tags listed in
Penn Treebank II (Bies et al. 1995). In this research
the following tags are mentioned: S simple
declarative clause, NN noun, single, NNS noun,
plural, NP noun phrase, PRP preposition, VBZ
verb, 3
person singular present, VBP verb, non-3
person singular present, VBD verb, past tense,
VBG verb, gerund or present participle, VBN
verb, past participle, VB base form, VP verb
phrase, IN preposition or subordinating
MDI4SE 2019 - Special Session on Model-Driven Innovations for Software Engineering
4.1 General Steps of using NLP and
Processing Outcomes
Preparational Step “Coreference resolution”. In
steps of identification executors, objects and results
may be cases when a proposition (PRP tag) takes part
in the relation. The proposition must be substituted
with the corresponding noun (tagged NN or NNS)
using results of coreference resolution. A preposition
and the corresponding noun are linked using the edge
coref. For example, in the sentence “When the reader
completes the request for a book, he gives it to the
librarian” (Figure 4), proposition “he” relates to “the
reader” and “it” to “the request for a book”.
Step 1. Identification of action A can be done
using POS, lemmas, word dependency analysis, and
constituency parsing and covers several cases. First,
verb phrases VP must be identified in the sentence.
At this step, we are interested only in verbs as such,
not their modality. Therefore, in the found VP verbs
tagged as VBZ, VBP, VBD, VBN, VBG, or VB must
be determined. The verb word we need to extract
must be linked with a noun (tag NN, NNS, or PRP)
by using nsubj or dobj edges. The value of action A
is the infinitive form of the verb that can be found
using lemmas analysis, as for example for verb in
VBZ “creates” it will be “create” (Figure 2).
If the verb has link compound:prt to the particle
tagged RP, then it must be extracted together with it,
e.g., “check out”.
Figure 2: The result of lemmas analysis.
Step 2. Identification of elements of set Ex can be
done using four NLP tasks POS, NER, word
dependency analysis and constituency parsing. An
element of Ex is such noun phrase NP where a noun
(tag NN, NNS, or PRP) is linked with the verb (tag
VBZ, VBP, or VBD) by using: a) edge nsubj for
active voice, or b) edge nmod:agent for passive voice.
If basic dependencies are used, then nmod:agent
(used in enhanced ++ dependencies) is replaced by
nmod to the noun, and the noun is linked with the
preposition “by” (tag IN) using edge case. This is
illustrated by the results of analysis of two sample
sentences: “The authorized librarian creates a new
reader account” (Figure 3 and Figure 5) and “The new
reader card is created by the authorized librarian”
(Figure 6). The value of Ex
is equal to the whole NP
that contains the mentioned noun, in our sentence it is
NP “the authorized librarian”.
The NER task can be applied to check extracted
nouns whether they are tagged as “TITLE”. However,
here NER tagging works only for NN: NNS are
Figure 3: The result of constituency parsing of the sentence
in the active voice (at the sentence and phrase levels).
Step 3. Identification of object O
and result R
should be done in one step. Object O
(with or without
the compound result R
) is a direct object of the verb
(Asnina and Osis 2011).
Step 3.1. Identification of the direct object of the
verb action A. If a sentence contains a verb (action
A) in the active voice, then the VP structure includes
sub-structure NP, where the direct object is located,
i.e. word n
tagged as NN, NNS, or PRP and linked
by using edge dobj.
Figure 4: Results of POS identification and coreference resolution.
Extracting Core Elements of TFM Functional Characteristics from Stanford CoreNLP Application Outcomes
Figure 5: The result of dependency analysis of the sentence in the active voice (the word level).
Figure 6: The result of dependency analysis of the sentence in the passive voice (at the word level).
Figure 7: The results of dependency parsing for the sentence with more complex NP.
In case of the passive voice, the VP structure
contains sub-structure NP, where the subject is
located. Thus, we need to extract word n
tagged as
NN, NNS, or PRP that is linked with the verb by using
edge nsubjpass.
Step 3.2. Determination of the object and result of
the functional feature.
If the VP of the verb action A is not linked by
using any edge nmod but nmod:agent with another
word n
tagged as NN, NNS, or PRP, then the
following is true:
If noun n
is not linked with another noun n
the same structure NP by using either edge
compound or in the same structure VP by using
one of edges nmod:poss, nmod:of, nmod:to,
nmod:into, nmod:from, nmod:for (in
enhanced++ dependencies; otherwise, nmod to
word n
tagged as NN, NNS or PRP and case
to the preposition “of”, “to”, “into”, “from”, or
“for” tagged as IN), then the value of O
is equal
to n
. Otherwise, if such links do exist, the
value of O
is equal to linked noun n
In case if noun n
is linked with n
by using edge
compound, then leaves of the whole structure
NP that contains n
are extracted and the
preposition “of” is added to the end of the
extracted string. The obtained string is the
value of element R
In case if noun n
is linked with n
by using
edge nmod (and its variations), then leaves of
the whole structure NP that contains n
extracted and the preposition tagged IN linked
MDI4SE 2019 - Special Session on Model-Driven Innovations for Software Engineering
with n
by using edge case is added to the end
of the extracted string. The obtained string is
the value of element R
Otherwise, the value of R
is left empty.
Otherwise, if the VP of the verb action A is linked
with another word n
(not a direct object or nominal
passive subject) tagged as NN, NNS, or PRP using
edge nmod but nmod:agent, too, then the following is
Word n
located in the corresponding NP in the
prepositional phase PP is a value of the element
Leaves of the whole structure NP that has direct
child n
are extracted. The preposition tagged
IN in the sibling prepositional phrase PP is
added to the end of the extracted string. The
result string is the value of element R
Let us consider the sentence “The librarian removes
the reader account from the registry.” The verb
removes is linked with the noun account (tag NN) by
using edge dobj (Figure 7). Leaves of the
corresponding NP are extracted as string “the reader
account” and supplemented with the preposition
“from” (Figure 8)
The final string “the reader account
from” is written as a value of R
The noun registry
(tag NN) is recorded as a value of O
Figure 8: The results of the constituency parsing for the
sentence with more complex NP.
In case of conjunctions of NPs, e.g. “creates an
account and a card”, the head noun or proposition will
be linked with the verb by using edge dobj, while
other nouns or propositions will be linked with the
head noun by using edge conj. All the linked words
must be found and processed according to the
abovementioned principles.
Let us consider the sentence in the active voice:
“The authorized librarian creates a new reader
account”. The VP (Figure 3) contains the verb creates
(tagged VBZ) that is not linked to any noun or
proposition by using nmod (Figure 5).
The VP contains structure NP, where the direct
object (edge dobj in Figure 5) is the noun account. Let
us denote it as n
. Within the same NP, n
“account” is linked to noun n
= reader by the
edge compound. So, O
= n
= “reader”. The NP that
contains n
= “accountis “a new reader account”.
As n
is linked with n
by using edge compound, then,
after adding the proposition “of”, R
= a new reader
account of”.
In case of the passive voice, “The new reader card
is created by the authorized librarian” (Figure 6), edge
nsubjpass links the verb created with noun n1 =
card”. The verb created is linked only with NP that
contains the agent librarian (Figure 9). Thus,
following the rules, O
= n
= “reader”, and R
“the new reader card of”.
Figure 9: The result of constituency parsing of the sentence
with the verb in the passive voice.
Step 4. Identification of description D. The
description is a visible part of the functional feature
that is needed for its unique identification by a
human. The original form is as in expression (2).
action A-ing [[the] result R] [prepos.] [a] object O
For simplicity form the final form of D we have
excluded the ending “ing” and articles (3).
<action A> [<result R
>]<object O
Extracting Core Elements of TFM Functional Characteristics from Stanford CoreNLP Application Outcomes
If one of the elements is empty, then it is replaced by
the question mark “?”.
4.2 Example and Discussion
The analysed description is the following: “When an
unregistered person arrives, the librarian creates a
new reader account and a reader card. The librarian
gives out the card to the reader. When the reader
completes the request for a book, he gives it to the
librarian. The librarian checks out the requested book
from a book fund to a reader, if the book copy is
available in a book fund. When the reader returns the
book copy, the librarian takes it back and returns the
book to the book fund. He imposes the fine, if the
term of the loan is exceeded, the book is lost, or is
damaged. When the reader pays the fine, the librarian
closes the fine. If the book copy is hardly damaged,
the librarian completes the statement of utilization,
and sends the book copy to the recycling
organization.” (Osis et al. 2007).
Going through the steps, from eight full sentences
we have obtained 19 functional features (Table 1).
Functional feature 1 lacks a direct object. The 6
and 7
sentences have no results (Table 1, features
11, 13-16).
Functional features 12-14 and 17 have undefined
executors (Table 1), they describe some events that
happened beyond the system.
Looking at functional features 14 and 17 (Table
1), one can found that the 17
is a refinement of the
. Indeed, if we look closer to the initial text, the
text “If the book copy is hardly damaged…”
concretizes the statement “…if the book…is
damaged”. So, we may say, that this is one and the
same “action” happened outside the system.
Table 2 shows comparison of the 19 functional
features with 22 features got after manual text
First, executors are correctly defined for all
extracted features.
Second, identification of verbs phrases allowed
extracting “outside actions” from adverbial and
conditional clauses (features 12-14, 17 on the left
side), while in manual processing the “outside
actions” have been transformed into “inner actions”
that check results of those “outside actions” (features
14, 15 on the right side). Besides that, the obtained
feature list is supplemented with implicit “actions”
(features 10, 11, 22 on the right side).
Third, identified objects differ, too. For NLP
processed text they are reader (properties: reader
Table 1: Elements of the functional features extracted from text.
Action A
Result R
Object O
Executors Ex
an unregistered
a new reader
account of
the librarian
a reader card
the librarian
give out
the card to
the librarian
the request for
the reader
the request for
the reader
check out
the requested
book from
book fund
the librarian
the book copy of
the reader
take back
the book copy of
the librarian
the book to
book fund
the librarian
the librarian
the term of
the reader
the librarian
the book copy of
the statement of
the librarian
the book copy to
the librarian
MDI4SE 2019 - Special Session on Model-Driven Innovations for Software Engineering
Table 2: Functional features extracted using NLP outcomes and manual processing.
Functional features extraction (using NLP)
Functional features extraction (manual processing)
D = <A> <R> <O>
Executor Ex
<A>-ing [the <R>] [<PRP>] [a] <O>
Executor Ex
Arrive <?> <?>
Arriving [of] a person
Create a new reader account of
the librarian
Creating a reader account
Create a reader card of reader
the librarian
Creating a reader card
Give out the card to reader
the librarian
Giving out the card to a reader
Confirming the status of a reader
Complete the request for book
the reader
Completing a request_for_book
Give the request for book
the reader
Sending a request_for_book
Taking out the book copy from a book
Check out the requested book
from a book fund
the librarian
Checking out a book copy
Giving out a book copy
Getting a book copy [by a registered
Return the book copy of book
the reader
Returning a book copy [by a registered
Take back the book copy of
the librarian
Taking back a book copy
Return the book to book fund
the librarian
Returning the book copy to a book fund
Impose <?> fine
the librarian
Imposing a fine
Exceed the term of loan
Checking the term of loan of a book
Lose <?> book
Damage <?> book
Evaluating the condition of a book copy
Pay <?> fine
the reader
Paying a fine
Close <?> fine
the librarian
Closing a fine
Damage the book copy of book
Complete the statement of
the librarian
Completing a statement_of_utilization
Send the book copy to recycling
the librarian
Sending the book copy to a recycling
Recycling a book copy
account, reader card / card), book (properties:
request, book copy), book fund (properties: book),
fine, loan (properties: term), utilization (properties:
statement), recycling organization (properties: book
copy), while in the manual approach they are person,
reader account, reader card, reader (properties:
card, status), request_for_book, book fund
(properties: book copy), book copy (properties:
term_of_loan, condition), fine, statement_of_-
utilization, recycling organization (properties: book
copy). During manual processing, the expert has used
his knowledge to abstract and unify several concepts.
4.3 Parsing Issues
The result of parsing and POS tagging may be
affected by errors in lexical analysis. There are
several parser models used by CoreNLP. Sometimes
they can provide outputs with incorrect lexical
analysis. So, analysing the clause “The librarian
checks out the requested book from a book fund to a
reader…” an issue was found that depends on the
parser used. Until v.3.6.0, the default parser was
englishPCFG.ser.gz (Stanford 2018).
Extracting Core Elements of TFM Functional Characteristics from Stanford CoreNLP Application Outcomes
Figure 10: The result of parsing the sentence by using
englishPCFG.ser.gz by CoreNLP GUI.
Using this parser alone in CoreNLP GUI, the POS
stage was performed correctly (Figure 10) the word
“checks” was recognized as VBZ (verb, 3
singular present), while using the newer one English
model in CoreNLP from the command line as well as
in online web application coreNLP.run it was
mistakenly recognizes as a plural noun NNS (Figure
11). The reason is that the form of the verb is identical
to the form of the plural noun, and the result depends
on the language model used by the parser.
This means, that some actions can be not defined
and not included into the TFM further, at the same
time some additional domain objects O will be
It is recommended to exclude situations when an
adjective or a cardinal number describes the noun. For
example, it is better to write rather “Substruct the first
digit from the second digit” than “Substruct the first
digit from the second” or “… from the second one”.
Otherwise, the processing will show incorrect results.
Figure 11: The result of parsing the sentence by using a
newer English POS model by CoreNLP Command Line.
Stanford CoreNLP allows open information
extraction (open IE) from text, i.e., the extraction of
relation tuples, typically binary relations (Angeli et al.
2015), such as (nominal-subject; verb-relation;
At first sight, the format of extraction seems very
suitable for our purpose. However, it has several
disadvantages (Figure 12). First, it does not extract
the tuple if one of the elements is absent, as in case of
“…an unregistered person arrives…”. Second, it
extracts tuples, where nominal-object can be an
adjective, as in case of “The book copy is blue”. Thus,
using open IE some tuples may be missed, and some
unnecessary tuples may be extracted. Therefore, we
need analysis in more detail.
Figure 12: Results of application of the Open IE that limit its usage for TFM element extraction.
MDI4SE 2019 - Special Session on Model-Driven Innovations for Software Engineering
Summarizing all the results, we can conclude the
In order to exclude errors in NLP outcomes
caused by CoreNLP parser, the source text
must avoid verb forms syntactically equals to
noun forms.
Results of manual processing can be more
complete, because of expert’s ability to add
implicit knowledge, but differ from the written
text due to expert’s ability to modify actions
and events ad hoc as well as to find synonyms
in the text.
Structural relations between extracted domain
objects differ in two approaches. In case of
NLP it depends on completeness of data in the
sentence. In case of manual processing it
depends on expert’s knowledge about the
domain, thus, on implicit knowledge.
Incomplete knowledge can be extracted,
because sentences lack information on
who/what is the subject when verbs are in the
active voice; however, if after processing this
knowledge is absent, then text can be
supplemented with necessary information.
Incomplete information may lead to
identification of more abstract or more specific
functional features for one and the same
functional characteristic.
A sentence can contain information on both
executor and recipient. The recipient may be
another actor. Now, this actor is specified as an
object of action A. However, there are cases
when it is worth to specify them separately.
Therefore, processing of textual descriptions even in
formal style have issues related to the technical side
(i.e., parsing models and outcome representation
formats) and to particularities of the natural language
(textual description may not have all needed
knowledge, structures of sentences differ, implicit
synonyms are used). The latter can be partially solved
either by using machine learning or manual pre-
processing of knowledge, e.g., specification of use
case scenarios or user stories and exhaustive software
Future research expects refinement of the
proposed steps to decrease ambiguity in the
processing results: to find patterns of sentences that
minimize arbitrary interpretations of structural
relations between domain objects, to elaborate more
specific separation of domain objects involved in
actions, as well as identify cause-and-effect relations
between functional characteristics of the system.
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