Rule Induction Algorithms Applied in Educational Data Set
Walisson Carvalho
, Cristiane Nobre
and Luis Zarate
Centro Universitario Una, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Keywords: Rule Induction Algorithms, Educational Data Mining, Classification, OneR, RIPPER, PART.
This article presents the application of three induction rules algorithm: OneR, RIPPER and PART in an edu-
cational data set aiming to explain the main factors that lead students to be succeed or failure in online course.
The dataset used to develop this article was extracted from the log of activities of engineering students that
enrolled in a 20 weeks course of Algorithm offered online. The students used Learning Management System,
Moodle. The dataset was preprocessed and then it was applied the algorithms into it. As result it was observed
that students who begin earlier an assignment improve their probability of succeed.
Due to the accessibility of Information Technology,
over the last years, the process of teaching and learn-
ing had been changing of paradigm. One big change
is related to the modality of teaching, day after day the
traditional, face-to-face, modality is being replaced
by online or blended teaching.
The hybrid teaching, as well as online, makes
use of Learning Management System (LMS) or e-
learning systems such as Moodle
, Eliademy
others. These LMS records data of the actions such
as reading materials, interactions, chats, assignments
and others from students and teachers as server logs.
As a result, a big amount of data related to the behav-
ior of the students, teachers are being produced.
Educational Data Mining (EDM) is an interdisci-
plinary research field of Data Mining that focus on de-
veloping methods and analyzing data that come from
education sector. The main goal of EDM is to im-
prove teaching and learning process. According to
Romero and Ventura (2010), even though in EDM the
dataset used are related to education, the methods and
techniques are basically the same of the traditional
Data Mining (DM).
YACEF (2009) classify EDM in ve categories,
they are: i) prediction; ii) clustering; iii) Relationship
mining; iv) Distillation of data for human judgment
and v) Discovery with models. The first three cate-
gories are like most of traditional DM methods, the
other two are not so usual in traditional DM.
The first category is splitted in three sub-areas: i)
classification; ii) Regression and iii) Density estima-
tion. The focus of this article is in the second sub-
area, classification.
Classification is a learning supervised technique
that aim at categorizing data from prior information.
According to Qin et al. (2009), even though there is
a great number of algorithms dealing with classifica-
tion, classifiers are still a big challenge in machine
Two approaches are used in order to classify an
object: black-box and rule-based classifiers. Black-
box classifiers such as SVM, Neural Network, and
other despite of having good performance, does not
explain how an object were classified in one or an-
other class. On the other hand, classifiers based on
rules explicit the rules used during the process of clas-
sification. Thus, this approach makes it viable to cre-
ate models that explain why an instance were des-
ignated to a specific class (Devasena and Sumathi,
In this scenario, the main goal of this article is to
extract rules from an educational dataset from an on-
line course offered to engineers’ students in the face to
face modality of a private university in Brazil. From
the rules, it is expected to understand the students’ be-
havior that lead them to succeed or fail in the course.
To develop this study the dataset was submit-
ted to three algorithms of rule-base classifiers, they
are OneR (Holte, 1993), RIPPER (Cohen, 1995) and
Carvalho, W., Nobre, C. and Zarate, L.
Rule Induction Algorithms Applied in Educational Data Set.
DOI: 10.5220/0007832506910696
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), pages 691-696
ISBN: 978-989-758-367-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
PART (Frank and Witten, 1998).
The remainder of the paper is structured as follow.
Section 2 provides an overview of the main concepts
covered in the paper. Section 2 describes the prepro-
cessing and application of the algorithm in the data
ser. In section 4, ours experiments and results is pre-
sented. Finally, section 5, presents some conclusions
and future work.
According to Aggarwal (2014), rule-based classifiers,
even thought are related to decisions trees, are more
general than decision trees.
Classifiers based on rules can be categorized ac-
cording to its method as direct, focus of this article, or
indirect. Direct algorithms, such as OneR, RIPPER,
PART, CN2 and others, extract rules directly from the
dataset. On the other hand, indirect algorithms iden-
tify rules of induction from classifiers such as Deci-
sion Tree, Neural Network and others.
Rule-based approach classifies objects based on a
set of rules in the format of if...then.... According to
Qin et al. (2009), each rule is expressed in the format
: (condition) y
, such that r
: condition is known
as rule antecedent and y
is the rule consequent that
represents the label of an instance.
Two important characteristics of rule-based Clas-
sifier are: mutually exclusive and exhaustive. Mutu-
ally exclusive occurs if no two rules are triggered by
the same record, in other words, every object is cov-
ered by one rule. Exhaustive rule guarantee that all
instances of the data set have at least one rule that
cover it.
A rule can be assessed by its Accuracy and its
Coverage. Given a rule R, we can say that R cov-
ers an instance I when the attributes of I observes the
rule R. Thus, the Coverage of a rule is the number of
instances that satisfy the antecedent condition. Cov-
erage of a rule can be expressed as follow:
coverage(R) =
where n
represents the number of instances
covered by R and
the number of instances in data
Qin et al. (2009) define Accuracy of a rule as the
fraction of instances that satisfy the antecedent and
consequent of a rule, normalized by those satisfy-
ing the antecedent. Accuracy can be expressed from
Equation 2:
accuracy(R) =
where n
is the number of instances correctly
classified by R and n
instances covered by R.
Qin et al. (2009) highlight that both metrics, Cov-
erage and Accuracy, should be high. One paradigm
used by classifiers based on rules is the sequential
covering paradigm, this paradigm learns a list of rules
sequentially, one at a time, to cover the whole train-
ing mining rules with high accuracy and coverage first
(Aggarwal, 2014).
2.1 OneR
The One Rule, OneR, algorithm was proposed by
Holte (1993). It is one of the simplest algorithm for
rule induction and despite its simplicity, it has good
OneR creates a single rule for each attribute of
data set and then picks up the rule with the minor er-
rors rate. This algorithm learns an one level decision
tree, it has four main steps as follow:
1. For each attribute, the algorithm creates one
branch for each value of its domain;
2. for each value of its domain, the algorithm identi-
fies the most frequent class;
3. OneR identify the error rate, in other words, the
proportion of objects that do not belong to the ma-
jority class;
4. pick the attribute with the minor error rate;
Once that OneR uses all domain from each feature
of the dataset, it covers all instances of the data set.
RIPPER, short for Repeated Incremental Pruning to
Produce Error Reduction, was projected by Cohen
Rule learning in RIPPER is based on the strat-
egy separate to conquer, this approach concentrates
on one class at time disregarding what happens to the
other classes. According to Cohen (1995), this algo-
rithm can be described as follow:
1. Divide training set into growing and pruning sets;
2. grow a rule adding conditions;
3. prune rule;
4. go to 2), stopping criteria;
5. optimization of rules.
This algorithm is considered efficient and works
well with imbalanced data as well as noisy data.
A2E 2019 - Special Session on Analytics in Educational Environments
2.3 PART
PART, short for Projective Adaptive Resonance The-
ory, was projected by Frank and Witten (1998). This
algorithm takes advantage of the construction of the
tree based on C4.5 algorithm and from separate to
conquer rule learning strategy of RIPPER.
According to Frank and Witten (1998), this algo-
rithm has three main steps, they are:
1. Induce a rule from a partial tree;
2. remove all instances that are not covered by the
3. induce new rules from the remaining instances.
Frank and Witten (1998) emphasize that PART,
once that combines two paradigms, C4.5 and RIP-
PER, produces good results without global optimiza-
The dataset used in this article were extracted from
Learning Management System Moodle - Modu-
lar Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment.
LMS recorded the actions of 229 students that en-
rolled an online course of Algorithm during the sec-
ond semester of 2016. Initially the dataset had 75,948
instances and 42 features, each feature representing
possibles actions performed by one of the 229 stu-
dents and each instance representing an action taken
by one student. Therefore an average of 331.65
(75,948/229) actions per student.
3.1 Pre-processing
After being extracted from LMS, the data was pre-
processed. During this stage the data was transform
such that each instance represents a student and each
attribute a kind of action performed by the students.
After the transformation, the dataset was with 229 in-
stances and 42 attributes.
Once that not all students perform all actions,
there was many missing data in the dataset. For exam-
ple, only 8 students performed ”chat talk” action, only
1 performed ”course report log”, and so on. Therefore
it was discarded 23 features during the pre-processing
stage due to missing data.
It was also added a new dichotomy’s feature, Sta-
tus. This is a variable with the domain 1, student ap-
proved, or 0, student failure. Status were computed
according to the grade of the student. Students with fi-
nal grade greater than or equal to 70, it was attributed
1 to Status, approved, otherwise it was attributed 0.
The final dataset is compound of 20 features, be-
ing one target, Status, and 19 predictive variables.
Those explanatories variables describe actions per-
formed by students such as visualizing tasks, submit-
ting assignments, participating in chats and other ac-
tions that are part of the routine of the students. Table
1 describes each variable of the data set, access mean
and standard deviation for each action performed by
the 229 students at Moodle during the course.
The dataset analyzed was with 229 instance repre-
senting the students in which 135 were approved and
94 failure, this means that 41% failure in the course.
3.2 Rule Induction
After being preprocessed, three algorithms were ap-
plied to the dataset: OneR, RIPPER and PART. It was
used R language and IDE StudioR version 1.0.136.
OneR is based on the OneR library and for RIPPER
and PART it was used RWeka library (Hornik et al.,
All 20 attributes were discretized through the
function optbin of the library OneR of the R Lan-
guage. This function makes discretization of numeric
data considering the target variable. Besides that, it is
used logit regression to define the number of factors
of the discretization.
The model used to train all algorithms was
the simplest cross validation method, hold-out
(Kuncheva, 2014). The dataset was divided in train,
80% of the data set (183 instances), and test, 20% (46
The first algorithm applied into the educational
dataset were OneR. Table 2 presents five attributes
with the lowest error rate.
Most of the features presented in Table 2 are re-
lated to an assignment as described in table 1, only
attribute course.view is not directly linked to an evalu-
ation activity. Considering the feature assign.submit,
attribute with minor error rate, OneR identified two
rules, they are:
1. i f assign.submit = (0.014,5] then Status = 0
2. i f assign.submit = (5,14] then Status = 1
According to the contingency table, Table 3, 68
instances are covered by rule number one and 115 by
rule number two, implying in 37.3% and 67.2% cov-
erage. Rule number one has an accuracy of 88.2%
and number two, 85.2%. Considering both rules the
accuracy is 86.34%, 158/183, as shown in Table 2.
Rule Induction Algorithms Applied in Educational Data Set
Table 1: Actions performed by students.
Id Action Meaning Mean Standard
1 assign submit Student is performing an evaluation activity: user has closed an
evaluative activity, that was saved on Moodle to continue later
and that was not yet sends for correction.
6.3 3.88
2 assign submit
for grading
Student is finishing an evaluation activity: user has finished an
evaluative task and sent it for correction.
3.9 2.38
3 assign view Student is performing an evaluation activity: user has visualized
the main page of evaluative task.
58.5 44.72
4 assign view all Student has clicked on the link that lists all the evaluative tasks
of a course.
1.0 2.24
5 assign view
Student accessed the teacher feedback of an evaluative task. 04 1.14
6 assign view
submit assign-
ment form
User has viewed an evaluative task that was already submitted
to be corrected by teacher. It is not permitted to edit anymore.
8.4 5.05
7 chat report User has viewed the chat report of all previous conversation. 0.2 1.70
8 chat talk Student has accessed the chat forum. 0.1 0.69
9 chat view User has viewed the history of previous conversations on a chat. 0.4 1.15
10 course view User has viewed the main page of the course to study or prepar-
ing to study some content.
127.4 98.18
11 forum view fo-
User has viewed the forum main page. 1.7 3.99
12 page view User has clicked on the page resource link, a custom html page
that was displayed by the teacher. Student is studying or prepar-
ing to study some content.
24.8 24.9
13 quiz attempt Student is performing an evaluation activity: user has started
an evaluative task, however the results are not yet saved on the
10.6 4.56
14 quiz close at-
Student is performing an evaluation activity: user has finished
an evaluative task that was saved on the Moodle.
10.4 4.63
15 quiz continue
A questionnaire can be started and saved so that the student can
continue to carry out the activity later. In this case the student
is giving up for continuity to the questionnaire that moment.
14.8 7.82
16 quiz review Student is performing an evaluation activity: user has edited an
evaluative task that is saved on the Moodle but not yet finished.
4.6 7.38
17 quiz view Student is performing or preparing to do an evaluation activity:
user has viewed the main screen of an evaluative questionnaire.
35.9 21.17
18 quiz view sum-
User has clicked a specific link to see if all questions of an eval-
uative questionnaire were answered.
12.0 5.69
19 url view Student is studying or preparing to study some content: user has
clicked on an url resource link and was directed to another page
out of the Moodle system.
6.8 9.53
20 Status Identify if student succeed or failure during the course. NA NA
Table 2: Top 5 attributes’ accuracy.
Attribute Accuracy (%)
assign.submit 86.34
assign.view 85.25
quiz.attempt 84.7
course.view 84.15
quiz.close.attempt 84.15
Combining the rules inferred from OneR and the
description of the attributes presented in Table 1, it
is possible to observe that one important factor of be-
ing succeed in the process, happens when the students
save an assignment before submitting it for assess-
Table 3: Contingency table of assign.submit.
Performance (-0.014,5]
(5,14] sum
Approved 8 98 106
Failure 60 17 77
Sum 68 115 183
ment. This means that students that reflect or review
the activity before send it to be evaluated improves
their probabilities of being approved.
The second algorithm applied into the dataset
were RIPPER. As shown in confusion matrix, Table
4, the accuracy of RIPPER was 89.07%, 163 instances
classified correctly.
A2E 2019 - Special Session on Analytics in Educational Environments
Table 4: Confusion Matrix of RIPPER.
Approved Failure Total
Approved 64 8 72
Failure 12 99 111
Sum 76 107 183
From RIPPER algorithm it was identified two
1. assign.submit = (0.023, 5]) then Status = 0
2. (url.view = (-0.057,1]) and (assign.view = (-
0.345,39]) then Status = 0 (5.0/1.0) else Status =
1 (111.0/12.0)
It is important to observe that the antecedent of the
first rule identified by RIPPER, assign.submit, is the
same in OneR rule. The other two attributes that are
antecedent in
The numbers in parentheses at the end of each rule
represent the number of correctness and errors of the
classifier. Therefore the first rule has an coverage of
of 40.4%, 74/183 , and accuracy of 90.5%, 67/74.
The coverage of the second rule induced by RIPPER
is 70.49% and accuracy of 89.9%.
The third algorithm applied into the dataset had an
accuracy of 90.71%, 166 instances correctly classified
as presented by confusion matrix, Table 5.
Table 5: Confusion Matrix of PART.
Approved Failure Total
Approved 62 3 65
Failure 14 104 111
Sum 76 107 183
PART identified eight rules as shown bellow. As
in the output of the RIPPER algorithm, the numbers in
parentheses at the end of the rule represent number of
correctness and errors of the classifier. For instance,
rule number one covers 57, being 55 classified correct
and 2 errors.
1. assign.submit = (-0.023,5] AND course.view =
(0.408,97]: 0 (55.0/2.0)
2. quiz.view.summary = (9,27] AND assign.submit
= (5,23] AND page.view = (13,123]: 1 (83.0/4.0)
3. quiz.view.summary = (9,27] AND
quiz.close.attempt = (9,16] AND page.view
= (-0.123,13] AND chat.view.all = (-0.004,0]
AND course.view = (97,594]: 1 (13.0/3.0)
4. = (0,44] AND quiz.continue.attempt
= (11,38] AND quiz.close.attempt = (9,16] AND
assign.submit = (5,23]: 1 (15.0/5.0)
5. = (0,44] AND as-
sign.submit.for.grading = (-0.007,4] AND
assign.view.submit.assignment.form = (-0.021,6]
AND assign.view.all = (-0.013,0]: 1 (5.0/2.0)
6. = (-0.029,0] AND
= (0,44] AND assign.submit.for.grading = (-
0.007,4]: 0 (4.0/1.0)
7. assign.submit = (-0.023,5]: 0 (4.0)
8. = (-0.044,0]: 0 (2.0) : 1 (2.0)
Table 6 presents metrics accuracy and coverage of
each rule extracted by PART algorithm.
Table 6: Accuracy and coverage of the rules inducted by
Rule Accuracy Coverage
1 96.4% 31.7%
2 95.4% 47.5%
3 81.2% 0.8%
4 75% 10.9%
5 71.4% 3.8%
6 80% 2.7%
7 100% 2.1%
8 100% 2.1%
From the set of rules extracted from the algorithms
it is possible to observe that 14 distinct attributes are
antecedents. Besides, assign.submit is the only at-
tribute that is present on all sets of rules. The cross-
table shown in Table 7 represents all 14 attributes that
take part in some rule and its respective algorithm.
Table 7: Antecedent’s attributes in the set of rules.
Attribute OneR RIPPER PART
assign.submit X X X
url.view X
assign.view X
course.view X
quiz.view.summary X
page.view X
quiz.close.attempt X
chat.view.all X X
quiz.continue.attemp X
assign.submit.for.grading X
assign.view.submit. as-
assign.view.all X X
From the analysis of the accuracy and cover-
age of the rules extracted from the three algo-
rithms, it can be observed that the attributes that
have the greatest influence on student performance
are: assign.submit, assign.view, quiz.view.summary,
url.view, course.view and page.view. The first three
Rule Induction Algorithms Applied in Educational Data Set
features are related to assignment and the other three
are linked to the preparation of the students.
Considering that the main of this article is to identify
the factors that lead a student to be succeed or failure
in a teaching and learning process, it was possible to
identify 14 attributes that are related to their perfor-
It is important to stress the hole of the attribute as-
sign.submit that is present in all three algorithms and
has good metrics. Therefore, we can conclude that
students who begin their activities earlier and reflect
on them, increase their chances of being approved.
In spite of using a small data set, it is possible, ac-
cording to the rules inferred through this work, under-
stand the behavior of students in a Learning Manage-
ment System and, from this comprehension, propose
actions that can improve the process do teaching and
As future work one can apply induction rules in
feature selection identifying the relevant attributes to
a target variable.
Another possible research is compare the results
from this work with another techniques such as causal
inference and Formal Concept Analysis.
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A2E 2019 - Special Session on Analytics in Educational Environments