Predicting Depression Tendency based on Image, Text and Behavior Data
from Instagram
Yu Ching Huang
, Chieh-Feng Chiang
and Arbee L. P. Chen
Department of Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Center of Technology in Education, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan
Depression Detection, Social Media, Deep Learning.
Depression is common but serious mental disorder. It is classified as a mood disorder, which means that it
is characterized by negative thoughts and emotions. With the development of Internet technology, more and
more people post their life story and express their emotion on social media. Social media can provide a way to
characterize and predict depression. It has been widely utilized by researchers to study mental health issues.
However, most of the existing studies focus on textual data from social media. Few studies consider both
text and image data. In this study, we aim to predict one’s depression tendency by analyzing image, text and
behavior of his/her postings on Instagram. An effective mechanism is first employed to collect depressive and
non-depressive user accounts. Next, three sets of features are extracted from image, text and behavior data to
build the predictive deep learning model. We examine the potential for leveraging social media postings in
understanding depression. Our experiment results demonstrate that the proposed model recognizes users who
have depression tendency with an F-1 score of 82.3%. We are currently developing a tool based on this study
for screening and detecting depression in an early stage.
Depression is an important mental health care issue
and is leading causes of disability. The World Health
Organization (WHO) estimated that nearly 300 mil-
lion people worldwide suffer from depression (Orga-
nization et al., 2017). By the year 2020, depression
will be the second leading cause of death after heart
disease. However, without observable diagnostic cri-
teria, the sign of depression often goes unnoticed.
Early detection of depression is essential to provide
appropriate interventions for preventing fatal situa-
tions. With the rapid development of communication
and network technologies, people are increasingly us-
ing social media platforms, such as Facebook and In-
stagram, to share thoughts and emotions with friends.
As a result, social media contains a great amount of
valuable information. The behavior, language used
and photo posted on social media may indicate feel-
ings of worthlessness, helplessness and self-hatred
that characterize depression. Social media resources
have been widely utilized to study mental health is-
sue, where current studies relied more on analyzing
text data (De Choudhury et al., 2013a; De Choudhury
et al., 2014; De Choudhury et al., 2013b) rather than
on analyzing visual ones, such as images of Instagram
and Snapchat. Since the launch of Instagram in 2010,
the photo-and-video based social media has rapidly
increased its number of users to over 600 million.
Moreover, psychologists have noted that imagery can
be an effective medium for expressing negative emo-
tions (Andalibi et al., 2017; De Choudhury and De,
2014; Manikonda and De Choudhury, 2017). Insta-
gram is chosen as the primary platform in this study
because of its extremely large image dataset.
In this paper, we aim to predict one’s depression
tendency by analyzing both text and image on Insta-
gram. Additionally, we propose a more robust predic-
tion model using deep learning techniques.
In short, this work employs an effective mecha-
nism to collect depressive and non-depressive user ac-
counts. Three sets of features are extracted including
text-related features, image-related features and other
behavior features. For inference, a deep learning clas-
sifier is trained to predict whether a user has a depres-
sion tendency. Note that our goal is not to offer a di-
agnosis but rather to make a prediction on which users
are likely suffering from depression.
Huang, Y., Chiang, C. and Chen, A.
Predicting Depression Tendency based on Image, Text and Behavior Data from Instagram.
DOI: 10.5220/0007833600320040
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2019), pages 32-40
ISBN: 978-989-758-377-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Our main contributions in this paper are as fol-
We employ an efficient data collection mechanism
not requiring users to do any screening test. It is
more efficient than previous research of using the
CES-D (Center for Epidemiological Studies De-
pression) questionnaire, which should take around
10 minutes to complete and 5 minutes to score.
We introduce a deep learning model combining
text, image and behavior as features to predict a
user’s depression tendency. This can be the first
approach on conducting a research using both text
and image Instagram posting data for predicting
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: In Section 2, we provide a brief overview of
the background of our approach. Specifically, we first
briefly review recent mental health research using so-
cial media data; subsequently, we review CNN (Con-
volutional Neural Networks) transfer learning (Pan
and Yang, 2010) for feature extraction. In Section
3, we describe the goal of our predicting depression
tendency of users. In Section 4, our approach is de-
scribed, including how data is collected and prepro-
cessed, and how features are extracted. In Section 5,
we show the performance of our model. And finally,
we summarize this paper and propose future work in
Section 6.
Depression is the most common mental illness in the
world, which has been found to have the positive cor-
relation with the risk of early death. Nowadays, data
on social media has been widely utilized for studies
on mental health issues. An early work (Park et al.,
2012) showed that people post about their depression
and even their treatment on Twitter. The advent of so-
cial media presents a new opportunity for early detec-
tion and intervention in mental disorder. We propose a
predictive model utilizing a popular image-based so-
cial media, Instagram, as a source for depression de-
tection. Instagram members currently contribute al-
most 100 million new postings per day (Instagram,
2016), which makes Instagram one of the most popu-
lar social networks worldwide.
In the following, we first review recent research
on mental health using social media data that are rel-
evant to this paper; subsequently, we review feature
extraction techniques through CNN.
Mental health issue has been widely studied,
including major depressive disorder (Chen et al.,
2018a), post-traumatic stress disorder (De Choudhury
et al., 2014), and bipolar disorder. Identifying depres-
sion from social media, the majority of previous stud-
ies are mostly based on the analysis of textual con-
tents from publicly available data. M. De Choudhury
et al. (De Choudhury et al., 2013b) examined Twitter
postings of individuals suffering from major depres-
sive disorder to build statistical models that predict
the risk for depression. As a similar study on early
detection, Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2018b) identify
users who suffer from depression by measuring eight
basic emotions as features from Twitter postings.
Besides, emoticons and images have also been uti-
lized for detecting positive and negative sentiments.
Kang et al. (Kang et al., 2016) introduce a multi-
model method for analyzing tweets on Twitter, in or-
der to detect users with depressive moods. Extracting
sentiments from images and texts allows a continuous
monitoring on user’s moods. Andalibi et al. (Andalibi
et al., 2015) fetched users’ photos on Instagram and
found that patients with depression posted more pho-
tos than others, and those photos tended to be darker,
grayer with low saturation. Andalibi et al., Kang et
al., and Reece et al. (Andalibi et al., 2015; Kang
et al., 2016; Reece and Danforth, 2017) analyzed im-
ages from social media using handcrafted features. In
our work, features are extracted automatically using
deep learning techniques instead of being identified
manually by domain experts. Moreover, we utilize
not only images from Instagram but also text data to
build our model, which is different from the Andalibi
et al., Kang et al., and Reece et al. (Andalibi et al.,
2015; Kang et al., 2016; Reece and Danforth, 2017)
focusing on analyzing images only.
For extracting features from images, recently,
CNN has become a very popular tool that automati-
cally extracts and classifies features. Training a new
network requires a sufficiently large number of la-
beled images. However, the data for recognizing users
of depression on Instagram is not big enough. That
leads to another approach: we applied transfer learn-
ing (Pan and Yang, 2010) on CNN. Transfer learning
which aims to learn from related tasks has attracted
more and more attention recently. Research of this
field begins with Thrun et al. (Thrun, 1996) that dis-
cussed about the role of previously learned knowl-
edge for generalization, particularly when the train-
ing data is scarce. Yosinski et al. (Yosinski et al.,
2014) studied extensively the transferability of fea-
tures pre-learned from ImageNet dataset by employ-
ing different fine-tuning strategies on other datasets,
and demonstrated that the transferability of features
decreases when the distance between the base task
and target task increases. Oquab et al. (Oquab et al.,
Predicting Depression Tendency based on Image, Text and Behavior Data from Instagram
2014) showed how image representations learned
with CNN on large-scale annotated datasets can be ef-
ficiently transferred to other visual recognition tasks,
and how a method is designed to reuse layers trained
on the ImageNet dataset to compute the mid-level im-
age representation for images. Despite differences
in image statistics and tasks in the two datasets, the
transferred representation leads to significantly im-
proved results for classification. Our work is primar-
ily motivated by Yosinski et al. (Yosinski et al., 2014)
and Oquab et al. (Oquab et al., 2014), which com-
prehensively explored feature transferability of deep
convolutional neural networks and learnt visual fea-
tures automatically.
Therefore, with the present work we aim to (1)
collect user-level data from Instagram by applying an
effective data collection approach which is more ef-
ficient and realistic than traditional questionnaire sur-
vey; (2) build a multi-model for depression tendency
prediction by extracting potential signals from textual
and visual contents, and social behaviors through In-
stagram postings as features; (3) examine and demon-
strate the effectiveness of these features for identify-
ing users suffering from depression by deep learning
techniques; and (4) apply a CNN-based model to au-
tomatically learn features from images.
The main approach of predicting depression tendency
is to build a classifier recognizing people who may
have depression tendency. Specifically, the task is
formulated as follows. Given a set of p users U =
, u
. . . , u
}, where each user is associated with
n postings. There are sets of text and image fea-
tures in each posting, TEXT
= {text
, . . . ,text
= {image
, . . . , image
}. Moreover,
there is a set of behavior features BEHAVIOR =
, . . . , b
}. The goal is to learn a model for pre-
dicting the depression tendency of a user, where
the set of depression tendency is labeled as D =
, D
, . . . , D
}. In this work, D is set to {Yes, No}
as a binary label implying that each user is classified
as with depression tendency or without.
4.1 Data Collection
To train our model, we require information from two
different types of users: users with depression ten-
dency and users without. To achieve this purpose,
we employed a data collection mechanism to effi-
ciently collect these users. In order to identify users
with depression from Instagram, we first crawled
Instagram postings with hashtags related to depres-
sion (e.g., #(depression), #(suicide), #
(depressed)). This approach is validated in the pre-
vious literature: a recent work (De Choudhury et al.,
2016) suggests that the use of the word depression in-
creases one’s chance of using the word suicide in the
future, which is one of the symptoms of depression.
Then we collect the users whose postings have de-
pression related hashtags to our depression-user pool.
From this pool, we select the self-reported users who
explicitly state, in their Instagram bio, that they suf-
fer from a mental illness as our depressive users. In
other words, we select a depressive user by checking
if his/her bio contains any keywords related to depres-
sion. For non-depressive users, we crawled postings
with hashtags related to the word happy. Users with
these postings are collected in our non-depressive-
user pool. From this pool, users with any word re-
lated to depression in their bio or in their postings are
filtered out. According to the research (Chen et al.,
2018a), we double check their postings in order to
make sure there is no overlap between the two groups,
namely the depressive users and non-depressive users.
This selection method may be biased but we have to
make sure there is no noise that may weaken the clas-
sification model. After the users have been identi-
fied, we manually double check and label them into
depressive users and non-depressive users. More-
over, we do the same filtering process on the follow-
ings/followers of the users in the above two categories
to widen the dataset. Each user account in this re-
search is public account. Each posting in this dataset
is public and contains images, captions, likes, com-
ments, and hashtags, if tagged. Moreover, this dataset
is only for academic use. In the future if we want to
work with medical institutions, we will have to pay
more attention to user’s privacy.
4.2 Data Pre-processing
For data cleaning and pre-processing, users having
more than 50% postings containing hyperlinks are re-
moved. We also exclude inactive users, private ac-
counts, business accounts and official accounts.
4.3 Feature Extraction
In this work, we focused on three main types of fea-
tures, i.e. text, image and behavior to be detailed in
the following.
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
4.3.1 Text Features
We generated posting representation using Word2vec
(Mikolov et al., 2013) as our text features. This
approach includes two major steps, i.e. post seg-
mentation step and word representation step. The
post segmentation step segments sentences in each
posting into words. The Word Representation step
collects words in all postings and converts them
into vectors. Suppose a user u
has the a set
of n postings, where each posting contains con-
taining T EX T
= {text
, . . . ,text
} and images
= {image
, . . . , image
}. Let w
be the
j-th word in the m-th posting of user u
, and l
the length of the m-th posting of user u
. We repre-
sent the m-th posting using l
words, i.e. text
, w
, . . . , w
>. Each word w
is projected to
a vector v
,where d is the dimension of the
word vectors. The value of d dimension is chosen
based on a parameter tuning experiment (see Section
5). Finally, we concatenate all word vectors in all the
postings of each user u
into a vector set with exactly
L vectors, where L =
. Each user has different
posting number, if the length of the vector set is fewer
than L, we fill it with zero. This vector set is our post-
ing representation which is used as text feature for our
prediction model.
In the post segmentations step, we removed hy-
perlinks and stop words, and extracted hashtags from
the text in a posting. Since emoticons have become
a true digital “language, we converted every emoti-
con to text. Next, we adopted the segmentation tool
Jeiba (Sun, 2012), one of the most popular Chinese
word segmentation tools, to segment sentences into
words. However, there are words which Jeiba can-
not segment correctly such as (Alprazolam), a
kind of medicine used to treat anxiety disorders. In
order to solve this problem, a customized dictionary
is used along with Jeiba. We crawled the medicine
list from Tcdruginfo website which provides drug in-
formation for the Chinese general public around the
In the word representation step, we used Word2vec
(Mikolov et al., 2013) to learn the vector representa-
tion of words. Word2vec is able to find the associa-
tions between words from a great amount of text and
project words with similar meanings to have similar
vector representations.
We used the text in the postings not taken in the
training or testing data to train our word2vec model,
totaling 407,116 Instagram postings. Then, accord-
ing to this well pre-trained model, we projected each
word in the training and testing postings into a word
vector representation. Finally, we aggregated the
word vector representations of each posting from a
user to generate a vector set with L vectors to be used
as the text feature for a user.
4.3.2 Image Features
According to (Andalibi et al., 2015; Reece and Dan-
forth, 2017), the photos posted on Instagram can show
signs of depression and can be used for early screen-
ing and detection. We generate image representations
using deep convolutional neural networks. In the field
of image feature extraction, typical approaches ex-
tract a set of “hand-crafted” features. However, hand-
crafted features are not flexible enough, and it is hard
to design an efficient method to generate handcrafted
features. We use CNN, a successful machine learn-
ing technique for image classification, to automati-
cally learn image representations. A disadvantage
of training a new CNN is that the training stage re-
quires a large number of labeled images. Fortunately,
transfer learning can solve this problem, and we em-
ploy transfer learning to a pre-trained CNN model
to extract features, as illustrated in Fig 1. The key
idea of this approach is that the internal layers of
CNN act as an extractor of mid-level image represen-
tations, which can be pre-trained on a large dataset
(i.e. the ImageNet), and then be re-used on depres-
sive and non-depressive image classification. First,
we pre-train VGG16 network (Simonyan and Zisser-
man, 2014) on the ImageNet. The ImageNet dataset
(Deng et al., 2009) is a large-scale ontology of im-
ages organized according to the hierarchy of Word-
Net (Miller, 1995). It contains more than 14 million
images with 1000 categories. Second, we transfer the
pre-trained weights parameters to the target task, re-
move the output layer of the pre-trained model and
add two fully connected layers for classification that
output the probabilities of an image. Then the de-
pressive degree is generated. We use our dataset to
fine-tune the classifier. After the classifier is fine-
tuned with our dataset, we then use the first fully
connected layer’s output in this classifier as the fea-
ture vector of an image (Oquab et al., 2014). This is
an approach using CNN to learn image embedding.
Suppose a user u
has the a set of n posts of images
, . . . , image
}, each 224*224 im-
age is extracted into a 64 dimensional feature vector.
We concatenate all feature vectors for each user into
a vector set with L vectors. If the length of the vector
set is less than L, we fill it with zero vectors. This vec-
tor set is the image features for our prediction model.
Predicting Depression Tendency based on Image, Text and Behavior Data from Instagram
Figure 1: Transfer learning of a CNN.
4.3.3 Behavior Features
How users behave on social media can be demon-
strated by features of social behaviors and writing be-
haviors. The social behaviors include the time the
users post, the posting frequency, the number of likes
their post gets, etc. The writing behaviors come from
how the users write in their posts. According to the
research (Ramirez-Esparza et al., 2008), depressive
users tend to focus on themselves and detach from
others. First, we extract nine features as social be-
haviors: post time, number of posts, post on which
day of a week, post on workday or weekend, post-
ing frequency, following, followers, likes, and com-
ments. The post time is extracted because (Nutt et al.,
2008) shows that depressive users often have sleep-
ing disorder and seek for help online. Second, we
obtain six features to identify a user’s writing behav-
iors in each posting: total word counts, number of
first-person pronouns (i.e. the number of the term
“I” used per posting), counts of hashtag related to de-
pression (from the depression hashtags list), hashtag
counts per posting, emoji counts, and absolutist word
counts. According to the research (Al-Mosaiwi and
Johnstone, 2018), people who are depressive tend to
use an absolutist word like “always,” “complete,” and
“definitely. The ranges of the values for these fea-
tures are different which may cause difficulty in build-
ing a robust and effective classifier (Grus, 2015). We
apply the technique of min-max normalization to nor-
malize the feature values into [0, 1] before the train-
ing and testing processes. With these features, we are
able to distinguish between depressive users and non-
depressive users. Finally, we leverage these three sets
of extracted features to build the classifier for predict-
ing depression tendency.
4.4 Prediction Model
After feature extraction, three sets of features are ob-
tained. As shown in Figure 2, we aggregate them to
represent a user. Next, we employ a CNN to construct
a classifier model trained to predict depression ten-
Figure 2: Prediction Model’s Architecture.
dency in two classes. Our CNN network is composed
of ve layers, three convolution layers each with 5 x 5
max-pooling and ReLU activation function, followed
by two fully connected layers. The last fully con-
nected layer uses Softmax function. Softmax function
ensures that the activation of each output unit sums to
1, and therefore we can take the output as a set of
conditional probabilities. These probabilities are the
basis for the predicted labels. When the probability is
larger than 0.5, the label is set to 1.
In this section, we introduce the dataset collected
from Instagram, the feature normalization process,
and the details of parameter tuning. Then we show the
experimental results of the proposed transfer learning
method along with the automatic feature extraction
process on the images. Finally, the performance of
our model is presented.
5.1 Dataset
Figure 3: Distribution of the numbers of postings for the
two user groups.
We collected 512 users from Instagram through
our efficient data collection process, which include
117 users who have depression tendency and 395 non-
depressive users. We collected all of their postings
on Instagram, where each posting contains informa-
tion such as images, captions, likes, comments, and
hashtags, if tagged. The distribution of the numbers
of postings for the two user groups is shown in Fig 3
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
where X-axis shows the number of postings and Y-
axis shows the corresponding propotion of the users.
We observe that most users in both groups have the
number of postings between 0-150 and fewer users
have over 1000 posts. Most depressed users have be-
tween 0-150 postings whereas most non-depressive
users have between 0-300 postings. Note that users
having less than 50 postings are considered inactive
users and excluded in our dataset.
5.2 Normalization Process
The range difference of the behavior features may
cause difficulty in building a robust and effective clas-
sifier (Grus, 2015). Therefore, we apply min-max
normalization to normalize all feature values into [0,
1] before the training and testing processes. The min-
max normalization is executed as follows:
) =
) min(x
where x
is the i-th data item in the b-th fea-
ture,e.g.,the i-th data item in the behavior feature
5.3 Parameter Tuning
When building a machine learning model, we define
our model architecture by exploring a range of pos-
sibilities. The tuning of the hyper-parameters of the
deep neural network model depends on the dataset
used. Our model is trained with backpropagation us-
ing Adam optimizer. We adopt cross-entropy as our
loss function. In our experiments, the word embed-
ding is trained on 407,116 Instagram postings. Ac-
cording to our experiments, we choose the word vec-
tor dimension as 400 and the length of the vector set
L as 1000.
5.4 Evaluation of Image Feature
Extraction Model
In this subsection, we evaluate the image feature ex-
traction model. In order to extract features that are
useful for identifying depressed and non-depressive
people, we pre-trained a model on ImageNet then
fine-tuned this model by our dataset. The dataset used
here contains 1155 depressive images and 1156 non-
depressive images, including images crawled from In-
stagram with hashtags related to depression and im-
ages from a well-known dataset Emotion6 (Panda
et al., 2018).
Our model classified images properly. As
shown in Fig 4, this image has a hashtag #
(depression), and our model predicts this image as
depressive with probability 0.903. Our model also
predicts the image shown in Fig 5 as depressive with
probability 0.01.
Figure 4: Depressive photo.
Figure 5: Non depressive photo.
5.5 Model and Feature Analysis
In this subsection we discuss the performance of the
Word2vec model and the three sets of features.
Word2vec Model Evaluation. We evaluate our word
embedding matrix built from a pre-trained Word2vec
model which affects the overall performance of our
model. As shown in Table 1(a) and Table 1(b),
we respectively calculate the similarity of two words
and find the top closest words for a given word
to see whether the Word2vec model has been prop-
erly trained. We can see the words “depressed” and
“happy” are not similar, whereas the words “sorrow”
and “sad” are similar. This result indicates that our
model is well built.
Feature Analysis. We built a model using the com-
bination of the three sets of features to figure out the
importance of various features, and the results are
shown in Table 2. The precision and recall tend to
be steady after running the model ten times. The pre-
Predicting Depression Tendency based on Image, Text and Behavior Data from Instagram
Table 1: Word2Vec Model Evaluation.
(a) Similarity.
Word A, Word B Similarity
(depressed), (happy) 0.17
(sorrow), (sad) 0.71
(b) Top Five Similar Words.
Word Top five similar words
Table 2: Feature analysis.
Model Text Behavior Image
Precision 0.770 0.710 0.811 0.793 0.880 0.823 0.888
Recall 0.595 0.528 0.741 0.604 0.748 0.744 0.767
F1-score 0.671 0.605 0.774 0.685 0.808 0.781 0.823
cisions using the text features only, the behavior fea-
tures only, and the image features only are 77%, 71%
and 81.1%, respectively. From here we can see that
adopting transfer learning with VGG16 as an image
feature extractor, the extracted features can effectively
identify depressive photos. Moreover, using both im-
age and text features makes the model more robust
than using the pair of image and behavior features or
the pair of behavior and text features. We found that
the user’s behavior features on Instagram contribute
less significantly on distinguishing between a depres-
sive and non-depressive user, but still improve the per-
formance of the whole model.
5.6 Performance of our Model
In this subsection, we present the performance of our
model where each user is classified into two labels,i.e.
having depression tendency or not. The dataset con-
tains 117 users with depression tendency and 395
users without depression tendency, resulting in the to-
tal number of 512 users. We use 80% of the dataset
as training data, and the remaining 20% as validation
data. We use precision, recall and F1-score to evalu-
ate the model. The precision of our model is 88.8%
and the recall is 73.5%, implying that our model can
identify both depression and non-depression classes
well. We train our model with batch size 32 through
20 epochs, and it is evident that the classifier has good
performance according to the receiver-operator char-
acteristic (ROC) curve, where the area under the ROC
curve (AUC) is larger than 0.5. This means our model
can distinguish depressive users and non-depressive
users well. We compare our method with other stud-
ies on depression detection in Fig 6. We evaluate each
method with precision and recall. Compared with
Mitchell et al. (Mitchell et al., 2009), our model per-
forms better although we have less depressive users.
We also have better precision and recall than Reece
et al. (Reece and Danforth, 2017), where handcrafted
features were used from Instagram photos. This indi-
cates that the approach of automatically learning fea-
tures from images and building a deep learning pre-
diction model not only outperforms the method with
handcrafted features but also reduces the manpower
cost. Compared with the work of, Wu et al. (Wu
et al., 2018) using posting, behavior, and living en-
vironment data from Facebook for depression detec-
tion, this work takes image data as the extra informa-
tion. The slight improvement on performance may be
because of the smaller number of users than that of
the work by Wu et al. (Wu et al., 2018). The posi-
tive experiment result of our model demonstrates that
text, image and behavior on Instagram provide use-
ful signals that can be utilized to classify and predict
whether a user has depression tendency. Among these
factors, image is the most important factor for predict-
ing depression tendency. This indicates that the mark-
ers of depression are observable in Instagram user’s
images. Images provide an effective way of express-
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 6: Comparison with other studies.
ing negative feelings. The experiment results show
that modeling textual and visual features together per-
forms much better than individual features. Although
the user’s behavior features on Instagram are less sig-
nificant, they still help improve the performance of
Mining social media activities in order to understand
mental health has been gaining considerable attention
recently. In this paper, we demonstrate that it is pos-
sible to use online social media data for depression
detection. We propose a machine learning approach
for predicting depression tendency utilizing text, im-
age and social behavior data. We use transfer learning
to pre-train a CNN model for automatically extracting
features from images, further combined with text and
behavior features to build a deep learning classifier.
The F-1 score of the classifier is 82.3% and the area
under ROC curve (AUC) is larger than 0.5. Combin-
ing image and text makes the model more robust than
using text only. In the future, we can take this research
result to further work with medical institutions. Un-
der the premise of privacy protection, by integrating
the Instagram data of the clinic visiting patients, it is
highly expected that the predictive precision can be
enhanced and greatly contribute to the realization of
tools for early screening and detection of depression,
which further expands the potential value of this re-
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