A Spiral Approach to Solve the Routing and Spectrum Assignment
Problem in Ring Topologies for Elastic Optical Networks
Nicolas Jara
, Jesenia Salazar and Reinaldo Vallejos
Department of Electronics, Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Valpara
ıso, Chile
Simulation, Elastic Optical Networks, Routing, Spectrum Allocation.
In this paper, we propose a simulation-based strategy to solve the routing and spectrum assignment problem
in elastic optical networks with a static network operation for ring network topologies. First, the proposed
method arrange the network users decreasingly according to their bandwidth demands. Next, we introduce the
Spiral policy to allocate the frequency spectrum. This policy consists of assigning the resources to the user in
a correlative manner, following a spiral, taking advantage of the ring topology. Remark that each user path is
fixed, computed by any shortest path algorithm. We assess the performance and robustness of our model by
comparing the proposal with two optimization models in small rings (5-8 nodes) and with the most referenced
methods found in the literature for larger ring networks (5-50 nodes). The results show that consistently our
method outperforms the ones proposed in the literature, in terms of network cost and fragmentation.
Most of the digital data are carried by optical net-
works. The capacity of these networks has grown
vastly over the decades through the appearance of
newer technologies. So far, these networks have been
able to carry out this traffic growth by introducing
several technological improvements. Nevertheless,
researchers have found an impending capacity crunch
in optical communications. It refers to the fact that
the optical fiber capacity is not limitless, and said ca-
pacity limit can be reached soon (Ellis et al., 2016;
Waldman, 2018). The foregoing requires an evolution
of current optical architectures to keep up the unceas-
ing growth of the Internet. Since is the base of all our
communication system, any progress means not only
better communication networks but to meaningful so-
cial and economic improvements.
In this context, there are two possible solutions.
First, to install more infrastructure at reaching the
maximum fiber capacity. This option is simple but
involves huge investments. Thus, this strategy should
be avoided. Second, ro improve resources manage-
ment in order to efficiently use the installed infras-
tructure. This second alternative is the more conve-
nient option today, considering that current networks
do not operate efficiently.
Currently, the optical network operation is ineffi-
cient due some technological features. One of them
is that the frequency spectrum assigned to each com-
munication is fixed, according to the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) standard. This is
50[GHz] per channel (Iversen Villy, 2002). Nowa-
days, to satisfy said demand growth, the Internet Ser-
vice Providers are rising the bit-rates using this stan-
dard transmission scheme. However, this process in-
volves limitations, due to technical difficulties trans-
mitting high bit-rates through long distances (Gerstel
et al., 2012).
To solve the prior problem, a new paradigm
has been proposed, called “Elastic Optical Network”
(EON) (Layec et al., 2013; Gerstel et al., 2012;
Sambo et al., 2012). The EONs allows to flexibly
use the frequency spectrum to attend different traf-
fic needs adaptively, giving only the necessary band-
width to each user. To achieve that, the frequency
spectrum is divided into frequency slots units (FSU)
with a fixed bandwidth associated, and the FSU are
grouped to satisfy the bandwidth required for each
user. This has been an important topic of investiga-
tion for the few last years and, still needs research and
development to be implemented in practice.
The design of elastic optical networks is a hot
topic both at the academic and industrial levels. In
particular, the design of optical networks decomposes
into many different tasks. One of these tasks con-
Jara, N., Salazar, J. and Vallejos, R.
A Spiral Approach to Solve the Routing and Spectrum Assignment Problem in Ring Topologies for Elastic Optical Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0007842302690276
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2019), pages 269-276
ISBN: 978-989-758-381-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sists in assigning a path and a portion of the spectrum
to each network user. This problem is known as the
Routing and Spectrum Allocation (RSA) problem.
The RSA problem consists on find, for each user,
a source-destination path, with available spectrum ac-
cording to the user demand. This resource allocation
is subject to the following constraints. First, each FSU
can host one user at the same time; second, the same
FSU allocated to the said user must be available in
all the links on the user path; and in case that the
user requires more than one FSU, the spectrum as-
signed must be consecutive (contiguous). The RSA
problem is crucial in EON planning, however is a NP-
hard (L
opez and Velasco, 2016) problem. Therefore,
in this article, we solve the RSA problem by means of
This paper focuses on solving the RSA problem
for ring network topologies. For this end, we design
a strategy based on heuristics and simulation. Each
user path is fixed and computed prior to the network
operation using a shortest path algorithm. To assign
the frequency spectrum to each user, we used the well
known First-Fit policy. However, we introduce the
“Spiral” concept, which seeks to assign the resources
using the ring topology as an advantage, sorting and
allocating the FSU to each user in spiral order. By
doing so, this strategy diminishes the network total
cost and the spectrum fragmentation.
The remainder of this paper is as follows: In Sec-
tion 2 we present the state of art on RSA strategies.
Next, Section 3 presents our proposal to solve said
problem be means of simulation. Section 4 contains
some numerical examples. And finally, we give some
conclusions and remarks in Section 5.
To solve the Routing and Spectrum Allocation prob-
lem there are typically 2 scenarios: the static and
dynamic case. On the static case, the resource de-
mands are fixed and well known, hence, the routes
and resources allocated are available to the user per-
manently. In this scenario, the goal is to maximize
the spectrum usage (Talebi et al., 2014a; Meza et al.,
2016). On the other hand, in the dynamic scenario the
users request for resources only when they need to
transmit. These demands can change over time, and
the resources are release after the user ends to send
data. The current optical network operate pseudo-
statically. This is the resources are allocated to the
user during very long periods of time (for instance,
during a contract), which can be considered as perma-
nent on the network operation. Hence, our research is
focused on the static scenario.
One possible method to solve the RSA is by op-
timization. In literature there are several solutions.
However these approaches are highly complex, due to
the space state exponential growth, bringing scalabil-
ity problems and inability to obtain a solution in a rea-
sonable time for real network topologies. The com-
plexity of these models have been widely analyzed in
literature by L
opez and Velazco (2016) (L
opez and
Velasco, 2016), Simmons (2014) (Simmons, 2014) y
Talebi et al. (2014) (Talebi et al., 2014b).
Meza et al. (2016) (Meza et al., 2016) proposed
two optimization models for ring topologies: a pure
ILP model to solve the RSA problem simultaneously
(One Step Approach) and another model composed
by two steps (Two Step Approach) denoted as Short-
est Path Optimal Assignment (SP-OA). The last strat-
egy uses a shortest path heuristic to solve the routing
problem and optimization to solve the spectrum as-
signment. Both schemes show the prior mentioned
difficulties, in which both strategies obtain results un-
til 8 and 9 nodes ring topologies, respectively.
The prior discussion reveals that it is necessary to
develop heuristics solution allowing to obtain near op-
timal solutions with scalability to real network topolo-
The RSA problem is usually solved in two
stages (Wen et al., 2011). First, the route is assigned,
for instance the shortest path. Then, the amount of
FSUs on each link is computed, considering that the
spectrum chosen on all the links on the user path must
be the same (Takagi et al., 2011). Notice that the
previous restriction allows to satisfied the wavelength
continuity constraint involved in optical networks.
The standard spectrum allocation (SA) techniques
found in literature are Random-Fit (RF), Most-
Used (MU) and First-Fit (FF) among several varia-
tions (Talebi et al., 2014a). RF assigns the frequency
spectrum randomly, leading to high spectrum frag-
mentation (unused spectrum) (Ahumada et al., 2014).
MU chooses the slots that are most-used in the net-
work. On the other side, FF is the most common and
fastest method used to date. In fact, Abkenar y Rah-
bar (2017) (Shirin Abkenar and Ghaffarpour Rahbar,
2017) shows that most approaches use the First-Fit
scheme. In this scheme the FSUs are considered as a
sequence. When searching for an available FSU, the
search starts on the first FSU in the sequence. The
request is accepted if the needed number of contigu-
ous slot is available on all the links belonging to the
predetermined user fixed path. Otherwise, the same
request is send to the next slots on the sequence. The
process continues on the same way, until there are suf-
ficient contiguous FSU available on all the links of
SIMULTECH 2019 - 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
the path (Koganti and Sidhu, 2014; Chatterjee et al.,
As consequence of the SA methods, there is spec-
trum fragmentation over the network frequency spec-
trum (Chatterjee et al., 2015; Christodoulopoulos
et al., 2011). This refers to fact that there might
by some free FSU in the middle area not been used
despite being available on the network. Said phe-
nomenon is important due to the fact it can produce a
meaningful waste of bandwidth, if not properly con-
trolled. Thus one of our objectives is to minimize the
spectrum fragmentation on the network.
In addition, it is also important the order to allo-
cate the resources to the user, affecting the network
capacity required and the spectrum fragmentation, as
pointed out by Simmons (2014) (Simmons, 2014) y
Talebi et al. (2014) (Talebi et al., 2014b), which in-
dicates that a decreasing order of user according to
their bandwidth and length obtains are the more effi-
cient approaches.
This section comprises the main contribution of the
article. First, we explain the model used and the asso-
ciated assumptions. Then, we explain the simulation
strategy to solve the RSA problem.
3.1 Model and Assumptions
We represent the network by a graph G = (N , L),
where N is the set of nodes and L the set of direc-
tional links, with cardinalities |N | = N and |L| = L.
The set of users U N
, with cardinality |U| =
U, is composed by all the source-destination pairs.
Each u element contains several values such as:
i, where s
is the source node, d
destination node, bw
is the number of adjacent FSUs
defined per user, considering that i
is the index refer-
encing the first frequency spectrum allocated.
User u transmission follows a particular route or
path between its source and its terminal, expressed
by r
, and we denote by R = {r
| c U} the set
of routes used. These routes are fixed and can be
computed by any algorithm available in the litera-
ture (Dijkstra, 1959; Jara et al., 2017; Koganti and
Sidhu, 2014) prior to network operation. Due to the
fact that the network topologies considered are ring
topologies, we can divide the set R in two subsets.
The subset
R R contains the path in clockwise di-
rection, and the subset
R R composed by the coun-
terclockwise routes.
In EON, the frequency spectrum is divided in
small frequency segments, denoted as Frequency Slot
Units (FSU). Then, let BW = {bw
|u U} be the set
of bandwidth requirements measured as a number of
FSU per user u U.
Let C = {c
| L} be the set containing the ca-
pacity of each network link L, in which the capac-
ity c
is the number of FSU allocated to the link , and
let F = { f
|i c
, L} be the set of FSU allocated
on each network link, where i is the FSU index and
the corresponding network link.
3.2 Routing Strategy
The routing problem consists in finding, for each con-
nection, a route to be followed by the data to be trans-
mitted, while taking into account some spectrum as-
signment scheme, and with the smallest cost possible.
In this paper, the users path are computed fixed, only
one per user, prior the network operation.
In this paper, we consider a ring network topology
with N nodes, in which every user has two possible
routes: clockwise or counterclockwise. The path then
is chosen as the shortest path measured by the num-
ber of hops from source to destination. However, in
the case the ring has a pair number of nodes (par value
of N), the users communicating through the network
diameter, these are the users with a distance equals to
N/2 between the source and destination node, both
clock and counter-clock paths are equal in length. In
these cases, the criteria to assign the routes is to bal-
ance the network links, thus half (or close to half) of
the user will have a clockwise route, and the remain-
ing user will have a counterclockwise path.
In algorithmic form, the procedure can be written
as shown in Figure 1. Symbolically, its execution will
be written R := Routing(U,R ), since its output is the
set of all the users path.
3.3 Spectrum Allocation Strategy
The spectrum assignment (SA) problem consists in
finding, for each user u U, the same FSUs available
on all the links in its route. This means, it searches a
number of adjacent slots on each link, using the same
FSU in the whole route. Here we use the First-Fit
spectrum assignment approach since it is simple and
performs adequately in terms of network cost with
a small computational overhead. In a nutshell, the
method orders the different FSU available, and se-
quentially searches until there is one available on the
whole path; if not, the method allocates the user at
the end, after the last FSU allocated on the links in
the user path.
A Spiral Approach to Solve the Routing and Spectrum Assignment Problem in Ring Topologies for Elastic Optical Networks
Algorithm 1: Routing.
1: procedure ROUTING(U, R )
2: balance 0
3: for all u U do
4: Calculate routes of minimum length
5: if there is just one result then
6: if r
is clockwise then
R =
R r
8: else
R =
R r
10: else
11: if balance > N/2 and N%2 = 0 then
R =
R r
13: else
R =
R r
15: balance balance + 1
Figure 1: Spiral routing allocation example.
To assign each user we use the First-Fit scheme to
solve the spectrum allocation. However, we use a pre-
defined order to follow the FF allocation. The main
idea of our proposal is to create subsets of users ac-
cording to some given criteria. Then, we follow said
subsets to execute the FF algorithm, taking into ad-
vantage the form of the topology, this means to try to
form rings or a spiral when allocating each user. In
this way giving some order when assigning the fre-
quency spectrum. To illustrate this way of spectrum
allocation in figure 1 we present a spiral spectrum al-
location. In figure 1 the circumference surrounding
the ring represents a FSU, and the bigger the circle
radio, the bigger is the FSU index. The arrows on the
figure indicate both the path and the resource alloca-
tion direction. The order of the user is chosen in a
spiral order, hence the user allocation order is: 1-3,
3-5, 5-2, 2-4, 4-1. Remark that the spiral resource al-
location is obtain since the next user to be allocated
has a source node equal to the destination node of the
prior user in the list.
Let U
U be the set of user with the same band-
width requirements b = bw, with bw BW . Thus,
Algorithm 2: DB-SFF.
procedure DB-SFF
R =
for all L do
= 0
Routing(U, R );
} = Classify(BW, U);
for each U
U do
totalAssigned 0
) sort by length, decreasing order
nextSource U
while totalAssigned 6= |U
| do
for j 0 to |U
| do
if U
[ j].s
= nextSource then
[ j])
nextSource U
[ j].d
else if j = |U
| then
nextSource nextSource + 1
return U,R ,C
the set of user U is decomposed in subsets U
, each
subset is sorted according to the route length in de-
creasing order. Then, we start to allocate the user
using the subset U
with bigger bandwidth require-
ments, this is the subset U
with b with a higher value.
The spectrum assignment is made following the First-
Fit strategy, but following a Spiral order, as previously
explained. If there is not an user on U
to fulfill the
Spiral rule, then the next user to be allocated will be
the next in subset. If all user in U
have been allo-
cated, then we continue with the next U
subset, until
all the network user their spectrum assigned.
The pseudo-code of the procedure can be writ-
ten as shown in Figure 2. The inputs of the simula-
tions are the network topology (G(N ,L)), and the set
of users (U) with its respective bandwidth demands
(BW ). On the other hand, the outputs are the set of
routes (R ) connecting all the user in U, the set of all
the links capacity (C ) measured as number of FSUs,
and the set of FSUs allocated on each network link
(F ).
To compare our proposal with other methodologies,
it is necessary to evaluate their performances. The
most important metrics for the RSA problem are: the
cost of the network and the spectrum fragmentation
As commonly used (Ramaswami et al., 2009;
Simmons, 2014; Talebi et al., 2014b), in this work
SIMULTECH 2019 - 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Table 1: Table comparing the proposed method (DB-SFF) with both optimization methods proposed in (Meza et al., 2016)
for ring network topologies with bandwidth requirements proportional to the user path length.
SFR [%] Time [s]
Optimal SP-OA DB-SFF Optimal SP-OA DB-SFF Optimal SP-OA DB-SFF
5 54 54 54 3,70 3,70 7,40 0.375 0,031 0,00057
6 114 118 114 0,00 3,39 0,00 49,23 4,219 0,00074
7 198 198 212 1,01 1,01 7,54 997,5 58,01 0,00092
8 353 372 352 0,28 3,49 0,00 429916 21600 0,00121
9 - - 572 - - 5,59 - - 0,00140
10 - - 657 - - 5,78 - - 0,00177
25 - - 13563 - - 4,96 - - 0,02469
50 - - 100822 - - 2,87 - - 0,21571
the total network cost C
is defined as the sum of all
FSU of all network links, that is,
, where c
is the spectrum capacity assigned to link .
This definition is justified because the cost of most
components in an optical network is mainly affected
by this parameter. In fact, it determines how many
infrastructure resources are needed to achieve the net-
work operation (Banerjee and Mukherjee, 2000).
As mentioned in the state of art, the non-used FSU
on the network link should be avoided. Thus the spec-
trum fragmentation SFR (percentage) is the sum of all
the fragmented FSU in relation to the network total
cost C
. This is
SFR = 100 ·
Number of Non-used FSU
. (2)
In case the SFR value obtained is 0, the resource allo-
cation is optimal, thus there are not unused spectrum
As prior mentioned, First-Fit is the most refer-
enced scheme to solve the spectrum assignment prob-
lem since it is a fast and simple strategy with good
performance. In the text, we called it FF. In conse-
quence, we adopt this approach in all the numerical
examples. However, recall that the Spiral rule to al-
locate the user on the network alters the FF strategy
by defining an specific order to assign the user on the
network following a spiral o concentric rings order. In
the experiments, we denoted it as SFF.
To judge the methods under several scenarios, we
evaluate them by means of simulation on diverse ring
topologies, having different sizes. For a fair compar-
ison, the procedures considered here use a fixed rout-
ing shortest path (estimated by Dijkstra’s algorithm).
4.1 Comparison with Optimization
First, we compared the results obtained by our pro-
posal (DB-DFF) and the optimization methods pro-
posed by Meza et.al. (Meza et al., 2016), these are
the full optimization method (Optimal) and the Two
Steps Approach denoted as Shortest Path Optimal As-
signment (SP-OA).
Meza et al. (Meza et al., 2016) defined two forms
to define the users bandwidth requirements, these are:
proportional to the users path length, and inversely
proportional to the users route length. In Tables 1 and
2 we present the results obtained the Optimal, SP-OA
and our DB-SFF, showing the network total cost C
spectrum fragmentation SFR and the time needed to
execute the method.
As previously discussed on the state of art section,
due to the RSA problem complexity, both optimiza-
tion methods can be executed on small networks. De-
spite our strategy can be executed in topologies with
50 (and more) nodes, on the Table 1 with propor-
tional bandwidth requirements we can compare our
proposal to optimization only from 5 to 8 node ring
networks, and in the Table 2 with inversely propor-
tional bandwidth requirements we can contrast the
strategies from 5 to 10 node rings.
We can see in Tables 1 and 2 that in some cases
the DB-SFF is able to achieve the optimum solution,
however, in most cases it does not reach said objec-
tive. We can conclude that our proposal achieves re-
sults close to the optimal solution on the studied sce-
4.2 Comparison with Heuristic Models
In this section we compare the same metrics analyzed
on the previous section (C
and SFR) for ring net-
A Spiral Approach to Solve the Routing and Spectrum Assignment Problem in Ring Topologies for Elastic Optical Networks
Table 2: Table comparing the proposed method (DB-SFF) with both optimization methods proposed in (Meza et al., 2016)
for ring network topologies with bandwidth requirements inversely proportional to the user path length.
SFR [%] Time [s]
Optimal SP-OA DB-SFF Optimal SP-OA DB-SFF Optimal SP-OA DB-SFF
5 42 42 44 4,76 4,76 9,09 0.265 0,031 0,00059
6 102 104 102 0,00 1,92 0,00 5.843 5,969 0,00068
7 140 142 159 0,00 1,40 11,95 18,063 0,344 0,00088
8 288 292 316 0,00 1,37 8,86 19,907 202,5 0,00106
9 - 362 412 - 0,55 12,62 - 752,9 0,00129
10 - 646* 718 - 5,88 12,25 - 21600 0,00215
25 - - 7311 - - 9,72 - - 0,01972
50 - - 63238 - - 7,89 - - 0,17934
45 50
Figure 2: C
obtained by DB-SFF, DB-FF and DL-SFF on ring topologies between 5 to 50 nodes.
works from 5 to 50 nodes regarding to the best strate-
gies in literature (Simmons, 2014). These are:
Decreasing Bandwidth First Fit (DB-FF): We use
the same routing strategy explained in section 3. The
users are sorted by their bandwidth requirements in
a decreasing order, and sequentially searching for a
spectrum available using the usual First-Fit technique.
Decreasing Length First Fit (DL-FF): Again, we
use the same routing than before. The users are sorted
in decreasing order according to their route length,
and follows the First-Fit scheme to solve the spectrum
The methods here presented are executed us-
ing three bandwidth requirements strategies: propor-
tional, inversely proportional to the route length and
arbitrarily, counting 117 scenarios total. Due to lack
of space, only the proportional scenario is presented
in the text.
We can see in Figure 2, the total cost obtained by
all the heuristic method analyzed here (DB-FF, DL-
FF and our proposal DB-SFF) is presented. Despite
the algorithm, the total network cost increases simi-
larly (order N
) as the number of network nodes in-
creases on the ring topologies.
Even though Figure 2 helps us to see the rela-
tion between C
and the number of nodes, we can
not clearly visualize the performance of our proposal
against the DB-FF and DL-FF. Thus in Table 3 we il-
lustrate the mean savings (Savings), measured in per-
centage, obtained by our proposal respect to the best
approaches in literature (DB-FF and DL-FF) for the
three bandwidth requirements strategies. The Savings
are obtained according to the following equation:
Savings[%] = 100 ·
(Re f ) C
(Re f )
where Re f is the method to be compared to.
In Table 3 we can see that DB-SFF presents con-
sistent savings in all cases respect to DB-FF and DL-
FF, obtaining in the worst case scenario mean savings
of 4.83% in all the compared scenarios.
4.2.1 Spectrum Fragmentation
Finally, in this section we analyze the spectrum frag-
mentation obtained by the methods compared in here.
Figure 3 shows the spectrum fragmentation ob-
tained by the DB-SFF, DB-FF and DL-FF for ring
SIMULTECH 2019 - 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
45 50
Figure 3: SFR comparison between DB-SFF and DB-FF according to the number of nodes.
45 50
Fragmented FSU
Figure 4: Number of empty FSU according to the number of nodes for DB-FF and DB-SFF.
Table 3: Mean C
savings obtained by DB-SFF respect the
reference algorithms.
Reference Proportional Arbitrary Inversely
DB-FF 6.92% 6.14% 13.06%
DL-FF 4.83% 7.57% 5.60%
Table 4: Mean SFR obtained by the three algorithms on the
three bandwidth requirements scenarios.
Algorithm Proportional Arbitrary Inversely
DB-SFF 3.96% 7.57% 8.4%
DB-FF 9.24% 9.47% 13.99%
DL-FF 11.03% 13.27% 20.57%
topologies between 5 and 50 nodes for the propor-
tional bandwidth requirements scenario. In Figure 3
is shown that for all network topologies the spectrum
fragmentation of DB-SFF is lower than DB-FF. In
comparison to the DL-FF in Figure 3 there is a tighter
difference. However, except a few cases, our proposal
obtains better results than DL-FF. The prior can be
shown in Table 4 where the mean spectrum fragmen-
tation (SFR) is presented for all the methods and all
the bandwidth requirements strategies previously pre-
Finally, in Figure 4 we present the total number of
slots fragmented on the network obtained by the three
methods analyzed in this article. It is clear that our
methods obtains much better results in terms of spec-
trum fragmentation than the commonly used RSA so-
lutions, obtaining in the worst-case scenario an 8.4%
percentage of spectrum fragmentation.
In this work, we present a novel method to solve the
crucial problem known as Routing and Spectrum Al-
location. Our method computes: all the users path by
the shortest path algorithm, but balancing the amount
of users on the links; and the amount of slots (fre-
quency spectrum) required by each user following the
First-Fit strategy. However, the order used to allocate
the users is defined in a decreasing order of bandwidth
requirements, using a spiral approach to follow the
users assignment.
The optimization models obtain results only for
small networks, with an execution time prohibitively
high. Hence, we consider the optimal as an ideal,
but no feasible strategy. On the other hand, our
A Spiral Approach to Solve the Routing and Spectrum Assignment Problem in Ring Topologies for Elastic Optical Networks
method has results close optimal solutions with ap-
proximately a 6,6% of network fragmentation. More-
over, the proposed method shows better results than
the best strategies from the literature, with savings in
the order of 40% in terms of network fragmentation.
Notice that, for the prior comparison we perform 117
scenarios of simulation for each heuristic method, and
almost a 100% of the results performed better than the
heuristic strategies available in the literature.
Further work would be to solve the RSA prob-
lem on mesh network topologies and considering a
dynamic network operation, adjusting the strategy of
this work to said contexts.
This work received financial support from FONDEF
ID14I10129, CONICYT. This project and institution
is then gratefully acknowledged.
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