Conceptual Modelling of the Dynamic Goal-oriented Safety Management
for Safety Critical Systems
Sana Debbech
, Philippe Bon and Simon Collart-Dutilleul
Univ. Lille/Nord de France, IFSTTAR/COSYS/ESTAS, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Ontology, GORE, Or-BAC, Safety Measures Development, UFO, Railway Safety.
In the context of Safety Critical Systems (SCSs), safety measures derived from the dysfunctional analysis are
generally expressed in an informal way. However, in an early phase of SCSs design, there is a need to link
these safety measures to Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering (GORE) concepts. Moreover, the current
practice of the safety measures development is not based on a specific goal-oriented control model. Since
there are different knowledge domains, there is a lack of a common vocabulary aiming to avoid the semantic
heterogeneity between them. Consequently, a common model for an unambiguous knowledge sharing and a
full semantic interoperability assurance is missing. In this paper, we propose the Goal-Oriented Safety Man-
agement Ontology (GOSMO), a domain ontology, which is grounded in the Unified Foundational Ontology
(UFO) and provides a conceptualization and a real-world semantic interpretation of the knowledge matching
for SCSs. Furthermore, the proposed safety measures development process is performed using a reinterpreta-
tion from the safety point of view of the Organization-Based Control Access (Or-BAC), which was initially
developed for the Information Systems (IS) security. The GOSMO aims to capture the alignment between
the considered domains concepts through the reference models reuse and the proposed taxonomy based on
standards definitions. The proposed ontology is evaluated by the formalization of two cases studies from the
railway domain, since it is the target application domain. Finally, the evaluation results show that GOSMO
covers and analyses several real critical situations and fulfils its intended purpose.
In the Safety Critical Systems (SCSs) context, safety
is viewed as an emergent control issue. Therefore,
safety management must be ensured by a control or-
ganization integrated in an adaptive socio-technical
system. The aim of this control organization is to en-
force safety constraints on the system behaviour in
the first design stages (Debbech et al., 2018a). Fur-
thermore, safety improvement must still be main-
tained and the system must keep its safe behaviour as
changes occur. Consequently, there is a need to define
the appropriate safety constraints according to the re-
lated context. From this perspective, SCSs suffer from
a lack of control and development models of safety
measures derived from dysfunctional analysis.
Moreover, these safety constraints must be in-
tegrated as a control structure of the adequate en-
forcement of components and their interactions. This
safety knowledge has to be considered in the sys-
tem design model and particularly in the Requirement
Engineering (RE) practice. In other words, safety
analysis should be strongly related to the system re-
quirements elicitation. Ordinarily, safety measures
derived from the safety analysis are directly con-
sidered as safety requirements: Safety requirements
are the safety measures taken to mitigate hazards
in safety-critical systems (Zhou et al., 2017). Then,
safety requirements are defined as safety measures,
that are taken to avoid, reduce or limit catastrophic
failure consequences: safety requirements are de-
fined based on a list of categorized hazards and as-
sociated safety risk analysis (Firesmith, 2005). In-
tuitively, this definition seems clear and easy to un-
derstand but there is a lack of consideration for the
safety team efforts into the requirements specification
process and this makes difficult to ensure that archi-
tecture incorporates the appropriate safety guards
(Firesmith, 2005). From a further perspective, safety
measures must be linked to Goal-Oriented Require-
ments Engineering (GORE) (Van Lamsweerde, 2001)
concepts such as goal, agent, requirement and task.
In order to deal with the semantic heterogeneity
and the knowledge domains combination, the aim of
this study is to propose a conceptualization of the
knowledge matching in order to provide a shared
Debbech, S., Bon, P. and Collart-Dutilleul, S.
Conceptual Modelling of the Dynamic Goal-oriented Safety Management for Safety Critical Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0007932502870297
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2019), pages 287-297
ISBN: 978-989-758-379-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
view between them. Furthermore, we define the safety
measures development process for SCSs based on the
Organization-Based Control Access (Or-BAC) Model
(El Kalam et al., 2003). This control access model is
normally used in order to ensure the Information Sys-
tems (IS) security. Nevertheless, the analogy between
the security conditions to access to an information and
the conditions in order to operate safely proposed by
(Ben Ayed et al., 2014) is extended in this study. In the
present paper, the matching between knowledge do-
mains is considered through the concepts alignment
and is driven by the Unified Foundational Ontology
(UFO) (Guizzardi, 2005). Then, the proposed seman-
tic interpretation and conceptualization is provided in
real-world in order to provide a common vocabulary
at a high level of abstraction.
Therefore, a domain ontology is proposed and is
called the Goal-Oriented Safety Management Ontol-
ogy (GOSMO). In this work, we focus on relevant
concepts related to safety, GORE and Or-BAC knowl-
edge. GOSMO aims to provide an unambiguous,
complete and consistent set of the involved concepts,
and to manage safety related decisions in the SCSs
design process. In order to bridge the gaps mentioned
above, two Research Questions (RQs) are defined:
- RQ1: How can we interpret and conceptualize
safety measures and link them to GORE concepts in
real-world semantics?
- RQ2: Which UFO-driven conceptualization of
Or-BAC concepts would be able to provide a safety
control model and to deal with the organizational as-
pect of SCSs?
These two RQs define the purpose of the pro-
posed ontology and they will be refined in order to
fulfil it. This paper is organized as follows. Section
2 defines the background on UFO, GORE, Or-BAC
knowledge and discusses related works. Section 3
presents GOSMO and its evaluation by the railway
knowledge is detailed in Section 4. Section 5 con-
cludes the paper and outlines perspectives.
The present study is based on an extensive research on
knowledge domains (knowledge acquisition) in order
to extract, apply and connect them. In this section,
we introduce relevant concepts of the considered do-
mains, namely GORE, Or-BAC and the well-founded
ontology UFO.
2.1 The Unified Foundational Ontology
The Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) is an
upper-level ontology which provides a full and com-
mon set of generic concepts and relations for all
domains (Guizzardi, 2005). The discussion around
the choice of this foundational ontology has been
made and argued in a previous work (Debbech et al.,
2019b). Thanks to its ontological distinctions, it pro-
vides a complete and consistent set of concepts that
cover pertinent aspects of safety, GORE and the or-
ganizational control model. Moreover, the reuse of
foundational concepts aims to provide a real-world
semantics interpretation of safety measures and its
surrounding concepts. Figure 1 shows the Unified
Modelling Language (UML) diagram representing a
fragment of UFO concepts that will be reused in this
Figure 1: Fragment of UFO showing Individuals and Uni-
More details about these UFO concepts and their
interpretation and illustration by railway examples
may be respectively found in (Guizzardi, 2005; Falbo
and Bertollo, 2009) and (Debbech et al., 2019b). Ta-
ble 1 summarizes definitions of the UFO concepts
considered in this study. In the remainder of this pa-
per, concepts and relations between them are respec-
tively represented in bold and italic styles in order to
improve readability.
2.2 Goal-Oriented Requirements
Engineering (GORE)
Several benefits of GORE are defined in the RE prac-
tice such as the clarity and the completeness of re-
quirements specification, a clearer way to manage re-
quirements complexity and resolve conflicts among
them (Van Lamsweerde, 2001). These advantages
have been the aim of many GORE approaches such as
ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 1: Definitions of the considered UFO concepts.
UFO Concepts Definitions
A Kind is a subtype of Substantial Universal. It denotes a substantial universal with rigidity
and a unique identity permanently.
A Role is a subtype of Substantial Universal. It denotes non-rigid Substantial Universal and
its identity changes as new situation (circumstances) occurs.
An Agent is a a subtype of Substantial. It denotes Individuals with a unique identity and its
existence is independent of other Individuals.
Action An Action is a a subtype of Event and it is caused by an Intention.
Relator A Relator is a subtype of Moment. Its existence depends on many Individuals.
Situation A Situation denotes a state-of-affairs existing in reality.
An Intention is a subtype of Mental Moment. It inheres in an Agent and it denotes a consid-
eration of a plan to accomplish the goal.
A Desire is a subtype of Mental Moment. It denotes the willingness of the Agent towards a
the i*/iStar framework (Yu, 2011), KAOS (Dardenne
et al., 1993), Techne (Borgida et al., 2009) and Goal
Oriented Requirements Ontology (GORO), which is
grounded in UFO (Negri et al., 2017). The purpose of
this paper is neither to make a comparative study of
these approaches nor to use one over the others, but
it is to propose a new conceptual model to link safety
measures derived from safety analysis to GORE con-
cepts based on a real-world semantics.
As GORO is a reference domain ontology
grounded in UFO, it seems interesting to be re-used
for the alignment of both safety analysis and GORE
concepts. It provides a common vocabulary of GORE
concepts through the analysis and the interoperability
of well-known languages mentioned above.
According to GORO (Negri et al., 2017), there is
a distinction of the Goal type as a propositional con-
tent of two Mental Moments: the Intention or the
Desire of the Agent. In the present study, these con-
cepts are reused in order to elicit goals during the inte-
gration of safety measures in the RE process. In this
way, a goal is considered as a set of intended state-
ments to be achieved. The GORO fragment represent-
ing the Goal-related UFO concepts and relations be-
tween them, is illustrated by Figure 2.
Figure 2: GORO fragment focusing on Mental Moments
and Goals (Negri et al., 2017).
In this study, we assume that goals can be com-
posed into sub-goals to be satisfied in a given state-
of-affairs in reality. The composition is a whole-part
formal relation which can be expressed as satisfying
a goal (G) is achieved by satisfying at least one sub-
Satis f y(G) Satis f y(G
) ... Satis f y(G
) (1)
From a lower level of abstraction, (Wang et al.,
2014) defined a requirement as an intended behaviour
in the environment independently of the machine.
GORO considers the Requirement as a subtype of
Goal in the context of a specific problem. It describes
environmental conditions to be achieved through a de-
sired solution to satisfy the underlying strategic goals.
In this paper, we refer to IEEE standards which
define the requirement as a condition or a capacity of
a system to satisfy a policy, a standard, a specifica-
tion or any formal imposed document (IEEE 610.12,
1990) and (ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148, 2011). By this defi-
nition, we consider a Requirement as a refinement of
a Goal to satisfy a specification. A specification may
be an artefact, a formal document of statements to be
satisfied or an agent’s judgement to satisfy a specific
situation. The requirement and its relations with other
concepts is detailed in Section 3.
2.3 Organization-based Control Access
The Organization-Based Control Access (Or-BAC) is
an access control model based on the organization
concept and it is generally used in order to improve
the IS security. In Or-BAC, an organization is an en-
tity that manages a set of security policies. This se-
curity rules management is based on several entities
such as Organization, Role, Activity, View, Subject,
Action, Object and Context. Moreover, a set of pred-
icates are defined aiming to model relationships be-
tween these entities. More details about Or-BAC may
be found in (El Kalam et al., 2003). A formal defini-
tion of Or-BAC concepts and relations between them
is detailed in (M
ery and Merz, 2007). Figure 3 illus-
trates the Or-BAC concepts (rectangles) and relations
between them (oval).
Conceptual Modelling of the Dynamic Goal-oriented Safety Management for Safety Critical Systems
Figure 3: Or-BAC concepts and relations between them.
In Or-BAC, the hierarchy aspect is considered for
the Role and the Organization concepts in order to en-
sure the permission inheritance of roles and security
policies by sub-organizations. This aspect is relevant
in the context of the present study since it spotlights
the organizational aspect of SCSs and the interoper-
ability criterion. On the one hand, this access model
allows a structured security decisions management in
order to access to information within an organization.
On the other hand, it defines relevant concepts and
relations between them that may be reinterpreted for
other domains such as SCSs in this study.
In the SCSs terminology, safety operations man-
agement requires a consistent model aiming to man-
age safety conditions. In (Debbech et al., 2019a;
Debbech et al., 2019b), we proposed a complete
semantic interpretation of some Or-BAC concepts
namely, organization, role and subject from the safety
perspective. Furthermore, we discussed the difference
of requirements between both domains and we de-
fined the analogy between them by introducing new
concepts. In this study, a full consistent conceptual-
ization of Or-BAC concepts from the safety perspec-
tive is proposed in real-world semantics. The socio-
technical aspect of SCSs enforces their view as hier-
archical structures with specific imposed constraints
on each level. The organization concept highlights the
organizational aspect of railway systems and its inte-
gration in the conceptual model enhances the safety-
related control. In the present study, Or-BAC con-
cepts are reinterpreted in a safety-oriented way. Fur-
thermore, they are extended regarding the railway
knowledge and aligned with both UFO and GORE
2.4 Related Work
Ontologies are widely used in the Information Sys-
tems (IS) and software development. In (Souag et al.,
2015), authors provide a security ontology to elicit
security requirements through an interactive environ-
ment between security knowledge and requirements
engineering. Nevertheless, the dynamic aspect of the
security management and the security requirements
analysis according to GORE approaches are not con-
sidered. The security measures development are not
based on a structured control access model. Then,
the conceptualization was not provided in real-world
semantics in order to allow a better communication
with a common vocabulary. With the analogy be-
tween safety and security properties, these aspects are
considered in the present study.
In (Zhou et al., 2015), the proposed safety re-
quirements elicitation approach is based on the safety-
related environment knowledge representation, as a
set of assumptions, and a set of defined reasoning
rules. However, their work is limited to domain as-
sumptions which does not cover all possible contexts
for SCSs and the dynamic safety requirements elicita-
tion is not satisfied. In (Provenzano et al., 2017), au-
thors propose an ontological approach to elicit safety
requirements based on the hazard knowledge con-
ceptualization. The proposed heuristic approach de-
scribes the hazard components analysis according to
their properties, roles and relations between them.
Then, the safety requirements elicitation is performed
by extracting this knowledge and managing relations
between components. However, they did not consider
the semantic link interpretation between safety mea-
sures derived from the hazard knowledge and safety
requirements. Moreover, the safety requirements elic-
itation is not based on a specific GORE approach in
order to deal with the complexity and the dynamic as-
pect of this activity.
To the best of our knowledge, the SCSs-related
literature suffers from a lack of a shared and struc-
tured knowledge representation considering several
issues simultaneously, and aiming to answer them.
Furthermore, the dynamic aspect of the safety con-
straints management process must be considered in
the first design stages. Therefore, the need to for-
malize a shared goal-oriented safety decisions man-
agement model emerges. In this paper, we try to fill
the gaps mentioned above and we propose GOSMO,
which aims to support the conceptual clarification
of the considered domains and the safety decision-
making management for the SCSs design. Then, it
provides a new terminological interpretation of con-
cepts based on reference models and standards. The
development of the proposed ontology is detailed in
next Section.
ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies
In order to build the Goal-Oriented Safety Man-
agement Ontology (GOSMO), we chose the Sys-
tematic Approach for Building Ontologies (SABiO)
(de Almeida Falbo, 2014). The choice of the SABiO
approach has been made because it supports the do-
main ontologies development process and incorpo-
rates best practices from Ontology Engineering and
Software Engineering. Moreover, it has been widely
used for building several domain ontologies and ad-
mit the relevance of using foundational ontologies in
the ontology development process. In this paper, only
the first two phases of SABiO are considered. The
first one consists in the purpose identification and the
ontology requirements elicitation. The second one de-
notes the capture of the domain conceptualization and
the formalization of axioms. For the purpose of defin-
ing the GOSMO purpose, a set of Competency Ques-
tions (CQs) are elicited and are considered as the on-
tology requirements from the RE view. The raised
CQs listed below consist in the high level of granular-
ity of the proposed RQs and they are used to refine the
GOSMO scope and then for its evaluation process:
CQ1: What are safety measures and how to link
them to GORE concepts?
CQ2: How to operationalise these safety mea-
CQ3: How to semantically align the role concept
proposed by Or-BAC with the Role concept of
CQ4: How to conceptualize the dynamic context
related to the Or-BAC permissions from the UFO
CQ5: Which UFO-driven implementation of the
organization concept is able to deal with the orga-
nizational aspect of SCSs?
CQ6: What is the reinterpretation of the roles as-
signment proposed by Or-BAC that would be suit-
able for SCSs?
CQ7: How to make better safety decisions man-
agement in the SCSs design based on the interpre-
tation of the permission concept of Or-BAC?
After the CQs elicitation, the conceptual mod-
elling may be performed by providing a specific tax-
onomy and using the UFO ontological pattern. In or-
der to have a better approximation of the proposed
ontology to the ideal knowledge domain representa-
tion, the ontology must be represented with highly-
expressive languages such as OntoUML, which is
a UML extension for the conceptual modelling. It
incorporates the foundational features proposed by
UFO and is used in this study in order to ensure
the ontology representation adequacy. Then, some ax-
ioms specifying constraints and inferences rules are
formalized using First-Order Logic (FOL) in order to
provide an unambiguous and expressive description.
Figure 4 represents the conceptual model of
GOSMO using the OntoUML diagram. It shows the
interpretation and the conceptualization of relations
between Safety Measures, GORE and Or-BAC con-
cepts. In safety critical domains, safety measures are
defined as the operationalization of safety policies im-
posed by organizations. As Actions are a subtype of
Events, Safety Measures will change the state of af-
fairs of reality from the Hazard situation to another
safe post-situation. The central concept in the pro-
posed ontology is Safety Measures (sm). They are
composed of sub-measures. The composition relation
is denoted by the part
of predicate and is declared to
be transitive, non reflexive and anti-symmetric as re-
spectively enforced by Axioms 2, 3 and 4 using the
FOL. In the same way, these axioms are defined for
the composition relation for other related concepts,
but they will not repeated in order to improve read-
ability. This relation is considered in order to satisfy
both the constraint assumed in this study considering
the Safety Goal composition (see Section 2.2) and the
organizational aspect of SCSs.
, sm
, sm
)part o f (sm
, sm
part of(sm
, sm
) part o f (sm
, sm
(sm)¬part o f (sm, sm)
, sm)part o f (sm
, sm)
¬part o f (sm, sm
Then, we assume that a sub-measure may be a
part of two measures and may contribute to satisfy
two sub-goals. Therefore, each organizational level
provides its own Sub-Safety Measures and a sub-
measure satisfies a sub-goal and partially satisfies a
Safety Goal. This interpretation is formalized as fol-
Let SM={ sm
| i = 1, 2, ..., n } be the set of safety
Let SG={ sg
| i = 1, 2, ..., n } be the set of safety
Satis f y(sm, sg) Satis f y(sm
, sg
) ··· Satis f y(sm
, sg
Conceptual Modelling of the Dynamic Goal-oriented Safety Management for Safety Critical Systems
Figure 4: Conceptual Model of GOSMO focusing on relations between Safety Measures, Or-BAC and GORE concepts.
When the Safety Goal is achieved, a post-
situation occurs in order to satisfy a Proposition (a
goal). Then, the Safety Goal is refined in Safety re-
quirement which is realized by a Stakeholder into
an Organization. The central concept of the pro-
posed safety measures management model is the Or-
ganization. In the proposed conceptual model, the
Organization concept, which is inspired by the Or-
BAC model, is aligned with the Agent UFO con-
cept. Moreover, the hierarchy aspect of the Organi-
zation is considered in the proposed conceptualiza-
tion by its aggregation to sub-organizations. In order
to satisfy the socio-technical aspect of railway sys-
tems, the Organization (o) is considered as a subtype
of the Agent and an aggregation of Stakeholders (st),
which is denoted by the predicate has a(o, st).
Moreover, the Stakeholder (st) plays a Stake-
holder Role (str) within an Organization (o). The
Assignment (a) concept is a subtype of Relator since
it is a relational property connecting several concepts.
According to Or-BAC, an organization assigns a role
to a user through the empower predicate. This inter-
pretation is extended regarding UFO and GORE con-
cepts by considering the Stakeholder concept and the
subsumption relation of the Role and Kind concepts
of UFO. It provides the concretisation of the safety
management process when changes occur in order to
deal with the dynamic aspect. The assignment of roles
is constrained by Axiom 6 using the containment re-
lation denoted by the member of predicate.
(o, str, a, st)member o f (str, a) member o f (st, a)
has a(o, st) member o f (o, a) plays(st, str)
Likewise, as a Relator, the Permission (p) con-
cept denotes the authorization assignment to a Stake-
holder Role (str) to perform a Task (t) according to
a specific Context (c). The role hierarchy aspect is
considered in order to factor the permissions associ-
ated to roles. Hence, this formalism ensures the in-
heritance of permissions of Stakeholder Role to sub-
roles. The conceptualization pattern of these concepts
is justified and illustrated in (Debbech et al., 2019b).
The permission process is enforced by Axiom 7 in
order to provide a structured control model of safety
(str, p, c, t)part o f (str, p) part o f (p, c)
part o f (c, t) member o f (o, p)
member o f (p, t)
Furthermore, we define the Context concept as a
specific Situation, that determines the validity of a
Safety requirement and of a Functional Require-
ment. A Context can be classified into many types
such as the spatial and temporal boundaries, chrono-
logical events, domain constraints or the history of
previous tasks. Consequently, the aggregation of the
Context is considered in order to satisfy some situ-
ations in reality such as the remotely operated Task
as illustrated in (Debbech et al., 2018b). This notion
is important because it highly impacts safety-related
decisions and the Task implementation. The match-
ing between the context concept (from the Or-BAC
model) and the railway knowledge was tackled and
evaluated by a case study from the real accident of
Saint-Romain-En-Gier in a previous work (Debbech
et al., 2019a). In the present study, we propose the
alignment between the context concept and UFO con-
cepts in order to provide an abstract view in real-
world semantics. This interpretation is illustrated by
the extends relation between the Safety requirement
and the Context. In the same way, a Context extends
a Functional Requirement. The introduced relation
called extends considers that validity or the execution
of a requirement is potentially related to a context. It
ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies
underlines the “extend” relation defined by UML.
The Task concept is considered as a concrete view
of one or more Safety Measures. It denotes the
realization of Safety Measures. Indeed, a Task is
composed of a Context characterizing circumstances
or the specific Situation in which the Permission is
granted by the Organization to a Stakeholder Role
in order to perform this Task. Moreover, this concept
provides the related concepts encapsulation in order
to ensure the information integrity.
Both Functional Requirement and Safety re-
quirement are considered in the proposed concep-
tual model in order to tackle the requirement trace-
ability mechanism. This aspect is relevant to ensure
the requirements consistency and completeness, and
to support the requirement management process af-
ter the safety requirements change. It is difficult to
deal with the Task criticity when there are several re-
quirements that dynamically change according to a
Context. Furthermore, requirements change during
the SCSs design process due to the continuous rise of
safety constraints to enforce component interactions.
This aspect will be tackled in future works in order to
capture the requirement engineering knowledge and
to provide a common model with a complete, consis-
tent and traceable view.
The proposed ontology, grounded in UFO, aims to
capture the goal-oriented safety decisions knowledge.
It provides a consistent and unambiguous taxonomy
of safety decisions management based on Or-BAC
and GORE concepts in order to provide a reusable
shared view between knowledge domains. Further-
more, GOSMO may be reused for other safety crit-
ical domains since it is a domain ontology founded
in UFO. Otherwise, the proposed conceptualization is
based on several criteria such as the clarity, the coher-
ence and the extendibility since it aims to represent a
knowledge sharing (Gruber, 1995).
In this section, the evaluation of the Goal-Oriented
Safety Management Ontology (GOSMO) is per-
formed using verification and validation methods pro-
posed by SABiO (de Almeida Falbo, 2014). The first
step consists in the verification of the capability of
GOSMO to answer to the raised CQs. The verifica-
tion results are summarized in a table in order to ver-
ify that the ontology fulfils its requirements (purpose).
Then, the validation of GOSMO is performed through
its instantiation in order to represent real situations.
This verification step is primordial in order to demon-
strate the completeness and the validity of GOSMO
and its ability to analyse different real-world aspects.
4.1 The GOSMO Verification
Table 2 illustrates the GOSMO verification results re-
garding the predefined CQs. This table may be used
as an ontology management support in order to keep
track of its changes. This traceability tool is particu-
larly useful for the GOSMO reuse for other domains.
The table displays that the ontology answers all of the
4.2 The GOSMO Validation
Case 1: For the validation purpose, we took a real rail
accident scenario (d’Enqu
etes sur les Accidents de
Transport Terrestres (BEA-TT), 2005). The rail acci-
dent occurred on February 16
, 2005 at Longueville
(France). It denotes a side collision when the train
117710 from Provins (Seine-et-Marne) hit the train
117578 sidelong at Longueville station (Seine-et-
Marne). The scenario is due to the fault of the re-
versibility system which was not locked on the oper-
ating position. Consequently, the brakes were deacti-
vated. Then, the driver had an insufficient behaviour
knowledge in critical situations and only used the lo-
comotive’s handbrake to stop the train. However, it
was not powerful enough because of the brakes deac-
tivation, which causes a crossing of a closed signal.
Consequently, the accident is due to cascading fail-
ures that seems to be triggered by a lack of an effi-
cient safety measures development model able to deal
with the criticality of railway systems as SCSs. More
details about the scenario description and the safety
investigation may be found in (d’Enqu
etes sur les
Accidents de Transport Terrestres (BEA-TT), 2005).
In this section, the graphic representation of the se-
mantic annotation is used for the goal-oriented safety
management process in order to improve the visuali-
sation of the GOSMO illustration and to validate its
semantic scope without modifications. In the graphic
notation, ovals denote the GOSMO concepts and rect-
angles denote the linked individuals.
According to the accident scenario, safety con-
straints are violated and this causes the accident due to
the lack of an efficient safety control model. In order
to show the relevance of the GOSMO pattern design
for the design of SCSs, the safety-oriented Or-BAC
model is used to analyse the safety constraints, that
could have been able to avoid this accident. Then, the
safety measures development process, which has to
be considered as flexible solutions to avoid this criti-
cal situation, is performed as detailed below in order
to ensure their validity for all contexts. Here, it is im-
Conceptual Modelling of the Dynamic Goal-oriented Safety Management for Safety Critical Systems
Table 2: Verification table: GOSMO’s CQs and how to fulfil them.
CQs Concepts and Relations
A Safety Measure is a subtype of Action. It satisfies a Safety Goal that is composed of sub-goals. A
Safety Goal is refined in Safety requirement got from a Stakeholder. When the Task is performed,
a post-Situation occurs that satisfies a Proposition (Goal).
A Task is accomplished according to a Stakeholder Role Permission by an Organization related
to a specific Context.
CQ3 A Stakeholder Role is a subtype of Role. It is played by a Stakeholder (a subtype of Kind).
A Context is a subtype of Situation. It denotes the specific Situation (circumstances) in which the
Permission is according to a Stakeholder Role to perform the Task. Moreover, it extends a Safety
requirement and a Functional Requirement.
An Organization is a subtype of Agent and it is composed of sub-organizations. An Organization
is composed of one or many Stakeholders that are a subtype of Kind.
An Assignment is a subtype of Relator and it denotes the Stakeholder Role (a subtype of Role)
assignment to a Stakeholder by an Organization.
A Permission is a subtype of Relator and it denotes the Stakeholder Role authorization to accom-
plish the Task according to a Context , which is a specific subtype of Situation.
portant to mention that safety measures are proposed
intuitively based on the railway knowledge for the il-
lustration purpose.
The first Safety Measure can be the deployment
of an electric control of the reversibility system to sat-
isfy the correct switch of locomotives and correctly
activate brakes (Safety Goal). This safety measure
provides an enforcement of the system behaviour in
order to avoid technical failures.
The driver as a Stakeholder Role assigned by
the SNCF (Organization), has the Permission in his
Task to use the emergency braking systems (Safety
Measure), in the case of emergency situations such
as the failure of brakes (Context), in order to stop
the train (sub-goal) and then avoid a collision (Safety
Goal). This recommendation was proposed in the
BEA-TT report (d’Enqu
etes sur les Accidents de
Transport Terrestres (BEA-TT), 2005). In this sce-
nario, the driver did not use the emergency brakes,
even if he should do it. Figure 5 represents the se-
mantic annotation of the accident data related to the
goal-oriented safety control process for the driver be-
The second Safety Measure consists in a rein-
forcement of the braking control or of the driver be-
haviour. This Safety Measure may be the deploy-
ment of a technical device (a component of the train
protection system) to satisfy the driver alertness when
he cross a closed signal by alerting him on-board and
he has to acquit (Safety Goal). If he did not acquit,
the emergency stop is automatically triggered. It is a
post-situation that satisfies a Proposition (a Goal).
Another simple solution could be the use of low-level
automatic control devices like crocodiles. This safety
measure may be adequate in the context of this sce-
nario, however it could be not efficient for all possi-
Figure 5: Semantic annotation of the safety-oriented Or-
BAC model for driver behaviour in the Longueville acci-
ble contexts in order to stop a train crossing a closed
signal. A more flexible device could be able to be a
tailored solution to different contexts.
The train agent as a Stakeholder Role assigned by
the SNCF (Organization), has the Permission in his
Task to communicate with the driver (Safety Mea-
sure), if he perceives a critical situation of the driver’s
behaviour (Context), in order to prevent a collision
(Safety Goal). However, the train was not equipped
by the inter-phony communication between the train
agent and the driver. It could be efficient to avoid this
collision if a communication had been established be-
ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies
tween them in order to have a full view of the criti-
cal situation. The semantic annotation for train agent
behaviour is performed in the same way but it is not
shown in this paper due to the space constraint.
Figure 6 depicts the semantic annotation of the
proposed goal-oriented safety measures for this acci-
dent. The proposed Safety Measures are considered
in order to deal with failures due to components fault
(the reversibility system) and others due to human er-
rors. These aspects can be transformed to architec-
tural constraints in the design model of SCSs in order
to improve goal-oriented safety decisions in the first
Figure 6: Semantic annotation for the proposed goal-
oriented safety measures development process of the
Longueville accident.
Case 2: Another rail accident scenario is consid-
ered in order to instantiate and validate GOSMO from
another perspective. We refer to the Saint Romain-
En-Gier accident (d’Enqu
etes sur les Accidents de
Transport Terrestres (BEA-TT), 2004) which denotes
a frontal collision and occurred on April 5
, 2004 be-
tween an empty high speed train and a works train on
the line between Lyon and Saint-Etienne (France). It
is due to a set of human errors and to maintenance
works on tracks in a railway section. Firstly, the site
was not protected by the safety agent in order to pre-
vent the trains traffic in this area. Due to a false be-
lief of the situation, the other human error consists
in the erroneous authorization by the traffic agent to
the works train that cross a closed signal which is out
of its operating institution. Moreover, there is a lack
of a full instructions document that indicates the sig-
nalling and the traffic direction for works train drivers.
Consequently, a combination of these human errors
bring about the frontal collision between trains, since
they are running in the opposite direction but moving
towards each other on the same track. Figure 6 shows
the semantic annotation of the accident data in order
to illustrate the GOSMO relevance for the safety re-
lated decision-making.
This accident scenario was tackled and analysed
in a previous work (Debbech et al., 2019a) in or-
der to illustrate the Context concept. More details
about the scenario description and its analysis may
be found in (d’Enqu
etes sur les Accidents de Trans-
port Terrestres (BEA-TT), 2004). The accident was
due to failures caused by Stakeholders such as the
traffic agent and the works train driver. Moreover,
both Stakeholders performed erroneous actions in
their Task because there was no Permission granted
to these Stakeholder Roles in a specific Context to
carry out a safe Task. Then, the organized Task and
its related parts did not consider all Contexts, espe-
cially the train works movement, the signalling and
lists of instructions when the area changes. Conse-
quently, the accident occurred due to the lack of the
Context perception within the Task and the lack of a
organizational control model for every Stakeholder
Role Permission in a specific Context. Figure 7
shows the safety-control model annotation that could
have been efficient to avoid this accident.
Figure 7: The annotation of the proposed safety control
model for the Saint Romain-En-Gier accident.
These two accident scenarios demonstrate the
GOSMO semantics flexibility in terms of the of con-
cepts and relations between them. GOSMO shows its
capability to annotate data and cover several aspects.
Moreover, it shows the concepts polymorphism and
their completeness regarding a set of real-world sit-
uations. The completeness of the defined semantics
lies in their capability to interpret different critical no-
Conceptual Modelling of the Dynamic Goal-oriented Safety Management for Safety Critical Systems
tions. Then, GOSMO provides a high level of abstrac-
tion of goal-oriented safety management model, that
can be adapted to a context.
The main contribution in this paper consists in
proposing a Goal-Oriented Safety Management On-
tology (GOSMO), which is grounded in UFO, devel-
oped using the SABiO approach and based on stan-
dards and a thorough knowledge acquisition of in-
volved knowledge domains such as GORE, Or-BAC
and safety. Moreover, it establishes a semantic link
between several domains for the purpose of identify-
ing safety needs and refining them until the formal-
ism implementation and the fulfilment of the GOSMO
intended requirements. The proposed ontology con-
tributes to the knowledge sharing, the conceptual
modelling and the management of safety decisions
from several perspectives which make it original. The
considered issues in this study are summarized as fol-
Firstly, GOSMO provides a conceptualization of
safety measures nature, its development from a goal
oriented view and by a safety reinterpretation of Or-
BAC concepts in order to improve safety decisions
management. This conceptual analysis is based on
the use of UFO’s foundational concepts and relations
between them. Then, it systematizes the ambiguous
use of the term safety measures and its surround-
ing concepts in the safety critical systems terminol-
ogy. Moreover, the safety oriented reinterpretation
of Or-BAC concepts (such as organization, role, per-
mission, context) aims to support safety measures de-
velopment and it provides a structured and consistent
safety control model for the SCSs design. Further-
more, GOSMO can be used as a reference model to
support the ontological analysis and the conceptual
clarification of real-world critical situations.
Secondly, the safety management is performed
from a GORE perspective in order to deal with the
complexity of the requirements engineering activity.
Then, this aspect is relevant since the aim of GOSMO
is to support safety management as soon as possible
in the first design stages. Besides, a conceptual analy-
sis of GORE concepts such as goal, requirement agent
is provided with a matching between safety measures
and Or-BAC concepts. In other words, safety no-
tions are considered and integrated from the first de-
sign phases of SCSs for the purpose of obtaining a
safe system behaviour. Then, it contributes to the RE
process through the goals conceptualization and the
safety constraints capture and specification.
Thirdly, GOSMO establishes a common vocabu-
lary for the knowledge sharing in order to improve
communication between actors domains and avoiding
the semantic heterogeneity between them. Moreover,
the proposed ontology provides a complete and con-
sistent taxonomy which is able to represent and anal-
yse several real situations. Then, the semantic anno-
tation of real data set is performed using the GOSMO
pattern design with any modification. It demonstrates
the adaptability and the flexibility criteria of GOSMO,
regarding different critical situations. The proposed
concepts can be used interchangeably in order to re-
fer to different aspects and types of phenomena. As
a reference domain model, GOSMO may be reused
for other safety critical domains since it is based on
widely used standards and real-world semantics.
Finally, we are convinced that an operational ver-
sion of GOSMO (implemented in OWL) can be used
to make a semantic annotation of safety concerns
in the system design model and components related
to the occurrence of failures. In fact, we intend
to strongly connect GOSMO to the proposed Dys-
functional Analysis Ontology (DAO) in future works.
Then, the OWL formalization will improve the reuse
of the GOSMO thanks to its powerful capacities in
terms of expressiveness. Therefore, it will allow the
development of a requirements traceability tool relat-
ing requirements and stakeholders goals with change
requests that are tracked during the context-adaptive
safety management process. This aspect will be the
subject of future works. Finally, we will provide a for-
mal characterization of GOSMO in order to allow the
reasoning and the data retrieval related to safety and
design aspects. Then, we intend to evaluate GOSMO
by comparing it with results obtained by safety analy-
sis integration methods and requirements elicitation
tools. These contributions intend to provide a full
safety-control methodology for the design of future
autonomous systems.
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Conceptual Modelling of the Dynamic Goal-oriented Safety Management for Safety Critical Systems