A Reference Model for Product Data Profiling in Retail ERP Systems
Rolf Krieger and Christian Schorr
Institute for Software Systems, University of Applied Sciences Trier, Birkenfeld, Germany
Data Quality, Data Profiling, Exploratory Data Analysis, Product Data, Enterprise Resource Planning.
Due to the high volume of data and the increasing automation in retail, more and more companies are dealing
with procedures to improve the quality of product data. A promising approach is the use of machine learning
methods that support the user in master data management. The development of such procedures demands
error-free training data. This means that product data must be cleaned and labelled which requires extensive
data profiling. For typical retail company data bases with usually complex and convoluted structures this
exploration step can take a huge and expensive amount of time. In order to speed up this process we present a
reference model and best practices for the systematic and efficient profiling and exploration of product data.
Product data quality is an increasingly important topic
in the retail industry. The automation of purchasing,
sales, delivery and inventory processes can only suc-
ceed if the referenced product data are error-free. Es-
pecially for e-commerce where the decision to buy a
product can only rely on its virtual presentation in a
web shop, correct product descriptions are of utmost
importance. Moreover, highly automated storage cen-
tres where robots move products from the shelves to
the packaging area require precise data about physical
dimensions and weight in order to ensure a flawless
delivery to the waiting customer. If the quality of the
product data is poor, delays in delivery, losses due to
incorrect prices, additional work etc. are the result.
Manual data quality control is nearly impossible
due to the vast amount of products. Current semi-
automated quality control systems based on data qual-
ity rules are prone to miss erroneous data due to
the vast amount of attributes, tables and their com-
plex relations. Machine learning provides a promis-
ing approach to support the user to ensure data qual-
ity. But major prerequisites for machine learning are
high quality test and training data (Domingos, 2012).
Consequently, at the beginning of a machine learning
project the quality of product data has to be estimated
and product data have to be cleaned. In addition do-
main understanding is of importance and can only be
gained by a careful and detailed exploration of the
data. Intensive data profiling is therefore necessary in
order to gather meta data and to get acquainted with
the product data.
To ease this central task of product data quality
management, we propose a reference model which
defines a reference process and a high-level architec-
ture model of a data profiling tool taking into account
the specific properties and requirements of product
data. The reference process should allow to identify
critical data records efficiently. Based on our results
the process of profiling product data should be accel-
erated significantly.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 de-
scribes the goals, tasks and state of the art of data pro-
filing while section 3 explains product data. In Sec-
tion 4, we introduce our reference process for profil-
ing product data. In section 5, we present best prac-
tices to support the profiling steps and illustrate them
using examples. Finally, we summarize the main re-
sults and give an outlook on our further research.
Data profiling is the application of data analysis with
the purpose of determining information about the con-
tent, structure and quality of data. According to (Ol-
son, 2008), the input of the profiling process are data
and meta data about them. Meta data describe the
structure, content, history and quality of the data. In
practice meta data are usually incomplete. The output
of the data profiling process are information about er-
roneous data and complete meta data. Thus data pro-
filing is carried out to gain business understanding and
Krieger, R. and Schorr, C.
A Reference Model for Product Data Profiling in Retail ERP Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0007953303170324
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2019), pages 317-324
ISBN: 978-989-758-377-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to provide information for data cleaning. Analysing
the structure of the data involves checking their con-
sistency and format. Computing descriptive statistical
information like minima, maxima and percentages as
well as determining data types and lengths falls un-
der this category. Profiling the data content identi-
fies specific properties concerning missing values or
other errors. A crucial part of data profiling especially
with regard to subsequent feature engineering tasks in
machine learning projects is to discover how differ-
ent parts of the data are related to each other. Iden-
tifying embedded value dependencies and functional
dependencies between attributes or tables as well as
potential (foreign) keys are part of this data profiling
aspect. An excellent overview about the topic can be
found in (Abedjan et al., 2015). Data profiling is also
related to data exploration. A survey on data explo-
ration techniques can be found in (Guido et al., 2015;
Di Blas et al., 2014). Both commercial and open-
source software tools are available for data profiling
and cleaning. Often vendors of commercial ERP sys-
tems also have a corresponding data quality tools in
their portfolios. SAP sells its Information Steward,
Oracle its Enterprise Data Quality and IBM offers In-
foSphere Information Server. The company Informat-
ica specialized in business analytics sells Informatica
Data Profiling while SAS offers its DataFlux Manage-
ment Studio. Apart from their comprehensive scope,
the major advantage of these tools is their seamless
integration into the respective ERP systems of their
companies, which avoids migration and transforma-
tion problems. Their disadvantage is that they are
not optimized for the profiling of product data in gen-
eral. Beside these commercially available products a
plethora of open-source tools exists. A few mature
software packages are Metonome (Papenbrock et al.,
2015), developed and managed by the University of
Potsdam, Germany, Profiler (Kandel et al., 2012) and
Talend Open Studio. The drawbacks of free data pro-
filing software usually lie in their narrow focus on
specific applications especially in case of more sci-
entific origins. In contrast to these tools we propose a
data profiling tool and reference process specifically
taking into account domain knowledge about product
3.1 General Description
Product data are of utmost importance in retail com-
panies. For technical and business reasons, products
are classified into categories arranged in a multi-level
merchandise category hierarchy. Moreover, there are
a variety of different product types like simple prod-
uct items, grouped products (e.g. displays, sets etc.)
and generic products and their variants. Product at-
tributes are referenced by many processes in purchas-
ing, material requirements planning, inventory man-
agement and sales. Table 1 shows some attributes of
product data in a standard ERP software. We can dis-
tinguish between descriptive and process-related at-
The values of descriptive attributes are the same
for all locations (e.g. stores, warehouses) of a com-
pany whereas process attributes may be maintained
differently. For example, the safety stock may be 10
pieces in one store and 15 pieces in another. Process-
related attributes control the processes in a company
and are decisive for process automation. Usually the
product attributes provided in a standard ERP soft-
ware do not meet all requirements of a company.
Therefore, they are supplemented by custom-specific
attributes, which can be either descriptive or process-
Mostly, product attributes are also classified in the
ERP software thematically. Typical classes are basic
data, logistic data, purchasing data etc. Basic data
include the product description, packaging units, di-
mensions, volumes, gross and net weights, hazardous
substance codes etc. Logistic data include safety
stock, service level, delivery time, goods receipt pro-
cessing time etc. Purchasing and sales data include
prices, minimum order quantities, delivery periods
The attributes that have to be maintained for a spe-
cific product item depend on its category and type.
Consequently, the product categories and types have
to be taken into account in the data profiling process.
Table 1: High-level classification of product attributes in a
ERP system.
descriptive process-related
- product description
- category
- volume
- unit of measure
- reorder point
- safety stock
- goods receipt
processing time
- alcoholic strength
- description of
- age limit for
- flags for logistic
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
3.2 Case Study: SAP Retail
To get an idea of the amount and complexity of prod-
uct data managed in an ERP system, we conducted
a case study in two European full-range retail com-
panies. Both companies use SAP Retail as ERP sys-
tem to support their business processes. Table 2 gives
some information about the product items of the com-
Table 2: Rounded number of product categories, product
items and types of two retail companies.
Company 1 Company 2
Main categories 12 90
Sub categories 200 3.200
Items 750.000 1.400.000
Product types 7 9
As in many other ERP systems, in SAP Retail the
attributes of products are divided into data segments,
e.g. basic data, purchasing data, sales data and logis-
tic data and are managed in more than 10 tables. Table
3 shows the number of attributes of the basic data ta-
ble. For instance, the basic data table of company 1
has 290 attributes. 80 attributes are in use. 42% of
them are custom-specific.
Table 3: Number of attributes of the basic data table in SAP
ERP of two companies.
Attributes Company 1 Company 2
Total 290 245
standard 206 209
custom 84 36
standard (used) 46 43
custom (used) 34 20
3.3 Technical Challenges
Due to the results of our case study, profiling and
cleaning of product data are difficult tasks. We iden-
tified the following challenges:
3.3.1 High Number of Product Items
Big retail companies have more than 1 million items
in their ERP systems. Some of the attributes, e.g. lo-
gistic attributes, have to be maintained for each lo-
cation. In case of a company operating 50 stores 50
million logistic data records have to be maintained.
3.3.2 High Number of Product Categories
Some larger retail companies have more than 3.000
product categories. The category to which a product
item belongs often defines the attributes that have to
be maintained. Mandatory fields in particular are de-
fined by the product categories. The large number of
product categories makes it difficult to identify erro-
neous product data records.
3.3.3 Different Product Types
There are a variety of different product types. Similar
to the product categories they define the attributes that
have to be maintained for each item. Consequently,
the product items have to be partitioned by product
types for data profiling.
3.3.4 Age of the Data
ERP systems are often in use for years. Due to the
complex IT system landscape in a retail company,
product data are archived rarely. Hence, a lot of out-
dated items are still kept in the ERP system.
3.3.5 Business Processes Optimization
For business, technical and organizational reasons,
business processes are continuously optimized or
adapted in retail. Changing a business process often
requires the adjustment of process related attributes
of the product data. Mostly, outdated items are not
updated accordingly and do not fulfil current business
and technical requirements.
3.3.6 Complex Data Model
Product data are managed in many data tables in a
ERP system. In our case studies we identified more
than 10 tables. Some of these tables have a lot of at-
tributes (e.g. 80) of different types (e.g. numerical,
character, dates etc.). In case of some attributes spe-
cific knowledge of application experts is required to
understand their semantic and usage.
3.3.7 Changes to the Data Model
ERP systems are usually standard software. If a new
version of the software is developed by the software
manufacturer, this is often associated with changes to
the data model. On the one hand attributes may be
added, on the other hand existing attributes may be
no longer used. In addition, the data model is adapted
in a similar way by the customer. The data profiling
process has to take all these changes into account.
A Reference Model for Product Data Profiling in Retail ERP Systems
In order to enable an efficient profiling of product data
despite the challenges and problems formulated in the
last section, we have developed a reference model
consisting of a reference process and an architectural
model of a data profiling tool.
4.1 Reference Process
4.1.1 Data Partitioning
The main problem with profiling product data is the
amount and variety of data. In order to achieve mean-
ingful results efficiently, the data must be partitioned
appropriately for data profiling. Table 4 shows the
most important partitioning criteria by data segments.
Table 4: Partitioning criteria by product data segments.
1. Product type
2. Product category
Partition criteria
Logistic data
Basic data
Sales data
Product data segments
Partitioning criteria
4. Business
3. Location, e.g.
store, warehouse
In general, product data can be partitioned by type
and category. Especially, basic data can be partitioned
by product type and category. In the case of logistic
data, locations can be used for partitioning in addi-
tion. Purchasing and sales data can also be partitioned
by business department. As is well-known, partition-
ing leads to smaller amounts of data, reduces data
variability and simplifies the data profiling.
4.1.2 Data Profiling and Exploration
For each element of the partition, we suggest a hierar-
chical approach to data profiling as illustrated in Fig-
ure 1. Using this concept, the product data are anal-
ysed and evaluated at the merchandise category level
in the first step. This allows to detect anomalies by
comparing results for different categories with avail-
able meta data and expert knowledge. In addition, the
results of different categories are compared with each
other. Differences between categories often indicate
anomalies caused by erroneous data.
Due to the large number of attributes and cate-
gories, heat maps are often used in this step to visual-
ize the results. Examples are given in Section 5. The
information obtained in this way is used to check, cor-
rect and extend existing meta data.
The data profiling process can thus be executed
using a drill down approach. This means that the
results are first analysed for main categories, then
for categories, subcategories and finally for product
items as illustrated in Figure 1. This allows the data
profiling to be performed efficiently even with large
amounts of data containing many attributes.
In addition to the hierarchical approach the refer-
ence process also proposes the order in which data
segments should be considered. Figure 2 shows the
order of data segments.
The basic data should be considered in the first
step. Usually, they are independent of the locations,
e.g. stores and warehouses. In addition, the assign-
ment of the products to the stores and warehouses has
to be considered. This is necessary because the assort-
ments of the stores differ - not all products are sold in
all stores. Afterwards, the knowledge gained is used
to look at the logistic data of the products which de-
pend on locations. In many cases, the products are
transported to the stores via multi-level logistic net-
works. Therefore, the logistic data for the warehouses
should be considered before the logistic data for the
stores. Finally, the purchasing and sales data of prod-
ucts that are dependent on business partners are anal-
For each step we propose to develop specific
scripts to run through the reference process in a time
and cost efficient way.
4.2 High Level Architecture of the Tool
To evaluate the reference process, we have developed
a prototype of the tool as a package in the statisti-
cal programming language R. It offers functions and
scripts for product data profiling of the different data
segments and for the visualization of the results, espe-
cially for basic and logistics data. Figure 3 describes
the high level architecture and the application of the
4.2.1 Data Import
Our tool contains scripts for importing the data and
meta data, building the base for data exploration. In
addition to the product data, we have also provided
the option of loading change documents that describe
changes of the product data depending on time and
transaction. When loading, the data types of the
ERP system are converted to the corresponding R data
types. In order to automate this process, the data
dictionary of the ERP system is accessed. The type
mapping and the encoding of missing values are pro-
vided in an XML document. Basic data cleaning steps
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 1: Description of the hierarchical top down data profiling process with example categories for a fashion retail data
Figure 2: Order of data segments as considered in the data
profiling reference process.
Figure 3: High-level architecture model of our data profil-
ing package based on R. Systems are shaded in grey.
are also performed. For instance, non-informative at-
tributes (completely missing attributes and constant
attributes) are identified and removed. The different
encodings of missing values (e.g. 00.00.0000, 0.000,
” ” etc.) are replaced by the value NA.
4.2.2 Reference Data
Reference data are required for certain profiling steps.
In particular the following reference data are required:
1. Merchandise Category Hierarchy.
To support the hierarchical data profiling ap-
proach the merchandise category hierarchy of
the company must be part of the reference
data. Additionally, the standard classification
systems UNSPSC (www.unspsc.org), eCl@ss
(www.eclass.eu) and GPC (www.gs1.org) used in
many companies should be provided.
2. Conversion Factors for Units of Measurement.
Usually, the dimensions and volumes of prod-
ucts are given in different units of measurement.
A conversion function allows the user to easily
convert the values into a defined target unit us-
ing conversion factors provided by the reference
data. Custom-specific types of packaging units
like pallets containing different amounts of pieces
are converted to the general basic unit pieces for
3. Dimensions and Weights of Standardized Packag-
ing Units.
Packaging units such as boxes and pallets that are
referenced in product data are often standardised.
If their dimensions and weights are known, de-
tailed analyses can be carried out when profiling
the product data. For instance, a comparison of
the gross and net weight of a product in a partic-
ular packaging unit can be done in detail. Often
this reveals erroneous data records.
4.2.3 Data Profiling Scripts
Our package provides functions for analysing single
attributes, multiple attributes, and data rules. They
form the basis for the scripts developed for each data
A Reference Model for Product Data Profiling in Retail ERP Systems
segment. Bar charts and box plots are used to visu-
alize the results of univariate analyses. For bivariate
analyses scatter diagrams, heat maps, calendar-heat
maps and bag plots are used. For each data segment a
script defines the key figures and diagrams to support
the profiling of product data. The package is written
in R and uses custom-made code as well as standard
libraries. It is tailored to be used with data in SAP for
Retail format but can be adapted to work with other
systems, too.
The scripts are created with the process knowledge
of product data management experts and the techni-
cal knowledge of IT experts and correspond to best
practices for the profiling of product data. In the fol-
lowing we describe some of the scripts and give some
examples regarding the basic data segment.
5.1 Maintenance Status
An important step in data profiling is the analysis of
the data segments that are created for each product
item. Different segments are required depending on
the product type and category. A heat map showing
the frequency of data segments by type (or category)
can help to understand the dependencies and to iden-
tify erroneous items. Typically there are some items
with missing data segments.
5.2 Creation and Change Dates
As mentioned before, retail ERP systems often con-
tain data about products that are obsolete and do not
belong to the current product assortment. The cre-
ation date and the date of the last change of a data
record provide important information about this. Our
script determines the number of new product data
records by day, week and month. Based on a multi-
variate analysis the merchandise categories are identi-
fied in which most products are created per day, week
and month. In addition the frequencies of attribute
values depending on the creation dates are analysed.
This provides information about product items and
categories that were created a long time ago and have
not undergone any changes. Together with technical
experts, it should be checked whether these products
can be excluded from further data profiling. In many
cases this leads to a considerable reduction in effort.
In our case study it was determined that only about
20% of the products belong to the current assortment.
5.3 Merchandise Categories
The distribution of product categories and their sub-
categories can easily be visualized using a tree map as
shown in Figure 4. It displays the grouping of prod-
ucts along their hierarchy levels. It is useful to get a
quick graphical overview about the distribution of the
product data by category. Additionally, it is helpful
in determining whether products are categorized cor-
Figure 4: Tree map illustrating the frequencies of items by
category and subcategory using textile product data. All
articles are first grouped by category and then subdivided
by subcategory. The category headwear for example has
the subcategories caps, bonnets and hats.
The purpose of this analysis is to determine the
main characteristics of the merchandise category hier-
archy, the number of main categories, categories, and
subcategories for example. As a rule, the individual
categories differ in the number of subcategories they
contain. The frequency of the subcategories per cate-
gory can be visualized by a box plot. Outliers can also
be detected and further investigated. Categories with
a high number of subcategories and products must be
further subdivided for data profiling.
5.4 Frequencies Product Items
The number of different product types and product
categories as well as the frequencies of the product
items per type and category are of importance. They
allow us to derive the number and size of the parti-
tions, which are needed to plan and execute the sub-
sequent profiling steps.
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
5.5 Dimensions, Volumes and Weights
The dimensions, volume and weight of products are
important for space planning in the shop and for the
transportation planning of the products. These data
are analysed taking into account the different mer-
chandise categories and product types. Outliers are
identified. By comparing the different merchandise
categories, further anomalies are found. It should be
noted that several packing units are often assigned to
one product as shown in Figure 5. Product items hav-
ing an infrequent combination of units are suspicious
and should be analysed in detail.
Figure 5: Frequencies of items by combinations of pack-
ing units. Red fields indicate that a packaging unit is used,
while blue fields stand for unused packaging units. The
right-hand bars depict the total amount of a combination
for all items. The bars above show the total amount of each
packaging unit for all items. The combinations in the upper
rows with very small frequencies are possibly errors.
In addition, we have implemented various data
rules (e.g. product dimensions are very small, very
large, etc.) to identify erroneous product data records.
Figure 6: Heatmap of the percentage distribution of items
by defect classes for each category. For category 12, about
20% of all items are correct, 60% display defect D09, while
the remaining 20% belong to the defect classes D03, D04,
D05 and D10, for example.
Figures 6 and 7 show examples of the results of
such analyses. Figure 7 is the result of a drill-down
by disaggregating the merchandise category.
Figure 7: Heatmap of the percentage distribution of items
by defect classes for each subcategory. The items of cate-
gory 12 as seen in the previous figure are split into subcate-
gories and analysed regarding the same defect classes. The
detailed analysis shows that the subcategories 1210, 1212,
1222 and 1223 contain the majority of all errors in category
12. All other subcategories are almost error-free. This illus-
trates the validity of our top down approach from suspect
category to finer scaled subcategories.
5.6 Missing Data
Another objective of data profiling is to gain infor-
mation about missing attribute values. An univari-
ate analysis first determines the suspicious attributes.
Multivariate analyses are then carried out in different
levels of detail for each product type, product cate-
gory or creation period.
Figure 8: Visualization of attributes with missing values by
categories. The colour determines how often values of an
attribute for a certain category are missing. Red indicates
always missing values, blue always filled values and violet a
combination of both missing and filled values. For category
13 all values of attribute NETGW (net weight) are missing
for example.
Figure 8, for example, shows missing values in a
three-level gradation for each merchandise category.
Suspicious categories are then analysed in more de-
5.7 Reference Products and Locations
In many companies, reference product and location
data records are used to simplify the creation of prod-
uct data. In SAP Retail, for example, a reference
A Reference Model for Product Data Profiling in Retail ERP Systems
product item can be defined for each merchandise cat-
egory. The reference data contain default values that
can be adopted by the user. Using various multivariate
analyses, we propose to determine the frequency of
deviations from the default values. The reference lo-
cations must be taken into account for the logistic data
segment. Frequent deviations are suspicious, they can
indicate incorrect default values for example.
5.8 Change Documents
In some cases certain attribute values of product items
cannot be explained by a multivariate analysis of the
current product data record. To support a root cause
analysis, we have integrated some functions into our
tool that enable an analysis of change documents.
A change document describes when, how and with
which transaction of an ERP system an attribute value
was changed. This should enable a complete analysis
of the product data over their life cycle. Currently,
among other key figures, the frequency of changes by
attribute and product category and the frequency of
value changes with respect to a specific attribute are
determined. Product categories with many changes
must then be subjected to further profiling steps.
In the digitalized environment of retail data quality
is absolutely essential. To ensure a high data quality
data profiling has to be performed. In this paper we
have presented a reference model and best practices to
profile product data in a retail ERP context efficiently
and comprehensively. The objective of our approach
is to reduce the effort needed to obtain information
about the content, structure and quality of product
data by taking into account their specific properties
and domain knowledge. A first evaluation of the ap-
proach was promising, but additional research is nec-
Moreover, in our opinion the importance of data
profiling and exploration is increasing. For instance,
many companies are analysing the potential of ma-
chine learning to improve their processes. As is well
known, machine learning requires training and test
data of high quality. If product data are used, our
approach can deliver useful information to support a
subsequent clean up and labelling of the data for ma-
chine learning purposes. Due to the enormous amount
of data the cleaning of the product data cannot be
done manually, though. Semi-automated cleaning us-
ing simple static data rules can only address a part
of the problem. Therefore our future research also fo-
cuses on the development of intelligent algorithms for
product data cleaning itself.
The authors would like to thank the German Federal
Ministry of Education and Research for supporting
their work through the KMU-innovativ programme
under grant number 01—S18018.
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DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications