Less (Data) Is More: Why Small Data Holds the Key to the Future of
Artificial Intelligence
Ciro Greco
, Andrea Polonioli
and Jacopo Tagliabue
Tooso Labs,
San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Probabilistic Programming, Concept Learning, Machine Learning.
Abstract: The claims that big data holds the key to enterprise successes and that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is going to
replace humanity have become increasingly more popular over the past few years, both in academia and in
the industry. However, while these claims may indeed capture some truth, they have also been massively
oversold, or so we contend here. The goal of this paper is two-fold. First, we provide a qualified defence of
the value of less data within the context of AI. This is done by carefully reviewing two distinct problems for
big data driven AI, namely a) the limited track record of Deep Learning (DL) in key areas such as Natural
Language Processing (NLP), b) the regulatory and business significance of being able to learn from few data
points. Second, we briefly sketch what we refer to as a case of “A.I. with humans and for humans”, namely
an AI paradigm whereby the systems we build are privacy-oriented and focused on human-machine
collaboration, not competition. Combining our claims above, we conclude that when seen through the lens of
cognitively inspired A.I., the bright future of the discipline is about less data, not more, and more humans, not
Authors have been listed alphabetically
The unreasonable effectiveness of data is possibly
the greatest surprise coming out of the last twenty
years of Artificial Intelligence (AI): pretty simple
algorithms and tons of data seem to almost
invariably beat complex solutions with small-to-
none training set. In the seminal words of (Halevy,
Norvig, and Pereira, 2009): “now go out and gather
some data, and see what it can do”.
The perfect storm has been set in motion by the
convergence of the big data hype (Hagstroem et al
2017), the general availability of specialized
hardware and scalable infrastructure, and some
“computational tricks” (e.g. Hochreiter S.,
Schmidhuber S., 1997, Hinton et al, 2013): all
together, they unlocked the Deep Learning (DL)
Revolution and created a tremendous amount of
business value (Chui et al 2018).
The A.I. wave is so disruptive that quite some
commentators, practitioners (Radford et al 2019) and
entrepreneurs (Musk 2017) inevitably started to
wonder what is the place of humans in this new
world: is A.I. going to replace humanity (in the
world of Silicon Valley, Joy in 2001 was already
stating that “the future doesn’t need us”)? In this
position paper, we shall argue for two surprising
perspectives: 1) the future of A.I. is about less data,
not more; 2) human-machine collaboration is, at
least for the foreseeable future, the only way to
outpace humans and outsmart machines effectively.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2
contains a review of the current state of the A.I.
landscape, with particular attention to the origins of
the DL Revolution; the section casts some doubts on
the general applicability of DL to language
problems, drawing from theoretical considerations
from academia and industry use cases in the space of
Tooso. Section 3 details a real use-case from the
industry that is challenging for the DL paradigm,
and outlines a different framework to tackle the
problem; finally, Section 4 concludes with remarks
and roadmap for a new type of A.I., what we call
“A.I. with humans and for humans.”
Greco, C., Polonioli, A. and Tagliabue, J.
Less (Data) Is More: Why Small Data Holds the Key to the Future of Artificial Intelligence.
DOI: 10.5220/0007956203400347
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2019), pages 340-347
ISBN: 978-989-758-377-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The DL Revolution is conventionally linked to the
seminal paper on ImageNet by (Krizhevsky, I., et al.
2012); as the 2019 Turing Award Ceremony makes
clear, the theoretical impact of DL cannot be
overstated (ACM 2019).
On the practical side, the recognition of DL
potential has resulted into A.I. startups securing
increasingly larger amounts of funding: between
2013 and 2017, Venture Capital (VC) investments in
A.I. startups increased with a compound annual
growth rate (CAGR) of about 36% (Su 2018). While
A.I. and DL are by no means synonyms (DL being a
subset of Machine Learning, which is itself a subset
of A.I.), it’s undeniable that DL is what mostly
account for today’s A.I. renaissance.
Figure 1: “A.I.” and “Deep Learning” search trends, 2014-
2018. Data source: Google Trends
To properly understand DL - and, more generally,
the last twenty years of ML (Machine Learning) -
it’s crucial to grasp the relation between data and
performance at the heart of all types of statistical
Take a simple ML system for spam filtering. A
message such as ‘‘buy online cheap Viagra’’
immediately stands out as spam-like to humans; on
the other hand, ML systems generally solve
problems like this one, by reframing them as
statistical inference: how many times the text strings
“buy online”, “cheap” and “Viagra” are to be found
together in a spam vs legit message? The more
emails the algorithm has seen, the better it will be at
making guesses. What takes a human few examples
to learn, it takes ML systems millions: the bigger the
training dataset, the easier is for the system to find
patterns that are likely to occur when the system is
asked to do new predictions - and this is why spam
filters work so well: data is abundant and the task is
a well- defined classification task.
Now that we understand the general ML
paradigm of “intelligence as curve fitting” (Hartnett
2018), we can turn to the successes of DL, which
literally redefined the meaning of “unreasonable
effectiveness of data”.
Technical and Hardware Advances
The idea that the brain, neuron-based, architecture
could be a powerful inspiration for successful
computational tools is pretty old. Even without
considering the first days of neural systems
(Rosenblatt 1957; Minsky, Papert 1969), the
backpropagation algorithm at the heart DL is now
more than 30 years old (Rumelhart et al 1986). Why
are we experiencing the DL Revolution just now?
While neural networks and human brains are still
very different things (Marblestone et al 2016), it was
quickly realized that neural networks, as the brain,
need many neurons to be effective. There is a catch
though: the deeper the network, the more parameters
need to be tuned; the more parameters, the more data
points; the more data points, the more computational
At the cost of some simplification, we can
identify two trends that converged to boost neural
network performances in recent years: the big data
trend made available datasets of unprecedented size;
in turn, DL early successes pushed the market for
widespread availability of dedicated hardware and
software resources.
2.1.1 Big Data (Data Collection, Data
Storage, Data Processing)
The promises of statistically learning hidden patterns
better than traditional ML can be only realized thanks
to DL ability of leveraging massive amounts of data
to tune their parameters (Hestness et al 2017). In
recent years, data volumes have been constantly
growing: if three exabytes of data existed in the mid
Eighties, it was 300 by 2011; in 2016, the United
States alone had more than 2 zettabytes (2000
exabytes) of data (Henke et al 2016). Increasing data
availability put competitive pressure to get even more
data and be able to store, retrieve, analyze massive
datasets. The release of open source tools - such as
Hadoop (Ghemawat et al 2003, Shvachko et al.
2010) and Spark (Zaharia et al 2010) - and
widespread availability of cheap storage (especially
though cloud growth) democratized the access to the
world of big data for organizations of every kind and
Less (Data) Is More: Why Small Data Holds the Key to the Future of Artificial Intelligence
size (Hashem 2015).
2.1.2 Big Data (Data Collection, Data
Storage, Data Processing)
DL algorithms are notoriously data hungry (Marcus
2018), but a lot of what happens inside a DL
algorithm can be massively parallelized in
commodity hardware, such as GPUs. Getting started
with DL has indeed never been so easy: the
availability of cloud-based (IDG 2018), pay-as-you-
go GPUs (or even physical cards at a reasonable
price range), coupled with the open source release of
DL frameworks (e.g. Abadi et al 2015), resulted in
the possibility of replicating state-of-the- art models
from a common laptop (Tensorflow 2018).
Interestingly enough, all the big tech players have
been eager to release in the public domain the code
for DL frameworks, knowing well that their
competitive advantage is not so much in tooling, but
in the vast amount of proprietary user data they can
2.2 Is A.I. Truly Riding a One-trick
Deep learning has led to important results in speech
and image recognition and plays a key role in many
current AI applications. However, the idea that DL
represents the ultimate approach faces challenges
and criticisms as well. While a thorough
examination is out of the scope of the present article
(see for example Marcus 2018, Lake et al 2016), we
are content to list two reasons why we should remain
open to new ideas:
1) in spite of deep learning’s remarkable success
in some domains of application, its track record in a
key domain like natural language processing is far
less outstanding;
2) data are clearly a key asset for enterprises, but
big data are available to only a small subset of
companies; truth to be told, even within enterprises,
many use cases have severe constraints on data
quantity and quality. Further, due to regulatory
issues and compliance, even those who used to have
access to them might face increasing difficulties.
Without presumption of completeness, the next
subsections briefly elaborate on these points: taken
all together, a critical appraisal of DL strongly points
to the fact that “intelligence as curve fitting” cannot
be the only paradigm for the next generation of A.I.
2.2.1 Beginning of an Era… or End of One?
As incredible as the DL successes have been, there is
also a general consensus that improvements are
plautening fast (Chollet, 2017). Moreover, not all
fields and benchmarks have been “disrupted” in
similar ways, as it is easy to realize comparing the
error rate progression, year after year, of the best
deep learning model on visual task (ImageNet
competition) vs language task (Winograd challenge).
Figure 2: Error rate for the best performing deep learning
models of the year in two standard challenges: ImageNet
(vision-based challenge, 2011-2014) vs Winograd
(language-based challenge, 2014-2017).
While both trends have been showing decreasing
marginal gains since their inception, the error rate
for the visual-based challenge (Deng et al 2009)
reached human performances (~0.05) in four years;
in the same timeframe, the error rate for the
language-based challenge (Levesque 2011) did not
even come close (~0.05). The problem with
language is clearly more general than understanding
and inference: state-of-the-art models in machine
translation (Vaswani et al. 2017) achieve a sentence-
level score of 28.4 (out of 100.0) for English-
German (human performance is >75.0).
As nicely summarized by (Landgrebe and Smith
2019), deep neural nets typically outperform humans
in numerical pattern recognition or context with a
somewhat explicit knowledge that can be framed as
games (Silver et al 2016). However, these types of
situations are “highly restrictive, and none occurs
where we are dealing with natural language input.”
2.2.2 Life from the Trenches: Regulatory
Changes and Data Constraints
A huge topic of discussion has been the claim that
big data carry some possible harms for individuals
whose data are being analyzed. Based on this claim,
compliance and regulatory issues have recently
become pressing concerns for enterprises dealing
with huge amounts of data, especially after GDPR
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
entered into force (Zarsky 2017). While the extent to
which changes in the regulatory landscape will alter
current big data practices for enterprises is still
unclear, it is safe to bet that they will indeed lead to a
shift, meaning that accumulating data will become
riskier and more challenging.
Moreover, even in enterprises where generally
data is abundant, there will be plenty of use cases
that won’t really fit the classic big data definition:
sometimes data may be abundant in theory, but too
dirty or simply lacking any meaningful label to be
actionable; other times, data quantity will be indeed
constrained by i) the use case at hand (e.g. doing
hyper-personalization (Costa 2014) with few user
data points) or ii) data distribution (e.g. given the
power-law in query distribution for ecommerce
search engines, more than 50% of queries involve
dealing with very low frequency linguistic data
(Brynjolfsson, et al 2011)). In general, even very
successful ML algorithms struggle in making
reliable inference with few data points (Lake et al
2015), while humans are exceptionally good at this
(Markman 1989; Xu and Tenenbaum, 2007).
One of the most celebrated aspects of DL - namely,
that neural nets learn “automatically” which parts of
the input are crucial for the outcome - turns out to be
one of its greatest shortcomings: learning new things
from scratch in a giant space of possible parameters
makes it impossible to learn from few data points. A
recent wave of cognitively inspired models
(Goodman and Tenenbaum 2016) is starting to
challenge the A.I. status quo, bringing a very different
set of assumptions to the table: in the words of (Xu
and Tenenbaum, 2007), “a structured hypothesis
space can be thought of as (...) perhaps the most
important component that supports successful
learning from few examples”. In this section we show
a real industry scenario (easy generalizable to many
other use cases) that we have been working on as part
of the Anonymous Company roadmap. The task has
three key ingredients:
1) it’s language related;
2) it’s in a privacy-aware context (i.e. the
system is deployed within an enterprise under
security, so no data sharing is possible, even
across similar use cases);
3) it’s a small-data context: the problem is an
NLP (Natural Language Processing)
challenge in an enterprise chat, generating a
dozen access per day.
These ingredients make the problem challenging for
a typical DL approach: drawing from ideas in
cognitive science (e.g. Goodman et al 2008) and
Bayesian inference (e.g. Meylan 2015), we sketch an
effective way to frame the problem and start seeing
the possibility for a more general solution.
3.1 Problem Statement
Consider the following stylized chat-like interface
between an A.I. system (“Bot”) and one user
Figure 3: Bot and user interaction.
Bot can send messages to User (as in (1)), and User
may reply by typing in the input filed (2); what is
typed in (2) can be sent to Bot and be part of the
shared conversation between the parties. In the use
case at hand, the interface is used by employees inside
Company A to ask internal questions about payroll
and Human Resources (HR) management - as for
example “when are taxes due this year” or “when will
I receive my w-2?”
As big as Company A is, this is not Big Data
territory, as the amount of data ingested through this
interface is fairly limited; moreover, as much as HR
lingo is standardized, every organization develops
throughout the years “dialects” that are company-
specific: this means that the usual “transfer learning”
approaches won’t be readily applied (Weiss et al
So, what happens when User chooses a
previously unseen word to express a concept (think
Form W-2 is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax form
used in the United States to report wages paid to employees
and the taxes withheld from them (Wikipedia, 2019a).
Less (Data) Is More: Why Small Data Holds the Key to the Future of Artificial Intelligence
of Bot being deployed to Company A without
previous training on A’s lingo)? Compare:
i) 1099 for contractors
ii) 1099 for suppliers
iii) 1099 for externals
where (i) ad (ii) are requests Bot can solve, while
(ii) is not since “external” is A’s specific synonym for
“contractor”. How Bot can learn the meaning of
“externals” efficiently?
3.1.1 Formalizing the Inference with
Humans in the Loop
Now that the use case is clear from an industry
perspective, let’s frame it to cover for the generic case
of efficiently learning new lexicon from few
Given a word w, a set of observations X = x
, x
, and a set of meaning candidates E = e
, e
w (where “meaning” is to be intended as a most
general concept, e.g. documents in a search engine,
entities in a database, actions in a planning strategy,
etc.), a learner (e.g. Bot, in our example) needs to pick
the most probable hypothesis h from the set H of
functions from w to subsets of E. Generically
speaking, for any h
, h
in H, Bot can evaluate its
posterior probability as:
|X) P(X|h
) * P(h
that is, the probability of mapping h
being the
meaning for w given data points X is proportional to
the prior probability of h
and how well h
the data. Getting back to Bot and User, an interaction
may be as follows:
U: 1099 for externals
B: sorry, I don’t know “externals”: can you
please help me by picking an example from the list
below? [“John Contractor”, “Company B”, “Mike
U: John Contractor
The confidence that “externals” refers to
“contractors” for Bot is therefore what can be
computed from:
P(“external=contractor”|John Contractor)
P(John Contractor|“external=contractor”) *
Please note that using pre-trained word vectors over big data
won’t help in this case (and in many similar challenges). For
example, Glove vectors provided pre- trained by industry
standard libraries, such as (Spacy, 2019), would predict that
the closest words to 'external' are ‘internal’, ‘externally’,
To sketch a full-fledged solution we then need to
specify three things:
1) the prior probability for
2) the likelihood;
3) how we select the set candidate entities
[“John Contractor”, “Company B”, “Mike
Lawyer”] to elicit help from the user.
We will discuss some options for points (1) and (2) in
what follows; modelling (3) requires making more
precise assumptions on the prior structure, which is
out of scope for the current argument.
3.1.2 Filling the Slots of the Bayesian
Given a set of entities E = e
, e
, any subset of E
is in theory a valid candidate - which means than
given k entities in our domain of interest, there are y
= 2
hypotheses, each one with prior probability:
P(h) 1 / y
Obviously, that is both inefficient and implausible.
As knowledge graphs are trending in the industry
(Sicular and Brant 2018) and they are independently
motivated as chatbot back bone, we shall consider an
ontology instead as a way to constrain our space of
hypotheses. In particular we shall assume the
existence of concepts already partitioning Bot
experience of its domain. As an example, consider
this small subset of a knowledge graph representing
entities and concepts related to the 1099 form:
Figure 4: A sample graph showing entities related to the
1099 form
When Bot needs to learn the meaning of “external”,
the candidates come from the much more constrained
Form 1099 is one of several IRS tax forms used in the
United States to prepare and file an information return to
report various types of income other than wages, salaries, and
tips (Wikipedia, 2019b).
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
structure of the graph. In particular, the prior
probability is now spread across three levels of
generality: “external” mapping onto the general term
“supplier”; “external” mapping onto specific terms,
like “company” and “contractor”; finally, no;
“external” mapping directly to individuals (in the
same sense that, say, “LBJ” and “LeBron James”
would map to the same entity). We assign our priors
with the intuition that more distinctive concepts are
more likely to be distinguished by different words
(using the number of siblings plus the node itself as
a proxy):
P(h) siblings(h) + 1
As far as likelihood goes, we can borrow and re-
adapt the size principle from (Xu and Tenenbaum,
2007), according to which “smaller hypotheses
assign greater likelihood than do larger hypotheses
to the same data, and they assign exponentially
greater likelihood as the number of consistent
examples increases”:
P(X|h) [1 / ext(h)]
where ext(h) is the extension of the hypothesis, i.e.
the number of objects falling into that category - the
number of entities connected to a concept in the
graph will be our proxy. Armed with our definitions,
we can now plug in the formulas into a probabilistic
program and simulate Bot’s learning.
3.2 An End-to-end Example
As a worked out example of the probabilistic
approach we are advocating, these are simulations
with the following toy data as related to the challenge
of the Company A’s chat interface introduced above:
target word: “external”
hypothesis space:
external = supplier
external = company OR external = contractor
OR external = subscription
external = Company B OR external = John
Contractor OR ...
observed data: [“John Contractor”, “Mary
(e.g. when prompted, User1 selects John
Contractor”, User2 selects “Mary Lawyer”, etc.)
The image below depicts Bot’s probability
distribution over the meaning of “external”, after the
first Bot-User interaction (say, User1), and after the
Figure 5: Bot’s learning process after one and two user
selections: note how quickly the system converges to the
correct hypothesis.
We conclude the section with three important
observations from the experiment:
1) the proposed probabilistic framework is unique
and somewhat in between rule-based and ML
approaches: rule-based systems would not learn
anything from successive data points from the
same concept (as, for example, both “John
Contractor” and “Mary Lawyer” are “contractor”
and “supplier”); ML approaches instead are great
with data points, but they won’t be able to make
any useful inference after just two observations.
The proposed framework gets the best of both
worlds leveraging prior knowledge to constrain
the search space and data to refine its
2) humans are an essential part of Bot’s learning
process: when asked by Bot for help, humans
cooperation allows the fundamental transfer of
conceptual knowledge to the machine; instead of
waiting for thousands of interactions, getting
humans aligned and involved in the task at end
massively speeds up Bot’s learning curve. While
in use cases such as enterprise chats a great deal
of cooperation can be safely assumed, the
framework can be extended to handle cases when
user selection is noisy (or potentially malicious);
3) all the ingredients respect the hard constraints
exposed at the onset of Section 3: Bot learns
non- trivial linguistic knowledge; Bot is privacy-
aware and does not require any data from
Company A to be shared outside the
organization; Bot converge very quickly on a
reasonable interpretation of user input.
Less (Data) Is More: Why Small Data Holds the Key to the Future of Artificial Intelligence
It has become commonplace in industry as well as in
academia to argue that work is set to disappear
through the impact of mass automation and the rise of
increasingly more powerful AI (Ford 2015, Poitevin
2017). The picture we have sketched in this article
stands in contrast with such a view, though. More
precisely, rather than envisage a wholesale
replacement of human work, we foresee that a fruitful
collaboration between humans and machines can
characterize the future of AI.
As argued at length in Section 2, there are good
reasons to believe that a great part in the ML and DL
industry successes was played by sheer data volume;
however, regulatory changes, scientific evidence
from human psychology as well business
considerations strongly point towards an untapped
market for machines that can learn in small data,
privacy-aware contexts.
We need to be careful to distinguish between DL
and the overall A.I. landscape, which is much more
varied than many observers take it to be: as outlined
in Section 3 through a fairly general industry use case,
there are promising approaches to marry the inference
ability of machines with the prior knowledge of
Developing further tools for concept learning is a
giant opportunity to deploy scalable A.I. systems for
humans and with humans: if we look at A.I. through
the lens of the probabilistic framework we champion,
it’s easy to see, pace Joy 2001, that the future does
indeed need us.
The authors are immensely grateful for the help of the
editors and reviewers in improving and shaping the
final version of the article.
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Less (Data) Is More: Why Small Data Holds the Key to the Future of Artificial Intelligence