Multi-Party E-Commerce Protocol for B2C/B2B Applications
alin V. B
and Mirela B
Department of Computer Science, “Al.I.Cuza” University of Ias¸i, Ias¸i, Romania
Continental Automotive, Ias¸i, Romania
B2C/B2B, Multi-Party Electronic Commerce Protocols, Complex Transactions, Electronic Commerce
Security, Fair Exchange.
There are many multi-party fair exchange protocols with applications in e-commerce transactions for buying
digital products, buying physical products, digital signature of contracts, certified e-mail and non-repudiation.
However, none of the existing multi-party fair exchange protocols can be applied to provide fair exchange
in complex transactions where a customer buys digital products from different merchants while maintaining
atomicity. In this paper, we propose a multi-party fair exchange e-commerce protocol for complex transactions
in that the customer wants to buy several digital products from different merchants. Our protocol has appli-
cations to B2C/B2B scenarios. In addition to strong fairness, our protocol provides effectiveness, timeliness,
non-repudiation and confidentiality.
In electronic commerce transactions, a common prac-
tice is that a customer wishes to buy a pack of prod-
ucts/services composed of several products (digital
or physical)/services from different merchants. The
atomicity is an important security requirement for
such e-commerce transactions in that the customer
is interested in buying all products from the pack or
no product at all. We will refer to this type of e-
commerce transactions as aggregate/atomic transac-
tions. Also, there are cases in which the customer
wants to buy exactly one product from many mer-
chants, and for this, he specifies in his request more
possible products according to his preferences but
from this options only one will be committed. Such
e-commerce transactions are suitable when the cus-
tomer needs more flexibility in expressing his own
buying options. We will refer to this type of e-
commerce transactions as optional transactions. The
complex transactions are the combination in any form
of aggregate and optional transactions.
Fair exchange is an essential security requirement
in e-commerce protocols. There are a variety of e-
commerce protocols that consider only one customer
and one merchant, for buying digital or physical prod-
ucts. For example, (Alaraj and Munro, 2010) achieves
fair exchange of payment for digital product, and
(Djuric and Gasevic, 2015) achieves fair exchange of
payment for physical product.
Up to date, many multi-party fair exchange pro-
tocols are known with applications in e-commerce
transactions for buying digital goods (Liu, 2009),
buying physical goods (B
ırjoveanu and B
2018), digital signature of contracts (Draper-Gil et al.,
2013), certified e-mail (Zhou et al., 2005) and non-
repudiation (Yanping and Liaojun, 2009). But, none
of the multi-party fair exchange protocols proposed
can be applied to our problem: providing fair ex-
change in complex transactions where a customer
wants to buy digital products from different mer-
Some multi-party fair exchange protocols (Liu,
2009), (B
ırjoveanu and B
ırjoveanu, 2018), (Draper-
Gil et al., 2013) solve related problems with our prob-
lem, but in other scenarios. The solution from (Liu,
2009) can not be applied to our problem because it
considers only an aggregate transaction where a cus-
tomer wants to buy several digital products from dif-
ferent merchants. Moreover, (Liu, 2009) does not
provide strong fairness, but only weak fairness. Weak
fairness requires that all parties receive the expected
items, or all honest parties will have enough evidence
to prove that they behaved correctly in front of an ar-
biter. Another two important security requirements
are not assured in (Liu, 2009): timeliness and confi-
dentiality. The solution from (Draper-Gil et al., 2013)
is a multi-two party contract signing protocol, where
Bîrjoveanu, C. and Bîrjoveanu, M.
Multi-party E-Commerce Protocol for B2C/B2B Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0007956801640171
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2019), pages 164-171
ISBN: 978-989-758-378-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
a consumer and many providers want to sign a con-
tract pairwise, assuring weak fairness. Because this
solution applies to a contract signing scenario differ-
ent from our scenario, it can not be applied to our
problem. (B
ırjoveanu and B
ırjoveanu, 2018) pro-
poses an e-commerce protocol for complex transac-
tions in that the customer wants to buy different phys-
ical products from different merchants. This solution
can not be applied to our problem because it provides
fair exchange between digital receipts and digital pay-
ments for physical products in complex transactions,
while in our scenario the complex transactions in-
volves digital products. The major difference is that
in our scenario the digital products must be effectively
delivered to customers within the protocol, making
the transaction flow more difficult, and this scenario
can not be solved by solution from (B
ırjoveanu and
ırjoveanu, 2018).
Our Contribution. In this paper, we propose a multi-
party fair exchange e-commerce protocol for com-
plex transactions in that the customer wants to buy
different digital products from different merchants.
Our protocol has applications to B2C/B2B scenarios.
In addition to strong fairness, our protocol provides
effectiveness, timeliness, non-repudiation and confi-
The paper is structured as follows: section 2 gives
application examples of our protocol, section 3 de-
fines the security requirements, section 4 presents our
protocol, section 5 contains the security analysis of
the protocol, and the conclusions are in section 6.
Our protocol has use cases in Business to Consumer
(B2C) and Business to Business (B2B) applications.
For a B2C application, we consider a person Bob that
wants to change his job in the future into an IT re-
lated field, and to achieve this, he plans to study in his
free time. After studying the market requirements,
Bob decides to go in one of the following two di-
rections: first is programming and web development,
the second is databases. Bob builds his learning plan
by browsing through an online course catalog where
are chargeable downloadable digital courses from dif-
ferent providers, different domains, from which Bob
can choose. Bob starts to build his learning plan by
choosing courses in the order of his preferences. For
programming area, he wants to learn programming
techniques and a programming language. For pro-
gramming technique his first option is the course CP1
Algorithms from Stanford University or if this is not
available due to an course update or review process,
then his second option is CP2 Data structure and Al-
gorithms from San Diego University. For program-
ming language he prefers CP3 Introduction to Java
from San Diego University but if this is not possible,
then CP4 Java Programming from University of Lon-
don. For web development he wants to study CW1
Web development: basic concepts from University
of New Mexico or if this is not possible CW2 Web
application for everybody from University of Michi-
gan. For databases he wants only CD1 Introduction to
structured query language from university of Michi-
Bob will prepare his learning plan in form of a
complex transaction: ((CP1 or CP2) and (CP3 or
CP4) and (CW1 or CW2)) or CD1. The complex
transaction is an optional transaction in which first
preference is an aggregate transaction and the second
preference is an single product CD1. The aggregate
transaction is composed from three optional transac-
If instead of a single person, we have a company
who wants to offer technical or soft skills trainings to
their employees based on their possible development
plans, then we have a scenario for B2B application.
Next, we will present the following security
requirements: effectiveness, fairness, timeliness,
non-repudiation and confidentiality which will be
achieved in our Multi-Party E-Commerce Protocol
for Digital Products (MPPDP). Also, these require-
ments are stated and analyzed in (B
ırjoveanu and
ırjoveanu, 2018) for multi-party e-commerce proto-
cols for physical products.
Effectiveness requires that if every party involved
in MPPDP behaves honestly, does not want to prema-
turely terminate the protocol, and no communication
error occurs, then the customer receives his expected
digital products from merchants, and the merchants
receive their payments from customer, without any
intervention of Trusted Third Party (TTP). This is a
requirement for optimistic protocols, where TTP in-
tervenes only in case of unexpected situations, such
as a network communication errors or dishonest be-
havior of one party.
Fairness in MPPDP requires:
for any optional transaction from the complex
transaction, the customer obtains exactly one dig-
ital product for the product’s payment, and
for any aggregate transaction from the complex
transaction, the customer obtains the digital prod-
ucts for the payments of all products,
Multi-party E-Commerce Protocol for B2C/B2B Applications
and each merchant obtains the corresponding pay-
ment for the product, or none of them obtains nothing.
This requirement corresponds to strong fairness.
Timeliness requires that any party involved in MP-
PDP can be sure that the protocol execution will be
finished at a certain finite point of time, and that after
the protocol finish point the level of fairness achieved
cannot be degraded.
Non-repudiation requires that neither the cus-
tomer nor any of merchants can deny their involve-
ment in MPPDP.
Confidentiality in MPPDP requires that the con-
tent of messages sent between participating parties is
accessible only to authorized parties.
Our protocol uses as building block the multi-party e-
commerce protocol for physical products proposed in
ırjoveanu and B
ırjoveanu, 2018).
In MPPDP, we consider that one customer can
buy digital products in complex transactions from
many merchants. MPPDP has the following partic-
ipants: the customer (the payment Web segment), the
merchants, the payment gateway, the bank and the
certificate authority.
Table 1 presents the notations used in the de-
scription of MPPDP. We use hybrid encryption with
the same meaning as in (B
ırjoveanu and B
2018). Hybrid encryption {m}
of the message m
with the public key PubkA means {m}
, {K}
the message m is encrypted with an AES session
symmetric key K, which is in turn encrypted using
PubKA. If two parties use the session symmetric key
K in a hybrid encryption, then they will use K to hy-
brid encryption of all the messages that will be trans-
mitted between them for the remainder of session.
In MPPDP, we consider the same types of commu-
nication channels as in (B
ırjoveanu and B
2018): resilient communication channels between PG
and C, respectively between PG and each merchant;
the other communication channels are unreliable.
4.1 Preparation Phase
Before MPPDP execution, a preparation phase is
needed. For every digital product P that a merchant
M wants to sell, he posts on the online catalog a dig-
ital certificate of P, PCert, issued by the certificate
authority CA.
PCert = CI, sigCA(CI)
PCert is build by CA from certification informa-
tion CI and CAs signature on CI.
CI = ProductDesc, Pid, Price, {P}
, {K}
CI contains: the description ProductDesc of P,
an unique Ps identifier Pid, the price Price of P,
and {P}
, {K}
the hybrid encryption of P with
PubKPG using the symmetric key K. PCert is unique
for the digital product P and certifies that P has the
description ProductDesc, the identifier Pid, the price
Price and a hybrid encrypted version. Also, M re-
ceives the key K from CA on a private channel.
The customer is browsing through the online cat-
alog where the products from merchants are posted.
After the customer decides the digital products pack
he wants to buy and the options for each product from
the pack, he clicks a ”submit” button on the online
catalog and the download of the payment Web seg-
ment and the digital product certificates is started.
The payment Web segment has the same role as in
the protocol from (B
ırjoveanu and B
ırjoveanu, 2018).
Thus, we use the term customer and payment web seg-
ment interchangeable, the context indicating which
of them we refer to. The payment Web segment is
a software digitally signed by PG that runs on the
customer’s computer, and has the digital certificates
for the public keys of each merchant, PG and CA.
The payment Web segment checks each digital prod-
uct certificate using CAs public key. The payment
Web segment requires from customer the credit card
information and a challenge code that will be used to
authenticate and authorize the customer for using the
credit card. For each subtransaction involved in the
complex transaction, the payment Web segment gen-
erates a RSA session public/private key pair for cus-
tomer. We consider that each merchant has the digital
certificates for the public keys of PG and CA. Also,
PG has the digital certificates for the public keys of
each merchant and CA.
For an aggregate transaction, we define the aggre-
gation operator, denoted by , as follows: Pid
. . .
meaning that C wishes to buy exactly k prod-
ucts with product’s identifiers Pid
, . . . , Pid
. For an
optional transaction, we define the option operator,
denoted by , as follows: Pid
. . . Pid
that C wishes to buy a product that is exactly one of
the products with product’s identifiers Pid
, . . . , Pid
where the apparition order of the product’s identifiers
is the priority given by C.
From the choices of C describing the sequence of
products he wishes to buy, we build a tree over the
product identifiers selected by C using and opera-
tors. To represent the tree, we use the left-child, right-
sibling representation in that each internal node cor-
responds to one of the above operators or to an identi-
ICE-B 2019 - 16th International Conference on e-Business
Table 1: Notations used in the protocol description.
Notation Interpretation
C, PG, CA, M
Identity of Customer, Payment Gateway, Certificate Authority, Merchant i, where 1 i n
PubKA, {m}
RSA public key of the party A, hybrid encryption of the message m with PubKA
h(m) The digest of the message m obtained by applying of a hash function h (SHA-2)
SigA(m) RSA digital signature of A on h(m)
A B:m
A sends the message m to B
fier, while each leaf node corresponds to an identifier.
Each node of the tree is represented by a structure
with the following fields: info for storing the useful
information (identifier or one of the operators), left
for pointing to the leftmost child of node, and right
for pointing to the sibling of the node immediately
to the right. The access to tree is realized trough the
root. An example of tree derived from the complex
transaction from section 2, is shown in Figure 1.
corresponds to CP1, Pid
to CP2, Pid
CP3, Pid
to CP4, Pid
to CW1, Pid
to CW2 and
to CD1. The root node has operator as info
and its children are one node having operator as
info and one node with Pid
as info.
Our protocol has two phases: the payment phase
in that C sends to merchants the payments for
digital products, and the delivery phase in that each
merchant sends to C the corresponding decryption
key for digital product. Next, we will describe the
Payment and Delivery sub-protocols.
Figure 1: Tree describing the customer’s choices in left-
child, right-sibling representation.
4.2 Payment Sub-protocol
Payment sub-protocol uses the Subtransaction Pay-
ment SPayment sub-protocol. First, we will describe
SPayment sub-protocol in that the customer C agrees
with a certain merchant M to buy a certain digital
product, C sends to M the payment for product and
M sends to C the digital receipt for payment.
4.2.1 SPayment Sub-protocol
SPayment consists of four sub-protocols: the
setup sub-protocol, the pay sub-protocol and two
resolution sub-protocols. Next, we will describe
SPayments sub-protocols messages that are graphi-
cally represented in Figure 2.
Setup Sub-protocol. In the first message, the pay-
ment Web segment sends to M the customer’s session
public key PubKC generated in the preparation phase.
Message 1.1: C M:{PubKC}
Upon receiving the first message, M generates a fresh
random number Sid that will be used as an unique
identifier of the subtransaction. M sends to C, Sid and
his signature on Sid, both encrypted with PubKC. If
for any reason, M does not want to continue the setup
sub-protocol, then he will send instead to C a signed
response Resp with the value ABORT . On reception,
C decrypts it and authenticates M by checking Ms
Message 1.2: M C:{Sid, SigM(Sid)}
, or
M C:{Resp, Sid, SigM(Resp, Sid)}
, where
Resp = ABORT
Pay Sub-protocol. If C dos not receive an ABORT
response and he authenticates M, then the payment
Web segment sends to M in the message 1.3 a pay-
ment message PM and a purchase order message PO,
both encrypted with PubKM.
Message 1.3: C M:{PM, PO}
PM = {PI, SigC(PI)}
The payment Web segment builds PM by encrypt-
ing with PGs public key the payment information PI
and the customer’s signature on PI.
PI = CardN, CCode, Sid, Price, PubKC, NC, M
PI contains the data provided by user: card num-
ber CardN and a challenge code CCode issued by
bank to user via SMS which has a minimum length
of four characters. PI contains in addition Sid, Price,
PubKC, a fresh nonce NC generated by C, and the
merchant’s identity M.
PO = OI, SigC(OI)
The payment Web segment builds PO from the or-
der information OI provided by C and the signature of
C on OI. OI contains OrderDesc - the order descrip-
tion for product, Pid, Sid and Price. M decrypts it
and checks the signature of C on OI. If M agrees with
PO received from C, then he stores PO as an evidence
of Cs order and sends the message 1.4 to PG. Other-
wise, M sends to C an ABORT response.
Message 1.4: M PG:
{PM, SigM(Sid, PubKC, Price)}
In the message 1.4, M sends to PG the payment
message PM and his signature on Sid, PubKC and
Multi-party E-Commerce Protocol for B2C/B2B Applications
Price. PG decrypts it, checks Cs signature on PI and
checks if C is authorized to use the card by check-
ing if the combination of CardN and CCode is valid.
If these checks are successfully passed, then also C
proves as being the owner of the public key PubKC.
PG checks Ms signature, and if is successful, then it
has the confirmation that both C and M agreed on Sid,
PubKC and Price. Also, PG checks the freshness of
PubKC, Sid and NC to avoid any replay attack from
dishonest merchants. If some check fails, then PG
sends to M an ABORT response for aborting the sub-
transaction. If all checks are successful, PG sends PM
to the bank. The bank checks Cs account balance,
and if it is enough, then the bank makes the transfer in
Ms account providing a Y ES response (Resp = Y ES)
to PG that forwards it to M in the message 1.5. Other-
wise, if checking Cs account balance fails, then also
the transfer fails and the bank provides an ABORT re-
sponse (Resp = ABORT ) to PG that forwards it to M
in the message 1.5. As an evidence of the subtransac-
tion details, PG stores the messages 1.4 and 1.5 in its
if t1 = false then 1.2
if t2 = false then 1.6
else 1.7
else 1.9
Figure 2: SPayment message flow.
Message 1.5: PG M:
{Resp, Sid, SigPG(Resp, Sid, Price, NC)}
M decrypts the message 1.5, checks PGs signa-
ture, and sends to C the message 1.6.
Message 1.6: M C:
{Resp, Sid, SigPG(Resp, Sid, Price, NC)}
C decrypts message 1.6 and checks PGs sig-
nature. If checking is successful, then C has the
guarantee of the response’s authenticity and it cor-
responds to the current subtransaction. The pres-
ence in response of Sid, Price and NC proves the
response’s freshness. A response with Resp=Y ES
means that the payment subtransaction success-
fully finished and the content of message 1.6
(Resp, Sid, SigPG(Resp, Sid, Price, NC)) is a digital
receipt for the payment of product. A response with
Resp = ABORT means that the content of message
1.6 is a proof of the subtransaction’s abort.
Resolution 1 Sub-protocol. If C initiates SPayment,
but he does not receive any message from M or re-
ceives an invalid message 1.2 from M, then the current
subtransaction’s state is undefined. If we consider
only the current subtransaction, then SPayment does
not give any benefit to any party. However, this case
must be solved if we reason that the current subtrans-
action belongs to an aggregate transaction that con-
tains subtransactions in which the payment already
successfully finished, as we will see in Payment sub-
protocol. In this case, a timeout t1 is defined, in which
C waits the message 1.2 from M. If t1 expires and C
does not receive the message 1.2 from M or receives
an invalid message, then C initiates the Resolution 1
sub-protocol with PG.
Message 1.7: C PG:{PubKC)}
C sends to PG in the message 1.7 a response re-
quest for the current subtransaction. PG decrypts
it, checks that no response has been generated for
PubKC, generates a subtransaction identifier Sid and
sends to C in message 1.8 a signed ABORT response.
Also, PG stores the response in its databases.
Message 1.8: PG C:
{Resp, Sid, SigPG(Resp, Sid)}
, where
Resp = ABORT . C decrypts and authenticates it.
Resolution 2 Sub-protocol. If C sends the payment
in message 1.3, but he does not receive message 1.6,
or receives an invalid message from M, then an unfair
case appears: C sends the payment and it was pro-
cessed, but C did not receive any response. In this
case, a timeout t2 is defined, in which C waits mes-
sage 1.6 from M. If t2 expires and C does not re-
ceive message 1.6 from M or receives an invalid mes-
sage, then C initiates the Resolution 2 sub-protocol
with PG.
Message 1.9: CPG:{Sid, Price, NC, PubKC,
SigC(Sid, Price, NC, PubKC)}
PG decrypts it and checks if a response has been
generated for Sid, Price, NC and PubKC. If PG finds
in its database a response, and checking the signature
of C using PubKC is successful, then sends to C the
response in message 1.10. Otherwise, if PG does not
find a response, then sends to C an ABORT response
in message 1.10 and stores it.
Message 1.10: PG C:
{Resp, Sid, SigPG(Resp, Sid, Price, NC)}
4.2.2 Payment Sub-protocol Description
In Payment sub-protocol, a subtransaction s, de-
noted by SPayment(C, M, Pid), is an instance of
SPayment in which C buys the digital product with
Pid identifier from M. We define St(s) the state of the
ICE-B 2019 - 16th International Conference on e-Business
Table 2: Payment sub-protocol.
1. if (t left 6= NULL) child[0] = Payment(t left);
2. if ((t info = and St(s).Resp = Y ES, for all St(s) from child[0]) or
3. (t info = and St(s).Resp = ABORT , for all St(s) from child[0])) Ns(t) = child[0]; return Ns(t);
4. j = 1; k = t left right;
5. while (k 6= NULL)
6. child[j] = Payment(k);
7. if (t info = and St(s).Resp = Y ES, for all St(s) from child[j]) Ns(t) = child[j]; return Ns(t);
8. if (t info = and St(s).Resp = ABORT , for all St(s) from child[j])
9. for (c = 0; c j; c = c + 1) Ns(t) = Ns(t)child[c]; end for
10. AggregateAbort(Ns(t)); return Ns(t);
11. k = k right; j = j + 1; end while
12. if (t info = Pid
) Ns(t) = St(SPayment(C, M
, Pid
)); return Ns(t);
13. else if (t info = ) k = t left;
14. while (k right 6= NULL) k = k right; end while
15. Ns(t) = Ns(k); return Ns(t);
16. else for (c = 0; c j - 1; c = c + 1) Ns(t) = Ns(t)child[c]; end for
17. return Ns(t); end if end if
subtransaction s as being the content of one of the
messages 1.2, 1.6, 1.8 or 1.10 that C will receive in
For St(s) a state of the subtransaction s, we denote
by St(s).Resp the response (Resp) in St(s).
We define Ns(p) - the state of the node p as a se-
quence of subtransaction states St(s
). . . St(s
) cor-
responding to the product defined by p similarly as in
ırjoveanu and B
ırjoveanu, 2018).
The Payment sub-protocol, described in Table 2,
recursively calculates Ns(t) (t is the root of the tree
derived from the customer’s choices), traversing the
tree in a similar manner with depth-first search. For
any node p of the tree, we use a child array to store
the node states of all children of p.
Although some subtransactions from the aggre-
gate transaction successfully completed SPayment,
there may be cases in which an aborted subtrans-
action/sequence of subtransactions leads to abort-
ing the entire aggregate transaction. Therefore, an
unfair case occurs for C: the aggregate transac-
tion is not successful, but C has paid for certain
products. For example, for a node p that cor-
responds to operator, the Payment sub-protocol
computes Ns(p) = St(s
). . . St(s
). . . St(s
where St(s
).Resp = Y ES for any 1 i k and
).Resp = ABORT for any k + 1 j m. The
complex transaction corresponding to p is unsuccess-
ful because s
, . . . , s
are aborted, but C paid for
the products involved in s
, . . . , s
. So, fairness will
be obtained by applying AggregateAbort(Ns(p)) sub-
protocol from (B
ırjoveanu and B
ırjoveanu, 2018) in
that entire aggregate transaction will be aborted.
After Payment sub-protocol is completed, Ns(t
root) is the sequence of the subtransaction states for
which either all subtransactions successfully com-
pleted SPayment or all aborted.
4.3 Delivery Sub-protocol
If after Payment all subtransactions from Ns(t root)
successfully completed SPayment, then for each of
these subtransactions the Delivery sub-protocol is ex-
ecuted. In Delivery sub-protocol, the decryption key
of the digital product involved in the subtransaction is
sent from the corresponding merchant M to C. Below,
we describe the Delivery sub-protocol for an arbitrary
subtransaction s as shown in Figure 3.
if t3 = false then 2.2
else 2.3
Figure 3: Delivery message flow.
The payment web segment initiates in the mes-
sage 2.1 the Delivery sub-protocol by sending to M
the state of the subtransaction s that contains the dig-
ital receipt for the payment of product ordered in s.
Multi-party E-Commerce Protocol for B2C/B2B Applications
Message 2.1: C M: {St(s)}
, where
St(s) = (Resp, Sid, SigPG(Resp, Sid, Price, NC))
with Resp = Y ES. M decrypts it, checks PGs sig-
nature and checks if it has already stored this digital
receipt. If all checks are successful, then M sends to
C the decryption key K of the product ordered in s.
Message 2.2: M C: {Sid, K, SigM(Sid, K)}
Upon receiving, C decrypts it, recovers the key K,
checks Ms signature, and uses K to obtain the digital
product P by decrypting {P}
from PCert.
Resolution 3 Sub-protocol. If C sends in message
2.1 the digital receipt for the payment of product or-
dered in s, but he does not receive message 2.2, or
receives an invalid decryption key, then an unfair case
appears: C sends the payment for product and it was
processed, but C did not receive the corresponding de-
cryption key for product’s decryption. In this case, a
timeout t3 is defined, in which C waits message 2.2
from M. If t3 expires and C does not receive mes-
sage 2.2 from M or receives an invalid decryption key,
then C initiates the Resolution 3 sub-protocol with
PG. The message 2.3 is build from PO, the state of
s, and the product’s certificate PCert, all of them en-
crypted with PubKPG.
Message 2.3: CPG:{PO, St(s), PCert)}
with St(s) = (Resp, Sid, SigPG(Resp, Sid, Price, NC))
and Resp = Y ES. PG decrypts it and recovers PO,
St(s) and PCert. PG checks the signature of C from
PO, his signature from St(s), and if Sid and Price
from PO, respectively St(s) are the same. If these
checks are satisfied, then PG is ensured that the
digital receipt from St(s) corresponds to the product
ordered by C in PO. PG checks CAs signature
from PCert, and if the product identifier Pid from
PCert is identical with the one from PO. Then, PG
has the guarantee that the digital receipt from St(s)
corresponds to the product (ordered in PO) that has
the digital certificate PCert. PG decrypts {K}
(from PCert) with his private key and recovers the
key K that will send to C in the message 2.4.
Message 2.4: PG C:
{Sid, K, SigPG(Sid, K)}
C decrypts it, recovers K and uses it to obtain P.
In what follows, we will analyze the security require-
ments stated in section 3 for our MPPDP.
Effectiveness. If every party involved in MPPDP be-
haves according to the protocol’s steps, does not want
to prematurely terminate the protocol and there are no
network communication delays/errors, then MPPDP
assures that C receives the digital products from mer-
chants, and each merchant receives his payment from
C without TTP involvement.
Fairness. MPPDP consists of the Payment sub-
protocol followed by the Delivery sub-protocol. Fair
exchange of payments for digital products in com-
plex transactions in MPPDP is obtained from fair ex-
change of payments for digital receipts in complex
transactions in Payment and fair exchange of digital
receipts for decryption keys of digital products in De-
Payment uses SPayment. Fairness in SPayment is
obtained by a similarly analysis with the one from
ırjoveanu and B
ırjoveanu, 2018) for fairness of
STP protocol.
To obtain fairness in Payment, two requirements
must be ensured in addition to fairness in SPayment.
First, for any optional transaction from the complex
transaction, C obtains exactly one digital receipt for
the payment of only one product, and corresponding
merchant obtains the payment for product, or none of
them obtains nothing. This requirement is satisfied in
Payment from the way in which the node state cor-
responding to operator is computed (Table 2). Sec-
ondly, for any aggregate transaction from the complex
transaction, C obtains the digital receipts for the pay-
ments of all products, and each merchant obtains the
payment for product, or none of them obtains nothing.
In Payment, the node state for a node corresponding
to the operator is computed as follows: if all sub-
transactions from all node states of all children of the
node have successfully finished SPayment, then the
node state of is the sequence of node states of its
children. Otherwise, an unfair scenario can occur for
C if the entire aggregate transaction is not successful,
but C has paid for certain products and he received
the digital receipts for these. To obtain fairness in
this case, the AggregateAbort sub-protocol is applied
to abort any subtransaction that successfully finished
SPayment and that belongs to the unsuccessful aggre-
gate transaction. So, fair exchange of payments for
digital receipts in Payment is provided.
If after Payment all subtransactions from Ns(t
root) are aborted, then Delivery is not applied and
fairness in MPPDP is obtained from fairness of Pay-
ment: C does not obtain any digital receipt for pay-
ment and no merchant receives the payment. If after
Payment all subtransactions from Ns(t) successfully
completed SPayment, then for each of these subtrans-
actions the Delivery sub-protocol is executed. In De-
livery, the fairness for C is not insured only in one
case: in some subtransaction from Ns(t), C sends the
digital receipt for payment to M in message 2.1, but
he does not receive the corresponding decryption key
in message 2.2. In this case, C waits for the message
ICE-B 2019 - 16th International Conference on e-Business
2.2 until the timeout t3 expires and then C initiates the
Resolution 3 sub-protocol with PG to receive the cor-
responding decryption key. As we can see, the unfair
case is solved and fairness in Delivery is provided: C
receives the corresponding decryption keys for digital
products and each merchant receives the payment for
corresponding product. So, fairness in MPPDP and
atomicity of complex transactions are preserved.
Timeliness. In MPPDP, we have introduced three
timeouts: t1 and t2 in SPayment, and t3 in Delivery.
If for 1 i 3, a timeout ti expires, then C initiates
the Resolution i sub-protocol with PG. Moreover, if
in MPPDP, the AggregateAbort sub-protocol is exe-
cuted, then the communication channels used are re-
silient: between C and PG, respectively between each
merchant and PG. So, the execution of MPPDP will
be finished at a certain finite point of time.
If after MPPDP finish point, C has the digital
products, then each merchant obtains the correspond-
ing payment for his product. Also, if each merchant
involved obtains the payment for his product, then, af-
ter the protocol finish point, C gets the corresponding
digital products because he receives the correspond-
ing decryption keys of the digital products from De-
livery or Resolution 3. On the other side, if each mer-
chant did not get the payment, then C does not obtain
the digital products. Conversely, if C has not obtained
the digital products, then also no merchant gets the
payment. Thus, after MPPDP finish point, the level
of fairness achieved cannot be degraded.
Non-repudiation. C cannot deny its participation in
MPPDP because in any subtransaction from MPPDP,
PG stores in its database Cs signature on PI and thus,
C cannot deny its signature on PI. Also, no merchant
can deny its participation in MPPDP because in any
subtransaction from MPPDP, PG has the evidence of
the merchant’s signature (from message 1.4) on Sid,
PubKC and Price.
Confidentiality. In MPPDP, only the authorized re-
ceiver of any message can read the message’s con-
tent because every message transmitted is hybrid en-
crypted with the receiver’s public key. For example,
the confidentiality of CardN between C and PG is ob-
tained because C sends CardN hybrid encrypted with
PGs public key.
In this paper, we proposed an optimistic multi-
party fair exchange e-commerce protocol for complex
transactions applicable to B2C and B2B scenarios.
Table 3 emphasizes the security requirements ensured
for our protocol and compares these with the security
requirements obtained by the most related solutions
to our proposal. The highlights of our protocol are
strong fair exchange, atomicity, usage of PG as offline
TTP, timeliness, non-repudiation and confidentiality.
Table 3: Comparative analysis of multi-party fair exchange
e-commerce protocols.
ırjoveanu Draper-Gil
Scenario 1 2 3 4
Atomicity Y Y Y Y
Effectiveness Y Y Y Y
Fairness Strong Weak Strong Weak
Timeliness Y N Y Y
Non-repudiation Y Y Y Y
Confidentiality Y N Y Y
1 = Payment for digital products in complex transactions
2 = Payment for digital products in aggregate transactions
3 = Payment for physical products in complex transactions
4 = Contract signing
Future work will include extending the proposed
protocol by taken into consideration of active inter-
mediary agents between customer and merchants.
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Multi-party E-Commerce Protocol for B2C/B2B Applications