A Comparative Study for the Selection of Machine Learning Algorithms
based on Descriptive Parameters
Chettan Kumar, Martin K
appel, Nicolai Sch
utzenmeier, Philipp Eisenhuth and Stefan Jablonski
Institute for Computer Science, University of Bayreuth, Universit
atsstraße 30, Bayreuth, Germany
Machine Learning, Algorithm Recommendation, Data Analysis, Information System.
In this paper, we present a new cheat sheet based approach to select an adequate machine learning algorithm.
However, we extend existing cheat sheet approaches at two ends. We incorporate two different perspectives
towards the machine learning problem while simultaneously increasing the number of parameters decisively.
For each family of machine learning algorithms (e.g. regression, classification, clustering, and association
learning) we identify individual parameters that describe the machine learning problem accurately. We arrange
those parameters in a table and assess known machine learning algorithms in such a table. Our cheat sheet is
implemented as a web application based on the information of the presented tables.
The development of algorithms for machine learn-
ing tasks has made large progress over the last years.
Nowadays, there is a very large number of differ-
ent algorithms for data analysis problems. Conse-
quently, often the hardest part of solving a machine
learning problem is finding the right algorithm for the
job. Obviously, it would be ideal to have vast knowl-
edge about strengths and weaknesses of all these al-
gorithms. However, this is almost not possible due to
the incredible number of different algorithms. Also, it
is good to know from experience when to use which
algorithm. Alternatively, a general approach for find-
ing the best fitting algorithm is to run the most known
ones and select the three to four best performing ones
for further testing. Obviously, this is a very time
consuming and tedious work without a deeper under-
standing of the underlying causes.
To overcome the problem of selecting an adequate
machine learning algorithm, several cheat sheets are
provided on the internet. The idea is to ask a do-
main expert some questions about the machine learn-
ing task and then recommend one or more algorithms.
For ease of use these cheat sheets are kept very sim-
ple. That means they only focus on a small set of
parameters (mostly size of data and labelling) and ig-
nore important properties of algorithms like the risk
for overfitting or the handling of different types of
noise. With regard to the complexity of machine
learning problems we consider such cheat sheets as
not adequate to cope with a decent selection of a ma-
chine learning algorithms (see Section 3). In addi-
tion, there are many interesting research papers (Kot-
siantis, 2007; Xu and Tian, 2015), which compare
different machine learning algorithms and work out
strengths, weaknesses and parameter based recom-
mendations with respect to specific machine learning
tasks. Nevertheless, the information about these ma-
chine learning algorithms is spread over many papers
and this is very difficult to grasp.
In this paper, we present a new cheat sheet based
approach to select an adequate machine learning al-
gorithm. Therefore, we extend existing cheat sheet
approaches at two ends. First, we incorporate two
different perspectives towards the machine-learning
problem while simultaneously increasing the num-
ber of parameters decisively. While the first perspec-
tive provides an application-oriented view, the second
perspective focusses on a set of technical parameters
about the underlying data, algorithms, and their us-
age. The application-oriented view contributes ex-
perience of solving similar problems by describing
the problem with the relevant parameters and the ap-
plied algorithm. The increased number of parame-
ters describing either the application or the technical
perspective enables a more realistic and accurate se-
lection of a machine learning algorithms since both
problem and solutions are described in much more de-
tail. In the best case scenario, the application perspec-
tive and the technical perspective of the cheat sheet
search and propose algorithms, respectively, and the
Kumar, C., Käppel, M., Schützenmeier, N., Eisenhuth, P. and Jablonski, S.
A Comparative Study for the Selection of Machine Learning Algorithms based on Descriptive Parameters.
DOI: 10.5220/0008117404080415
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2019), pages 408-415
ISBN: 978-989-758-377-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
intersection of both proposals is not empty. The algo-
rithms lying in the intersection should then depict the
best or a set of best fitting algorithms for the problem
to solve. Otherwise, we get a list of algorithms that
does not need to be further tested. With respect to
knowledge, experience, and available time, it is also
possible to ignore one of the perspectives at the ex-
pense of accuracy.
Our second extension of conventional cheat sheets
is the overall structure of our cheat sheet. For each
family of machine learning algorithms (e.g. regres-
sion, classification, clustering, and association learn-
ing) we identify individual parameters that describe
the machine learning problem accurately. We arrange
those parameters in a table and assess known machine
learning algorithms in such a table. Since we expect
that further parameters, which might be very helpful
in assessing the adequacy of a specific algorithms, can
be added easily as the tables are extensible. Typically,
the labelling of these algorithms in that table is based
on an extensive literature review and on practical ex-
periences made in numerous data analysis projects. It
is worth to mention that it is also possible to simplify
the cheat sheet with respect to the experience of the
user or the available information about the data set by
leaving out some columns (parameters). In contrast to
the hierarchical structure of conventional cheat sheets
(see Section 3) not all parameters have to be evaluated
for a recommendation.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 gives an overview of related work. In Section
3 we analyse three different existing cheat sheets. Af-
terwards, in Section 4, we define relevant parameters
for the analysis of machine learning algorithms. In
Section 5 and Section 6, we present our cheat sheet
and give reasons for the judgment of the labelling of
the used parameters. Sections 7 and 8 conclude the
main results of the paper and give an overview of fur-
ther work.
Selecting an adequate algorithm for a machine learn-
ing problem is a difficult task due to the vast amount
of available algorithms. Hence, working out strengths
and weaknesses is an essential part of a large number
of research papers. In (Kotsiantis, 2007) several clas-
sification techniques are evaluated with regard to ac-
curacy, speed, tolerance to missing values, redundant
attributes, dealing with danger of overfitting or noise.
As a rating system the authors use a scale from one
to four points, describing best (four points) and worst
performance (one point). In (Arora et al., 2013) and
(Kumbhare and Chobe, 2014) some of the more com-
mon algorithms for association learning (like Apriori,
AIS, SETM and so on) are evaluated and an overview
of strengths and weaknesses are given. In (Ruiand
D. Wunsch, 2005) Xu gives a detailed survey about
clustering algorithms and their application. A theo-
retical background is given and the complexity and
the capability of tackling high dimensional data for
the algorithms is evaluated. In (Xu and Tian, 2015)
the survey is expanded by comparing their capability
for data size, the shape of model and their sensitiv-
ity to noise and outliers. Note that in many research
papers no distinction is made between noise and out-
liers. In (Duwe and Kim, 2017) supervised learning
algorithms are tested on different data sets and their
accuracy and speed is measured by AUC, Precision,
Recall and ACC.
This section gives an overview on some existing
graphical cheat sheets that should help the user choos-
ing an adequate algorithm for a given machine learn-
ing problem. We criticize the following deficiencies
in all these cheat sheets: First, the number of at-
tributes that contribute to the recommendation is not
very high. Second, the properties of the algorithms
under selection, like the handling of missing values
and noise or the risk of overfitting, are completely ig-
nored. Besides, the authors made no distinction be-
tween the data-oriented and application-oriented per-
spective and association learning is not covered at
all. They all suffers from the problem that if a spe-
cific question cannot be answered the user gets stuck
and cannot progress any further. This happens due to
the mostly hierarchical structure. Hence, the cheat-
sheets often cannot give a good recommendation. In
the following part, we discuss cheat sheets from Mi-
crosoft Azure, Scikit-learn, and SAS in depth to dis-
cuss the above-mentioned deficiencies in detail.The
cheat sheet from Microsoft-Azure
covers four main
categories of algorithms: regression, classification,
clustering, and anomaly detection. It has a hierarchi-
cal structure where the paths leading to the categories
are dependent on the goal of the application. A con-
crete algorithm within a category is then selected by
only one additional decision, which oftentimes is not
very meaningful either, because it only looks at prop-
erties like the accuracy and training time of the algo-
A Comparative Study for the Selection of Machine Learning Algorithms based on Descriptive Parameters
Table 1: Classification table ([1]=(Ke et al., 2017), [2]=(Chen and Guestrin, 2016), [3]=(Dorogush et al., 2017), [4]=(Freund
and Schapire, 1997), [5]=(Hastie et al., 2009), [6]=(Kotsiantis, 2007), [7]=(Bramer, 2013), [8]=(Aggarwal, 2014)).
Logistic Regression num Y N L
[8] [8] [8] [8]
Naive Bayes cat N Y Y Y
[7] [6] [6] [6] [6]
Artificial Neural Network num N N N N
[6] [6] [6] [6] [6]
k-Nearest-Neighbour cat N N S
[7] [6] [6] [6]
Support Vector Machine num Y N N
[6] [6] [6] [6]
Decision Tree cat, num Y Y S
[6] [6] [6] [6]
Random Forest cat, num L Y Y Y L
[5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5]
AdaBoost cat L N N N L
[4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4]
CatBoost cat L Y Y L
[3] [3] [3] [3] [3]
XGBoost num L Y Y L
[2] [2] [2] [2] [2]
LightGBM cat L Y Y L
[1] [1] [1] [1] [1]
rithms. Additionally, distinct aspects of the problems
are covered by the various decisions, so it is hard to
compare the algorithms among each other. The avail-
able data is almost never part of the decision. The
only considered aspect is the number of features. All
in all, this cheat sheet is not profound enough and
ambiguous. Scikit-learn also offers a graphical cheat
. It covers four main categories of algorithms:
regression, classification, clustering and dimensional-
ity reduction. Here, the resulting recommendation is
based upon a chain of binary decisions that mainly
considers the size and type of the dataset. The cheat
sheet has some dead ends with no alternatives and
only covers a small number of different algorithms.
The last cheat sheet under consideration is offered
by SAS
. Here, the algorithms are first grouped by
the learning paradigm (supervised and unsupervised).
Then they are further categorized by clustering and
dimension reduction for unsupervised learning and
classification together with regression for supervised
learning. Like with the former discussed two cheat-
sheets, the number of decisions leading to the final al-
gorithms is quite small and the quality of the branches
varies in regard of the possible choices and the quality
of the answers.
learning\ map
In this section, we describe different parameters that
are useful for the recommendation of appropriate
algorithms and we want to use in our cheat sheet.
On the one hand we have parameters which are
important for every algorithm, e.g. the dimension
of the data set. On the other hand we have certain
approach-based parameters which are only significant
for some algorithms, e.g. the shape of a model is only
relevant for clustering algorithms. In the following
we define and explain all the parameters that are used
throughout the paper.
Type of Data (TOD): This parameter indicates if the
algorithm handles numerical (num), categorical (cat)
or spatial data. Most algorithms do not work with
mixed types. Hence a preprocessing to convert the
data into the required type is necessary.
Dimension of Data Set (DOD): Indicates if the
chosen algorithm can work with a large (L) or a small
(S) number of features in the data set.
Outliers (O): An outlier is a record in the data
set which has at least one value that is very high or
very low compared to the values of all the other data
points. We associate an algorithm with Y if it works
well with a data set with more than 20% outliers.
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 2: Clustering table ([1] = (Xu and Tian, 2015), [2]=(Tiruveedhula et al., 2016), [3]=(Ruiand D. Wunsch, 2005).
Algorithm SOD DOD O TOD SOM Based
k-Means L S N num convex Partition
[1] [1],[3] [1] [2] [1] [1]
PAM S S Y cat, num convex Partition
[1] [1] [1] [2] [1] [1]
CLARA L S Y num convex Partition
[1] [1],[3] [1] [2] [1] [1]
CLARANS L S Y num convex Partition
[1] [1],[3] [1] [2] [1] [1]
BIRCH L S Y num convex Hierarchical
[1] [1],[3] [1] [2] [1] [1]
CURE L L Y num, cat arbitrary Hierarchical
[1] [1],[3] [1] [2] [1] [1]
ROCK L L Y cat arbitrary Hierarchical
[1] [1] [1] [2] [1] [1]
Chameleon L L Y num, cat arbitrary Hierarchical
[1] [1] [1] [2] [1] [1]
DBSCAN L S Y num arbitrary Density
[1] [1],[3] [1] [2] [1] [1]
OPTICS L S Y num arbitrary Density
[1] [1] [1] [2] [1] [1]
DENCLUE L L Y num arbitrary Density
[1] [1][3] [1] [2] [1] [1]
STING L S Y spatial arbitrary Grid
[1] [1] [1] [2] [1] [1]
Wave L S Y num arbitrary Grid
[1] [3] [1] [2] [2] [2] [1]
CLIQUE L [1] S [3] [1] Y [1] num [2] arbitrary [1] Grid [1]
SOM S L Y num, cat convex Model
[1] [1] [1] [2] [1] [1]
SLINK L S N num arbitrary Model
[2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [1]
Otherwise we denote it with N.
Feature Noise (FN): Indicates if the chosen al-
gorithm takes measures to work with features that
do not help explaining the target. In other words:
irrelevant or weak features.
Item Noise (IN): Indicates if the chosen algo-
rithm works well with anomalies, like wrong or
missing values, in certain data items.
Record Noise (RN): Indicates if the chosen al-
gorithm works well with records, which do not
follow the form or relation, which most of the records
Handling of Overfitting (HO): Indicates if the
chosen algorithm takes measures to avoid overfitting.
Size of Training Data (SOTD): Indicates if the
chosen algorithm needs a large (L) or a small (S)
training data set to generate a well-performing model.
As aforementioned this judgment also depends on the
use case.
Size of Data Set (SOD): Indicates if the chosen
algorithm works well with large (L) or small (S) data
sets. If a data set is described as large or small always
depends on the use case, e.g. 10000 image records
would be large whereas the same number of sensor
measurements would be small.
Multicollinearity (MC): Indicates if the chosen
algorithm works well with multicollinearity. Multi-
collinearity is a phenomenon in which two or more
predictor variables in a regression model are highly
correlated, meaning that one can be linearly predicted
from the others with a substantial degree of accuracy.
Based: Describes the basic concepts behind the
clustering. We distingiush between model-, density-,
grid- and hierarchical-based clustering algorithms.
Shape of Model (SOM): Describes the form of
the resulting clusters, e.g. convex or rectangle
A Comparative Study for the Selection of Machine Learning Algorithms based on Descriptive Parameters
In this section we present our main result, a table
based cheat sheet for machine learning algorithms.
Therefore, we payed attention on four different tech-
niques: Classification, Clustering, Regression and
Association Learning. The following chapters de-
scribe these four techniques and present the tables
with are essential for our developed cheat sheet. An
empty entry means that it is either hard or even im-
possible to fill the cell or we did not find a reliable
source to justify our decision.
5.1 Classification
Classification is an approach of supervised learning
technique for modeling and predicting categorical
variables(Bramer, 2013). The classification includes
two phases. The first phase is a learning process phase
in which the training data is analyzed, then the rules
and patterns are created. The second phase is the
real classification. The in phase 1 trained model is
used to predict the class for the new, not known data
points. Our cheat sheet approach for the Classifica-
tion is shown in table 1.
5.2 Clustering
Clustering is an unsupervised learning technique that
involves the grouping of data points that are in some
properties identical to one another (Bramer, 2013).
It is a common technique for statistical data analy-
sis that used in many different fields. Basically, clus-
tering algorithms are used to classify each point in
the data set into a specific group based on the proper-
ties or features. In data analysis, clustering is used to
gain some useful information when we do not have la-
beled data like supervised learning and we are aiming
at finding out, in which group data points fall when
we apply a clustering algorithm. Our cheat sheet ap-
proach for the Classification is shown in table 2.
5.3 Regression
Regression analysis is an important approach for
modeling and analyzing the relationship between a
dependent and one or more independent variables (of-
ten also called explanatory variable). The case of
one independent variable is called simple linear re-
gression, meanwhile for more than one independent
variable the approach is called multiple linear regres-
sion. In both cases the resulting model is called linear
model, because the dependent variable is expressed
as a linear combination of the regression coefficients.
It is used for forecasting, time series modeling and
finding the causal effect relationship between the vari-
ables. Our cheat sheet approach for the Regression is
shown in table 3.
5.4 Association Learning
The main usage of association rule learning is
for knowledge discovery in transactional databases.
There (mostly) categorical data of grouped items (so
called item sets) is analyzed and association rules are
derived. These rules consider the most associated
items from the dataset based on predefined threshold
values for a support and confidence parameter. The
support parameter for a specific item set reflects the
relative amount of item sets in which it occurs com-
pared to the whole dataset. However, the confidence
parameter describes the relative amount of item sets
in which the right-hand-side of a specific rule occurs
given that the left-hand-side of the rule is already ful-
filled (Agrawal et al., 1993). Association rules can be
helpful in many different application fields like basket
data analysis, cross-marketing, catalog design, web
usage mining, intrusion detection, continuous produc-
tion and bioinformatics. In basket data analysis for
example, a supermarket collects information about
the shopping behavior of its customers. By looking
at products which are purchased together frequently,
valuable information can be obtained. This can then
be used to increase the revenue for the market with
the support of a good marketing strategy based on
the discovered knowledge. The AIS (Agrawal et al.,
1993) and SETM (Houtsma and Swami, 1995) algo-
rithms were early developed algorithms for mining
such association rules from a given dataset. With
the introduction of the Apriori algorithm (together
with AprioriTid and the refined version AprioriHy-
brid, which uses the best parts from both the normal
Apriori and AprioriTid), the performance of finding
association rules was significantly improved by the
clever usage of properties for frequent item set gener-
ation (Agrawal and Srikant, 1994). Eclat (Zaki, 2000)
(short for “equivalence class transformation”) further
reduced the time needed for deriving the rules mainly
by the usage of a vertical database schema for cal-
culating support and confidence values and therefore
reducing the needed database scans. The FP-growth
algorithm avoids the costly candidate generation and
uses a special FP-tree (frequent pattern tree) instead
for deriving the association rules. This improves the
runtime even further, because only two database scans
are needed for the tree generation (Han et al., 2000).
Since the presented algorithms are always an im-
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 3: Regression table([1]= (Chen and Guestrin, 2016), [2]=(Tibshirani, 1996), [3]=(Montgomery et al., 2015),
[4]=(Breiman, 2001), [5]=(Hastie, 2017), [6]=(Breiman, 1996a), [7]=(Rodriguez and Yao, 2013), [8]=(Breiman, 1996b),
[9]=(Unger et al., 2009), [10]=(Elith et al., 2008), [11]=(Huang et al., 2006), [12]=(Stone, 1985), [13]=(Friedman, 1991),
[14]=(Drucker et al., 1997), [15]=(Griggs, 2013), [16]=(Marsh and Cormier, 2011), [17]=(Winship and Mare, 1984),
[18]=(Murphy, 2012), [19]=(Hinde, 1982), [20]=(Elster et al., 2015), [21]=(N. van Wieringen, 2015), [22]=(Wulu et al.,
2002), [23]=(Zou and Hastie, 2005), [24]=(Koenker and Bassett, 1978), [25]=(Koenker and Hallock, 2001), [26]=(Luo et al.,
Algorithm SOD DOD O HO MC
Linear Regression S S N N N
[7] [3] [7] [3],[18] N [3]
Quantile L S Y N
[24],[25] [24],[25] [24] [3]
Bayesian L S Y Y
[20] [18],[20] [18] [20],[18]
[2] [2] [2] [2]
Ridge L L Y Y Y
[18] [18],[21] [3],[18] [3],[18] [3],[21]
Elastic Net L L Y Y Y
[18],[23] [18],[23] [18] [23] [18],[23]
Ordinal L L Y Y
[17] [17] [17] [17]
Poisson L L Y
[19],[22] [19],[22] [19],[22]
[14] [14] [14] [14]
Spline L Y Y
[15] [16],[15] [16],[15]
[13] [15],[13] [13] [15],[13]
Additive L L Y
[12] [12] [12]
[4] [4] [4] [4]
Extreme Learning L Y N Y
[11] [11] [26] [11]
Ensemble L Y Y Y
[9],[8] [9],[8] [9],[8] [9]
Boosted L Y Y
[6],[10] [6],[10] [6],[10]
XGBoost L L Y Y
[1] [1] [1] [1]
provement of the previously presented algorithms, it
is hard to make a fair and useful comparison. The
application of association rule mining is strongly de-
termined by the concrete use case. Therefore, the data
already has to be in the right format to apply the asso-
ciation learning algorithms at all. The quality of the
results from all these algorithms is the same (for same
support and confident thresholds), which is why the
runtime (and maybe the memory usage) is the only
property for comparison. The most promising algo-
rithms considering the runtime needed for finding as-
sociation rules within a specific dataset are FP-growth
and Eclat, because they are the most refined algo-
rithms. All the other algorithms are now mainly use-
ful for educational purposes. There are still some al-
gorithms which were not considered here, since they
are not very well known and they provide no improve-
ment performance-wise.
Our implementation of the cheat sheet is based on the
tables of the previous section. The content of the ta-
bles is stored in a database together with additional in-
formation like the sources, comments and further rec-
ommendations. We implemented our cheat sheet as
a web application
, which has access to the database
for algorithm recommendation. The implementation
Demo will be available at: https://www.ai4.
A Comparative Study for the Selection of Machine Learning Algorithms based on Descriptive Parameters
is divided into four different parts. The main part of
the cheat sheet is the algorithm recommendation tool,
where an adequate algorithm is proposed based on the
problem description and some properties of the data
set. Here the information which is entered by the user
regarding the properties gets transformed into a corre-
sponding query to the underlying database. For later
maintenance and further extensions, we have imple-
mented a graphical user interface that makes it easier
to edit algorithms and their properties. The applica-
tion dialog enables every user to contribute his expe-
rience into the cheat sheet. All deposited information
can be viewed in the comparison section of the appli-
cation. Algorithms can be listed or sorted by different
criteria and can be compared to each other to inform
oneself or for getting a manual algorithm recommen-
Despite of the large number of evaluated algorithms
and parameters, some table entries still remain blank
and need to be evaluated in a future work. More-
over, some fields of machine learning, like deep learn-
ing or reinforcement learning were not evaluated yet.
The evaluation of different algorithms in this paper is
based on an exhaustive literature review, but an exper-
imental validation is still missing. Beyond the spe-
cific task of algorithm comparison, there are many
other open problems that will need to be tackled if
we want to make true progress in solving the grand
task of algorithm recommendation: The judgement
of the parameters depend on so many different fac-
tors (e.g. context, the strength of the parameter or the
preprocessing), that often an evaluation with ”yes”
or ”no” is not sufficient or misleading. Hence we
should try to work out conditions for the evaluation
and include them into our cheat sheet. Therefore, the
comment possibility in our web application should be
improved. A further promising research area for al-
gorithm recommendation is the analysis of success-
fully completed machine learning problems. Based
on a concise description of the problem and the solv-
ing strategy we want to transfer this knowledge to
similar machine learning problems. The cheat sheet
should be extended by increasing the number of anal-
ysed projects. For consistent evaluation of the data
set properties, an automatic detection of the important
parameters would also be useful.
In this paper we have extended existing cheat sheets
at two ends to a new table based cheat sheet. We
increased the number of parameters in comparison
to the existing cheat sheets decisively and added a
knowledge base to include human experience from
other similar machine learning problems. We eval-
uated the most common algorithms of classification,
clustering, regression and association learning by an
exhaustive literature review. Therefore, we choose
for each type of machine learning important proper-
ties to evaluate strengths and weaknesses for the al-
gorithms. A simple judgement with “yes” or “no” re-
spectively “large” or “small” simplifies the algorithm
recommendation because the user must only decide
between two different options. For the ease of use and
better expandability and maintenance, we built a web
application. This application provides a simple query
tool for algorithm recommendation and various input
fields for updating parameters, adding algorithms or
already solved machine learning problems.
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A Comparative Study for the Selection of Machine Learning Algorithms based on Descriptive Parameters