Rethinking Strategies of Hackathons to Increase Team’s Creativity:
Findings of a Qualitative Research
Nelson Tenório
1 a
, Gisele Caroline Urbano Lourenço
2 b
, Mariana Oliveira
2 c
Steffi Aline Stark Becker
2 d
, Fabrício Tomaz Bernardelli
2 e
, Hassan Atifi
3 f
and Nada Matta
3 g
Cesumar Institute of Science, Technology and Innovation (ICETI), UniCesumar, Maringá, Paraná, Brazil
Masters’Program in Knowledge Management, UniCesumar, Maringá, Paraná, Brazil
Department of Computer Science, University of Technology of Troyes, Troyes, France, {hassan.atifi, nada.matta}
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Knowledge Application, Solving Conflict, Individual Learning, Emotions.
Abstract: Hackathons are events that have become increasingly common around the world. This kind of event, described
as a programming marathon, is based on problem-solving that can go beyond the technological boundary.
This paper presents the findings of an international hackathon to aid its organizers to rethink their strategies
to improve the development of the team’s creativity to solve the challenge proposed. The paper summarizes
qualitative research based on interviews and observations which point out that the organizers should consider
strategies to improve knowledge application, resolving conflicts, individual learning, and experienced
emotions, during pre-hackathon as well as post-hackathon events. Our findings could leverage the innovation,
creativity, and knowledge sharing and creation within hackathons.
One of the means to stimulate innovation, creativity,
and to further knowledge creation and sharing is to
host a hackathon. Hackathons are events that became
common around the world. This kind of activity can
be described as a programming marathon which aims
to solve a challenge that can go beyond the
technological world (Vivanco-Galván, Castillo-
Malla, and Jiménez-Gaona, 2018). Flores et al.
(2018) point out that a hackathon is a competition
where participants work in teams for a short time, in
which they need to idealize, design, prototype, test
and launch their solutions to a given challenge. Those
events encourage both individual and organizational
learning through innovative ways (Briscoe and
Mulligan, 2014). Knowledge, then, is considered one
of the most valuable corporate assets. In this way, the
organization that manages its knowledge benefits
from a hackathon and other activities has a higher
possibility to create innovative products and services,
remaining sustainable in the market in which it
operates (Nonaka, Toyama and Konno, 2000).
Knowledge Management (KM) is indispensable for
stimulating innovation in the organizations. KM is a
collection of processes that govern the creation and
dissemination of knowledge to achieve
organizational team goals (Dalkir, 2011).
Therefore, this paper aims to help hackathon
organizers to rethink strategies to increase the team’s
creativity during the event considering four
categories such as knowledge application, solving
conflicts, individual learning, and experienced
emotions, once those can directly impact in the
solutions proposed during the event.
Therefore, creativity is a trigger to increase
knowledge application (e.g., lecture, mentoring,
Tenório, N., Lourenço, G., Oliveira, M., Becker, S., Bernardelli, F., Atifi, H. and Matta, N.
Rethinking Strategies of Hackathons to Increase Team’s Creativity: Findings of a Qualitative Research.
DOI: 10.5220/0008164300920101
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 92-101
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
workshops) which might improve problem-solving.
Our lessons learned with resolving conflicts, for
instance, help the organizers to gather information
about team member’s conflicts during the hackathon
once it aids the groups to find ways for supporting in
the next event. Individual learning means that it is an
experience each participant has throughout the
hackathon and can be gained through interaction with
other activities, teams, or in specific situations.
Finally, emotions experienced, basically tiredness,
lead us to rethink the duration of hackathons, as well
as to promote such events during the daylight. Thus,
although the participants experienced different
positive situations at the event, tiredness was
highlighted as a challenge faced.
To show our findings, we organized this article
into six sections. Following this introduction, the
second section presents the concepts and related
works regarding KM, emotions, conflicts, and
individual learning. Next, the section presents our
research method followed by the empirical settings,
data collection, and data analysis. The chapter after
that summarizes the results and discussions followed
by our conclusions and the references.
2.1 Knowledge Management
Organizations have to manage their knowledge to get
business sustainability in a competitive market. In
this sense, Knowledge Management (KM) can be
useful as a resource for (managing) organizational
knowledge. According to Dalkir (2011), KM is the
deliberate and systemic coordination of people,
technologies, processes, and organizational structure
to add corporate value through knowledge reuse and
innovation. So, the organizations which manage their
knowledge to create innovative products and services,
remain sustainable in the market which they act
(Nonaka et al., 2008). In this sense, KM arises
through the process of knowledge creation, in which
it requires a physical environment to create new
knowledge. Regarding this, it’s necessary to highlight
two types of knowledge: implicit and explicit. For
Davenport and Prusak (2012), implicit knowledge is
complex, developed, and internalized by people over
a while, compounded by lifelong learning. Explicit
knowledge is easily communicated, either through
product specifications, scientific formulas, or
computer programs (Nonaka et al., 2000).
So, Nonaka and Takeuchi (1991) emphasize that
knowledge creation could start with socialization and
passes through the four modes of knowledge
conversions. The first of the methods is socialization,
which is presented as the sharing and creation of
implicit knowledge through direct experiences. The
authors identify the second method as outsourcing
that aims to articulate tacit knowledge through
dialogue. The third one is the combination; which
suggests both implicit and explicit knowledge
application. Finally, the fourth method is the
internalization, which suggests the needs to acquire
and learn new tacit knowledge in practice.
In this way, once the individual has the knowledge
internalized, it is necessary to apply this experience
so that the organization obtains sustainable
competitive advantage and profit.
Therefore, organizations which use the
knowledge appropriately may achieve competitive
advantages, reaching a notorious place in a
competitive market.
2.2 Emotions
The emotions are a legacy left by evolution that gives
the person impulses for immediate action. The
sentiment is the personal evaluation result of the
meaning of an event in the creation of its well-being
(Lazarus, 1991). Thus, emotions refer to feelings and
reasoning, psychological and biological states, and
the range of propensities for action. So, there are
hundreds of emotions, including their combinations,
variations, mutations, and shadows (Goleman, 2005).
Emotion is a complex reaction triggered by a
stimulus or thought with personal sensations, an
answer involving different components which it is a
notable reaction, a physiological excitation, a
cognitive interpretation, and subjective experience.
Moreover, it is a mental state of readiness that arises
from cognitive evaluations of events or thoughts, and
that can be perceived by gestures, postures and facial
features (Bagozzi, Gopinath, and Nyer, 1999).
Therefore, emotion is a natural way of evaluating the
environment that surrounds us and reacts adaptively
(Fredrickson, 1998).
Emotions are characterized as negative or
positive. One of the theories explaining negative and
positive emotions is so-called the ‘theory of control
over behavior’ considering that the view of behavior
can show the nature of emotions. The theory suggests
how feelings can arise and function in human
behavior (Carver and Scheier, 1990). Positive
emotions allow an individual to know what is being
done toward a desirable goal. In this context, there is
compelling evidence that positive emotions are not
just the result of well-being, but can also drive
Rethinking Strategies of Hackathons to Increase Team’s Creativity: Findings of a Qualitative Research
success and prosperity (Hazelton, 2014). Inversely,
negative emotions are the way of realizing that no
behavior, progress, or action is being taken toward
goals (Carver and Scheier, 1990). Negative emotions
occur when we perceive a negative meaning in
personal situation changes or related ones (Ben-Ze’ev
2000). These emotions represent a general dimension
of subjective suffering and unpleasant engagement
that includes a variety of aversive mood states,
including: anger, contempt, repulsion, guilt, fear, and
nervousness (Watson, Clark, and Tellegen, 1988);
frustrated, angry, depressed, harassed, hostile,
worried and unmotivated (Kahneman, 2004);
anxious, sad and angry (Fredrickson, 2001).
However, positive emotions work as effective
antidotes to the persistent effects of negative
emotions, correcting or undo the subsequent effects
of the negative emotions (Fredrickson, 2001). In this
sense, some positive emotions can be highlighted:
Joy, interest, contentment, love (Fredrickson, 2001);
Satisfaction, joy, pleasure, pride, relief, affection,
love, hope (Bagozzi, Gopinath and Nyer, 1999).
2.3 Conflicts
Conflicts may occur in a wide range of settings
involving people in a work process. Those conflicts
are social and psychological phenomena in which
they have different sources, processes, and results.
So, various disciplines, such as sociology, economics,
philosophy, and management, try to explain the
conflicts in different ways (Wu, 2017).
Thomas (1974) points out that conflict is a process
that begins when one party realizes that the other had
frustrated or was about to disappoint some of their
concerns. In this way, conflict can be described as a
state, in which disharmonious phenomena trigger
hostile actions, under a state of confrontation or
emotion. However, conflicts are widespread in
today’s world due to the competition and the growing
expectations of all business stakeholders (Wang, Fink
and Cai, 2012), the conflict is used as an indicator of
a lack of reliability of some sources. Thus, adopting
appropriate conduct it’s for such situations (Pichon,
Jousselme, and Ben Abdallah, 2019).
According to Rao (2017), conflicts can occur for
a variety of reasons, e.g., personality clashes, ego
clashes, differences of opinion or culture,
perceptions, lack of communication, lack of
information, ambiguity in roles and responsibilities,
stress and lack of resources. Regarding this scenario,
conflicts arise when there is a gap between
expectations and realities, being possible, then two
types of conflicts: interpersonal - those that occur
within the individuals, and the conflict between
several groups - known as ‘group conflicts.’
However, if the conflicts are not well resolved,
they can have detrimental effects on the progress of
an organization, team, or project (Chen, Zhang, and
Zhang, 2014). It could also reduce the creative
process (Reiter-Palmon and Murugavel, 2018) once
this confrontational relationship makes it difficult to
reach a project, team or organization goal, resulting
in excessive expenses of time and costs (Hwang,
Zhao, and Ng, 2013). Therefore, more attention
should be given to finding out the critical factors of
projects conflicts and related mechanisms. Thus,
dealing with conflict means effectively resolving, a
possible disagreement could happen between one
another and others, in which it occurs because no two
equal persons perform and think the same task in the
same way (Rao, 2017).
Thus, conflicts can exist in an organization, team,
or project, and the expertise to deal with such disputes
is essential. The lack of conflict’s experience causes
the loss of time and resources of poorly resolved
conflicts; those could be strategically applied in an
organization, team, or project.
2.4 Individual Learning
The concept of individual learning as an object of
study is still uncommon in the literature since it is
relatively new and, as of that moment, not much is
known about its conceptualization and empirical
basis (Poell and der Krogt, 2010).
However, individual learning can be described as
a lifelong process in which it is possible to learn and
develop cognitive skills (Cornford, 2007). Also,
Sanchez (2003) emphasizes that the learning is the
personal experience throughout the life which occurs
individually, through the person’s interaction with
groups of people, or in situations lived in its work
environment (Sanchez, 2003). In this sense, all the
interactions of the individuals are incorporated into
the person’s lifelong learning. This learning later
becomes knowledge that will be shared with other
individuals (Melo and Araújo, 2007).
A unique learning project is one that has a specific
time, and that seeks to teach some relevant subjects to
the individual (Roberson and Merriam, 2005). One of
the reasons for using an individual learning project
refers to the fact that individuals need other ones to
learn. This context can come from friends, co-
workers, or anyone who contributes to the personal
learning process by providing models and
constructive feedback (Hara et al., 1996). Thus, a
unique learning project is in a constructivist
KMIS 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
approach, in that it can be adherent to diverse
contexts, e.g., personal or work, for the individual
(Voinea and Purcaru, 2015). Therefore, collaboration
for individual learning can be a way out once the help
of one’s specific knowledge can be learned in practice
(Zambrano et al., 2019).
Therefore, interactions with other people may
help in to acquire individual learning. So, this
learning can become a solid knowledge use when
Hackathons are events in which they use different
cultures and expertise regarding that each participant
applies their vision to solve a specific challenge
(Seravalli and Simeone, 2016). To solve a hackathon
challenge, the participants have an opportunity to
communicate with each other, providing insights into
the creation of the content (Serrano-Laguna et al.,
2015). Thus, hackathons provide means to share and
create knowledge by seeking solutions to everyday
problems posed as challenges by resorting to the
production of innovative software for the benefit of
According to Zukin and Papadantonakis (2017),
hackathons promote the opportunity for participants
to learn new skills, e.g., computer code creation,
application creation, and mockups, as well as
providing face-to-face networking. In this way,
hackathons stimulate the creativity of participants,
who have the opportunity to deal with technology
(Richterich, 2017). However, hackathons are
applicable in a variety of settings, as they seek
innovative solutions for a real challenge (Calco and
Veeck, 2015).
In this context, Briscoe and Mulligan (2014)
emphasize that hackathons have been stimulated in
different areas such as music, fashion, and fitness.
Thus, the authors further underline that the
hackathons are encouraging of experimentations and
creativity, being able, then, to aim different
challenges. Hackathons, therefore, aim to stimulate
innovation as individuals share ideas and seek
solutions to the problems presented (Lourenço et al.,
From the perspective of the KM, hackathon
becomes a tool for creating and sharing knowledge in
a group. It makes sense once this type of event
encourages its participants to work in teams, sharing
information for generating experience on the
challenges. The dynamism of creation can be seen
through Nonaka's theory (1994), which suggests that
knowledge can be created through socialization (tacit
to tacit), externalization (tacit to explicit),
internalization (explicit to implicit), and combination
(explicit to explicit). It is in the explication and union
of these two elements that the creation of knowledge
intervenes. So, some organizations formally
encourage and support practices once they consider
the event benefits the creation and sharing of
knowledge regarding innovation. They do that
sponsoring and supporting internal or external
hackathons around the world.
However, hackathons provide participants an
environment that helps to learn new skills as well as
interaction with other participants and networking.
Thus, hackathons stimulate the participants' creativity
to solve a real challenge.
To present the findings of an international hackathon
to aid its organizers to rethink their improvement
strategies of team’s development creativity to solve
the challenges of the hackathon; we used the
qualitative methodology suggested by Creswell and
Creswell (2017), and empirical evidence based on a
case study. The same approach was used through
interviews and observations during the event. The
hackathon took place between 19 and 21 of October
of 2018. The inspections were performed during the
first two days of the event, aiming to identify how
team members create and share knowledge among the
other members. On the third and last day, we
performed face to face interviews, conducted with the
participants, through a semi-structured interview
protocol. This strategy was adopted so that the
interviewees could consider all the elements involved
in the course of the event. The findings showed in this
article are based on this empirical material, which was
recorded, transcribed, analyzed, and, finally,
discussed based on theoretical reference.
4.1 Empirical Settings
Hackathons are public marathons that involve
participants for hours, days or weeks to discuss ideas
and develop software or hardware projects that can
create or disseminate productions and especially
digital innovations (Topi, 2014, Leckart, 2012).
Usually, such events are sponsored by entities (public
or private), which presents a challenge to the
participants, being related to the most diverse areas of
knowledge. They are divided into teams that must
propose solutions for the proposed trial. Hackathon
Rethinking Strategies of Hackathons to Increase Team’s Creativity: Findings of a Qualitative Research
event is the scenario behind NASA Space Apps, a
NASA-sponsored hackathon. The event was held
between October 19, 2018, until October 21 of the
same year and involved professionals and students
from different fields of knowledge. The Space Apps
event took place simultaneously in 75 countries, with
more than eighteen thousand participants (Space
Apps Challenge, 2018). The event was taking place
by a University in the city of Maringá, Brazil. During
the three days of the event, several activities took
place. On Saturday morning (the first day of the
challenge) mini-courses, workshops and mentoring
were held. The participants randomly segregated into
teams, had twenty-four hours to develop projects on
one of six themes set by NASA: freestyle, better
earth, natural impact, big rocks, the kryos, and space
mindfulness. At the end of these twenty-four hours,
the teams were previously submitted to an examining
board, composed by the mentors of the event, who
evaluated the solutions presented in each project and
selected the ten best ones, which were presented to
the other teams and the appraisers invited to the event
in the afternoon. After the introductions, the
appraisers chose the best works. In this way, the
research was carried out in five phases, as shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Research steps.
The first step consisted in searching for publications
related to the subject of this research, carried out in
the databases: Science Direct, Emerald Insight, ACM
Digital Library, and Capes Research Website. The
following keywords were used in Portuguese and
English: knowledge management, individual
knowledge, conflicts, and hackathons. These
keywords were chosen because they seek to support
the theme proposed here. The second step, the
development of a semi-structured interview protocol
consisted of ten questions, which aims to understand
how the interaction between the participants
happened. In the third step, the interviews were
conducted face to face with the participants during the
days of the event. The duration of each interview had
an 8 minutes average. In the third step, the interviews
were analyzed based on content analysis. Finally, the
presentation and discussion of the research results
were discussed looking at the literature and relating it
to the findings.
4.2 Data Collection
Data was gathered through the interview’s
observation conducted with the hackathon's
participants through an interview protocol, as
suggested by Creswell and Creswell (2017). The
inspection and the interviews occurred only with the
participants in the city of Maringá, Brazil. All the
material was recorded with the interviewee’s
permission. During the first two days of the
hackathon, the observations were focused on
interaction among the team members. We did our
views for twenty-five hours from 21st to 22nd of
October 2018. On the last day (22nd of October), after
the pits, we conducted interviews with participants
from eight different teams. Such a method was used
in the data collection so that the interviewees could
report their experiences during the whole event. The
interviewees were selected by intentional sampling.
This type of sampling provides in-depth data on what
is being researched (Creswell, Creswell, 2017). The
interview protocol contained ten open questions
where the participants reported their experiences
before the event and skills gained during the current
hackathon, as well as their perceptions regarding the
interaction between all the participants (team level or
not). The interviews were carried out in a room at the
same place as the hackathon.
4.3 Data Analysis
Data analysis is the essence of qualitative research,
which consists the data interpretation and, identifying
means that was refined by researchers (Creswell and
Creswell 2017). Among the many methods used to
analyze interviews, we used the content analysis
(CA), suggested by Bardin (1977). This method aims
to obtain, through a set of indicator techniques that
allow the "inference of knowledge regarding the
conditions of production/reception" of the analyzed
content, i.e., analyses what was said by the
participants in the interviews (Bardin, 1977).
For the interviews to perform the data collection,
the ones were transcribed word by word. Afterward,
interview transcripts were analyzed to understand
Step 1: Bibliographic research
Step 2: Development of the
instrument of data collection
Step 3: Conducting the interviews
Step 4: Data analysis
Step 5: Presentation of Results
KMIS 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
how the knowledge was internalized among the
participants, highlighting important perceptions and
experiences regarding their participation.
The interviews came out with interesting findings,
showed in four categories as follows: knowledge
application, solving conflicts, individual learning,
and experienced emotions. Those categories mean
Knowledge Application: Participants bring their
experience to combine with a newly acquired
knowledge providing a sustainable and competitive
advantage for the problem solve in the hackathon. In
this context, the ‘Interviewee IV’ quoted his/her
previous experience, which aids him/her.
“Even being my first year at the university, I have
already applied some of my knowledge which I have
brought from my personal experiences [to the
hackathon].” (Interviewee IV, 21/10/2018).
In this way, we observed that the interviewee was
able to apply the knowledge acquired during his/her
first University year in an appropriated solution into
the hackathon. Considering this, the Interviewee
VIIreported to us that s[he] worked in the software
development area and applied his/her knowledge to
design their solution of the hackathon’s challenge.
“I already work in the area, and I was able to apply
my knowledge of design and to prototype a good
solution for my team. I hope to help with them
promptly.” (Interviewee VII, 21/10/2018).
Looking at those quotes carefully, we observe
that knowledge application occurs when the actual
use of knowledge has been captured or created and
put into the KM cycle (Dalkir, 2011). Hackathons
follow a KM cycle, i.e., Nonaka (1994) SECI model.
Once the team members perform socialization which
provides knowledge creation through their interaction
(tacit to tacit); externalization since they’re designing
and discussing the solution of the challenge (implicit
to explicit); internalization whereas team members
understand the answer (explicit to implicit); and,
finally, combination in which team members can use
previous experience with new acquire knowledge to
propose solutions to hackathon’s challenge (explicit
to explicit). So, in hackathons, the individual’s tacit
knowledge is the leading way to solve the problems
once the essence of problem-solving, innovative
suggestions, creativity, design, analysis, and project
management is based on more implicit, rather than
explicit knowledge. In this sense, the hackathon
organizers must rethink the ways to potentialize
knowledge application to stimulate creativity and,
consequently, knowledge creation, problem-solving,
and innovation. They must offer pre-events such as
workshops, coaching, training, mentoring, and so on.
The NASA hackathon suggests a pre-event, namely
boot camp. The boot camp intends to equalize’ team
members knowledge to figure out the challenge with
innovative solutions. We have observed different
kinds of hackathons in our region; however, the
hackathons which do not provide pre-events end up
less innovative products than those which does.
Therefore, we observed that pre-events have shown
essential to promote knowledge application.
Solving Conflicts: Through the interviews emerged
concerns regarding frequent disagreements within the
team during the hackathon. Those conflicts comprise
different proposals to solve the challenges presented
by the hackathon organizers. When the conflict
raised, the participants act differently to resolve such
dispute. The ‘Interviewee VIII’ reported to us his/her
strategy to solve conflicts during the hackathon.
“There were many different opinions to define the
project, so we decided to take place a ‘vote system’
to support our decision.” (Interviewee VIII,
Thus, voting was conduct used as a criterion for a
fair decision among the participants. This voting took
place in an open manner in which the project to be
voted on was presented to all, and from that, the
participants expressed their opinion by one vote. We
also observed some people stressful or discouraged at
the beginning of the hackathon once the team did not
accept their ideas and even criticized those hardly.
Those kinds of conflicts, referred to the divergence of
opinion, use to occur during the solution design, i.e.,
when the team is discussing the challenge and the
ways to figure it out. While the ‘Interviewee VIII’
reported us a voting system as a strategy to choose an
idea and mitigate the conflict, the ‘Interviewee IV’
was discouraged from presenting his/her ideas since
no one agreed with it and further wanted that their
ideas were accepted, as show the quote below.
“I had several ideas, but each one wanted different
things with different ideas, [...] that conflict
discouraged me.” (Interviewee IV, 21/10/2018).
More important than ideas are the way to solve the
conflicts and, further not discourage the team
members. However, even with the conflicts that
permeated the 'Interviewed IV' team reported that a
solution could be found through final consensus.
Thereby, ‘Interviewee II’ reported us the absence of
conflict inside his/her team, as shown quote below.
“There was no disagreement in our team, each one
of us arrived with three proposals, and we were
tapering them considering positive and negative
Rethinking Strategies of Hackathons to Increase Team’s Creativity: Findings of a Qualitative Research
points. We discussed each one of those proposals, and
we ranked those that would be most interesting until
we reached an agreement of the team members. So, I
cannot say that there was a conflict.” (Interviewee II,
Like this, ‘Interviewee IIdescribes no conflicts
into his team and an excellent strategy to figure the
conflicts out once the groups suffered from team
disagreements, mainly during the creative process.
This kind of disputes results in lowered creativity
(Reiter-Palmon and Murugavel, 2018).
Understanding more about the conflicts is relevant to
hackathon’s organizers once it could improve the
quality of the solutions. So, the organizers should
collect information regarding conflicts occurred
within team members during the challenge. It
concerns to learn more about discussions and
organize means to support teams to figure their
conflict out in the next event. One possibility to avoid
team conflict is offering lectures to the participants
regarding interpersonal relationship within the pre-
event. Those lectures could be conducted by inviting
psychology students to give those lectures presenting
techniques to solve the conflicts.
Individual Learning: This category refers to a lifelong
process that an individual learns and develop his
cognitive skills. We know that each hackathon
provides means to individuals to learn about the
challenge, solution, interpersonal relationship,
technology, and so on. The ‘Interviewee III’ reported
what his/her learning in the hackathon, as quoted
“In this hackathon, I learned how to work within a
team and also learned from my team different point
of views of the problem we were working on”
(Interviewee III, 21/10/2018).
Thus, we observed clearly that the participant
learned some new within the hackathon. Another
participant reported to us about his/her skill to interact
with other people has been evolved.
“I felt that my skill to interact with other people
evolved in this hackathon” (Interviewee IV,
Thus, we observed that the participant has been
able to improve his interactions with the hackathon,
reinforcing the idea that the learning can occur with
the interactions. And such communications promote
socialization among participants, which can facilitate
the creation of ideas and insights about the project
undertaken. Finally, the quote below shows the
‘Interviewee V’ talking about
“I have learned useful things in this hackathon to
be practiced out of here and in my life, such as
interpersonal relationship, technology skills, and the
spirit of competition” (Interviewee V, 21/10/2018).
Thus, it is possible to observe that all respondents
reported that a hackathon is an event in which it
facilitates learning practically and interactively. This
solid form refers to the fact that such projects are
elaborated and executed during the same period of the
event. And the interactive way can be related to the
socialization that the event provides among the
participants. Once hackathons are events of
challenges based on basic functionalities due to the
short time of the event, Roberson and Merriam (2005)
highlight that the individual learning project is one
that has a specific time, seeking to teach something
relevant from the project and interaction with the
team. Working on a project, the individuals might
learn in practice, internalizing their knowledge
(Dalkir, 2011, Takeuchi, 1994). Thus, hackathons
bring a constructivist approach in which aligned to
different personal or work contexts (Voinea and
Purcaru, 2015). Thus, the hackathon organizers
should stimulate individual learning in hackathons
offering online courses, mentoring, and materials
before the hackathon beginning to afford ideas and
creativity to the participants.
I experienced emotions. The ‘Interviewee VIII
revealed some perceptions regarding his/her feelings
during the hackathon.
“I’m feeling pleased here [in the hackathon];
however, I’m feeling tired because I’m in the event
since it started [twelve-hours]” (Interviewee VIII,
Thus, we observed that even though of the
participant happiness during the event, the participant
reported tiredness due to its long-time duration. The
‘Interviewee I’ highlighted his/her fatigue even
having fun in the hackathon and having an
environment in which provided such joy and
“The hackathon was a lot of fun and a motivating
environment, but after a while, it gets very tiring”
(Interviewee I, 21/10/2018).
In the same sense, another interviewee
“There were disagreements over tiredness, but
everything was decided in the vote” (Interviewee VII,
The participants experienced different emotions,
some of them positive (i.e., happiness and fun) in
contrast with tiredness. According to Fredrickson
(1998), the effects of positive emotions share the
capacity to enlarge people's momentary repertoires
and create their enduring personal resources, from
physical and intellectual resources to social and
KMIS 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
psychological resources. Positive emotions occur
when positive related changes are perceived,
significantly improving a situation (Ben-Ze’ev,
2000). The positive ones reflect how much a person
feels enthusiastic, active, and alert, being a state of
high energy, total concentration, and pleasurable
engagement (Watson, Clark, and Tellegen, 1988).
Also, the other participant highlighted the happiness
of attending the event.
However, looking inside the hackathons, if on the
one hand, we observed the motivation and
engagement by the participants; on the other hand, we
found tiredness and discouragement. Despite an
environment all prepared and conducive to creativity,
we noted some team members are giving up their
participating in the hackathon. Unfortunately, we
have not interviewed the members who gave up of the
event, but we interviewed some of their team
members in which reported us some motivations of
the withdrawal of its members namely tiredness,
discouraged, and afraid to be ashamed of the
proposed solution during the pits.
Based on this kind of behavior, we should rethink
hackathon’s design trying to avoid those negative
emotions (i.e., tiredness, discouraged, and afraid).
Firstly, hackathons’ organizers should reduce twenty-
four hours to twelve-hours proposing short challenges
in a format of mini-hackathons like mini-marathons.
Secondly, take place the hackathons during daylight,
e.g., three days of eight-hours-day. Finally, allow
some members, particularly those whose feel more
tiring, might participate virtually.
Therefore, our findings pointed out that
hackathon’s organizers should rethink the design of
the hackathons considering four categories. The first
category, knowledge application, shows that
hackathon takes place a KM cycle which converts
knowledge tacit to explicit and vice-versa, providing
knowledge sharing and creation. The second
category, solving conflicts, show a fragility of the
team members to handle with the clash of ideas and
how this is detrimental to the team's creativity and
coexistence during the event most of the times
discourage the team members from continuing the
challenges. The third category brought to us how
individual learning is essential to and should be
stimulated before the event to improve the solutions
to afford ideas and creativity to the participants.
Finally, the fourth category, namely experienced
emotions, show how relevant is the feelings of the
individuals during the event and how the tiredness
can be unfavorable to solve the challenges given in
the hackathon. Table 1 summarizes our findings.
Table 1: Findings summarized.
the creativity of the
Offering pre-events such
information regarding
conflicts occurred within
team members
Try to avoid conflicts offering
interpersonal relationship
Stimulate individual learning in
online courses
materials before the
hackathon beginning
Avoid negative emotions
Reduce twenty-four hours to twelve-
hours short challenges (mini-
Take place the hackathons during
daylight (e.g., three days of eight-
Allow members who feel tiring, to
participate virtually
This article aims to present the findings of an
international hackathon to help its organizers rethink
their strategies for improving creativity and
innovative ideas to solve the proposed challenge. To
this end, qualitative research was conducted, which
used observation and interviews with the participants
of the event. The results pointed out that organizers
should consider strategies for improving knowledge
application, conflict resolution, individual learning,
and emotions experienced during pre-hackathon and
post-hackathon. This is because, through these
Rethinking Strategies of Hackathons to Increase Team’s Creativity: Findings of a Qualitative Research
strategies, new opportunities are possible in such
events. In this way, these discoveries could leverage
innovation, creativity, and knowledge created within
hackathons. Thus, the main contribution of this article
is the presentation of strategies to make this world-
class hackathon more productive for participants and
organizers. As future work, we intend to test our
findings in a real marathon and analyze the results.
Our special thanks to Instituto Cesumar de Ciência,
Tecnologia e Inovação (ICETI) Maringá, Paraná
Brasil. We also thanks to Programa de Suporte a Pós-
Graduação de Instituições de Ensino Particulares
(PROSUP) da CAPES (Coordenação de
Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior).
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Rethinking Strategies of Hackathons to Increase Team’s Creativity: Findings of a Qualitative Research