Social Tracks: Recommender System for Multiple Individuals using
Social Influence
Lesly Alejandra Gonzalez Camacho
, Jo
ao Henrique Kersul Faria,
Solange Nice Alves-Souza
and Lucia Vilela Leite Filgueiras
Departamento de Engenharia de Computac¸
ao e Sistemas Digitais,
Escola Polit
ecnica da Universidade de S
ao Paulo, S
ao Paulo, Brasil
Recommender System, Group Recommender System, Social Network, Social Influence.
The number of data generated through interactions within a social network, or interactions within a platform
resources (eg. clicks, hits, purchases), grow exponentially over time. The popularization of social networks
and the increase of interactions allow data to be analyzed to predict the tastes and desires of consumers. The
use of recommendation systems to filter content based on the characteristics and tastes of a user is already
widespread and applied across platforms. However, the application of recommendation systems to multiple
individuals is a less explored field. For this project, data was gathered from social networks to recommend
music playlists to a group of individuals. Listening to music as a group is a common activity, be it with
friends, couples or in parties. Social network data are used to identify the social influence of the individuals
in the group. In addition, to identify the preferences, the characteristics of the songs most frequently heard
by the members of the group are assembled. Matrix factorization is used to predict group interests. Proposed
influence factor, based on similarity, leadership and expertise, is added to compute a final recommendation. A
social network was created to support the controlled experiment, the results show the prediction made by the
system vary of 1,455 of the ratings made by the group’ members.
Current applications increasingly use recommender
systems (RS) that suggest products and/or services of
interest to their users. Platforms, e-commerce and
social networks, such as Netflix, Spotify, Amazon,
and Facebook use RS to recommend content more
suited to the interests of individuals. The proposal of
an RS is to generate personalized recommendations
for each user using algorithms that evaluate the items
of their interest, based on identified preferences, as
well as data of other users with similar interests.
Recommendations based on a user’s
characteristics and preferences are already
widely disseminated and applied across platforms
(Contratres et al., 2018). However, activities such
as traveling, playing, watching movies, or listening
to music, can and are often performed by groups of
people. In these situations, an RS should go beyond
individual ratings and evaluate the preferences of
the group so that the result of the recommendation
is satisfactory to all. This approach is known as the
Group Recommendation System (GRS) (Ricci et al.,
2011) and is one of the aspects little explored in RS.
Thus, GRS identifies interests common to individuals
in the group to generate recommendations.
As examples of applications for GRS, or with
multiple individuals, one has to obtain a better
place for traveling in a group, TV that can adapt
its programming according to the people who are
watching it, songs to be played in a car with several
passengers, among others.
Connected phones and the popularization of social
networks increase the generation and daily data flow
(Quirino et al., 2015). Social networks data is rich
in information about how individuals relate, form
groups, share common tastes, and influence each
other. Several papers have been published in recent
years using social networking data to improve product
and service recommendations (Zhang et al., 2013;
Zhao et al., 2016; Lian et al., 2016; Prando et al.,
2017; Contratres et al., 2018; Gonzalez-Camacho and
Alves-Souza, 2018).
Camacho, L., Faria, J., Alves-Souza, S. and Filgueiras, L.
Social Tracks: Recommender System for Multiple Individuals using Social Influence.
DOI: 10.5220/0008166503630371
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 363-371
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
We here propose a RS that, based on the definition
of the members of the group, uses data from a social
network to identify social influence among these
individuals. An experiment, which includes a mobile
application that interfaces with the proposed RS, is
presented to validate the proposal. This application
is used to choose the group of friends and, in the
end, to present the result of the recommendation.
From the mobile application, the social network data
and the individual musical preferences of a musical
platform are recovered. Based on the calculated social
influence, a subset of the set of songs formed by
every-one’s preference is recommended to the group.
The social influence is calculated based on four
factors and has the greatest weight in identifying the
songs recommended to the group.
This work is divided as follows; Section
II provides details about the characteristics and
techniques employed in RS and GRS, besides
discussing the data of social networks and their
use in RS. Section III presents the RS proposed,
evidencing the calculation proposed to identify the
social influence on the group. In Section IV, the
RS architecture and details of the experiment are
presented. Section V; presents the results and Section
VI, the conclusion of the work.
In social relationships, it is natural for people to
recommend books, music, and movies to one another.
RS has come to assist and to extend this natural
process of content exchange (Resnick and Varian,
1997), is generally used when there are many items
to choose from and it is unfeasible for the user to be
aware of all the content available (Deng et al., 2014;
Lalwani et al., 2015; Al-Hassan et al., 2015)
There are different filtering approaches employed
in RS, among which the most popular is Collaborative
Filtering (CF) (Ricci et al., 2011). CF aims to
calculate the similarity of a user in relation to others,
to recommend the active user items that other users
with similar likes preferred in the past.
CF is divided into two main models:
Neighborhood Methods and Latent Factor Models.
Neighborhood methods focus on calculating the
relationship between items, or between users, based
on the ratings made to the items by the active user, or
by their more similar neighbors (Koren et al., 2009).
In contrast to neighborhood methods, which use the
classifications stored directly in the forecast, Latent
Factor models use these classifications to learn a
predictive model. The idea is to be able to model
user-item interactions with factors that represent
latent characteristics of users and items, such as the
user preference class and the item category class
(Desrosiers and Karypis, 2011).
Latent factor models operate by characterizing
items and users in computationally inferred factors
based on user ratings. These factors are comparable
to the item categories, such as the genre of a movie
(Koren et al., 2009).
Matrix Factorization (MF) is a latent factor model
approach (Koren et al., 2009). In this approach,
each item i that can be recommended is described
by a vector q
of latent factors estimated from the
characteristics of the item. For each user u, there is
another vector p
that represents the user’s interest in
the items. Equation 1: estimates a user’s prediction
for an item.
= q
In computing terms, the highest processing cost
occurs in the calculation of q
and p
and an
efficient method to do this is the Alternating Least
Squares (ALS) (Koren et al., 2009; Koren and Bell,
2011), which allows calculations to occur in parallel
since the parameters of the matrix are calculated
independently. In addition, ALS is the most efficient
in systems based on implicit data (Hu et al., 2008).
In music recommendations, one does not always have
explicit data of the user’s rating for a particular song,
but it is implicitly inferred through the number of
times he has heard it.
2.1 Aggregation Techniques
Aggregation techniques are used to combine
individual recommendations, generating a
recommendation that can satisfy a users group.
Some of the main aggregation techniques are
(Masthoff, 2011):
Average: Gets the average of the rating for a given
Multiplicative: multiplies the rating of each
individual, obtaining a value for the rating of the
Vote by approval: counts the number of times an
item has been evaluated above a certain threshold.
Minor dissatisfaction: consider the lowest rating
as the group’s assessment.
Greater satisfaction: considers the highest rating
for the group rating.
Average without dissatisfaction: performs the
average of the ratings, disregarding items with
ratings lower than a threshold value.
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Each aggregation strategy generates a group
assessment for a particular item or set of items. For
example, using the ”Average” technique, if an item is
rated by user A with grade 8, by B with 9, and by C
with 10, the rating of the group consisting of A, B,
and C is 9 among the three ratings).
2.2 Social Influence Features in the
Recommendation to Groups
Differently from individual recommendation, in a
group recommendation, other social interactions need
to be taken into account. For example, the perception
of the whole group could be affected in case the
recommendation is in any way embarrassing for one
of the group members, (Masthoff and Gatt, 2006).
Masthoff and Gatt (2006) explains that the
satisfaction of a group can depend on two causes:
(i) emotional contagion, in which the satisfaction
or dissatisfaction of some users can lead to the
satisfaction, or not, of others; (ii) compliance,
in which the opinion of others may influence a
user’s opinion, whether by normative or information
influence. Normative is when the individual, by
wanting to be part of a group, expresses an opinion
equal to that of the group, even if inwardly he/she
does not agree. Conversely, informational is when the
opinion of the individual, in fact, changes, because
he/she believes that the group is correct.
Wang and Lu (2014) discuss the concept of
influence in which a user may have greater power of
contagion and compliance in a group. Discovering the
user with the greatest influence in a group becomes
relevant, because satisfying this user, increases the
chances of satisfying the whole group. Zhu and
Huberman (2014) show how people’s choices are
affected by the recommendations of others.
Masthoff (2011) combines the aggregation
techniques with the mechanisms of social psychology,
ending in three possible strategies that can only be
implemented if RS has a feedback mechanism in
which user satisfaction can be measured in real time.
These strategies are:
Strongly support the grumpier: This strategy
recommends the item that the least satisfied
person likes most.
Weakly supportive: This strategy selects items
that are reasonably appreciated by the least
satisfied member (items rated 8/10 or above).
With weights: This strategy adds weights to the
users, depending on their satisfaction, and thus,
uses the weights at the moment of performing the
The RS is accessed by the using a mobile application
designed to simulate interaction with e-commerce.
This application (detailed below) accesses the user’s
social network data and the data about the musical
preferences of the members of the group on a musical
platform. The group of friends and credentials of the
user in the social network are informed in the login to
access the application. This information is sent to the
RS, which is composed of the following modules:
Social influence calculator: it calculates the
influence of each individual in relation to the
group based on the proposed influence model.
Individual recommendation calculator: it
calculates the recommendation for each member
of the group using data obtained from the musical
Aggregation techniques: it aggregates the
individual recommendations considering the
influence. This module uses the aggregation
techniques detailed in 2.1 with the result of
applying the proposed influence model to create
the recommendation for the group.
Music recommendation: A subset of songs
computed as a result of the recommendation.
In the proposed RS the individual
recommendations are identified using CF,
implementing MF, or more specifically, ALS.
The ALS is used to infer user preference for a set of
items, using the implicit ratings of other users.
Masthoff (2011) details two experiments
conducted to assess which aggregation technique
made the most sense for a group, between ”Minor
Dissatisfaction”, ”Average” and ”Average without
dissatisfaction”. The authors concluded that,
although it is simple, the technique of ”Media
without dissatisfaction” generates good results.
Thus, in this work, the technique ”Media without
dissatisfaction” is used to aggregate individual
3.1 Social Influence Modeling
Guo et al. (2016) details the influence of an individual
on other people, showing how this influence can be
a key factor for the recommendation. The authors
use five factors as the basis for calculating an user’s
influence on a group:
Expertise Factor: expresses a user’s knowledge of
a given topic. Generally, the opinion of experts is
more accepted than that of others.
Social Tracks: Recommender System for Multiple Individuals using Social Influence
Susceptibility Factor: considers how much a user
is susceptible to the opinions and emotions from
Personality Factor: defined by the individual’s
behavior pattern. Guo et al. (2016) determines
personality factor performing Thomas Kilmann
Instrument (TKI), which identifies the behavioral
trend of an individual to deal with the other
members of the group.
Intimacy Factor: Measures how much a group is
connected. The more the members of a group
are close, the more likely they are to accept the
opinions of the others.
Similarity Factor: evaluates the degree of
similarity among group members. Obtained
through activities and information in common.
In the approach proposed by Guo et al. (2016),
influence factors are difficult to automate. For
example, to define the Personality Factor the TKI test
is performed, which consists in making a series of
interviews with each member of the group. Albeit
interesting, in an actual application, the time to
take the test will certainly discourage an individual
from continuing into the environment to receive the
recommendation. That is why the factors proposed
by Guo et al. (2016) are impracticable for a RS by the
way these factors are calculated.
Differently from Guo et al. (2016), 3 factors
to define the social influence are proposed here to
determine the preference of groups of users. These
factors are calculated through data coming from
social networks only. These factors are the Expert
Factor, the Leader Factor, and the Similarity Factor.
They are normalized on a scale from 0 to 1 and they
are detailed as follows:
Expert Factor: evaluates a user’s knowledge of a
specific topic. For music, it measures how much
a user hears and knows artists.
i j
i6= j, j=1
n f
n f
+n f
Where E
i j
is the element of matrix E that
measures the users expertise, nu is the number of
users in the group, n f is the number of followers
in the user’s music application, na is the number
of artists the user follows, and nm is the number
of songs the user has in his/her library.
i j
Where Fexp
is the Expert Factor for user i, nu
is the number of users in the group.
Leader Factor: measures how much a user
represents the figure of a leader in a group. It is
measured by the repercussion of his/her posts in
relation to the other members of the group.
i j
i6= j, j=1
Where L
i j
is the element of matrix L for
evaluating the repercussion of a users’ posts, nu
is the number of users in the group, tl
is the total
number of Likes user i received, tm
is the total
number of mentions user i received. Analogous to
and tm
i j
Where Flead
is the Leader Factor for user i and
nu is the number of users in the group.
Similarity Factor: Measures how similar a user is
to the others in a group. This factor is calculated
by observing the activities in common among
users within the social network.
i j
i6= j, j=1
i, j
i, j
Where S
i j
is the element of matrix S that lists the
posts of interest and shared by each user. S
i j
calculated between each pair of users, nu is the
number of users in the group, l
is the number
of posts user j liked of user i, s
is the number
of posts that user j shared of user i. Analogous to
i, j
and s
i, j
i j
Where Fsim
is the Similarity Factor for user i
and nu is the number of users in the group and
i j
Influence Factor: The influence factor is the
average of the three previously defined factors and
which is used for aggregating of the individual
Fin f
= (Fexp
+ Flead
+ Fsim
)/3 (8)
Eq. 9 includes the Influence Factor to calculate
the individual recommendations.
in f luence
= r
i, j
(1 + Fin f
) (9)
Where r
in f luence
is the rating of a user i
considering his/her influence, r
i, j
is a user is
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
rating for a given item j and Fin f
is the influence
factor of i. Thus, the influence factor changes the
rating calculated by the ALS for each user.
Finally, the rating of an item by the group ( RG
g, j
(eq. 10) is the aggregation of individual ratings
considering his/her social influence.
g, j
in f luence
Where nu is the number of users in the group
and r
in f luence
is the rating of a user i considering
his/her influence.
Figure 1 shows the proposed RS, called Social Tracks,
architecture divided into three main parts:
Figure 1: The RS Architecture proposed.
1. Management API: makes the connection between
the mobile application and the recommendation
API. Here data are organized, formatted and sent
to the Recommender API. Later the results are
also organized and suitable to be shown in the
Mobile Application to the user.
2. Recommender API: processes users’ ratings for a
set of items as well as social network information
to generate a recommendation based on social
3. User Interface: allows the user to interact with
RS. Through this, implemented by a mobile
application, the user provides both data from
his/her music activity (Spotify) and from his/her
social network, creates and manages the groups,
receives the recommendations for a selected
group and can listen to and rate the list of
recommended songs.
4.1 Recommendation Data-flow
Figure 2 details the recommendation process and the
type of information generated in each step. The
flow of recommendation (Figure 1) begins with a
user connecting to the application, using his/her
credentials from the music platform and later the
social network credentials.
Next, the user defines a new group or chooses one
of the already existing ones, from which he/she will
listen to songs (activities that will be done in a group).
The application then retrieves data from the music
activities such as the name of singers, or the bands,
the name of songs, and the total number of times the
user listened to the songs. In addition, the application
also retrieves data from the social activity of the group
of friends, including the user’s own, such as mentions,
comments, likes, and information sharing.
The hypothesis is the friends in the group
already acquired items in e-commerce. Therefore,
the preference data of friends are known in the
e-commerce. Thus, in the controlled experiment, the
group preferences in the musical platform are also
Using MF, more precisely the ALS, the data
of the musical activities are used to generate
recommendations of music for each member in the
Figure 2: Social Tracks’ recommendation process.
Social data is used to calculate Leader and
Similarity Factors. The Expert Factor, as opposed to
the others, is calculated with the data of the musical
activity of each user. Since all these factors have been
computed, the influence of each individual in relation
to the group is calculated and also the individual
recommendation. Thus, the system aggregates
the individual recommendations considering the
influence, obtaining the recommendation of the set
Social Tracks: Recommender System for Multiple Individuals using Social Influence
of songs for the initially selected group. At the
end of the process, users receive, through the mobile
application, the set of recommended songs, which
can be heard and rated. The rating makes possible
to evaluate whether the result of the recommendation
was assertive or not for the group.
The individual recommendations calculated using
ALS is the most expensive step in the flow processing
(Figure 2) because the set of data is very large since
the database has thousands of users and thousands of
songs to determine the latent factors.
Although the calculation of the influence factors
algorithm (Figure 2) is computationally expensive, it
is done in a short time, since the groups are limited
to a maximum of 5 individuals. This limitation was
imposed by the computational resources employed
in the experiment to meet the system requirements
making recommendations in an acceptable time.
4.2 Controlled Environment
The controlled experiment use a social network
(SocialTracks Mastodon) created to ensure that
information exchange occurs in the social network as
well as music information in the music platform for
the group that will receive the recommendation.
Mastodon ( was used to
create a social network; it was chosen because it is
open source, easy to use and it has features similar to
Twitter, which is a widely used social network with
fewer restrictions on accessing its users’ data.
The instance of Mastodon was created to hold up
to 100 users. All the computational limitations were
dictated by the existing resources.
In the second stage of the research the experiment
will be repeated in an uncontrolled environment to
compare the results. The result of the second stage of
the research will be timely disclosed in a future paper.
4.3 Data for the RS Training
4.3.1 Music Service Platform Dataset’s public API was used to collect the dataset
that served as the basis for training the ALS
algorithm. API is an online aggregator of
musical data that allowed the crawling of 105,655
songs, rated by 41,242 users, with a total of 309,986
implicit ratings. In this API, all users’ data are
publicly available. This dataset was used to simulate a
music service platform with a considerable number of
users and enough music to generate recommendations
through the ALS algorithm. Table 1 details this
dataset. The User-Song data in this table is an
example of implicit rating because it provides no
direct rating of songs, but rather the number of times
a user has heard a particular song.
Table 1: dataset information details.
Data type Quantity Details
Song 105.655 Name, duration
and artist (name
of singer, band or
User 41.262 Name, country, age,
and playcount (total
number of times
the user listened to
User-Song 309.986 User, song and
playcount (number
of times the user
listened to a
particular song)
4.3.2 Individual Musical Preferences Dataset
Spotify was the music platform used to obtain
individual musical preferences of the experiment’
participants (Figures 1 and 2). It was chosen because,
besides being a widely known platform, it provides an
easy-to-use REST API, allowing an easy integration
with web/mobile application. Spotify API returns
JSON metadata about artists, albums, and music
tracks that the logged-in user listened to in Spotify.
The preferences of each participant are collected
when he/she logs into the application. Then, these
data are preprocessed and added to’s dataset
to carry out the training. This was necessary because
of the ALS algorithm, which only generates the
recommendation of new items if the user is part of
the training dataset. Part of the preprocessing step
was filtering individual musical preferences to contain
only the songs matching the set of songs available in
the dataset.
The algorithm then evaluates the users’
recommendations based on the latent factors. A
list of the 50 best-rated songs for each user is
The results presented here constitute a proof of
concept for the proposed RS. For this, 11 participants
allowed forming 10 groups with a varied number of
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 2: Computation of influence factors.
Group UserId F
in f
2 0.8184 0.2619 0.1666 0.4156
11 0.6260 0.3611 0.0416 0.3429
5 0.1909 0.4166 0.0833 0.2303
8 0.3644 0.2936 0.0416 0.2332
9 0.4945 0.4448 0.4771 0.4722
6 0.4016 0.2758 0.1953 0.2909
3 0.6037 0.2792 0.5225 0.4685
9 0.5660 0.5555 0.5 0.5405
6 0.4339 0.1111 0.5 0.3483
6 0.5046 0.4652 0.0750 0.3483
11 0.6319 0.1583 0 0.2634
9 0.5805 0.5069 0.1583 0.4152
4 0.5176 0 0 0.1725
8 0.2651 0.4527 0.0833 0.2670
2 0.7021 0.4166 0.3571 0.4919
4 0.3179 0.2444 0.4625 0.3416
3 0.4798 0.3388 0.3196 0.3794
9 0.7668 0.2500 0.25 0.4222
5 0.2273 0 0 0.0757
8 0.5058 0.5833 0.25 0.4463
2 0.6583 0.3737 0.5 0.5106
3 0.3416 0.2929 0.5 0.3781
6 0.6114 0.5256 0.1369 0.4246
10 0.0903 0 0.0625 0.0509
5 0.2196 0.2896 0.0333 0.1809
7 0.7853 0.3169 0.0750 0.3924
3 0.7098 0.5343 0.1410 0.4617
2 0.9887 0.4166 0.5 0.6351
10 0.0112 0.2500 0.5 0.2537
2 0.7381 0.4470 0.1450 0.4434
3 0.6078 0.4789 0.1290 0.4052
10 0.0562 0.3161 0.0357 0.1360
9 0.5493 0.5258 0.1254 0.4002
8 0.3573 0.2825 0.0177 0.2192
1 0.7486 0 0 0.2495
7 0.6807 0.3371 0.0274 0.3484
4 0.5178 0.1600 0.0542 0.2440
6 0.5006 0.4659 0.0997 0.3554
5 0.2060 0.2825 0.0187 0.1691
Table 2 exhibits the influence factors calculated
for each member from each group.
Table 2 shows each group and its members. User
data has been masked for privacy reasons, being the
users identified by an ID varying from 1 to 11 (field
To generate the recommendation for a group, the
following is computed:
individual recommendations made (Figure 2)
using user’s data retrieved from Spotify, and
user’s influence factor calculated using data
retrieved from a social network.
The similarity factor (F
) is influenced by the
user’s interaction in the social network; in other
words, the F
depends on how active a user is in the
social network. This factor can be different for two
users, even though they are very similar. For example,
consider two users i and j that give many likes to
posts made by each of them, mutually. However,
user i usually shares more posts from user j than the
opposite; then F
for user i will be greater than for
user j. Besides, F
for a user may be zero if he/she
only usually posts in the social networks, without
sharing, or giving likes, to the posts from the other
friends. In the same way, the leader factor (Flead)
might be zero for an individual that did not receive
likes or mentions from the others in the group.
The final tests with an appropriate number of users
(Krejcie and Morgan, 1970) will be performed and
presented in a future paper.
5.1 Group Recommendation Results
The Social Tracks Application (Figure 1) is also
employed to allow users to evaluate the result of
recommendations. For this, 20 tracks are returned
to each participant in the group that gives a grade
from 1 to 5 to each music. The root mean square
error (RMSE) (Gonzalez-Camacho and Alves-Souza,
2018) is used to measure the difference between rates
given by users and the system. The GRS generates
values in the range of [0, 2] (Eq. 10). Therefore, GRS
results were normalized to values in the interval of [1,
5] (Eq. 11).
(g, j) =
g, j
g, j
+ 1 (11)
Where R
(g, j) is the normalization of js
item rating for a given g group. RG
g, j
is defined in
Eq. 10.
Tables 3 and 4 introduce part of the
results for 2 groups. All the results
from the experiment are available in
Table 3 shows three tracks recommended to group
1, and Table 4 shows those to the group 5. Field RG
g, j
illustrates the prediction values given by the system
and R
is its respective normalized value. UserId
identifies each member in the group; R
is the track
rating made by a respective member and R
is the
average of the ratings for the track, calculated from
, for the group.
Social Tracks: Recommender System for Multiple Individuals using Social Influence
Table 3: Part of track rating results of group 1.
Group Track
g, j
UserId R
Sex on
1.62 4
8 5
5 1
2 5
11 5
1.66 4
8 4
5 5
2 4
11 4
the End
1.60 4
8 4
5 5
2 3
11 4
Table 4: Part of track rating results of group 5.
Group Track
g, j
UserId R
Sex on
1.35 3
2 5
4.333 4
4 4
1.42 4
2 4
3.663 3
4 4
1.43 4
2 2
3.333 3
4 5
RMSE is given by:
i, j
i, j
K =
1 (13)
In eq.12,
i, j
= R
(g, j), it is the rating that
the system made for a track j, which is recommended
for group i. R
i, j
is the average rating that a group
i made for a recommended track j. N is the total
number of groups participating and M
is the number
of recommendations made for the group i,
The RMSE value varies between 0 and 4
(Contratres et al., 2018), because as
i, j
i, j
we have 0 (
i, j
i, j
, then:
i, j
i, j
4 (14)
The RMSE value obtained for this experiment
RMSE = 1.4554 (15)
According the RMSE value, the variation between the
ratings given by GRS and members of the groups was
1.5 approximately.
Figure 3 exhibits two distribution of ratings
of the pieces of music, one given by the system
) and the other, given by the group of
users (R
). These results confirm that the music
recommendations made for the groups were well
appreciated, once the ratings made by the groups were
1.45 points above the prediction.
Figure 3: Distribution of prediction given by GRS and by
the groups.
The proposed RS makes the recommendation for
groups of individuals considering the influence factor
among them, which is calculated based on three
factors: expert, leader and similarity. In our proposal,
these factors are calculated using information from
a social network. Controlled experiment allowed
testing our proposal, guaranteeing that the members
of the groups had some activity in the social network.
For a proof of concept, the controlled experiment
was conducted with 10 users to demonstrate the
effectiveness of our proposal. As a result, the
assertiveness of the RS, computed based on RMSE
was 68.7%. As future work, we intend to integrate
the influence factor within the ALS algorithm
for calculating the latent factors. As lessons
learned, besides the difficulty in managing users
for taking part in the experiment, a user-test based
on user-experience should be conducted to help to
prepare the user instruction material to facilitate
her/his participation. The contributions of this
paper are: (i) the influence factor that consider the
capacity of leadership, expertise in a subject and the
preference similarity among individuals that will do a
common activity. These factors are calculated using
only information retrieved from social networks;
(ii) the use data from social network to improve
recommendation. As a future work the influence
factor, also with data extracted from social networks,
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
will be proposed to improve the recommendation for
a cold-start scenario.
The authors are grateful for the support given
by S
ao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).
Grant #2014/04851-8, and the support given by
u Unibanco S.A. trough the Ita
u Scholarship
Program, at the Centro de Ci
encia de Dados (C
Universidade de S
ao Paulo, Brazil.
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