Evaluating the RESTfulness of “APIs from the Rough
Arne Koschel
, Irina Astrova
, Maximilian Blankschyn
, Dominik Schöner
and Kevin Schulze
Faculty IV, Department of Computer Science, Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts,
Ricklinger Stadtweg 120, 30459 Hannover, Germany
Department of Software Science, School of IT, Tallinn University of Technology, Akadeemia tee 21, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia
Keywords: REST (Representational State Transfer), RESTful, API (Application Programming Interface), Richardson
Maturity Model.
Abstract: Nowadays, REST is the most dominant architectural style of choice at least for newly created web services.
So called RESTfulness is thus really a catchword for web application, which aim to expose parts of their
functionality as RESTful web services. But are those web services RESTful indeed? This paper examines
the RESTfulness of ten popular RESTful APIs (including Twitter and PayPal). For this examination, the
paper defines REST, its characteristics as well as its pros and cons. Furthermore, Richardson's Maturity
Model is shown and utilized to analyse those selected APIs regarding their RESTfulness. As an example, a
simple, RESTful web service is provided as well.
Following Roy T. Fielding, the father of the REST
architectural style, at least back in 2008, an
apparently frustrating number of APIs calling
themselves RESTful were not. Leonard Richardson
therefore introduced a maturity heuristic for REST
referred to as Richardson Maturity Model that
allows web service APIs to be grouped into different
levels of maturity.
This paper defines REST and its characteristics.
Furthermore, Richardson Maturity Model with its
four different levels is explained. This paper is an
extension of our previous work (Koschel, 2019),
where the maturity levels of ten freely accessible
RESTful APIs have been evaluated. This evaluation
is extended here by an in-depth analysis of one API,
which reaches all the levels of Richardson Maturity
Model, and another API, which does not. In
addition, the advantages, disadvantages and
challenges of creating a truly RESTful API are
explained. Subsequently, an exemplary REST
implementation based on Java Spring HATEOAS is
presented. Finally, an overall conclusion is drawn as
well as some outlook to future work.
A RESTful API is an API that uses HTTP requests
to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data. A RESTful
API also referred to as a RESTful web service is
based on the REST technology, an architectural style
and approach to communications often used in web
services development.
This section discusses the characteristics of
RESTful APIs as defined by Roy T. Fielding in
2000: client-server model, stateless operations,
caching, uniform interface, layered system and code
on demand (Fielding, 2000). He formulated these
characteristics as constraints that describe what
REST is at different maturity levels.
2.1 Client-server Model
The first constraint concerns the introduction of the
client-server model. Since it is the basis for almost
all network applications, this constraint can be
considered implicit. It states that a distinction is
made between a client and a server, whereby the
client makes requests to the server; the server in its
turn offers a certain service, receives the request
from the client and responds to the request. It
follows from this model that the client and the server
are largely independent and can therefore be
developed independently of each other.
Koschel, A., Astrova, I., Blankschyn, M., Schöner, D. and Schulze, K.
Evaluating the RESTfulness of “APIs from the Rough”.
DOI: 10.5220/0008166802810288
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2019), pages 281-288
ISBN: 978-989-758-386-5
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.2 Stateless Operations
This means that all communications must be
stateless, or the state must only be kept on the client
side and the server has no knowledge of it. Each
request must contain all information so that it can be
understood and processed by the server. It is
possible for each server to process each request. This
restriction increases scalability. It does not matter
which server answers which request.
A disadvantage of statelessness is that the
requests are larger due to the increased information
content compared to the state liability. This causes
more network traffic.
2.3 Caching
The disadvantage of more network traffic, which is
discussed in the case of statelessness, can be
counteracted by the use of cache. Roy T. Fielding
defines this as a further constraint to use the network
more efficiently. Each response to a request must
indicate whether the delivered content is cache
enabled or not. This reduces the number of requests.
A cached response can be answered locally from the
cache and does not have to be sent to the server.
Caching also improves performance from the
user’s point of view, since cached responses are
available immediately. Here it must be ensured that
the cached responses are not obsolete, which
otherwise impairs the reliability.
2.4 Uniform Interface
This constraint is a central point at REST. It
indicates that the implementation of the interface is
disconnected from the service provided. This allows
both to develop independently of each other. This is
an advantage over classic web services that work
with WDSL and SOAP because the interface
(defined in WDSL) has to be recreated when the
service changes.
However, to achieve this, there are further
constraints. All resources of the service are
identified by URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). A
resource can be anything: a customer, a shopping
cart, a PDF document, a collection of other
resources, etc. A change of a resource is done by
representing the resource. This can lead to more
persistent entities than in a non-REST design
(Tilkov, 2015).
The representation of the resource can be in
different formats often XML, JSON or HTML is
used. Depending on which client requests the
resource, it can also be present in several
representations and sent in a certain format
depending on the application.
The uniform interface also includes the
HATEOAS principle (see Section 4).
2.5 Layered System
The constraint of the layered system means that
resources can run in different layers and therefore on
different servers. For example, a RESTful API is on
Server A, an authentication service is on Server B
and the data is on Server C.
A use of layers also increases scalability. They
are independent of each other and can be added to
other servers in a layer depending on the load.
A potentially disadvantage is that this results in
overhead of higher latencies. However, there is the
option to use shared caching, as mentioned above.
2.6 Code on Demand
Most of the time a server will send back static
representations of resources in the form of XML or
JSON. However, when necessary, servers can send
executable code to the client.
This is a model used to determine the maturity of a
web service in terms of its “REST characteristics,
described above. Richardson’s Maturity Model
(Fowler, 2010), (Richardson, 2009), (Betten, 2011)
has four maturity levels from Level 0 to Level 3
to represent the degree of the use of HTTP (see
Figure 1).
Figure 1: Richardson Maturity Model (Fowler, 2010).
Richardson Maturity Model starts at Level 0 and
adds architectural conditions at each next level. In
WEBIST 2019 - 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
principle, it depends on how much of the
possibilities of HTTP are used. It should be
mentioned that a web service that does not fully
meet the requirements of one level can no longer
reach the next level.
3.1 Level 0
Typical representatives at this level are SOAP and
XML-RPC. Level 0 is often called Swamp of POX
(Plain Old XML). Services at Level 0 only use
HTTP as a transport protocol for RPC calls. A
service is viewed as a black box with unaddressed
resources. Example: http://example.com.
3.2 Level 1
Resources are the central concept of a REST
architecture. At this level, each resource is given its
own URI. As a result, communication does not take
place via URIs as it was done by services at Level 0.
Rather, resources are addressed by using URIs.
Example: http://example.com/user/1234
3.3 Level 2
At this level, most (if not all) HTTP methods also
known as HTTP verbs are used correctly on
resources and according to their specification. These
methods are:
GET It is used for the retrieval of information
identified by a URI in the form of a
POST It is used for the creation of a new
resource and for all purposes in which none of
the other methods fit.
PUT / PATCH It is used for updating an
existing resource.
HEAD It is used for querying metadata (e.g., to
check resource status).
DELETE It is used for the deletion of an
existing resource.
OPTIONS It is used for querying resource
metadata (e.g., to find out which methods a
resource supports).
In addition, the HTTP status codes are used
correctly to inform the client about the resource
status. For example, a response error message should
not return status code 2xx, but 4xx (Fowler, 2010).
3.4 Level 3
Hypermedia turns a web service into REST. The
idea is to link all content (resources or their
representations) in one website. The client does not
need to type in a URI itself and can easily follow
links. There are two types of links: links that lead
directly to other resources and links that change the
status of a resource, e.g., using the HTTP methods
such as PUT or DELETE.
A RESTful API can implement the HATEOAS
(Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State)
principle, which states that a resource responds to a
request with all possible state transitions in addition
to answering it. A special characteristic of REST is
that all state transitions of the application are
performed by methods of hypermedia (i.e., URIs on
resources). Thus, from the current state, a RESTful
API must output all possible state transitions and the
method of transition. This results in a self-describing
RESTful API that theoretically no longer requires
external documentation.
The navigation between the resources is
implemented by relations, so that the resource can
change, but the relation remains the same. The
completed server domain leads to a high degree of
independence between a client and a server and they
can be developed independently of each other.
The resources offered by RESTful API are
dynamic, depending on the state of the application.
For example, an administrator can be shown a more
extensive context menu than an ordinary user. It is
typical for HATEOAS to provide not only the
possible state transitions but also the corresponding
method and further information if needed. When
HTTP is used, a strict distinction is made between
verbs (GET, POST, DELETE, PUT) and idempotent
and changing methods (Tilkov, 2015). That is, “the
point of hypermedia controls is that they tell us what
we can do next, and the URI of the resource we need
to manipulate to do it” (Inden, 2016).
These are the advantages of using a REST
architecture (Stringfellow, 2017):
Separation between Client and Server: The
independence a client from a server enables
Evaluating the RESTfulness of APIs from the Rough”
developments in different areas of a project
independently of each other.
Language Independence: RESTful APIs can
use PHP, Java, Python or Node.js servers. It is
just important that responses to requests are
always in the language used for information
exchange, usually XML or JSON.
Scalability: The separation between a client and
a server allows a product to be easily scaled by a
development team.
Flexibility and Portability: Migration from one
server to another is possible at any time.
Simplicity: REST is based on HTTP, so the
concept is easy to learn.
Disadvantages and challenges of using a REST
architecture (Kumari, 2015), (Little, 2013) are:
Complexity: HATEOAS is complex to
implement, dependencies and processes must be
Higher Payload: Mobile devices with poor
Internet connection have to deal with higher
Limited Usage: REST is not suitable for large
amounts of data. Moreover, when RESTful APIs
are used in social media, WEB chat and mobile
services, downward compatibility must be
ensured, since the client side can be unknown.
In the following, we examine ten RESTful APIs that
have an Alexa Traffic Rank <= 1000 in Germany.
As described in Section 3, RESTful APIs can be
divided into different maturity levels: from 0 to 3.
This paper focuses on RESTful APIs that have been
publicly available and professionally developed.
Richardson’s hypothesis that many RESTful APIs
are not REST compliant or not RESTful - and thus
are not RESTful APIs in the true sense of the word -
is to be proved on the basis of the selected RESTful
6.1 Procedure
The interaction with the RESTful APIs was used to
find out the maturity levels. It was checked if the
RESTful APIs meet the criteria of Richardson
Maturity Model from Level 0 to Level 3. It should
be mentioned that an API that does not fully meet
one level can no longer reach the next level.
Next Twitter RESTful API and PayPal RESTful
API are examined on the degree of maturity after
Richardson. It is shown exemplarily how such
examination was done. The achievement of each
maturity level was documented with extracts of the
responses and thereby, the procedure was presented.
6.2 Analysis of Twitter RESTful API
Twitter RESTful API is used to create, retrieve and
delete tweets. Figure 2 shows the existing functions
of Twitter RESTful API. As can be seen, only POST
and GET methods are used. The POST method is
also used as the “destroy” function. According to
Richardson Maturity Model, this is a violation of the
criteria at Level 2 a proper verb for the destroy
function might be DELETE.
Figure 2: Functions of Twitter RESTful API.
Figure 3 shows a response of the GET method.
As can be seen, HTTP was used as the transport
protocol. Thus, Level 0 is reached.
<- "GET
49 HTTP/1.1 Accept-Encoding:
Accept: */* User-Agent: OAuth gem v0.5.4
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-
Connection: close Host: api.twitter.com
Content-Length: 0"
<- ""
-> "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
Figure 3: GET Response Header Detail 1.
Furthermore, it was also deduced from the
request of the GET on a certain tweet that resources
WEBIST 2019 - 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
are used. This is a criterion for Level 1. That is, the
tweet is a resource of its own, whose representation
can be requested using the GET method. The
returned result in JSON format is shown in Figure 4.
-> "content-disposition: attachment;
-> "content-encoding: gzip"
-> "content-length: 780"
-> "content-type:
Figure 4: GET Response Header detail 2.
Figure 4 is an excerpt from the response header.
In addition to the output format JSON, the character
set used (UTF-8) is also included in the response.
This ensures that the client can decode the response
correctly. The representation of the resource in
JSON format is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 illustrates that although resources are
used, the URI is not returned as such. So the request
to the GET method must be compiled from the
“id_str”. As a result, a criterion of self-describing
messages required at Level 3 is not fulfilled.
Moreover, HATEOAS is not used. Therefore, we
came to the conclusion that Twitter RESTful API
does not reach Level 3 yet and Level 2 is not
complete because not all HTTP verbs are used.
"created_at": "Tue Jan 08 15:01:41
+0000 2019",
"id": 1082653575166210000,
"id_str": "1082653575166210049",
"text": "Test Tweet using the
Twitter RESTful API and twurl",
"truncated": false,
"entities": {
"hashtags": [],
"symbols": [],
"user_mentions": [],
"urls": []
Figure 5: GET Response JSON detail.
Figure 5 illustrates that although resources are
used, the URI is not returned as such. So the request
to the GET method must be compiled from the
“id_str”. As a result, a criterion of self-describing
messages required at Level 3 is not fulfilled.
Moreover, HATEOAS is not used. Therefore, we
came to the conclusion that Twitter RESTful API
does not reach Level 3 yet and Level 2 is not
complete because not all HTTP verbs are used.
6.3 Analysis of PayPal RESTful API
As described in Section 3, the only criterion for
reaching Level 1 is that HTTP is used as a transport
protocol. This is given by PayPal RESTful API, as
can be seen from an HTTP response header of
PayPal RESTful API in Figure 6. Thus, the
requirements for Level 0 are fulfilled; however, it is
not yet possible to speak of a RESTful API - as
mentioned above, classic RPCs also use HTTP as a
transfer protocol with SOAP.
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake,
Finished (20):
* SSL connection using TLSv1.2 / AES256-
* ALPN, server did not agree to a protocol
* Server certificate:
* subject: C=US; ST=California; L=San
Jose; O=PayPal, Inc.; OU=PayPal
* start date: Aug 21 00:00:00 2018 GMT
* expire date: Aug 20 12:00:00 2020 GMT
* subjectAltName: host
"api.sandbox.paypal.com" matched cert's
* issuer: C=US; O=DigiCert Inc;
CN=DigiCert Global CA G2
* SSL certificate verify ok.
/v1/invoicing/invoices?<param> HTTP/1.1
Figure 6: HTTP Response Header.
Since Level 0 is reached, a next maturity level
can be examined now. According to Richardson,
Level 1 states that each resource is assigned a URI.
As shown in Figure 6, the GET method request is
made for a specific resource (here Invoice
list). To make it clear that resources and URIs are
available, a reference is also made to the fact that
each transaction is mapped as a separate resource
and therefore, the criteria of Level 1 are fully met.
An example URI of a PayPal transaction is shown in
Figure 7.
As shown in Figure 7, the forward slash is used
to map the hierarchical relationship between
resources (Massé, 2012). From the response of this
resource to the GET method request Level 2 and
Level 3 can be justified.
Figure 8 shows how the requested transaction
(with the self-representation per rel. “self”) can be
Evaluating the RESTfulness of APIs from the Rough”
Figure 7: Representation of URI.
objected to or how a refund can be applied for (rel.
“refund”). Here not only the representation
requested by the GET method is returned, but also
further hypermedia links. This follows the basic
principle of HATEOAS. It should be noted that the
RESTful API implementation of PayPal meets the
high demands of Richardson Maturity Model; this is
not self-evident in the APIs examined. Also in the
PayPal documentation, it was mentioned that
HATEOAS was considered.
"links": [{
"rel": "self",
"method": "GET"
}, {
"rel": "refund",
"method": "POST"
}, {
"rel": "parent_payment",
"method": "GET"
Figure 8: HATEOAS in PayPal’s RESTful API.
6.4 Summary
We analysed the ten RESTful APIs: Twitter, PayPal,
Google Maps, Spotify, Youtube, Instagram, Github,
Wunderlist, LinkedIn and OneDrive. Table 1
summarizes the results of our analysis.
Our analysis showed that the majority of the
RESTful APIs (viz., 6 out of 10) did not reach Level
3 yet. This is probably due to a significant increase
in the development efforts compared to Level 1 or
Level 2. HATEOAS further increases the
development efforts, but the fact that there are no
established standards for this is aggravating the
situation. On the other hand, our hypothesis that
REST would be fully implemented in the rarest
cases was not confirmed. For example, 4 of 10
RESTful APIs implemented HATEOAS and in
addition, provided a very detailed documentation on
their APIs. Almost all the examined RESTful APIs
(viz., 9 of 10) reached Level 2. This could indicate
that REST and its characteristics were given special
consideration during the development. However, it
has to be considered that an API on Level 2 is not
worse than an API on Level 3 this only describes
the level of maturity according to Richardson.
Table 1: Summary of analysis results (Koschel, 2019).
In this section, we present an example of a simple
web service, which can be considered as a RESTful
WEBIST 2019 - 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
API at Level 3. This service allows to access, list,
create and modify a resource. It is based on Java
Spring Boot and uses Spring HATEOAS, which
already provides some APIs to ease creating REST
representations that follow the HATEOAS principle.
First of all, this example models a simple
Employee service that manages employees of a
company. In Figure 9 the domain model is shown.
class Employee implements
Identifiable<Long> {
@Id @GeneratedValue
private Long id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String role;
Figure 9: Employee domain model.
To reach Level 1, each identifiable resource
must have its own URI. This can be achieved with
the function shown in Figure 10. In a class
EmployeeController, each employee has their
own endpoint with an ID, which can be reached by
using the following curl command:
$ curl -v localhost:8080/employees/1
Resource<Employee> one(@PathVariable Long
id) {
Employee employee =
.orElseThrow(() ->
new EmployeeNotFoundException(id));
return new
Figure 10: EmployeeController Class (1).
To create a RESTful API at Level 2, the HTTP
verbs must be used correctly. With Spring
HATEOAS, this can be easily implemented using
Mapping Annotations, as shown in Figure 10. When
looking at these figures, it becomes clear that the
functions are mapped to the respective request
(GET, POST and PUT) by their annotations. Thus,
the verbs can be used in their intended way.
For a RESTful API at Level 3, resources and
representations must be linked by hyperlinks
(HATEAOS). As can be seen in Figure 11, this
example provides extra information in addition to
the resources’ representation. A link to the employee
overview is added, thereby enabling exploration
from this resource to the next one within the answer.
"id": 1,
"name": "Bilbo Baggins",
"role": "burglar",
"_links": {
"self": {
"employees": {
Figure 11: Employee HATEOAS response.
Our example showed the simple web service that
meets the basic requirements of RESTful API at
Level 3. Using Spring HATEOAS, the core problem
of link creation and the representation assembly can
be simplified.
In this paper, it was shown what REST is and its
characteristics were described. Then Richardson
Maturity Model was presented and its four levels
were described. In addition, the advantages and
disadvantages of RESTful APIs were highlighted
and the field of application of REST was
demonstrated. Finally, the ten freely available
RESTful APIs were evaluated
During this evaluation, it was shown which of
the maturity levels the APIs reach. The evaluation
ultimately showed that 4 of 10 APIs meet the criteria
for Level 3. An implementation with Java Spring
Boot and Spring HATEOAS was shown as an
It should be mentioned that the classification of
RESTful APIs according to Richardson Maturity
Model does not provide any information about the
quality of the API. Rather, it only shows that REST
as an architectural style is widespread and used
worldwide, but the glory of RESTfulness is not
necessarily achieved. There is a need to consider
whether HATEOAS should be introduced, which
may be easier with new developments than with
already existing APIs. HATEOAS can bring added
value and simplify machine communication.
Evaluating the RESTfulness of APIs from the Rough”
Irina Astrova’s work was supported by the Estonian
Ministry of Education and Research institutional
research grant IUT33-13.
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WEBIST 2019 - 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies