Principles of 3D Web-collections Visualization
I. N. Sobolevskaya
and A. N. Sotnikov
Joint SuperComputer Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Branch of Federal State Institution “Scientific Research
Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 119334 Moscow, Leninsky Prospect, 32a, Russian
Keywords: Photogrammetry, 3D-modeling, Interactive Animation, Web Design, Polygonal Modeling.
Abstract: The paper introduces to approaches to solving the problem of creating realistic interactive 3D-web collections
of museum exhibits. The article deals with the representation of 3D-models objects based on oriented
polygonal structures and methods for 3D-models development based on photogrammetry, interactive videos,
and editable surface method. The evaluation of the computational complexity of constructing realistic 3D-
models is analyzed too. The calculation results for real museum exhibits are given. The paper describes
approaches to the formation of digital collections in the integration environment of the digital library. One of
the ways to form a multifunctional information resource is proposed as an effective solution to the problem
of presenting digital collections of various memory institutions to general public users. One of such methods
of forming a multifunctional information resource is implemented in the form of a virtual exhibition. The
format of virtual exhibitions allows combining the resources of partners to provide general public users of
collections stored in a museum, archive and library collections.
In connection with the qualitative performance of
modern data transmission networks growth, new
opportunities are opening up for the information
systems operating organization with a large amount
of online information. Such information systems
include digital libraries (DL), in the collections are
represented digital objects of various origin (for
example, print publications, multimedia objects). If
several years ago a digital library's collection
included just only text files were accepted by the
achievement, then in modern realities collections of
document scans and digital 3D-models of museum
collections are already qualified normally.
To get to a whole new level of presenting objects
from archives and museums in the digital library as
three-dimensional objects it is necessary to develop
existing approaches and methods for obtaining 3D-
models, as well as create new ones.
However, in capture museum objects and
integrating them into a united information resource
are arise some difficulties. Such as:
- the creation of high-quality (in the context of visual
sensation) digital 3D-models of museum objects;
- the development of methods for describing
information objects which provide easy access to
- the integration of digital 3D-models of museum
objects into thematic collections;
- the drill-down of information objects into the digital
library environment to create interdisciplinary
multimedia digital collections and virtual exhibitions.
At current, there is a limited supply of methods of
digitizing museum objects. Particularly as regards the
building of digital 3D-models and integrating them
into a united information resource, and the providing
digital 3D-models general public users with modern
multimedia technologies. This is particularly true in
science museums activities. For example for
organizing subject exhibitions, research practice and
supporting the academic programs.
These days there are two technologies used when
3D scanning museum objects: active and passive
based on contact and contactless 3D scanning,
The use of these 3D scanning technologies allows
creating a high-quality three-dimensional digital
model of a museum object.
Sobolevskaya, I. and Sotnikov, A.
Principles of 3D Web-collections Visualization.
DOI: 10.5220/0008184401450151
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2019), pages 145-151
ISBN: 978-989-758-376-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The main shortcomings of the active scanning
method are the processing complexity and the
necessity to use high-resolution scanners when
scanning small-sized objects. The main shortcomings
of the contactless passive scanning method are the
inability to scan the "deepenings" of an object or its
defects, etc.
There is a section called "Virtual Exhibitions" on
the many museums' websites. Each museum defines
and interprets the concept of "virtual exhibition" by
itself. Some museums place hundreds of printed
and/or archival digital copies of documents in this
section, other museums offer a full catalog created
according to all the rules of multimedia technologies
as a "virtual exhibition". Work on the creation and
presentation of digital 3D-models museum objects
has been conducted since the 1990s of the 20th
century. In (Higuera, 1999; Hazan, 1999; Rao, 1999;
Zheng, 1998; Johnson, 1997; Nicchiotti, 1997;
Terashima, 1994) are described in detail methods for
the formation and presentation of 3D-models
museum objects in the digital space. The most
difficulties in creating a digital 3D-model arise from
the need to use large computational powers in the
calculations. In turn, to represent the constructed
model, specialized visualization software is required.
The development of multimedia and interactive
technologies allows today:
1. To demonstrate the museum objects that are not
included in the main exhibition of the museum (most
of the museum items are in the museum storage).
2. To form a virtual museum content, significantly
expanding the natural-science and cultural-
educational knowledge space;
3. To provide the possibility of obtaining more
detailed and more vivid (in an emotional sense)
information about the object, phenomenon, historical
4. Turn the modern museum space into an educational
and leisure center.
Thus, if multimedia technologies are a well-
thought-out methodology of informational and
educational nature the introduction of these
technologies is not only justified but also is necessary
in some cases. At the same time, not every science
museum can turn its space into an entertainment and
leisure center. In this case, it is possible to create a
virtual exhibition space. Such a virtual exhibition can
be created together with archives and libraries. Then
these exhibitions could be built up on a digital library
platform. A technological and fundamentally new
resource is the digital library "Scientific Heritage of
Russia" (DL SHR) [].
DL SHR allows solving the problems of creating and
support of interdisciplinary virtual collections. DL
SHR is implementing the open remote access to its
funds for a general public user which significantly
distinguishes this data resource from many other
multimedia projects (Sobolevskaya, 2017).
At present, there is no common methodology for
applying one or another computer-generated
simulation method for storing the obtained volume
models with the possibility of subsequent replication
and providing users with the opportunity to inspect
virtual copies in various projections. The
development of a unified scheme for the application
of computer-generated simulation methods for
building 3D-models to create thematic 3D-collections
of museum objects in the digital library environment
and create thematic interdisciplinary virtual
exhibitions is relevant.
The analysis and development of methods for
generating 3D-models in the direction for obtaining a
realistic representation of 3D-collections in the Web-
space are open up opportunities for the formation of
high-quality 3D-collections of museum objects.
These methods allow to keep safe the originals and to
increase access to the high-quality digital copies of
museum exhibits.
Attempts to provide more complete information
about the object than a simple graphic image began
with the creation of stereo image technology.
The stereo image technology is based on the
representation of the object images taken by cameras
from different positions. With the advent of computer
graphics technology, the development of this idea
made a quantum leap. It became possible to store and
present an object image not only from two fixed
points but also from any point defined by the user.
It is clear, complete high-quality and detailed
digital 3D-modeling of an object is a rather difficult
task. This task needs the use of powerful computing
resources and special equipment. Such modeling
opens up new opportunities for the realizing of 3D-
models, their presentation, and use. For example, if
you have a high-quality 3D model built by dint of a
3D printer, you can get a copy of a museum object
halfway around the world without risking damage or
loss of the main artifact. This technology was used by
the State Darwin Museum of Moscow to collection
development with unique objects of digitized
archetypes of the skeleton elements of a prehistoric
man from the collection of the museum located in
South Africa.
CHIRA 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
To map a three-dimensional object on a plane
screen, you must project into the plane the three-
dimensional object. This is possible using projection
rays connecting the center of the projection, each
point of the object. These projection rays are required
to be orthogonal to the projection plane. This plane is
called the pictorial surface. It is located between the
displayed object and the observer, perpendicular to
the visual direction. The points at which the
projecting rays intersect the pictorial surface are the
corresponding points of the projection.
The main method of representing 3D-models
objects is polygonal modeling at the moment
(Lyashkov, 2017). The principle of method consists
in representing the object surface using the
coordinates of points on the object surface and the
normal vectors in them. This representation makes it
possible to approximate the reconstructed surface
with polygons with minimum error. In terms of the
linear algebra, the 3D model is represented as related
sets of nonplanar oriented triangles or more polygons.
Affine space and a homogeneous coordinate system
are used to represent elements of 3D objects.
The homogeneous coordinate system has the
property that the object defined in these coordinates
does not change when the same non-zero number
multiplies all coordinates. The number of coordinates
required to represent points is always one more than
the space dimension in which these coordinates are
used. For example, to represent a point in two-
dimensional space you need 3 coordinates and you
need 4 coordinates to represent a point in three-
dimensional space (Weeger, 2018).
Thus, for example, for manipulating 3D models
built in homogeneous coordinates to perform atomic
operations such as rotation, elation, scaling is
required square 4-order matrices. These matrices are
applied to all elements of the model.
The polygons geometry and their quantity are the
main parameters that determine the quality of a 3D
object model. There are two approaches to
determining the values of these parameters. Choosing
an approach mainly depend on the computational
power of the processors involved in drawing the
models. The first approach is characterized by an
increase in the number of polygons of minimal
complexity (triangles), which is accompanied by an
increase in the amount of data for displaying a 3D
The second approach is based on the construction
of complex polygons that best fit the surface of the
simulated object.
The visualization algorithm based on the
formation of the Spline surface to form surfaces of
non-analytical forms described by composed
functions is one of the much-used tools in CASE
systems and computer graphics programs. This is
since the Spline is a differentiable curve. It contains
vertices and segments, passes through two
watchpoints an at least, and having watchpoints that
are not on this curve. These points determine the
Spline shape. At the same time, each Spline vertex
has a surface tangent vector passing through the
watchpoints. Each surface tangent vector has a so-
called marker. This marker controls the curvature of
the Spline segments at the entrance to the vertex. This
surface tangent vector belongs to the same vertex at
the exit from it. The most common types of splines
used in 3D graphics are Bezier curves and B-splines.
The use of splines in the methods of constructing 3D-
models allows to increase the quality of the simulated
surface, however, increases the complexity of the
calculation, which requires large computational
The construction of 3D models from a set of
images by photogrammetry is a rather laborious task
and requires rather bid computation power. For
example, 124 photos of image processing at one of
the cluster node MVS-10P (JSCC RAS) (Sotnikov,
2018) took 41 hours of calculations. Figure 1 shows a
digital 3D-model of anthropological reconstruction
constructed by photogrammetry by M.M. Gerasimov
located in the State Biological Museum named K.A.
Figure 1: 3D model produced by photogrammetry.
The limitations of this method are:
- it is impossible to control the process of creating a
3D model;
- waiting for long-running operations for the
processing of source data;
- need for sufficiently large computational powers.
Principles of 3D Web-collections Visualization
Thus the problem of creating high-quality 3D models
from a set of “flat” images requires solving the
following tasks:
maximizing performance of data processing. Both
by increasing the powerful computing tools and the
creation of effective algorithms and programs;
• reduction of model setup time.
These tasks remain relevant and their solutions
involve the further development of methods for
digital visualization of objects.
Modern video-processors can process a stream of
data to draw graphical primitives. Modern graphics
processors in addition to improved performance
allow real-time execution of smoothing algorithm,
approximation, and optimization of polygons, which
leads to a decrease in the data volume of the 3D model
and improved visual perception.
To create a virtual collection of 3D-models to
provide it to general public users via the Internet is
used the so-called interactive animation technology.
This technology does not imply the building a full-
fledged 3D model but is based on a programmatic
change (scrolling) of a fixed set of object types
(frames) using specialized interactive mapping
programs that simulate a change in the point of view
of the original object. To create such an interactive
animation you need a set of pre-shot scenes that will
be used as separate exposure frames (Figure. 2).
Figure 2: Images to create an interactive animation.
The technology of interactive animation was
used, for example, in such projects as “Interactive
walk around the Kremlin” or “Virtual walk through
the garden of life”, dedicated to the 160th anniversary
of I.V. Michurin (Kirillov, 2017).
Based on the same data set (individual exposure
frames), a full-fledged 3D model can be constructed
using photogrammetry methods, which were actively
developed in the 70s for building a topographic map
using space and aerial photographs. Photogrammetry
uses methods and techniques of various disciplines,
mainly borrowed from optics and projective
geometry (Jo, 2017).
In the simplest case, the volume coordinates of
object points are determined by measurements taken
from two or more photographs taken from different
positions. The main task, in this case, is to determine
common points on two adjacent images. After
creating an array of the seed point cloud is formed a
set of rays. These rays pass through each common
point and through the location point of shooting
camera. The cross-cup of these rays determines the
location of a point on the surface of the original object
in space. More complex algorithms can use other,
known in advance, information about the object: for
example, the symmetry of the object's elements,
which, in some cases, allows you to reconstruct the
volume coordinates of object points from only one
photographic image.
The algorithms used in photogrammetry are
intended to minimize errors come about from
obtaining a set of consecutive frames, as well as
measurement errors. The Levenberg Marquardt
algorithm (Xu, 2018), usually solves the problem of
minimizing the set of errors. This algorithm is based
on nonlinear systems solving by the least-squares
Objects that we encounter in life can be divided
into simple and complex. A simple object is an object
that can be described by a given (described by a given
equation) surface of revolution not higher than cubic.
An example of a simple object is parallelepiped,
which is a brick or a cylinder, for example. A complex
object is an object consisting of a combination of
simple objects. An example of a complex object is
almost any three-dimensional museum piece, such as
a stuffed mammoth, or an archaeological finding in
the form of an amphora.
Except for the described above some methods of
modeling in three-dimensional graphics, working
with 3D modeling is relevant to working with editable
surfaces (Hernando, 2018).
There are several ways to create 3D models using
editable surfaces.
These methods are based on the formation of a
model consisting of:
1. Triangular faces. In this case, the variable
parameters are the vertices of the triangles, their sides
(edges), the entire surface of the triangle (used, for
example, to overlay/change the texture) (Bowick,
2. Polygons. In this case, the variable parameters are
the vertices of the polygons, their sides (edges), the
entire surface of the polygon (Meilapredoviciu, 1991;
Kulikajevas, 2019);
3. Combinations of triangular or quadrangular faces
that are created by Bezier Splines (Schulz, 2011;
CHIRA 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
Barsanti, 2017). The two-dimensional Bézier Spline
is defined by four points: two endpoints to which the
ends of the curve are attached, and two control points
that act as "magnets" for pulling the curve away from
the line connecting the two extreme points (Dimas,
When you create 3D models in practice, you must
have to have the ability to move the control points
("sewing" of elementarily symmetric functions) by
yourself on the computer screen. The peculiarity of
this type of editable surface is the flexibility of
controlling the shape of the object being created. This
explains the usability of Bezier splines (Hu, 2017;
Zimmermann, 2017);
4. Objects created using Boolean operations. Boolean
operation is designed to create a new object based on
two or more existing objects. As a result of applying
the Boolean operations, a new object is formed as a
combination of the original objects. The combining
of the original object can be realized by addition
operation, subtraction operation and intersection
operation. The increase in the number of Boolean
operators injections in one another leads to an
increase in computational costs. Therefore it is almost
impossible to create a three-dimensional model of a
human head (especially a face) using this method
(Wu, 2018; Sheng, 2018).
When forming a visual image of a 3D object it
should not be overlooked the geometry, texture, and
features of the source object. Each object can be
modeled in several ways. When choosing how to
create a digital model of a 3D object should not be
overlooked several basic parameters: the parameter of
the object creation time and resources consumption
(the memory required to create and store the model).
Therefore, one of the main tasks of the formation of
3D digital models is the task of optimizing the
processes of modeling and visualizing objects. The
method of photogrammetry makes it possible to build
a high-quality 3D model with lower hard costs for
added hardware in comparison with other
visualization methods.
Based on the analysis and experiments using various
scanning equipment, the advantages and
disadvantages of various methods for constructing 3D
models were identified. Namely:
- existing methods of creating a 3D-model of a real
object have limitations in the construction of a
full-fledged realistic three-dimensional model of
an object that has a transparency surface, specular
surface or light-absorbing surface;
- To build 3D-models with a light-reflecting or
light-absorbing surface it is necessary to use
special equipment. Namely, it is necessary to use
a laser projector with a backlight grid and
operating in such a wavelength range in which the
“problematic” surfaces of the scanned object are
opaque. Such a source of illumination of the
reference grid should have a tuned working
frequency for working with objects from various
- Modern 3D-scanners are not allowed to obtain a
polygonal mesh for building a 3D- model of a
"transparent" object without applying a special
"marking" means that absorbs light onto its
surface. Such a scanning method is highly
undesirable, for example, for museum objects;
- Photogrammetry method requires very significant
computation efforts. Most of these efforts are paid
and set on cloud storages are existed on a third-
party file server. In addition to the method of
photogrammetry, in particular, implies long-
running operations for processing the source data
when creating a 3D model, as well as the use of
sufficiently large computing power.
When creating a digital 3D-model of a museum
object the main task is its complete safety
Based on the research and findings, the
technology for generating digital 3D-models of
museum objects using photogrammetry was taken as
the basis since this technology allows building a full-
fledged 3D model of an object with a complex
structure without using any special tools applied to
the surface of the object being photographed. For
visualization and presentation of a virtual collection
of 3D-models of museum objects to general public
users, the use of interactive animation technology is
Digital 3D-model is an object that can be linked
by mutual links with other types of digital objects
likes of text, archival, audio and video documents,
etc. These links are stored on remote servers that can
be accessed via the Internet. A multimedia object,
which includes a set of digital 3D-models additional
information associated with them can be integrated
into some generic knowledge space. One of the
effective means of integration and presentation of
such information objects is the digital library.
One of the possible ways to solve the problem of
presenting digital museum collections and, in
particular, digital 3D-models of museum objects to
general public users via the Internet offers a method
Principles of 3D Web-collections Visualization
of creating a virtual exhibition immersed in a digital
library environment.
The results formed the basis of the technology of
creating 3D-models for objects from the funds of the
State Biological Museum named K.A. Timiryazev
(GBMT) and the formation on their basis by means of
the digital library "Scientific Heritage of Russia" of a
virtual exhibition dedicated to the scientific activities
of M. M. Gerasimov and his anthropological
reconstructions [].
During the production process on the virtual
project the collection of 3D-models of M.M.
Gerasimov's anthropological reconstructions was
created. Then this digital collection was downloaded
into the environment of the DL SHR. The virtual
exhibition is an example of intended use the
integration of libraries, archives and museums
resources into a unified thematic project.
The logic of virtualization of this exhibition is
based on building links between the person (M.M.
Gerasimov) to all elements of DL SHR, including
with museum objects and collections.
This virtual exhibition combines the resources of
libraries, archives, and a museum. In particular, this
project offers the visitor to get acquainted with the
history of anthropology, digitally printed publications
on anthropology, photo and video documents related
to the development of anthropology and
anthropological reconstructions, as well as 3D models
of M.M. Gerasimov's anthropological
reconstructions, stored in the GBMT funds.
The research is carried out by Joint
SuperComputer Center of the Russian Academy of
Sciences Branch of Federal State Institution
“Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of
the Russian Academy of Sciences within the
framework of the State task 0065-2019-0014.
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Principles of 3D Web-collections Visualization