Towards a Toolbox for Intercultural User Interface Design
Rüdiger Heimgärtner
R&D HMI, Intercultural User Interface Consulting (IUIC), Lindenstraße 9, 93152 Undorf, Germany
Keywords: Culture, Human Factors, UX, Usability Engineering, Intercultural User Interface Design, Cross-cultural
Design, Toolbox, HCI Dimensions, HCI Indicators, Cultural HCI Indicators, Culture Dependent HCI Model,
Model, IUID, HCI, HMI.
Abstract: In this paper, a method-mix (cultural dimensions, intercultural variables, user interface characteristics and
human computer interaction (HCI) dimensions) for intercultural user interface design (IUID) is presented.
Based on a hybrid approach covering cultural contexts in humancomputer interaction (HCI) design using a
model of culturally influenced HCI, this IUID method-mix represents the main constituent of a reasonable
toolbox for IUID. The IUID method-mix is exemplified by application examples to demonstrate and discuss
its benefit and limitations. The examples elucidate why and how cultural aspects play a role in HCI design
and usability/UX engineering. Cultural influence on HCI is described using cultural variables for user
interface design. The IUID method-mix serves to inspire HCI engineers in the requirement analysis phase as
well as HCI designers in the design phase. The readers are sensitized to the challenges of intercultural
usability/UX engineering and intercultural HCI design and will be equipped with relevant methodological
knowledge needed to actively derive design recommendations for user interface design for and in their desired
cultural contexts. Practitioners can prognosticate the ensuing effort and the expenditure for considering
cultural context in intercultural user interface design.
Intercultural user interface design (IUID) is a
prerequisite for improving the intercultural usability
of software, which in turn is a prerequisite for global
sales opportunities (Heimgärtner, 2019a). Using
methods of intercultural usability engineering, further
design guidelines for IUID can be iteratively derived
from the results of the tests and the feedback of
potential users from all over the world. Hence, the
perception and consideration of the customs and
requirements of other cultures by the developers of
intercultural user interfaces is one of the main tasks
within intercultural user interface design. Based on
feedback from tutorials, workshops and courses on
IUID and the revised summary of the state of research
on IUID in (Heimgärtner, 2014), the author reviewed
the synopsis of well documented IUID methods to
come to a reasonable toolbox for IUID, consisting of
a IUID method-mix, which will be presented,
explained, exemplified and discussed in this paper
using an application example.
Differences between cultures can be found by
analysing critical interaction situations between
people (Thomas, Kinast, & Schroll-Machl, 2010).
(Honold, 2000) made this method available for
cultural differences in Human-Machine Interaction
(HMI): critical interaction situations that arise due to
problematic functionality of user interfaces must be
analysed. (Vöhringer-Kuhnt, 2002) found that e.g.
Hofstedes "Individualism Index" (cf. (G. H.
Hofstede, Hofstede, & Minkov, 2010)) is related to
user satisfaction and usability of the product and has
a significant influence on intercultural usability.
(Röse, 2004) proposed the "Method for Culture-
Oriented Design" (MCD), which integrates the
factors of new concepts of culture-oriented HCI
design and the knowledge of cultural differences into
existing concepts of HCI design. Relevant cultural
variables for intercultural HCI design must be
determined analytically based on literature and
requirement studies. Their values represent culture-
Heimgärtner, R.
Towards a Toolbox for Intercultural User Interface Design.
DOI: 10.5220/0008345201560163
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2019), pages 156-163
ISBN: 978-989-758-376-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
dependent variations that occur at all levels of HCI
localization (surface, functionality, interaction) and
that can be used for IUID. Similarly for culture-
oriented design, (Shen, Woolley, & Prior, 2006)
considered a simplified version a culture-centred HCI
design process while focusing on social and cultural
aspects in order to cover the value of the user’s
cultural context. Further methods are applying user
interface characteristics (Marcus, 2006) or cultural
markers (Badre & Barber, 1998). To make cultural
dimensions available for user interface design,
(Marcus, 2006) developed characteristic factors for
user interfaces and gave examples that can influence
user interface design (such as different colours or
behaviours). Cultural markers have been determined
by empirical studies (e.g., (Badre & Barber, 1998),
(Dormann, 2006), (Sun, 2001)), which are specific for
a certain culture and which are preferably used within
this certain culture (such as flags). Other approaches,
e.g. by (Castro, Luciana, Leitão, & Souza, 2013) or
(Pereira, Baranauskas, & Liu, 2015), are based on
semiotic theory. In semiotic engineering, HCI is seen
“as a two-tiered communicative process: one is the
designer-to-user communication and the other is the
user-system interaction. [..] HCI can only be achieved
if both levels of communication are successfully
achieved.” (Souza, Barbosa, & Prates, 2001): 55.
One of the most promising methods to discover
cultural differences in HCI is the comparative
observation and analysis of user interaction with the
system (cf. (Heimgärtner, 2012)). The results of
observations of cultural variables and their
manifestations serve as a basis for:
cultural adaptation of user interfaces (cf.
(Heimgärtner, Holzinger, & Adams, 2008));
guidelines for IUID (e.g. cultural interaction
indicators (cf. (Heimgärtner, 2012));
a culture dependent HCI model (cf.
(Heimgärtner, 2013));
culturally aware systems (cf. (Heimgärtner,
The path to an initial version of an IUID toolbox is
described as follows: First, the used concepts for the
toolbox are presented. Second the integration of the
combined use of the concepts within one hybrid
approach is explained. Third, the application of the
IUID method-mix as the main functionality provider
for the IUID toolbox is exemplified. The most
relevant aspects and important constituents deriving
recommendations for IUID using the IUID toolbox
are elucidated. Together with the application
procedure for the IUID method-mix, consisting of
steps of how to reasonably use the properly arranged
methods, the way to a toolbox for IUID is paved.
3.1 Concepts Used: IUID Method-Mix
The IUID toolbox uses a hybrid approach integrating
a combined use of the following concepts (“IUID
Method-Mix” for short) to derive cultural HCI
indicators relevant for the derivation of
recommendations for IUID:
HCI dimensions;
Cultural dimensions;
Intercultural variables;
User interface characteristics;
The culture dependent HCI model;
The method of culture-oriented design.
3.1.1 HCI Dimensions
HCI dimensions represent classes of HCI variables
useful for HCI design describing the behaviour of a
user (HCI style) with an interactive information
processing system (Heimgärtner, 2013). HCI
dimensions are expressed by information science
variables such as information density or interaction
frequency at the interaction level (Heimgärtner,
2012). In order to measure the parameters, the
characteristics of the HCI dimensions must be very
precise and concrete. Therefore, the HCI dimensions
are operationalized in many quantitative variables
(HCI indicators) in order to obtain a basic HCI
metrics. There must be at least one HCI indicator as a
measurement variable in order to represent the
characteristics of an HCI dimension. For real use,
however, several empirically proven HCI indicators
should be employed.
3.1.2 Cultural Dimensions
Cultural standards (i.e., orientation systems according
to (Thomas et al., 2010)) and cultural dimensions
(e.g., individualism vs. collectivism, uncertainty
avoidance, long term orientation and masculinity vs.
femininity from (G. H. Hofstede et al., 2010) or action
chain orientation, network density and context
orientation from (Hall & Hall, 2009)) serve to
describe and compare cultural systems. The
characteristics of cultural dimensions influence the
user experience and provide orientation for the
usability engineering process. Differences between
cultures can be found by analysing critical interaction
situations between people (Thomas et al., 2010). The
mental model of the user about the system depends on
Towards a Toolbox for Intercultural User Interface Design
the culture of the user, his expectations about the
characteristics of the system and his experience of
interaction with the system. The cultural aspects and
their manifestations can be empirically determined
using qualitative and quantitative methods.
3.1.3 Intercultural Variables
Cultural dimensions are too rough for IUID. For this
reason, additional cultural variables are necessary
which in relation to user interface design divide
the cultural aspects into smaller units (cf. (Röse,
2004)). Intercultural variables describe the
differences in HCI design with respect to the
preferences of users from different cultures. Direct
intercultural variables are most important because
they have a direct and essential influence on the HCI
design. "Visible" intercultural variables are
immediately perceptible at a certain time (font,
colour, window size, navigation, etc.). In contrast,
"invisible" (or "hidden") intercultural variables are
only recognizable over a certain period (such as
interaction speed, information display duration,
dialogue display frequency, use of the navigation
3.1.4 User Interface Characteristics
The user interface characteristics "Metaphor",
"Mental Model", "Navigation", "Interaction" and
"Presentation" can be linked to Hofstede's cultural
dimensions ((G. H. Hofstede et al., 2010), (Röse,
2004), (Marcus, 2006)). User interface characteristics
can be used in conjunction with empirical surveys on
their characteristics for the corresponding cultural
target context to derive recommendations for the
development of intercultural user interfaces.
3.1.5 Culture Dependent HCI Model
Cultural models and cultural HCI indicators, which
have been generated by the analysis of user
interaction, can be used to describe the needs of the
user in terms of the HCI depending on his culture as
well as to develop an explanatory model for culturally
influenced HCI and to improve the methods of
intercultural usability engineering. With the help of a
culture dependent HCI model, examples of different
culturally conditioned behaviour of users with
interactive systems can be explained. For this
purpose, the explanatory models must be determined
based on analytical considerations and verified using
empirical data and statistical methods. Successful
explanatory models can be applied to new examples
or application cases and thus verified, which in turn
allows predictive design recommendations to be
3.1.6 Method of Culture-Oriented Design
The "Method for Culture-Oriented Design" (MCD),
integrates the factors of culture-oriented HMI design
and the knowledge of cultural differences into
existing concepts of HMI design (Röse, 2004) (cf.
Figure 1).
Figure 1: Simplified version of the Method of Culture-
oriented Design (Source: (Heimgärtner, 2012): 66).
3.2 Connecting HCI to Culture
One important goal for intercultural HCI designers
and intercultural usability experts is to consider
fundamental cultural differences when dealing with
members of cultures interacting with machines.
Hence, the most important step is to bridge the gap
between cultural aspects (e.g. derived from cultural
dimensions) and HCI design by determining relevant
cultural parameters for IUID using analytical research
tools and doing evaluation by empirical studies. The
aim is to find the actual connection between HCI
indicators and their (postulated cultural) causes
represented by the relationship between cultural and
HCI dimensions (and their variables respectively). To
solve this, a structural equation model for the
relationship between HCI and cultural dimensions
has been generated (Heimgärtner, 2012). The
connections between cultural, information-related
and interaction-related dimensions were modelled
using cultural HCI indicators. Results found applying
this approach (Heimgärtner, 2012) led to the
conviction that it is justified and useful to use cultural
HCI indicators for intercultural HCI research in order
to obtain a reasonable explanatory model for
culturally influenced HCI (Heimgärtner, 2013). The
explanatory model is based on some of the best-
classifying cultural HCI indicators, indicating that the
CHIRA 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
expressions of the HCI dimensions depend on the
cultural imprint of the users, which can be described
by the expressions of cultural dimensions: the higher
the relationship orientation (collectivism), the higher
the information density, information speed,
information frequency, interaction frequency and
interaction speed (and vice versa).
This supports the assumption that further
connections between cultural dimensions and HCI
dimensions and cultural interaction indicators can be
modelled and explained using structural equation
models as a basis for the application of the IUID
method-mix, which applies for the rationale to create
a IUID toolbox.
Figure 2 shows the content of the culture
dependent HCI model representing the hypothetical
relationships between cultural and HCI dimensions
(Heimgärtner, 2013).
Figure 2: Hypothetical Relationship Between Cultural and
HCI Dimensions (Heimgärtner, 2013).
The model contains the following rules
expressing the connection between the values of the
cultural dimensions and the values of the HCI
dimensions, thereby determining the denotation level
for culture and HCI (cf. for details (Heimgärtner,
1) The lower (-) action chain orientation:
a) the higher (+) information frequency (IN-F).
b) the higher (+) information parallelism (IN-P) and
interaction parallelism (INT-P).
c) the higher (+) interaction frequency (INT-F).
2) The lower individualism index (IDV):
a) the higher information frequency.
b) the higher interaction frequency.
3) The lower uncertainty avoidance index (UAI):
a) the higher information frequency.
b) the higher interaction frequency.
c) the lower interaction exactness (INT-E).
4) The lower masculinity index (MAS):
a) the higher information density (IN-D).
b) the higher information frequency.
c) the higher interaction frequency.
5) The higher network density and context
a) the higher information density.
b) the higher information and interaction parallelism.
c) the higher interaction frequency.
d) the higher interaction-speed (INT-S).
e) the lower interaction exactness.
6) The higher long-term orientation index (LTO):
a) the higher information frequency.
b) the higher interaction-speed.
7) And vice versa for all six rules (i.e., for Rule 1: the
higher action chain orientation, the lower
information/interaction frequency and parallelism).
According to the changed values of the cultural
dimensions on the left side of the model
(antecedences in the production rules in Figure 2),
the values of the HCI dimensions change on the right
side of the model (consequences in the production
rules in Figure 2). Therefore, this model does not
depend on nations or countries but can be used to
cover every cultural group (with at least 20 members,
if using Hofstede’s Values Survey Module (VSM)
(cf. (G. Hofstede, 1994)) to determine the cultural
characteristics of the group).
3.3 IUID Toolbox
Using the reasonably arranged and applied IUID
method-mix defined by a properly selected
integration procedure embodies the contents of the
IUID toolbox. The IUID toolbox applies the IUID
method-mix, which consists of a combined use of
cultural dimensions, intercultural variables, user
interface characteristics, HCI dimensions and the
model of culture dependent HCI in a systematic way
to derive IUID recommendations (Heimgärtner,
3.3.1 Systematic Procedure for Deriving
IUID Recommendations
The hybrid approach integrating all the mentioned
concepts above by a systematic procedure to
analytically derive recommendations for IUID is
described in detail in (Heimgärtner, 2019b). The
procedure to derive IUID recommendations is as
follows: First, the application, main uses cases and
the desired target cultures are chosen. Depending on
the use case, the respective UI elements (e.g. layout,
buttons, text fields) have to be determined and
mapped to the category of the cultural variables
(direct, indirect, visible, hidden) as well as to the user
interface characteristics (presentation, interaction,
navigation, mental model and metaphor). Using this
information, the time and space related HCI
dimensions must be identified (such as information
Towards a Toolbox for Intercultural User Interface Design
density or interaction frequency). Via the rules of the
explanatory model of culture dependent HCI, the
related HCI dimensions must be connected to the
cultural dimensions to obtain relevant cultural HCI
indicators. Having the cultural HCI indicators in
hand, recommendations for IUID can be drawn
according to the designated culture of the user.
3.3.2 Exemplifying This Procedure
Table 1 shows the output of using the IUID toolbox
(i.e. the results obtained by systematically applying
the IUID method-mix).
Table 1: Results by Using the IUID Toolbox.
Word processor on a mobile
Use Case(s)
Sending a text message via SMS
Power distance, individualism,
uncertainty avoidance
User Interface
Presentation: text, character,
character set, layout, skin, edit
field, send button, receiver list
Direct, visible, surface (language,
color, layout, skin)
HCI Indicator(s)
Number of pieces of information
per space, number of SMS per
day, number of saved contacts
Information density, interaction
frequency and speed, information
and interaction parallelism,
interaction exactness
Dependent HCI
China (IDV low IN-F high,
INT-F high; UAI low IN-F
high, INT-F high, INT-E low),
Germany (IDV high IN-F low,
INT-F low; UAI high IN-F
low, INT-F low, INT-E high)
Cultural HCI
Number of pieces of information
per space, number of SMS per
day and number of saved contacts
vary from low to high
Implication(s) /
Adapt system memory; choose
appropriate input method editor
(IME) and sorting algorithms;
allow customization of the
number of entries in lists
Assume, a UI designer wants to identify design
recommendation for IUID for users from China or
Germany regarding an application with the use case
“sending a short text message via SMS on a mobile
The first step is to identify the cultural dimensions
representing the highest cultural distance between the
target cultures. The value of the cultural dimensions
can be looked up in the literature of culture experts
(such as (G. H. Hofstede et al., 2010) or (Schwartz,
2004)). According to Hofstede’s cultural compass,
these are the power distance index (PDV), the
individualism index (IDV) and the uncertainty
avoidance index (UAI) (cf. (G. H. Hofstede et al.,
The next step is to identify the UI elements (e.g.
text, characters, character set, layout, skin, send
button, receiver list box) that are concerned in the use
case and to relate them to the user interface
characteristics (e.g. presentation).
Now, the mapping of the UI characteristics to the
intercultural variables is to be done. Presentation
concerns direct, visible cultural variables on the
surface of the user interface (such as language,
colour, layout, skin).
Having the localization levels (surface,
interaction, functionality) and the intercultural
variables in mind, corresponding HCI indicators
(operationalized quantitative variables) such as the
number of pieces of information per space, the
number of SMS per day and the number of saved
contacts can be identified.
Consequently, similar HCI indicators can then be
grouped to the fitting HCI dimension. For example,
the variables “number of pieces of information” and
“number of saved contacts” can be related to the HCI
dimensions “information density” (IN-D).
The relationship between cultural dimensions and
HCI dimensions comes into play by following the
rules of the explanatory model expressing the
connection between the values of the cultural
dimensions and the values of the HCI dimensions (cf.
Figure 1). For instance, IDV is related to information
and interaction frequency and UAI is related to
information and interaction frequency as well as to
interaction exactness. If individualism in a culture is
low (e.g. for China in contrast to Germany according
to (G. H. Hofstede et al., 2010)), then information
frequency and interaction frequency tends to be high
(e.g. for China in contrast to Germany according to
(Heimgärtner, 2013)).
Furthermore, HCI dimensions are also related to
UI characteristics. For example, information density
is affected by the cultural presentation requirements
(cf. culturally different communication patterns,
(Lewis, 2000)). This different communication
behaviour can be expressed using adequate cultural
HCI indicators such as number of pieces of
information per space, number of SMS sent per day
or number of contacts.
This in turn leads to the following requirements
for system design and recommendation for IUID: The
CHIRA 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
HCI system at hand needs to have enough memory
for storing contacts and sent short messages.
Furthermore, it needs an input method editor for the
different character sets in China and Germany in
order to quickly choose and select the desired receiver
name from an adequately sorted list. Moreover, the
user interface should be customizable to the number
of presented pieces of information, e.g., the number
of entries in lists or menus (cf. hierarchical versus flat
menu structure, (Gould, Marcus, & Chavan, 2006)).
The entire model consists of more than 300,
mainly quantitative, potential parameters that are
relevant for intercultural HCI design and, depending
on the culture, have been analytically established by
literature research (cf. for details (Heimgärtner,
2012)) and can be used to support analytic processing.
These reflections can also be used for culturally
adaptive systems (Heimgärtner et al., 2008) that can
automatically change the user interface
characteristics according to the cultural needs of the
user because they are already aware of them by design
or becoming aware of them by learning over time
(Heimgärtner, 2018).
In the following, considerations applying the culture
dependent HCI model and evidence for the proper
application of the IUID method-mix are discussed
elucidating why and how cultural aspects play a role
in HCI design and usability/UX engineering thereby
showing the strengths and weaknesses and possible
alternatives regarding the approach, usefulness and
limitations of the IUID toolbox.
4.1 Strength of the Scientific Basis
The results so far serve to reveal a basis and some
proven facts that are useful for the acquisition of
general recommendations for trends in intercultural
HCI design (cf. (Heimgärtner, 2012)) and culturally
adaptive systems (cf. (Heimgärtner, 2018)). The
“Intercultural Interaction Analysis Tool (IIA-Tool)”
(Heimgärtner, 2008) served to record and analyse the
user’s interaction with the system to identify culture
dependent variables such as colour, positioning,
information density, and interaction speed as well as
their values, which enabled the verification of parts of
the culture-dependent model of HCI as well as
preliminary design rules for intercultural HCI design
(Heimgärtner, 2012). With the right combination of
cultural HCI indicators it is possible to get HCI
differences that are purely culturally imprinted
(Heimgärtner, 2012). Therefore, the cultural
differences in HCI found are quantitatively
measurable by a computer system using special
combinations of cultural HCI indicators represented
by cultural HCI patterns (cf. HCI style in sections
3.1.1 and 4.2) depending on the culturally imprinted
behaviour of the user with an interactive system. This
means that the analysis (recognition and
classification) of cultural HCI patterns and cultural
differences in HCI can be achieved purely
quantitatively (Heimgärtner, 2012) - a handful of
cultural HCI indicators is enough for this purpose,
which also serves for culturally adaptive and aware
systems (cf. (Heimgärtner, 2018)). Cultural HCI
patterns representing the cultural differences in HCI
and the derived cultural HCI indicators are
sufficiently statistically discriminating to detect them
and to relate the users to a certain cultural imprint (cf.
(Heimgärtner, 2012)).
4.2 Usefulness of the IUID Toolbox
The results so far led the author to the concept of
intercultural HCI style scores, which can be
computed for the designated cultural group from
Hofstede’s indices in order to estimate the
development expense for new IUID projects. The
intercultural HCI style score expresses the average
degree of information density and frequency as well
as interaction frequency and speed the members in the
designated cultural group expect according to the
culture dependent HCI model (Heimgärtner, 2013).
From Hofstede’s data, one can infer, for example, that
the cultural distance between China and Germany is
high in contrast to Austria and Germany, which is
also reflected in the HCI style score and therefore in
the behaviour of the user interaction with the system.
Although cultures are constantly changing, at least for
a product life cycle of a few years, trends can thereby
be determined, and for special cases of application
even selective parameters can be determined, which
serve IUID projects.
4.3 Limitations of the Approach Today
Many aspects must be considered simultaneously to
obtain possible cultural explanations for their effect
on HCI. One cannot predict how the single parts of
the cultural puzzle will fit together (cf. (Hall & Hall,
2009)). This has implications for the methods used in
intercultural HCI design and in intercultural usability
engineering (cf. (Nielsen, dker, & Vatrapu, 2010)).
For example, the localization of hidden intercultural
variables is very difficult to realize because the
Towards a Toolbox for Intercultural User Interface Design
contextual relation to the cultural background as well
as to the product is very strong for interaction and
dialogue design. However, it is precisely this
culturally distinct context and consequently the
cultural dependency thereupon that these patterns and
non-visible intercultural variables are so important
for information architecture as well as for interaction
design and, hence, for the resulting dialogues (Röse,
Parallel to extensive research literature, empirical
investigations regarding intercultural user interface
characteristics are necessary, more specifically by
comparing several systems of different cultures
(benchmark tests) as well as usability evaluation
(usability testing). For example, the separation degree
of intercultural variables and cultural HCI indicators
must be improved by future research (e.g. by
extending the number of considered cultural
dimensions and related cultural HCI indicators).
The rules developed within the model presented
above represent tendencies describing the
relationship between cultural dimensions and HCI
dimensions. Until these assumed connections are not
completely empirically verified, the model is not very
resilient. Therefore, much research effort is still
necessary because of the number and complexity of
the relationships in HCI determined by culture.
For example, the average HCI style score of the
designated cultural group can be computed from the
model represented only by those rules for which
Hofstede’s indices are known. Factor analysis to
statistically cluster Hofstede’s indices according to
their HCI style should refine the currently assumed
rules that describe the relationship between cultural
imprint and HCI style of a group.
To avoid the evaluation effort of culture
dependent HCI models, the revised principle of
culturally adaptive HMI (cf. (Heimgärtner, 2012))
could be applied abstaining from cultural
categorization at all - as already required by (Rathje,
2003). This principle suggests, instead to use cultural
dimensions, to detect just the pure HCI style of the
user and adapt the HCI accordingly. However, both,
the culture dependent HCI model as well as the
revised principle of culturally adaptive HMI must be
extended and empirically validated.
The IUID Toolbox represents a hybrid approach
integrating several cultural methods and applying
them systematically. Using the hybrid IUID method-
mix is a reasonable approach towards an IUID toolbox
integrating the methods and the explanatory model of
culture dependent HCI. Areas such as intercultural
usability engineering and intercultural user interface
design (IUID) can benefit to the extent that the model
is further developed and empirically validated to be
successfully applied to new applications, use cases
and products allowing predictive recommendations
for IUID.
Even if not all aspects of the approach to the IUID
Toolbox and the resulting IUID recommendations
have been empirically proven yet, it is very
reasonable (or even necessary to have first
hypotheses) for further development and research to
consider some rules of thumb. On the one hand, they
must be regarded provisional and should therefore
still be treated with the greatest possible care. On the
other hand, they provide an informative basis for new
IUID projects and serve to estimate the development
expense of them in advance.
The final version of the IUID toolbox should
enable the derivation of IUID recommendations
based on the current state of research in IUID.
Integrating the IUID method-mix and the systematic
procedure for its use into an application for
developers of intercultural user interfaces can be the
basis for an empirical evaluation of the IUID toolbox
and its features for the future.
I thank all persons who supported me in working on
the topics presented.
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